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Great Bloodbeast of Khorne

A creature of endless hate and unstoppable POINTS: 280.
savagery, Skaarac the Bloodborn is a beast of
venerated legend among the devoted of Khorne. TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character,
He is said by some to be a fallen Daemon, others Hero).
claim he is no more than a mindless beast of
prodigious power while some claim he is a rogue EQUIPMENT: Light armour.
experiment of the terrible arts of Chaos Dwarfs,
and others yet name him as the oldest and most SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic, Daemon of
powerful of the Bloodbeasts; a murderous Khorne, Natural Armour (6+).
plaything mutilated into being by Khorne’s own
hand. Regardless, Skaarac has rampaged across Burning Blood: Scaarac has a Breath Weapon
the battlefields of the world for uncounted ages, Attack with Strength 5 and the Ignores Armour
and countless lives have been ended by his Saves special rule.
savagery, and yet it is not enough. For not even
death has ended his slaughter, for he has been Life Eater: Roll a D6 for each Wound inflicted by
slain before by mighty warlords and the Skaarac in close combat. For each result of a 6, he
champions of the gods, but it is said that as the may restore one Wound previously lost during the
realms turn, that from some gore-soaked charnel battle.
pit, drawn from Khorne’s side by the drums of
war, he always rises once again, unstoppable. Infernal Iron: All Wizards within 12" of Skaarac
suffer a -1 penalty when casting spells.
In combat he slashes apart his enemies with the
Undying Hate: Should Skaarac’s mortal form be
brutal blades embedded into his arms and
slain, it perishes in a welter of scalding blood and
tramples their broken bodies beneath his hooves.
blazing soul-fire.
Those who would flee beyond his reach, he can
destroy by vomiting forth a torrent of unhallowed If this model is slain, before removing it, every
blood as hot as molten iron. model within D6" suffers a Strength 5 Hit which
Ignores Armour saves.
Note: Skaarac may not be your Army General.
Call of the Skull Throne: All friendly Daemons of
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Khorne within 12" of Skaarac may re-roll failed
Scaarac 7 5 0 6 6 6 4 6 7 charge distances.

Daemon Prince of Khorne
Dim legends and twisted lies surround the rise of POINTS: 430.
Mazarall the Butcher and his path to Khorne’s
favour, but all name him a render of mortal flesh TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character,
and a devourer of Daemons both. Mazarall’s sheer Lord).
barbarity and unbridled rage have led many to
believe him more akin to a mindless blood-forged EQUIPMENT: Light armour.
beast than warlord able to lead armies with
cunning and foresight, but this could not be SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic, Daemon of
further from the truth, and it is a mistake for Khorne, Impact Hits (D3).
which many, mortal and Daemon alike, have paid
with their lives. The Butcher's Due: To follow Mazarall is to
tread the path of ascension on a road paved with
Mazarall is covered in Khornate symbols, skulls the butchered carcasses of the dead.
and ornate armour featuring sharp edges and huge
spikes, worthy of his rank. His axe, known as At the start of each of your close combat phases,
Harrow Meat, fuels his blistering rage, adding choose one friendly Daemon of Khorne unit
more and more attacks with every kill. Not only is within 12". The target unit may re-roll failed To
he a fearsome hand-to-hand fighter, but the Wound rolls of 1's until the start of your next
Ancyte Shield he carries – covered in the gnarled, close combat phase.
stretched skin of some unfortunate victim – strikes
down any foe cowardly enough to flee to what
they think is a safe distance by blasting baleful
energies torn from the daemons enslaved within.
A towering creature of muscle and rage, Mazarall
barrels into his foes, throwing aside bodies with
contemptuous ease.

Mazarall the Butcher 8 8 5 7 6 6 8 6 9

Harrow Meat (Magic Weapon)
Harrow Meat, Mazarall’s infamous axe, possesses
its own crude sentience, fuelling Mazarall’s fury
with each drop of blood fed to it.

Roll a D6 for each model slain with Harrow Meat

at the end of each round of close combat. For each
6 rolled, Mazarall gains +1 Attack for the
remainder of the game.

The Ancyte Shield (Magic Armour)

Covered in the stretched skin of unfortunate
spellcasters, the Ancyte Shield serves as
protection against hateful magic.

Shield. The Ancyte Shield gives Mazarall the

Magic Resistance (3) special rule. In addition, it
has a missile attack with the following profile:

Range: Strength: Special Rules:

12" 4 Multiple Shots (D6)

Rainmaker, Rainfather, the Generous One
There is one amongst Nurgle’s greater daemons who Those foes that do not drown in the presence of Rotigus’
journeys further than any other. He trudges through lands generosity find themselves crushed by his massive bulk. As
mortal and divine, and where he goes, repugnant life spreads befits his giving personality, Rotigus has also been blessed
about him in waves. He is Rotigus, the Plague God’s most with a fountain of plenty – the ability to vomit an endless
beneficent servant, and as the gelid downpour of Nurgle’s stream of filth from the fanged maws that split his flesh. A
Deluge patters endlessly upon his cowled head he hums a foul soup of brackish plague water, half-digested rotten flesh
phlegmy dirge. and the most acidic biles of the galaxy, the liquid can melt
steel armour and cause bricks to rot and crumble. Alarmingly,
Rotigus is the epitome of Nurgle’s generosity and fecundity. the projectile vomit issues not only from his gaping mouth,
None, save for the Lord of Decay himself, is more attuned to but also from his belly maw. Random toothed orifices open
the woes of the world. It is Rotigus who answers the up all over Rotigus’ voluminous body, snapping and retching
desperate prayers of those beset by drought or famine, who septic fluids that seethe with contagion, drowning the enemy
beseech aid from the obscure demigod they know as in his plentiful gifts even as he mires the battlefield in cloying
Rainfather, Lifefont or the Bringer of Plenty. In their despair, mud and diseased, stinking floods of slime.
the most defiant of mortals vow to endeavour onwards,
despite the utter hopelessness of their situation. Thus do the
barren pray for fertility, the growers of crops plead for rain,
the starving beg for sustenance. Rotigus listens to each
Rotigus 6 6 3 6 7 7 4 5 9
supplication, and to those desperate enough to pledge
anything in exchange for life, he promises salvation.
POINTS: 600.
Only when this looming abomination arrives in answer to
their call and their lands squirm with his generosity do his TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).
victims realise their terrible mistake. Livestock give birth to
deformed young until they carpet the land in screaming,
slime-slick profusion. Flora and fauna bloat and twist with
MAGIC: Rotigus is a Level 3 Wizard who use spells
grotesque fecundity, while the deluge hammers endlessly from the Lore of Nurgle.
down and the filthy waters rise.
SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Nurgle, Daemonic,
Rotigus manifests Nurgle's Deluge – a rotten, diseased storm Extreme Contagion, Poisoned Attacks,
that eternally hovers over his mountainous form, a vile Regeneration (6+).
downpour that spreads the blessing of Nurgle to every far
corner of the battlefield. It drenches the Great Unclean One to
his innermost folds as they wobble with thunderous laughter. Blubber and Bile: For each Wound Rotigus
successfully Regenerates in close combat, he inflicts a
Strength 4 on the model which caused the Wound.

Streams of Brackish Filth: At the start of each of

your Shooting phases, all enemy units within 6" of
Rotigus suffer D3 Strength 4 Hits.

Gnarlrod of Nurgle (Arcane Item)
Rotigus feels no need to carry weapons. Instead he bears
a gnarlrod, a branch from the hornbeam tree, which
constantly rots and regenerates from a seed to bring forth
ever-more foul diseases. Of all the strange and unusual
plants within his master’s garden, the hornbeam is
Nurgle’s favourite. In a constant cycle, the tree begins as
a seed, sprouts, grows to maturity, sickens with disease,
declines and dies in rapid fashion. Every time, its
withered corpse sloughs away to reveal a seed from which
the cycle begins again. With every rebirth comes a
different disease that causes the hornbeam to die in some
new and horrific way. The curled branch of Nurgle’s
beloved tree is a powerful symbol of favour, and the
ensorcelled wood is rich in regenerative magic.

Bound Spell, Power Level 4. The Gnarlrod of Nurgle

contains a direct damage spell with a range of 24". When
cast, roll a D6; this is the number of enemy units affected
by the spell, chosen by Rotigus. Each affected unit suffers
D6 Strength 3 Hits which Ignores Armour Saves.

Prince of Damnation
When Azazel abandoned humanity and pledged whispers to his opponents, promising them all
his mortal soul to the service of Slaanesh none can they have ever desired if they abandon the folly of
say, but it is rumoured that in the distant past he opposing Slaanesh and embrace the Prince of
was the leader of the Gerreon tribe, one of the Chaos instead. And there are very few that can
twelve great peoples that followed Sigmar, the resist his temptations. All who know of him dread
first Emperor. The legend says that he betrayed to face him in battle, for the cost of losing to
his liege lord and escaped to the Northern Wastes, Azazel is not only the death of the body, but the
pledging loyalty to Slaanesh, the young Prince of damnation of the soul as well.
At the Battle of the Moors a force of zealous
Azazel was greatly favoured by his master, and Templars of Ulric had made vows before the
rose quickly in his esteem. After slaying Arthar, Flame of Ulric in Middenheim that they would
the exalted Champion of Khorne in single combat, banish Azazel or perish trying. But before the
Slaanesh turned his eyes upon Azazel and battle ended the Templars had been reduced to
elevated him to Daemonhood, making him gibbering imbeciles, slaves to the slightest whim
commander of the Prince of Chaos' daemonic of Azazel. He set collars around their necks and
legions. made them walk on all fours like dogs to amuse
his patron Slaanesh. The Questing Knight, Guido
It is said that the beauty of Azazel is second only de Brionne, sought out Azazel, intending to
to his patron. But as irresistible as his beauty is, challenge him to single combat to fulfil his grail
there is a deadly edge to it. Those who have gazed quest, but instead he kneeled before the Daemon
upon him never forget the sensual temptation his Prince, begging him to accept his undying
presence arouses. It is a beauty which evokes devotion. Laughing, Azazel severed the head of
loathing and a temptation that sickens the soul. the Bretonnian Knight, who stood unmoving,
convinced in the justification of the act. Woe to
Azazel's hair is long, jet-black, and as fine as flax. those who face Azazel, the right hand of Slaanesh.
Two great lacquered horns crown his handsome
brow. His eyes are full of innocence and yet they
are cruel, calculating and without pity. His smooth
skin is white, the colour of the finest porcelain,
and his movements are graceful, his limbs long
and delicate. In his right hand he carries an
enchanted blade that writhes as if alive, and his
left hand is a long, chitinous claw, delicate and yet
deadly. His wings are of the purest white, their
beauty unmatched by swans or other creations of
nature. He soars over the battlefield, sometimes
sweeping low to strike his foes, and yet his feet
never touch the ground. Azazel dresses in robes
made of the finest silks, and his body is bedecked
with gorgeous jewels and shining gems.

Azazel commands a legion of Daemons of his

master, and under his command the armies of the
Prince of Chaos have enjoyed one blissful triumph
after another. Most of their opponents give up the
fight before it even begins, for few can bring
themselves to harm such an enchanting and
wondrous being as Azazel. Azazel, on the other
hand, has no such qualms...

Azazel sees into the very hearts and souls of men,

and even their deepest desires and hidden passions
are plain to him. With his silvery voice Azazel

M WS BS S T W I A Ld DAEMONIC GIFTS: Soporific Musk,
Azazel 8 8 5 6 5 5 9 5 10 Temptator.


Daemonblade (Magic Weapon)
TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Infantry (Special Azazel wields a mighty enchanted blade, a deadly
Character, Lord). living weapon against which mortal armour is no
MAGIC: Azazel is a Level 2 Wizard who uses spells
from the Lore of Slaanesh. All attacks made with the Daemonblade have the
Ignores Armour Saves special rule.
SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Slaanesh,
Daemonic, Fly (8), Terror.

Aura of Slaanesh: The Daemon is surrounded by a

mild-altering aura that befuddles the enemy.

Any enemy unit in base contact with Azazel suffers a

-1 penalty to its Leadership value.

Dark Halo: Azazel is crowned by the Dark Halo of

Slaanesh, marking him as the favoured one of the
Prince Chaos.
- Azazel, Prince of Damnation
Azazel has a Ward Save (4+).

The Talon of Slaanesh
The daemon known as Dexcessa embodies the physical SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Slaanesh,
excess of lethal close combat, taking perverse glee in Daemonic, Fly (8).
cutting down swathes of mortals as they dance across
the battlefield. Fleeting Dance of Death: Dexcessa rarely stays
locked in combat in one place for long, flitting swiftly
Dexcessa considers themselves to be the right hand of all over the battlefield and bringing death where they
Slaanesh, made manifest in the realms to sunder and alight.
unpick the alliances of his enemies. If that means that
they can revel in the glorious, ever-escalating excess of At the end of each round of close combat, Dexcessa
battle, so much the better. can choose to disengage from the combat (before any
Break tests are taken). If they do so, they may make a
Standing several times the height of a mortal, Dexcessa Random Move of 3D6", discarding the highest result.
is whirling dervish of taloned carnage on the Dexcessa will stop within 1" of any units or impassable
battlefield, equally capable of disembowelling their terrain, and may turn to face any direction of her
foes with claws or the sturdy staff they carry to war. choosing at the end of the move.
Their shifting, agile body makes it especially difficult
for even seasoned warriors to land a blow on the Talon Joyous Battle Fury: Once Dexcessa begins to fight,
of Slaanesh, leaving the daemon to weave effortlessly they become invigorated by the glorious thrill of
through their lines and separate the enemy general's combat.
head from their shoulders.
Dexcessa receive +1 Attack for each round of close
M WS BS S T W I A Ld combat after the first, for as a long as they remain in
Dexcessa 8 9 5 6 5 5 8 5 9 close combat (to a maximum of 10 Attacks total).

POINTS: 385. Mesmerising Lepidoptera: Dexcessa’s multifaceted

wings create a hypnotic effect that distracts their foes.
TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).
All enemy attacks targeting Dexcessa suffer a -1
penalty To Hit.

Sceptre of Slaanesh (Enchanted Item)
The sceptre of Slaanesh allows the bearer to demand
total, unthinking obedience from Slaanesh’s daemonic

All friendly Daemons of Slaanesh units within 12" of

Dexcessa may re-roll Daemonic Instability tests.

The Voice of Slaanesh
Where their sibling adores physical excess, Synessa’s MAGIC: Synessa are a Level 4 Wizard who uses
power lies in the manipulation of the mind. Even a spells from the Lore of Slaanesh. In addition to their
glance at their splendour leaves those nearby other spells, they also know the following spell:
enthralled, and the daemons of Slaanesh enter raptures
of obedience at their every word. Whispers of Doubt Cast on 5+
The caster whispers words that reveal the enemy’s
Just as the temptations of Slaanesh wind their way into darkest desires, breaking their concentration and
weak minds, the daemon known as Synessa weaves leaving them vulnerable to attack.
honeyed words to enrapture all who hear them and
reduces their foes to ash in a magical barrage when Whispers of Doubt is a hex spell with a range of 12"
coercion alone falls short. that targets a single model. The target must take a
Leadership test using 3D6; if failed, all close combat
As one might expect from a daemon dubbed the Voice attacks targeting that character gain +1 To Hit until the
of Slaanesh, Synessa's commanding presence can be start of your next Magic phase.
felt across the entire battlefield, with fellow devotees of
Slaanesh obeying their orders without a second
thought. While still perfectly capable of bisecting
foolish mortal warriors with their claws, Synessa
prefers to let their magical might do the talking –
which is even more worrying for unlucky foes that now
have to stare down a reflection of Slaanesh's own godly
arcane power.

Synessa 8 6 5 5 5 5 7 3 9

POINTS: 495.

TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).

SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Slaanesh,
Daemonic, Fly (8), Loremaster (Lore of Slaanesh).

Mesmerising Lepidoptera: Synessa’s multifaceted

wings create a hypnotic effect that distracts their foes.

All enemy attacks targeting Synessa suffer a -1 penalty

To Hit.

The Voice of Slaanesh: Synessa can direct the words

that they utter to reach the ear of whomever they want
to hear them.

All friendly models within Line of Sight of Synessa

may use their Leadership. In addition, any spells that
Synessa casts can be targeted at all enemies within
Line of Sight, regardless of range.

Staff of Slaanesh (Arcane Item)
Those who are struck by the bolts of energy unleashed
by this staff find themselves tearing at their own flesh
in an ecstasy of self-mutilation.

The Staff of Slaanesh contains a Bound Spell, Power

Level 4. This is a direct damage spell with a range of
18". The target unit takes 2D6 Wounds. Saves are
taken as normal.

Lord of Change, Greater Daemon of Tzeentch
Amon 'Chakai is the wisest and oldest of all the POINTS: 600.
Lords of Change. While others of his kind are
intelligent beyond human comprehension, Amon TROOP TYPE: Monster (Special Character, Lord).
'Chakai alone holds ultimate knowledge over fate
and destiny. This great Lord of Change despises EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon.
civilisation and order, and delights in bringing the
world into ruin and Chaos. He can impose his MAGIC: Amon 'Chakai is a Level 4 Wizard who uses
omnipotent will upon hapless mortals, twisting the spells from the Lore of Tzeentch.
natural flow of their destiny and bringing misery
and ruination to their lives. Nothing pleases him SPECIAL RULES: Barrage of Knowledge,
more than seeing the world broken and made Daemon of Tzeentch, Daemonic, Fly (8).
anew, in the endless flow of change.
Daemonic Aura: Amon 'Chakai's Ward Save is
increased to a 3+ against non-Magical Attacks.
Amon 'Chakai can see the threads of destiny as
clearly as a mortal man can see the path ahead of The Hand of Destiny: Amon 'Chakai can doom any
him. He can destroy or elevate both his followers mortal to die in combat. The doomed one is almost
and his enemies by what appears to be a mere certain to perish, such is the power of Amon 'Chakai.
whim, for the motives behind the actions of
Daemons are not for mortals to comprehend. One enemy model, chosen by the Daemon player, is
doomed to perish by Amon 'Chakai. All close combat
For a thousand years Amon 'Chakai has sat and shooting attacks against this model will
automatically hit. This lasts until the end of the battle,
immovable on his throne in the Impossible
even if Amon 'Chakai is killed.
Fortress, studying the antics of mortals in
fascination. Now he has been roused from this DAEMONIC GIFTS: All-Seeing Eye, Master of
state, perhaps by the whim of Tzeentch or maybe Sorcery.
by his own design. He has summoned his
Daemonic minions to battle, and now commands
the greatest Daemonic army ever assembled in the
Realm of Chaos. His ambition does not end there A top the impossibly tall and thin silver tower, in a
for he has now turned his diamond-like eyes upon chamber made of glass and pure magic, Amon
the mortal realm. Madmen locked away in the 'Chakai, Lord of Change, sat upon a throne of
sanatoriums of the Old World see visions of the flames. It sat alone, pensive and brooding, enveloped
by the dancing magical lights and the multi-coloured
Great Winged Daemon, and scream that the end shroud of its own thoughts. They formed images
of the world is coming. In the far north of the and letters of fire, from which it could study all of
Dark Elf realm of Naggaroth, the Sorcerers of the the world at once.
Witch King studying the Realm of Chaos read
their auguries and omens and shudder in terror, Forms of places and people flickered and died
before the diamond-like -eyes of the Greater
for they show a promise of the entropy and Daemon. It saw the fates of nations, the struggles
destruction brought about by Amon 'Chakai. of mortals, the ruination of hopes. With endless
fascination the Lord of Change studied the mortal
M WS BS S T W I A Ld lives, its eyes penetrating all souls, revealing the
Amon 'Chakai 8 6 5 6 6 6 6 5 9 innermost hopes and fears. With childlike curiosity
it studied the hopeless antics of the inhabitants of
this world that it had chosen amongst the multitude
of stars. Sometimes Amon 'Chakai sent forth its
omnipotent will, touching the minds of mortals,
twisting and corrupting the natural flow of events.

A thousand years had passed since it had last

moved. Perhaps it was but an eye-blink for a
Daemon, but Amon 'Chakai was bored. The Greater
Daemon unfolded its huge wings and their hue
turned dark, matching the mood of the Daemon.
Amon 'Chakai rose from its throne. The time had
come to change the world forever.
- Amon 'Chakai

The last door opened before Witch Hunter-General Gunther Munz. Now he finally stood atop
the Impossible Fortress, his quest to slay Amon 'Chakai was near its end. He stepped into the
Chamber of Glass and saw the Greater Daemon sitting upon his throne deep in meditation, its
omnipotent will travelling the vastness of the multiverse. Taking a deep breath Gunther raised his
enchanted sword and prepared to strike down the foul Daemon.

Suddenly its eyes snapped open, shining with amusement as it studied the man before it. Gunther
knew he should strike now, but could only stare into those fascinating eyes. Amon 'Chakai spoke.

"I have watched you since your birth, Gunther Munz and I have watched the birth of your father,
his father, and all your ancestors from the time when they still roamed the Plains of the Sun in
the Southlands. I have watched you grow and I have watched your studies. I saw how your plans
to destroy me came to fruition. I have seen every footstep you have taken to come before me.
There is nothing I do not know. You are here because I wished it. Did you not know that!

For a fleeting moment the Daemon held the gaze of the Witch Hunter-General. Then released
him and he collapsed to the floor. Gunther struggled to his feet, but lacked the strength. In the
glassy surface of the floor he saw his reflection. His arms were thin and feeble, his hair white, his
face ancient and withered. It seemed as if fifty years had passed him by, though it had been but a
moment. He had been a man in his prime, now he was old and weak.

The mocking laughter of Amon 'Chakai rang in his ears as it rose from its throne and moved
towards him.

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