Rocelle Letter

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September 9, 2022

Embassy of Canada

Visa Section

Makati City, Philippines

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Fernando J. Austria II, and I am writing to affirm the domestic partnership of my
dear friend, Rocelle Patricia B. Mendoza, with her long-time girlfriend, Christine Japhet S.

I have known Rocelle for a whopping 16 years now, having met her as a freshman during our
prepubescent days as students of the Philippine Science High School Main Campus back in
2006. We - along with the rest of our circle - would spend our lunch breaks together in the
cafeteria for the next four years, exchanging gossip while simultaneously cramming our
schoolwork or catching up on sleep.

With her charm and affability, Rocelle quickly won me over despite my reserved and introverted
nature. In fact, she was the first person outside my family to whom I came out about my sexual

We eventually went to different departments in college, but even as we pursued diverging career
paths, we never lost touch with each other. We always made sure to hang out - whether via Zoom
or in person - to commiserate or celebrate the milestones in our lives.

I place complete trust and confidence in Rocelle, and I am glad that she has found someone with
whom she can do the same - Christine, better known as "Pay."

Admittedly, I'm not as familiar with Pay, with my knowledge of her coming only from Rocelle's
anecdotes. I only had the pleasure of meeting her this year, during the final election rally for
former Vice President Leni Robredo in Makati.

However, I’ve known that they began as colleagues in EDC, but a magnetic attraction led to
them starting a long-distance relationship back in September 2016. The gravity of their bond
struck me when they decided to take a huge step forward and live together in one condo in 2019.

I was worried they wouldn't last, especially given how strong-willed and stubborn Rocelle can
be. But over the course of their six years together, I've seen how their love persevered through
the attendant rough patches of any lasting relationship. They've stayed the course, and neither
distance nor a global pandemic could prise them apart.
I've witnessed how Rocelle and Pay have grown together, and with this new opportunity coming
their way, I'm excited to see them thrive even more in Canada, where their skills can be better
put to use.

If you need further testimony, you may reach me through my e-mail address:


Fernando, a friend of Rocelle


Proof of Identity

Leni Robredo Campaign Rally in Makati, National Capital Region (May 7, 2022)
Dinner at Greenbelt Makati, National Capital Region (September 10, 2022)

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