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There were 2 Wards where it was cut the other way to give me a chance to go home.

One of them was Ward B where I lived.

They closed our house and moved us out.

There was one road you could go out of our place.

It was Main Street and it just stopped.

There were houses all along it and I thought how I would have a hard time getting in and out of that
I wasn't able to go back home after that for a while.
My family and I lived with a lady across the alley from my parent's place in a small apartment.
This was in Tyler.
It was a room with a shared bath.
There were times when I would have to go into town and get things for my Dad who worked on a farm
out there.
We lived there for about a year and half.
At the end of the year my Dad and Mother got a house together at the end of North Dixon which was on
Red Oak.
The second Wards House.
Well I got the hang of this school thing pretty good.
Of course I knew the alphabet and the alphabet song.

My family and I lived with a lady across the alley from my parent's place in a big old 2 bedroom house.

The house had been divided into 3 apartments.

There was a bedroom and a bathroom downstairs and then 2 more bedrooms upstairs.

I had the master bedroom.

I don't know what we would have done for food in the winter time but I know I was always pleased to go
to work and get a paycheck and put it in the bank.

In those days you could always save a little bit.

So I had money.

I always had something to pay the rent with.

I went to work on Monday.

That first day I walked down to Town Hall where they had a corner where people stood and they were
lined up like you see kids line up for school.

Everyone looked at me like I was an alien.

I got out of the way and went toa small apartment.

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