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have been already discussed, there remains the accent of

597 stretched over all the English kingdoms as far as the

Mangasha submitted, and Ras Makonnen despatched a force

cathedral, the tower of which they erected in 1184 to mark the

kept his death secret for two years, till his own influence

States Coast Survey, and presented a full account of them

not for the sake of the advertisements, and that if the

Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, in 1399. In 1411 Thomas

that of Caserta, 90 ft. above the sea, in a fertile but

objects (see CRETE). (2) An Art, whose products cannot

but grants him protection in cases where he is not morally

breaking it up for wheat. In many cases it would be decided

goods contain more or less tin as a contamination from the

British Pharmacopoeia are, broadly speaking, carefully adhered

Col de la Platiere (St Jean de Maurienne to Moutiers Tarentaise),

by chronic inflammation with the formation of granulomatous

round, their thickness being slightly greater in winter than in

His sons, Benjamin Vaughan Abbott (1830-1890), Austin Abbott

years, cadets are sent to cruising ships for two years'

Branca to Evora and Elvas. For administrative purposes the

(Paris, 1892); O. Baumann, Durch Masailand zur Nilquelle

1846. She was twice married, about 1825 to Albert Rodrigues,

withdrawn himself out of this kingdom, has abdicated the

a court of appeal and a court of assizes, and headquarters

641 Irish); (1910) 69,067. It is served by the Baltimore &

which produces the fibre called Manila Hemp (q.v.). .

average was 22s. 10d. in 1894, in the autumn of which year

Britain. On arriving in the Peiho he was given to understand

PARAGUAY, URUGUAY, VENEZUELA. Brazil followed the same

that the governors of the hospital built a regular theatre

system, though it had been enacted for a different purpose.

soil. Resort was then had to new fields farther west. The

in balloons having been undertaken. In the latter year

Ahansaht and Ehatishaht. The confederacy numbers some 3500.

$13,563,815. Of this, yellow pine represented $11,320,909,

with the main Prussian railway systems. There are also fine

there is an equestrian statue of the prince after whom it is

southern shore of Lake Tsana) in 1853. Ubie retreated to

away, but to transform their bodily tenements at will; a

to obtain a less restricted use of absolute alcohol, and

of public ascents from the Crystal Palace and other places

aera reon, aeitheer dikaios an kaloito), a material

the Abdali clan, who after the assassination of Nadir (1747)

that the times of passage of the rays shall be independent of

some discussion the British commissioners consented that the

regulate the activity of private adventures. In that year

road, famous on account of the victory, on the 25th of October

insurrections which have stained the land with blood. The

FINE ARTS.) At the same time the study of art raises larger

the root nodules had long been recognized, but hitherto no

soon failed in this last effort also. From Melun, where he

was obliged to come to terms, and the Ottoman empire was saved.

mine in this state.'' By acts of 1903 child labour under 12

freedom of conscience and opinion. He died in December 1740.

that the ``state had never discovered who it was that threw

very small cavity lined with low, longitudinally disposed

deer are found in the wooded regions, and the jumping deer

cruise, and one month's furlough. At the expiration of four

election and the benediction of the new abbot. In abbeys

displayed the same restless energy, and is said to have been

We pass on now to the theory. We shall make the natural


was, nevertheless, the most broadly characteristic figure of

Engadine in the Swiss Canton of the Grisons. It was already

with all England then prized. In 1598 he was chosen provost

no mention of it in the collection known as the Leonine

forms; th survives in Umbrian as @ , the others naturally

represented in Greek works of art, for instance on the chest

the principal figures, which may be nearly or in parts entirely

form condensation products with aldehydes, benzaldehyde and

Rhadamanthus. By his wife Endeis he was the father of Telamon

not clear which) of Sir Thomas Abbot, knight of Easington,

Italy, where she remained with him for six years. After

overthrow of the government in 1742 the opposition leaders

E.M.F., density of acid, the condition of its plates and

favourite subject on the friezes of temples (e.g. the

is surrounded by a priming composition of guncotton dust and

runs parallel to the Red Sea. It then turns due S. and follows

richer soils by the extended growth of leguminous crops.

that confirmed the Greek legends of the existence beyond

well defined. Certain formulae are used which give the

made systematic meteorological and astronomical observations;

active materials has already been given. The formation of

ground is ploughed and manured and sown with tobacco, which

and the kings of Rome, full of obscure and fabulous details.

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