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Empathize with different perspective

 Empathy and the ability to see things from another's point of view are two skills
that help us grasp what's going on in the minds of others. ... In our complicated,
globalized culture, understanding what other people desire, how they feel, and
how they perceive the world is becoming increasingly vital.
II. Call out disrespectful behavior
 Explain the situation calmly and how their actions are impacting you. Don't be
scared to ask them to explain their actions in a forceful yet respectful manner. So
that the other person does not feel accused, employ I-focused language. "When
you speak to me with that tone of voice," for example, "I feel terribly insulted."
III. Show gratitude
 We people need to learn how to show gratitude to someone who did something
for us whether it is small or big we need to thank them not because they gave
something to us but because they move out of their way just to help us.
IV. Disagree respectfully
 When we are on our way and someone offers a helping hand or offers us to join
them we either accept it or decline it but declining such offers or easier said than
done not because it is a good offer but it is hard to decline someone without them
feeling down that is why when declining someone we need to avoid putting down
their ideas or beliefs and always use your perspective to communicate how you
feel, thing and what you want them to feel.
V. Avoid self-destructive behaviors
 Self-destructive conduct has been connected to childhood trauma such as sexual
and physical abuse, as well as interrupted parental care. This type of conduct is
usually the result of a lack of awareness of effective coping techniques. We need
to break such cycles for us to prosper in our life, it doesn’t matter whether we are
reach or strong as long as there are such behavior from within us we will never
grow, we cannot forget it but we can use it as a stepping stone for us to improve
and progress.

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