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Chap 1 Managers and You in the Workplace

+Andrew is reviewing next week's orders, scheduling orders to machines, and assigning
employees to run those machines. Andrew is engaged in planning
+ with and through other people → manager
+ Wasting resources → inefficiency
+ r increased the total number of cars produced while keeping the production costs the same. →
+ goal → effectiveness
+ When Brandi is sharing with her team members the information she received at this morning's
production meeting→ ) disseminator
+ developed a categorization scheme for defining what managers do, consisting of ten different but highly
interrelated roles → Henry Mintzberg
+ Mark is vice president of finance. At his level of management, he is more likely to use the role
of disseminator than leader
+ Digitization has resulted in the shifting of organizational boundaries



aEfficiency refers to getting the most output from the least amount of inputs. Because
managers deal with scarce inputs-including resources such as people, money, and equipment-
they are concerned with the efficient use of resources. It's often referred to as "doing things
right"-that is, not wasting resources. For instance, efficient manufacturing techniques can be
implemented by doing things such as cutting inventory levels, decreasing the amount of time to
manufacture products, and lowering product reject rates.
b. Effectiveness is often described as "doing the right things"-that is, doing those work
activities that will help the organization reach its goals. For instance, goals can include meeting
customers' rigorous demands, executing world-class manufacturing strategies, and making
employee jobs easier and safer. Through various work initiatives these goals can be pursued
and achieved. Whereas efficiency is concerned with the means of getting things done,
effectiveness is concerned with the ends, or attainment of organizational goals

a. When managers engage in planning, they set goals, establish strategies for achieving those
goals, and develop plans to integrate and coordinate activities.
b. When managers organize, they determine what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how
the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made
. c. When managers engage in leading, they motivate subordinates, help resolve work group
conflicts, influence individuals or teams as they work, select the most effective communication
channel, or deal in any way with employee behavior issues.
d. When managers control, they ensure that goals are being met and that work is being done
as it should be. They monitor and evaluate performance. They compare actual performance
with the set goals. If those goals aren't being achieved, it's the manager's job to get work back
on track. This process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is the controlling function

Chap 2 decision making process

+ Decision-Making Conditions → Certainty, risk, uncertainty ( Maximax, maximin, minimax)

+ three types of programmed decisions: procedure, rule, or policy
+ APPROACHES to decision making→ rational decision making, Bounded Rationality
Intuition, Evidence-Based Management (87)
+ 8 decision making steps (83)
+ DECISION-MAKING biases and errors (96)
+ effective decision-making process (99)

+An effective decision-making process focuses on matters of importance

+ The sunk costs error occurs when decision makers forget that current choices cannot
correct the past.
+ Ridership on the city's public transportation buses has fallen for three weeks in a row. This is
a condition, but we need more information to determine whether it is a problem or a symptom.

Experts say an effective decision-making process has these six characteristics: (1) it focuses on
what's important; (2) it's logical and consistent; (3) it acknowledges both subjective and
objective thinking and blends analytical with intuitive thinking; (4) it requires only as much
information and analysis as is necessary to resolve a particular dilemma; (5) it encourages and
guides the gathering of relevant information and informed opinion; and (6) it's straightforward,
reliable, easy to use, and flexible

Chap 3 Global Management

+ Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) program → nine

dimensions (132)
+ Hofstede's five dimensions of national culture → Individualism versus collectivism, Power
distance,Uncertainty avoidance (131)
+ 4 global economic issues→ Type of economy (free market, planned market), (1) currency
exchange rates, (2) inflation rates, and (3) diverse tax policies. (128)
+ MANAGING in a global environment -> The Political/Legal Environment, The Economic
Environment, The Cultural Environment (128)
+ How Organizations Go Global → Foreign Subsidiary, Strategic Alliance – Joint Venture,
Franchising, Licensing, Exporting and Importing, Global Sourcing (126)
+ Types of International Organizations → multinational corporation (MNC), multidomestic,
global, and transnational(borderless organization) (125)
+ Regional Trading Alliances → NAFTA, ASEAN,.. (119)
+ 3 global perspective (attitude, parochialism)--> ethnocentric attitude, polycentric attitude,
geocentric attitude (118)

+ Melamark's advisor on global affairs is concerned that setting up a foreign subsidiary( directly
investing in a foreign country) carries too much risk
+ If Marla's company changed its organizational structure from one based on country to one
based on industry groups, it would best be considered a borderless organization

Chap 4 diversity
+ diversity skills training, Mentoring, mấy cái law của discrimination (167) → ngăn
+ CHALLENGES → Personal Bias (bias,prejudice, stereotyping, 164)/ Type of Discrimination
(Discriminatory policies or practices,Sexual harassment, 165)/ glass ceiling
+ TYPES of workplace diversity → Age, gender, Race and Ethnicity, Disability/Abilities, religion
+ U.S. Population (151)
+ Global Population Trends (Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation… 154)
+ evolution of workplace diversity (148)
+ The benefits of diversity → people management, organizational performance, and strategic.
+ surface-level diversity, deep-level diversity

Chap 5 Socially-Conscious Management

+ Prevent ethics issues → ETHICAL LEADERSHIP, whistle-blower (200)
ngoài công ty, 198)
+ Social Entrepreneurship (200)
+ ENCOURAGING ethical behavior → Employee Selection, Codes of Ethics and Decision Rules,
Leadership… (193)
+ Factors That Determine Ethical and Unethical Behavior→ STAGE OF MORAL
DEVELOPMENT ( preconventional, conventional, principled) , individual characteristics,
organization’s structural design, ISSUE INTENSITY (187)
+ Ethics in an International Context → UN Global Compact(191)
+ Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), ISO 9000 (quality management) and ISO 14000
(environmental management) standards (185) (green)
+ Green Approaches→ egal (or light green) approach,, activist (184)
+ Arguments For and Against Social Responsibility (183)
+ Obligations to Responsiveness to Responsibility (181)

Chap 6 Managing Change

+ disruptive innovation <> sustaining innovation, skunk work (238)
+ STIMULATING Innovation ( 233)/ creativity/ innovation/ idea champion
+ Stressors→ : task demands, role demands (role conflicts,overload, ambiguity) interpersonal
demands, organization structure, and organizational leadership (229) (type A/B)
+ conditions that facilitate cultural change → dramatic crisis occurs, leadership changes hands,
organization is young and small, culture is weak (228)
+ Techniques for Reducing Resistance to Change (225)
+ change-capable organization (226)
+ Organizational development (OD) (222)
+ organizational change → strategy, people, structure (design/ component), or technology (220)
+ Calm Waters (unfreezing, changing,refreezing)<> White-Water Rapids Metaphors
+ external forces of change are: a. Changing consumer needs and wants b. New
governmental laws c. Changing technology d. Economic changes (216)
+ internal forces of change are: a. New organizational strategy b. Change in composition
of workforce c. New equipment d. Changing employee attitudes (216)
+ Proactive and reactive (219)

Chap 7 Constraints on Managers

+ 3 current cultural issues: creating an innovative culture (Freedom, Trust and openness,
Idea time), creating a customer-responsive culture, and creating a sustainability culture.
+ culture constrains managers→ “ready-aim-fire” culture, "ready-fire-aim" culture (271)
+ Employees Learn Culture→ stories, rituals, material symbols, and language (267)
+ seven dimensions that make up an organization's culture (263)

+ culture implies three thing→ perception, descriptive, shared (263)

+ ENVIRONMENTAL UNCERTAINTY → Stable, dynamic, simple, complex (260)
+ THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT: constraints and challenges→ STAKEHOLDER
RELATIONSHIPS (261), Environmental uncertainty, JOBS AND EMPLOYMENT,
Demographic Environment (257), Economic
+ symbolic view and the omnipotent view of management (255)

+If Melody wanted to build a strong culture→ tell stories

+ ) Stephen notices that management is very concerned with the effects of outcomes on employees in the
organization→ people orientation

Chap 8 Planning and Goal-Setting

+ environmental scanning→ competitor intelligence (303)

+ Digital Tools → business intelligence, cloud computing, lnternet of things
+ 3 contingency factors affect the choice of plans→ organizational level, degree of environmental
uncertainty, and length of future commitments. (299)
+ 6characteristics Well-Written Goals (299)
+ MBO programs have 4 elements→ goal specificity, participative decision making, an explicit
time period, and performance feedback.
+ Approaches to Planning→ formal planning department (top-down approach)
+ Steps in MBO (298)
+ Types of Plans (293)

+ Types of Goals → stated and the real goals (292)

Chap 9 Strategic Planning

+ Important Organizational Strategies → e-business, customer service, and innovation (first mover,
332) (331)
+ strategic leadership, strategic flexibility (329)
+ Competitive Strategy→ cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy,focus strategy,stuck in
the middle (327)
+ FIVE FORCES MODEL→ Threat of new entrants, Threat of substitutes, Bargaining power of
buyers (327)
+ strategic business unit (SBU) (324)
+ 3 levels of strategy → corporate strategy, Competitive Strategy, Functional Strategy
+ Types of Corporate Strategy
→ (GROWTH→ concentration / vertical integration/horizontal integration/ diversification) (322)
→ STABILITY, RENEWAL (retrenchment and turnaround strategies) (323)
+ BCG matrix (The first portfolio matrix)→ Stars,Cash Cows,Question Marks,Dogs (324)
+ strategic management process (317)

+ Capabilities, core competencies, strategic management, strategies,business model (315,


Chap 10 Fostering Entrepreneurship

+ Managing Downturns→ RECOGNIZING CRISIS SITUATIONS (boiled frog” phenomenon),
+ Exiting the Venture→ harvesting, BUSINESS VALUATION METHODS (369)
+ EMPLOYEE WORK TEAMS → empowered teams, self-directed teams, cross-functional teams
+ employee empowerment (364)
+ Personality Entrepreneurs (363)
+ 6 legal forms of organizations (358)
+ 6 business plan→ executive summary, analysis of opportunity, analysis of the context,
description of the business, financial data and projections, and supporting documentation (356)
+ 7potential sources of opportunity→ the unexpected, the incongruous, the process need, industry
and market structures, demographics, changes in perception, and new knowledge (350)
+ Venture’s Feasibility → ideas, Competitors, Financing (352)
+ Entrepreneurship Versus Self-Employment/ entrepreneurial venture and a small
business (345)

Chap 11 Organization Design

+ team structure, Matrix and Project Structures (397)
+ boundaryless organization, virtual organization, task force (or ad hoc committee) (399)
+ 3 traditional organizational designs→ the simple structure, functional structure, and divisional
structure. (397)
+ 4 contingency variables→ Strategy, Size,Technology (unit production,mass,process) ,
Environmental Uncertainty(394)
+ MECHANISTIC and organic structures
+ 6 elements of organizational design→ work specialization, departmentalization (387), chain of
command (authority “line, staff”,responsiibility, unit of command), span of control, centralization
and decentralization (392), and formalization (385)
+ Organizing, organizational structure, organizational chart, organizational design, work
specialization (385)

Chap 12 Organizing Around Teams

+ GROUP STRUCTURE → conformity, status, social loafing, and cohesiveness (433)
+ Types of Work Teams→ problem-solving teams, self-managed work teams, cross-functional
teams, and virtual teams (428)
+ Groups and Teams (427)
+ Effective Work Team (429)
+ group decision making (423), CONFLICT MANAGEMENT (traditional view of conflict,
human relations view of conflict, interactionist view of conflict,functional conflicts, task
conflict, relationship conflict.. )(424)
+ Group Structure → role, norms, conformity, status systems, group size, group cohesiveness, and
leadership. (419)

+ 5 stages of group development → forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning (418)
+ formal and informal groups (417)

Chapter 13 Human Resource Management

+ Downsizing (467), Sexual harassment (468), HR Costs→ HEALTH CARE COSTS,pension
+ performance management system→ PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL METHODS (463)
+ Compensation and Benefits→ skill-based pay, variable pay (466)
+ TYPES OF TRAINING → general, specific , TRAINING METHODS (462+463)
+ Orientation→ Work unit orientation,Organization orientation(461)
+ Selection Tools→ application forms, written and performance-simulation tests, interviews,
background investigations, and in some cases, physical exams→ realistic job preview (RJP)(459)
+ VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY selection device(458)
+ Decruitment Options→Firing,Layoffs, Attrition (457)
+ RECRUITMENT→ Internet, Employee referrals, Company website (455)
+ HR planning 2 steps: (1) current HR (job analysis, job description ..) and (2) meeting
future HR needs (454)
+ external factors that affect the HRM process→ The Economy, Labor Unions,Laws and
Rulings (affirmative action,work councils,board representatives) (450), Demography\
+ high-performance work practices (447)
+ HRM Process → human resource planning, recruitment and decruitment, and selection(448)

Chap 14 Interpersonal and Organizational Communication

+ a better communicator→ Persuasion Skills, Speaking Skills, Writing Skills, Reading Skills
+ Communication in Customer Service → the customer, the service organization, and the
individual service provider. (506)
+ new technology creates communication challenges→ e (1) legal and security issues and (2) lack
of personal interaction (505)
+ ethical communication (508)
+ e Internet and social media age → 24/7 Work Environment, Working from Anywhere (503)
+ Grapevine (500)
+ 3 communication networks→Chain network,. Wheel network, All-channel network(499)
+ directions of communication flow →Downward (Ftown hall meetings), upward, lateral diagonal
+ formal and informal communication (498)
+ barriers to effective communication→ COGNITIVE(information overload, Filtering),
+ nonverbal communication→Body language, Verbal intonation (491)
+ 7 elements of the communication process are: (1) the communication source, (2) the
message, (3) encoding, (4) the channel, (5) decoding, (6) the receiver, and (7) feedback
ACTIVELY,.. (495)
+ Comparison of Communication Methods (491)

Chap 15 Organizational Behavior

+ shaping behavior→positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, and extinction.
+ LEARNING → Operant conditioning,Social Learning (Attentional processes.,Retention, Motor
reproduction, Reinforcement) (541)
+ Shortcuts Used in Judging Others → assumed similarity, stereotyping, halo effect
+ Attribution Theory→ distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency/ fundamental attribution error/
self-serving bias (539)
+ Factors That Influence Perception → perceiver,target, situation (538)
+ PERSONALITY → MBTI®/ Big Five Model (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
emotional stability, and openness to experience)/ (locus of control,Self-Esteem,....) (528)
+ Emotions → anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, and surprise (534)
+ emotional intelligence (EI)--> Self-awareness, Self-management, Self-
motivation:,Empathy, Social skills (536)
+ Holland’s Personality–Job Fit (537)
+ Attitudes→ cognition, affect, and behavior (522)/ Cognitive Dissonance Theory (526)
+ Goals of Organizational Behavior → organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), absenteeism,
employee productivity (522)

Chap 16 Leadership
+ sources of leader power→ legitimate, coercive, reward, expert, and referent
+ Developing Trust→ credibility, trust (Integrity,Competence, Consistency, Loyalty, Openness)
+ Cross-Cultural Leadership (574)
+ Transformational-Transactional Leadership/ Charismatic-Visionary Leadership/
Authentic Leadership/ Ethical Leadership/ Team Leadership (565)
+ Situational Leadership Theory → task and relationship behaviors (Telling, selling, participating,
delegating)/ stages of readiness (562)
+ Path-Goal Model → Directive leade, supportive,participative, achievement-oriented (563)
+ Leadership Traits → Eight Traits Associated with Leadership (557+558)
+ behavioral theories → IOWA STUDIES (autocratic style,democratic style,laissez-faire style)
(558)/ Ohio State (Consideration,Initiating structure) (558)/
+ MICHIGAN STUDIES (employee oriented and production oriented)(559)/ MANAGERIAL
GRID ( impoverished, task management, middle-of-the-road manage…) (560)
+ Fiedler contingency model → least-preferred coworker (LPC) questionnaire (task oriented or
relationship oriented)--> situational factors (Leader–member relations:, Task structure, Position
power)--> situation…. (560)

Chap 17 Motivation
+ Rewards Program→ open-book management/employee recognition programs, pay-for-
performance programs (610)
+ motivation approaches → goal-setting theory (goal commitment, adequate self-efficacy, and
national culture), reinforcement theory, (595)
+ job design theory (JOB ENLARGEMENT,job enrichment, job characteristics model,

+ equity theory (600), expectancy theory, and high-involvement work practices

+ Motivation → energy, direction, and persistence(591)
+ theories of motivation → Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, McGregor’s Theories X and Y,
Herzberg’s two-factor theory, and McClelland’s three-needs theory (591)

Chap 18 Controlling Activities and Operations

+ Controlling → planning, empowering employees, and protecting the workplace(633)
+ control process → measuring actual performance (personal observations, statistical reports, oral
reports, and written reports.), comparing actual performance against a standard, and taking
managerial action to correct deviations (CORRECT ACTUAL PERFORMANCE,REVISE THE
+ Organizational Performance → Productivity, effectiveness, INDUSTRY AND COMPANY
+ Controlling for Employee Performance → feedback, disciplinary actions (640)
+ TOOLS for measuring organizational performance → Feedforward/Concurrent/Feedback
Controls, Financial Controls, Information Controls (643)
+ management control issues are cross-cultural differences, workplace privacy, employee
theft, workplace violence, customer interactions, and corporate governance (649)
+ Corporate Governance → BOARDS OF DIRECTORS,

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