Bahir Dar Universit Bahir Dar Institute of Technology (Bit) : Hosting Company: Bit Ict Development Office

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DURATION DATE: August 1, 2013 E.C- November 30, 2014 E.C

1. Esubalew Bitew -----------------------BDU1011478UR
2. Fasil Zegeye -------------------------------BDU1011772UR

3. Eyob Habtamu-----------------------------BDU1011599UR

4. Ermias Genetie------------------------------BDU1011615UR

Mentor: Mr. Temesgen & Mr. Gashaw

Submission date 25/06/2014
Bahir dar ,Ethiopia
Internship report 2014

We are a 4th year Electrical Engineering student that We have undertaken our internship
experience in Bahir Dar Institute of Technology(BiT) ICT development office for a period of
Four months under the guidance of Mr. Abrham (ICT director) , Mr. Addisu (company
advisor) , and our academic advisors Mr. Temesgen and Mr. Gashaw.

We clarify that our work is original and compiled according to the internship report writing
guideline given by the Institute.
As the student academic advisors, we clarify that the internship prepared by the student is
original work and compiled according to the guideline provided by the Institute office.

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Name of Student Date Signature

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Name of Student Date Signature

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Name of Student Date Signature

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Name of Student Date Signature

Approved by:

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Name of the Academic Advisor Date Signature

-------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------

Name of the Academic Advisor Date Signature

Internship report 2014

Firstly, we would like to give special thanks for Bahir Dar Institute of Technology (BiT) ICT
development office for it was voluntary to accept our request letter from Bahir Dar University
Industrial Linkage (UIL).

We would like to thank our academic advisor Mr. Temesgen and Mr. Gashaw for fruitful
advice and on initiating us to do all projects and good advice, how to write our document,
directing the way how we shall work there and encouragement for our whole work in the
organization which gives us a chance to believe in our self, point out our weakness and step
We want to express our deepest gratitude to our company advisors Mr. Addisu, Mr. Abrham
for their guidance, generosity to share their tremendous knowledge, for giving continuous and
unlimited motivation from the starting of the internship until the end of the program.
Finally, our appreciation will go to our friends who are electrical engineering students in Bahir
Dar University for Internship program

Internship report 2014

Executive Summary
The main purpose of internship program is to learn practical working environment, get a
chance to apply our theoretical concept on real object and to acquire the knowledge for what is
needed for real world scenario.
In this document, we have seen every major aspect of the BiT network and maintenance. This
report has five sections. Section one will discuss about the background of Bahir Dar
University ICT Development office. In section, two will get the overall internship experience
of BiT, poly campus network installation and maintenance, additionally, computer and printer
maintenances. Section three the overall benefits we gained from the internship program. In
section four is conclusion and recommendations of the previous sections, which about ICT
Development office, in Bahir Dar institute of technology. The last section is the internship
Through this internship and practical work, we are able to learn the techniques relevant to our
professions as well as the practical management skills from the physical work. We are also
able to experience the meaning of attentiveness, responsibility, and develop the attitude of
being down to earth and always getting to the bottom of everything.

Internship report 2014

Table of Contents
Declaration ........................................................................................................................................ I

Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................. II

Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... III

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... IV

List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... VII

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................................................... IX

Chapter One ..................................................................................................................................... 1

1. Historical Background of Bahir Dar Institute of Technology ..................................................... 1

1.1 Brief History .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Vision, Mission, Objectives and Core Values of Bahir Dar Institute of
Technology .................................................................................................................................. 3

1.3 Main Products or Services of ICT ......................................................................................... 4

1.4 Its Main Customers or End-users of its products or service .................................................. 6

Chapter Two .................................................................................................................................... 8

2. Over All Internship experience ................................................................................................... 8

2.1 Objective of the Internship .................................................................................................... 8

2.2 How we got in the Company ................................................................................................. 9

2.3 The Section of the BiT ICT Development Office Team We have been
working ........................................................................................................................................ 9

2.4 The work flow in the section looks like................................................................................. 9

2.5 The task and work piece we have executed in the section................................................... 10

2.6 Procedures we have been using while performing our work tasks ...................................... 30

2.7 How good we have been in performing our work tasks ...................................................... 30

2.8 The challenges we have been facing while performing our work task? .............................. 30

Chapter Three ................................................................................................................................ 32

Internship report 2014

3. Benefits we Gained from Internship .......................................................................................... 32

3.1 What we gained in terms of improving our practical skills ................................................. 32

3.6 About work ethics related issues ......................................................................................... 35

3.7 Improving entrepreneurship skills ....................................................................................... 35

Chapter 4 .................................................................................................................................... 37

4 Internship project one ............................................................................................................. 37

4.1.1 Project title ........................................................................................................................ 37

4.1.2 Summary of the project .................................................................................................... 37

4.1.3 Problem statement ............................................................................................................ 37

4.1.4 Objective ........................................................................................................................... 38 General objective ........................................................................................................... 38 Specific objective ........................................................................................................... 38

4.1.5 Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 38 Network architecture process methodology .................................................................. 38 Software, Hardware and communication language requirement ................................... 39 Followed Methodology Steps ........................................................................................ 42 Theoretical design .......................................................................................................... 42 Implementation .............................................................................................................. 42 Development Software (Packet Tracer) ......................................................................... 43

4.1.6 Result and Discussion ....................................................................................................... 44

4.2 Project Two .......................................................................................................................... 45

4.2.1 Project Title ...................................................................................................................... 45

4.2.2 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 45

4.2.3 Problem statement ............................................................................................................ 45

4.2.4 Objective ........................................................................................................................... 46

4.2.5 Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 47

Internship report 2014

4.2.8 Theoretical design ............................................................................................................. 51

4.2.9 Implementation ................................................................................................................. 51

4.2.10 Result and Conclusion .................................................................................................. 52

5. Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................................................. 53

5.1 Conclusions.............................................................................................................................. 53

5.2 Recommendation ................................................................................................................. 54

5.2.1. Recommendation for the company .............................................................................. 54

5.2.2 Recommendation for the school ....................................................................................... 55

5.2.3 Recommendation for Industrial Linkage .......................................................................... 55

References: ................................................................................................................................ 56

Appendix.................................................................................................................................... 57

List of Figures
Figure 1. 1 over all function of Bit .................................................................................................. 7

Figure 2. 1 Work flow of the section ............................................................................................ 10

Figure 2. 2bus station building network design ............................................................................. 11
Figure 2. 3network installations at registrar .................................................................................. 13
Figure 2. 4 student union switch .................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2. 5 Computer Maintenance at BiT Main Store ................................................................. 16
Figure 2. 6 UTP 6e Cables............................................................................................................ 17
Figure 2. 7 RJ-45 Plug ................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 2. 8 Crossover color arrangement ..................................................................................... 19
Figure 2. 9 Straight through cable arrangement ............................................................................ 20
Figure 2. 10 48 Port switch ........................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2. 11 Jack/connector .......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 2. 12 Console cable ........................................................................................................... 22
Figure 2. 13 Rack.......................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 2. 14 PVC network trunk ................................................................................................. 24
Figure 2. 15 Patch panel ............................................................................................................... 24
Figure 2. 16 patch cord(fabricated cables) ................................................................................... 25
Figure 2. 17 Face plate /outlet ....................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2. 18 Cable ties .................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 2. 19 Screw driver ............................................................................................................. 27
Figure 2. 20 Hack Saw .................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 2. 21 Drill ........................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 2. 22 Cable Tester ............................................................................................................. 28
Figure 2. 23 Pitcher ...................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 2. 24 Crimper .................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 2. 25 Blower ...................................................................................................................... 29
Internship report 2014

Figure 4. 1 Multilayer switch ........................................................................................................ 41

Figure 4. 2 2960 switch ................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 4. 3 Lan network architecture diagram of campus ............................................................. 43
Figure 4. 4 DHCP SERVER and Figure 4. 5DNS SERVER ....................................................... 44
Figure 4. 6 Android Architecture Application............................................................................... 47
Figure 4. 7 Application Flow Chart .............................................................................................. 48
Figure 4. 8 Receive call and Figure 4. 9 Make call .................................................................... 49
Figure 4. 10 Error on Android studio ............................................................................................ 52

Internship report 2014

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

VGA Video graphics array

BDU Bahir Dar university

BIT Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

RJ45 Registered jack
AP Access Point

DHCP Dynamic Host configuration protocol

DNS Domain Name System

PVC Poly vinyl chloride

NAT Network Address Translation

UIL University industry linkage

VLAN Virtual local area network

RAM Random access memory

IP Internet protocol

LAN Local area network

TCP Transfer control protocol

VOIP Voice over internet protocol

ISP Internet service provider

Chapter One

1. Historical Background of Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

1.1 Brief History
Bahir Dar Institute of Technology was established in 1963 under the technical cooperation
between the Government of USSR and the Imperial Government of Ethiopia. The institute
was a premier institute in producing technicians for the Nation. Nestled in the beautiful green
town of Bahir Dar just at shore of Lake Tana, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology at Bahir Dar
University is the pioneer institute of technology offering higher education in the field of
engineering and technologies. Owing to our 51-year experience, our teaching learning and
research becomes more practical Oriented and custom-made to solve the industry and
community-based technology challenges. Most importantly, we envision having a national
impact via dissemination of technologies centering to the need of the local community and
industrial sector. The institute’s teaching-learning, research and community service activity is
supported by high Qualified 460 teachers, more than 150 technical assistants and about 650
administrative staffs.

ICT Development office is responsible for all information systems development,

Customization, deployment and continual improvement across the University and all its office
in the campuses. It administrates the University LAN, website and mail server including other
content management systems.

ICT Development office as well resolving systems issues and maintenance of office Electronic
devices and Networks. Indeed, the office suggests different ICT solution in order to facilitate
learning and administrative duty.
Internship report 2014

Bahir Dar Institute ICT Development office was established in a few years ago, that
recognizing the critical role of information and communication technology through Multi-
Sector. The institution which spreads the ICT development for districts as well as different
Sectors by way of developing different skill such as mobilizing resources, guiding and
monitoring implementation. It also views capacity building program as a means of addressing
and strengthening issues of governance, transparency, responsiveness and accountability in
government service delivery. And to this end the BiT ICT Development Office is being fully
committed to the realization of efficient and Effective systems of service provision and there
by ensures good education unit’s level. Consequently, the ICT Development Office has been
actively involving in structural and institutional Reform with clear focus on bringing
sustainable development, increasing institution of technology system, deepening
democratization institution unit, promoting sound governance an empowerment based on the
national strategic plan. This is due to the fact that accountable and responsive service as well
as decentralization program is amongst the government’s instruments to provide opportunities
to the people.

Internship report 2014

1.2 Vision, Mission, Objectives and Core Values of Bahir Dar Institute of

1.2.1 Vision of BiT

To become one of the top ten premier technology institutes in Africa in 2025 recognized for its
practical oriented education, research and innovative technologies. Most importantly, we
envision having a national impact via dissemination of innovative technologies centering to
the need of the local community and industrial sector. This can be accomplished by several
means. In the first place, our graduates grow to lead technical engineering positions in
construction, manufacturing and process industrial sector and become professors at
universities. Moreover, we foresee that our industrial partnership program will grow and allow
fast transition of our technological tools to improve their production efficiency.

1.2.2 Mission of BiT

To contribute substantially for economic, technological and scientific development of the
nation, the continent at large; through the provision of high-quality education, active
engagement in research and technology transfer packages, while offering our employees a
conducive and rewarding working environment that values, recognizes and appreciates their
contributions. Upgrade and value our indigenous technologies that fosters improvement of the
lively hood of the local community. Assist our industrial partners in employing our
technological tools to transfer more rapidly the bench scale discoveries in such a way that the
industries are targeted in cleaner, more efficient processes technology implementation that
helped to be competitive in the global green economy.

1.2.3 Objectives of BiT

Build and Administrate Communication Infrastructure, Automation of business processes,
develop digital Content and Advanced Research facilities. Developing good governance and
democratic system that improves living standards of the people of the country.

Internship report 2014

1.2.4 Core Values

In fulfilling its mission and achieving its vision the Bahir Dar institute of Technology will
uphold, promote and be guided by the following core values:

 Quality: University product should be of high quality and the University staffs
continuously strive for excellence in their academic and administrative endeavors.

 Integrity: in all our activities we will act with the quality of being honest and with strong
moral Principles

 Transparency: rules, regulations and decision makings at all levels to be transparent.

 Accountability: University staff performing duties in an accountable manner and taking

full responsibility for actions and decisions they take thereof.

 Rule of law: University community believe in rule of law and act accordingly.

 Equality: The University is an equal opportunity employer and teaching institution

regardless of gender, status in society, ethnic background or religious affinity. The
University management never discriminates among its employees and treats them on
merit bases and respects their contributions.

 Promote diversity: Advancement of human and intellectual diversity to enrich the

academic community and to overcome the barriers separating individuals, populations,
and cultures.

1.3 Main Products or Services of ICT

The BiT ICT Development Office under giving so much products or services throughout the
many offices.
These offices have a great contribution to the city in different areas. The office provides
different kinds of services for the sectors of different areas. Most service users in BiT ICT
Development Office workers.
The main services are: -
 Establish network (network installation) and Network Expansion. File and Data sharing
over the network facilities increased so that expenses were reduced.

Internship report 2014

 Citizen gets access to information service and started searching competitive current
market price.

 Citizens have access to choose best technology that increases their productivities.

 Sharing ideas through e-mail was increasing in urban areas. - Hardware & software

 Distribute ICT equipment’s & follow up their implementation.

 Video Conferencing services

 Mail services provided for all ICT center at zonal and districts level bureaus

 Supply & make functionalities of infrastructure equipment’s

Internship report 2014

1.4 Its Main Customers or End-users of its products or service

The main customers or end-users of Bahir Dar Institute of Technology are peoples those are
living with in Bahir Dar town as well as the peoples of Ethiopia and the communities of the
University itself. This company has been established for many purposes, like to create job
opportunity for many educated citizens, to create the number of educated persons in the
country etc.

Generally, the main purpose of the Bahir Dar Institute of Technology is to establish and create
a modern society in the country by giving latest and useful educational system to the people
found in the country.

1.5 The overall organization structure and work flows of The Company
The overall organization structure and work flows of Bahir Dar Institute of Technology are
as follows in the Figure 1.1 next page.

Internship report 2014


ICT Infrastructure Business App E-Learning Technical Training

and Team Leader Development Technology Team Maintenance& &support Team
Team Leader leader support team Leader Leader

Junior Network Junior Video Conference Technical Training and

Administrator Application Technician Maintenance& Consultancy

Development support Level I

Network Application Junior E-Learning Technical Training

Administrator Development Expert Maintenance Consultancy
support Level II Expert

Senior Application Senior E-Learning Technical Technical

Senior Network
Development Expert Maintenance Maintenance&
support Level III Support Team

Junior System Senior Database Web Content Technical

Administrator Administrator Expert Maintenance Level I

System Junior System Technical

Administrator Analyst Maintenance level II

Senior System Senior System

Administrator Analyst Figure 1. 1 over all function of Bit ict office

System and Application

Network Development
7 Team Leader
Internship report 2014

Chapter Two

2. Over All Internship experience

2.1 Objective of the Internship
2.1.1 General objective
The general objective of internship is to provide student operational environments which
formulate and focus on their career objectives. It also to connect students with potential
employers and provide opportunities to explore the variety of career objectives that are often
available within in the hosting company. Such opportunities also help students relate theories
and knowledge acquired in the academic year with the skills and attitudes found in the
company and develop idea appreciate businesses area and provide experience that many
employers value.
2.1.2 Specific objective
Specific objective of the internship is to acquire and demonstrate competencies expected in a
professional managerial environment such as:
 Apply and generalized the academic theory & knowledge acquired in the class room to
practical engineering field.
 To familiarized the student with consumers, client, company’s activity, scope of service
in the company.
 To create interrelation and interdependence to the internship company.
 Create conducive atmosphere to assess professional qualification.
 Means to transfer a knowledge and technology to the industry.
 Increase productivity of the student.
 Student get opportunity to see the real problem of industry and when back to university
they can find a solution.
 Develop social life in work area

Internship report 2014

2.2 How we got in the Company

First almost we had gotten acceptance letter from Amhara media corporation but when it reach
internship start time unfortunately the company does not allowed to enter the building because
of country security problem .Then We were tried to apply in different organizations in Tana
Mobile, Ethio Telecom NWR (Bahir Dar branch), Bahir Dar ICT Incubation center, most of
them were not willing to accept our request for different reason. After knocking so many
doors we turned back to our Institute and we have a chance to meet Mrs. Hiwot (UIL director)
and we asked her what we have to do to get acceptance in BiT ICT directorate, she told us
“get Mr. Abrham and give him your application letter” then as she said we get Mr. Abrham
and we give him our application letter. Amazingly our request was accepted.

2.3 The Section of the BiT ICT Development Office Team We have been
The Organization has Many Sections as we tried to locate in the above in Fig 1.1, We have
been working in the network installation and network maintenance Team and additionally
computer Hardware and Software Maintenance Team.

2.4 The work flow in the section looks like

The work flow in the ICT Development section, if some customers came and request
something concerning to Network Maintenance, Network Installation, Computer Maintenance,
then the team members will solve the problem immediately if it is easy and no more material
required. But if the problem needs time and more material it will be solved by the team leader.
Sometimes the team members solve the problem not only if the customers ask, they know the
problem remotely and solve automatically.

Internship report 2014

The work flow in the ICT Development section looks like the Following in the Fig 2 .1 below

ICT Director

Team Leader

Maintenance Network and System E-Learning and web

and Support Administrator Design

2.5 The task and work piece

Figure 2. 1 we have
Work flowexecuted in the section
of the section

2.5.1 The task we have executed in the section

In this information communication technology section, we were working as a team member in
network installation, network maintenance and additionally we participated in computer
maintenance team. At the beginning of our internship program we asked our Company advisor
Mr. Addisu about the ground rule of the office. Then we begin working and studying about
network installation, network and computer maintenance. Some of the daily tasks we have
executed in the section are as follows

A. Network Installation and Network maintenance

B. Computer Hardware and Software Maintenance

Internship report 2014

A. Network Installation and Network maintenance

I. Network Installation
 Network Installation at bus station building

We have participated in a new Local Area Network (LAN) installation, the design and layout
of bus station building. In this building there are 12 computers, to connect computers to the
switch, there are many kinds of topology. The physical layout that we used in this building
was Star topology. We did also Labeling Newly to the building because it is used for future to
Fault isolation, ease of maintenance and for management purpose. We use 24 port Switch
because the computer is less than 24 and the other remaining switch port used may be use as a
reserve for additional computers and for uplink purpose to use another switch near to this we do the following task.

 Cisco 2960 switch configuration is done and placed on G+1 on building

 Connect the fiber cable(Single mode) from data center to access switch
 Connect the straight through cable from access switch to end user

 Check the access switch port and installed cable is functional or not

 We know the function of console cable, SFP, fiber cable, UTP cable and other.
 We have Drilled the wall of building, there are 4 offices
 We have fix trunk and node hold by screw to all rooms

 In one room there are 2 up 4 users generally there are 12 users in this building so we
use 24 switch port

Figure 2. 2bus station building network design

Internship report 2014

 Network installation at registrar office

We also designed and installed network at registrar office, In this building there are 18
computers and two other computer for neighbor building. The physical layout that we used in
this building was Star topology. We did also drill two walls and place PVC trunk on the wall.
We use 24 port Switch because the computer is less than 24 and the other remaining switch
port used may be use as a reserve for additional computers and for uplink purpose to use
another switch near to this we do the following task.
 Cisco catalyst 2960 switch configuration is done and placed on one room near to
director office.
 We can make 9 outlets each outlet have two node totally 18 node
 Connect each computer with switch by connection cable
 Check the access switch port and installed cable is functional or not
 We arranged data cable(UTP) properly
 We have Drilled the wall of building, there were 2 walls
 We have fix trunk and node hold by screw to all rooms
 We done 20 Ethernet cable for to connect computer to outlets or node
 We did also label the Ethernet cable.
 Some sample pictures are shown below when we take it at installing network

Internship report 2014

Figure 2. 3network installations at registrar

II. Network Maintenance

We have participated in maintenance of Network in many building and offices. For instance at
student union office there were some computers does not get internet because of the network
cables that are not working properly so we fixed it and also we tried to repair switch (software
part). And also we repaired network in PHD building (G+1) and we were able to change
new node (outlet) which were not working.

Internship report 2014

Figure 2. 4 student union switch

We also fixed failed wireless and wired network at Student clinic, student dormitory and
teachers residence we did the following activities:

 The student clinic switch were not working because of the fiber cable was broken so we
give a temporary solution, Connect uplink to another near switch use UTP cable.
 The teacher residence switch were not working because of the fiber cable was broken so
we give a temporary solution until they fix or splice fiber cable , Connect uplink to
MSC class switch use Ethernet /UTP cable
 In case of Access point (AP) found around clinic Connect uplink to the student clinic
 We have spliced the broken fiber optics cable by using arc fiber splicer machine
basketball field and female dormitory.
 We have removed water and mud from the part of enclosure for access point found
around basketball field.
 We have done label cable and switch around student clinic.
 We have installed battery for access point and switch they can be use when the AC
power is down.
 We have rearranged the fiber cable, which are wrongly plugged, on SFP port.

We also identify network problems and network cable crimping when the user comes to ask.
And we crimp many cables at the time of network installation in offices.

Internship report 2014

B. Computer Hardware and Software Maintenance

After we are invited by Mr. Haile.N to maintain computers at the main store of Bahir Dar
Institute of technology (BiT) we have seen many Electronic devices including Desktop
Computers and Laptop computers. All the computers were arranged in wrong way, but after
we get there, we clean set all computers by their brand.
After we read and discuss service manual of each type, we tried to repair Desktop computers.
And we were very successful in maintaining these desktop computers. And also, we tried to
repair laptop computers but we can change screen, Hard disk (HDD) and RAM only because
we couldn’t get tools used for Maintenance in chip level like Hot Air Gun, lead etc.
Some of the problem in the computers was:
1. Power on button problem and Dust

2. VGA cable and RAM problem

3. Operating system problem

4. Power cable problem

5. Driver pack problem

6. Power on password, user account password Locked and BIOS password locked

7. Needs new software installed

So, we have been solved the above computer problem in different ways consequently by:

1. removing the dust by using blower,

2. plugging the power and VGA cables correctly

3. installing new operating system

4. cracking power on and user account password without using any software

5. cracking BIOS password by plug out PSDW Jumper

6. change VGA cables and replace RAM

7. Installing necessary software to the computer and so forth.

Internship report 2014

We have maintained Computer hardware and software maintenance in BiT Main Store as
shown below in the Fig 2.5

Figure 2. 5 Computer Maintenance at BiT Main Store

2.5.2 Work piece we have been executing

Some of materials which I used in the work environments are:

 PVC Trunks
 Cable Ties
 Outlets
 Switch placement/Rack
 UTP Cat6e cables
 RJ-45 Connectors/Node
 Patch panels and patch cords
 Cutter and others

Internship report 2014

Some of the materials and Devices which we used in the work environments are listed and
explained below.

 UTP Cat 6e cables

UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) Cables are the back bone of TCP/IP Computer Networks.
They have four pairs of copper conductors enclosed within an insulation outer bracket and use
RJ-45 Connectors (mostly) at the ends to terminate on the network hardware equipment’s.
Each pair supports full-duplex communications and they are twisted around each other in
order to cancel out the EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) and to reduce the cross talk
between the pairs
Due to its low cost, UTP cabling is used extensively for local-area networks; it is less
expensive and easier to work with.
Mostly we used Cat 6e Cable during network installation and network maintenance is as
shown in Fig 2.6

Figure 2. 6 UTP 6e Cables

Internship report 2014

 RJ45

RJ45 is a type of connector commonly used for Ethernet networking. The "RJ" in RJ45 stands
for "registered jack," since it is a standardized networking interface. The "45"

Simply refers to the number of the interface standard. Each RJ-45 connector has eight pins,
which means an RJ45 cable contains eight separate wires. The RJ-45 plug looks like in the
following in fig 2.7

Figure 2. 7 RJ-45 Plug

If you look closely at the end of an Ethernet cable, you can actually see the eight wires, which
are each a different color. Four of them are solid colors, while the other four are striped. We
have also seen faceplate: It used to contain male RJ45 and female RJ45. RJ45 cables can be
wired in two different ways. One version is called T-568A and the other is T-568B.These
wiring standards are listed below: which means straight through color arrangement and
crossover color arrangement.

Internship report 2014

 Crossover color arrangement

Crossover Cable - A crossover cable means that the second and third pairs on one end of the
cable will be reversed on the other end. The pin-outs are T568A on one end and T568B on the
other end. All 8 conductors (wires) should be terminated with RJ-45 modular connectors.
Crossover cable conforms to the structured cabling standards. As shown in the figure below
describes the crossover color arrangement.

Figure 2. 8 Crossover color arrangement

Internship report 2014

 Straight through color arrangement

Straight-Through Cable - Four-pair, eight-wire, straight-through cable, this means that the
color of wire on Pin 1 on one end of the cable is the same as that of Pin 1 on the other end. Pin
2 is the same as Pin 2, and so on. The cable is wired to either EIA/TIA T568B or T568A
standards for 10BASE-T Ethernet, which determines what color wire is on each pin. As
shown in the figure below in Figure 2.7 and also in Table 2.2 it describes the Straight through
color arrangement.

Figure 2. 9 Straight through cable arrangement

 Switch
A switch is a computer networking device that connects devices together on a computer
network by using packet switching to receive, process, and forward data to the destination
device. It is a multiport network bridge that uses hardware addresses to process and forward
data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. Some switches can also process data at
the network layer (layer 3) by additionally incorporating routing functionality. Such switches
are commonly known as layer-3 switches or multilayer switches. The switch can be divided in
to two parts. These are the managed switch and the unmanaged switch.

Internship report 2014

Unmanaged Switches - works right out of the box. But it's not designed to be configured.
Usually, you will find unmanaged switches in home networking equipment. It used for

Managed Switches - gives you greater flexibility because it can be configured. For example,
you can monitor a managed network switch and adjust it locally or remotely. This gives you
control over network traffic and who has access to the network.

Generally, a switch is used in a wired network to connect Ethernet cables from a number of
devices together. The switch allows each device to talk to the others so switch is a pathway
that connects data or internet cable. There are many types of switch, but we used 48 port and
24 port switches during our work. The following figure indicates a 48-port switch in figure 2.8

Figure 2. 10 48 Port switch

Internship report 2014

 RJ-45 Connectors/Node
RJ45 is a type of connector commonly used for Ethernet networking. It looks similar to a
telephone jack, but is slightly wider. Since Ethernet cables have an RJ45 connector on each
end, Ethernet cables are sometimes also called RJ-45 cables. RJ45 cables can be wired in two
different ways. One version is called T-568A and the other is T-568B. But we have used by
T-568B arrangement. Look at the RJ-45 connector as shown below in figure 2.9

Figure 2. 11 Jack/connector

 Console cable
Every Cisco router or a switch has a console port (also known as the management port) on its
backside. Console port is used to connect a computer directly to a router or switch and manage
the router or switch since there is no display device for a router or switch.

Figure 2. 12 Console cable

Internship report 2014

 Rack (Switch placement)

Switches and patch panels are sitting in these placements. It protected from external damages
and access. As shown in the fig 2.13 below.

Figure 2. 13 Rack

 PVC Trunks
The PVC Trunk is used to hide and protect the cable with a given range of PVC trunk and
accessories. All of the trunk, which we have worked with, is white as standard however
special colors can be supplied subject to color availability and quantity required.

Network trunks are also used for holds many trunks by one. It used to protect network cables
from much external damage.

There are different kinds and shapes of network trunks. Like wide, mediate, narrow, square,
rectangular, etc. The following diagram indicates the PVC trunk and its size in Fig 2.14 next

Internship report 2014

Figure 2. 14 PVC network trunk

 Patch Panels
A patch panel is essentially an array of ports on one panel. Each port connects, via a patch
cable, to another port located elsewhere in your building.

Patch panels bundle multiple network ports together to connect incoming and outgoing lines -
including those for local Area networks and communications. When patch panels are part of a
LAN, they can connect computers to other computers and to outside lines. Those lines, in turn,
allow LANs to connect to wide area networks or to the Internet. The primary advantage
of using patch panel is improved organization and easier management of the wired network.
For most new patch panel designs, the main focus is on cable management. Patch panels are
usually attached to network racks, either above or below network switches. Patch panels can
be based on the number of ports they contain, with 48-port, 24-port and 12-port panels. See a
48-port patch panel in the figure 2.15 next page.

Figure 2. 15 Patch panel

Internship report 2014

 Patch cords (fabricated cable)

Patch cords connect the ports in the patch panel to ports in the network switch, which creates
permanent port connections to the switch that will not be interrupted during moves, adds and
changes. And they are also called factory made cable. A Pre-Fabricated cable is simply a
twisted-pair cable or copper cable in which the male RJ-45 is not connected by using a
crimping material. Rather the RJ-45 is connected with that of the twisted-pair cable when it is
fabricated. Look the pre-fabricated cables in figure 2.16

Figure 2. 16 patch cord(fabricated cables)

 Face Plate/outlets
Face plate is a plastic or metal plate, cover on the face (front) of a device or surface. It may be
single outlet network or double outlet network based on the port like structure that it contains,
but I have done the installation by using the double one as shown in the fig 2.17. It can also
be used for a safety covering of the connection point of the female Rj45 and the unshielded
twisted pair cable.
Node has programmed or engineered capability to recognize and process or forward
transmissions to other nodes.

Internship report 2014

Figure 2. 17 Face plate /outlet

 Cable ties
A cable tie also known as a wire tie, zip tie is a type of fastener, for holding cables or wires.
Cable ties are generally viewed as single-use devices; they are typically cut off rather than
loosened and reused. However, if a closed loop needs to be opened again, rather than
destroying the cable tie by cutting, it may be possible to release the ratchet from the rack. We
have used the cable tie that was not reused as shown in the figure 2.18. While some cable ties
are designed for reuse with a tab that releases the ratchet.

Figure 2. 18 Cable ties

Internship report 2014

 Screw drivers
A screw driver is a tool for screwing and unscrewing screws. A typical simple screw driver
has a handle and a shaft, we have used the screw drivers for assemble and dis assemble
physical part of computers as in the following figure in Figure 2.19

Figure 2. 19 Screw driver

 Hack saw and Drill

Hack saw are used for cutting cables trunks. It also used for cut steels All those below tools
are for crimp the cables, cut the cables and the patch down the cables as in the figure 2.20, But
tape range used for open tapes and cut single cables.
Drills are used to perforate the wall and buildings as shown in the figure 2.21

Figure 2. 20 Hack Saw

Figure 2. 21 Drill

Internship report 2014

 Testers

Testers are measurement which is used to check the color code arrangements and Miss-
understanding measurement. It points miss places of color code arrangements. Testers are
used for testing network cables as shown below

Figure 2. 22 Cable Tester

 Punch down
A Punch down tool is a small hand tool used by telecommunication and network technicians.
It is used for inserting wire into insulation-displacement connectors on punch down blocks
such as patch panels and female Rj45. See below in the figure 2.23.

Figure 2. 23 Pitcher

Internship report 2014

 Crimper

A crimping tool is a device that is used to make cold weld joints between wires and a
connector through deforming one or both of them to hold the other. A special connector is
used to join metals together. The weld joint properties (mechanical and electrical) are strong
as the parent materials when the tool works and offer some result, which is known as crimp.
An instance of crimping is to affixing a connector to the end of a wire. For example, a
crimping tool is used to create network cable to combine RJ45 connector to both end.

Figure 2. 24 Crimper

 Blower

Blower is important tool to remove any built-up dust from the inside of a computer, printer
and other devices on a regular basis as shown in the figure 2.25 below.

Figure 2. 25 Blower

Internship report 2014

2.6 Procedures we have been using while performing our work tasks

There are some fixed step by step sequences of activities or course of actions that must be
followed in the same order to correctly perform a task must follow producers for performing
work tasks. The tasks performed during our internship program at Bahir Dar Institute of
Technology ICT Development was learning, asking and understanding some practical works
and the working principles. The first step that we took were to read and revise what we had
learnt earlier from our lecturers to have a hint on the working area. After we know all the
Equipment’s and the principles we tried to work in successful way. While we were performing
our task in each day, we were taking notes on our notebook about new things we have seen.
By preparing a questioner to the ICT members and team leaders we got detail information
about the new technology in networking devices.
2.7 How good we have been in performing our work tasks
During our internship program our work tasks in a lively interest. And when we ask a question
to the team members they answered in a polite manner. We did our task effectively and
efficiently, and we were punctual in whole internship period.
2.8 The challenges we have been facing while performing our work task?
The challenge that most commonly face during us internship session which have their own
matter of influence for us. So, some of the major challenges are as follows:
 Lack of office to work and study in our free time.

 The team workers have no permanent scheduled program for their work.

 Some staff member had not deep practical knowledge related to computer
maintenance and networking.

 Lack of material in networking center such as switch UTP cable, Console cable and
some other materials
 When we performed our task, most of the time we face problem like not labeling to
the correct port.

Internship report 2014

2.9 The measures we have taken in order to overcome our work task

The basic thing on facing challenges is that how much you are ready and able to propose a
solution and solve or overcome on the challenges. For the above challenges, we have tried to
propose some solutions as follows:
 For the first challenge that we have taken were searching and reading on internet.
 Because of lack of schedule we were enforced check presence of work twice a day
and ask them to make call.
 To solve this challenge, we have decided to learn computer hardware and software
Maintenance institute (at Master tech) and study more.
Generally, we faced the above listed challenges and propose the above listed solutions from
our point of view, some of our problems faced effectively. Here the effort that we and some
responsible team members in the company help us to resolve the challenge

Internship report 2014

Chapter Three

3. Benefits we Gained from Internship

An internship is a work experience offered by an organization for a limited period. The main
purpose of internship is to learn by working in practical environment and to apply the
knowledge acquired during the studies in a real-world scenario in order to take on the
problems using the knowledge and skill learned during the academic process. During our
internship program at Bahir Dar institute of technology BiT ICT development office we had
gained many advantages from the internship.

3.1 What we gained in terms of improving our practical skills

This internship program helped us to get on practical knowledge and be skillful. We could
increase practical performance. We could also evaluate our self how much we can change the
theoretical knowledge to the practical one.
Some of the practical skills we gained from this internship program are:

 Capable of maintain computer hardware and software.

 Capable of network installation and maintenance

 Able to install operating systems, driver pack solution and we are able to activate
 Problem identification.

 Finding the solution.

 How strength friendship with other in workplace.

 Develop work habit at work place to detect and solve network problems.

 Social interaction within others.

 Abel to configure switch

In the networking field we were able to get practical skill how to crimp internet cables, how to
assign IP address dynamically to computers, how to spliced fiber cables, how to configure

Internship report 2014

switches, how to assign VLAN ID, how to drill walls, how to sealed trunks, generally we get
knowledge about overall network installation during our internship time.

3.2 What we gained in terms of improving our theoretical knowledge

Our imagination was good on the theoretical part at the classroom that how the theory changed
to practical, how Equipment can be used practically. How the overall concepts of the courses
are related and applied exactly on practical works? We have seen our internship period that
helped us to improve our theoretical skills and to relate what we have learnt at the classroom
with the practical things we have been working. The following are essential things all what we
gained from the theoretical part.

 We can understand and practice how switches configure and troubleshoot problems.
 We were able to apply our basic knowledge to solution for computer problems.
 Effective assessment and management of resource, wisdom, problem & time.
 Aware of continued educational opportunities through such as resources utilization,
academic institutions, the work place, and professional society.

3.3 Interpersonal Communication

Communication is the way to understands others and to explain what is inside us. We have
developed how our social interaction and communication skills with our co-workers
moreover, with our surrounding people. So, in terms of inter personal communication we
improve to explain what we have in our mind to others and the program helped us to do so.
Also, to develop:

 sharing ideas and knowledge

 Respect co-workers and people.

 Improves Handling information

 It brings social interaction to the organization employees.

 Improve to build up self confidence

 It improves our speaking and listening skills

Internship report 2014

3.4 Improving team playing skills

In a working place, the most important part is the team work. This internship program thought
us a lot about the benefits of it. The basic advantages that this internship program made us
improve Sharing ideas and solve the problem together, and made us strong. We learnt from
our mistake by asking questions and to improve our experience. Most importantly we learnt
treat each other and others with a respectful and supportive manner. We have learned from
internship period that team works leads us being successful and productive.

 To do works with group of teams.

 Increase the speed of activities.

 Ability of problem identification for solving problems.

 Selecting the most appropriate method to solve the existing problem.

 Generating or forwarding flexible permissions to solve the problems raised.

 A good decision maker.

3.5 Improving Leadership skills

Leadership is a process of leading the careers of the company. A person who is in the position
of leadership should be smart enough to manage those individuals whom he/she is leading.
Became a great leader at a work place is the other important thing beside team work. In our
overall internship time, we have been taught by our Adviser and our overall co-workers there
are some key terms to improve our leader ship skills. Some of them are:
 Responsibility

 Punctuality

 Accountability for your duty

 Transparency

 Able to resist problems

 To be a problem solver

 Create self-motivation and workers’ motivation.

Internship report 2014

 To listen the idea of any employee

 To be a communicable person with everyone with a great Smile

3.6 About work ethics related issues

A work ethics is a belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to
strengthen character. A strong work ethic can improve one’s’ career. We have gained some
moral principles posing a strong work ethics guide us to have work behavior and also, we
noticed that it would lead to produce high quality work consistently. We have seen that in our
internship period a strong work ethic is vital to a company achieving its goals. We have
known important things about work ethics like:-
 Co-operation

 Honesty

 Obedience to relatives, user and our instructor

 Sense of responsibility

 Having willing to do some task

 Confidentiality
 Respect the rules and the regulations

 Discipline

 Act in the public interest

 Commitment

 Sense of teamwork
3.7 Improving entrepreneurship skills
The capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business with any of its
following risks is being an Entrepreneur. During this short time of our internship program we
have claimed that Entrepreneurial spirit is characterized by innovation and risk taking.
Entrepreneurship is scary just because there is no guarantee that the innovation or the business
will work also it needs a great encouragement from the surrounding even though on the

Internship report 2014

positive side our internship program helped us improve the benefits of being an entrepreneur.
Some of the ability we gained and we have learnt in order to be an entrepreneur is listed here:

 Define problems, opportunities and solutions in terms of value creation.

 Persist through and learn from failure
 Contribute to society as an active Citizen
 Identify new business opportunities
 Demonstrate resourcefulness
 Apply creative thinking for ambiguous problems.
 Apply systems thinking for complex ideas

Internship report 2014

Chapter 4

4 Internship project one

4.1.1 Project title
Designing and improving campus network architecture of local area network (LAN)

4.1.2 Summary of the project

A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers within a
limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office building, has
its network equipment, and interconnects locally managed. The campus LAN is an example
and here we are trying to simulate it using packet tracer software. Our campus LAN uses a
three-layer hierarchical logical model known as cisco three tier model containing Access,
Distribution and Core Layer and the diagram we use will be containing all the three layers
each performing different task. Our network Consists of IP Services like Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol, Network Address Translation and Routing to share the traffic flow
load on different layers each services should be implemented on different layers. The
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Web service & DNS Services are delivered from data
center of campus and Network Address Translation is handled by The ASA Firewall (use
2901 serious router in this particular case).

4.1.3 Problem statement

Currently BiT uses Dynamic NAT for users to enable access to internet, one of the limitations
of this is that through dynamic NAT 18,000+ users will access internet only using these public
ip address block. The other issue is the universities Edge Network which is ASA Firewall is
mainly responsible for securing the Universities internal Network, besides this it’s also the
device doing the Network Address Translation which is causing great delay for internet users
as the firewall does both the NAT and Security tasks at a time for every request.

Internship report 2014

4.1.4 Objective General objective

The overall objective of our Project is how to design and implement the network architecture
of any local area network (LAN) with Good performance. Specific objective

There are lots of listed specific objective of the projects which are as follow
 Designing a campus LAN network architecture
 Understanding basic routing and switch process paths
 List out the main components of LAN and their function
 Understanding the routing language which is used in our project
 Configuring the components of LAN and the communication process (between
routers or Layer 3 switch).
 At the end simulating the LAN, logical architecture and Internet flow.

4.1.5 Methodology Network architecture process methodology

Simulation of LAN architecture have three hierarchical work flow which is the internet
provided from the ISP(internet service provider) is first entered into the firewall router which
is the security protocol of the campus and it then goes to the router after that the network enter
in to a core switch and servers in data center. Then in a campus there are distribution switches
which have functionality in a Network like create connectivity two distinct segments (e.g.
VLANs), connect data center to end users & routing. And then there are access switches they
are the last intermediate device between the end user and the internet connection found on the
different areas of each campus like Administration office, library, lab, clinic and so on. The
core switch is the main switch which divides the public ip address of the network into private
network The distribution switch in our case have the function of make connection between
many VLANs (internal LANs) and our servers (DHCP, DNS, FTP, HTTP/S) to users since a
campus have many internet user so it’s difficult giving each user an ip address statically so we

Internship report 2014

implement the DHCP method by use DHCP server. The access switch is the last intermediate
switch, which provides the end user the access directly connected through broadband cable. Software, Hardware and communication language requirement

 Software requirement
 Cisco packet tracer version 7.2
 Hardware requirement
 2811 router
 Desktop computer
 Fiber cable(Single and double mode)
 Copper cross and straight-through cable
 Data center components(Server, cooling material, hard drive)
 Access point-PT-N
 Laptop
 Smart device
 Wireless tablet
 Printer
 2460-24PT switch(13)
 365024PS Multilayer switch(5)
 IP Phone
 IP Camera
 Communication language

Internship report 2014

 component with their description

A. 2811 router

A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks.
Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. A data packet is typically
forwarded from one router to another router through the networks that constitute an
internetwork until it reaches its destination node.

A router is connected to two or more data lines from different networks. When a data packet
comes in on one of the lines, the router reads the network address information in the packet to
determine the ultimate destination. Then, using information in its routing table or routing
policy, it directs the packet to the next network on its journey.

In technical terms, a router is a Layer 3 network gateway device, meaning that it connects two
or more networks and that the router operates at the network layer of the OSI model

Cisco 2811 router features

 Integrated service Router

 Four WAN interface slots
 Enhanced Network Module
 Two integrated 10/100 Ethernet

B. 3650 multilayer switch

A multilayer switch is a computer networking device that switches on OSI layer 2 .

Like an ordinary network switch and provide extra function on higher OSI layers. A
layer-3 switch incorporates routing capability in addition to the layer-2 bridging found in a
standard switch. The major difference between the packet forwarding operation of a router and
that of a layer-3 switch is the actual implementation. A multilayer switch can perform the
functions of a switch as well as that of a router at incredibly fast speeds.

Internship report 2014

Figure 4. 1 Multilayer switch

C. 2960 switch

2960 switch: A network switch (also called switching hub, bridging hub, officially MAC
bridge is a computer networking device that connects devices together on a computer network
by using packet switching to receive, process, and forward data to the destination device. A
network switch is a multiport network bridge that uses hardware addresses to process and
forward data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model. Unlike less advanced repeater
hubs, which broadcast the same data out of each of its ports and let the devices decide what
data they need, a network switch forwards data only to the devices that need to receive it.

Figure 4. 2 2960 switch

Internship report 2014 Followed Methodology Steps

We have done this project by searching different data regarding our project. The methodology
that we followed is listed next page;
1. Study working principle of LAN and Components
2. Select required Hardware and software material
3. Determine the specification of selecting material
4. Design network
5. Configure the command for each network component
6. Test the connecting among the component
7. Develop simulation Theoretical design

As we have tried to state above the project consists of different services and protocols that
should be to be configured in each layer and integrated to have a functional Local Area
Network. Implementation

First place the network component on dash board in packet tracer and then connect its by
Before configuring we must subnet public address then Create 5 network
And then Create VLANs in each Distribution and Access Switches and Assign VLANs
as follows: Users in a Campus in VLAN-10, 11 ,12-24 and Subnet we use 13 VLAN in a campus.
Assign IP address to each VLAN that users in each subnet can use as default-gateway.
Assign Appropriate Access and Trunk ports on all Access, Distribution, and Core
Configure DHCP Pool it consists default gateway ,DNS server ,start IP address ,subnet
mask ,maximum number of user on DHCP Server .And Then Make sure all users can get
IP Address.

Internship report 2014

Use Single Area OSPF (Area 10)) To Intercommunicate all The Devices in Layer three
domain and make sure you have full reachability within the Local Area Network by pinging
from Hosts in One LAN to hosts in other LAN.

4.5.6 LAN network architecture diagram of campus

Figure 4. 3 Lan network architecture diagram of campus Development Software (Packet Tracer)

Since we are simulating an already existing LAN, it’s not feasible to implement hardware
based. The campus has very much users and one of the difficult tasks is to assign an IP address
for all these users manually such that they all can access the internet of ant Server on the LAN.
To solve this, issue the campus uses DHCP servers to assign each user an IP address and DNS
information dynamically; our Case the distribution switches in campuses serves a DHCP
server for the users in their local data center.

Internship report 2014

Due to the shortage of public IP addresses(IPV4) the campus uses private IP addresses for the
users in the entire campus and due to the fact that private IP addresses can only be used locally
and they can’t be used to access the internet,

Network Address Translation (NAT) is used on the edge of the network to allow all users to
access the internet, in the University the ASA Firewall is used as NAT device and for our
particular case we used a Router to do that task.

4.1.6 Result and Discussion

In our simulation software we used the network architecture work flow the data center which
had servers, hard drive, router and multilayer switch. Below this there are distribution layer,
access layer switch and end device. In access layer there are 12 layer 2 switch which they
connect many end device .Those access layer also connect to distribution layer and finally
those distribution switch connected to core layer switch(Layer 3 switch).finally check the
communication of end device with each other and around the campus. The management
VLAN is found in Data center, the access switch is directly connected with data center
distributions that have only one laptop.
End device in A Campuses Assigned IP Address from DHCP Server:
As we said , we could not give each user an IP address statically we used the DHCP server in
data center of campus so that each user would have a private IP address automatically when its
connected to the network;
 Let’s our public ip address is they can get from ISP in our case Ethio Telecom.

Figure 4. 4 DHCP SERVER Figure 4. 5DNS SERVER

Internship report 2014

4.2 Project Two

4.2.1 Project Title

VOIP Android Application (voice call app)

4.2.2 Introduction
Our second project is focus on one of internet technology that is VOIP (voice over Internet
protocol). VoIP - is the transmission of voice and multimedia content over an internet
connection and to send facsimiles over IP-based data networks with a suitable quality of
service (QOS) and a much superior cost/benefit. VoIP could be applied to almost any voice
communications requirement, ranging from a simple inter-office intercom to complex multi-
point teleconferencing/shared screen environments. The process works similarly to a regular
phone, but VoIP uses an internet connection instead of a telephone company's wiring. VoIP is
enabled by a group of technologies and methodologies used to deliver voice communications
over the internet, including enterprise local area network or wide area network. Our
developing mobile app is will do those activities.

We are developing android application for voip communication. Our application develops
using JAVA, PHP, Xml, server side command and within android studio. The Application
can be run more than Android version 4 (Kit Kat) and do the following task Create account
,login , Voice Call using internet, block and delete users.

4.2.3 Problem statement

Currently, most universities, companies or households have internet connection by wireless or
DSL from service provider so they can be pay for service and also pay for cell phone service.
Look one customer can be pay twice for one service provider, this is so much costly especially
in our country, and this is one main problem.

In other way some universities or companies can be communicate with IP Telephony using IP
Phone device like Cisco IP Phones using internet. In this system they have limitations, when
you built IP telephony network you must purchase IP Phone device from the market. These
devices are much costly and need complex configuration.

Internship report 2014

The other issue is one IP phone device is working on specific space or LAN network which
means when you go out from your LAN the phone could be out of service so they can’t move to
space to space and can’t easily maintain.
Even if ,In our intern company, there is no voip communication service through ip phone or
any soft app in they can not use effectively there internet access and paid more for
other service.
4.2.4 Objective General objective:
Our aim is to be communicating voice over internet using IP (Internet Protocol) by Android
mobiles so we can replace IP Phone device by Android application.

In this project we wrote an application that allow communicate two or more phones running
Android over the Internet.and to be lower costs of service. Specific objective:

There are lots of listed specific objective of the projects which are as follow
 Understanding basic working principle of voip
 Using Technology to Improve Communication
 Empowering a Virtual Workforce
 Understanding the programming language which is used in our project
 Can be addressing voip for every android user

Internship report 2014

4.2.5 Methodology
Application development process methodology
The android application used for the purpose of this project is made up of a combination of
codes that interact together to create a secure communication system. The codes are written in
Java and XML, the interface which the user interacts with is written in XML, while the back
end codes that control the android application. The application is divided into different parts
with different functions; those are Admin and user parts. The android device is used for the
purpose of this project because of the following advantages: Android can be customized to
suit each user; the settings are configurable to meet the preference of each user. The operating
system can respond to real life actions such as swiping, tapping, pinching, and so on. This
easy and convenient use of android has made it widely used. Android supports a wide range of
audio formats, making it very suitable for voice messaging, which is the core essence of this


Login Activity

Admin User


Figure 4. 6 Android Architecture Application

Internship report 2014


The Android application is designed using Android studio, the Android devices can receive or
send voice messages with the aid of the embedded Wi-Fi module in each of them. A static IP
address is assigned to each device on the network. Only one application is designed, but the
application has the ability to both send and receive voice messages. The applications have two
sections, available to two different kinds of users. As previously explained, one user (the
Admin) has the ability to send, while the other user (the recipient) receives. These two
sections are separated with the aid of a Login Activity, the source code directs the user to the
send Activity page if the details entered corresponds with the Admin details. When the details
are those of the recipient, the user is directed to the receive Activity page. Any other detail
entered would be rejected. The flow chart for the android application is shown in figure.





Admin page User activity page

Figure 4. 7 Application Flow Chart

The Android application starts with a Login activity, The Admin user can register/create
account for user and manage Accounts, the user would proceed to communicate voice

Internship report 2014

message each other. The Admin, and the user, each user starts with a Login activity, the
Admin user inputs the Admin password and Admin user name then directed to the Activity
for Admin page, and also the user inputs your password and username then go to dial activity

Simply, one can understand the project fully, the first user to initiate a connection is the
system, he has to log into the application before he can manage the system including register
users. The user also has to log in the application before the can communicate (send or receive)
the message. If the password provided by either the administrator or the user is invalid or
mismatch, they cannot proceed to the next step and show warning text, and then back to login
page. If the admin put correct username and password directly go to Admin page in this page
.in this page you can register new users, remove users, send notification to users and also
update user profile. Also the user puts exact your username and password to the input field
,directly you can get user page activity ,In activity page do search your needed number and
then simply to click phone icon found in front of name then you can make call. After you click
phone icon you go to calling page ,calling page has three main layouts this are caller name,
caller id and hang up button. Look below screen shoot when take it making call with some one
in emulator.

Figure 4. 8 Receive call Figure 4. 9 Make call

Internship report 2014

 Software and Hardware Requirement

Software Requirement
 Android Studio version 3.5
 Database or Server(Php Myadmin)

Hard ware Requirement

 Smart Phone Android version greater than 4.4
 Good Performance Computer
 USB Cable
 Java (programming language)
 PHP(programming language)
 XML(script language)

Component Description

Android Studio: Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment

(IDE) for Android app development, based on IntelliJ IDEA . On top of IntelliJ powerful code
editor and developer tools, Android Studio offers even more features that enhance your
productivity when building Android apps, such as: A flexible Gradle-based build system, A
fast and feature-rich emulator, A unified environment where you can develop for all Android
devices, Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility, and other problems
and other.

Smart Phone: A smartphone is a handheld electronic device that provides a connection to a

cellular network and the Internet. and also have many basic activities like recording video and
voice and transmit this through network.

JAVA, PHP, and XML: Those are a computer language programmers use to develop
software programs, scripts, or other sets of instruction for computers to our project

Internship report 2014

java use as to write backend program, php for server side code and xml as to general user

4.2.7 Followed Methodology Steps

We have done this project by searching different data regarding our project. The methodology
that we followed is listed below;

1. Study working principle of VOIP by IP Phone

2. Think more about how to replace IP Phone by Softapp.
3. Deep study how to develop mobile app for android phones
4. Select required Hardware and software material(specially programming language)
5. Determine the specification of selecting material
6. Design Front end and backend
7. Make algorithm, and start coding..
8. Run and debugging the error
9. Test app on real android phone

4.2.8 Theoretical design

As we have tried to state above the project set service for voice call on internet .and replace ip
phone by softapp.

4.2.9 Implementation
While building and running the codes, testing of each stage was performed to make
investigating simple. The Android Studio can run the application before it has arrived at its
last stage, and mistakes that are distinguished. Whenever you 'run' the application in the
Studio, there is a board to show any blunders that might exist and there is a see board to show
what the task would end up being, shows the outline of an android studio

Internship report 2014

Figure 4. 10 Error on Android studio

When there is an error in the system, the codes would be shown in red letters and the error
would be stated in the message box. Clicking on the error would direct the user to the exact
line of code within the error. Figure 4.10 shows one of the errors that was encountered, this
particular error was because the identification used was a wrong one, instead of “click button”
the input was “click”. An error can result from even the smallest mistake or it could be a more
complicated error like missing permissions or missing import.

Note :currently , our voice app is developing and debugging stage depends on our plan we
will star service with in two month.

4.2.10 Result and Conclusion

This project discussed the design and implementation of android based VoIP application
software. The XML files in combination with the Java have produced an android application
capable of sending and receiving a voice message. However, the future work can also be done
by real implemention within two months and it can also add video conferencing around a local

Internship report 2014

Chapter Five
5. Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusions
The main goal of internship program is to integrate the theoretically acquired concepts with a
tangible practical demonstration. In addition to this, we have developed team playing skill,
interpersonal skill and leader ship skill etc. During the internship program, a lot of knowledge
and skills have been gained.
On this internship report we have covered all what we have done in our internship period
including studying historical background of the hosting company and the overall benefit we
gained from the training session. During the duration of internship period, we have seen the
real working conditions, leadership’s, management systems and their interaction with user.
This program helps us to develop practical knowledge that can be applied in the real world
and how to solve the problems related to any professional areas and how to meet challenges.
We got satisfactory knowledge and more benefited at internship period. In this intern ship
program, we have developed theory supported by real-world applications. Generally, the
internship is one of significant thing for engineering students every direction to develop the
interest to learn more at the future and to be having a good vision about future and made us to
develop new ideas.
In conclusion, unless some improvements are made for these problems in the BiT ICT and
good governance, the attrition rates among the professionals will increase affecting the service
deliveries and then achieving the BiT ICT development office goals.

Internship report 2014

5.2 Recommendation
5.2.1. Recommendation for the company

We would like to give some suggestion on some points, we observe while we are working on
the internship. We recommended for the organizations to know what the intern student will
going to do in their organization. They have to ask first what the intention of that student will
be, and what advantage that the organization will go to have after finishing the duration. We
want to recommend it based on our observation while we were conducting the internship
Here are the recommendations as follows:

 The workers in this institute are very surprising to cooperate each other since itself the
work is sequential which means among the workers one is missed something the
whole works are affected
 The company should be ready for internship students by preparing project tasks and
motivations to achieve this internship program.
 There is no office to do our tasks so the organization must prepare office for intern
 Problem with purchase of materials

 The server installation should be given the staff members in order to maintain it.

 The staff member should add skilled man power or improve your skills continuously

Internship report 2014

5.2.2 Recommendation for the school

The faculty of electrical and computer engineering communications with the company and the
intern was low. Due to this our training was not cover every portion the company that
concerning us. So, communication between company and school was essential.
The internship program must rise after we taken all the necessary courses. Also, we have seen
there are courses we should take before internship in this case we recommend the internship
should be in Five year first semester.
5.2.3 Recommendation for Industrial Linkage

We strongly concern UIL to deal with the hosting companies should strengthen its linkage
with the hosting companies. It should make close follow up of the performance of the intern
students. To be concise, the university industrial linkage should make sure that students are
achieving the goals of the internship program as required.

It is necessary for Bahir Dar University to deal with the hosting companies how the
companies will be ready for the students to develop their theoretical knowledge in practice
after the trainees are hosted to the assigned company. It is an important indication for
University Industrial Linkage (UIL) to do with the hosting companies in order to increase the
relation between UIL and the companies and to allocate the intern students to the companies
those have enough resources,
But only the availability of resources doesn’t mean creating comfort for the interns but certain
willingness of the companies is the most crucial thing.

Internship report 2014


[1] Academic handouts

[2] Company web site(

[3] Todd Lamely, “CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide” 6th edition, Wiley
publishing, Inc.2007.3.

[4] Behrouz A. Forouzan ,“Data Communications and Networking”, Third edition.

[5] Jean Andrews ,“A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining your Pc”, Eighth Edition.

[6] Wikipedia


[8] Many blog site

Internship report 2014

Basic Cisco Catalyst Switch Configuration Command
Appendix A: Distribution Switch Configuration
Switch #config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch (config) #hostname BDU
BDU (config) #enable password cisco
BDU (config) #enable secret Cisco
BDU (config) #service password-encryption
BDU (config) #line console 0
BDU (config-line) #password cisco
BDU (config-line) #login
BDU (config-line) #exit
BDU (config) #line vty 0 4
BDU (config-line) #password cisco
BDU (config-line) #exit
BDU (config)#banner motd



****************************************** *******************#

BDU (config) #vlan 10

BDU (config-vlan) #name administrative building

BDU (config-vlan) #vlan 20

BDU (config-vlan) #name faculty of electrical and computer engg building

BDU (config) #interface fast Ethernet 0/23

Internship report 2014

BDU (config-if) #switch port trunk encapsulation dot1q

BDU (config-if) #switch port mode trunk

BDU (config) #vtp domain SWLAB

BDU (config) #vtp version 2

BDU (config) #vtp mode server

BDU (config) # interface vlan 1

BDU (config-if) # ip address
BDU (config) #ip dhcp pool
BDU (dhcp-config) #network
BDU (dhcp-config) #default-router
BDU (dhcp-config) #ipdhcp pool vlan10
BDU (dhcp-config) #network
BDU (dhcp-config) #default-router
BDU (dhcp-config) #lease 5
BDU (dhcp-config) #ipdhcp pool vlan20
BDU (dhcp-config) #network
BDU (dhcp-config) #default-router
BDU (dhcp-config) #lease 5

Internship report 2014

Appendix B: Access Switch Configuration Switch>enable

Switch #config ter

Switch (config) #hostname BIT
BIT (config) #enable password cisco
BIT (config) #enable secret Cisco
BIT (config) #service password-encryption
BIT (config) #line con
BIT (config) #line console 0
BIT (config-line) #password cisco
BIT (config-line) #login
BIT (config-line) #exit
BIT (config) #line vty 0 4
BIT (config-line) #password cisco
BIT (config-line) #login
BIT (config-line) #exit
BIT (config) #interface ra fast Ethernet 0/1-12
BIT (config-if) # switch port access vlan 10
BIT (config-if) #switch port mode access
BIT (config) #interface ra fast Ethernet 0/13-23
BIT (config-if) #switch port access vlan 20
BIT (config-if) #switch port mode access
BIT (config) #interface fast Ethernet 0/24
BIT (config-if) #switch port trunk encapsulation dot1q
BIT (config-if) #switch port mode trunk
BIT (config) #vtp domain SWLAB
BIT (config) #vtp version 2
BIT (config) #vtp mode client


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