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Revise you time table

 Successful students employ set chunks of time to complete their education rather than
postponing it. Doing this method can ensure you to be more productive and to finish
pending tasks more efficiently.
2. Review course materials
 Rereading can help you retain more information and do better on tests. Reviewing the
day before the exam can make your brain remember key information about the
3. Always test your limits
 It is not enough for some pupils to just reread the contents. Successful students
understand how to put their knowledge to the test. An individual can’t surpass their
limits without working hard and trying to surpass it everyday at their own pace.
4. Avoid unnecessary things
 Technology provides unrivaled access to fresh information. It does, however, generate
distractions that make it difficult to focus on your study. ‘
5. Rest
 In order to comprehend and absorb new knowledge, your brain has to be recharged on
a regular basis. All-nighters are unavoidable at times, but don't make it a habit because
sleep deprivation impairs your ability to learn and think critically. Allow yourself to make
up for missed sleep as well.

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