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Al Murabba: 15,000TEU containership ~ ,..:
SHIPS OF 2015 Aranui 5: Luxury cargo cruiseship ~
Asphalt Splendor: 37.000dwt asphalt tanker , ;-
Associate Editor: Atlantic Star: World's largest open top con-ro ' ..J
Sandra Speares
Barzan: 18.SOOTEU containership for UASC 20
Nick Savvides Cielo D'ltalia: Handy-cape bulk carrier 22
Editorial Assistant: CMA CGM Arkansas: Twin island 9,896TEU container carrier 24
Robert Grisbrook CMA CGM Kerguelen: Largest containership in fleet 26
Design/Production Mana2er: D&K Abdul Razzak Khalid Zaid Al-Khalid: Product/
Sandy Defraine
chemical tanker 28
Group Sales Director:
John Paytcn Dole Pacific: 770FEU reefer container carrier 30
Eagle Barents: DP2 shuttle tanker 32
Assistant Advertisement Manager:
Valder Gates Ensco DS-8: Eco drillship from SHI 34
Advertisement Production Manager : Far Sleipner: Innovative subsea construction vessel 36
Stephen Bell
Gas Taurus: VLGC designed and built by Jiangnan 38
Subscriptions & Publication!i Manager Hidaka: Largest domestic ro-ro vessel in Japan 40
Jim-Ray Scmanhyia
Isaac Newton: Large capacity multipurpose vessel 42
Mark J Staunton-Lambert Isla Bella: World's first LNG powered containership 44
Published by: Jolly Cobalto: Container ro-ro vessel 46
The Royal .Institution of Naval Architects JS lneos Insight: New class gas carrier 48
Editorial & Advertisement Office: K. Younghung: Bulk carrier from Sungdong 50
8-9 Northumberland Street
London, WC2N SDA, UK LNG Bonny II: Efficient LNG carrier 52
'lelephone: +44 (O) 20 7235 4622
Telefax: +44 (O) 20 7245 6959
LNG Finima II: Twin skeg LNG tanker 54
E-mai I: Maersk Tacoma: First in series of efficient MR tankers 56
Maran Gas Achilles: First twin propeller LNG tanker 58
MSC Oscar: First in series of six ultra large containerships 60
Natori: Largest domestic container carrier 62
Navig8 Excel: Environmentally friendly product carrier 64
Navig8 Serenity: First in series of LR 11 tankers 66
Nissos Therassia: Low emission product carrier 68
Ohio: LNG ready product tanker 70
Othoni: First in series gas tank 72
Sea Bird: Optimised LPG carrier 74
0 2016. The Royal institution o( Naval Architect&
Shandong Zheng Tong: First in series of ore carriers 76
This pullli~ation is cQpyrlghl u11<ler the lkmc l'onv~111inn,
All rights remve<l. No 1mrt, orthe publicalil'l11 mny he rc1Jro- Skandi Africa: Subsea construction vessel by Vard 78
duced, stctt•'ll In a n:lrfcvul ~yMcm, or trnnsmhlcu without the
prior permission oflhc copyright owner. Permission is not, Songa Fortune: Optimised product carrier 80
however, required to copy abstracts or a1ticlc• 0t1 oondition
tb~t a full reference to the •ourcc is shown. Stena Impression: First of 13 IMOllMAX class 82
Multiple copying of the contcnlS without pennis~ion Is 84
alway• illegal.
True Love: Efficient bulk carrier
Printed by: UASC Al Khor: Energy efficient containership 86
Stephens and George, Goat Mill Ro«<l, l>owlais,
Mcrlhyr Tydfil, CF4S 3TD, Wales. Venture Goal: Green handy max bulk carrier 88
Sig Ships: 978-1-909024-45-8 Viking Star: Environmentally friendly cruiseship 90
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a Better Tomorrow
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downbeat attin1de continued to affect many 2015.The Marlin-class vessels are fuelled and INEOS is building eight ships to transport over
A parts of the shipping indtLill"y last year over
the potential for economic recovery any time soon.
powered by either LNG or marine g-ns oil, with
LNG intended as the primary fuel, thereby greatly
800,000tonncs a year of ethane gas to Norway and
Scotland with the aim of revolutionising the
However new and innovutive ships have continued reducing SOx, NOx, and particulate matter European chemicals industry by reducing both its
to be d.el.ivcred for which orders were placed during emissions. The ship\; dual fuelled diesel generators feedstock costs and energy costs. An a<ldjtional
the downturn and many of the innovative features were supplied by MAN Diesel and Turbo. challenge and a world first was to connect the fuel
reflect the need of ow11er1> to combat its effects. Other. US-built vessels delivered th is year and cargo systenJ.S, so that the engines could run oIT
In view of economic circtunstances, new sl1ips include the Ohio which was constructed at Philly the same gas.
continue to emphai;ise n<.rt only the need for safety, Shipyard (formerly Aker Philadelphia Shipyard) Many ptmdits predict thnt 2016 will be as tough a
but also the need for designs that can save owners and delivered to Crowley Marltime Corporation year for the industry as 2015 has been, and that
money by reducing running costs and providing in September 2015. The vessel is the fir st in a shipyards are likely to feel the pain. A continuing
more efficient and effective operational scenarios. series of four 50,000dwt tankers to be built for low oil price an d over-tonnaging nre disti nct
These: include the need to use cleaner fuels and Crowley and the first product tan.ker to ever dangers for the shipping market, but on the reverse
lower emissions, not to mention tacking the ballast receive an ABS LNG-ready Level I approval in side of the coin there will be plenty of new
water treatment issue - two topics that have accordance with the ABS Guide for I.NG Fuel innovative ships for delivery in 2016.
featured prominently for ships delivered in 2015. Ready Vessels. The Royal Institution of Naval Ard1itccts would
Another is the potential i11Stallation of scrubbing Innovation on th e containersh ip sector lil<e to thank all of those who havt: contributed
systems to get over the hurdle represented by the continues apace with the ongoing interest in evcr- details of the new ships which appear in the 2015
introduction of a global sulphur cap in 2020 or Jarger vessels and efficiency savings that will edition ofSignificant Ships.
2025 depending on which time line gets the green improve their profitahility during a difficult time
light from governments. for this sector. Sandro Speares
Safety is paramount, :mtl in the cruise sector, For example MSC Oscar is not only the first in Associate Editor
owners have been pushing fur new designs that are series of six ultra large containerships in the January 2016
compliant with the rules governing safe return to Olympic Series, but also includes a number of
po1t. .Por example, Fincanlieri-built Viking Star is features designed to improve the ship's efficiency
one of the first in the world to have the safe ren1rn with an engine optimised to take into account
to port classification. Jn aise of fire or flooding of weather conditions as well as speed.
some areas, the ship is capable of returning to the Built to DNV GL d3-~s, the 19,224TEU MSC
nearest port thanks to plant design, guaranteeing ()scar is equipped to carry J,800 reefer containers
redundancy and functionality of main systems and was dcsig11ed in compliance with the Route
needed for ship propulsion and passenger safety Specific Container Sto;i.'llge notation developed by
and comfort. UNV GL to improve cargo capacity use. With an Notes
Viking Star is also the fir~t ship built by Fincantieri MAN diesel engine with power output of
In the rabies which form part of each ship description,
to have two closed-loop saubbers, whid1 remove 62,SOOkW, efficiency of the engine has been all dim&nsions, also deaclweighl and disp/srement
sulphur oxides from the ship's exhaust gas by enhanced with ABB's Al80·L turbochargers, tonnages, are metric unless otherwise stated.
scrubbing it with sea w.1tcr or fresh water. which offer further fuel economy benefits. Machinery powers have bean specif/ad as 'bhp' or
The potential cost of low sulphur fuel if the Another trail-blazing vessel is the JS lneos 'kW in accordance with information receiVfJd from the
sulphur cap comes into force at the earlier date, has Insight. !Nf.OS' new Dragon-class vessels are a shipbuilder or owner. Emergency altemators are not
normally included in the number of altemetors. When
led many companies to look to LNG as a solution, brand new class of ship. Working with ilS partner a dash (·) has been included against an item, this
although questions remain as to whether shore side Evergas, INEOS has developed a solution to ship generally denotes lack of information but where I! is
facilities can meet the challenge posed by a switch ethane across the Atlantic. Prior lo th is vessel known that features have not b&en included, this is
to this denncr alternatlvc. development ethane had only ever been shipped indicated by 'nil'. The numbarofsister ships completed
or on order does not lncludf! the ship presented.
One good example of a dual fuel solution to the in small quantities on small vessels and short
Some ships shown as 'on order' may have been
ICb'Ulatory issue is US-built Jsla Bella, the first of routes. Ethane has to be super-cooled to -90°C deliveted by the lime this publicetion appears
two Marlin-Class vessels for TOTE Maritime ( 130°F), which was the main design challenge. Further information on certain V9Sse/s Included in
Puerto Rico and the world's t'irst LNG-poweretl The ship, built at Sinopacific Off.~horc & Significant Ships of 2015 can be found in the following
containership. The dual fuelled, slow speed Engineering, forms part of lNf.OS' huge US$1 editions of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects'
propulsion vessel ordered from General billion global project lo bring shale gas from the
Dynamics NASSCO was delivered in October US to Europe. Aranui 5 - February 2016

StONlflCANT :lMALl SHIPS 0 1' 2015 3

Speed: ..................... .. .................... 72rpm
Oiesel-drivcn alternators
Number: ..... .. .......................... . ............ 5
Eng ine make/lype : ..... f\lishishiba Electric
OutputJspeed of oach sel: .............. 4.140kW
(4sets) at 720 RPM
Type ···-·· .. ....... .. .. Automalic, forced drali.
heavy fuel oil burning, marine boiler
Make: ........ .......... ...................... Alfa Laval
Output. each boiler: ........................... 7,000l<.g/h
Other cranos:.............. ...... 1 set(Monorai l c rane?)
Make: .... Dongnam Marine Crano Co. Ltd.
Type: ..... .. .. ............ .... ..Eleclric-1lydrnuhc
- Capacity · .......... ... •........ 12.5 tonnes
- Lifting height: .......... .................... '15m
- Transv0rslng speed: ........... .... .. 7m/rn in
Numbm: ....................... 2 sets (provision crane)
Make: ......... .Oong nnm Marine Ltd.
Type............................ Fleclric·Hydraulic
Performance:..................... ............. .........
. Capacity: ... .... ........ .. .............. . four tonnes
- Working n adius : ...... Max 10.!:im - Min 7 7om
Mooring equirrnent
Number: 16 sets (Upper deck fwd· 8 setsi
Mooring dock an: 8 sets)
Make: ... .......... ...... .......... ......... Towimor SA
Special lifesaving equip me11I
(eg Ml::S, frco-fall lifeboals)
AL MURABBA: Containership Number or each and capacity: ....•... 2 sets.
30 persons
Mnl<e: .. ............. ............. Hyundai Lifeboats
Sl1i pbuilder: ..... ......... .......... . Hyundai Samho Index:) value that is close lo 50% below the 2025 Type : ...... ...................... Davi< launc t1ed type
Heavy Ind ustries Co. Lt d. limll set hr lMO. HfltCh covers ......... ....... .... ... .. .... M;:icGregor
Vessel's name: ... .. .......................A l Murabb11 Type (upper deck/other decks}: ........ Wenther
I lu ll No: ....... ..................,_................. ...... 5737 TECHN ICAL PARTICULARS Deck Hatch Covers, Lift.Away type
Ow11er/Operalor: ............ .......... ....... ....... UASC I eng th on: .......................... ... ......... .. 360.52m Containers
Country: . .................... ........ . .... .......... Kuwait Length b p: . ................................ .... 3::i?..00rn Lenglhs: .. .. ........... , ISO standard container
LJesigner: ................. . Hyundai Sa mho Heavy l::lread lh moulded: .. ........ ................... 51 OOm Heigtlts: ... . .......... ISO slandard container
Ind ustries Co. Ltd. Depth moulded Coll guides: .............Mixed(randorn) storage
Country: ........... .............. ... .. Rep ublic o f Korea To main deck: .. ...... ......... .............. 3035m lotal TEU capacity:
Model tost establishment used: ....... ....... HSVA To upper d eck: ................ ....... ........ 30.35m On d eck: ............. . 8 .6ooTl u
Flag: .. ........................... - .. .. Marshall Islands To ott1er docks: ............... ?.O 444m(2nd deck} In holds: ........ .. . . 6,334TEU
IMO number: ...... .... .... .. .. .... . . . 9708837 Width o f double skin Homogeneously loaded
Total numher or sister ships Side: ...... ....... ............... .................. 2.SOm to '14tomcs: .., 14T ·a?50TEU+28T"603FEU
alread-1 cump1oted (exclucf111g ship presentod): ... 4 Bottom: ................. 2 30m (al.Jove bnse line) T1er'.:.{rows (n11:1xim11m)
lutal number of sister ships still on order: . ... 10 LJraught On deck: .. . . .. " 11/20
Sc<mtlir.n ........................ 15.50m (moulded) In l1olds: .......... ..... . ... 11/18
Doslgn: ... ....................... 14 50rn {moulded} Ra llast c ontrol sys lem
L MURABBA IS the first in a series of eleven Make: ..... ... .............. Kongsberg
A 15,000TEU container carriers ordered by
United Arnb Shipprng Compan y. Th~ vessel was
Gro55· ......... .. ............... ... .. ·fs,31'lflgt
Disolacernent: ............................. HM.967gt
(at scantli11g drought)
Water ballast rreatmGnt System
Make: ...... .. ... .......... .. .... . . ·-···· PANA~IA
delivered from lfyundni Snmho Heavy Industri es Lightwe ight· ....................45.607g t (first wssel) Capacity: ..................................... 1.ooom-·111r
Co. Ltd (l-lSf-11) lo United Arab Sltlpping Deadwelg ht Complement
Company on 30 December 2014. Design: ......... .. ............. .... .. 133.671dw: Officers: .... .... ....................... .............. 13
Al M11rabb11 Is the first vessel 10 use a shuf1 scantllng: ...................... ...... 149.360dwt Crew: ............... ...... .. ....................... 19
gem:rnlor and waste heal recovery LO increase the Block co-el11c 1ent ............................... 0 .08 18 SupernumariAs/Spe:ue: ... . Suez/Repair C rew
total efndct1cy of chc plnnl. •rndarc autom11tic:1lly {al scanlling d rallghl) Siem appendages/specia l rudders: ...... Becker
activated by n power managemen t system ut Speed, servic e: ......... ::> 1Knols (Beaurorl 3) twisted rudder with bulb.
HSHf. Surplus waste heat recovery energy can be Total container capncity {TEU) .... i4.990TEU Bow thrusler(s) x 2 sees
used for propulsion \•ia a shaft motor. us111g On deck,'hntcn { 11tier): . .. ........ 8.6561'CU Make: ...... .. ... Kawasaki Hcnvy Ind. Ltd
euergy from the auxlliary engine to boost the In hold: .... ................. . ........... 6,334TFU Oulpul (each): . ........... . . ..... .abo11t ?B8kN
sh.lps speed when required for navigation. T he Runkers (m 3 ) Bridg e control system
waste beat recovery system ls composed of a Honvy oil: . .. .... .................... .... 771 3 1m: Make: ................... ........ ....... .... Kongsb erg
power t urbine, steam turb ine and turbine Uit1Sei oil. ..................................... " 1120.SmJ Is bridge filled for one-man opmatio11? ... . ..Yes
generator for electric powerproduclion. The task Wmer ballast (m3) ............................ 40.1?.?..2rn' Fim detection system
of the power manageme nt system is to deliver Contain<'lr ships wnter Dallas; in Make: ................ Consilium
electriclll power for all consumers on the sb ip. In loaaed condition (!onncs) ......3B,868.6tor>11es Typo .. ..... ..... 13S-11201v1
order In perform the tnsk the powur management (homo. 7toi; at scan I. with dep.) Fire exlinguishin g systems
system controls the auxiliary c ngine(s) and Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) Cargo holds: ... .. .... . ............................. .
possibl y a shaft gcnaator and/or a waste heal Mnin engine on~1: ..................... 16 1.7g/kW.h Make/Type: ... .......... ... ... .. NK Co. Ltd/CO,
rncovery system. + 5% atMCR Eng ir.e room : . MakefTypo: NK Co . Ltd/COi
Other distinctive features of Al Murnbt>a Cli=!ssilicatior. soc ie ty Cab1!ls: ........................... .......................... - ...
indudc n 1.lechr rudder wilh bul b, l\ccker lwi~tcd and notations : .... r>NV, + 1A1 Container carrier. Mako/Type: ........... Portable fire exliriguisher
fins and ;1 hull stress monitoring syst em. RIS,LJWM(T),Clean, ......................... OG (P),EO. Public spaces: ......... .... .... ........... . .......
UASC is currently implementing one of th e HMON{A1 ,C1,G4.L4.01). Make/Typo: .. .. .. . Portable fire extinguisher
indu stry's largest and mos l technologicnlly NAUT(OC),NAUTtCUS Raoar~
advan ced new buikHng programs, with 17 n ew (Newbuilding). 'I lvlON Make: ......................... ... ............. Kongs berg
vessels ( >n order: six of 1ll,800TEC" and 11 lvlain eng ine(~) lnlegrated brid ge syslem ..... .................. .. Yes
15,000TEU contalnerships. Design: ....................... H YUNDAI-MAN 8&\/I/ Model: ... ......... .................... Kongsberg
UASC's VC$sel designs have been devclop .:<l Model: .... ...... .. .... ..... .. 9S90ME-C10 2 Waste d isposal plant
with n focus on cost eflkie.ncy •Ind cnhan cerl Mnnulacturer: .. ....... ... _ .............. HHl-EMD lncinorat0< ................................................ .
environmental friendliness. These vessel~ will bl' Type of fuel (eg. HFO or Mr>O): ...... HFO, IVIGO Mako: .. ...... .... ,,... ........ . ........... .... HMMCO
the fl rsl uhrn largc co111all'.1erships l11 the industr y Outul..'I of each eng ine: ...... 5'1, 900 KW X 84 rpm Model: .. ..... ...... .... .... ......... .. Sludge o il &
lo be delivered 'LNG ready~ to ermble dual fuel (Two stroke. Crosshead. ·rurbocharged) solid wnsle burning type
(the use of both tntdlllonafheavy fuel oil as well Propellcr(s) Sewage p!::int
as liquefied n:11urnl gas or l.NG fuel), wbidl 1s Material: ..... . . ...................... Ni.Al BronLe Make: ..... IL SEUNG Model: Biological Type
ex.peeled to sii,'11 itk;11ltly reduce environmenta l DesigneriManufflcturer: ..... . ... .... HHl ..EMD Co11trac; date :...... .... . ...... . 29 August 201 3
i n1pncl and reduce fuel costs. i:'lnul calculntions Fixed/Controllable pitch ............. Fixod pilc.;11 Launc hitlorit-oul dale: ...... .... I November 20111
indicate w EED f (J\nc-rgy Effi clc ncy Design Diameter: .. ......... ..... ...... ........ ... ........ . 10m lJelivr.ry aa le: . . ......... ....... ... I March 20b

4 S 1r;NlrlCAN·1 S'ilP(; OF 201 5


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Special lifesaving equipment
Number of each
and capacity: ........................ 4x90 persons
Make: .......... Jiangyinshi Beihai LSA Co. Ltd.
Type: ..................... 8.5m Partly Common Life
/Rescue Boat
Special lifesaving equipment
Number of each x 2
and capacity: .............................. 6 persons
Make: ............................... Jiangyinshi Beihal
LSA Co. Ltd
Type: ............... ...... ..4.Sm F.A.P Rescue Boat
Special lifesaving equipment
Number of each and capacity: 6
x 25 persons
Make: .......... Jiangyinshi Beihai LSA Co. Ltd.
Type: AFD Davit Launched Liferaft
Hatch covers
Design: ......... ...... ............Shanghai Goodway
ARANUI 5: Cargo cruiseship Marine Engineering Co. Ud.
Manufacturer: ............Huanghai Shipbuilding
Co., Ltd.
Type (upper deckfother decks): ........ Folding
Shipbuilder: .............. Huanghal Shipbuilding Type. Upper Deck & Tweendeck
Co. Ltd. Diesel oil: ............................................. 740rn" Containers
Vessel's name: ........... .. .......... ........... . Aranul 5 Water ballast (m3): ... .... ............ ............ 2,380m 3 Lengths: ........ .. .... .... .................... 6,058mm
Hull No: ....... ................... ... ........................... K19 Classification society and notations; ............ BV I Heights· .... .. ........... • .............. 2,591mm
Owner/Operator: .. Companie Polynesienne de . +HULL +MACH. Total TEU capacity 166
Transport Maritime unrestricted navigation, Ondeck: ........................................ 65
Country: ... ........ ... .... ..... .. ............... France passenger ship-SRTP, In holds: . ...... .. ................................ 101
Designer. ...... Shanghai Marchant Ship Design & +AUT·UMS, CLEANSHIP, Homogeneously loaded to 14tonnes: ..... 131
Research Institute, CSSC COMF-PAX-2, COMF-CREW·3, Reefer plugs: ................... ....................... 40
Country: Chine CPS(WBT), INWATERSUAVEY. Tiers/rows (maximum)
Model test establishment used: .................CTO MONSHAFT On deck: ........... ,. .............................. 2 I 8
Flag: ......... .. . .... French % high-tensile steel used in construction: .. 14%
rn holds: ....... ...................................... 4 / 6
IMOnumber: 9677492 Main engine(s) x 2
Hold refrigeration system: ........... Air cooling
Desig n: ........................................ Caterpillar
Doorsframps/lifts/moveable car decks
Model: .............. _ ............................8M32C
Number of each . ... . .. ..-·· ............... 19 Pcs
T he ARANUI 5, capable of
is the first international cruiseship built in
in luxurV cabins and facilities on00ard,
foe China
Manufacturer: ............. ........................ MaK
Type of fuel: ............................... .......... HFO
Output of each engine: ................... 4.000kW
Type: ......... Hydraulic Sliding Watertight Door
Designer: ........... Wuxi Hailian Marine Fittings
the export market Gearbox(es) x 2 Co. Ltd.
Designed in accordance with the requirements for Make: ........ .. Doors/ramps/lifts/moveable car decks
Safe Return To Po1t (.SRTP) which introduce Model: ........ . Number of each: ................................ 4 Pcs
propulsi<ln system r<!dundnncy, Amm1i S ensures the Output speed: ....... Type: ........... .................... Embarkation Ramp
111llX'hnum safety of passengers, c~~w and ship and ls Propeller(s) x 2 BERG & ER Spare Parts Rar11p
capable of satety returning to port over 2000 nautical Material: ................................ ......... .Cu-Ni-Al Designer: ...................... .. Shanghai Goodway
mile dismuces at a minimum speed of 6 knots with Fixed/Controllable pitch: ............ Controllable MaMe Engineering Co Lid
only one main engine working, whUe headmg into Diameter: ........................................ 3,400mm Doors/ramps/lifts/moveable car decks
Beaufort 8 weather and corresponding sea condilions. Speed: .................................................. 179.1 Number of each: .................................. 2 Pcs
Luxury is n key specificnt1on of the design ofAro11ui Main-engine driven alternators x 2 Type: ............. ... .. ................ Side Door
5. Tremendous effort was put Into perfecting the Make/type: .. .. .... .... .. .. . .. . .. . .. AEM SESOO $4 Designer: ........................Shang hai Goodway
designs onboo.rd such as 1hc layout for cabins, public Output/speed of each set: ............. 1,SOOkWf Marine Engineering Co. Ltd.
spaces, entcrtalnmenl rooms and l1 gh1ing 1,500rpm Doors/ramps/lifts/moveable car decks
ummgcmenls, in order to get away from tbe roatine Diesel-driven alternators x 2 Number of each: .................. ............... 3 Pcs
design for ro·~'\X ships and l)L1il<l a luxury cruise~blp. Engine make/type: .......Caterpiller 6M20C I C32 Type: ....................................................... Lifts
Type of fuel: . .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. ... ... . HFO/MDO Designer: ............... . ......... ................ KONE
The ship needed co meet the rule requirementl> for
SRTP. the BV comfort notation for COMF and ME.D Outputfspeed of each set: ...... 1, 140/590 kW Ballast control system
Alternator make/type: ............................. AEM Make: ........... ..... ... .... Nantong Navigation
cerli0cnte$, and many other technical difficulties OutpuVspeed of each set: ...... 1,074/550 kW
needed to be overcome, such as the arrangement of Water ballast Treatment System
Boilers x 2 Make: ........ ... .. .. ...... .... . ... ..... Panasta
equipment in limited engine room spaces. Type ................. Exhaust gas hot water boiler
Besides the general applicable rules and regulations Capacity: .... ...... .... . . . 300ml /h (Filter + UV)
Make: ................................................ LMB Complement. ..............................._ ...... ........ .
for passenger ships, Am1111i 5 had to salisfy several Output. each boiler: ..................... 1,000kW
odditionnl rules supt1lntcd by the Prench flag Crew: . .................................................. .. 104
administration, for example, the m)uircments for tJ1c
crew's working environment, lhe orrangemeJ'1l of
CaJJ~<~~a~~~'.~~r~.~.~~.~~-~..~ ............... , Liebherr Passengers
Total: ..................................................... . 295
Type: ................... ........ . CBW 36(25} I 14(20)
cubms, public spacel; and sanitary focillli~ for disabled Performance: ......... ...................................... . Number of cabins: ......... .................... , 105
passengcri;, the inspL'CUOn of ccrUfkates for mall'rials Capacity: .............. 36.0tonnes SWL, from 3.0 m Bow thruster(s) x 1 Schottel
used in lim1iturc onbonrd and the restricted use of to 14.0m radius (hook operation); Output {each): ............... ... .................. 500kW
combustible mater ials onboard among other Capacity; 25.0tonnes SWL, from 3.0 m Bridge control system: ............. .............. Furuno
specifications. to 20.0m radius (hook operation) Fire detection system
Ol her cranes x 1 Make: .......................................... Consilium
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Make· ......... .. .. ...... Zhenjiang Manno Type: ................................. Addressable type

~~~II~~?. ~~~~i~~fe~~~~~
Length oa: ...................... ......... . ....... 126.0Bm Fire extinguishing systems
Length bp: ............................. .......... 117.00m Type: ..................... Cargo holds/Engineroom: ....................... C~
Breadth moulded: ............................. .. . 22.20m Tasl~s: ......................................... Hose Crane Make/Type: .......... ........................... TYCu
Performance: ... ..... .... .. ...... ......... 0 .5tonnes Cabins: ................ Water Sprinkler System
........ ....... ... ......... ....... 7.85m Other cranes x 4 Make/Type: ...... ... .... . .. .............. ..... OESMI
Width of double skin Make: ........... Jiangyinshi Beihai LSA Co. Ltd Public spaces: .. .. Water Sprinkler System
Side: ........................................... ...... 2 .48m Type: ............................................... LC120-H Make{fype : .. .... ... .... .... ............. DESMI
Bottom: .. ........... _..... _......... ... .... ........ 1.60m Tasks: .......... Gravity Luffing Arm Type Davit Radars
Design: ...................,_.......... .. ......... 5 .20rn Performance: ................... M ax. Working load Model(s): .... ... . ...... XN24AF, SN36AF
Gross: ..... ........ ... ............. ......... 11.468glonnes of davit 120KN
Other cranes x 4 Waste d isposal plant. ........... ........... Teamtec
Displacement· ......................... , 10,488gtonnes
Llgl11weighl: .. ........................... 6 ,467gtonnes Make: .......... Jiangyinshi Beihai LSA Co.. Ltd Waste compactor .. . ............................ Delitek
Deadwelght Type: ....................................................SA25 Model. ..................... .. ........ DT-200MC·P
Design: ............................... ... ......... 4.021dwt Tasks: ... Single Arm Rescue Boat/Raft Davit Waste shredder/crusher: ... ... ............ . Delitek
Block co-efficient: .. 0.75 (at design draught) Perfo1mance: ......... Maximum launching load Model: .... ..................... ........... DT-190LCG
Speed. service(·· %MCR output): ....... 15knots 25kN; Maximum hoisting height 30m Sewage plant
(80%MCA, with SG 600kW Mooring equipment x 4 Model: ..... ...... ........ ........... STC 4 I STC 8
x2, 10%SM) Make: ................... Wuhan Marine M achinery Contract date: ..... .. .. ...... November 2012
Bunkers (m ) . 270m3 Plant Co. Ltd Launch/float-out date: ................ February 2015
Heavy oil: ····-··-·-................... ·· ...... Type: ............................. ...... Eleclro hydraulic Delivery dale: ............ ... ..... ..... Oc!obel 2015

8 $ 1GNlrlCANT SHIPS OF 2015

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... 5RT-flex500, Tier 11
........ Yichang Marine
Diesel Engine Co. Ltd .
.... 6400 kW
x 99.0 r/min
Propeller( s) x 1
Material: ............................... AL-NI-BRONZE
Designer/Manufacturer: ...... .... Nanjing High
Accurate Marina Equipment Co, Ltd.
Fixed/Controllable pitch: ............ . ........ FPP
Diameter: ............................. .............. 6.05m
Speed: 94 7r/min
Diesel-driven alternators x 3
Engine make/type: ....... Anqing CSSC Diesel
Engine Co. Ltd. / 6DK-20e
Type of fuel : ......................... .... HFO or MOO
OutpuVspeed of each set:.. ........900kW x 900rpm
Boilers x 2
Type: ... ..................................... .TOH3500V50
Make: ...................................... .......... GESAB
Output each boile<: ........................ 3,500kW
Other cranes x 1
Make: Shanghai Hengyuan

ASPHALT SPLENDOR: 37,000dwt Marine Equipment Co. Ltd.

Type: ........... Electric hydraulic slewing crane
Tasks: . ................................... Manifold crane

asphalt tanker Performance: .................................... 10T-20m

Mooring equipment
Make x 6: ..............WuHan Marine Machinery
Plant Co. Ltd.
Shipbuilder: ............................. Avic-Oingheng drop of less than 3°C per day without heating to save Type: ...... Hydraulic
Shipbuilding Co. Lid the heat resour~. Special lifesaving equipment
Vessel's name: ......................Asphalt Sp/endor A cargo pipe system with three cargo pumps Number of each and capacity: .......... .. 1-25P
Hull No: ......................................... ....... A00019 arranged in tl1ccargo pwnp room amidships lsdivided Make: ............. JiangYin Beihai LSA Co., Ltd.
Owner/Operator: ............ Sargeant Marine Inc. into three sections connected with eadi other for Type: ..................................Free-fall lifeboat
Country: ............................. .......... ................. US standby pm-poses; they can be operated ~imultaneously If MES. verllcal or sloping chL,1les?: ..........35°
Designer: ...... Shanghai Merchant Ship Design & nnd conl'inuously. Cargo tanks x 16
Research Institute, CSSC Ba$ed on lhe o~tirnised !iull line a11d propeller design Grades of cargo carried: .................. Asphalt
Country: .......................................... ...... China with cnc.rgy sav)ng de.l!lces (PSV and HVAF), the & Product Oil (Flash Point > 60°C)
Model test establishment used: ........... CSSRC vessel sails at 11.LSkn.wltb a daily consumption of Coated tanks - make and type of coating: ........ -
Flag: ........................... ....... ... Marshall Islands 20.5 t/da.y at C:SR with u J5% sea margin at design Stainless steel .. structure/piping:
IMO number: ....................................... 9763332 draught based .on a calorific value or •i2.7011 Kj /kg Cargo pumps x 3
Total number of sister ships under ISO conditions "~th a range of I !,OOO nautical Type: ....................................... ........ VB.Sz-70
already completed (excluding miles. for environmental pW'poses, lhc attained illiDl Make: ................................... BORNEMANN
ship presented): .......................... .............. 0 is below the base line (-26.34% reached P.hasel} nnd n Capacity (each): .............................500m3 /h
Total number of sister ships still on order: ....... 1 ballast water Lrea1mcnl system was inslnlled. Cargo control system
Make: ........................................... EEKELS
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Type: ...... ................ .................. EVE440/3700
SPHJ\LTSPLENDOR. lhcfast in Lbesedes of two
A 37,00.0dwt nsphalt Lnnkers was designed by
Shanghai Merchant Shrp Design and Re.~earch
Length oa: ............................................ 179.90m
Length bp: .... .................................... ... 176.90m
Breadth moulded: .................................. 30.60m
Water ballast Treatment System
Make: ............................... .. ............ Panasia
Capacity: .......... ................................500m~ /h
Institute (SDARI) for Satgellrtt lvllll7ine (USL\). It was Depth moulded Complement
delivered al AvkcOi.11gheng Shipbuildit1g Co. on 15 To upper deck: .................................. 16 80m Officers:
December 2015. Width of double skin Crew: ...................... ........... ..
The vessel is an ocean-going tanker wilh a bulbou.s Side: ....... ,... ...................................... 2.05m Suez Crew: .................................................. 6
bow, transom slern, m1d a flush deck with forecastle. Draught Single/double/other rooms: ........ Single room
One 5-blade high-skew propeller is driven by a two- Scantling: .......................................... 10 40m Stern appendages/special rudders: ... 1 rudder
strok.e engine Wa1·tsila SR'f-flcx50D with a tolal Design: ....... ......................................... 9.50rn Bow thruster(s) x 1
output of6,400kW. Qross: ..................................... ........... 26, 119gt Make: WuHan Kawasaki Marine
Asphalt Splendor is at present the largest asphalt Displacement: .......... 48.385tonne.s (scantilng) Machine Co. Ltd
tanker with four independent blocks which are divided Lightweight: ................................ 1 t ,423tonnes Output (each): 900kW
into 16 cargo l.llUks. The total cnrgo hold cap3dty is Deadweight Bridge control system
about 35,660m~ with a maxlmwn deadw.eight of Design: ......................................... 32.259dwt Make: ........... .................................. Saiernico
36,962 at 10.4.m scantllng drnught. ft is designed to Scantling: ..................................... 36,962dwt Is bridge fitted for one-man operation? ........ Yes
carry bitumen (ma.xinnun cargo temperature ~ l 70"C) Block co-eff'icient: ....... 0.82.80 {Design draught) Fire detection system
and Product Oil (Rll.>ll0°C). Speed, service (81 %MCR output): ...... 14.15kn at Make· ........................ ..... .................... TYCO
The cargo lrnll strucuu·e is designed with a double design draught. 81%MCR, Type: .......... ........... ....................... T2000CV
side and single bottom to sati$fy MARPOL, SOLAS with 15% sea margin Fire extinguishing systems
nnd Glass requirements, and has convenient Cargo capacity (m )
cargo holds: ................................................. -
instalintion 1111d maintenance space. The cargo tanks Liquid volume: ............................... 35.660m3 M akeffype: ................................... Tyco/Fixed
ure JllJlde of high tens.ile steel and i 11sulated al outside deck foam & water system
areas. After extensive streu~th, therma l and fin ite Bunkers (m")
Engine room.................................................. ..
clen1enl analysis (FEM) , lne Independent cargo Heavy oil: ........................................... 946m0
Makeffype; ......... Tyco/Fixed C02 & water system
block~ were placed on more th:in SliO special verUc.11 Diesel oil: ... ,,1.................... ... .. .......... .... 305m~
Water ballast ( m· ) : .............. .. ............. 12,854rn Cabins: ......................
supports with 1enmul Ferofonn pads and a .set of Makefrype:
<mll-pltdiing, anti-rolling and anti-floating keys with Tankers - percenlage
segregated ballast: ................................ 100% Radars x 2
pads are fitted. The pads are also used as a thermal Make: ................................................ Furuno
msu.lation against the supporting ship structure and a Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day)
Main engine only: ..... ......... 20.50tonnes/day Model(s): ................. FAA-2827 & FAR-2837S
sl.i.ding area to enable expect.eel thermal expansion Integrated bridge system (yes/no?): ........... No
nod heeling of the tanks. Auxiliaries: ................. ........... 4.44tonnes/day
Classification society and notations: ...... ... BV I Waste disposal plant
for the cargo blocks, considerable attention has been Waste handled: Incinerator
paid to the effecliveness of the tank insulation and +HULL, +MACH, Oil Tanker -
Asphalt Carrier (Independent tank Make: Hanshun(Shanghai) Marine
heating system, so that in the event of any incident the Maximum cargo temperature Technology Co. Ltd.
cargo teniperature can be maintained sufficiently to ~ 170°C ). Flash Point > 60°C, Model: .. ... .. .. HSINC-50
keep the cargo fluid and the cargo can be pumped Unrestricted Navigation, AUT-UMS, Sewage plant
ashore. The cargo is healed by lhermal oil through four MON-SHAFT, BWT, CPS(WBT), Maka: ........ Jiangsu Nanji Machinery Co Ltd.
separate loop heating coils inside cad1 cargo tank with INWATERSURVEY, SYS-NEQ 1. Ll-HG-S3 Model: ................................. .WCMBR-30(U)
flexible temperature regulation. T11e cargo blocks are % high-tensile steel used in construction: .. 68% Contract date: ...............................August 2013
externally insulated by heat insulalion ofceramic ¥.'Ool. Main angine(s) x 1 Launch/float-out date: .................. 15 May 2015
which is based on the calculalion of a temperature Design: ............................................. WMsilll Delivery date: ...................... 15 December 2015


' /

~="' ' I
- ... ..

' ,,/
ATLANTIC STAR: Ro-ro/Containership
Shipbuilder: . Hudong·Zhonghua Shipbuilding Tu other decks: .. .. ?.?m.o. Im. 29,7rn, Make: .......................................... Holli>-Royce
(Group) Co. Ltd, China 35 1m. '10m. 42 4m Type (electric/hydraulic/steam}: ....... Electric
Vessel's name. ........... . .. .... ... Atlantic Star Width ot double Skin Special lifflsaving equipmenl
Hull number· ...... ................................ 1695 Side: .. .. .. .. .. ""···<"'··-·"······· .... . 0 9m Number ot each and capacity: ... ..... ..... 1
Owner: ............ ACL Vessel One H1695A AB Bottom: ................................... -···-· ··-· 1 67m lree fall boat
Operator: ... ....... Atlantic Container Line AB Oraughl Make: .... .Jinngsu J iaoyan Marine
Country· ..................... .. ... ............ . Sweden Scantling : ...... .. 10.25m Equ ipMent Co. Ltd
Technical Mamiger: ......Gr imaldi Group S.p.A. Design: .... .. ........ l t 50m Type . .. JY-1-N-9 5
Gmss Tonnage: . 100.430 Hatch covers
DesinnAr: ......... .... ............. Knud E. Hansen Deadweight Design: . ..... None - only c onlaintlr stoppers
(Based on patent by Mr. Jens M. Nielsen) Design: ........ ..................... . ... abt. '13.000dw: Manufacturer: ............................ , MacG regor
C ountry: ........ ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... .. ... ........ Denmark scantling :............................. .. aol. 55,649dwl Contni110rs
Mooel test estnblishment used: ............... Marin Block co-effic ient: .... .. .............0 678 (10.25m) Tolal TEU capacity: .................... .. ....... 3 .820
(Wagenl ngen) Speed, service (- o/oMCR outpL.l): .. ... 18 knots On deck: ... .................... ... .. . .... .... 2 . 776
Flag:......................- ................. Liverpool, UK 90%SMCH In holds: ............................ .... . ....... 1.044
IMO number: ............ ........ . ... . .... ... 9670573 Bunkers (mJ) Homogeneously loaded to 1'1tonnos :
Total number of sister ships Heavy oil .. .. . .... . ........................ 3450m0 Reefer plug~: ..... .... .............................. 209
already completed (excluding Diesel oil.... .... _ ..... .. ................ 400m3 l/elliC~S

Da~~~e~;~~~u~;~o.n _<t~n.~~~~.~'.!. ...... ....... _

811ip presented): ..... ....... .. .. .. .. .. ... 0 Number of v ehicle decks
Tote.I number ol sister ships still on Ol'c1er: ....... 4 (fixedlmoveabre): ...... no lanes - 28.900nl
A1,xiliaries ..... ... . . ............................. - dock amn
Classification society and notations: .... RINA C - Doors/ramps/lifts/mOveable car decks
On 2i Octol.>er 2015 Hudol\g-Zhonghua
Shipbuilding in <11ina the first nf lil'c
Con- ro vessel' lo Atlantic Cont~incr Line. This was !he
containership: ro·ro cmqo ship:
unrestricted navigalion; • AUT-UMS;
Number ol each: .......... 1 stern qunrtor ramp .
1 WT siern door. 2 inlernal WT doors.
GnEEN PLUS; ICE CLASS IC; INWATERSURVEY: 2 hinge ramps. 4 hoistnble car deck.
culminntion of a contract entered into force on 20 July. MON-SHNT: ST/\R-HULL 2 lire doors (cargo area).
20 l2. The series of five vessels will be opemted hy Main engine(l;) x 1 Designer: ......................................... MacGregor
Atlnnlic Container AB(1\CI .). Design: ............................................ Wiirtsil!i Water oallasl lreat1T1e11t system
'l'he five ne1\ive.ssels 1vill b~ I.hi! world's largest open top Model: ...................... . ?-stroke 8RT-llex68-D Make: ......... Pnnasia type GloEn - Patrol 5,9.0
rtH'o/rontriincrships at bcndy 300m 1011g nnd 38tn Wide. tvlanulaclurer: ... I fudong Heavy Machir.ery Capacity .......... ..................... .......... 500m'/11
These G4 ve8Scl~ wiU replace ACL's existing lleel Qf G3
Type of fuel: .....,................. Hl"O and MOO
vessels opcr.ll:lng 011 the company's Lnmsatlantic service. Oulput of e•~d• engine: ................ ??.OOOkW ..... .. ·--··-........................ ,........ i 2
Bigger, moreeftlcie.nt than theirG3 Propeller{ s) x 1 Crew: ..................................................... 14
prcd«l..'SSOrs, the vessels are ~pecially deslgn~'CI to handle Material: Nickel afuminum hron7e Supernumaric5fSpore· ............................ .. 2
a wide range of curgos cfficknlly, including cont.Uners. Dcisigner/Manufacturer: ..Wartsila Propulsior. rassengers x 12
vehicles, heavy equipment, project and oversized cnrgo. rixed/Conttollablc pitch: . .... ... .. ...... .. fixed Number of cabin!;: ..................... ...... 6
'TI1is is adi.ieved with the help of a large stem quarter Diameter: .. . .. .. .. ... .. .. 7600mm Slern appendages/
rarnp and four hoistable car decks. Speed: .. . .... ... .. ... .................. 96rprn special nidoms: ........................... flap rudder v..ith
Green features include an Alfu Laval 51.ngle in.let hybrid Main-engine drivtln alternators x 1 Energopac {Becker + Wi!rtsila)
Make/type: ........... SAM Electronics GmbH Bow 1hnJ!'.tcr(s) x ;>
scmbber to meet requirements n.'giU'ding exhaust gas Oulputispeetl ot each set: ..... ........ . variable Make: ............................................ Wartsila
emissions and :1 shaft generator for dcctricnl power 2000k\IV to 1600kW Output (each): ................................ .. 1750kW
derived from the main engine. Diesel-driven alternators Stem thruster(s ) x 1
Tiie G4 vessel~ have a container·capncityof3,820TEU Number: . . ............................................ 4 Make: .............................................. v11ort!l1l!i
plus 28,900ni1 square metres of ro-m ~,xlCc, with ;i car t.:ngine make/type: .. "....... ..... 2xYANMAR Outp ut (each): ................ ................. 'I 750kW
c-;1padty of 1,307 vehicles. Ccll guides 111 1continue to be 8EY26LW(22'15kW) nnd 2x Rrldge contro> syslelll
used on deck and open top ciwgo holds, a feature that 8EY26LW(2450kW) Make: ............... .......... Furuno and S/\M
will allow ACL to extend its record of never losing a Type of fuel: ... ... ............... HFO nnd MOO Fire detection i;ystem
w ntaincr at sea in owr 30 years. Output/spoed o f each sel: .... .. .•. ..... .. . 720kW MnkG: ............. .......................Mit:ro~lata Due
Thanks to the revolutionary m:w design $it\lating Alternator make/type: ......................... .... HHI l 'ire tl~tingui st1ing systems
container airgo fore and aft of the acc.orruno<lation and Outpt..t!speed of each set: .. .................. 720kW Cargo holds: ............................................ ·
the ro-ro cargo mainly mldshrp on all decks from the Exhaust-gns scrubbing equipment MakefType: .....sprinkler (Garbarino pumps)
tank top and upw;uds, good stability is achie\>00 while MaJ1ufacturcr· .... ...................... Alfa Lavai Engine room: ....... ............. .. .. ... ... .. .... -
mamt:linJng maximum loading flexibility bctw,~1 the Type : .. .. .. .. Pure SOx Single-inlet hybrid MnlmfTypo: ............................ HP C0 1 Unitor
different types of cargo. On mnin engines: .. . .. .. . .. .. ...... ... .. . Yes Vt!hicle spaces: ............................................ .
On auxiliary engines: ... ..... .................. ... . No Make/Type: ...... sp rinkler (Garbarino pumps)
With their superior capacity and Ocxibility these Radars x 3
new vessels are an Important nnd Umely innovation Type: ......... ...... ..........Exhaust and oil 1ired Make: .. ..... ........... ... .... ........ . ........ F11runo
for the industry. MnkA ..• Kanggrl111 Heavy l11uustries Co. Ltd. Model(s ) Radar S FArl 28378:
Output. eneh boiler: ................... 2,000 kg/hr Radar X FAR ............... 28?7; Radar X Far 2817
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS and 2 .t>OO kg/hr Waste d isposal µ;an!
I .ength oa: ......... 296m Other cranes x 1 Sowage plant
Length hp ....... .. ?8/m Mi'!l<e: .. Ningbo Kairong Ship Make: ... ..................CSSC Narjing Lu..:hou
Greadtt1 moulded: ............. 37.6m lvlact1inery Co .Ltd Mnchinn Co ..
Deplh moulded Mooring equipment Contract date: ................................ 20 July 20 12
To main deck: ..... .......................... . .. 14rn Nulllber: .. 2 mooring stations (4 winch aft, 2 Launch/:'loat-out df.ltc: .............. 24 Marcf1 2014
To upper deck: .. 22.9bm fV'Jd + 2 nncho; I mooring) Delivery date: .••. ... . .. ..... 27 Octohor ?O I:,,

16 SK;~!•K.:ANT S•nPS OF 2015


,NASIA has a mission of 'reinforcing the competitiveness of on shore, off shore plant/marine equipm1
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: I · !i l :·111: I! !:q l

The Royal Institution of Naval Architects

Call for Papers

The work of naval architects and marine engineers directly influence the operability and
safety of the vessel and the seafarer. Decisions made at the design stage can influence human
behaviour and health. And an improved understanding of ergonomics by engineers can 'design
out' hazards and prevent incidents, both to the individual and the vessel.

With ever more complex systems and technology, greater improvements in safety can be
' ' achieved through a better understanding of human/system dynamics. A greater awareness
of the role played by management structures, culture, procedures and regulation in safe and

~ ~\ ;~. tI -:y J..f effective operation is also important to the effective running of the vessel and wellbeing of the


'~'7 i.~
•,, - - -. \ .

I \ .·
- To submit a a paper, visit the website or contact the RINA Conference Department:

' 8 - 9 Northumberland Street,


.... . '

London, WCZN 5DA

........._, ' ~ ,.,
~ ,1' Tel: +44 (0)20 7235 4622 Ext: 331
"' , <'I·~ Fax: +44 (0)20 7259 5912
· ,'."'.

The Royal Institution of Naval Architects

One Day Seminar

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are an increasingly important part of a company's value. As developed countries move to
knowledge based economies, protection of IPR becomes both more difficult and more important for designer, particularly
in a more competetive market. In a global marketplace, international protection of IPR is complex and generally not well
understood in se<:tors of the maritime industry.

The one-day Seminar on IPR and the Naval Architect will provide designers, and others involved in the marine industry,
with an understanding of IPR law and the extent to which it protects inventions and designs. The seminar will consist of a
number of sessions in which presentations on various aspects of IPR will be given by experts and practictioners, followed by

Session 1: Patents, copyrights and other forms of IPR protection.

Session 2: Scope of protection in a global industry
Session 3: Using IPR.
Session 4: Case studies
Session 5: Panel discussion
To register, visit the website or contact the RINA Conference Department:
8 - 9 Northumberland Street, London, WCZN 5DA, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7235 4622 Ext: 331 Fax: +44 (0)20 7259 5912 Email:
Out puL each boiler: . .... ..... . . ..... 8,000 kg,ih
Other cranes
Number: ...................... 1 set(Monorall crane)
Make: ......... Dongnam Marine Crane Co. Ltd
Type:....... .... .. ................. Electric-Hydraulic
- Capacity · .................... .......... 12.5 tonnes
- Lifting heigh! ..................................... 45m
• Hoisting speed 10/5 m/mln (by 2ncl layer)
- Transvers1ng speed: .................... 7m/m111
Number: ....................2 sets(Provision crane)
Make: ......... Dongnam Marine Cra ne Co. Ltd
Type: .............. ....... ....... . Electric-Hydra ulic
• Capacity .......................... ............ 4 tonnes
• Working Radius : ..... Max 10.Sm -Min.3 Orn
Mooring e q uipment
Number: ... 16set (Upper deck !award. 8 sets/
Mooring deck aft: .... ....... .. .. ...... .. 8 se1s)
Make: .. .. .. ........... _ ......... . . Towimor S.A
Special lifesaving equipment
(eg MES. free-fall lifeboats)
Number of each and capacity: ........... 2 sets,
35 persons
Make: Hyundai Lifeboats
fype: Davit Launched Type
Hatch covers

BARZAN: Containership Manufacturer: ............ ................... Macgregor

Type (upper deck/olher decks): ........ Weather
Deck Hatch Covers. Lift-Away type
Shipbuilder: ........................... Hyundai Sam ho To other decks: .. ....... .. 20 7 44m(2nd deck) Lengths: .................... ISO standard container
Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Width of double skin Heights: .................... ISO standard container
Vessel's name: ..................................... Bsrzan Side: ............................................._.... 2.50m Gett guides: ............. Mixed (random) storage
Hull No: ..................... ... . . ................... 8746 Bottom: ..... .. .... ... 2.60m {Above Base Line)
Total TEU capacity:
Owner/Operator: .......... ..................... .... UASC Draught
On deck: . ... .. ... ..... ... ....... ... . 11,654 TEU
Country: .............................................. Kuwait Scantling: ............................ 16m (Moulded)
Designer: ..._.... _.. ,. .......Hyundai Samho Heavy Design: ................... ..... 14.50m (Moulded) In holds: . ........ ....................... 8.216 TEU
Industries Co., Ltd. Gross: . ............ .. . .......................... 19, 5636gt Homogeneously loaded to 14tonnes: ..... 14T
Country: ............... ............ ... Republic of Korea Displacement: ..... 257,947gt {at scantling draught) "11676TEU+ 2sT·931FEU
Model test establishment used: ............. HSVA Lightweight: ....................................... 58,203gl Tiers/rows (maximum)
Flag: ............... ................. ... ....... .... ....... Malta Deadweight On deck: .. .... .......... . 11/23
!MO number: .............. .................. ..... 9708851 Design: ............ .......... __ ,............... 170.658t In holds: 11/2 1
Total number of sisler ships already Scantling: ................................... 199,744t Ballast control system
completed (excluding ship presented ): ........ 3 Block co-efficient ... .. .. ............... ........ 0.6989 Make: .. Kongsberg
Total number of sister ships still on order: ...... 5 (al scantling draught) Type: ...........,........................._.
Speed, service (- 'YoMCA output): ........ 21knots Water ballast Treatment System
(Beaufort 3) Make: ..... .... . Panasia
l)nn'i111 is the first in tlk' series of six 18,SOOTEU 3
Container capacity (TEU) Capacity: .. .. 1200m /hr
D contniner carriers ordered by Unit~'l.I Arab Shipping On deck/hatch (11tior): ............. 11.654 TEU Complement
Company (SAG). TI1e vessel was delivcrctl from In hold: .. 8,216 TEU Officers:... . . ............................. 13
Hyundai S.1mho Heavy Industries Cci. IJd (HSJ-11) 10 Toral ............ .. . 19.870 TEU Crew: . ......................................... 19
Unllt'Ct Arab Shipping Company on 8 M:1y 2015. Bunkers (m ) Stern appendages/special rudders: ... Becker
811rz1m is LheMt wssel lo t~1c n shnfi gcncrnior an~ Heavy oil: ..................................... 8859.6 mJ Twisted Rudder with Bulb.
wustc heat recovery (Wl-IR) ~'}'S!ern 10 lncrca,>;e the 101111 Diesel oil: .................... . ............ 1158.4 m~ Bow thruster(s)
<>f11cie11cy of the plnnl, which is a11to1nulla\lly activaled Water ballast (m3 ): . .................. .. . ... 50.793.3 m3 Kawasaki Heavy Ind. Ltd
b)• n Power Mm1agemen\ SysMn ot r !SH I. Surplus Containerships - water ballast in loaded
Number: ..... ... .. .2sels
WHR energy cnn be used for propulsion via a shaft condition (tonnes): ............. 37.562.2tonnes
Output (each): abou t444kN
mowr. Energy from tbenuxlhary engine cnn be used to Daily fuel consumption (lonnes/day)
boosl the ship speed whm required lor navigntion. 111e Main engine only: ...... 161.?g/kW.h + 5% at MCR Bridge control system
WI IRS sys1em is C(}mposcd or n power llU'bine, steam C!assi1ication society and notations: ......... DNV. Make: .................... ............ ......... Kongsberg
rurbinc and turbine generator ror electric power + 1A 1 Container carrier, BIS, BWM(T}, Is bridge fitted for one-m an operation? ....... YES
production. '!he tn..J< oflhe power man.1gemem system Clean,OG(P). EO. Gas ready(AEl.D Fire detection system
(PMS) L~ In tlelh-aelcdticil powc>r for all consumers on ,MEC,S), HMON (A1,C1.G4). Mal<e .. ... Consilium
lhe ship. fn order to perform the tllik PMS controls the NAUT(OC), NAUTICUS Type: .. ............... BS-420M
auxiliary cngine(s) and pl~~sibly a shaft generator and/or (Newbuilding), Shore power. Fire extinguishing systems
a WlfR system. Safelash, TMON Cargo holds: ........ ........... co,
Other distinctive features of Barzan include a Main engine(s) Make/Type: ........... .. NK Co.Ud
Recker rudder with bulb, Becker LwiNted fins and a Design: ...................... HYUNDAI-MAN B&W Engine room: .... .... co2
hull sl reS-" moniloring system. Model: ........... .... .... . ......... 10S90ME-C10.2
Make/Type: NK Co.Ud
UASC has been currently lmplcmenling \)tlC or the Manufacturer: ................................ HHt-EMD
industi'}"s lnrgllstand ruosl lechr1ologl011Jy ndvana:d new Number: ....... ................. ............... ONE(1) Cabins: .............................. . ................ ..
buUding ~rogrnm111cs, wilh 1711c-wVCS!iclsonorder;s1xof Type of fuel (eg, HFO or MOO): ...... HFO. MGO Make/Type: ....... .. Portable fire exting uisher
1s,soornu and eleven 1s.ooomu contaJJ1Crships. Output of each eng ine: ...... 61,000 kW X 84 rpm Public spaces:
UASC's v-.:sscl designs have been dcvclopt'<i \\~th a (Two stroke. Crosshead. Turbocharg ed) Make/Type: .. ....... Portable fire extinguisher
focus on oost clliciency mld enhanced environmental Propeller(s) Radars
friendliness. These v~ will be: the lirst ultra large Material: .. .. ... ................ ........ Ni.Al.Bronze Number: .... __ ..,, ............. " ··· ..... .. ........ 2
conlainershipsin the industry to bcdcllvcl"l."1 'I.NG ready; Designer/Manufacturer: .. ............. HHl-EMD Mal<e: .. ............. .... ...... .... .... .. Kongsbcrg
IO enable dual fuel (the llie orbolh traditional hrovy fuel Number: ....... .... ................................. 1 set
Integrated bridge system: ....................... Yes
oil a.~ well as liquefied ~ or LNG fud), which is Fixed/Controllable pitch: .. ... ... Fixed pitch
<!Xpt."l'.:!ed to signiliGJntly reduce etwiroumental impacts Diameter: ........................... ........... 10.4 m Model: ................ ......... ............. Kongsberg
1md reduce fuel rosts. Pinal CJlcukulons lndlc.ltc an EEDI Speed: .................. ............ ............... 72 rpm Incinerator
(Energy Efficii;ncy Design Index) V'.ilue Ulal is dose to Diesel-driven alternators Make: ... HMMCO
50% below the 2025 limit set O)'IMO. Number: ............ ................................ ...... 5 Model: .. Sludge oll & solid
Engine make/type: ........... Nishishiba Electric waste burning type
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Ou Iput/speed of each set: .............. 4, 140kW Sewage plant
Length oa: ......... .................. ............ ..... 400m (3 sets)/ 3 ,220kW(2 sels) AT 720 RPM
Make: ..... ..... ILSEUNG
Length bp: .................................... ..... ... .. 383m Boilers
Breadth moulded: ................ ................ . 58.60m Number: ....... .......................... .............. 1 set Model: .......... . .................... Biological Type
Depth moulded Type: . .................. Aulomalic, Forced draft, Con tract date : .. ..................... _ .29 August 20 13
To main deck: .. ... ... ........... ... . ..... . ..... 30.60m Heavy fuel oil burning, Marine boiler Launch/float-our date: . . .... 26 February 20 15
To upper deck: ............................ .. 30.60m M ake: .................... Alfa Laval Delivery d ate: ................................. 8 May 2015


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CIELO D'ITALIA: Handy-cape bulk carrier
Shipbuilder: .................Sanoyas Shipbuilding TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Boilers
Corporation Length oa: ....................... .. 245m Number: .......................... ................ 1 set
Clelo d'llalis Breadth moulded : ............ 43m Type: ..................................... OSV2-80/70-23
............. 1315 Depth moulded: ....... . 21 .6m Make: ............... Osaka Boiler MFG Co. Ltd.
.. d' Amico Dry Limited To main deck: ....................... 21.6m Output, each boiler: ......Oil burning 800kg/h .
Country: ................................................ Ireland To upper deck: ....... ... 21.6m Exh. gas 700kg/h at NCR
Designer: Sanoyas Shlpbuildlng Corporation Width of double skin Other cranes
Country: .. ........... .................... ............... Japan Bottom: ......... 2.24m Number: ......... ......_.......................... 3 sGts
Model test establishment used: ... Shlpbulldlng Draught Make: .................. .. .. .Kyoritsu Kikai Co.Ltd.
Research Centre of Japan Scantling: 15 60m Type: ............Electric motor driven fixed davit
Flag: .. .. Panama Gross: ... .. 63,087gt Tasks: .......Engine parts, provision handling,
IMO number: .. .. .. ......... 9539274 Deadweight hose handling
Total number of sister ships Scantling: 117,438dwt Perf0<mance: ...........3.Stonnes I Working radius
already COOl)leted (exdudlng ship presented): ...o Speed, service 13.32m-4 Sm 4.0lonnes I Working radius
Tolal number of sister ships still on order: .. . . . 2 (85 %MCA output) 14.5knots with 3.4m 0.5tonnes I Working radius 1.2m
15% sea margin Mooring equipment
Cargo capacity (m ) Number: .... ... ............ . ..... Windlass 2 sets I
tnlinn owner and oper-.uor d'Amico group took
Ibulkdelivery of its new hm1dy cape t t7,000dw1 dry
carrier on February 3 20 IS. The C!ELO
Bale: Grain: .......
Bunkers (m3 )
135,000m3 Mooring winc h 6 sets
Make: .......... Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.
Heavy oil: ...................................... 2,260rn 3 Type : ....................... Electro-hydraulic driven
0'/'11\ UA was built oL Sanuyns Shipbuilding Diesel oil: .... , ................................. 760m3 Special lifesaving equipment
Coqiontlion's shipyard In Mlzusl1illrn, J11pan. Water ballast (rn3) : .. ... ..... ... 56,000m" (incl.No4 Number of each and capacity: . .......... 1set x
The 2tJSm long amJ43m wide ship Is the result of hold ballast) 30 persons
n multi-year collaborntion between the C(lmpan ie.~ Classification society Make: .... ... .. ... .. ....... . Fassmer Marland Ltd
who worked very clo~cly to design a ~nip and notations: ......... ... AMERICAN BUREAU Type: ....................... .. Free fall enclosed type
charncrcriied by ex:u·emely effective design OF SHIPPING +Al.Bulk Carrier, Hatch covers Design: .... MacGregor Japan
particulars, with emphasis on the ~nvironment BC-A(holds 2.4 and 6 Manufacturer: ................... MacGregor Japan
and energy efficiency, and capable of reducing may be empty). E ,+AMS, Water ballast Treatment System
consumption and ernis~iOn6 by 20% compared
with uthl'r ships operating in the same segment. +ACCU,AB..CM,CSR,GRAB(20), Make: ............. Headway Technology Co Ltd.
Over the years, the project born in 2008 PMA,ESP,CPS.CRC.RW.TCM. Complement
underwent several rev1slons by d'Amico Grou·p UWILD.ENVIRO,GP,BWT,POT Officers: .............. .. .... - ....................... 1o
with the nim of further lmpnwlng the cflkicncy Main engine(s) Crew: ..................... .. .......................... 15
pronle of the handy-cape vessels nv~ilnble tlll the Design: .......... ............... . Mitsui Engineering Stern appendages/special rudders: ........... STF
murkc1. Thauks to the work nf th e l wo 1cd111lcal & Shipbuilding Co.Ltd. (Sanoyas Tandem Fin)
offices M well as that of the trading company Model: .................. MAN B&W 6G60ME-C9.2 Fire detection system
Mitsui & Co., in 2013 the 8hir was completely Manufaclurer: .... ........... Mitsui Engineering & Make: ................. . .... Nohmi Bosal Ltd
redesigned nnd equipped with a latest generation Shipbuilding Co.Ltd. Fire extinguishing systems
rull y electronic engine system, that foalures Number: ................... ............. ............ 1 set Cargo holds: ............... Make!rype: Seawater
Jmomatic control for optimizing consumption. Type of fuel: ...... ............ .............. HFO or MDO Engine room: . Make!rype: Seaplus Co.Ltd./
Safety features exceed the requirements of Output of each engine: .... .. ... MCA 11.01 OkW x High expansion foam
111ternatiom1l bodies, thus a.ntk1p.1ting industry 77.0min-1 fire extinguishing system
standards that will become effectlv!' in the coming Propeller(s) Cabins: .......................Make/Type: Seawater
years. Material: . .. .. . ........ Ni-Al-BRONZE Public spaces: ....•...... Make/Type: Seawater
The choice of d'Amico Group to focus on the Designer/Manufacturer: .............. Nakashima Radars
construction or two new generation handy-cape Propeller Co.Ltd. Number: .............. . sets
vessels was molJvaled by tile venalility of this type Number: ....... .......... . Make: Furuno Electric Co Ltd
ufvcss~l, which is larger thnn the 1radillu11al Post- Fixed/Controllable pitch: Model(s) FAR-28378,FAR-2827
Pnm1mnx vessels Lbough smnllcr lhnn a Cnpeslze. Diesel-driven alternators Waste disposal plant
·r11 i~ vcrsaLil lty i.t1 terms or size and loadable Number: ................... ...................... - .. 3 sets Incinerator
capndty ~ llows for multiple use ns rego rd$ bolh I he Engine make/type: . .... STX Engine Co. Ltd./ 4 Make: ............................. Volcano Co Ltd.
typt' ur goods transported and the rout.cscovered. cycle diesel engine Model: ..... ............ VIRM-50/Sewage plant
l)'/\1111.:o Dry. r.he company thnl wil l opt:mte I.he Type of fuel: .................... ... ..... HFO or MOO Make: ...... .Taiko Kikai Industries Co. Ltd.
vc~sel, Is expected to use It for the transportation of Oulput/speed of each set: .. 780kW / 720min- t Model: .... ..................... ........ .... SBH-25
rmv mnterinls, moin ly coal and minerals, to Alternator make/type: ........ .....Hyundai Heavy Contract date: ............ ....... .... -· . ... 3 April 2008
increase tbe profitability nnd nmrkct ottrnctivencss Industries Co. Ltd Launch/float-out date: ........ 21 November 201 4
or its international routes. Outpul/speed of each set: ... 700kW / 720 min-1 Delivery date: ......... ........... 3 February 2015

22 SIGNl~lCANT SMIPS Of' 2015

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131 A !NDll::I OlON
NOIJ.03S 010H
CMA CGM ARKANSAS: Containership
Shipbuilder: ......... Samsung Heavy Industries Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) Total TEU capacity: .................... 9,896TEU
Vessel's name: ................. CMA CGM Arkansas Main engine only: ........ 150 tonnes/day at NCRl On deck: .. ............... ............ 6,238TEU
Hull No: ................. - .... ............ .......... ... SN2111 Classification soc iety and notations: . . ... Bureau In holds: .. ......................... 3,658TEU
Owner/Operator: .................. BCLC I CMA CGM Veritas I, XHull, XMach, Homogeneously loaded
Country: ....................................China I France Container Ship Unrestricted lo 14tonnes: .. .... ...... ... .. 5,480TEU
Designer: ......... Samsung Heavy Industries Navigation XVeriSTAR-Hull, Reefer p lugs: ................... 1,400FEU (880FEU
Country: .................................. ............... Korea CPS(WBD. INWATERSURBEY, on deck/ 520FEU in hold)
Model test establishment used: ........ ..... SSMB Ll-HG-S2, BWT, GREEN PASSPORT, Tierslrows {maximum)
(Samsung Ship Model Basin) PROTECTED FO TANK. On deck: . ................. ......... ... .. 10/19
Flag: ............. . Liberian XAut-UMS, XSYS·NEQ-1, In holds: ................... ..... .... .... . 9/17
IMO number: ................... . 9722651 ERS-S, MON-SHAFT Hold reirigeration system: ........... Air cooling
Total number of sister ships % high-tensile steel used in construction: .....75 % Doors/ramps/lifts/moveable car decks
already completed (excluding Heel control equipment: ....... 1/ 1,200 m3/h x 14 Number of each: .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 2 pilot doors
ship presented): .......................... .............. 2 mwc, Anti-heeling pump Type: .................... Sliding & electro hydraulic
Total number of sister ships still on order: ...... 4 Main engine(s) x 1 Designer: .................................... BY Controls
Design: ................ . ....... Man Diesel & Turbo Water ballast Treatment System
Model: ....... . ............... .. ..... 8S90ME·C9.2 Make: ............. .............................. Alia Laval
his vessel is chartered to CMA CGM. The
T CGM ARKANSAS was built Jn accordance with
the latest marine engim.-erlng llevclopments and
CMA Manu facturer: ..................... Doosan Engine
Type of fuel: ..... .................... HFO & MOO
Capacity: . . ........................ .... ... 1.000m /h

Output of each engine, ............. 45,300kW Oflicers: ..............-.............................. .. 15

IMO shipping staodanls, including the most up-lo- Propeller{s) Crew: . ...... .. .. ..... .. .. .. ............... 13
date features emphasismg l'COllOllly .md safety. Material: .. .. ... .. .. ... ... ..... .. Ni-Al bronze
·111e ve>-sd js equlpped w!Lh h1gh-efficlcncy engine SuezJAepai r Crew: ....... _. ............-. .. .. 6
Designer/Manufacturer ..............SHI I MMG Single/doub le/other rooms: . ... .. ....... 29
and energy saving devices LO unprove the propulsion Number- ............................. ............. 1
of this 9,8%TEU class container earner. Bow thruster(s) x1
Fixed/Controllable pi1ch: .... ................ Fixed Make: .... .......................... . Kawasaki
'r11e vessel has a twin Island Je.~ign with forwarJ Diameter: ...... ................................. 900mm
accommodation and oft engine casing in order to Output (each)· ..................... .......... 3,000kW
Speed: .................... ........................... 84rpm Bridge control system
mnx.lmise the nominal i:'npadty between two Islands. Diesel-driven alternators x 4
It hti$ a hlgher la~hi11g bridge wl1h lhrcc f.icrs tu Make: ............................................. Sam sung
Engine make/type: ...... .. ..... Doosan Engine/ Type ............................................... SSAS
nccon1modatc a high level of conl;llner stacks Oil deck 2x9L32/40. 2x7L32/40
nnd more than tk·n; of cnntnlncr sl01cks can Is bridge iitted for one-man operatio n? ..... .Yes
Type of fuel: ...................... ..... HFO & MOO
be loa<lecl. Fire detection system
Output/speed of each set: ..... .. 2 x 4,SOOkW, Make ... .. .................... ............... Consllium
Another feature is an enhanced dual level container 2 x 3.SOOkW
lashing system and robust conlaim:r hatch cover to Type: ............................... Addressable type
Alternator make/type: . .. ......... Hyundai/ HSJ7
secur~ heavier container cnrgo M.1cks on deck. Fire extinguishing systems
Output/speed of each set: ............4,300kW x 2.
The ship Is filled with 11 high·cfficicncy cngme ~nd Cargo holds. .................... ........ .... ..
energy saving devices. sud1 as a star propeller and 3 ,300kW x 2 / 720rpm
Boilers x 1 Make/Type. " ................... " ... NK/CO,
rnbber bulb. in order to reduce fuel consumption and Engine room ............... .. .. ... .. ....
gas emissions. Type: .. .. . ... ... Composite boiler
Make: .. ... .............. Kangrim Make/Type. ............ .... NK I CO /Sea water
It is built lo a CleanShip and Green Passport design Cabins· . ... ............................... .
and a ballast water treatment system i~ lltted. Output, each boiler: ... .. 3.5tonnes/h I
3 5tonnes/h x 6K Make/Type: ................... NK I C02 /Sea water
Other cranes x 3 Public spaces: ............................ :.............. ..
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Make/Type: .. ............. ..... NK I C02 /Sea wa1er
length oa: .................................. Approx . 299rn Make: .................Oriental
Type: ...... .. 2 · Electro hydraulic & Jib. 1 - Radars x 3
Length bp: ....................................... . .,. 286m Make: ............... Wartsila (L3 Marine System)
Breadth moulded: ................. .... .............. 48 2m Electric & Monorail
Tasks: ...... ...... 2 . Provision handling, 1 • E/R Modet(s): ........................... NACOS Pla tinum
Depth moulded ln1egrated bridge system: ........................ Yes
To main deck; 25m equipment handling
Performance: ......... 2 - 12.5 tonnes, 1· 4tonnes Make: .. ............ Wartsili!i (L3 Marine System)
To upper deck: ..... 25m
Mooring equipment x 9 Model ............................ NACOS Platinum
To other d ecks: ....... 20.3m/15.6m/4.8m
Make: ............ .:. .. ....................... Towimor Waste disposal plant
Width oi double skin
Type (electricftiydraulie/steam) : ........ Electric waste handled: ......................... .. . Crane
Side:............ . ...... .. ... ................ ......... 2.4m
Bottom: ................................................... 2.2rn Special lifesaving equipment Incinerator
Draught (eg MES, free-fall hfeboats} Make: .................................. .... Kangrim
Scantling: .............. .............................. 14.Sm Number of each and capacity: ...... .. ... .. 2 for
Design: ... .................................. .......... 12.5m 30 persons Model: ... . . KFB-738
Gross: ...................... ..... ......... ............ 94,000gt Make: .... ... ..................................... Hateche Waste compactor
Deadweight Type ......... ................... .......... Conventional Make: .... Owner supply
Design. ......... . .... ....................... 86,000dwt Hatch covers
Scan\llr)g: ................... ............... 110,000dwt Design: ............. ......... .,. ........................ SMS Model: ......................... ..... Owner supply
Speed, service (85 % D 1MCR Manufacture r: ..... Samsung Heavy Industries Sewage plant
output, 15% S.M.): 22knots at Ts Type (upper deck/other decks): ...... Upper deck Make: ........................... .............. II Seung
Bunkers (m'1) Containers Model: ........................................ ISS·43N
Heavy oil: .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. ... ............. .... 7 ,500m Lengths: .................. ................ 6,05Bmm Contract date: ..................... November 20 2014
Diesel oi l: ........... .............. .......... .. 1,000m3 Heights .... ................. ...... .......... 2,591 mm Launch/float-out date: .. ............. March 2 1 2015
Water ballast (m3) : .. ... .. ............ .... 30.300m" Cell guides: ..................... ..... 150 m m E.A. Delivery d ate: .............................. July 30 2015


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CMA CGM KERGUELEN: Containership

Sl1lpbuilder: ... .. ... Samsung Heavy Industries Speed, service (90%MCn output, Containers
Vesse l's name: .............. CMA CGM Kergue/en 15% S.M.)............................. 23.Sknots al Td Lengths........................................ 6.0o8mm
Hull No: ............................... ............. SN2092 Bunkers (m3 ) ., Heights: ...... .... ... ...... ............... 2,591 rnm
Owner/Operator: ....... .................... CMA CGM Heavy O!I: ............................. .. ... 13,400m~ Cell guides: ............................... 150rnmE.A.
Country: ... ....................... ... .............. France Diesel 011: ""j" .. . ... ... ...................... 600m 3 Total TEU capacity . ................. 17.554TEU
Designer: ............. Samsung Heavy Industries Waler ballast (m ): .................. 50,500m On deck: ...... ..... .... ..... ....... 10,?.0STEU
Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) In holds: . .. ..................... 7,346TEU
Country: .............. ................................... Korea Homogeneous~loaded
Model lest establishment used: ....... ... SSMB Mam engine only . .... .. . ..... 228.2 tonnes
/day at NCR to 14 tonnas: ....... ................. 10,262TEU
(Samsung Ship Model Basin) Reefer plugs: t, 254 FEU (On deck)
Classification society and notations: ...... Bureau
Flag: ... ........................................... Bahamas Veritas Hull. Mach. Conlainer Ship Tiers/rows (maximum)
IMO number: ................. ...... ............. 9702132 Unrestric ted Navigation Aut-UMS, On deck: ..................... .............. .. .. 11/21
Total number of sister ships a lroady Aut-Port.MON-SHAFT, Lashing, In holds: .. ........ ......................... ... 1 t/'t9
completed {excluding ship presented): ....... 2 ALP, In Water Survey. SDS, Hold refrigeralion system: ..... ...... ..No reefer
Total number of sister ships s till on order: ....... O CleanShlp(C). Green passport. container in hold
FORS NS. VeriSTAR-HULL DFL25 years Doors/ramps/lifts/moveable car decks
% high-tensile steel used in construction:... 75% Number of each .. ................. 2 Pilot doon;
,-WA CGM KERGUBLRN is the largest Heel control equipment· ........ 1/ 1,500rn'/h x 15 Type· ......... . Sliding & electro hydraulic
\...tconlainer,;hip in CMA-CGM's tleet. Tt was mwc. Anti-heeling pump Designer. . .. ... .... .. .. .. .... .. .. . BY Controls
cr.mstructcd in accordance with the latest marine Main engine(s) x 1 Water ballast Tr1iatment System
Design: . ... .................. MAN Diesel & Turbo Mako: ............ ........................... Alfa La~al
englnccru1g developments und !MO sWpping Capacity: .... , .... ..................... 2.000m /h
stundards. The ship bcnrnts from lhc lolcsf Model: ...... ,... ...... .............. 11S90ME-C9.2
clcvclopmcnts for safoty ;iml economy, and has n11
lncr~nsed tnstle helgl1t for Improved c:ipacity.
Manufacturer: ........ ...... . ...... Doosan Engine
Type of fuel : ..................... ....... HFO & M OO
Co~ffi~:r~n.~...... ........................................ 24
Output of each engine: ................. 54,519kW Crew: ................................................ 1G
T he vC'ssel has adopted hlgh·cftktency engine nnd Suez/Repair Crew: .... ............................ 7
Propeller(s) x 1
encrgx saving devices In order 10 drive lhls Single/double/other rooms: ............. 34 / 3 /?.
Material: ...... .. ...... .... ... . .... Ni-Al brom:e
17,S54TEU da.-.s container cnrrier. Dosigner/Manufacturer: ............SHI I MMG
Number of cabins: ................................. 39
It has a three tier lashing bridge to accommodate Bow thruster(s) x 2
Fixed/Controllable pitch: . .... .. .. ... .. ... . Fixed Make: ... . ......... ... .. .. ................... Kawasaki
a highior level of container stucl<s on deck and iu Diamete r: ............. ................ - . 10,200rpm
total eleven tiers of container stacks can be loaded. Output (each): ................................. 1,900kW
Speed: ......................... ........... ... 80rpm Bridge control system
It features an enhanced dual level container Diesel-driven alternators x 4 Make: ............... Wartsila (L3 Mi:irine System)
lashing system and robust container hatch covers to Engine make/type: ... HHI I HIMSEN 8H32/40 Type: ......... .......................... NACOS Platinum
secure heavier co1tl11i.ner cargo stocks on deck. x 2. 6H32/40 x 2 ls bridge fitted for oni:i-man operation? ........ YAs
T he vessel uses the latest dcvclopmet1ls fo r Typo of fuel : ............... .......... HFO and M DO Fire detection system
economy a11d safety anJ adopted high-cffici<:ncy Output/speed of each set: ........ 4,000kW x 2. Make: .......... ........ ..................... Consi lium
engine nnd energy saving devices, such as a Star 3.000kW x 2 Type: ................. .. .... .. .. Addressable type
Propeller and rubber bulb In order 10 reduce fu~I Allerna tor make/type: ........... Hyundai/ HSJ7 Fi re exlingwsh1ng systems
consumption and gas cmis.,ion.s. Output/speed of each set: ........3,800kW x 2. Cargo holds: .. .. .. .... .. .......................... ..
It has applied the O~Sbip and Green Passport 2,800kW x 2 I 720rpm Make/Type: .. .... ..... .. ............... NK/C02
designs. and bas a Past Oil R.ecovcry System and Boilers x 1 Engine room . .. .. .. ... ... .................... .... ..
Bnllost WJter Treatme11t System in order to reduce Type: .......................... . .................... Oil fired Make[fypa: ............. . NK/CO,Sea wator
Make: ............- ..... ........................ Alfa Lavnl Cabins: ................................... ......... ....... ..
h11nn ful oil or spedcs from the ship. Output. each boiler: .. ...-.......... 5.5tonnes/h Make/Type: .................. . ... NK/Sea water
Ot11er cranes x 3 Public spaces: .............. .......... .......... ....... .
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Make: ................................................Oriental MakefType: ......................... NK/Sea watAr
Length oa: ............. ..................... Approx. 398m Type ... .............. .. 2 • El<Jc tro hydraulic & Jib, Radars x 3
Length bp: .. ............................ ...... ........... 380rn 1 · Electric & Monorail Make ............... Wartsila (L3 Marine Sysliam)
Breadlh rnoulded: . ........ ""'"· .. ............... 54m Tasks: ........ . 2 - Provision handling. I - E/R Model(s): ............................ NACOS Platinum
Oopth moulded equipment handling Integrated b ridge system: .. .... ...... ... .. .. ... Yes
To main deck:......... .............................. 30m Performance: .. .. 2 • 12.5tonnes. 1 - 4tonnes Make: ............... Wc'.lrlsita (L3 Marine System)
To upper deck: ...................................... 30m Mooring equip ment x 12 Model: .......................... NACOS Platinum
Width of double skin Make: ....... ... ... ..... ...... .... ...... ... ... Towimor Waste disposal plant
Side: ....... ......... ...... ............................ 2.7m Type (electric/hydraulic/steam): ........ Electric Wasti:i compactor
Bottom: ..... ......................................... 2.4m Special lifesaving oquipmenl Make: ............. ,........................... ... . Me los
Draught Number of each and capacity: .................. 2, Model: ........................................ UMCC·4
Scan tling: .............................................. 16m
SeM~~~:~.,........... ........--..... Wartsili\
40 persons 1
Design: ............ ........................... ....... 14.Sm Make: .. ..... ........... ..... .......... -· Hateche
Gross: ...... ....................................... 175.000gt Type: .......... ...... .......... ........... Conventional Model: . ......... . ............. ST1 AC/ST02
Deadweight Hntch cover design: ................................... SMS Contract date: .... .. .. .... . .. ...... August 7 2007
Design: . ........................ ..... ... 159.000dwt Manufacturer: ..... Samsung Heavy lndL1Stries Launch.llloat·out date: ...... Decernl.ler 30 2014
ScanHing ....................... ..... .. 186,000dwl Type (upper deck/othet docks): .... Upper de<;k Delivery date: .... .. .. ........... M arch 31 20 t5

26 S l(iNlrlCANT SI llPS OF 2015

AL-KHALID: Product oil/chemical tanker
Shipbuilder: .............................. STX Offshore Bunkers (m"} Coated tanks: ... .. International Paint Korea
& Shipbuilding Co.Ltd. Heavy oil: .. .,...... .. ... ... 1.564m3 Type : ........................... ..... .... . Pure-epoxy
Vessel's name: .............. .. D&K Abdul Rszzak Gas oil: ..... .......... .. .... .... 310m~ Cargo pumps
Khalid Zaid Al·Khalld Water ballast (m3 ) ... . .. . ...... ....... 20.806 .1m' Number: ............... ................. 13 sets +1 sel
Hull No: ........... ..... .. ... ...... ........ .... $1636 (including AP.TK) (portable cargo pump)
Owner/Operator: ..... . . D&K Holdings LLC. Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) Type: ........... ...... . . ........... Submerged type
Designer: .......... STX Offshore Main engine only: .. appx 21 19 tonnes/day Make. ..... ......... .. ···········-······ ....... Framo
& Shlpbullding Co.Ltd. Classification society and notations: ....... .. LR Stainless steel: .. .. ..... ........... .. Yes
Country: .... ...... ........ .. .. Republic of Korea + 1ODA1 Doub!~ Hull Oil and Chemi· Capacity (each): .. ....... ........... ... ..... ..
Model test cal Tankel'Ship Type 2. CSR. ESP. - 12 of cargo pumps (SD200) : ... .. ... ...... 600
establishment used: ............... KRISO (Korea) ShipRight(CM.ACS(B)).'IWS, LI. SPMtl, m% x 125 mlc
Flag: ..................................... Marshall Islands ECO(BWT,CRM.SEEMP,EEDl_2,IHM, - 2 of slop lank pumps (SD150): ................ 300
IMO number: ..... .......... .................... 9700213 P.TC)+LMC, iGS, UMS With the m:1/h x 125mlc
Total number of sister ships already Descriptivo Noles ETA.Part Higher - 1 residual pump (SD100): ..............._., _.. 100
complnted (excludingstiip presented): .... .. NII Tensile Steel, ShipRight(BWMP(T.S), m3/h x 125mlc
Total number ot sistm ships still on order: ...... 1 SERS. VESC. SCM) • 1 portable pump (TK 100) ............. ,...... .. 150
% high-tensile steel m~/h x 7Qmlc
used in construction: ............................. 45% Cargo control system
he D&K llBDUI RAZ.ZAK KHALID ZATD Main engine{s) x 1
•.<\LIDhasan overnll
a moulded breadth of 32.20111
and a moulded
of 182.90m, Model: .......... STX-MAN B&W 6G50ME-89.3
Manufacturer: . .... .. .......... STX HI Co Ltd.
Make: ..... ........... ............ ....... .... Framo
Type: ........ ............ 1 of electric control panel
+ 2 of diesel engine control panel
depth of 19.1 Om. lls service speed at design Type of fuel: ......... , . ........... . .. . HFO, MGO Ballast control system
draught is 14.Sknots at NCR powtor for the main Output of each e11gine: ........ 7.020kW 85rpm
engine with a 15% sea margin, and maximum (MGR). 5,545kW 78.6rpm (NCR) Make: ............ ................... ............ . Emerson
<leadweight is about 50,153.K<lwt 011 a scuntling Propeller(s) x 1 EA Typ8: . ....... ... Pianu type ballast control panel
dmughl of l 3.3111. Material: .. ........ ...... . ........................ Ni-Al-Br Water ballast treatment system
This vessel is a new MR tanker which has b~ton Designer/Manufacturer: . ............ Silla Metal Make: Ocean Saver
buil t in accordance with new l}' developed Fixed/Controllable pitch: ............ Fixed pitch Capacity: .......830m3/h hori7.0nlal
procedures and a formal certificate ofEEDI wifl be Diameter: ... ......... .. ............... 6.BOOmm ex proof type for upper deck
Issued. A.:cording Lo Lhto pri:-P.F.DI technical file, Diesel-driven alternators x 3 330 m'lh vertical type for E/R
ntt<1incd EEDI is 4.02g CO /tonnes-nm at the Engine make/type: ... .............STX Engine I Complement
design stage and it has attained lS.92% for required 6l23/30H Mk2 Officers: .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .... ....... .. . ... ....... ..... .... . l ·1
ll.l![)I Phase 2. Type ot fuel: .. .. ....... .......... .... HFO. MGO Crew: .. .............................. ................. 13
A mewis duel is installed on the vessel and it i~ Ou tput/speed of each set: ............... 1OSOkW Suez/Repair Crew: . ,......... .....6 Suez crew I
expected to achieve pow~r savings when compared al 900rpm 2 Shore workers
with vessds of similar size without a mt:wis duct. Alternator make/type: .... ................... Hyundai/ Bridge control system
'to allow the shipping of high -density airgo (s.g. HFC7 508-08P Moke: ...... . .... .. ... ............ .... Kongsoorg
= 1.53 t/m'} partial loading, additional stTuct uml Output/speed of eac11 set: .. . •.. 990kW/900rpm Type: . ... ......... .. ........ ..... A-CHIEF 600
reinforcement was earned out and verification of Boilers x 2 Fire detection systom ........... .... ....... Consillium
sLahilit)• was also completed. Type: ......... Auxiliary boiler. composite boiler Type: --···· ... ............... .............. CARG0/21L
Make: ....................... ......... ......... Kangrim Fire extinguishing systems
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Oulput, each boiler: .............. 16,000KG/HR. Cargo holds: sea water & deck loarn system.
Length oa: ................................... Appx. 182.9rn 1,200 X 700 KG/HR Make/Type: ... ...... ........ ........... ... NK I alcohol
Leng th bp: .. ....................................... 173.9m Cargo cranes/cmgo gear x 1 resistant foarn
Brnadth moulded: ..................... ,,.. ..... . 32 2m Make: ... ··-····" ·•······· ... ........... ...... Oriental Engine room: ...... ... C02 fire extinguishing sys
Depth mouldod Type: ........... .. .. ... ........ Electro-hydraulic Make/Type: ........... ... NK/higll pressure CO,
To main deck: .. .......- ..... ... ........ ... 19.1m Performance: .................................... 10t SWL Galley: ..........Galley hood firefighting system
To upper deck: ............................ ...... l9.1m Other cranes x1 Make/Type: ................. Sam-joo I ANSUL
Width of double skin Make: ............................................Oriental Galley C02 system
Side: ......... Type: ................. ................ Electro-hydraulic
Bottom: Tasks: ..•. ,._...... .. ......... Provision handling Make/Type: ...... ... . NK/Fixed CO, system
Draught Pertormance: .... .. . .................. 3.2t SWL Radars x sets .... ....... ..... ............ .. .. Furuno
Scantling: Mooring equipment x 6 Model(s} FAR·2B37$ I FAR-2827
Design: Make: ..... ..... ..................... ......... Rolls-Royce lntegratnd bridge system: ............................ No
Gross: ..... ...... . Type Waste disposal plant
Dead weight (electric/hydraulic/steam): .... Low-pressure Incinerator .......... .. Hyundai-Atlas Incinerator
Scantling: ..... ......... ............. . ... 50, 104MT hydraulic system Model: ....................... ..... MAXI T60Sl WS
Spel:ld. set'Vice (79 %MCA ou1put}: ...... 14.5krots Cargo tanks Sewage plant... ... ".......... .... .......... EVAC
Cargo capacity (m3 ) _ Number: 12 cargo tanks Model: ................ .............. .... ....... MBA 16C
Liquid volume: ..... .......... ...... .. .. 54,011.9m~ & two slop tanks Delivery date: .................. 22 September 2015

28 S IGNIFICANT SHll'S or ?015

--~-- ~
~ ---
-- -•>e.
)1010• I~S"AVK
DOLE PACIFIC: Reefer container carrier
Shipbuilder: ....... Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Ltd. Diesel oil: ..... ,................................... 250m3 Type . ... Free-fall type
Vessel's name: ......... ..................... Dole Pacific Waler ballast (m' }: .............................. 12,279m" Hatcl1 covers
Hull No: .................... .. .... . . . ....... 4085 Classification society and notations: .... DNV GL Design: .............................................. SMS
Owner/Operator: ...... Dole Food Company Inc. -1- 100 AS, CONTAINER SHIP. IW, Manufacturer: ..... ............ .......... ........ SMS
Co~1ntry · ..- .................................................. USA DG, LC, +MC, AUT, CM-PS Type (upper deck/other decks) .. . .. Pontoon
Designer: ........... Hyundai Mlpo Dockyard Ltd. Heel control eq uipment: ............... Anti-Heeling type
Country: ................. .................. .......... Korea Pump System Containers
Model test establishment used: .. ... .... MARIN Main engine(s) Lengths: 12.192m
Flag: ............................................... Bahamas Design: ......... ... .... ........ Hyundai-MAN B&W Heights: . . ........ 2.59 1m
IMO number: .............................. , . 9703057 Model: .......... ... .. ........ 8L70ME-C8.2 (Tier II) Cell guides: ........ .. .... ........ Fixed cell guide
Total number of sister ships Manufacturer: .. .. ... ................ Hyundai HGavy rotarFEU capacity: .. 780FEU
already completed (excluding Industry Co. Ltd. Ondeck: ........ . 382FEU
ship presented}: ....................... ................ O Number .. ... .. ....... .................. ... ... 1 In holds: ............ ....... . ............. 398FEU
Total number of sister ships still on order: ....... 2 Typeol fuel: HFO,MDO, MGO Reeler plugs: .. ..
Output of each engine: .... MCR(19,420kW x Tiers/rows (maximum)
98.3 rpm) NCR(13,632l<W x 87.4rpm} On deck: .......... .. .... ........... .. 4 / 10
~l.EPACIFJCwasdelivered to ilS0\\~1cr Dole RMS Pr<>peller( s) In holds: , .. ...... ....... ........ ... 4 / 10
L/by Hyundai Mipo L)Ocky.ud 01. Lld(HMD) in Material: ...... . ...................... ........Ni-Al-Br Ballast control system
November. ·lbe vesScl i.~ :i 170r=t.IU ~-cfor conllliner Designer/Manufacturer: ........ Hyundai Heavy Make: ... ............................ ' ......... ,SCANA
canicrwhich hnsbeen designed b)1 HMD and rcgi!i1crcd Industry Co.. Lid. Type: .. .......... ....... . . ........... Hydraulic
lll)der lhe Balmmas nng with DNV-GL dass. Number: .... , ............................................. 1 Water ballast treatment system
The vessel is ll1l oce-an going conlnincr cn1·rier wilh a Fixed/Controllable pitch: ............. Fixed pitch Make: .. ...........- ........ ·-······ ........... Pana~ia
bulbous bow, 1ransom stern, Ilush <.leek with .rnrcCllStle. Diameter: ........................................ 7,100mm Capacity: ................ ...................... 500m' /h
CoQWi~~;:n_t .. ...................... ... .... ................... 12
open W'Jter type stern frame, slnglc rudder, nnd a single Diesel-driven alterna tors
screw pmpeller driven by n slow :;pc<:d diesel engine. Number: .... 4 (2 sets. BA5693-1
Six ue~ of8'6" high containers by I() mws nthw:irtsbip & BA5693-2) Crew: . ......... ..... ....................... , .......... 15
in lhc hold nnd flve ticn; of 9'6" high contniners by I0 Engine make/type .............. HHt/8H25/33 & Suez/Repair Crew: ..... .... .................. ... 6
rows nthw.utship on engine room nl:Jovc deck and tilrec HHf/8H32140 Single/double/other rooms: ... 22 single rooms/ 6
or four tiers ofil'6~ or 9'6" high contnmer by tO rows Type of fuel: ............................- ...- ..... HFO. double rooms / 1 Suez crew room
atwartship on hatch cover.; to fie Stowed. I l1cre are four MDO, MGO Passengers
liers of 20ft containers with 8'6" high by eight rows OutpuVspeed of Total .............. ____ ........... .. ..... .. . I
each sat: .. 1,920kW/720rpm & Number of c abins: ............ .. .. ... _......... 1
.ubw:1r1.Shlp on No.2F hatch cover 10 be stowed. Cell 4,000kW/720rpm
guides to be pf'O\tjded for 40fi co111.11n..:rs in c:iigQ holds Stern appendages/special rudders:
Alternator make/lype: .. HHl/HSJ7 7 13- lOP & Bow thruster(s}
and reefer conlai~ to be loaded ln holds and on deck.I
hatch covers. HHl/HSJ7 807-10P Make: .... .... .. . .. ..... ......... KTE CO ,STD.
Output/speed of each set: ... ........ 1,820kW Number: ............................. . ...... , , ... 1
An autmnntic anti·heding ~)'>Lem Is fi11cJ 10 provide / 720rpm & 380kW/720rpm Output (each): ..................................... 1,250kW
hce1l11g compensation during co111aincr load ing/ Boilers
1111loading. lwo fresb wntlll' main ll1ws (supply :md Stern thruster(s)
Type: ....................... Aalborg OS-TCi Mal<e: ... ........ ··-····· ............. KTE CO.,STD.
return) are p1mtjdcd 111 pllSSng.: ways and bn111eh llncs to (1 set) & Aalborg XS-2V(1 set)
be led from main line by mnnunl 1"<1lws 10 cr<1ch c;ugo Number: .. ................. ....... .. . ........ .......... ·1
Type: ...... Auxiliary boi ler & exhaust gas boiler Output (each}: ................................ 1,000kW
hold for rccfur COtltniners. l\vo Sel~ of gantry I ravelling Make:.. .............. ............. . . ...... Alfa Laval
cmnes are fitted for carg11 hnndling. Bridge control system
Output, each boiler: .. (Steam Output} 3,000kg/h Make: ............... ____ ., ............. DONG-YANG
& 1,300kg/h Type: ... .................................. Normal type
Length oa: .................. .. .. .. 189.98m car,puom~ge~.... .. .. . .... . ......................... . 2
Is bridge fitted for one-man operation? ....... No
Fire detection system
Leng1h bp: -····-·············· ................... 180.7m Make: ............ Liebherr-Werk Nenz1ng GmbH
Breadth moulded: .. ...... _·---·· .... ..... 30.4m Make. .. .. ILJINANO CO.. LTD & Consthum
Type: .... .. . .................... Ganlry crane Marine AB
Depth moulded Performance. .. . ... ..... .. .... 40t x 9 6n
To main deck: ..... ..... .............. ......... . 17m Type: ... ..... ... .. .... .. 7 12 fC
Other cranes
To upper deck: . ... ....................... 17m Number: .... .. . ... ......... .......... .. .... 1 Fire extinguishing systems
Width of double skin Cargo holds· .................... .......... ... . .. ..
Make ..... Dongnam Ma~ine c;:rane Co., Ltd.
Side: ............. . ... ... . ...................... 2.34m Type: ....... Monoralt Crane(Electrtc motor driven) Make/Type .................................... NK/C0 0
Bollom: ............................................... 1.6m Tasks: ........ ....... Store & Provision Handling room: ............................................ .
Draught Performance: ............................ ·-···-··... 7 x 4m Make(Type. ... .......... .......... ........ ......... flJK/CO,
Scantling: .......................................... 10.Sm Mooring equipment Radars
Design ....................................... .......... 9. 75m Number: ............................. 6 (15 x 15m/min) Number: ................... .... 3(1S-Band/2 X-band)
Speed, service Make: ................ ................................ Hatlapa Make: ............................ " ............... ... JRC
(NCR WITH 15% S.M)· ................. ' 19.Sknots Type (electric/hydraulic/steam}: . Electro- Model(s): .......... JMA·9282·S I JMR-9225-6X
Cargo capacity hydraulic Integrated bridge system: ..... .... . ... .... . .. . No
Refnger<l,ted cargo: ........ ........... .. .. 770FEU Special lifesaving equ ipment Contract date: .......................... . I 0 July 2013
Bunkers (m') Number of each and capacity : ... 36 Persons Launch/float-out dale: .................. 27 July 20t5
Heavy ail· ......................._......... 2.405m3 Make: ......................... Fassmer Marland Ltd. Delivery date· .................... 10 November 20 t5


--- I

·v ....
R, :--.........

l J\ A

ll030 ~3ddn '-•· '
Adi15j§ JikSd1N
Performance: ........... 15@ 18m, 10/12M/mln
~ Other cranes

~~" -
Number: ....... Provision crane (2),

·~-, ··~·:. ._~

· ·-~·~~tllfi
.: .~ :; _.~
-. ~"' · ...
' BLS Crane ( 1)
Make: ............ TTS Marine (for provision and
BLS crane)

'~~' ...·~)"•,.\:_...,~ ..,...•--a. • ,.,•... "'I. .·~;:L~-.....;;, .. ~:<!i~-11.,~

'! - ; .f t. Type: ..... .............. Electro-hydraulic cylinder

luffing(for provision and BLS c rane)
I " ' "' : . •• - • Tasks : .................. . ....... Provision crane

~ - --~~···.-·.. .,. .t--~, --·,- ... -~,,.

': < •• Performance: .. Provision crane· 5@15m, 7M/
min, 5@13m, 7M/min ,
. " ·- a .. . "" - -- .

"""'~"J!~-.- -- - ~-- ~·- '

BLS Crane - 5@10m 10Mlmln
"''--· >'. - -!Soto'
Mooring equipment
... :· . ---~::-._
.,. _ . ..··>:--•• , , .. '\ .- I "-'.!' . . - ,_ ' Number: .. ...... Hydraulic Deck Machinery, (6)
.·- drums(excep t combined windlasses)
---.~ ..
. - ·_,,,,,
.. . ' -- . -~ Make: ........................... ............... PUSNES
Type (electricfhydraulic/steam): ........ Electric
-driven type. 20 tonnes, 12M/mln
._; Special lifesaving equipment x 2
~- ~·
Make: .............. ................................. Norsafe
Type: ........... Free-fall lifeboat, 1, 40, Included
Heating device

EAGLE BARENTS: DP2 Cargo tanks x 12 + 2 stop tanks

Product range: ............................. Crude oll
Coated tanks - make and

shuttle tanker type of coating : ... ....Chugoku, Epoxy A/C

Cargo pumps x 4
Type: . . Vertical. Single stag e,
Centrifugal, electric motor d riv en
Shipbuilder: .......................... Samsung Heavy Cargo capacity (m~ Make: ................ .. ..................... Hyundai
Industries Co., Ltd. liquid volume: ... ....................... 142,500m' Stainless steel: .............. Impeller shaft, etc .
Vessel's name: ......................... Esgle Barents Bunkers (m3 ) Capacity (eac l1) ............. 3,000m /h x 135m
Hull No: ..........- .................................... SN2065 Heavy oil: ...................................... 2.700m3 Cargo control system
Owner/Operator: ..................... AET Sea Shuttle Diesel oil: ............................................ 600m3 Make: ...................................... Kongsberg
Country: ......... .... ........ ....... ............ .Singapore Waterballast(m"): ............. ........ ....... 57,000m" Type'. ..................................... K-CHI EF 600
Designer: . ..................... .. Samsung Heavy Tankers · percentage segregated Ballast control system
Industries Co., Ltd. ballast: .................................. .... .............. 40% Make: ....... . .......................... . Kongsberg
Country: ............................Republic of Korea Daily fuel coosumption Type: .................................... K·CHIEF 600
Model test establishment used: .............. SSMB Main engine only: ...... .... .. .. 50.3tonnes/day Water ballast Treatment System
(Samsung Ship Model Basin) Classification society Make............ . ..... Samsung
Flag:... .......... .. .... .. .... . ............ Bahamas and notations: ... . .Det Norske Veritas, \I! 1A1. Capacity: ................ . .. .. 4,000ma{h
IMO number: ................................... 9676125 "Tanker for Oil ESP", Complement
l'olal number of s.i ster ships already completed EO, DYNPOS·AUTR, ESV·DP(HIL), Officers: ................................................... 19
(excluding ship presented): ........................ 1 F-AMC, OPP-F, BOW LOADING, Crew: ............. ...... .. . ................................ 16
rotal number sister ship s sllll on order: .. NIL HELDK-SH, NAUT·AW, TMON. Suez/Repair Crew: ............ ................. ... ..... 6
CLEAN DESIGN. RECYCLABLE, Single/double/other rooms: .............. .. ... 3 1/4/1
COMF-V(3)C(3). CSR, PLUS, Stern appendages/special rudders: ..... Fish tail
'T1iis \'CS.>el is to opcrntc on a long-term contrnct With CSA-FLS2, COAT·PSPC{B), CCO, type rudder
l. energy company Stru(lll, in the lwsll cooditinm of VCS.2. BWM·T. WINTEAIZEO Bow thruster(s)
Baren1s and North Sea oil fields. including the Golia! COLD(-15 . -35) Make: .................... Kawasaki Heavy Industry
Ocld 8Skm (53 miles) off the coa~I of Finnmark. This is
the first oilfidd to be developed off northern Norway Number: ... ..................... ... ...... 2. FPP type
% high-tensile steel used Output (each): ..2,50DkW, Vertical retrac table
Md !hat meant the vessel has particulm· design and in construction: ............ .............. Apprx 70% azimuth type
operational reqtlirem~t' that include NORSOK Main engine(s) x 2
requ.irements for outside work enviroruncnts, a. Stern thruster(s) x 2 FPP Type
Design: ..................... 2 stroke, diesel engine
weathertighl how loading area, and trw1k acce~-.; to a Make: ........ .......... Kawasaki Heavy Industry
Model: . ..... ... .. .... .. ........... 6G50ME-B9 3
free-fall lifeboat. Output (each): .... ........ ........ ............ 2,200kW,
Manulacturer: ........................ MDT Licensee
111e flll(JLJ; BARENTS is lwin skeg, twin engine, Vertical retractable azimuth type
Number: ........ .. ..... .................................. 2
llnc<l with a new gcncr.1tlon bow-loading system for Bri dge control system
Type of fuel: ............................. HFO/MDO
cold climate operations, and fully winterised in Make: ................................._... _, Rolls-Royce
Output of each engine: . ........ ....... 7,250kW
;icconiancc with DNVs 1\iutcrb.ulon cold notntion. lu Propeller(s} x 2 Is bridge fitted for o ne-man operation? .. Yes
.1ddhion. it is 61100 with a range of cco-innovations. Material: ........... .. .. .... Ni-Al Bronze Fire d etection system
induJing o fidly fitted balJru.t water treatment ~'}'Stem, Designer/Manufacturer: ... ......... Rolls-Royce Make: ....... ... .. .......... . .. Consilium
VOC enllislon reduction ~ystcJ\l, and a hybtid-lype SOx Fixed/Controllable pitch: ....... Controllable pitch Type: ...................... . ...... SALWICO Cargo
srn 1bbcr that a m opei;ue in both open nnd dosed loc1ps. Diameter: .................... . . ................. 6,900mm Fire extinguishing systems
'J'he li11LI has a wave optimised bow and aerodynamic Diesel-driven alternators x 5 Engine room: ..... ................ Make/Type: Hig h
dcckhousc dcslgn to ~nhirncc dfiacncy. Among th~ Engine make/type: ... HHI / 8H32/40 x 2sets pressure C0 2 system I NK ,
(!Wirtmmentnl fe;ill.u\!S nddcd to the nl:un madunery to & 6H32/40 x 3sets Water mist system I NK
n.>duccemissionsaretheG-typcclcctmrucallycontrolled Type of fuel : .................. .. ........ HFO/MDO Cabins:............ Make/Type: Sea water fire
engines with controllable pitch pmpcllcr, nnd variable OutpuVspeed of each s et: ............. 4000kW, fighting system
frequency drive for all the A1..im11th thnL~lcrs. 3CXXlkW / 720rpm Public spaces: ...... Make/Type: Sea water f ire
Alternator make/type: ............ Hyundai! HSJ7 fighting system
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 809-1OP & HSJ7 805· 1OP Radars x 3
Length oa: ........... ...... .............. Approx. 273m Output/speed of each set: .......... ..4,625 KVA Make ................... .......................... Furuno
Length bp: ................ .............................. 259m (3.700 kW) I 720rpm x 2sets Modet(s): .......... ..... FCA·2839S & FCR·2829
Breadth moulded: .................................... 46.0m 3 ,SOOKVA (2.800kW) I Integrated bridge system: Yes (ECDIS/Connlng
Depth moulded 720rpm x 3sets Display
To main deck: .................. _.......... 23 6rn Exhaust-gas scrubbing equ ipment /Route Planning)
To upper deck: ..... •...... - ........ _...... 23.6m Manufacturer: ......................... Clean Marine Make : ............ .. Furuno
Width of double skin Type: ..... ... ...................... Open and c losed Model: ............ .. FMD-3300 and etc.
Side: ............... .................................... 3m loop (multi stream connected Waste d isposal p lant
to ME. AE and Boiler}
8o1tom: .. ......... ........................................ 3rn Incinerator
Boilers x 2
Draught Type: .......... .. OL 25.000kg Make: ....................................... Teamtec
Scantling: ....... ........ ........................... 15.1m . Alfa Laval Model: ..... ................................ .... GSSOOC
Make: ....... ..
Design: ............................................... 15. 1m Output. each boiler: 25,000kg/h Sewage plant
G ross: .............................. . ................ 88,000gt Cargo cranes/cargo gear Make: ..... ...... ............ ... .. ...... .. . . llseung
Deadweight Number: ....... Cargo Hose Handling Crane, 2 Model: .. . .. ........................... ISS-85N
Design: .......... .............. Approx. 120.000dwt Make: ................................... ..... TIS Marine Contract date: ............... ......... . 8 October 2012
Scantling: ...................... Approx 120.000dwt Type: .......... Electro-hydraulic cylinder luffing, Launch/float-out date: ....- . ........... 19 July 20 14
Speed, seNice (90 %MCR output): ... 14.5 k nots single jib Delivery date: .... . .................. 9 March 2015


ENSCO DS-8: Drillship
Shipbuilder: .... .... Samsung Heavy Industrias Side: .... ...................................... ~·········· .. 3m Type: ......... Conventional davit launched type
Vessel"s name: ... .. ...... .. .. ENSCO DS-8 Bottom: ...... ............. _........................... 2.8m Hatch covers
Hull No: ............................ ................. 2059 Draught Design: .... Hydraulic hatch for riser handling
Owner/Operator: ... .. .... . .............. ENSCO Scantling: ............................."··············· 12m Manufacturer: . . .. . . .............................. SMS
Designer .. ........ Samsung Heavy Industries Design: .. ............................................. 11m Type (upper deck/other decks): Raised deck
Country· .. ··-····-··· .............. ................. Korea Gross: ................................ _.. .. 57,300gt Ballast control system
Flag: ..................................... Marshall Islands Displacement: .......... ........... ..... 78,400tonnes Make: .......................... ..... ...... Hanla IMS
IMO number: ..... ....... ....................... 9659531 Ligh tweight: ..... ..........•......•....... 37,900glonnes Type: ............... .......... . Electric pressure type
Total number of sister ships already completed Deadweight
(excluding ship presented)· ......... ............... 2 Design: ..... . 40,500dwt Waler ballast treatment system
Scanlling· .. 48.100dwt Make: ...... . Alfa Laval
Speed, service: . . ..... 12.Sknots Capacity: .... . 1,000 m3/h
Bunkers (m ) 1 Complement
This vessel has been built the Samsung
GFL2000 {Green Future) design offering
including an
cxccp1ional performance enlarged
Diesel oil: .....3' ....................................... 7.<X.JQ,
Water ballast (m }: .............................. 30,ooom·
Persons onboard: .................... ............. 200
deck service area wluch Is 50% greater when Classification society and notations: ... .... ABS tB Make: ................................. ........ Rolls-Royce
compnr,cd Lo the e~sl ing drillship design (from A 1 E Drillship. 11>AMS, >i<ACCU, Number: ..... ... ........••............... . ....... 6
2,250m to 3,600m' by in-hold riser storage), n •r<DPS-3, DLA, >I<CDS, NBLES, Output (each): ................................... 5.500kW
15% increase In variable deck load, ([rnm 19.000l ENVIAO·OS+. HELIDK(SRF) Bridge control system
to 22,000t), competitive DP performance which Diesel-driven alternators Make: ............ ............................ Kongsberg
satisfies l:'ctrobras requirements with a 10% Number: ..................... ............ ............... 6 Type: ............ . . ..... . ........... ... . ... K-Chiel 700
improvement in enhanced roll motion and easier Engine make/type: ............ wartsila/ 16V32 Is bridge fitted lor one-man operation? ....... Yes
inooard maintenance by canister type thnL~ter. Type of fuel : .... ... .. .. ... ....... .. MDO
(only for integrated automation system}
Green benefits indudc a 10% fuel saving over Output/speed of each set: ............. 7.6BOkW
/ 720 rpm Fire detection system
the whole life cycle of the ship and 40% less fuel Make: ..... .. . .. .. . .. .. . ... . . .......... ......... Autronica
consumption at transit mode by optimization of Alternator make/type: . .... .............. ABB I AMG
0900XU10 LSE Type: ...... .................. 116-BHH·SOO & 500/Ex
the hull form, as well as a 30% total resistance Engine room: .............. .......... .... C02 system
reduction and additional features including a Output/speed of each set: .... ..8750 KVA/
720rpm Make!Type: .................................................. NK
moonpool resistance reduction device, which
Other cranes Radars
offers an additional I 0% resistance reduction. Number: .............. Number: . .. .... ... . ....... ....................•..3 sets
The ship also benefits from advanced hazardous
Make: ........ ........ .. .. .. ·············-······ .. NOV (1Set S band. 2 sets X band)
drain treatment with sufOcienl se1tling provisions Type: ........Self-contained al-hydraulic driven.
for e.fficient solid separ.ulon and a dedicated large Make: ......................................... ........ JRC
single jib type Model(s}: .... S band (JMA-932B-SA). X band
drain holding tank of about 2,SOObbls and low Tasks: ...................... Hell refuelling unit handling
velocity seawater suclion fot preservation of the (JMA-922B-9XA, NKE-1125..Q)
Performance: ............... 5 at 20m working radius
~Cll·system and environmental ca re. Integrated bridge system: . .... .. ... ...... .... .. . No
Mooring equipment
Number: ..... ....... l windlass and 7 capstans Waste disposal plant Incinerator
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Make: ..............Rolls-Royce/Shinmyung Tech Make: ............................................. HMMCO
Length oa: .......................................... . 229.4m Type (electric/hydraulic/steam): ............. Self· Model: .......................... MAXI NG150SL WS
Length bp: .......... ....... ...........,........ ....... 220.Sm contained, Elec-hydraulic I Electric driven Sewage plant
Breadth moulded: .............. ......... .... ........ 38m Special lifesaving equipment Make: ·-··· .................................... ILSEUNG
Depth moulded Number of each and capacity: ........ A sets Model: .......... ........................... .. ISS-232N
To upper deck: ................................ 18.Sm of 60P. 2 sets of BOP Contract date .. . ..- ....................... April. 2012
Width of double skin Make; ····-·········-·... .... ... ....... Norsafa Delivery date: ................................... ..July 2015


_ _J__
Speed: ..................30-16Clrpm (see gearbox)
Special adaptations: ................ .................... .
Main-engine driven alternators x 4
Make/type: •................ AVK DSG 125 M2/10W
Output/speed of each set: ........ .............. 720
Diesel-driven alternators x 1 l1arbour generator
+ emergency generator
E11glne make/typer ...... Cummins OSl<3BDM
Type of fuel: .......................................... MOO
Output/speed of each set: ............... 974ekW
Alternator mrake/type· ..... Stamford PM734C2FW
Outpul/speed of each set.. ....-............ 1,800rpm
Exhaust-gas scrubbing equipment
Manufacturer: .......................................... H+H
Type:., .... , . ... ........... H+H SCA syslem
On main engines.: 1 .................... .................. 4
Boilers x I
I¥r:~: ·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~ Vir~
Output, each boiler: ................................. 87?.kW
Ca/J~k;~a~~~~:~~~~. ?.~.~~. ~. ~............... Seaon ics
Type: ...................... Knuckle boom crane type
Performance:................................. . .3T- iSm
Other cranes
Number: ................................... 1of50 t AHC
offshore crano. with 3,SOOm wire
1 off 350 t AHC offshore crane,
with 3,500m wire
Make: .......................... National Oilwell Varco
Type: ............................................. AHC crane
Mooring equipme11t
Number: ..... 2 off electric combined windlass
and mooring winches
2 off electric mooring winches, 1Ol
2 off electric tugger winct1es, 20t
Make: .............................................. Seaonics
Type (electric/hydraulic/steam): ....... Eleclnc
seeclal lii·esavlng equipme11t
e~~k~~· . . !:.~.~·~·l·~·)·.............................. Harding

FAR SLEIPNER: Subsea Type: ................................................. 4 x 65p

Cargo tanks .
Number: ... MEG 45om·• + Drillwater 6500 m3
construction vessel Cargo pumps
f\fumber: .. ..................... 2 ballast(+ 2 MEG)
Type;·-····--· . . PG VHC 147.2-73/2-CL2
(PG-Bornemann SL 125·75)
Shipbuilder: ............................... Vard Langsten Side: ................................................ 1.300mm Make: ....................................... Per Gjerdrum
Vessel's name: ........................ ...... Far Sfelpner Bottom: .................................... 1,800/1,400mm Stainless steel: ....... ..,...............................,. ..
Hull No: ........................................................ 822 Draught Capacity (each) ............................. 150m-/h
Owner/Operator: ....., Farstad Construction AS Scantling: .................... 8.1 m max draught 8m (75m 3/h)
Country: ................................................ Norway
Designer: •...... .-..... ..............-····-··· Vard Design
Design: ................................................... 6.3m
Gross: ................................................... 15,008gt
CalJ~k~~~~~~~.~.:.~::.~....................... Vard Electro
Type: ............................. SeaO control system
Country: ........................................ ........ Norway Oisplacemenl: ..................... 19,061 tonnes/ 8m Ballast control system
Flag: ..... ......... ................................. .. .. NIS Lightweight .................................. 10,380tonnes Make: ......................................... Vard Electro
IMO number: ....... .............................. 9687356 Oeadwelght ........... ., ............................ 8.790dwt Type: .............................. SeaQ control system
Total number of sister ships already Block co-efficient (please slate relevant Waler ballast 1reatrnen1system
completed (excluding ship presented}: ..... 829 draught): .............................................. 0,698/8m Make:, ......................................... Optima.\in
Far Sentinel, delivered July 2015 Speed. service Capacity: ........... ................................ 150m /h
Total number of sister ships still on order: ........ O (-- %MCR output): ..... , 15knots
Co~~~~;nt .......... ......................................... 22
Bunkers (m3 ) Crew: ..................................................... .. 32
Diesel oil: .................. .......................... 2,400m3 SPS Personnel (Clients)
he ves.5el Is design, with n high level of
3 07
T opernbility;u1d hmovnlive sOlutions to make sufe
and environmentally friendly. . is specially designed
Water ballast (rn3): ..... ... approximately 6,500m3 Toi al: .............................. .......................... .. 76
Number of cabins: .................................... 76
Bow thruster(s)
a11d equipped for sub...ea OJ?eration dt.ttie5 with a·high Classification society and notations: ...... DNVGL Make: ......Rolls-Royce Marine AS, Propulsion
focus on good s~a·keeprng capabilllies, excellent 1A1, SF, EO, SPS, DYNPOS-AUTRO Number: . . 3 off tunnel thrusters+ 1 orf
station keeping performnnces and low fuel (IMO 111), DK (w., CLEAN DESIGN, swing-up azimuth thruster
consnmplion. The v<.-ssel bas an oplimised hull form, HELDK-SH (CAA-N , COMF-V(2) 0 (3), 0utpul (each): .... 3 x I ,900kW + 1 x 2,000kW
and how shape optimisecl for all weather co11dltious CRANE, NAUT-A • ICE-C, BIS, VIBR, Stem lhruster{s)
together with the specified propulsion confi$ttnll:ion. TMON, ESV-DP HIL Make: ...... Aolls-Royce Manne AS, Propulsion
Oitalytic converters ·arc installed M all mam diesel % l1igh-tensile steel used Number: ....................................... 2 off azipull
generators for reducing emlssions. in construction: ........ A-deck and below AH36 Output·(each): ................................. 2,500kW
The vessel is fiuto<.I with an: % aluminium used in hull/superstructure: ....... o Is bridge fit1ed tor one-man operation? .......... No
Heel control equipment: .............. 3x 1500 m"/h. Fire deteo!ion system
separate systems Make: ..................... Honeywell Li fe Safe(y (\S
• ROV hangar with possibility to launch an ROV Type:........................ ELTEK, Delta OP Manne
through the moon pool an<l on hoth sides to Roll-stabilisation equipment: ............... 2 passive
Fire ex\li1guishing .systems
3,000m water depth antiroU tanks
Two AHC of[~hore crane~ (350t & SOt) to 3.000m Main engine(s) x 4
Model: ...................... .. ........................... ...... ..
wutcrdepth watermist system
• I .arge ~teel cargo deck with coffcr<lam below 932: ., ....... 40L9ACD (Bergen generating sel) Radars x 2 x X-bamJ: 1x S-band
Moon ~Is withdampiugzones, according to Va:rd Manufacturer: ............ Rolls-Royce Marine AS, Make: ............................................. .. Furuno
Engines - Bergen Model(s) ............... ··-········ ·-···"" .... FAR-3000
Designs R&D Sea Keeping01pabilities Progrnnune Type o1 fuel: ................................. ........... MDO Waste disposal plant
• ScaQ c..1bia:1, high standard acco1mhod1t1 i011 lvit11 Output of each engine: ................. 4 .190ekW Incinerator
low noise levels Gearbox(es} x 1 Make: ...................... ................ TeamTec
• Optimised hull form and bow shape Make: .........................Rolls-Royce Marine AS Model: ......................................... GS50UC
One fa~t re~cue craft, fuur lifeboats Model: ....................... ................. 1500 AGHC Waste compactor
• 100% lifeboat coverage eacli •ide Output speed: ........................... Variable speed Make: ......................................... Uson Marine
• Hclicoptcrlandingplatform (26.lm, 15l). (2 x 2,000kW el. motors) Model: ........................ .......... .......... UMCC4
Propeller(s} Waste shredder/crusher
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Make: ........................................................... .
Length oa: . . ... ............. 142.6m Material: ................ Nickel Aluminium Bronze Uson Marine Model: ....... ,_USO (glass crusher)
Length bp: ......................... .......... ... 132J81'f1 Designer/Manufacturer: ....... Rolls-Royce Marine
Breadth moulded: .............................. ........ <!5m Number: ........................ 1 center (+ 2 aLipull, SeM~~~:~ 1 ~~t...................... .... Jets Vacuum AS
Depth moulded................................................... see stern thrusler) Model: ............................................... 50MBA
To main deck: ................. ..................... 11.4 m Fixed/Controllable pitch, .......................... CP Launch/float-out date: ....... ... .... 13 August 2014
Width of double skin Diameter: ........................................ 3700 mm Delivery date: .... _ .. ,........... .. ...... 26 March 2015


Type: ....... ...... ........ .............. HDC2-17, HDC4· 14
Tasks: ............... Provision, E/R Parts Embarkallon
Moofing equipment x 9
Make: .......... .... .... .... ... Wuhan Marine Machinery
...... Type: .... .................. .................. Electro-hydraulic
Special lifesaving equipment free-fall lifeboat
Nunber ct each and capacity: One. 30 Persons
Make: ......................................-......................NPT
Type: ............................ _........................... NPT67FF
Hatch covers
Design: .....................................Jiangnan Shipyard
{Group) Co.. Ltd.
Manufacturer: . Shanghai Jiangnan Lupu Industry
Co.. Ltd.
Type (upper deck/othor decks): ... _.................CB/
Cargo tanks x 4
G<ades ct cargo carried: .....................................2
Product range: ........................ n-Butane, i-Butane,

GAS TAURUS: Very large gas Mixture of n-Butane and i-Butane,

Commercial propane, Mix of propane
and butane, Propylene. Butylene,
carrier Butadiene, Dimethyl Ether (DME)
Coated tanks .. mal<e and type
of coa1ing: .... Jotun-Zhong Yuan (Qingclao) Co
Shipbuilder: ..... ................. ..... Jlangnan Shipyard Deaclweight Lid. Epoxy lypc
(Group) Co.Ltd. Design: .............................................. 48,922.ld'M Stainless steel - strucllxe/piping: ............... Pipirlg
.................Gas Taurus Scantling. ..................... ...... .............53,765.4d'M Cargo pumps x 8
Hull No: ................................... ' ' ..................... H2535 Block co-effioien1 ........................... 0. 750I Ts=12 10 Number: ................................................................. 8
Owner/Operator: ........Soutl'lwest Maritime Limited Speed. service(-· %MCR output): .......... 17 25knols Type: ......... Electric Motor Driven Deepwell Pump
Country: .................................................... Hong Kong (90%SMCR) Make: .................................. Wartsila Svaneh0j A/S
Designer: ................................... Jlangnan Shipyard Cargo capacity (m' ) Stainless steer: ................................................. Yes
(Group) Co.Ltd. Liquid volume: ........................................ 83, IS?m'
Capacity (each): . ....................................600m3/h
Country: .......................................... ............... China Bunkers (m')'
Cargo control system
~ ~:;· :::::::::::::: ·::: ........:::::::::::::::::::=~j:~
l\llodel test establishment
used: ........................ Shanghai Ship & Shipping Make: .............. .. ,_......................Kongsborg
Research Institute Waler ballast (m'): ...................................... 20,962m' Ballast control ~ystem
Rag: .. ................. . .... .. ........ ... ......... Hong Kong Dally fuel consttnpllOn (tomes/day) Make: ........................... Kcxigsbe<g
IMO number:...............................................9710385 Main engine only .................about 54tonnes/day Complement
Total number of sister ships alSMCR Officers: ..... ........................................................... 11
already completed (excluding Auxiliaries: .............. ..................about 5.45tonnes/day Crew: .................................................................... 11
ship presented): ............ ... ............ ................ None at 85% MCR of one engine Suez/Repair Crew: ................................................6
Total number of sister ships still on order: ................ 2 Classification society and notations: ..................... LR
Bridge control system
•• 1ODA1 Liquefied Gas Carrief (Min cargo tempera-
1 A Tith a 83,000ml rup.1city mid four llvlO Type A ture • 50"C, Maximum Vapour Make: ......................................................TERASAKI
V V Independent prisrn;itic cargo tnnk.~ as the crugo Pressu-e 0.25bar, Max. SpecilicGravity0.61), Ship Is bridge fitted for one-man opesation? ......... Yes, LR
containment system, GAS TJ\U/WS is the first vcsscl Of type 2G and Independent Tanks ClasS nolaloo 'NAV1' is assigled
three very large fully refrigeraled liquefied~ carriers Type A. ~LMC, •!!RMC (LG), UMS to the project
(VLGC~) construd:Cd by )iangnan Shipy.uxt for owner ECO(IHM), NAV1, ShipRight (SDA, Fire detection system
So111hwest Maritime Llmded" Gas 'liwms is the first FDA plus(30, WN}, CM. ACS(B)), Make: _ .......................................... ........ Consilium
VLGC which is both independently designed and buill ·1ws. LI, wllh the descriptive notes
by Jh1tigmu1Sbip~ard (Gn111p) Co.• Ud while theJl! arc Type: .....- ....... ................................Salwico Cargo
already eight V LGCs (delivcrl:'<l lo /\\ Gas) b1tlll by "ShipRight {SCM. SERS), ErA Fire 0xtinguishing systems
)lungimn's sister y.irtl 10 Ji1111gn<11Y~ design. Main engine(s) x 1 Cargo holds: ............................................................ .
Design· ..........................................._ .... MAN B&W Make/fype: .... Wilhelmsen/Dry chemical powder
During 1he R&D proce!>s, Jiongnan's R&D Team
identified and tackled more than I00 key issues, Model: .............................................. 6S60ME-C8.2 Engine rcom:
Man.dacturer: .................................................. HHM Make/Type: .............................. WtlhelrnserVCO~
induding the WPS of Lower Temperature Steel, the Type et fuel: ................. HFO up to 700cSt al fdC
msufation spra)~ the fabrication o( lhe supports, tank Local water mist system
lifting. and accuracy control. Some87 patent applicntions andLSOO Makeifype: ....... .... ... ................................ SeapUl
Output ol each engrre: ................. stv1CR: 1,2400 Water firefighbng Make/Type: ..... China National
have been submiued. kW@92 rpm, CSR: .... ......... 11, 160kW@88.Brpm
With rcspe..-t to the hill! form development. Shipbuilding
Propeller(s) x 1 Equipments & Materlals (East China) Co. Ltd
computational fluid dynamic.~ technology was used to Material: ..................................... Ni·Al-Bronze. Cu,
cnrry oul simulation, analysis nrid uptimisalion. Pud Cabins: ................ ................ Portable extinguisher
Designer/Manufacturer: .............. ...... Zhenjiang Make(fype: ......... .......................... China National
consumptfo11 had. been provc11 by sea tria ls 10 be Tongzhou Propeller Co .. Ltd
S-l0%1owcr. Shipbuilding
Fixed/Controllable pitch: ............... ...... Fixed pitch Equipments &Materials (East China) Co Ltd .. Water
A 30 l1nilc clement modd was buil1 lu complete lhe Diameter: ...................................................... 7.08m
samlling check 3lld vibmlion analysis in accordance fire fighting Make/Type· ......................or.a National
Speed: ..... ...................... .Sarne as main engine Slipl:Juildhg Eqlipments & l'v\alerials (Easl Ctlna)
with rule requiremenl5 with a fatigue life in the cargo Diesel-driven atemators x 3 Co.Uc!
area o(30 years. Engine makeAype: ........................ cssc Marine
Pub!ic spaces: .................... Portable extinguisher
Ou ring the coostruclion,slrict safety control measures Power Co. Ltd/6L21/31
were carried oul and a slop bored stem tube (aft) was Make{fype: . ............. China National Shipbuilding
Type ofiuel: ...... ................... HFO up to 700cSt at
ndoptcd to lmprove lhc fond distribution o( the art Equipments & Materials (East China) Co. Ltd
5CfC and LSDO
bearing signiJlcantly. Oulput/speed ol each set: ...................... 1.320kW Water fireiightfnglvlakeffype: .......................... China
This ut!vnnced research and design philosophy /'XJJ rpm Nalional Shipbuilding Equipments
together wilh thesolid qualily con Iml makes Gru 7i111/'us Alternator make/type: ....................................CMXD I & Materials (East China) Co. Ltd
a signlficum very large g.•~ carrier. HFC 5 632-84K Radarsx 2
Oulpt.t/speed oleach set: ........... 1,2fiOkW /900'pm Make: ................... .... ... ............................JRC
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Boiersx2 Model(s) ......................... S-BAND&X·BAND
Length oa: .......................................................... 226rn Type: .............. _........... Econooiser wale< ttbe Integrated bridge system: .......................... ... ... No
Length bp: ........................................................... 215m type and aUX1liaiy waste disposal plant
Breadth moulded: ........................................... 36 60m boiler smoke tube type Incinerator
Make: ....................................................... Alfa Laval Make: ................................ .......................... Atlas
Dc~6hm~?~~:~k: ............................................. 22.20m Output, each boiler: ................. 1, 100kg/h for EGE. Model: ..................... ......... ATLAS BOO SL WS P
Waste compactor
Draught 2,500kg/h for aux boiler
Scantling· ............... ............................ ....... 12.10m Cargo cranes/cargo gear x 1 Make: .................................................._ ........ Loipart
Design: .... ................................................ 11 .40m Make: ............................ .............................. TrS Model: ............................................................ TT100
Gross: .................. _ .... _ .................................46,789gt Type: ... ....... ................. ................GP735-15-28 Sewage plant
Displacemenl. ............-......-............................. 73,415 Other cranes x 2 Make: ........................................................... EVAC
Lightweight ......- ....................- ....................... 19.649.6 Mci(e: .... .. Zhenjiclig Marine Auxiliary Machineiy Model: ................................ •.. .. 8/AC MBA 24 C


<101 )INYl
HIDAKA: Ro-ro cargo ship
Shipbuilder: ......... Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Type: ......................... .................. FRN"SN-15
(design), Kanda Shlpbulldlng Length oa: ............................................. 179.9m Vehicles
Co. Ltd (construction) Lengthbp: .......................................... ...... 171m Number of vehicle decks
Vessel's name: ...... ................................. Hidaka Breadth moulded: ................................. ..... 27m (fixed/moveable): ................... 4 fixed decks
Hull No: ......................................................... 546 Depth moulded Total cars: ............................Trailer (161units)
Owne1{0perator: ............. Klnkai Yusen Kaisha to main deck: 12.som Passenger Car (109units)
Country: ........ ........................................... Japan to upper deck: 23.27m Doors/rampsfliftsfmoveable car decks
Designer: .... .... Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd to other decks: Number of each: .......................... Inner ramp
Country: .................... ..............._.............. Japan Draught (3 sets)/ Shore ramp doot (2 sets)
Model test establishment used: ........ MHI Nagasaki Scantling: ............................ ....-..··-····-· 6 ,BOm Designer: ...... MacGREGOR (moveable ramp
R&D Centre, Japan Design: ................................................ 6.80rn Ballast control system
Flag: .. _....................................Japan (Tokyo) Gross: ................................................. 11, 185gt Make: ........................ Utsuki Keiki Co., Ltd.
IMO number: ....................................... 9726138 Deadweight Complement
Total number of sister ships already Design: ........................................... 6,300dwt Officers: ....................................................... 7
completed (excluding ship presented): ··-· ... 2 Scantling: ....................................... 6.300dwt Ctew: ........................................................... 6
Total number of sister ships still on order: ...... Nil Speed, service: ...................................... 23knots Other: .......................... ............................... 2
Bunkers (m3 ) .
Supernumeraries/Spare: ... Suez/Repair Crew
Heavy oil: ..... ............ ...................... ... 922rn'' Single/double/other rooms: ..... ,. .......... Single
l..]TDAKJ\ which isdassi:fkd as"tbefargestdomestii: Diesel oil: ............................................ 119m~ Passengers
flrcH'O vessel in Japan" wns designed and built by Water ballast ....................................... 5,961m Total: ............... .......................................... 12
Mitsubishi 'Heavy Industries and Kanda Sh.!pbulkllng Dally ruel consumpllon
who completed theco11struction of Lbe U,OOOgt ro"ro Main engine only: ...... ........ 51.1(tonnes/day) Number of cabins: ................................... 12
cargo ship ru1d delivc1:ed it to J(inkai Yuse.nJ.< Ltd, Ciassifioation society and notations: .... NK NS' Bow thruster(s)
on 28 Jwuary, 2015. The vessel Is plyillg a domestic (RGCS)(RORO.EQ CV, Make: ......... ....... Kamorne Propeller Co..
mule between TsiLrugn and 1omakomaL PSPC-WBT), Ml\IS' (MO) Number: ..... .... ..................... ..................-.. 1
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries developed the principal Heel control eq\Jlpmen t: ....... Auto He~I system Output (each):
desiguofUi.e vi::sscl-a high-efficiency underwater bull Roll-stabilisation equipment: ......... Fin Slabliiser Stern thruster( s)
fonn, additional Wlergy-saVing devices and a prop~ler. Main engine Make: ....... ......... Kamome Propeller Co., Ltd.
1be detailed desigu, construction and delivery ol tbe Design: .. .................... ................ MAN B&W Number: .............................................. ........ 2
vessel were carried out by Kanda Shipbuilding. Model: ,.............................. - ... 9S50ME-C8.2 Btidge control system
Described as a "super eco-ship': ll achieves savings of Manufacturer: ................... Mitsui Engineering Make: .. ............ ..... ...Nabtesco Corporation
ov<'. r 30% less Lhan .its predecessor.; and a sign.ifimnt & Shipbuilding Co. Ltd Type: .............. ........................... ........ Electric
envlro11menla I load feductlon due to sophfaticatcd Number: ............................. ....................... . 1 Fire detection system
technology including a newly clc1<c:lope<l undcrw•1Lar Type of fuel: ............................. HFO & MOO Make: ................Nippon Hakuyo Electronics.
hull form, low frklion antlfoullng paint, st~oamlit)e<l Output of each engine: ......... ......... 14,940kW Type: ............................................Optical type
rudder deslg11, ducktail, and an electronically· Propeller( s) Fire extinguishing system
controlled.low-speed.marh)e diesel engine. Material: ................. ..................... ,. .... KAIBC3 Engine room:Make{Type: .................. Nippon
11ie use of an electronidllly-controllecl fuel Injection Designer/Manufacturer: ... Kamome Propeller
~)r:>tem en;ibles Lbe. marine diesel engine to achlevc Dry-Chemical Co,, Ltd ICOa
higher comhu~t ion efficiency lllld lower fuel Number: .............. ,.... _..,,,_......................... , 1 Vehicle space.s:Make/Type: .......Nippon Dry-
consumption, thereby ensuring Lhat the vessel emits Fixed/Contwllable pitch: ... Contrnllable pitch ............................. Chemfcal Co .. Ltd /.CO.
less carbon dioxide (CO,) ruld nitrogen oxides (NOx). Diesel-driven alternators Cabins{ Public spaces: .......... Yamato Protec
Tile Energy Effi.dency Design Jridex statement of Number: ............................................ .......... 4 Corporation/Portable
foct (.EEDI, gnun-CO/tonne-niile) for fiidaka issued Engine make{1ype: ............... Daihatsu Diesel Radars
by Japanese Classification Society Nippon Kai)i Mfg. Co., Ltd./6DE-23 Number: ......................... . .............................. 2
Ky<Jkai cet tifie.s that the utta.ined E.EDl calculated Type of fuel: ....... HFO&MDO
Boilers Make: .................. ..... Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
from n result of sea trials is about 35% less than the Model(s): ....... JMA-9132-SAIJMA-9122-6XA
allowable maximum l.l.fml required for this type of Number: .... - .......................... ................ ..... 1
Type: ........... ,. ........................... VWH-1600ME Integrated bridge syslem: ............................. No
ro-ro cargo sbip.
The vesscl has three chru;sis decks and one passenger Make: .................................... Miura Co .. Ltd. Waste disposal plant
0 1r deck and is equipped wilh seven metres widestern Output. each boiler: ...................... 1,600kgfh Wastehandled .............................. lncine1a1or
and bo1vramp doors respectively on the starboard ~de Mooring equipment Make: .............................. Sunflame Co.• Ltd
and two movable hold romp ways in order tp enable Number: .....Mooring winch x 4, Windlass x 2 Model: ........................ , ........... OSV-360SAI
fast and eAkleM rQll·on rolt-off .:;argo handling. Make: ........................Manabe Zaki Co., Ltd Sewage plant
Bow and stern thrusters, a reactio1Hype h.ru1ging Type (electric/hydraulic/steam): .....EL-Hydraulic Make: ...... .....Taiko Kikai Industries Co,, Ltd.
rudder and ;1 controlh1blc-r,itch prnpeller ensiu·e Special lifesaving equipment Model: ................. .,.... ............................. SBH-40
efficien t manoeuvrnbility bot I In port and at $Cil. ln Number of each and capacity: ........ Inflatable Contract date: ..... .................. 21 October, 2013
nddition, a pair of fin stnbilis~rs m·e provid~d to recluce life raft ( 15persons x 4sets) Launch/float-out date: .............. 9 October, 2014
rolling ru1d pr<>tecl ' arg<ies efft;c~ivl:'.ly. Make: ...........................Fujikura Rubber Ltd. Delivery da1e: ............... ........ 28 January, 2015


ISAAC NEWTON: DP2 Cable laying/trenching
support/subsea rock installation vessel
Shipbuildor: .Uljanik Brodogradllil:ite, Croatia Lightweight: . ............................... 8,881tonnes Olher c ranes
Vessel's name: ................ . ......... Isaac Newton Deadweight Number: .
Hull No; ......................... .......... ..... ......... NB 507 Design: .............. ....................... .. 9,662dw1 Make: ............................................ Conc rane
Owner/Operator: ............................ .... Sofidra Scantling: ............. ... ................. 12.969dwt Type: ............ ... electro -hydraulic deck c rane
Country: ........ ................. ............ Luxembourg Block co-effic ient (please ; Tasks: ........................................ store crane
Model test establishment used: ............ Vienna slate relevant draught}: ........... ...... 0 786 (7m) Performance: ··-····-··................ .. ... 2.5 ton
Model Basin Ltd Mooring equipment
Luxembourg Speed, ser~ice (·· %MCR output}: ......... 12knots Number ... .. .. ........... ..... .. ............. 4
9707297 Bu nkers (m") Make: ........ ... ................. ... Vulkan Nova
Heavy oil:........... ....................... ....... 1.760 Type (electric/hyd raulic/steam}; .... electric
D iesel oil: . ... . .. .. ....................... 434 Ballas! control system

T he multtpurposc vessel
was lau.nd1ed
Uljan ik BrodogradWst<! Mnrch
the Croatian ship)•ard
2015. ship
Water ballast (m"): .. . ... .............. 8,314m"
Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day)
Main engine only: ... ................ 26tonnes/day
Make· ..... ................ ...... ...... ... .... Pleiger
Type: ......... electro-hydraulic butterfly valves
Water ballast treatment system
i.:or1 be deployed on a 1•nriety orprojects: i nstaJling Classification society Make: ... Optimarin
s11hsea cahle,'l, trench dredging ;intl subsea rock and notations: ........... ............. GL 100A5 MC Capacity: .. .. 125m3/h
lnsti1lh1tion, which definitely m:1kes i i un ique. AUT. DP2. CRANE, SPS Complement
In c,1ble-installatlon mod e the vessel wilJ be Offshore service vessel Crew: .................................................... 75
capabl e of transporllng and laying cable in a Cable laying vessel Single/double/other rooms : ....... .............. 75
single length witb ll total weight of approximately EPD·HELIL-BWM(D2)-HC(3) sing le rooms
I0,500 Lonn es, which Is more than any other % high-tensile steel used in construction: ...... 100% Bow thruster( s)
vessel currenlly available. % aluminium used In hull/superstruc ture: ..... 0% Make: ...................................... ... Schottel
The vessel is equi pped with u 7,400tonne Hoel control equipment: ......... . ... Anti-heeling Number: .. .... ........................... .. . ... 2
capacity turntable ab-Ove deck and a S,OOOtonnc system lngeteam Output (each): .. .. .. .... ............... .. .. 1,500kW
capacity turntable below deck uloug wilh lwo Roll-stabilisation equip m ent: ............. Hoppe Bridge control system
tensioners of 20tonnes a chute and auxiliary Main eng ine(s) Make: ........... ...... ....................... . . Uljanik
equipment according LO what the project rtoquires. Model: ......... ...............- ........ 9L 37-38 Type :....................... ... ............. .... ... NA
In il~ subsca Rock installation mode, the vessel Manufacturer: .....- ....................... MAN Is L>ridge tilted tor Ofle-man operation? ........ Yes
can Install up to I 0,000tanne.<. or rock In a single Number: ..... . .... .......... 4 Fire detection system
load by using the aft stone hopper with u capacity Type of luel: . ...... . MDO&HFO Make: .......................................... Consi lium
of 3,00Qtonnes and the midship hopper with a Output of each engine: 2,970kW Type: ............................... Slllwico Cargo FDS
capacity of7,000tonnes al ong with two cxcavntors Propeller(s) Fire extinguishing systems
and a fall pipe for accurntc rock instnllatlon al up Material: ............... G·CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C (CU.,) Ci:!rgo holds: .................... .................... ..
t:o 200m wate r depth. Designer/Ma nufac turer: ................... Scholle! Make/Type: ..................... Drencher sy stem
In the combi coble lnyi11gllrcnchlng support Number: ....................... .. ........................ 2 Engine room: ...... .... ..... .................... . .
vcssellsubsea rock installation mode any Fixed/Controllable pitch: ...................... Fixed Makeffype:..... .. Pastor/C02 .. Marioff/Hi -Fog
combination o f Lile above ls possible up to the Diameter: .............._,,, .................... 3 2m Public spaces: ..... . . . .. .... .. .. .. .....
c.1rrying capacity of the vessel. Speed:...... ... .. .. ............... 189rpm Make/Type .......................... Mariofl/H i-Fog
Main-eng ine driven alternators Radars
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Numb er: ................ .................................. 4 N umber: ..................... ....... ... .... ... .. 2
Length oa: ......................................... 13Bm Make/type: ....... . ........... tndar/ GBLS1012 Make: ...................................... Sperry Mi:IJ'ine
Length bp: ...................................... ,........ 120m OutpuVsp eed of each set: . .. ....... 3 ,300kVA Model(s):........................ ARPA chart x -band
Breadth moulded: ..............-.............. .. 32m Boilers & ARPA chart S-band
Depth moulded Number: ........... Integrated bridge system: ................... .... No
To main deck: ........ ~ ............................. 11m Type: ........ .... . Waste disposal plant
To upper deck: ...................................... 14m Make: .......... .. Type. . lnc inorator
To other decks: .. ... ... ... ... ............... ... .... ... 5 .3rn Output, each boiler: Make: ............. Alias
Widlh al double skin Cargo c ranes/cargo gear Model:...... 400 SL B WS
Bottom: Number: ............................................. ... 2 Sewage plant
Draught Make: . ............... . ................. Concrane Make:
Scantling: ................................ ....... .... 7rn Type: .. . .... ... . ............ etectro-hydraullc Model:
Design: ...................'".................... ....... 6.5m offshore knuckle boom Contrac t date: . .. ..... .. ........'6 August 20 l3
Gross: ....... ................ ........... ........ 16,255gt Performarice: ............. .. Aft:351!35m-50V1 Sm; Launch/float-out date: ............. 11 Mnrch 2015
Displacement ..........-.......... ... 21.850tonnes Fore: .. .. .................. 10t/35m-25V15m Delivery date; ................. 27 November 201 5

42 SIGNIRC'°"'T SHPS OF 2015

Model: ............... MAN D&T 8L70ME-C8.2GI
Manufacturer: .... . Hyundai Heavy Industries
Type of fuel: .......... Dual fuel LNG and MGO
Output of each engine: 25, 19 1kW
@104rpm (max continuous rating).
21,412kW @98 S rpm
(normal continuous rating)
Propeller(s) x 1
Material: .......... .... NiAI Bro11Ze, five-bladed
Designer/Manufaclurer: ..... ............. Daewoo
Shipb..1ilding & Marine
Engineering Co. I DSSW
Fixed/Controllable pitch: ..... ................ Fixed
Diameter: ...... ... . .................................. 7 35m
Diesel-driven alterna tors
Number: ... ..... ... ..... ................... ....... 3
Engine make/type: ...................... MAN D&T
Type of fuel: .... .... Dual Fuel LNG and MGO
Output/speed of each set: Approx.
1,B45kw at max. 720rpm
Boilers x 1
Type: ...................................Composite Boiler
Make: ............................ .. KANGRIM HEAVY
Output, each boiler: .... Vert . oil-fired water tube/
exhaust gas 1.000/1 .700kg/hour
Cargo cranes/cargo gear
Provisions Crane: ........................................ 1
Make: ............ .. . ............................Oriental
Type: ............. .. .... Electro-hydraulic jib crane
Performance· ............................... .. 5tonne
Other cranes
Number: ...................... Engine room crane:1
Make: ...................... . .....................Orienta l
Performance: .... ..... ······················-··· .. 5 ton
Mooring equipment
Number: . ... .. .... .. ..... .... ..... .... .. 4
Make: ............................ .. TTS Marine GmbH

ISLA BELLA: LNG powered Type (eiectric/hydraulic/steam): ........ Electric

Design: ............................ ............... Pontoon
Manufac1urer: ........ ..... SMS Marine System

container vessel Type (upper deck/other decks): .... Containers

Lengths: ....20', 40', 45', 53', car-tainers. 53'
bulk fructose containers
Shipbuilder: ....General Dynamics NASSCO, Total TEU capacity: ..... . ...... ....... 3100TEU
p ist on pumps to 300bnr, then isobarlcally
San Diego California vaporised Into gas 10 be injected into the main On deck: ...................... .................... 1800TEU
Vessel's name: ..................... .............. Isla Bells engine cylinder. Low pressure I.NG is su pplied In holds: ............ . .................... _.. , 1300TEU
Hull No: ........... ......................... .................. 495 to the dual foci diesel generators after being Reefer p lugs: ........................... ..... 354 plugs
Owner: TOTE Shipholdings/Operator: ...... TOTE vaporised and lu~atcd al ?bnr. Tiers/rows (maximum)
Maritime, Jacksonville, Fla Further unique to her design is the ability to On deck: .... . .... . 6/13
Country: ............... ..... ., ............... ................. USA carry a variety of container sizes, inclnding th e In holds: ....... ... 6/11
Designer: ........................... ..................... DSEC lntermodal 53', 45', 40', 20' and car containers. Hold refrigeration system: .none
Country: ......... . ............. . Busan, South Korea ls/a Bella carries] 2 stainless steel fruclose tanb Ballast control system
Model test establishment used: ...... ·- ·· KIOST below deck, hauling 222, l I 6gallons of liqui d Make: ... .......... . ...... ...... ................. Honeywell
Flag: ....................... .................... ...... USA frnctose lo Puer to Rico. The 3,l OOT EU Type: .............................. Control, Alarm, and
!MO number: ................................... 9680841 containership carries double the capacity while Morntonng System Experian PKS
Tola l number of sister ships still on order: 1 to r educing 98')6 SOx and parti culate matter, and Water ballast treatmenl system
be delivered on Jan. 22, 2016 91% NOx emissions compared with to the Make: ... ......... . ......Techcross ballast water
vessels the Marlin Class r.eplaccs in the Puerto treatment system
Rico service. Capacity: ............. 700 cubic meters per hour
RF.I.LA is the first of two Marlin-Class
vessels for TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico and
wo rld s first
the.: powen:<l containcrship.
Crew: ............. ........ ............ 23. space for 30
The unique dual fuel, slow speed propulsinn Length oa: ....................................- ..... ..... 233m Single/double/other rooms: .. 27 staterooms,
vessel ordered from G~neral Dynamics Length bp: ......... .... .. ................................ 222m
gymnasium, hospital
NASSCO was deli vered on October 16, 2015 Breadth moulded: .............- ......... .......... 32.2m
Stern appendages/special rudders: ....fairwater
and entered ser vice between Jacksonville, Depth moulded: ...................................... 18.3m
Flor ida and San Juan. Puerto Rico in Novernber 011 a full spade rudder
2015. Her sister vessel Perla del Caribe is Scantling: Bow lhruster(s)
schedu l ed for deliverr In Jnnua ry :W16. Tbc Design: Make: ............... ............. KTE Nakashima
Marlins are foelcd anc powered by either LNG Gross: ..... Number: ...................................................... 1
or mnrin e gas oil (MGO). Cleon burning LNG Displacement: Fire detection sys tem
is lnlende<fas 1hc prima1·y fuel, thereby greatly Deadweight: ......... . ... ........ ........... 33, 156dwt Make: • ......................... . ........... Consilium
reducing Sox, NOx, and p;1r1lcuJnte mailer
emissions. Block co-efficient {please state relevant Type: .......... ........... ... .................Salwico CCP
The Marlin's engine room boaSLs a 8L70ME· draught): . . . ............ .................. 0.648 Fire extinguishing systems
C8.2GI, 1he industq•'s first duni- f uelcd, slow Speed, service {85%MCR output)· ....... 22knots Cargo holds: ... .... ...... ...... .......... .. .CO,
speed diesel engines and three 9L28/32DF, dual 21,41 2kW Make/Type: ........... ................ ........... ... Tyco
fuel diesel gffieralors by MAN Diesel and Engine room: ..................C02 and Water Mist
Turbo. T h e ME-GJ output of 21.4 12kW al Cargo capacity{mJ): ................... .... 3,100TEU Public spaces: ... Water Spray for LNG tanks,
98.Srpm provi des for h er 22knots of servi ce Classification society and notations: ... American aft accom. and lifeboat embarkation
speed, with maximum continuous rate Bureau of Shipping +A1 (E).
2S,19lkW at 104 rpm. Contalne' Carrier, SH, SHCM,
+AMS, GFS (DFD), +ACCUlf1 , Number: ................. 2
PromincnLly. located aft of the house are lWC!
C-1ypc c;ylindrical cryogenic fud l<tnks. Pain ted CPS, UWILD. GP. TCM Make: Furuno
in lively lime green. the tanks tLre 84' in length Heel control equipment: ........... ........... ... Hoppe Model(s) X-band and S-band
with a capacity of 475,000gallons of LNG and Bordmesstechnick GmbH FAR-2827 . FAR-2837$
built al a design pressu re of9bnr. LNG pressure Main eogine{s} x 1 Launch/float-out dale: .................. 18 April 2015
is boosted through cryogenic high pressure Design: ································-······················· Delivery date: ... ... .. .. ....... 16 October 2015

44 $ 1CNIFICANT SI llPS OF 2015

---- -- -- -.------
--· I
>03a a:iaan
------ ...
JOLLY COBALTO: Container ro-ro vessel
Shipb uilder ............... ..... ... .. STX Offshore Classif ication society and notat ions: ......... RINA Make: ........................... ... Fassrna-Marland
& Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. C+ ro-ro cargo ship equipped for carriage of Type: ................. Totally enclosod freefall type
Vessel's name : ..... ............... . .....Jolly Cobatro containersfcontainer ship, MON-HULL, Containers
Hull No: ................ .................................. 83028 MON-SHAFT, SYS-NEQ·1. AUT-UMS, TotalTEU
Owner{Operator: ................. ................. Meesina INWATERSURVEY, ICE-CLASS 18, capacity: .....................3,016teu (shore mode}.
Country: ..................................... Italy I Genova GREEN PLUS. COAT-WBT. FATIGUE 2,370TEU (ro·ro mode)
Designer: ............... ................. STX Offshore LI FE(30), Unrestricted navigation On deck: ..................................... 1,930 teu
& Shlpbullding Co. Ltd. Main engine(s) (shore mode), 1.284TEU (ro·ro mode)
Country: ......... .................. Republlc of Korea Design: .... ,... .. ...... .......... MAN Diesel & Turbo In holds: .... ........ .......... ..... .. 1,086TEU
Model test establishment used: .............. HSVA Model: ......... ........ ......... .......... 7L70ME·C 8.2
(shore mode and ro-ro mode)
Flag: ............................... ....... ............... ... Italy Manufacturer: .............. STX Heavy Industries
IMO number: .............. ............. ...... . 9668960 Number: ... . .... .. .... •........... . ....... ............ 1
Total number of sister ships still on ()(der: ....... 3 Type ot fu el: . .... .. . .. . ........ HFO/MDO/MGO loaded to 14tonnes: ...............2.491TEU.
OUlpul of each engine. .. .............. 22.890kW 2.306TEU
x 108rpm Reeter plugs: .............. 200TEU (shore mode)
he 45,000dwt JOLLY WBALTO was built by Tiers/rows (maximum)
T ~TX Offshore & Shipping at the Jin-hae
Material .... ................. ............... Ni-Al-Bronze
Desig nerfManulacturer: ............. Rolls-Royce
O n deck: .................. . .... 6 Tiers/15 rows
In holds: ............................ ... 2 Tiers/ 13 rows
111c vessel is designed as single screw diesel engine Number: ......................................... ....... 4 EA Hold refrigeration system: ... ... .. .... 200TEU
dlrect-driven containcr/ro· m ship wit h bulbous oow FixedfControllable pitch: ... Controllable pitch Vehicles
;111d 1mnsom stem with nn angled slcm rnmp. II Diameter: ...................................... 7,200mm Number of vehicle decks
corn;idered !Tom a design dmughl pcrspcclivc, in even Special adaptatio ns: ............................ None (fixed/moveable): . ... ... . ... ........ .. 6 Decks
keel condillons nn<l nt zero s\'et'<'I. 1h~ trnnsom stetn is Diesel-driven alternators Total lane length: .... ... . .......... 20.357m
designed to keep Jn dry con< IUon. Number: ............... ............. .......... ..... Four Doorsframps/lifts/moveablo car d ecks
The all body of the ship consists of one controllnblc Engine make/lype: · .. . .. .......... STX Engine f Number of each: ............... ............ .... 9/3/0/0
pitch propeller witl1 one full-spade rudder. one stern 6L27/38( 4-stroke trunk Type: .. ..... ......•...... ............ Hyd&ele lyp e
lhrustcr. stern ramp and rnm11 going down to lhe piston diesel engine) Designer: ........... .............. STX & MacG regor
lower decks and a fore body consisting or n forecastle Type of fuel: .. ................... FHO/MDO/MGO Ballasl control system
d~-ck with cowring mooring are.1, forepcak tank and Output/speed ot each set: ..... ....... 1,980kW Make: ...................Teikoku Mach inery Works
one bow thruster. / 720rpm
Type: ................................ Centrifugal pu mp
·me ro-rosection of Lh<.> ves..<;CJ is hori1.0111allydivid(.-d Alternator make/type: ............. Hyundai H eavy
Waler ballast Treatment System
into three decks, each deck connected by a hydraulic Industries I HFC7 638-10P
ramp way. 1\vo wat~r tight division doors are lornted O utputfspeed of each set: ................... 1.720kW Make : ... .......... .. .. ... ............. Panasia
on the garage deck and one water 1Jglit division door (2.150KVA) { 720rpm Capacity: ..... .......................... ..700m"/h • 2
located on tJ1e 1ween deck. Exhaust-gas scrubbing equipment Bow thruster(s)
A ballast treatment 11Jant has been fitted in Manufacturer: .................................. Wartsila Make: ·-·· ............................................... KTE
accordance with IMO guidelim:s fur approVlll ofballa~t Type: ................... Hybrid type SOx Scrubber Number: .......... ......... ..................... ...... 1 se1
water management systems, und the Hull Stress On main engines?: .................... ........ .....Yes Output (each): ....... . .................... t .400kW AC
Monitoring System meets classification society RINA's On auxiliary engines?: ............................ Yes 6,600V 30 60H z 6P
requirements for approval. Boilers Slern thruster(s)
Number: ...... ...... .......... .................. .... 2 sets Make: .......................... ................. ... ...... KTE
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Type : .......... ... .. ....... .... Aux. Boiler (1 sel) J Number: ....... ............................. ............. 1set
Length oa: .... ...... ... ...... ........ ... .. ..... ....... 240m Exhaust Gas Boiler ( 1 set) Output (each): ......... 1.400kW AC 6,600V 30
Length bp: ............................. .................. 220m Make: .. ........... Kangrim Heavy Industries 60Hz 6P
Breadth mould ed: ................................ 37.50m Output, each boiler· ..... Am.. Boiler-2,SOOkg{h, Bridge control system
Deplh moulded Exhausl Gas 8oiler-2.500kg/h M ake .. .. .... .. ..... ....... ........ .. KTE
To main deck: ................................ 19 .95m Other c ranes (Provision Crane) Type: ... ..................... PIANO TYPE ('T' TYPE)
To upper deck: .... .. .. ............... .. 26.65m Number: ..... 2 sets Is bridge fitted for operation? .. .. . Yes
Wid lh of doub le skin Make: ......... ..... ..Oriental Fire detection system
Side ...................................... ............. 37.50m Type: ...... ....... .. Electro-hydraulic
Make: ..... .. .......... ... Autronica
Scantling: . ........................................ 11.SOm cylinder luffing single type
Type: ... .. Addressable type
Design: ..................................... ....... 10 som Tasks: .Provision handling
Gross: ........... ................................. ..... 51,060gt Mooring equipmen t Fire extinguishing systems
Deadweight Number: .... ..... ....................... ..... .........6 sets Engine room: .. ... ....... ............ Fixed water mist,
Scantling: .............. ........... .......... 44,574dwt Make: ... .. ................ ........... ........... Hatlapa Make/Type: ..... ....................... Tanktech/ HH,LL,
Speed. service (90%MCR outpul): ..... 21.50 knots Type (elec tricfhydraulic/sleam): .. ..... Electric ELL nozzle type
Bunkers (m 3) driven with aulo tension type Contract date: . 18 July 20 12
Heavy oil: ....................................... 3 780m 3 Special lifesaving equipment Launch/float-out date: ................... 2 1 July2014
Water ballast (m ) : ............................ 15,726m" Number o f each and c apacity: ................ 38 Delivery date: .. 17 Feb ruary 20 15


l '
1i' l .,
i I I ii
Shipbuilder: ..... - ........ .... Sinopacific Offshore Cargo capacity (mJ) Tasks: ........ Aft Provision Crane
& Engineering Liquid volume: ...... .. ...................... 27,500m" Performance: .... Electric Hydraulic
Vessel's name: ........................ JS lneos Insight Bunkers (m") Mooring equipment
Hull No: .................................................... 51015 Heavy oil: ...................................... 1,236m" Numbet: ............ 2 aft. 2 Midship, 2 Anchor
Owner/Operator: .......... SNC Multigas 51015 / Diesel oil: .. .............. .. ....................... 400.&n" I winches forward
Evergas Management AJS LNG/Ethane .. 1,960 4m3 Make: .............................................. TTS
Country: ............. . ... ..... . ... France I Denmark Total .. 3,597.2 Type (electriC'./hydraulic/steam): ..... Hydraulic
Designer: ... Owner I GreenSeas Marine I SOE Water ballast (m 3) : .... .. .. .. . .. ... ... . . 8.505m'
Special lifesaving equipment
Country: ............................... Denmark/China Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) Number or each and capacity: .... ,2 (1 free-tall
Model test establishment used: .............. HSVA Main engine only: ...... .......... 31 .8tonnes/day lifeboat: 1 rescue boat)
(Hamburg Ship Model Basin) Make: . Jiangsu Jiaoyan Marine
Auxiliaries: .... .............. ....... 2.8tonnes/day
Eqp Co Ltd.
Flag: ................................................. Denmark Classification society Type: ........ .. . .... . Freefall -JYM .. FF . 6.65
IMO number: ...................... ..... .......... 9685425 and no tations : ......Dragon class - BV I. +HULL. I Rescue Boat .. GJ4.5
Total number of sister ships already +MACH. Liquefied Cargo tanks x 3
completed (exclud ing ship presented): ........ 2 Gas Carrier, Typo 2G - Dualfuel. Grades ol cargo carried: .. .. ... .... 2 Grades
Total number ol sister ships still on orcle<: ...... 5 Unrestricted Navigation, CPS (WBT). Product range: .. ..... ......... LNG I Ethane
+VeriSTAR - HULL DfL 25 Years . Stainless steel - structure/p iping: .. Stainless
T NEOS' new vessels are a brand new class of ship and CLEAN PASSPORT. GREENSHIP, Cargo pumps x 6
!have been designated Dragon Class. Working "~th INWATERSURVEY Type: ....................... ......... DW?00/200·3-K·fl
iLs partner Ewrgas, TNJ!()S l'ricd to fmd a solu1ion % high-tensile st8el used Make: .. ........................................... Wartsl la
shipping ethane from tile US to Europe. l::th.111e, in construction: .... .................... ........-........ >1% Stainless steel: .... ........................................ Y~s
however, had only ever been shlpped in ~mall Heel control equipment: ......... ....... Bilge Keel Capacity (each): .... ...................... 350m' /h
quantities on short routes. No one bas ever attempted Roll-stabil isation equipment: ............. Not fitted Cargo control sys tem
to ship IL across the Allantio:. Ethane mU.<t he cooled to Main engine(s) x 2 Make; ..... .. .... .. ........................ Kongsberg
-90"C ( l30°F) which wa.~ lhe main design challenge. Model: ..... ...... .. ........... 6L50 Duel Fuel Type: ............... .. .. .. '"'""···· .... K-Chiel 700
An additional chalkng~ and a world first was to Manulacturer: . ... .... ............... WiirtsM Ballast control system
connect the fuel and cargo systems, so that the Type of iuel: ... ............... . LNG I HFO/MDO Make: ...............................- ..... . Kongsborg
engines could run off Lhe same gas. '!11is requires Output of each engine: .... .............. 5.850kW Type: .................. ....................... K- chief 700
complex redesigns of the pipework, as the ethane Goarbox(es) Water ballast Treatment System
Make: ......... ......... ............................ Pan~sia
must be vaporised for u.'e ii> the engines. Mako: .............. ..........,................... Warlsila
Capacity: . .................. ................... 700m /hr
Each ship features three bi-lohe optimised tanks, Model: ................................. TCH 350 .. 2PS8 Complement
capable of carrying 27.SOOm) of ethane. The Dragon Number: ......................... ....... .................. 1 Officers: ......................................... ......... 12
Cfass ~hips are capable of transpo11ing ethane and a Output speed: ... .Propeller -87.5; PTO - I 800 Crew: ............ ...... .... .. ... .. ................... 10
can~t: of addiLional producls including ethylene, Propeller(s) Supernumaries/Sp1:1re: ... ... .... .. ........... . .... 4
T.PG, LNG and so on. Ilavi ng a ship of this si7.c Material: ......... _. .. .. ........... NIAL Bronze Single/double/other rooms: ... ..... ............ 26
capahle of handling ethane and1.NG is unique. Such Designer/Manufacturer: .................. Wartsila Passengers
flcxibil i1y requires the tanks to be designed to CME Zhenjiang Number of cabins: ........................... 1 Guest
1ransport cargoes nt temperatures of -162°C (-260°F). Number: ............... ..... ........................... 1 Stern appendages/specin l rudders: ..... Rudder
11 took npproximntely flvll years from developing the Fixed/Controllable pitch:.. Controllable Pitch with Bulb
Jclcns nnd concept to b11ilding the ships Lhat arc Diameter: ............. .............................. 6 4rn Bridge control system
sliip1)ing ethane ncmss 1J1e Atlantic today. Speed: ................... .... .... ........................ 87 Make: . Shanghai Ma rine Equipment Co. Ltd.
Main-engine driven alterna1ors Type: ................... .... .................. DF- 1 -W/H
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Number: ................. . ._........................ 2 Is bridge fitted for one-ma n operation? .. . Yos
Length oa: ... .......... ... .................... 180.3m Make/type: ...................... AvK/ DSG86 lvl 1/4 Fire detection system
Length bp: ........ ................... _........... 170.8m Output/speed or each set: .. .... ... 1.800kW Make: ..... ... ............................... Consilium
Breadth moulded: .................................... 26 6m Diesel-driven alternators x 2 Type: .. Fire Detection System Salwico CCP
Depth moulded Eng me make(lype. .. .. ... .. . ... ........ ........ 6L20 Fire ext inguishing systems
To rna1n deck: ..... ..... - ...................... 17.Bm Type of fuel: .................... .. LNG/HFO/MDO Deck Area: .. . ..... ..... .... ..
To upper deck: ................................... 14.8m Outpul/speed o r each set: . ........... 1,056kW Make/Type: ...... ......... TYCO Dry Chemical I
Wldlh o r double skin / 1,200rp11'1 Yard water spray
bottom: ............................................... 1.45m Alternator m ake/type: .........Cummins generator Engine room: ... ....... . Fixed fire extinguishing
Draug t1t lech I DSG86 K1-6 Make/Type: ... .... NK CO, / Unitor Water Mis t
Scantling ; ...- ............................... ........ 9.4m Output/speed o l each sot .............. 1,200KVA Radars x 2 -
Design: ............................................... 8.3m / 1.200rpm Make: ............................ ............ ..... JRG
Gross:.................... ............... . ......... 22.887gl Boilers x 1 Model(s): . .. . .. .. .. ... JMR .. 9225 - 6X I
D1splacemenL ...•"..... ...... .. .. .. 32.087 9tonnes Type: . .......... ....... . ....................... OS-TCi JMR -9230 -S
Lightweight. .................. -...... 1I,170tonnes Make; ..................... . .. ................ Aalborg Waste disposal plant
Deadwolght Output. each boiler· . .. . 2,000kg/h:7 bar Incinerator
Design: ......................................... 16,400dwt Cargo cranes/cargo gear x 1 Make: ...CSSC Nanjing Luzhou
Sca1111Jng: ....................... . ... ...... 20,400dwt Make· ........................ Si1anghai Hengyuan Machine Co. Ltd
Block oo,.efficlent Manne Eqp. Co. Ltd. Model ......... ............. OG200C
(please state relevant draught) ..... 0.75 (8.3m) Type: ...............................................6'f.25M Sewage p lan1
Performance: .. .. .... . ...... Elec tric Hydraulic Make: ..................................... ........ JOWA AS
Spead. service (- %MCR output) ........ 16knols Other cranes......................... . ................ 2 Model: ............... ........ JOWA STP 2010
(60% MCR with both engine Make: .... . ...... ..... .Shanghai Hengyuan Marine Contract date: ................... 11 January 2013
In operation; ........ ... .... ..95% MCR with one Eqp. Co. Ltd Launch/float-out da1e. .. ... 10 October 2014
engine in operation) Type· ....................................................2T-14M Delivery date: ..... .... ············-··· ...... July 2015


K. YOUNGHUNG: Bulk carrier
Shipbuilder: ............ Sungdong Shipbuilding Depth moulded Output, each boiler: ....................... 1,600kg/hr
& Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. To main deck: ..................................... 22.?m (oil fired side). 1,000kg/hr
Vessel's name: ........... ...... ........ K. Younghung Draught (exhaust gas side)
Hull No: ........... ... . .................... ... ......... S1207 Scantling: ........................................... 16.Sm Other cranes
Owner/Operator: ..............KSF 33 International Design: ........................................... 15.2m Number: .................................. ... . ...... 2 sets
SA I SK Shipping Gross: ....... . ... _............................. ... 79,000gl Make: ......... .......................... ................. Oriental
Country: ................... ..... .................. Panama Deadweight Type: ............... Electric-hydraulic: type jib crane
Designer: ................... Sungdong Shipbuilding Design: ..... .. ........... .. .. . 135,000dwt Tasks: ............ . Engine part handling, provision
& Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. Scantling: ................................... 151.000clwl handling, Suez mooring
Country: ........ ........... . . ... Repubtlc of Korea Speed. se1vice (-- %MCA output): ... 14knots at boat handling
Model test establishment used: ........... KRISO 85.5%of MCR Performance: .. ............ Port (8t), Starboard(4t)
Flag: .... .................................. . ... . .... Panama
IMO number: ................... ............... 9708590
Bunkers (m3 )
Heavy oil: ......................................... 3,000m'; ~~~i:~u.i~.~:.n.t................... Windlass 2 sets.
Total number o1 sister ships Diesel oil: ........ ................................ 350m~ Mooring winch 6 sets
already completed Water ballast (m3): ... .. .• .. ....... ......... 73,000m3 Make: .. ........................- ..... ....... Rolls-Royce
(excludingship presented): .. ................... .. O Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) Type (electric/hydraulic/steam): ..... .. Elec1ro
Total number of sister ships stilt on order: ...... 1 Main engine only: ................. 36.1tonnes/day -hydraulic
Classification society and notations: ........... KR I Special lifesaving equipment
"KRS1,- Bulk Carrier 'ESP' Number of each and capacity: ...... ..... 1 set
V. YOUNGHUNG has a flush deck wid1 forecastle, CSA, BC-B (max cargo density x 25persons
f t bulbous bow, open water lype stern, single rudder 1.5 l/m3), PSPC, LI, IWS, GRAB Make ............. ...... _.. .......... .. .. ...Norsafe
nnd single screw propeller driven by a sfi1w ''Peed (20), ENV (IBWM. IAFS, IOPP. ISPP. Type: ........... Totally enclosed free fall type
diesel eng:me. IAPP, IGPP, llHM, IEE}, SEATRUST Hatch covers
The vessel is built according co Korean R~ister (HCM), +KRM1 - UMA, STCM' Design: .. ...... ......... ................... MacGregor
Manufacturer: . .......... ... ........... MacGregor
specifications and de.!oigned in 11ccurdancc with !ACS % high-tensile steel used in construction: ..... 77
common structural rules (CSR). The VC!isel is Main engine{s) Type (upper deck/other decks): ... .. . Electro
principally for caiTying roal only. The BC-B notation Design: .... ............... .. .. .............. MAN B&W -hydraulic motor driven and chains
Ballast control system
is applied for cargo holds wilh lhe mHx.imum cargo Model: ..... ........ .... .....5G70ME-C9.2 Tier II Make: ............ ................................ Emerson
<.l~~iLy of I .5t!m' Manufacturer: ... .................... Doosan Engine Type: ............... ........... Electro-hydraulic type
The vessel is const.rueled with n single skin in way of' Number: .............................................. 1 set Water ballast Treatment System
C<Jrgo holds with double bottom and topside tanks. The Type of fuel: ............... .......... . HFO & MGO Make: .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ......... ................. Techcross
cargo hold area is divided by vc1t1cal eorrugaled Output of each engine: ....... 11,SOOkW x 66rpm Capacity: ......................... .... 2.500/h x 2 sets
trnnsverse watertight hulkheads into seven cargo (Specified MCR) Fire detection system
hold~. The No.4 cargo hold can be u~ed as a noodable Propeller( s) Make: ......................................................... BI
hold for heavy halla5l co11ditions ruid No.2 and No. 6 Material: ..... ..................................... Ni-Al-Br Type: .................................. Addressable type
holds also CM be used as partial tloodable holds for the Designer/Manufacturer: ............... Sungdong Fire extinguishing systems
ndj ustment of 1h~ air drnught ut specific pores. Shipbuilding & Marine Engine room ....................... Tyco & Seaplus
The vessel takes into <n"OUnl lhe !<Jtcst en vironmcntal Engineering Co Ltd I HHf Make/Type ........................ Local water mist
gu;deliues wd1 as MARPOL Annex I Reg. 12A for Number: ... .. ...... .... ...... .. ... .. ........... 1 set Radars .............Number: S-Band Radar 1 each,
oil fuel tank proteclioo, the lnveutory of Hxzardou.~ Fixed/Controllable pitch: ........................ FPP X-Band Radar leach
Maceiials (IHM) for ship;' recycling, perfo1m:rncc Diameter: ... .. . .. ....................... ..... ... 9m Make: ... ............ ...... ...... .. . .. . .. . .. .. JAC
~1andar<.l:; f.or protective coatings (PSPC) for wi1ter Speed: ........................... ................ 66<pm Model(s): ........JMA-9282-S(S-Band Radar),
ballast tanks and peak lanks, w1d the :CNV notation. Diesel-driven alternators JMR-9225-9X3(X-Band Radar )
TI1e MCR of the main engine is 1l ,550kW at 831pm Number: ..... .. ................................. 3 sets Waste disposal plant
and lhe service speed at the design draught at NCR Engine make/type: ........ ..... Doosan Engine I Waste handled: ........ 700.000kcal/h (814kW)
(9,875kW) with 15% sell margin is 14 knoL~ and can 6L23/30H MK2 Incinerator
travel more than 23,000 nautical miles. Three diesel Type of fuel: .............................. HFO & MGO Make: HYUNDAI-ATLAS .... . ... ............ Model:
generniors driven by altcmatoi;. with 750kW output Output/speed of each set: .. 852kW I 720rpm MAXI NG150SL WS
have heen installed. Alternator make/type: ........HHI I HFC7 504-10P Sewage plant
Output/speed of each set: ..... . 750kW I 720rpm Make ........................................ . IN-SEUNG
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Boilers Model: ... .... ... ........ .... ........... ... ... ISS-25N
Length oa: ...... .. .. ........ ... ....... ............ 273m Number: 1 set Contract date: ...... ... ................... August 2013
Length bp: ............................... .............. 265.m Type: .... .Composite Launch/float-out dale: ... ......... ... June 2015
Breadth moulded:............................... .. 46m Make: .. ............... Kangrirn Heavy Industries Delivery date: .......- ..................... August 2015


.s - - ' -
r---- ..··"
....·"' 1 ,.
Type: ... .Automatic. forced draft, marine boiler
Make: ....... ..................... ····· .. . SAACKE
Output. each boiler: ....................... 7 .5 ton/h
x 7 kg/cm 2G
Economisers x 4
Type: ... Vertical. circulating. smoke tube
Make: ........................................ SAACKE
Output, each economise<: .... About 1.0 ton/h
x 7 kg/cm'G
Cargo cranes/cargo gear x 2
Make: ... .... .. ..... . ............................ DMC
Type: ..... .. .................. Electro-hydraulic
Performance: ....... 5 tons SW L x 2sets(P&S)
Cranesx 1
Make: ..................... ....................... DMC
Type .............. ..................... Electro-hydraulic
Tasks: .......... Machinery t0om service c rane
Performance: ................ 7 ton S.W.L. x 1 set
Other c ranes x 2
Make: ............ .. ,,.................... ........ DMC
Type: .. ... ............................. Electro-hydraulic
Tasks: ............................... Provision crane
Performance: ......,5 ton S.W.L. x?. sels (P&S)
LNG BONNY II: 177,000m Mooring equip ment
Number: ...... 2 windlass. 9 mooring winches
Make: ............... ... , ........ TIS Marino GMBH

class LNG carrier Type (electric/hydraullc/sleam): ..... , Electric,

Special lifesaving equipment

step-less control

Number of each and capacity: .......... 2 sets,

Shipbuilder: .......... Hyundai Heavy Industries Gross: ...... ..................................... 115.995gt 60 persons
Ve ssel's name : .... ..... ·-·· ,_........ LNG Bonny II Deadweight Mako: ........ ............. HLB
Hull No: .................................................... 2636 Design: ..................................... 8 7,7 1 ldwt Type: .......... . Conventional
Owner/Opera tor: .......................... Bonny Gas Scantling: .......... . ....................... 89.9 70dwt Cargo tanks x 4
Transport Limited Speed, service (-- %MCA output): .. ... 19 75 knots at Grades of cargo carried: ................ .... LNG
Country: .............................................Bermuda maximum propulsion power Containment system: .............. Prefabricated
Designer: ............... Hyimdai Heavy Industries Cargo capacity (m ) insulation panel. membrane sheets
Country: ................... ............Republic of Korea Uqu1d volume. ..... .. ................... 176,800m3 Cargo pumps x 8 sets
Model test establishment used: .......... SSPA Bunkers (m)) Type : ... Vertical centrifugal, submerged
Flag: ............................................... Bermuda Heavy oil ...................................... 4,050m~ Make : . ... ........................... . EBARA
IMO number: ............................. . .. ... 9692002 Diesel otl ................................ . 1,350m~ Capacity (each) : .......2.000 m"fh x 165 mlc
Total number ot sister ships already completed Waler ballast (m3) ..... .. ................. . 61,SOOm"' Cargo and BallAst control system
(excluding ship presented): .......... ..... None Daily fuel cons umption (tonnes/day) Make: ....................... .............. Yokogawa
Total number of sister ships Main engine only: .............. 133.6 tonnes/day Type : ... .... , .... . . .................... .. ICAS
still on order: .............. _ ... _................... None Water ballast treatment system
Classification society and notations: ............. LR Make: ................................................ HHl
+ 100A1 Liquefied Gas Tanker Ty pe 2G. Capac ity : .. .. ........ .. .. ....... 6,000 m '/h
LNG BONNY JI the 17i,000m' class I.NG carrier
designis intended lo
lhaL was delivered from HHI to BGT. vessel's
reduce waste energy and
Methane (LNG) in Membrane Tanks ,
Maximum Vapour Pressure
0 35 bar g, Minimum Temperature
Olficets: ..... ... ...... •............................... 30
Crow: , ................. , ... . .... ... . .... .. . .... 15
emissions and it has been fitted with the latest ln Minus 163°C. ShipRight(SDA, Suez/Repai r Crew: .............................. 6
energ)' saving features. AC S(B)), 'IWS. LI, ECO(BWT. IHM). Single/doublelolher rooms: ....... 46 single rooms
'!'he ship has an overnJJ length of 299.Sm, +LMC. UMS, ICC, NAV1 IBS with Bow thruster
width of '16m and depth 26.5 m with a desig n descriptive notes "ShipRight (BWMP(T). Make: .......... ................................... HHl·EMD
draught of 11.97 m. It has four membrane LNG CM.FDA plus(40, WW). SERS. SCM)"" Number: ................. .
tonks. 'ro handle the cargo the vessel Is l111ed Main eng ine{s } Output (each}: ..... ...... .
wilh eig ht vertical centrifugal s ub merged Design: ....... Four stroke. single acting. trunk Bridge conlrol system
E13ARA pwn ps that have 2.000111 1/ h cnpaclty piston, turbocharged, intercooled. Make: ........ ...... ............. ..... Sperry Marine
enc b. They are con tl'Olled wi th I CAS I ype c onstant speed, non-revetsible, Typ e: .. ... ........ ...... Auto-pllo t(Sperry Marine),
Yo kogawa-made bnllnsl nnJ control sysr~m i n dual fuel burning. ECDI S(Sper<y Marine)
the cnrgo control room. Model: .............. .. ........... Wartsila 8LSODF Is bridge fitted for on"""man oporation? .........No .
Th., vessd has four pairs of water ballas t Lan ks Manufaclurer: ...... ..... . ·-···· Wartsila Hyundai Fi re detection sys tem
which incorporated in to the d ouble hull and Engine Company Make: . ..... .. ........ .. ........... Consi liurn
double bottomed structllte. LNG Bv1111y II is Number: ...... ........... ....................... ........ 5 Type: ........ .......... .. .... Add ressable type
propelled hy twin screw propellers wbkli nrc Type of fuel (eg, HFO or MOO} : .......... HFO I (smoke, heat, flame)
driven by electric motors with a service spel!d of MGO / Gas Fire extinguishing systems
19.75 knots :rt design draught when running al Output ol each engine: ................ . 7.800kW Cargo tank deck: ....... Make/Type: NK I Dry
maxi.mum propulsion power of 2 x 12.310 kW Propulsion Motor(s) c hemical powder
with 20% sea margin burning less fuel of ahout Make " ... ......................................... GE Engine toom: ........ .. Make/Type: NK I H igh
133.6 tonnes per day. Model: ....................... ....... N3 HXC 1000 JS expansion foam
The ship is compliant with IMO's F.1Jcrgy Numb er: ........................... .......... ........... 2 Cargo compressor room· . Maketrype: NK I
Efficienc)' Design !ridex (EJ.::DI) as certified by Oulput speed: .................................583 RPM High pressure CO~
the Classification Society's compliance letter an d Geart>ox(os) Cabins: .. Make/Type: NK I Sea water hydranl
with IMO Tier 11 rules. The vessel has been built Make: ... ........................ .......... ... ........RENK Public spaces: ....................... ... Make/Type:
accor di ng l o t he l atest SOI,!\$ I MARPOL Model: ...... .................................. RSH-1950 NK I Sea water hydrant
requi rements and i ts design offers economical Number: ...................................................... 2 Radars
operation, is safe and c1wironmentally friendly. Output speed: ...... ..................... ..... 68 RPM Number: ...................... 1 S-band. 2 X-band
Propeller(s) Make: .. ............. ...... ... Sperry Marine
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Material: ............ .... ................ Ni-Al-Bronze Moc:lel(s): ....................... ARPA RADAR
Length oa: ............................... .. About 299 Sm Designer/Manufacturer: ............... HHl-EMD Integrated bridge sys tem .......................Yes
Length bp: ........... ................. ............ 286 3rn Number: ..................... ... ............... _ .. , ..... 2 II yes. make: ....... ................Sperry Marine
Breadth moulded: ..................................... 46m Fixed/Contro llable pitch: : ....................... FPP Model: .. . .. ... ......... ........................ .. .res
Depth moulded Diameter: .......................................... 84M Waste disposal p lant
To upper deck: ......................... ....... 26.Sm Speed: ..... ........................................ 68rpm Waste handled:
Main-eng ine driven alfernatots Incinerator
Width of double skin Number: ................ 5 Make : .... ..... ..... ' ...... . ............. HMMCO
Side: 2.527m Mal<e/type: .............. Nil Model: .... MAX I 1500SL WS(Douhlo door)
Bottom: ... 3.3m Ol!fpul/speed of each set ......... 7.530 kW I Sewage plant
Draught 514 RPM Make: ....... ............. , ... ........... llseung
Scantling: . 1297m Sol lers Model: ................................... ISS·60N
Design: . 1197m Number: ... 2 Contract date: ................... 14 December 2012

52 $1()NIHCANI SHIP!,; or 2015

NOU.:>3$ dlMSCllW
~··,. ;.;;..._
311.:IOl:ld 0
~ !t
Tasks: ..................... ............ provision crane
Performance: ... 5 Lon @20m. 12m/mi n / 5 ton
@20m, 12m/mln
Mooring equipment
Number: ....... ... Hydraulic Deck Machinery, 8
drums(excep t combined windlasses)
Make: ........... .. ... . ........ ......... TTS Marine
Type (electric/
hydraulic/steam): ............ electro-hydraulic
type, 30 tons x 15M/min
Special lifesaving equipment
Number of each and capacity: .................. 2
Make: ......................... J i al'ISU Jiaoyan Marine
Equipment Co. Ltd .
Type: .. ....... .... Conventional fire
protected type. 60P, totally enclosed
Cargo tanks
Number: ............... . .. 4
Product range : ......... . .. ...... LNG
Coated tanks · make and
type of coating: ...... ............ membrane tank
LNG FINIMA II: LNG carrier Stainless steel . structure/piping: ..... Applied
Cargo pumps
Number: .......... ... .................. .................... 8
Type: ......Centrifugal. single stage, submerged
Shipbuilder: ................... ...... ........... .. Samsung Bunkers (m 3) Make: .............. ... .. .. ........... ...... - ...SHINKO
Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Heavy oil ................................. .. .. 3.900 mJ
Capacity (each): ...... 1.950m0 /hx 160mlc
Vessel's name: ............... .. ................ Fin/ms 11 Diesel oil: ...... .... .. ... . . ............. 1,250 m3 Cargo control system
Hull No: ....... .......... ...... .... .. .. .......... SN2076 Water ballast (m°). . . .. .. .......... 64.000 m 3
Owner/Operator: .... Bonny Gas Transport Ltd Dally fuel consumpuon (tonnes/day) Make: ................ .................. ........... Samsung
Country: ........................ ............................. - Main engine only· .. .. .. .. ... 12 1.3tonnes/day Type: .. ..... ....... SSAS-MASTER (IAS Grade)
Designer: . ...... . .............. ...... . Samsung Heavy Classihcation sociely Ballast control system
Industries Co. Ltd. and notations: . ....... Bureau Veritas I, ;r< HULL. Make: .. .. .... .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . ... . ............ Samsung
Coun try: ... ........................... Republic of Korea w MACH, Liqueiied Gas Carrier/ Type: ..... .......... SSAS-MASTER (IAS Grade)
Model test establishment used: ............. SSMB LNG, Ship type 2G (Methane (LNG) in Water ballast Treatmen1 System
(Samsung Ship Model Basin) membrane tanks. Maximum vapour Make: .... Samsung
Flag: Bermuda pressure 0.3Sbar. Minimum temperature Capacity: 6,000 m" /h
IMO number: 9690145 -163deg). Unrestricted navigation, Complement
Total number of sister ships tb VeriSTAR-HULl DFL 40 years, Olficers: .....................................-.... 16
already completed (excluding ship CPS(WBT}. INWATERSURVEY, o!! AUT-IMS. Crew: ..._ .. .. ............................... 22
presented}: ....... .... . .. . .. .. . . ....... Nil tb SYS-NEQ-1, >F SYS-IBS, MON-SHAFT. Suez/Repair Crew: ... ... ................ ... . .... 6
Total number of sis1er ships still on order: .... 3 CLEANSHIP, BWT, GREEN PASSPORT, Single/double/other rooms: .... ...... .... 39/6/1
Ll-HG·S3, ERS·S Stern appendages/special rudders: ........ Semi-
% high·tensile steel balanced s1reamline type with bulb
NJJ\M 11 is the wo1itl lll'Sl l\qtteflcd tiatµm l gos used in construction: .. ............... approx. 10% Bow thruster(s)
R (LNG) carrier \\~ll1
174,000111' cargo capacity for
Bonny Gas Traospori nn<l i.s to be tised transportto
Main generator engine{s}
Design: ......... ... .................. .......... . ... wartsila
Make: ..... . . ... .. .... Kawasaki Heavy Industry
Number: ....... .. ... ........ ........ 1 set, CPP type
LNG producOO. byNLNG at Bonny Island, Nigeria. This Model: ....... . .................. .. ..............8L50DF Output (each}: ............... 2,500kW (6.600V),
'-csscl acts as a replaccmetu for Nl.NGs first LNG train. Manufacturer: ...................Wartsila Licensee Air to air heat exchanger
Fi11i111n 11 l~ cnmpllant with BGT's operating prof~c for Number: ............... ................................ 5 Bridge control system
non-St.op operation. For L"Xllmplc, this wssel. is imtalled Type of fuel: .................. HFO, MOO and gas Make: .... ...... ... . . .... ... ..... .. .. GE Energy
with Hvi: TFDE engines so tlklt ifeven one enginl! is not Output of each engine: . ...... . . ...... 7 .800 kW Type: ............................- ..- .......... BUK-C
llpcrntlonal, tJ1e vessel c:i11 ~till tmn~po11 its cargo to its Gearbox(es) Is bridge fitted for one-man operation? ... . Yes
desth111Uon at the ~-vice speetl. Make: Fire detection system
I11 ~dd!ticm, by adopting thetwin s~g pro~uls1011 type Model: Make: .......... ....... ..... ... .
11nd SW s self-developed encrl,iy savmg devJCes, lls fuel Number: .. ... Type: ...... ........ .
efficiency nnd pe1fonnancc will be higher than similru· Output speed: ............. . Fire extinguishing systems
size ves.'it!l~ rn the mad«.'1. Propeller(s} Engine room: .. .. ... ... .... .......... ..... .... . ..
Finimn Trs specification was Jevdoped with technical Material: ....... Hub & blade: Nickel aluminium
support and advice from Shcll and Ille \oessel has bee11 Mal<effype .. .. ... .. NK/High Expansion Foam
bronze I Cap : Manganese bronze Cabins: ..... .... .. ......- ....- ......................
t>uiltwith Braemar's technical a..\'Sistancc throughout the or Ni - Al bronze
construction period MakefType: ............ . .. ........... Sea water fire
Designer/Manufacturer: ....... ....... Nakashima extinguishing system
Most Jrnportantly, lhis vessel is the fm.1 vessel Propeller Co. Ltd
com\Jll:mt with ll1c Nlgcrinn gmrcrmnenl\\ content Public spaces: .......................................
Number: .................................. ... .............. 2 Make/Type: ................ .......... Sea water lire
dcve 01,mcnt projeti:. Proven ond verilled N1gerinn Fixed/Controllable pilch: .......... .......... ., .FPP
vendors hrtve participated in the c;uustruc:tion of the extinguishing syslem
Diameter: ....... ............. .. ............ 8,200mm Radars
vessd with componenb ~uch as p~int ond anodes used Main·engine driven alternators
for ils c.umpletion. Nigerl;'lll engineers were involved Number: ................ .......... ............... ... 3
Number: .. ...... ......................... ... ......... 5 Make: .............. .......................Sperry Marine
with design and construction for the first time having Make/type: ................. GE Energy / 8 183X 14
bccn lrJined by SHI from thest;irt of the p"*'Cl.. Output/speed of each set: ............8 .367 KVA Model(s): ........................ VisionMaster Radar
(7,530 Kw) / 514 rpm Integrated bridge system: Yes (ECDIS/Conning
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS WHRS turbo generator Display/
Length oa: ............ .. Number: .............. .. Route Planning/CAMS
Length bp: .................. ...... .. Make/Lype: .... .................. SHINKO I RG65·5 If yes. make: ...Sperry Marine
Breadth moulded: Output/speed of each set: ....... ......... .2.300kW Model: ........ VisionMaster ECDIS
Depth moulded / 1,800 rpm Waste disposal plant
To main deck: Boilers Waste handled: ........ .................... Incinerator
To upper deck: ... . Number: Make: .... ........ ............ 1,000,000KCAL/H
To other decks: ... Type:.. Model:... ... .. .. ...... MAXI 1200 SL 2S
Width of double skin Make............. .. Waste compactor
Side: ... Output. each boiler: .......... . Make: ........... ........... .. .. . ............. METOS
Bottom: ..... Cargo cranf;!s/cargo gear Model: ............................... ........ UBP-30S
Draugh1 Number· .............. Cargo machinery crane 1 Waste shredder/crusher
Scantling: 12 65m Make: ... .......... ..... ...............Techflower Make: ............ .. ................... Uson Marine
Design: ...... .. 11 65m Type: .......... Electro-hydraulic cylinder lutting, Model; ....... ........... .. ............... Ulv1S·2530
Gross: ...... .. ..... 116,600gt single jib Sewage plant
Deadweight Performance: ........... Ston@ 13.5m, 12m/min Make: llseung
Design: 87,000 dwt Other cranes Model : ... .................. ISS-60N
Speed, service (MPP): .. 19.75 knots Number: ............ ..... Provision Crane 2 sets Contract date: ..... 24 January 2013
Cargo capacity (m ) Make: ........... .. .. .... ...... .. . .. ....... Techftower Launch/float-out date. . 13 December 2014
Liquid volume: .... 174.900 m3 Type: ......... electro-hydraulic cylinder luffing Delivery dale: ....... .. . 30 November 2015


Fixed/Controllable pitch: ........ .FPP, keyless,
Diameter: ... . .. ..................... 6.7m
Speed: ... .... . . ..........•.. . 88.6rpm
Diesel-driven alternators
Number: , .......... ····-··.. ......... .............3 sets
Engine make/type: ...................STX ENGINE
/ 6L 23/30H-MK2
Type of fuel (eg, HFO or MOO): ... ........ HFO.
OutpuVspeed of each set: . ........... 852k.W
/ 720rpm
Alternator make/type: ............ HYUNDAI I HFC7
Output/speed of each set: .... 1,000kW J 720rpm
Number: ................................ . ..... ... 2 sets
Type: ...... ... .................. Auxiliary, Composite
Mako: .................. Kangrim Heavy Industries
Outpul. each boiler: .... Auxiliaiy-18,000kg/hr.
Composite( Oil fired/ exh. Gas)
- 1,200/SOOkg/hr
Cargo cranes/cargo gear
Number: ....... ......... ................ .......... ... 1 sot
Make: .. ................... ............ .. .... _....... . DMC
Type: .......... ... . ... . Electric/hydraulic. Driven
Performance: ...................... 10tonnes x 23m
Other cranes
Number: .................. . .. ................. 2 sots
Make: ....... ....... , .................. . ................. DMC
MAERSK TACOMA: Oil/ Type: ........................ Bectric/hydraulic. Driven
Tasks: ............ Engine pan handllng(Stb'd only),
Provision handling
chemical tanker Performance: Port(2tonnes), Stb'd(3.2tonnes)
Mooring equipment
Number: . ......................... Windlass 2 sets.
Mooring winch 7 sen>
Shipbuilder: ...Sungdong Shipbuilding & Marine Areas (Sl!CAs). Addilionnll)'• the vessel is full)•
Make: .. , .... ....... ............. Flutek-Kawasaki
Engineering Co., Ltd. compliant with the TBC coue for cnrrying d1emlcnl Type (electric/hydraulic/steam): ........ Electtic
Vessel's name: ...................... Maersk Tacoma cai·11oes n11cl the number of nppUcableche'1:nicalq u•gocs /hydraulic. Type
Hull No: ........ ................................... ... 53075 ls nboul SOO. Special lifesaving equiprnenl (eg MES, free-fall
Owner/Operator: ............. Maersk Tankers AJS lifeboo1s}
Country: ........... ........ .. .. ....... ......... Denmark TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Number of each and capacity: ·······-··3 sets
Designer: ................. Sungdong Shipbuilding Length oa: ....... ............... . 183m Type: ... . .. . .. .. . ..... ... Weather tight steel door
& Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. Length bp: .. ........ . 17401 Cargo tanks
Country: .............. .... , ........ Republic of Korea Breadth moulded: 32.2m Number: ............. 6 pairs + 1 pair slop tanks
Model test establishment used: ........ ... KRISO Depth moulded Cargo pumps
Flag: ......... .......... ........... ............... Singapore To main dock: 19. lm Number: 14ea
IMO number: ......... .. ..................... ... 9708617 Wid th of double skin Type: .. .......... .... Submerged. centrifugal
Total number of sister ships Side: .......... . .... 2m (hydraulic motor driven)
already completed Bottom· 215m Make: ... .. ....... ....... ..... ... .... . .... Framo
(excluding ship presented): ........ .. ..... 1 Draught Stainless steol ..... ... ....... . ...... -·· AIS316
Total number of sister ships still on order: ....... 2 Scantling: Capacity (each): ........... Cargo ta.nk (600m" x
Design: ....... 125rnLC), Slop tank(300rrf' x 125mLC)
Gross: Cargo control syslem
Mfour MR product oil /chemical tankers, built by
11m~SK 'D\COMJ\ Is the llrst vcssdin a series of Make: .......... .... ... .......... . ................ Framo
Design: .. ....... ...... .......... ··-··· ..... 37 ,905dwt Type: ............. Framo Cargo Pumping Syslern
Sungdong Shipbuilding & M:trine Engineering for Ballast 00111101 system
Maer.;k 'lllnkers NS. The vessel features ll dOuble Scantling: ............. .. ....... ... ...... 49,828dwt
Speed, service(·· %MCA outpul): ... 15 knots at Make: .... ..... ... .. ........ ...... .. ..... Emerson
sided skin and has a Rush deck. bulbous bow, transom Type: ........................... Electro-hydraulic type
stern, open water type slem frame, semi-balanced 85% of MCA
Water ballast treatment system
rudder and single propeller driven by a slow speed Cargo capacity (rn') Make: ................ Samsung Heavy Industries
diesel engine. Liquid volume: .................. , ............ 54,085m Capacily: ............ .............. ... 2,ooorn·'h x 1 scit
The main engine MCR of MAN 6G50ME-B9.3 Bunkers (m 3) Cornplemen1
Tler U is de-rated to 7,3.17kW at 88.6rpm for Heavy oil: .... ... ... . . ... ...... ..... . ........ 1,255m Officers: .. .
Diesel oil: ......... ,............ (Marine gas oit: 292m ~
economy fuel oil consumption. 1be speed of the Crew: ..... ..
vessel at design drought (ll m) is 15.lknots at 85% of Water ballast (m~): ..................... ........ 22.296m· Fire dotoction system
MCR(6,2I9kW) with 15%sca margin based on a well Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) Make.. . .,... Consilium
oplimlscd hull form and propeller design which had Main engine only: ....................... 23. ?tonnes Type: ...................- •. .. ... Addressable
been llllalyst:d by CPD. l(lc:clric power is generated Classification society and notations: .... ....... LR/ Fire extinguishing systems
from three diesel generators driveu by alterrmtors "+ 1OOA1 , Double Hu II Oil and Chemical Cargo holds - .... Make/Type: NK, Fixed Deck
with 800kW output mid steam is generutcd by two Tanker, Ship Type 2, CSR, ESP. ShipRight (CM, Foam System
auxiliary boilers of water lube type with a cnpacity of ACS(B)}, ·1ws. LI, SPM4, ECO (BWT. IHM. GW, Engine room -........... Make/rype: NK, High
18,000kg/h and composite boiler with oil fired OW, P), XLMC, IGS, UMS. ETA" with the Expansion Foam System
section I,200kglh and exhaust gas sectlon. descriplive notes "ShipRight (BWMP(S.T), Radars
The vessel has six pairs of cnrgo oil tanks, two slop SERS, VECS, SCM)'', COW(LR) Number: ... ..... . S-BAND Radar lea,
tn11ks, lore nnd aft peak t31lks. segregated water ballast % higt1-tensile steel used in construction: ... .. 37 X-BAND Rada1 1 ea
tanks, fuel oil tanks and fresh water ranks. Cnrgo tanks Main englne(s) Make: , ......... ........ ......... ....................... .. JRC
ore cliviclc{d by plane type transverse and longitudinal Design: .......... .. Model(s): . , ...... JMR-9272-S(S-BAND Rador),
bulkheads. Cargo hand ling Is performed by three JMR-9225-6X(X-BAND Radar)
Model: ..
cnrgo oil pwnp of 600m'lh. driven by steam turbine. Integrated bridge system: ............................. No
Manufacturer: ..
Water lx1ll:t~ is bandied by two ballast pum~ driven Waste d isposal plant
by steam turbine and cle.:trlc motor. This vessel h:is Number: ............................................. 1 set Incinerator
one ballast water treatment system of the indirect Type of fuel (eg, HFO or MDO): .......... HFO, Make: .... Hyundai Marine Machinery
elecltolysis type whld1 is cmvl ronment:illy friendly. MDO,MGO Co., Ud.
The ve"el i.s fully compliant with the hitesl Output of each engine: . ....7 ,317kW x 88.6rpm Modol: .. .......................... MAXI NGlOOSL WS
environmental guidelines on issues such a' fuel oil Propeller(s) Sewage plant
protedion, the inventory of hazardous matc.rmls for Material: ... ....... ......... ..... .............. Ni-Al-Br Make: .... . . . Jonghap Machinery Co., Ltd.
ship n-cycling. perfom1ancc stnndnrds for protective Designer/Manufacturer: ........... SungdOl1g Model: .. ........JMC - BIO - AEAOB -35N(A)
coalmgs (PSPC) and !MO Tier IJ NOx requircmenlS. Shipbuilding & Marine Contract dale: .... .. .. .......... .. ..August 2013
'11ic vessel :ilso has a manne gas oil tank to '>lllisfy Engineering Co., Ltd I SILLA Launch/float-out date: .. .... . . . February 2015
ciu1sslo11 requirements in Sulphur Emission Control Number: ................. ........................... 1 set Delivery date: ........... ............. .. ........ April 2015

56 S1ct.11ncANT SHrPS OF 2015

--"""\":·----~1------------- -1
' "
"L:--- ---- --- J
Sl53a 315 ..:1 >t~3a ~3ddn
:) _..........- ......-- -~-
- - -- , ---·
Cargo cranes/cargo gear x 2 scls
Make ... ... .. ...... .. .... ..... ... Oriental
Typo: .............................. Electric-Hydraulic
- Capacity: 101on
- Working Rad ius: Max 25m-Min.6.7m
Olher cranes x 3 sets
Make: ... . . .... ..........Oriental
Type.............. . .. Electria..Hydraulic
Performance .. . . .. car go Machinery
Room Service Crane
- Capacity .. .... .. 5 ton Working Radills :
Max.24m-Min s am
Provision Crane (PORT)
- Capacity : 5 ton Working Radius: Max 17m
- Min.4 6m
Provision Crane (STBD}:
- Capacity : ........... 5 Ion Worki11g Radius:
Mox 18 5m-Min.o.Om
Mooring equipment x 9 sets
Make: ...... ................................ Fukushima

MARAN GAS ACHILLES: Type (electric/hydraulic/steam): ........ EIActric

Special lilesaving equipment


LNG carrier Number o l each and capadly: ........... 2 sets,

Make: .........
50 persons
Hyundai Li1cboats
Type : .... ..... . . Davit Launched Type
Shipbuilder: ....... ................. Hyundai Samho Design: ............................ 11 .60m (moulded) Cargo tanks x 4
Heavy Industries Gross: ........ ....................... .......... .. 113680gt Grades of cargo carried: ...................... LNG
Vessel's name: ................. Maran Gas Achilles Displacement: .......................... .. 128,190gt Product range (Mo1A%): .. .... .......Nitrogen -
Hull No: ......... ........ •....... ................ ........ S689 (at Scantling draught) 0.006 - 1.2, Mcthano -
Owner/Operator: .. ....... .. .. ....... .. Maran Gas Ughlweigl1t: ................... .34,!SOOgt (Estimated) 86.7-100, Ethane - 01-10 4, o
Country: .. ...................... ... ... ... .... ....... Greece Deadweight Propane:... ... .. ...................... 0.0-3.69.
Designer: . Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Design: .. . ........ .......................... 82,583dwt Autane: . ...... .... .. .. .. ......... 0.0-1 .5.
Country: .. ...... ... ... ... . ...... ..Republ ic o.f Korea Scantling: ............ ................... 93,690dwt Pentanc and HAnvier: .................. 0 .00-0.05
Model Lest establishment used: .......... Hyundai Block r.o-efficieot. O 7517 (al scantling draught) Coaled tanks - make and type
Maritime Research Institute (HMRI) $ptled, seNice: .. 19.50knots (MPP with 20% SM) o1 coating : ........ .. .... Membrane Type
Flag: ... ....... . ....... .. . ....... ... . ...... .... Greece Cargo capacity (m') Stainless steel structure/piping: ......./ASTM
IMO number: ....................................... 9682588 Liquid volume: 174.078.4m" A312 Gr TP316L
Total number of siste< ships still on order: . . 5 Runkers (m") Cargo pumps x 8 sets

~~~'Z ~1:: .:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::~;~:~~:

Type: ........ Vertical. centrifugal. Alectric motor
driven, submerged
'ARAN GAS ACH1LLES is the fltSl vessel in the Water ballast (m"): ...................... 58768 8m3
M series ofl74K {TFDF.-Twin Screw) LNG carriers
ordered bv Maran Gas Maritime. The vessel 1\111 be
Classi1ication society and notations: ...... Lloyd's
Register of Shipping+ 100A 1
Maker: . .... . ........................... ....... Shinko
Stainless steel: ......................... .. Ball bAaring
Capacity (each): ..... .... 1,800 rn /h x 160 mlc

delivered 'from Hyundai. Samho lleiwy In<lusLries Liquefied Gas Tanker, Sl1ip Type ?G. Cargo control system
(HSHJ) around the end o! December 2015. Methane(LNG) in Membrane tanks, Make: KSB Seil-Seres
'J11e vessel is designed and as a type 2G Maximum S G 0 ,5, Maximum vapour Type: . ......... Electro-hydraulic
shlp specified m the LGC code, suitnblc for currying pressure 0.25bar, Minimum tempGrature remote control system
LNG for which vapour pressures arc between minus 163, ShipRight(ACS(B), SDA, FDA Ballast control system
atmrn;pherlc pressure up to 0.25 bar. plus(40, WW). CM), ·iws. LI, +LMC. UMS. Make: ....... ..... .... ................ KSB Soil-SAres
Mmr111 Gtts Ad1il/~s ls the fit'St lwin S\:rew propdl~r NAV1, PSMRL, ECO(BWT. l~IM, P), with the Type:............. ............... Electro-hydraulic
LNG vessel Lo be driven by 11n clcclTic 1110tor wi!l1 a descrip tive notos "Par! Higher Tensile Steel. remote control system
bulbous bow, sunk'm stern ded<, Lrausom sLcrn nncl ShipRight(SERS, MPMS, MCM. SCM). Water ballast treatment system ..........•..•... . NK
two rnddE'J'S built al HSHI shipyard. % high-tensile steel used in construction: ........5 56% Cnpac ity: ........ ................. ........ NK-03-300
A PBCr (Propeller Boss Cap Fin} has been fitted as Main engine(s) Stern appendages/special ruddArs: .... Hyundai
ru1 energy saving device. The propcllcr blades have Design: .. ........................... ......... Wartsila Hi-rudder (twisted rudder)
hecn d1:mge...I fromJlve to three in order to i11crcasc its Model: ........................... 8L50Df. 12VSODF Bow thruster(s) x 1 set... ..................... Kawasaki
efficiency. Moreowr, HJ-Rudder {twisted rudder with Manuracturer: ....... Wartsila -Hyundai Engine Output (each): ...... . .. .................... 3o4kN
bulb) and a twisted skeg are installed to incre11se Company Bridge control system ................ Kwan I Controls
propulsion efficiency. It is estimated that the Number: ......... ................ . 8LoODF X 2 sets, Type: .......... ... .. .. . .... .... . .. .... . ..... BUK-8
application of the aforementioned features have 12VSODF x 2 sets Is bridge fitted ror one-man opera tion? ...... YES
increased the overnll efficiency hy a total of 5% Type of fuel: ............................ _. __ ....... HFO, fire detedion system
compar~l to the previ.ous LN<..; carrier. MOO. MGO, LNG Make: .. ............................. Consilium
In addition to the da.;,~ notation fur redundancy, the Output of each engine: .....8L50DF- 7,800kW X Type: . .... ........ ..... ... .... . ... . . SALWICO FDS
vessel complies with t he buyer's 'Pmpuh.ion 514rpm. 12VbOOF- 11,700kW Fire extinguishing systerr1s
Redundancy Design Intent' {PRJJI) as follows: "The x 514rpm Engine room: ..
arrangement shall not allow for single failure that can Gearbox(cs) x 2 sets Make/Type: ............. .
lead to total loss ofpropulsion, steering. power or other Make: ................................................. Renk Cabins:... .... ...
aitical safety fundion." Modol: . . ........ .... .......... - ........... RSH-2000 Mnko/Type: .......... Portable Fire Extinguisher
The cargo area consists of a double dt:e.-k, dnuhte hull Output speed: .................................•68 rpm Public spaces: . ... ... .. .. ......... . .... .
and coffenlams which are located furn•nrd and of aa Propeller(s) x 2
Makeffypt1: . ..... Portable Fire Extinguisher
the cargo area and between cargo tanks with double Material: ... ............................... Ni.Al.Bronze
Radars x 3
bottoms. There are four cargo tanks with Ga7.· Designer/Manufacturer : ......... ... HHl-EMD
'transport & Techniga:i (GTT) MAHK Jll mcmbmne Mako: .. . .... ... ..... ....... . .................. JRC
Fixed/Controllable pitch: ............. Fixed pitch
systems with a boil-off rate of~ 0.09% per laden day. Model(s) NO '1&2X-Band Radar: ...... JMR-
Diame1er: ................................. -···-····· 8 5 m
Speed:. .. .... .... . .. .. ............. .......... 68 rpm 9225-7X3
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Special adaptallons..............Hyundai HI-Fin S-BAND : . . ... .... ...... .. .............. JMR-9282-S
Length on: ...... . 290m Main-engine driven f:llternators x 2 Waste disposal plant
Lengtt1 bp: ...... .... ..... 28'1m Make/type ...... ' GE POWER CONVERSION Inc inerator ......................... ............. Teamtec
Breadth moulded: .. ... 46 40m 0 111puVspeed of each set: ...... 11,7DOKW / 5-10RPM Model: .............................. GS1000CRSX
Depth moulded Diesel·driven alternators x 4 Waste compactor ... .. .......... . . . .. METOS
To main deck: ...... ...... ................. .. 26.llOm Alternator make/type: ........................ HHl-EES / Mode l: ................................. ........... IP500
To upper deck: .................................. 26.40m HAJ7 245-149, HAJ7 213-149 Waste shredder/crushet. .................. METOS
To other decks: .... ....... .20.535m (2nd deck) Output/speed of each set: ..... 11,340KW AT 51'1 Model: ................ ..................... UMS·25:10
Width of double skin RPM /7 .560KW AT 514 RPM Sewage p lant ............................ .... Jong hap
Side: .................. ................................ '16.110m Bol lers x 2 sets Model: ........... ...JMC -8 10 AEROB-25N
Bottom: ......... .. ......... 3 20m (above fJa!;e line) Type: .............................. Small oil fired boiler Contract date: ...... ... ........ 20 December 2012
Draught Make: .... ... .. ...... ............ ............. Alfa Laval Launch/float-out date: .... ... ...... '1February2015
Scantling: ................~ .. .... 12.60m (moulded ) Olltput, each hoilor: .... 7.500 kg/h X 10 barg Delivery dale: ............................ 14 December 2015


, ~- ---
-...____ /
NOU:)3S dlHSOlfi'l
Output/speed of each set: .. ..4,300kW/720rpm
x 2 sets,
3,800kWf720rpm x 2 sets
Auxiliary Boiler
Type: ....
Make: .. ............ .. ... .. ...... .. ... .. .. .. . .. Kang rim
Output, each borler· ................ 6.000kgJll x
7 bar g saturated Exh. Gas Boiler
Number. .. .. ...... ..... .... . ......... 1
Type: .... .. ............. Smol<e lube with built-in
steam drum
Make: .. .... .. ...... .. ... . .. ... .. .. .. ........ Kangrim
Output, each boiler: .... 5.000 kg/h x 7 bar g.
saturated at NCR load of ME
Other cranes
Number: ... . .. .... 3
Make: ............ .. Oriental
Type: ... ..... 1 set • Electric driven, monorail
hoisting/traveling type
2 sels • Electro·hydraulic. single
Jib. cylinder lutting type
Mooring equipment
Number: .... ...... .................. .................. 16
Make: ...................... ... Rolls-Royce Marine
MSC OSCAR: Ultra large Type (electric/hydrau llc/stearn): ........ Electric
motor driven
Hatch covers
containership Design: ...... ................... ....... .... MacGregor
Manufacturer: ......... Samwoo Heavy Industry
Type (upper deck/other decks): ..... Upper deck
Shipbuilder: ... Daewoo Shipbulldlng & Marine 100 km. MSC estimmcs that the ship consumes 35% Containers
Engineering Co. Ltd. less fuel with a corresponding percentag<: reduction Lengths .... . ..-··· .....- ................. 20ft ISO
Vessel's name: . .. .. ... ... ... .... .. ... ... ... MSC Oscar in carbon dioxide emissions. Heights: .. .. ............. ................... Bft 6 ISO
Hull No: ................................................. H4277 Cell guides:......... .................. . ...............
Operator: ......... ... ... ................. Mediterranean TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Total TEU capacity: ....................... . 19.224
Shipping Company SA (MSC) Lenglh oa: ................ ....... .. ........ 395.4m On deck: . .. .. ... ... ... .. ... .. ..... .. 11,258
Country: ........................................ Switzerland Length bp: ............................................. 379.4m
Designe1: ....- ................. Daewoo Shipbuilding In holds: .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. ...... . . ......... ..... 7 ,966
Breadth moulded: ...................·-····-·-- . .. 59m
& Marine Engineering Co. Ltd Depth moulded Homogeneously loaded
Country: ...............................Republic of Korea To upper deck: ................................... 30.3m lo 14tonnes: ....... ... ....... _...... 12,954
Model test establishment used: ....... .. HSVA Width of double skin Reeler plugs: .......................... _.......... 1,800
Flag: ........... _._............. .... ......... ....... Panama Side: ................................... ........ .. 2.6Bm Tiers/rows (maximum)
IMO number: .. .............. ............ ..... 9703291 Bottom: ......................................... 2 55rn On deck: ........ .. ... . .. ........... ...... 11/23
Total number of sister ships already Draught In holds: .... .. . . .. ......................... 11 /21
completed (excluding ship presented}: ........ 5 Scantling: Water ballast treatment system
Design: Make . . ........ .... .. ... ..... . ............ Panasia
Gross: ... ... Capacity: . ................. ., ............. 1,000m"/h x
SC OSCAR is not only the first in series of
M six ultra large containerships in the Olympic
Series, but i1lso includes a number of foature$
Design: ...................................... 167,000dwt
Scantling: ................................. 197,000dwt
1 set (UV + Filter)

designed to improve the ship's efficiency and Speed, service Crew: ....................... ......................... ..... 14
control fuel consumption with an engine (90 %MC~ output): ....................... ...22.Sknots Supernumaries/Spare: ............................ 2
optimised to take into account weather conditions BunkGrs (m) Suez/Repair Crew: ........... ........................ 6
as well as speed. Heavy ell: Single/double/other rooms: ...... .......... 35/·/1
The container vessel •was constructed by IJoewoo Diesel all: ........................................... 900rn"
Shipbuilding & Marine Tinglnecri11g (DSM B) at Its Water ballast (m 3}: .. . ....................... 60.000m3 (6 • beds in one room for Suez crow)
shipyard in Okpo, Gcojc Island, South Korea, in just Dally fuel consumption (tonnes/day) .......... Main Bow lhruster(s)
11 months. The total lnvestmer1t to t>ui ld lhe vessel enginG only: ............................ 222.5tonnes/day Make: ...... .... ....... .. .. .
was $140m. ll can accommodate 35 crew members. Classification society and notations: .......... GL I Number:
Built to DNV GLdass, the l 9,224TEU MSC Oscur +100A5. "Container Ship", Output (each):
is 395.lfm long and 59m wide with a dmught of I6m +MC. AUT, IW, DG. CM-PS. Bridge control sys tem
and features 11 wide beam de&ign with the use of BWM(D2). NAV. RSD(gFE), EP, LC Make: ... .... .. ................... ....... ....... Furuno
torsion box and hatch ar.uning plates with a steel % high-tensile steel used Is bridge fitted for one-man operation? ... Yes
plate thickness up to lOOmm. The vessel ls equipped In construction: ........................ Approx. 73 5% Fire detection system
to carry 1,800 reefer containers and was designed in Main engine(s) Make: .... .. ..... ..... ........ .... ... .. Consilium
compliance with the Roule Specific Container Design: ........................................ MAN B&W Type: .................. .. .. .. .. . ..Addressable
Stowage notation developed by DNV GI. to Jmprove Model: .. ........ . MAN B&W ·t tS90ME-C9.2 Fire extinguishing systems
cargo capacity use. Manufacturer: ..... .. ............. Hyundai Engine Cargo holds: .. . .. .. Make/Type: NKJCO, fire
Vlith a MAN diesel engine with power output of Number: ..................................................... 1 extinguishing system
62,SOOkW {or 80.000 hp), efficiency of the engine Type of fuel : ............ HFO. MOO and LSMGO Engine room: ... ... Make/Type: NKJC02 fire
has been enhanced with Al313's Al 110· L Output of each engine: ................ 62,SOOkW exlinguishing system
turbochargers which offer further fuel economy at 82.2rpm Accommodation: ......... SW(hydrants) from
benefits. The MAN B&W 11S90MF.-C (10.2) PropellGr(s) fire main
engine has a height of IS.Sm, a lengtl1 of2501 and n Material: ................. Nickel aluminium bronze Radars
brendth of I lm. The engine has a maximum Designer/Manufacturer: ................ .... MMG Number: ......... ... ....... ............. .......... 3
conllnuous mting of 62.SOOkW at 82.2 rol.1Uons per (Mecklenburger)
Number: .................................. _. __.............. 1 Make: ... ..... ... ... .. ... ...... .. .... .•• .. Furuno
minute and a normal contl nuous rat ill!J of Integrated bridge system ........ ... .............Yes
56,250kW al 79.4rpm. Fixed/Controllable pitch: ............. Fixed pitch
The vessel's full spade ruddt'r is equipped with n Diameter: .................................. ......... 10.3m Make: ....... .......... ..... ............ ...... Furuno
rudder bulb and tJ1e pn)pcllcr comprises nve Speed: .... ..................................... 22.Bknots Waste disposal plant
blades measuri ng IO.Sm each. T he vessel lb Special adaptations: ................... Long cap Incinerator
eq~1ipped wilh Lukoil's patcmcd iCOlube cylincler- Diesel-driven allernators Make: ........................................ HMMCO
lubricnt(ng system. Lukoil also su pplies its Number: ................................... ................. 4 Model: .................... ........ MAXI 1500SL ws
proprietary NAVIGU 100 MC alkaline marine Engine mal(e/type: ................ Doosan·MAN I Sewage planl
cylinder lubricant for the vessel. 9L32/40 x 2 sets + 8L32/40 x 2 sets Make: . ...... . ............................... Wartsila
The l urbocltargcd engine drives the single Type of fuel: .............HFO, MOO and LSMGO Model: .... . ........ .... .. . ........ .. STC-04
propeller al ju.sL80 revolutions a minute. MSC OutpuVspeed of each set: ..... 4,500kW x 2 sets + Contract date: ................................ July 8 2013
Oscar's optimum sp~e<l Is actually 22.8 knots with 4.000kW x 2 sets I 720rpm Launch/floal·out date: ............ October 10 2014
(ucJ consumption orjusl 1.5 litres per container per Alternator make/type: ...... .................... .... HHI Delivery date: .... .. ............... January JO 2015

60 Si<>NIFICllNT SHll'S o~ 2015

NOl.l.03$ dlHSOWI
Outpul .............................. 5,180kW x 173rpm
Propeller x 1
Material: .. .............. .... ............ Ni-Al-Bronze
Designer/Manufacturer: ............. Nakashima
Propeller Co.. Ltd.
Fixed/Con1rollablo pitch ........-.............. Fixed
Diameter: ....... ...................... _ .... _ ..., ... 4.10m
Speed: ............................................... 173rpm
Diesel-driven alternators x 2
Engine makeltype: ............... Daihatsu Diesel
Mfg. Co. Ltd / 6DE· 18
Type of fuel: ......................................-..... HFO
Output/speed of each Sflt: .... .. ............ 740kW
Alternator make/type: .................... Taiyo Electric
Co., Ltd./ FE517B-8
Output/speed of each set: ....... 850kVA / 900rpm
Boilers x 1
TypP.: ........... Auxiliary boiler, composite type
Make: :................................... MiurC:l Co. Ltd.
Output, each boiler: ........................ 800 kg/ h
Other cranes x 1
Make. .......................................... Tadano Ltd ,
Type: ........................... Hydraulic motor driven
Performance: ................... 0 ,961 x 9.0rn radius
Mooring equipment x 2 windlass

NATORI: Container carrier 2 x mooring wind1es

Make: ................ Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
Type (electric/hydraulic/steam): Hydraulic
Special lifesaving equipment
Shipbuilder: .. Kyokuyo Shipyard Corporation, It is not necessary to wait for draught adjustment Number of each and capacity: ... 15 persons
Japan after cargo handling lhanks to hallast pumps that are x 2, 6 persons x 1
Vessel's name: ......................................... Natori controllable via a tablet and Wi·Fi in any part of lhe Make ............................ Fujikura Rubber Ltd.
Hull No: .................................................. , ..... 522 accommodation and the engine control room. Type: .................................. Inflatable life raft
Owner/Operator: ............................ Imoto Lines An ECDIS system and cargo/weather monitoring Hatch covers
Country: ..................... ............ ................. Japan cameras are connected to a private network system, Manufacturer: ................... lwakitec Co.. Ltd,
Designer: ...... Kyokuyo Shipyard Corporation which enables the crew to view the navigation Type (upper deck: ................. Steel pontoon,
Country: ......................................, ............ Japan situation in rcaltimc from their own cabins. non-sequential
Model tost establishment used: ........ Aklshlma As fur as l:he NlAN .B&W engine Is conceme.d, the Containers
Laboratories (Mitsui Zosen) manufuctureI-'s own ndvanced support system Lengths: .................................. 20ft: 40ft; 45ft
Flag: .................. ...................... _............. Japan HANASYS EXPERT hns been fitted. By using hig data Helgtits......................................811 6in, 9ft 6iri
IMO number: ........................................ 9729788 tech nology, engi ne pcrfonn(lnce and navigation Cell guides............................................... Yes
Total number of i;ister st1ips already completed information transmitted from ship to shore can be Total TEU c apacity: ......................... 5'18TEU
(excluding ship presented): ............................ o moniton:d flnd a11alyzed lit all times. On deck: ....................................... 358TEU
Total number of sister sl1ips still on order: ....... 0 Nt1tori l111s a rentrn1cooling fresh wiucr system lhat Is In holds: ....................................... 190TEU
equipped WiU1 inVetl'Cl'-COntmllecl sea 1V11ler pumps, Homogeneously loaded to 14 tonnes: 420
enabli ng- p1.unp opcn1llon time to be op1l111Jv.ed and Reefer plugs:..... _......... - ......................... 100
'i\TOlU, the lnrgesl conlainer carrier for domestic Tiers/rows (maximum)
N service in Japan, which has a S48TEU capacity,
was delivered lo Lhe in<llL~lry
leader lmoto 1.incs in
electrldly cOnStUuption reduced.
'fllere I nol only :1main.engine exhaust gas recol'ery On deck: ...............
In holds: ........................ .
.. ... 3/6
~ystem but olso shnilnr :1pparntus for twu main
December 2015. Ballast control system
generator engines are installed for lhe auxiliary boiler, Make: ............ Amco Engineering Corporation
The greatest foawre ofthisvessel is Lhe wind-fri~1dly As n result waste heat utilization cfficicncy is higher
SSS bo1v {semi-spherical .shaped bow), in the forwnrd Type: ................. Motor operated butlerfly type
and cousumplion can be reduced. Complement
pnrt of the sl1ip wllid1 Jnco.rpormes the- navigation
bridg1; and acco1nmodatio11. Total: .............................................. ......... 15
The SSS bow design, developed by the innovative Length oa: ........................................... 136.25m
Japanese shipbuildcr Kyokuyo Shipyard, made ils special rudders: .............Mariner type Ocean
Length bp: ................................................. 126m Schilling rudder
debul on two pun : cnr carrier~ fn 20l0/20J 1. lts BreC:ldlh moulded: ....................................... 21m
performance was can.firmed hy 1vlnd tunnel testing to Bow thruster(s)
Depth moulded Make: ................... Nakashima Propeller Co.
lllwe od11i:ved a 1\1(1;\imum air rcsisr11Jtcl! reduction of To upper deck: ................................... 9,20m
50%. Natori is the first ship, after acquiring the SSS how Number: ........................ .... .. ................... 1
Width of double skin Output (each): ................ ................. 970kW
patent, to apply this significant design. Side: ,_,............. ,_.... _ ............. .......... 2. 70m Bridge control syslem
Because lhe wind pres~ure area is v-.iritld depending Bottom: ....................................... ............ 1.40m Make: ....................... Nabtesco Corporation
on thc loading condition, unlike a PCC, wind Lunnd Draught Type: .......................... .................... M-800-V
lesling was carried out in many conditions to compare Scantling: .............................. .................. 6m Fire detection system
Natori with a conventional container carrier wit'1 an Design: .................................................... 6m Make· .... ..............Nip pon Hakuyo Electronics
accommodation tower aft with the same cargo Gross: .................................................... 7,390gt Type, ..... .................. Fixed temperature type I
capacity. Results show that Naturi achieves greater Deadweight Photo -electric type/ Infra-red type
energy savings in all conditions even at full load. Design: ........................................... 6.953dwt Fire extinguishing systems
Averaging out the loading conditions, the SSS bow Scantling: ......................-.......... ., ... 6,953dwt
has proven 3.2%savings of POCgiven the approximate Spead, service: 16 knots@ 90% MCA with 15% c~~~~~!:.::::::::'Nif.;p~~·ory:cti·~~:;i~;i·c~:.
criterion of annual hydrographic conditions of her 3
sea margin Ltd./ Fixed 2 co
navigation area. In total, 9.5% FOC redu<:tion is Bunkers (m ) , Englne room: .. ............... H . . . . . . . . . . . .- ............. .

assumed to be ad1ievt'<l, based on the result of CPD

analysis, comhined v;ith an improved hull form, ~~~ii~11: ::::::::::::::::.:::::::::.::::::. .:........ ~6~;
3 Make/Type: ..... ................................ Nippon
Dry-Chemical Co., Ltd. / Fixed CO..
advn11cecl low-f1ictlo11 contings and bjgh el11ciency Water ballast (m3 ): . .............................. 3,362m3 Public spaces: <

1jropeller. The SSS bow has nlso inherent advnnt~~e,~ Container ships - water ballast in Make/Type: ............Sea water & portable fire
for co11truner carriers as U1e problem Of nft bridge loaded condition: .................................. 751m3 extinguishers
vislbilit y Is cllmioated, il!ld U1c lu~dlng capability Oil Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) Radars x 2
deck is multiplied. Main engine only: ................. 20.9tonnes/day Make: ............ _,,, ..... Furuno Electric Co. Ltd.
Moreover it solves the problem of cargo damage Auxiliaries: .............................. I 91onnes/day Model(s) _........ - ........... FAR-21?.7 I FAT2137S
Classification society and notations: ....... Nippon Waste disposal plant
caused by green seas and reduces noise from tl1e
engine room. It is also designed so that the cnginc Kaiji Kyokai NS' (RGCS), Incinerator .............................. Miura Co., Ltd.
(CNC) (EQ C DG), MNS', MO Model: ......................................... BGW-10N
room is safely accessible from the acrnmmodation via % high-tensile steel used in construction: .... 9% Waste shredder/crusher
a dl reoct passage under lhe upper deck through Heel control equipment: . . Ballast pump control Make: ............. Sanwa Churi Industry Co.,Ltd.
hyd!'a ulic type wateH.ighLsliding doors, without being between heeling tanks (P/S) Model: ...................................... ........SD-15BS
rtffe<:tedby bacLWi!al'.her or rough seas. Main engine(s) x 1 Sewage plant
'fo enable Natori to come alongside a pier safely and Design: .......................................... MAN B&W Make: .............. Taiko KikF.Ji Industries Co ..
quickly, the vessel is equipped with a bow thruster and Model: .......... ............................... 7S35MC7 Model: ..... ., .. ....................................... SBH-15
mariner type Ocean Sdiilling rudder (high lift special Manufacturer: .................. The Hanshin Diesel Contract date: .................... 27 December 2013
rudder) which can be turned to 70 degrees port and Works, Ltd. Launch/float-out date: .............. 26 August 2015
starhoard by rotary vane type ~teering gcar. Type of fuel: ............................................. HFO Dalivmy data: ...................... 11December2015

62 S1c;N1r1cANT SHIPS or- 2015

4· '
~~ I
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-·-·-----. -----~
M2,~~...R f.f..1.l!e!~·.£!!
.._ - - -
~ __. _ ~-
>D~O 3l:J,..:l JC_ H3i\O:J H:-l lv'-1 >tJ3:J dCCc
l i

~~ -- - - - :
- + --
---j---J-- ---J
Boiler (1 set) Exhaust Gas Boiler (1 set)
Make: .............. Kangrim Heavy Industries
Output, each boiler: ..................... Auxiliary
Boiler-25,000kg/h, Comp. Boiler-Oil
fired 1,300kg/h, Exhaust Gas -
M/E 1.000kg/h, G/E
No.1 &2 each 300kg/h
Cargo cranes/cargo gear
Number: ............................................. 1 set
Make: ............................................ Oriental
Type: .................. Electro-hydraulic driven,
cylinder luffing type jib crane
Performance: ....................... SWL 15tonne
5.6-26m working radius
Other cranes
Number: 1 set
Make: ........................... Oriental
Type: Electro-hydraulic driven,
cylinder luffing type jib crane
Tasks: ................................ Provision crane
Performance· ........ SWL 4tonne, 3.3-12m
working radius
Mooring equipment
Number: ........... ....... ....................... 7 sets
Make: ........................... ......... Fluteck, Ltd
Type (eleclric/hydraulic/slearn): Hydraulic
Specfa,l lif·esaving equipment
Number of eac h and capacfly: ........ 2 sets
(27 person capacity)
Make: .......... ................................ Oriental
Type: ................ Conventional type lifeboat
(Gravity type)
Cargo tanks
Number: .. ................ ..Six pairs cargo tank
NAVIG8 EXCEL: Crude/product + one pair slop tank + one residual tank
Coated tanks - make and type
of coating: .............Jotun-Tankguard HB,
oil tanker Cargo pumps
Pure Epoxy

Number: ....................................... 17 each

Shipbuilder: ............................. STX Offshore Design: ........................................ ..... 12.20m Type: ..................... Submerged centrifugal
& Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. Gross: ............................................. 42.500gt Mal<e: ........ ...... .. ............................ FRAMO
Vessel's name: ........................... NAVIG8 Excel Deadweight Stainless steel: ... ........................ SUS316L
Hull No: ................................... ................. 51651 Scantling: .................................. 74,721dwt Cargo control system
Owner/Operator: ................... NAVIGS Product Speed, servic.e (75, %MCR output): .. 14knots Make: ................. ....................... ...... Framo
Tanker Inc./ NAVIGS Asia Pte. Ltd. Cargo capacl1y (m )
• Type: ............... Electric main control panel
Country: ... ., _.._,_,..,_ ... ,,....................Singapore Llquidvqlume: , ......................... 87,924 m~
Designer: .................................... STX Offshore Diesel engine control panel
Bunl<ers (m") Ballast control system
& Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. Heavx olt: .. .................................. 1,635 m~ Make: ............................................. . Hanla
Cbunlry: ..............................Republic of Korea Gas 011: .......................................... 534 m
Model lest establlsl1nient used; ...Korea Institute of 3 Type: ..... Piano type cargo ballast console
Water ballast (m ): ....................... 28,982. m3
Ocean Science & Technology Water ballast Treatment System
Daily luel consumption (tonnes/day)
Make: ............ ,........................... Samsung
Marn engine only: ........... 28.78tonnes/day Capacity: .......................... Electro. Of side
Classification society and notations: ........ l<R
wa~ stream type, 2,000m~/h
T he 74,000dwt NAVJG8 £XCEL built at the
Jin-hae Shipyard. This vessel has an overall
length of 21 9111, a moulded bread th of 38m and a
ESP, (FBC), (CSR). CRUDE/PRODUCT, Complement
Officers: ................................................ 12
moulded depth of 19.JOm. The service speed at
ENV(IBWM, IAFS, IOPP, ISPP, Crew: ................................... ..................... 15
design draught ls 1 4knot~ at NCR power for the IGPP,JAPP, VEC-L, IJHM, IEE), Suez/Repair Crew: ........... ................ ...... 6
n1alf\ engine with a 15% sea margi1\, and ma-ximum PSPC. CHA, LI, SPM, +KRM1, Single/double/other rooms : .. .. Single (27)
dcadwcight is about 74,720.7tonnes on a scantling UMA, STCM, IGS, COW. + 6 Suez (1)
d rnught (If l3.3m. Bridge control system
% high-tensile steel used in construction: 45%
The cargo area has three longituclinal bulkheads Main engine(s) Make: ...................................... ... Nabtesco
with double bottom and double hull, and consists Design: Type: .................... ........................ M·BOO-V
of six pairs of cargo oil tan ks. one patr of slop Model: Fire detection system
tanb, tind sJi<. pulrs of segregat ed water baUnst
tanks. The aft body with transom stem includes Manufacturer: ......... STX Heavy Industries Make: ......................................... Autronica
Number: .................................................. 1 Type; ............................ BHH-200/BF-300V
the gear compnrtruenl, fresh water tan ks
and aft peak tank. Type of fuel: ........................ HFO/MDO/MGO Fire extinguishing systems
All marine environmental, safely an<l quality Output of each engine: 9,660kW x 89rprn Cargo area: .............Sea water/deck foam
assurance critei'ia for seagoing vessels in accordance Propeller(s) Make{Type: .............................................. NK
with ExxonMobil are met. Material: ................. . ........... .......... Ni-Al-Br Engine room: ...................................... C02
The pmpelling machinery consists of a two stroke, Designer/Manufacturer: ....... ..... Silla Metal Make{Type: ........................ ...................... NK
STX MAN 6S60ME-C8.2 engine. The electricity Number: .. . . .. .. ... .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. 1EA Fixed water mist .................. Tanktech/ HH,
gcnel'allng plab.t consL~ts of three sets of main diesel Fixed/Controllable pitch: ......... Fixed pitch LL, ELL nozzle type
genermor engines aucl one set of emergency diesel Diameter: ................................... 7,400mm
generator engines. Diesel-driven alternators
Number: ................ ....................... .. 2 each
Number: ................................................. 4
Make: .................... ......................... Furuno
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Engine make/type: ................ STX Engine I
Model(s): .............. FAR-2837S I FAR-2827
Length oa: ..................... ...................... 219m 6L23/30 Mk2
Type of fuel: ................... HFO/MDO/MGO Waste disposal plant
Length bp: ..................... ...................... 210m
Output/speed of each set: ........ 1,050kW I Incinerator
Breadth moulded: .................... .............. 38m
Depth moulded 900rpm Make: ....................................... HMMCO
To main deck: ............................. .. 19.30m Alternator make/type: ........... Hyundai Heavy Model: ............... .... MAXI NG150SL WS
To upper deck: ............................. 20.30m Industries I HFC7 508-0BP Waste shredder/crusher
Width of double skin Output/speed of each set: ... 990kW ( 1,237.5 Make: ......................................HMMCO
Side: ............................................... 2.25m KVA) / 900rpm Model: ...... ····· .... ····· ............. HMP-26M3
Bottom: ...................... ..................... 2.35rn Boilers Contract date: .... .. ............. 28 February 2014
Draught Number: ........................................... 3 sets Launch/float-out date: ...... ........... 25 July 2015
Scantling: ... ............... .................. 13.30m Type: ......... Auxiliary boiler (1 set)/ Comp. Delivery date: ....................... 3 November 2015


- ~---. -=· - --..~--i .
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...!.:.,~--:- --=..:.-.:'.
~.: ::
~ 1c.:r m ·11$. ~
'=" "' j . ,,
, -
~) --
. ' t=-
Diameter: ................... .. 8.0m
Speed: ... . .... . ..... ,... ... 80rpm
Diesel-driven alternators
Number: .... ............................ ... .....3 sets
Engine make/type: ........... . ......STX ENGINE
/ 6L23/30H
Type of luel: ... ................. HFO,
Outp11Vspeed or each set: 960kW / 900rpm
Alternator mako/type: ... .. . ... .. . ....... HYUNDAI I
HFC7 506-8P
Outpul/speed ot each set: ....... 900kW / 900rpm
Number: . ....... . ..................2 se1s + 1 set
Type: .... .... .... .... ... . Aux Boiler I E.G E.
Make . .... ............. Kangrim Heavy Industries
Output. each boiler: ................... 25,000kg/h
(1 Skg/ g) / 1,200kg/h(6kg/ g)
Cargo cranei;/cargo gear
Number: .............................................. 2 sots
Make: .......... ........... .... ........ .........Oriental
Type: ........................ Eleclro-hydraulic driven
Performance: ...................... 15tonnes x 17m
Olher cranes
NL1mber: ................. . ...... ................ 2 sets
Make .... ................ .... ... ........ ... ......... Oriental
Type: ....................... . Electro-hydraulic driven
Tasks: ..... ....................... .. Provision handling
NAVIG8 SERENITY: Product Performance; .... .. .. ..... - Port side (4tonnes).

Mooring equipment
stb'd side (2tonnes)

carrier Number: ....... .. ......... ...... Windlass 2 sets,

Mooring winch 7 sets
Make: ... ... ...................... Flutek-Kawasaki
Type (electric/hydraulic/sleam): ........ Electro-
Shipbuilder: .... .......... Sungdong Shipbuilding of low sulphur ruet oil tanks 10 satisfy emission hyd raulic . Deck Machinery
& Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. requirements ot Sulphur Control Areas Special lifesaving equipment
Vessel's name: . ... ... ... .... ... ... .. Nsvig8 Serenity (SECA.~). /\ddilionally, the vessel has rut emergency
Number of each and capacity: ......... 2 sets x
Hull No: ...... .... ... ... . ...... .......... . .......... .. 53078 response system connected to the shore for stability 30persons
Owner/Operator: -··· Navig8 Ship Management t-alculallon in emergency situations. Tilis meets the Make: ................. . .......... Hyundai lifcboa.ts
Pte., Ltd. Korean Register of Snipping'., F.RS notation. Type: ... . Totally enclosed lifeboat
Country: .. .... ....... ............. ... .. .. .. Singapore
Cargo tanks
Designer: ... Sungdong Shipbuilding & Marine TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Number: .. . .•• ..... .. 12
Engineering Co., Ltd. Length oa: ..................... ... ...... ........ 249.9m Cargo pumps
Country: .......... ................... Republic of Korea Length bp: ... ........... " .......................... 239 Orn Number: ................ .. . . .. . ........ 3 each
Model Lest establishment used: ............. KRISO Breadth moulded: . .......... ............. ..... .... 44 Orn
Type: ...... . ... .................. Vertical Centrifugal
Flag: ... ... ... ... .. ............ ...... ... Marshall Islands Depth moulded
Single Stage Stearn Turbine Driven
IMO number: ..... ...... .. . ... ... ... .. . .. ...... 9708552 To main dock: ..................... ............. 21.Sm
Total number of sister ships Make: .. ... .. . . ... . . .... . . ...... Shinko
Width of double skin
already completed Capacity (P.ach): ............. 3,000/h x 130mTH
Side: .. ......... .......................... --·· ··-···· 2.45m Cargo control system
(excluding ship presented): . .......... . ....... 2 Bottom: . . . ........................................... 2.98m
Total number of sister ships still on order: ...... 7 Make: Shinko
Scantling: Type: ........ ..... . .Pump room type
")\ TA If/GS SRREN17"\' is 1he first ''essel lll a bcrle!i Design: Ballast control system
1 'I of 10 LR fI product oil carrier~. huih by Gross: ......... Make: .............. ... .......... ............. Emerson
Stmgdo11g Shipbuilding & Mi1rlne E1igi11~crlng for Deadweigh1 Typo: . ..... ................... Electto-hydraulic lype
Navlg8 Ship Management Plc., Ltd. Design: . ....... ............................. 99,901dwt Water ballast treatment system
'n1c vessel Is clossecl by the Korean Register of Scantling: .. ...... ..... ................... 114,900dwt Make: .... NK
Shippiog and designed In accordance wi1l1 !ACS Speed, service (-- %MCR output): . ... . 14.Sknots Capacity: 1,500h x 2 sets
Common Structmal Rules (CSR). The vessel at 80% of MCR Complernenl
featur~s a double side ski 11 and has a flush deck, Cargo capacity (m )

Off icers· ... . . ................................. 11
bulbous bnw, Lransom Stt!Tll, open wutcr type stern L1qu1d volume: .................... ..... 127,000m 0 Crew: ...... ...... . ..................... .. ... 19
fnime, semi-balanced rudder and single propeller Bunkers (m' ) Suez/Repair Crew: .. ........ . .............. 6
driv<!ll by a slow speed diesel engine. I leavy oil: ........ ..................... ........ . 2,800111" Stern appendages/special rudders: ..•.... Semi-
The mnin engine MCR of MAN 6G60M~-C9.2 ·Ocr Diesel oil: . . ....•....................................... 60orn: balanced rudder
II is de-rated to I J,351lkW at 80rpm for economy h1cl Water ballast (m-): ... ... ... ... . ....... .43,000m' Fire detP.ction system
oil consomption. The speed of the vessel nt design Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) Make: .Autron ica
drnught(13.6m)is M.5knotsat85%ofMCR(9,6'18kW) Main engine only: ..... ····-··· .......... 37tonncs Type: .. Addressable type
with 15% se.1 margin based on a well optlmise<l hull Classification society and notations: ...........KR I
form aod propeller design whichliad been analysed by +KRS1. Oil Tanker( Double Hull) Fire extinguishing systems
CFD. Electric power is generated from thn.--e di.!.o;el 'ESP', (FBC). (CSR) Crude/Product, Cargo holds: - ....... .. ... ... ... . .. Make!Type:
generators driven by altffn:unrs witit 960kW output SeaTrust(HCM). IWS. EAS, ENV(IBWM. NK. fixed deck foam system
and steam is generated by two auxiliary boiler.. ofwater IAFS, IOPP, ISPP. IGPP, !APP. VEC-L, Engine room: - ..... . .... .. ....... Make!Type:
lube type \\~tll capacity of 25.000kg/h and one ahnust llHM,IEE). PSPC. CHA, LI. SPM, +KRM1. NK, CO tire extinguishing system
gas economizer with capacity of I,200ksfh. UMA. STCM. IGS. COW Radars
111e vessel has six puirs of oirgo oil tanks, l\\'\1 slop o/o high-tensile steel used in construction: ..... '13 Number: .......................... .... S-BAND Radar 1
l.JJtks, fore and aft peak tanks, segrcgutcd water ballast Main engine(s) X-BAND Radar 1
t:u1ks. li.1el oil tanks and fresh \\'aler lank.... Cnrgo tanks Design: ... .... .............. ............ ..... MAN B&W Make: .... ................. ............. .. ...... JRC
are divided by plane type transverse ond longitudinal Model: ........ ..... •........6G60ME·C9.2 Tior II Model(s): ....... JMR-9230-S(S-BAND Radar)
bulkheads. Cargo handllng is performed by UU'l.'C cargo Manufacturer: ......................... - ......... STX HI JMR·9225-6X(X-BAND Radar)
oil /Jumps of3,000 /h, driven by steam turbine. Water Number: ...... ...................... ................. 1 sel Waste disposal plant
bal ast ls handled hy two ballast pwnps, <liivcn by steam Type of fuel: ... ....................................... HFO, Incinerator
turbine and electric motor. 'n1c water bnllust S)' is MDO.MGO Make: ...... ....................... Hyllndal Marine
designed to bcenvirom11ei1tallyJriendly "~l.h 011cbnllJ>t Output of oach engine: ... 11,350kW x BOrpm Machinery Co.. Ltd.
Willer treatment sy;;tem \\~UJ a cup:1dly or 3,()()0 /h by
Propeller(s) Model ...... ... ............. MA~ I TI SOSL WS
O'lonr l ypc tl1<1t $Crvlcc the ballnsl t.nnksof the vessel. Material: ...... ... .. .. ......................... Ni-Al-Br Sewage plant
Tbe wssellbllows lhe lak~te11vll'Qnmo111al guidcJlucs Designer/Manufacturer: .......... ····-·· Sungdong Mako: .. ... .. ... Jonghap Machinery Co. Ud
in tl!nns of fuel oil prokction, the Inventory of Shipbuilding & Marino Model: .. ........ . JMC - BIO - AEROB -18N(A)
Har.ardous Mnterinfa for ship's n:cydi1111, pe1forn11111cc Engineering Co, Ltd. / SILLA Contract date: .. .... .. ........ ........ August 20 13
sland:\rds for prolecl1ve coatings (PSPC) and IMO Number: ...............................................• 1 set Laun<;h/lloat·out date: .................. March 2016
Tier II NOx requirement~. The vessel al$o has one set Fixed/Controllable pitch: .. .... ............... FPP Delivery date: ........... ··-···· .... June 2010


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"' -· ~·:.. ~·----- - -- - -'- - .. _._ ...
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------- ------,' ...

.., I
! I, l •--
' ------
...... _,,
fype of fuel: .............................. ..•. .. ........ HFO
OutpuVspeed of each set: ................ ... 970kW x
Alternator make/type ... HHl-EES I Self-exciting
Output/speed of each set: .................... 920kW x
Number: ................................. 3: 2 . aux. boiler.
1 - composite bollor
Type: ...... Automatic, Forced draft, Marine boiler
Make: ................. .. ............................. Alfa Laval
Output, each boiler: ....... ... ..... .. 25 t/h x
16kg/cm,G x 2 sets (auit. boiler)
1 8/0.7 t/h x 6 kgtcm 1 G x t set
(composite boiler)
Cargo cranes/cargo gear
Number: ................................... ................... 2
Make: '......................................... ... ....... DMC
Type: .................................. .... Electro-hydraulic
Performance: ...................... ...... 15 tons S.W.L.
Other cranes
Number: .................... .................... ....... ........... 2
Make: ' ................- ...................... ... ' ' ' .DMC
Type: ........................................ Electro-hydraulic
Tasks: . .................................... Provision crane
Performanco: ...... 6.3 tonne S W.L. x 1 set. 2 tonne
SW.L. x 1 set

NISSOS THERASSIA: Product Mooring equipment

Number: ........... 2 windlass, 7 mooring winches
Make: .................................. DMC-PUSNES

carrier Type (electric/hydrautic/stearn) : ............ Electro·

Special lifesaving equipment

hydraulic, higt1 pressure

Nun1ber of each and capacity: .. 2sets,

Shipbuilder: ................ Hyundai Heavy Industries BWM(T) E(s) Clean COAT· PSPC(B, C) SCR EO ESP 30 persons
Vessel's namo: ...... ............... Nlssos Therassia Recyclable TMOM VCS(2). Make: .. HLB
Hull No: ............. ..................................... . .2667 Type: .. Conventional
Ownor/Operator: .... ... Kyklades M aritime, Athena TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Cargo tanks
Country: ..... ................. ............... Greece Length oa: .............. ... 252m Number: ................... 6 pairs and 2 slop tanks
Designer: .................. ... ..................HHI Leng th bp: ........ .. 241m Cargo pumps x 3 sets
Country: .......... ............ ........ South Korea Breadth moulded: ....... 45m Type : .......... ..... Vertical centrifug al single stage
Model test establishment usod: . . ......... ..... Hl\tRI Depth moulded Make : ..... .......................................... .... .HHI
Rag: ....................................... ............Greece To upper deck: 21.2m Capacity (each): .. .. ..... 3,000m°/h x 130 mTH
IMO number: .................. .. ... .......... 9694646 'Width or double skin Gargo control system.............. ..... .. ACE VPJ...VE
Total number of sister ships already Side: ........ .. .. 25m Type : ...................... Piano type control consOle
completed (excluding ship presented): .............. 3 Bottom: .............. 2.Sm Ballast control system ..................... ACE VALVE
Draught 'fype : ...................... Piano type control co11sole
Scantling: 15 1m Water ballast Treatment System
1'. TTSSOS 1'/-IEIV\SSTA is 11 l 14,000<lwt proJucl Design: .. 13.6m Make : ...................................... ..................HHI
1 \I carrier Uial was delivered from 111 11 to 1,yl<laJes Deadweight Capacity: .. ...................... 3,ooom'/h + 240m'lh
Mnril.imc. ·rhe vessel's clesil;ln ki int<:nded to rcducl'
wnste energy and emli;sions and it hns been r.tled with Design: ................ .................... 99,379dwt Complement
t h~ lalesl in t:ncrgy s;wing reutun:s. . Scantling: ............................... 114,322 dwt Officers:
The vessel ha$ nn overall longlh 252m, w1dH1 of Speed, service (·· %MCR output): 14.7knots Crew: . .....
11Sm and deptl1 11f 2 t:2m with a design draught or at90% MCR Suez/Repair Crew:
13.(> has six pairs of cargo oil tanks; with two slop Car~o ~apacity (m 3} :i Bridge control system
tanks of 130,5 LO"m • To hm1Clle I.he c-.11]JO the vessel 1s L1qurd voJume: ......... ........ ........ 130,500m Make : ..... Nabtcsco, Yokogawa. JRC
fined with three verticil cen~ifugnl single stage-type Bunkers (m' ) Type: ........................................ BMS(Nabtesco).
11111 pumps that have 3,000m /h capacity ead1 and are
controlled with the Ace Valw piano-type control Heavy oil: ..................................... 2.600m~ Auto-pilot(Yokogawa), ECOIS{JRC)
console in the cariw control room. Diesel oil: .. ... ,................................... 700m Is bridge fitted for one-man operation? ....... Yes,
Nissos 111uassit1 has six pan-s of water ballast hmks Water ballast (m ): ........................ 41,400m BV SYS-NE0-1 ootatioo 1s applied
incorpornted into the double hull structure Tankers · percentage segregated without the certificate of the
combmed with a double bouorn nnd one pair of slop ballast ...........31 .7% of cargo tank volume classification society
tanks. IJ is propelled by one Hiruudai-W:1r1>ila 6X62 Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) Fire detection system............... . ... . . Autronica
electrically controlled engine with a MCR of Main engine only: ............. 37.9tonnes/day Type: ............ .....- ................ Addressable type
11,0SOkW enabling the w1ssd to sail at n service
speed of Jti.7 knots nt design draught when running_ Auxiliaries: ............. 3.4tonnes/day lor D/G (smoke, heat. flame)
nl 90% MCR with L5% sea margin burning less rucI on normal seagoing conditions. Fire extinguishing systems
of around 37:9tonnes per duy. Classification society and notations: DNV GL Cargo holds: ... MakefType: NK I Low expansion
II hns ;tpplied the LMOs Energy En1cicncy Design +1A 1 Tanker for oll BIS BWM(T). E(s)) Clean foam
tnde.x (Elilll ) and is I MO Tier 11 rompllant. Compared COAT-PSPC (8; C) CSR EO ESP Recyclable Engine room: ............... .... ....... MakefType : NK/
to enrllcr gencrntioas, the main t:ngnie (W:irts!Hi 6X62) TMONVCS(2) High expansion foam
achieves nn additional 10% saving in dnilv fuel Main engine(s) Cabins: MakefType: FAIN I Sea water hydrant
consumption and promotes Lbe opLimizat(on of
lubricatinjl oil consumptioo. Design: ............. Two stroke, single acting, Pvbfic spaces : .... ......- ... . .. Makaffype: FA IN I
Th~ ship is fitted w11h a prNwirl duct Hi-PSD crosshead, direct reversib le, Sea water hydrant
(dev~ by BHI) which is one of the mo.~t effeaiw m arine diesel Radar s
devices for a ships fuel saving. 111-PSD generates Model: .................. Hyundai- Wartsila 6X62 Number: ...... ... .... ........... 1 S·band, 1 X·band
addiLionill thrust and compens.ttcs for propeller Manufacturer: ....................... ... HHl-EMD Make: ................................. ......................... JAC
l'Olillional losses by the pre-swirl now in fronl of IJu: Number: .... ............................... ............. 1 Model(s): ................ JMR-9272-S, JMA-9225-6X
pro!)ef]o: In addition, Inhomogeneous w:1ke dist:rlbut.ion
on he pror.cllcr plane (CH.b'CK) c:m 11~ improved to Type 01 fuel : . .. ..,, ............. HFO or MGO Integrated bridge system: ........ ........ , .......... .... No
rcoduce l be level or hull vlbmticm as well as pmpcllel' Output of each engine: ............. 11 ,OBOkW Waste disp osal plant:
o wimtion. ll1scd on the sea trL1ls n11d 111o<lcl tcsl, the Propeller(s) Incinerator
1li-PSD is confirmed lo i 11crcnsc the propu lsion Material; ................................ Ni-Al-Bronze Make:................ ............ ................. HMMCO
cfficlcnr.y by oboul. 4%. Designer/Manufacturer: ............. HHl-EMD Model: ............................ MAXI NG100SL ws
'l'he ' 'essel has been built nccorcllng 10 1he latest Number: .... .... ................ .............. ... .... 1 Sewage p lant
SOL.AS I MA RPOL r<X]llitemt!DIS 1md Ifs tl~sign oA~rs
ecoMrniC!Ioperatiun, nnd is safo and c11vlronmentillly Fixed/Controllable pitch: : ..... ............. FPP Make : , ..... ............................ . . ILSEUNG
friend ly. The vessel also meets the IACS commo11 Diesel-driven alternators Model: ..... . . ....ISS-35N
stmCllm1l rules. It is DNV GL classed with the Number: ... _. ........... ................... ........ . ..J Con trac t date: ............................ . 22 Aprll 2013
following class nolalions: + l A l Tanker for oil BIS Engine make/type: .. .. ............ Hyundai-Himsen Delivery date: ........ _ ................... 5 January 2015


OHIO: Product tanker
Shipbuilder: ··-······"······· Phllly Shipyard Inc. Daily fuel c:onst1mption: Cargo tanks
Phlladelphla, PA Main engine only : ........... 2!:>.44tonnes/day N umber: ........ 12 COT+ 2 slop + 1 residual
Vessel's name: .... .. ...•..... .. .. Ohio (1.060kg/h) Grades of cargo carried: ........ ......... ....... ..
H ull No: ..... ... ... ,•. ,,____ ... ... ... 021 Auxiliaries: ... .. .. .. ..................... 21 1 14g/kWh Producl range: .......... Product nnd Chemical
ONnCr: .... ·················-··· Crowley Maritime Classification society and notations: .......... ABS - IMOTYPE 2
Country: ... .... . ... ... . ..... .. .... United States +A 1, E. Oil and Chemical Carrier. Coaled tanks make and
OpArator: ..... .......... .........Crowley Maritime IMO Ship Type?. CSR, +AMS, typA of coating : ....... - ·....... ..... .. JOTlJN -
Designer: ·-··· ... Design Office I Ship Design +ACCU, AB·Clvl. VEC. UWILD. PHENOLIC [POXY
Departmenl: Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co Ltd COW. TCM. CRC, CPS, ENVIRO. Sl ainless steel - structure/piping : Piping-Yes
Country: .......... ......... ...... Republic of Korea GP, POT. RADA. SPMA. RW. ESP, Cargo pumps
Model test establishment usf!d: ... ,. ........ Force BWE. BWT Number: . .. .. ................. t? COT + 2 slup
Technology % higl1 -tensile steel used in construction: .....32% + I residual+ 1 portable submersible
Flag: . ..................................... United States Roll-stabilisation equipment: .... ...... Bilge keel Type: ......................... Submergett cenlrifugal
IMO number: .... ....... . ....................... 9704776 Main enginc(!i) SD-200. SD-150. SD-100. TK-'IOO
Totnl number of sister ships Design: ..... ..................... ...... Two stroke Mnko: ......... .... ................ ....... FRAMO
already completed (Rxclud ing Model: ... ................. 6S50ME·B9 .3 (TIER II) Stainless steel: ........................................ ~es
ship presented): ...... ... .. .. .. ... ........ ... 1 Manufacturer: .. ....... ...Hyundai -MAN B&W Capacily (eact1): .12 x 60Qm' /h, 2 x 300m
Total number of sister ships slill on order: ...... 6 Number: ... ...... .. .. ,_............................. t 1 x 75m3/h, 1 x 150m fh
Typo of fuel: .. .. . ................ HFOJMOO Cargo control system

T he 0/ 110 was constructed Philly Shipyard,

nnd dcllvered Crowley Maritime
Inc. (formerly Aker Philadelphia Shipyard)
Output of each engine: .... .. .......... 8,200kW
Propeller(s) x 1
Material: .. .. ...... Nickel-Aluminium-Bronze
Type :
Bnllnst control system
.... Ko11gsberg
.. K-CHIEF 600
on 30 September, 2015, nnd is the Or~t in :1 series Desiyner/Ma11ufachm~r: ...... Hyundai Heavy Make: ..... _.................... -...... ... Kongsberg
of four 50.000dwt 1ankers to be bui lt fo 1 Crowley. Industries Type .................... .......... K-CHIF.:F 600
The Ohio is tbe Orst pro<J uct tanker to ever Fixed/Controllnble pitc h: . Keyless and fixed Mal<e: .......... ................... . ... ...... KSB
receive an ABS LNG-rcady Level I approval in pitch 4.720.04mm Wa ter ballast Trea1mcnt System
ncco rdnn ce with U1 e ABS Guide for I.NG Fucl Diameter: . ... .. . ... ........ ... ..... ...... 6,600mm Maka: .. .......... .......... ..... .... ..... ... Pnnasia
Rendr. Vessels. ·nic vessel is 183.Jm long am.I
cnpal)le of cnrr.ylng 50,000tonncs c>f crude oil or Speed: ............ ... ... ....................... 99rpm Gapf.lcily: .....DFCK: 2 x P-750 (t::X) 750 m"/h
refined petrtilcum products. T he Oltiu Is based Special adaptations: ... .................. 4 blades E/R: 1 x P-800 ::100 111 il1
on a pn>ven Ilyundai Mipo Dockyards (I !MD) Diesel-driven n lternators x 3 ComplAment
design wbich nlso i.Jtcorporull!.'I numerous fuel Engine rnake/typc: ... .. ............. MaK 6M20C Crew: . . .............. .. . .. .. ... ..... .. 25
cfficrnncy foalures, OeKiblc cargo capability, und Type of fuel: .. .. ....... ............ HFO/MDO Sue:dllepair Crew: ....................... .......... 6
the latest regulatory requlremenls. Output/speed of each set: .. &'.33kW/900rpm Stern appcndageS/special rudders: ..... Becker
Alternator make/type: .. AEM Type SE bOO S8 Marine Systom Mewis Duel
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Output/spcod of each sel: .. . .. 833kW/900rpm B11dgo control system
Length oa: ................ ...... .. .. .. 183.31m Boilers Make: ......................... .. .......... Kof\gsberg
Length bp: ...............- .............................. 174rn Number: . . .... .. .. ......................._ 1 + 1 Type : .. ... . ..... ... . ... ...... . Autochlcl 600
Oreadth moulded: ................................. 32,20m Type : . .............. KBSD 1500 + Kl:30-R14M Is brid~e fitted for one-man operation ...... Yes
DAf\lh moulrled Make: ... . ... . . ....... .... Aalborg Fire detet:tiort system
Tu main deck: ............... ................. .. 19.1 Orn Output. cflch boiler: ...... ... .. 18,000 kg/h & Mnkf!: .................................Cunsiliurn Marino
Width of double skin ?,000/525 kg/It Type: .... .... Fire Alarm System Salwico Cargo
Side: .. .................................. ......... ... 2m Cargo c:rnnes/cargo gear x 1 Fire ex tinguisl1ing sysle111s
Bottom: ......... ..................................... ?..1!:>m Make: ...... . ......... . . ... .... ..Dongnam Marine Cargo holds: ............................... . IJec;k foam
l)raugl1t Crane Co. Ltd (DMC) Make/Type: ............. NK CO LTD I ANSUL
Scnntling ...... 12.(l90m Type: .............. ............. Hose t1andling crane Enriinc room:. .. ........................ ........ .. .... CO,
IJesign· ...... 11 OOm (electric-hydraulic drive type) Make/Type: ............. NK CO. I TI) I ANSU L
Gross: ... . ...... 29.80 1gt Performance : ......... ........ SWL 10.0 t. 24 m R£tdnrs x 3
lJisplacement: design: .... 49,97 Honnes/ Other cranes x 2 Make: ...... . ............ l ·uruno
scantllng. 60.379tonnes Make: .. .. .. ...... .... ........Dongnarn Marine Model(s): .. .. .S-Band Mnrine Radar/
liglttweigltt: ........... t 0, 551 4tonnes Crane Co. Ltd (DMC) AHPA FAR-2837S
Deadweight Type: ... ........... .. .. .. ..............Provision crane NO. 1 X-Band Marine Radar/
De8ign: ....................................... 39,600dwt (electric-hydrnutic: drive type) ARPAFAR-?8?7
Scantling: ... ·-···-..··-········..·· .. - ... 49.900dwt Tasks: . ....... .... . .... . ... Provision loading NO. 2 X-E:!and Marine Radar/
Block oo-etticlont Per!orimu1c e: .... .... ?..O Ix 11 8 M (port side) ARPAFAR-2ll27
Design: ................... ...... ..... ... ..... 8073 o I 4.0 t x 11 .ll M (starboard side) Wasle disposal plant
Speed. service (-- %1v1CR output): . 14.5knols Mooring oquipmenl x 6 Incinerator
/75% MCR Make: .................................... Aker Solutions Make: .............. Teamtec Marine Products
Cargo capacily (m ) .. Type (elec tric/hydraulic:/steam): ....... Electric Model: ....... ............................... OG400CS
Liquid voluiyic: ........................... 55.197 2m'' /hydraulic Sewage plant
Bunkers (rn") • Special litcsf.lving equipment Mr.tkG: ...... .................................... EVAC
Hor.tvy oil: ... ...... .... _............... . .. 1.454. 1m< Number of each nnd capacity: ......:t. 30 persons Model: ......................... .. EVAC M BHIJC
Diesel oil: .................................... ..... 266 Sm" Make: ..... . .... Fr Fassmcr GmbH & CO. KG Contracl ti::ite: . .. ....... .. ....... . 5 Allgust ?.O 13
3 3
Water ballast (m ): ... ....... . .. ... ?.2.428 2m Typo: . .. ... .. ..FretJfall hydraulic davit systAm L;:iuncl1/float-out dale: ........ .... 9 April 20 15
Tankers - pcrr,antage segregated ballast: ...... 100 - Model FFH 66 Delivery diltf!: .................. 30Septernber 2015

70 SIGNIF'C.A.NT SHll·S Ot- 2015

Type: .... .................................... Composite
Make: ..................... Kangrim Heavy Industry
Output, each boiler: ................ ?,OOO I !:>00 kg/hr
(oil fired I oxh.gas)
Cargo cranes/cargo gear
Number: ..... .... ............................................ 1
Make: .. ........................................ Tech Flower
Type: ......... .............................. E18ctro-hydraulic
Performance: ................................... 5t x 19m

Other cranes
Type: ....................,.........., ....... Eloctro-hydraulic
Tasks: ........... ... .................. _.. Provision handling
Performance: .. ................................... 4t x 7 ,5m
Mooring equipment
Number: ................................... .................. 5
Make: ... Oongman Marine Crane (DMC) Ind.
Type (electro/hydraulic/steam): ...... hydraulic
Special lifesaving equipment
Number of each and capacity: ... 1, 25 persons
Make: ................. , ........... .... Hyundai Lifoboat
Type: ......Totally enclosed, free-fall launching

OTHONI: LPG carrier If MES. vertical or sloping chutes: ....sloping

Cargo tanks

Number: ............................. ............................ 3

Shipbuilder: ................................ Hyundai Mlpo Bunkers Gmdes of cargo carried: ... Cylindrical. Type
Dockyard Co., Ltd. Heavy oil: ................ ......................... 1.030m0 2G, Design pressure 5.0 bar g,
Vessel's name: .................................. ...... Othoni Diesel oil: ................................................. 310m'; Min. design temp. -104 deg.
Hull No: .................................. ................. 8163 Water ballast: .............'............ _....._....... 519011( Product range: .. _... _........... Liquefied gases
Owner/Operator: ........................... Elelson Gas Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) Coated tanks make and type
Country: .................................. .. ............ Greece of coating: ........primer or paint not applied
Main engine only: ........... ............. 21 ,2tonnes
Designer: ... Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co., Ltd. Stainless steel-· structure/piping:
Auxiliaries: ..................................... 4.7tonnes
Country: ................................. ................ Korea
Classification society and notations: ............ LR Cargo pumps
Model test ostahlishmAnt used: ................ Hyundai
+ 100A1. Liquefied Gas Carrier. Number:
Heavy Industries
Flag: ........................................................ Greek Ship Type 2G, Acetaldehydc, Type: .....
IMO number: ....................................... 9711494 Anhydrous Ammonia, Butadiene, Make ....................... ........................ Wartsila
Total 11umber or sister ships Butane. Butane-Propane mixtures, Capacity (each): .............. ............... 400m3/h
already completed Butylenes. Dimethylamine. Diethyl Ether. Cargo control system
(excludingship presented): ........................... 1 Ethane, Ethyl Chloride. Ethylene. Make: ......................................... TGE MF.irine
Total 11umber of sister ships still on order: ....... 4 Ethylene Oxide-Propylene Type: ............................ ....remotely conlrolfed
Oxide mixture (Max. E.O. 30% by weighl), Ballast control system
lsoprene. lsopropylamine. Make: ... .................................... Kongsberg
/ITHONI is the first in a series of five LEG/LPG/ Methyl Chloride. Monoethylamine. Type: ......... ....................... remotely controlled
VNH3/VCM carriers foT Eletson Corporation Penlanes, Pentene, Propane, Water ballast Tmatment System
that was delivered in July from Hyundai Mipo Propylene, Propylene Oxide, Make: ........................ ....................... Panasia
Dockyard (HMD). The vessel was designed by HMD Vinyl Chloride and Vinyl Ethyl Ether Capacity: ..................... ..... ...300m3/h x 2set
and registered under the Greek flag and classed by in Independent Tank Type C, Complement
Lloyd's Register. Officers: ..................................................... 13
The vessel is an ocean going Liquefied Petroleum Maximum Specific Gravity 0.97,
Maximum Vapour Pressure 5 o bar, Crew: ......... ......................... .............. 12
Gas Carrier with bulbous bow, transom stern, well Suez/Repair Crew: ..................................... .. . 6
de.;k with trunk. forecastle and poop deck. open water Minimum Cargo Temperature minus 104 oC.
ShipRight(ACS(B), SDA. Single/double/other rooms: .................. 25/-/1
type stern frnrnc, ~inglc rudder and single screw Stern appendages/
pwpcll<!r dtiVl!ll hy a.slow speed diesel engine. FDA, CM), ·1ws, LI, ECO
special ruddArs: MEWIS duel
Then-: ~~'C three cylindriotl type cmgQ \nn.ks, one ded< (BWT. EEDl-1, IHM, P),
Bow thrnster(s)
tank and. eight p:).irs of w_:tler b; tan ks aod one +LMC. IGS. UMS, NAV1.
centre water ballast tank arranged in the cargo space. +Lloyd's RMC(LG), ShipRight Make: ................... Hyundai Heavy Industries
The cargo tanks are d~signecl ror a mini mum (BWMP(S,T). SERS, SCM) Number: ..... .... .......................................... 1
temperature of - lO•l "C and the design of specifk ~ari,io Output (each): .................................... .. 750kW
Descriptive Note: ShipRight
equipment ha.~cd on cargo temperature of -t04°C in Bridge control system
the cargo tanlcs. Make: .... ........... , ................................... JAG
Main engine(s)
Three pairs of heavy foe! oil storage tanks are Type: ................ ............................. GRD-921
Design: ........ Hyundai Heavy Industry- B&W
arranged in middle part of the (."argo space with a Is bridge fitted for one-ma11 operation? ........ Yes
Model: ........................ 6S46ME-B8.3 (Tier II) Fire detection system
double hull structure.
One pair of marine diesel oil storage tank~ arc Manufacturer: .......... Hyundai Heavy Industry Make: ................... Iljin and Co11si Ii um Marine
arranged in the middle part of the cargo space wilh a Number: ....... ............................ ................ 1 Type: .. ......................... .. ... addressable type
douhfe hull structutc. The ship is equipped with an Type of fuel: ................ ........................ HFO Fire extinguishing systems
energy saving lvlewis duct system. Output of each engine: .... ..... .......... 6.430kW Cargo holds: ..... Make{Type: NK/Dry powder
Propeller(s) Engine room: ........... ... . Make/Type: NK/CO,
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Material: ............ ..... Nickel Aluminum Bronze Cabins: .............. Make{Type: NK/Dry powder
Length oa: ......................................... abt. 147m Designer/Manufacturer: ......... .......... Hyundai Public spaces: ............... Make/Type: NK/CO,
LAngth bp; .................................. ........... 139 Orn Heavy Industries Radars
Breadth moulded: .......... .......................... 22.6m Number: ............ ..........................- .............. 1 Number: ...... .
Depth moulded Fixed/Controllable pitch: Make:
To main deck: ...................................... 12.6rn Sp0Ad: ......................... . Model(s) JMR-9272-S
To upper dock: .................................... 1?..6m Diesel-driven alternators Integrated bridge system ............................ Yes
Draught Number: ....... ............................................... 3 If yes, rnake: ........ ........... JRO
Scantling: Engine make/type: .... HHI. HIMSEN 6H21/32 Model: ... GAD-921
Design: Type of fuel: .. , .. , ..................................... MOO Incinerator
Gross: ..... OutpuVspeed of each set: ......... .. 1320kW 1 Make: Teamtec ....................Model: GS500CS
Deadweight 900rpm Sewage plant
Design: ,......- ..... - ...·-·....- ....... abt. 9,500dwt Alternator make/type: .........HHI, HFC7 568-0BP Make: ............................ Jonghap machinery
Scantling: ........................... abt. 15.000dwt OutpuVspeed or each set: ............. 1562.5 kVA I Model: .................JMC-810 AEROB-18N(A)
Speed, service (-- %MGR output): ........ 16knots 900rpm Contract date: ............ ..... 13 Septomber 2018
Cargo capacity (m\ Boilers Launch/float-out date: .................. 10 April 2015
Liquid volume. Number: .. Delivery date: ............................... 24 July 2015


·- -- ·- -- - - - I
__ _J
/I JQ. \ 11' ,,,I,1 -
11 ~ 1 ~In/
I\ I I I \'if~(
.»I., I I rJ. I
""'\ I I t: I I
,/ \ f) I JG \1I
.... _,
31 I dO~ d
Make: .................................................... Kangrim
Output, each boiler: .... ...3.0 ton/h x 6 kg/c::m_G
Economisers •
Number: .......................................................... 1
Type: ............. .............Vertical. smoko tube type
with steam space.
Make................................................... _Kangrim
Output. each economiser: ... About t .2 ton/h x 6
Cargo cranes/cargo gear
Number: .. ............... ..
Make: ................................................ Oriental
Type: ·····~····· .. -··--··--····-·· Electro-hydraulic
Performance: ............ ,............ 7 .5 tons S.W.L.
Other cranes
Numb8r: ................................................. 2
Make: .............. - ................................... DMC
Type: ................................... Electro-hydraulic
Tasks: .... ................. ............. Provision crane
Performance: .............. ............... 5 ton S W.L.
x 1 set. 2 ton S.W.L . x 1 set
Mooring equipment
Number: ..... 2 windlass. 7 mooring winches
Make: ... ............... ..... .......... DMC-PUSNES
Typo (electric/hydraulic/steam): .... .. . Electro·
hydraulic, high pressure
Special lifesaving P.quipment
Number of P.8c::h and capacity: ........ .. 2 sets,
3 36 pernons
SEA BIRD: 84,000m class Mako:
................. HLB
Cargo tanks
LPG carrier NumbP.r: ..................................................... 4
Grados of cargo c::mried: ........... Commercial
Butane, Pure Propane,
Shipbuilder: ........... Hyundai Heavy Industries Lightweigl1t: 19,178 Commercial Propane
Vessel's name: ............................ ......... Sea Bird Deadweighl Mixture of Propane and
Hull No: ................................... ,,_.............. 2753 Design: Butane, Propylene
Owner/Operator: _........ .......... . Petredec/Shell Scantling: . ........- ....- ................... 54,560dwt Insulation: ............. Spray polyurethane foam
Country: ........... .......... ...................... Singapore Speed, seNice (-· %MCR output): ... 16 8 knots Cargo pumps
Designer: ....- ......... Hyundai Heavy Industries @ 90% MCR output Number .............................................8 sets
Country: ........... ............... .....Republic of Korea Cargo capacity (m") Type ................................. Verlical deepwell
Model test establishment used: lag: ...... Singapore Liquid volume: .............................. 811 .ooo m~ Make : .........................- ............ ...... Wartsila
IMO number: ....................................... 9726061 Bunkers (m') . Capacity (each): ...........600 m"/h x 120 mlc
Cargo and Ballast control system
~~~~ ~:~; .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~.·~~g ~~
otal number of sister st1ips already completed
(excluding ship presented): ...................... . . 1 Make: Kongsborg
Total number of sister ships still on order: ....... 5 Water ballast (m~): ............................. 20,600 m0 Type ................ IAS
Tankers - percentage segregated ballast: ...... Water ballast treatment system
Daily fuol consumption (tonnes/day) Make: .. ...TECHCROSS
S EA BmD'S tltmensions indudc an Jli'ugth of
225m, breadth of36.6m, dl>pth uf22.2m and crcsign
draught of Ll.6m.
Main engine only: ............... 42.6 tonnes/day Capacity
t.600 m3/h

Classification society and notations: ............. LR OHicers: .........-····-···..... - .......................... 16

She has four cargo tauks of 84,000m' , IUur pail'.$ of + 1oo A 1, Liquefied Crew: .......................... ,.............................. 12
wirti!r ballast tanks and two peak i:mk( El.Yr/ AF'1'); Gas Carrier, Ship Type 2G, Suez/Repair Crew: ...................................... 6
Constructed fo1· Petrcdcc ;md dcliverccl by Korean Minimum Cargo Temperature Minus 50"C, Singlo/doublP./other rooms: ..... ?.8 single rooms
Shipynrd Hyundai Heavy Intlustrie.~. the vessel is one ShipRight (SDA. FDA, CM, ACS(B)), Bridge control system
of tbe new dass of leading '~ery large gas vessels which ·1ws. LI, SPM4. ECO(GW, IHM, P), Mako: ............... Kongsberg, Yokogawa, JRC
will be the largest in P.etr<.'Clec's Heel to date and wUJ set +LMC. UMS, NAV1. +Lloyd's AMC (LG) Type: ................................ BMS(Kongsberg),
new standards for fi.1el and('nergy etnciency. due to tl1e with the descriptive notes, EDD, ETA. Auto-pilot(Yokogawa), ECDIS(JRC)
optimised vessel design and p.ropuJsion dllcicncy ShipRight(BWMP(S,T), SCM) Is bridge fitted for one-man operation? ........ Yes
t<!chnologies. Main engine(s) Firo detection system
The vessel is propelled b)' one I Iyundai-MAN B&W Dosign: .................Two stroke, single acting, Make: ....................................... Tyco Seaplus
6C'i60ME-C9.2 clectricnlty·c.ontmllcd engine wil,h a MCR crosshead. turbocharged. reversible Type: ..................... .......... Addressable type
of 12,'190kW cnnbllng It r~ad.1 n speed of 1 6.8k11ol~ a l Model: ............ Hyundai·B&W 6G60ME-C9.2 FirP. P.xtinguishing systems
(il!Sign <lraught when running Al NGR with a sea mnrgin Manufacturer: ...... Hyundai Engine Company Cargo area: ... Make/Type: Tyco Seaplus I Dry
(15%) bumIng less foeJ ofru:OLu1d 42.<ittmnes per day. Number: ........................ ............................ 1
She is LR da,~scd wltli the foflowing cla;;s notations: powder system
Type of f1mJ: ................... ....................... HFO/ Engine room and
+100 Al , Liquefied Gas.Garrier,ShlpType2G, l~ulune. MDO/MGO
Propane,But~nc,Prop:lne Mixture, Propyl®e in cargo compressor room: ............. ................ .
Output of each engine: ... ,. 12,400 Kw (MGR)
lndcp1mdenl Type A tank. Maxilnum Specific Gravity Make/Type: Tyco Seaplus I High
propeller( s)
0.6 I , Ma.xinmni Vapour Pressure 0.275 bar g, pressure CO,
Material: ............................... Ni-Al-Bronze
Nlluim:im Cargo 'li::inperu~trc Miaus so•c, ~hipRig~i} Dosigner/Manufacturer: ................. HHl·EMD Cargo compressor room: -······ .......... ...........
(SDA,FDA, CM,ACS(B)}, T\.VS, Ll,SPM1,ECO(G\\, Make/Type: Tyco Soaplus I Higll
Number: ..................... ,. ............ .. .............. I
ff!M, P), 1 LMC, UMS, NAV 1, +Lloyd's RMC(LG) Fixed/Controllable pitch: ................... ....... FPP pressure CO,
1vilh the descrip tive nnte$. EDD, E:rA, Diameter: .......... ............................. ...... 7 .4m Cabins: Mako/Type: .................. Fire hydrant
Sl1ipRight(JlWMP(S,T),SCM). Speed: ................................ 92 2 RPM (MCA) Facing cmgo area: Make/Type: .... Babcock I
Diesel-driven alternalors Water spray system
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Number: ................ ..................................... 3 Radars
Length oa: ................................................ 225m Engine make/type: ............Hyundai-Himsen / Number: ......................... . ..................... 2 sets
Length bp: ....... ......................................... 220m 8H21/32 Make: ................................................... JRC
Breadth moulded: . ................... - ............. 36.6m Type of fuol: .... ................. HFO I MOO/ MGO Model(s) : ......... ............... JRC ARPA RADAR
Depth moulded Output/speed of each set ............ 1.280 kW Integrated bridge system (yP.s/no?): ........ ..... No
To upper deck: ................................... 22.2m x 720 rpm Waste disposal plant
Width of double skin Alternator make/type: .. ....................,Hyundai Incinerator
Bottom: ........................................._____ 1.85m Output/speed of each set: ............ 1, 200 kW Make: ........- .. - ................ - ........... HMMCO
Draught x 720 rpm Model: ............... ,,_.... MAXI NGt50SL WS
Scantling: ................................ .............. 12m Boilers Sewage plant
Design: ............................................... 11 om N11mber: Make: llseung ..................... Model: ISS·160N
Gross: ......... ............................... .......... 47.347gt Type: Contract date: .... -···-······ ......... 17 April 2013
Displacement: ..................... 70.920gt /73,740gt Delivery dale: ..................... 18 November 2015


Boilers x 1
Type: .... . .. .... . .. vertical oil-tired &exhaust
gas marine composite boiler
Make: .. .. ...... ... ................... . .. . . Saackti GmbH
Output each boiler..........- ....... _ oil !ired stiction
0.000 kg/h; exhaust gas
section 2,000 kg/11
Other cranes x 2
Make: Ningbo Kairong Ship
Machinery C.:o. Ltd
Type: Single jib electro-hydraulic
Tasks: ..................... .... ..... Provision
Perfotmance: .... .. 10! x 3 6/18m.
Cylinder lutting crane
Other cranes x 9
Make: ............... - ................. Ningbo Kairong
Ship Machinery Co Lid .
SHANDONG ZHENG TONG: Type: .... Electric Hoisting,
height (-26m). time (<:Sm/min):
Ore carrier Electric Slewing 0~300°
with limited
T11sks: ........................ ............. Cleaning cargo
Shipbuilder: ..... Qingdao Belhal Shipbuilding To upper deck: .................. .,, ......................... 25m Performance: ....................................0 9tx4m
Heavy Industry CO., LTD Width of double skin Other cranes x 1
Vessel's name: .......... Shandong Zheng Tong Side: .. .......................................... _. 12.32m Make: ............... .......... Ningbo Kairong Ship
Hull No: ........... .. ...... ... .. .. .. .. OC25.0-5 Bottom: ... ............................................. 3.80m
Owner/Operator: ........ .. .. Shandong Dacheng Machinery Co. Ud
Draught lype. ... ............. ................... Manual lilting
Shipping Corporation
Country: .......... .... ...... ........... ... .. .. ... China Scantling: ............................................. 18.?0m Tasks: ...... ................ SueL Canal Search Light
Designer: Shanghai Merchant Ship Design & Design: ..........- ....................... .......... 18m PcrformancP.: .......... .............. .... ... ..0 51 x 3m
Research Institute, CSSC Gross: ... ........................................... 133,524gt Other cranes x 2
Country: .................................. ... .. ........ China Deadweight
Make: ... . Ningbo Kairong
Model lest establishment used ' .......... HSVA Design: ........... .......... ........ .... 249,750dwt
Flag: .. .......................... ............. Hong Kong Ship Machinery Co. Ltd.
Scantling: ............. ............. ........ 262.200dwt
IMO number; ................................... . 9702649 Type: .................. .............. Electric hose davil
Speed, service (89%MCR output): ......... 15knots
Total number of sister ships already T<:tsks: ........................ ...... .................. ... Hose
Cargo capacity (m")
complctod (excluding ship presented) ...... 1 Performance: --........- ......--... ..........0.9t x 3m
Total number of sister ships sllll on order: ....... O Groin: ... .. ...... ... .. ...................... 160,000m3
Bunkers (m") Mooring equipment x 8
Heavy oil: .......................................... 6,500m" Make: ..................... Wuhan Marine Machinery
Diesel oil: ...... ...... ..................-............... 3CXJm3 Plant Co Ltd.

ng<iao Reihai Shipbuilding I lc.1\'Y Industry Co.
lid dclh'el'ed SHANDONG 7.HliNG TONG, a Water bal laS1 (m"). ...... .... .. ............... 116.000m3 Type (eleclric/hydraulic/sleam): ......... electric
26 , l3dwt ore carrier, to Sh.indong Dachcng Shipping Daily fuel consumpbon (tonneS/day) hydrauti<.:
Corpor.u.ion inFebmary 2015. 'lnis Is the fin.'t vl'SSt'! in Main engine only: .................. 61.6tonnes/day Special lifesaving equipment
this series of orecaaiers deslg1:1<.'<l by SDARI.
Auxiliaries · ........................ 4tonncs/day Number of each and capacity: . ... ... .. ?
11ie vessel has an improved design ba5(.'(! on their
existing 2J0,000dwt type ore ainier, with the emphasis Classification society and notations: ..... ......CCS Make: ...................................... Qingdao Beihai
on energy-saving. lower embsions, environmental * CSA, Oro Carrier, Grabf25), Type: ......... ........................ tree-fall lifeboats
p1'0tectinn, ship safety, ~nd cco11omic considerations. Ice Class 8, Strengthc:med for I· latch covers
The vcssd:~ hull lines have been optimised with Heavy Cargoes. COMPASS Design: .................... ............................... ns
ndviuice<l CPD cnkulatlons anti vcrillcd by modd tesls (R. D. F), PSPC (B. D), Loading Manufacturer: ...... .......... ...Qingdao Beihai
at LISVA. 'lb impruvc the p1t1pL1lslo11 efficiency, ~ large Computer (S, I}, ESP. In-Water
dinmctcr fixed pitch pmpeller, and a low revolution Typ~ (upper decl1other decks): ......... upper
Survey. Clean, FTP,BWMP, FL 100,
main engine have been installed. The hub vortex dcr.k, single-panel side
Accommodntion (MJC). Green Shiµ II
ahsorhed tln behind propell~r ha~ also been fitted rolling type operated
m~tead of a propeller hub csp lo increase efficiency. * CSM, AUT-0, SCM. BWMS. GWC.
Water ballast Treatmenl System
While the vessel has a service spc..'<I of I Sknots, th.: AMPS. GPR. PMS
% high-tensile steel used in construction: ....... 85 Make: ............... Hendwfly Technology Co. Lld
foci oil consumption of the main engine bas been
reduced by20% compared "1th the 230,000dwt type ore Mnin engine(s) x 1 Capacity: .... ...... ........ .... t!000-5000 m~/h x 2
cnrricr. TI1c attained EEDJ is n1so 20% lower than the Design: .... .......... .... ........ .. ........ Wartsilli Complement
base line, which is very diflkult lo achieve for a V1..0C Model: . ...... . 6RT-flex82T·B Tll (Delta luriing) Officers: ......... .. ............................. 1?
sccking to meetPJiasc rr requirements. Manufacturer: ....... ............ ... Qingdao Qiyao Crew: . 15
Sl11111do11g Zlrc11g Tong has 11i11e cargo holds, with Wcirtsila Mfil Linshan Supernurnaries/Spare: .. ................... ..... 3
~inglc batclles of a singk -pancl side r(llling type
Marine Diesel Co.. Ltd SueZ/Repair Crew: ......... .... 6
prnvidcd for ead1 cargo hold. Compared wilb a
co1wcnliom1I ore e;micr of Lhls t )'PC with five cargo Type of fuel: ............. ....... ...................HFO Sing le/double/other rooms: ... 30 single rooms
hold~. havlng nine c;u1>o holds hn.s proven to be more Output of each engine: .............. .. 18,600 kW Fire detection system
tlexlble for 111ulti·JlOl'l opernUons. Less bnllast water x 65 r/rnin Make: ................ ..... ...... ........ ...... .... Consilium
(mtalUng I 16,000m1) and two sdsofbtg capacity ballast Propeller(s) x ·t ·rype: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ............. Salwico Cargo
pumps ('~.000m /hr) are kq u1r the wsscl, which can
Material: ............ Ni-/\1-Bronzc Fire extinguishing systems
comply with CCS's efficient loading notmlon El.100. Fixed/Controllable pitch: ........................ f'ixt:id
'lne Vl'SSel is fitted with an electronically contr01Jed Engine room: .... ..... .............. ...... .... ... .. ....... .
m.'Un Cllginc (6Irf-ilex82T-D) that 1111.'\."lS wilh JMO Tier
Diameter: .................. . lO Urn Make/l'ypc: /Tfli<TechCo. Lld/CO)MIST
11 NoX emissions standards and optimises daily fuel oil Speed: ............... . ........... ......65rpm Radars x 2
consumption. Diesel-driven alternators x 3
Make: ................... ............... ........... JRC
Oilier special provisions, sud1 as $horc power Engino make/type: .. ,,_.. . ..... ....... .. Yanmar J
Moc:iel(s) ........... JMA-9 102-SNJMA-9122-9X/\
conneclion forportoperations. nballast w;uer lreaunent vertical. single action. 4-cyde,
phmt, nnd an inventory c>f hn:r.nrdous =•~rial for ship Integrated hridgc system: ........ .... .... ...... No
direct injection, water cooled
R'C)'cl ing. nrc provided to imprt!l'C snfety, economic diesel engine with turbo-charge Waste disposal plant
perfonmu1ce and envirunmuullll protecllori. nnc:i air cooler Incinerator
Type of fuel: ... ................... . .. ....... ... HFO Make: ...................- ............. Sun flame Co, Lid
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Model: ............ ........................ .. OSV-900SAI
Output/speed ot each set: 1100kW
Lengt11 oa: .............................................. 325m
/900 r/min Sewage plant
Length bp: ... ..._ ............................... s ·t950m
Breadth moulded: ............................ .. .... 57m Alternator mako/type: ....... Taiyo Electric Co. Ltd/ Make: . .......... TAIKO
Depth moulded syn<:hronous. brushless Modcl:SBH-40
To mnin deck: .......................- ...... _ ...... 25m OutpuVspeed of each set: ... lOOO kW I 900 r/min Delivery date: ...... ................ .. Fobmary ?.015

76 S1cON1ncAi.r SIHPS Of 2015

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l.l ...----
SKANDI AFRICA: Offshore subsea
construction vessel
Shipbuilder: ................ Vard Saviknes, Norway • Optitniscd hull form and bow shape Other cranes
Vessel's name: ...................... Skandi Africa • vVinlerise<l basic and TGr:- t H dass notations for Make: ................................ Huisman
Hull No: .......... .......... ...... .................... 800 harsh environmental re4uirements Performance : .. .. . .. . 1 oft offshore crane
Owner/Opemtor: .........DOF Subsea Rederi AS • Two l ;!l(:'s, four lifcbo<1ts with 100% lifeboat 450/900mt 4,400/2,20Dm
Counlry ........................... , . ... ...... . Norway covernge on each side 1 olf offshore crane 150mt 3,000m
Designer ................... ........... Vard Design AS A helicopter landing platform ol 2!\.Sm, 1St 3 off 6mt 20m c ranl:ls (TTS)
Country · .. ............•.......... ........... ....... Norway 1 off pipclny tower G!:>Omt
Model lest establishment used: ......... Marintek TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Mooring eo,uiprnenl
Flag: .... .... ... ..... .......... .......... ....... Bahamas LAng th oa: ... .... . ... ..... ... .. .. . .......... . 160 9m Mnkc: ............ ,... ....................... NDM
IMO number: .....·-····-············.............. 9687459 Length bp: . .. .. . ... "147 Sm Type (electric/l1ydraulic/stenm): .,. .... F.lectric
Total number of sister ships already Breadtt1 moulded: .. S::>m
completed (excluding ship presented): ........ o Depth moulded Special litesavin('l e(j11lpment
Toi al number of sister ships still on order: .. ,.. .. 0 To main deck: ..................... ..... 12.5 (eg Ml:.S, free·f(:lll lifeboa ts )
[)raug hl Number ot each a nd capacity: ,....... 4 x 70p
Scr.intling: .............................................. 9.5m life boats (95kg}. 2 x fast rescue crart

T he
n Vnrcl 3 12 dcsig11,
of open1tillity !Ind
10 make il safe and c1wironmenlnlly

It Is
[.)ea<.lw eig ht: .................... ..... . ...... 16.00Uclwt
Speed. service(-· %MGR output): ......... 17.2@
Cargo tanks
Product rnngA: .... ... Rrlne 450rn Mell1anol/
100% (prior to mounting of topside) liPBcial product 200m 3
specinlly-designed and equipped for Sl1bse.1 opt> Bunkers (m~) ComplefT'ont
duties wilh n high focus on good scn-k1.1eping Sing le/double/other rooms: ....... ..... 40dbl
cnpnbilitics, excellent station keeping performances Diesel oil · ..................................... 2.600m'
3 60sgl · 140 total
and low fuel consumption. 'l11e 111.'SSl?I has nn optlmised Water ballast (m\ ......... - ............... 13.000m
SPS 00. MLC ?.OOO compli ant
hull fonu, and bow shape optimiSt..U for aU weather c omrorl class COMF-V(3)-C(3).
conditions together with the six'Cilled prormlsion Classiticatioo socioty ;ind notations: ......... DNV
co11figumtion. Catalytic converh!rs are imtnllcd on nil 1/\ 1. EO. DYNPOS·AUTRO. Bow thruster(sj
main diesel generators for redudng emi5slons. f1K(+}, CnANE, H EWK-SH, Me1ke: .. . ..... Rolls-Royce
Toc vessef is filial with: CE- 18 (Exept propellers). Number: ..... ..2 x 2,800kW tu11nel thrusters
WIN I t:HISrn !3ASIC, DEICE. 2 x 2.000kW retractable
• An ROV hangar equipped with heavy duty work CLEAN DESIGN, NAUT-AW. azimuth thrusters
!lO Vs launched through moonpools to 4,000m RCCYC/\BLE, ComN(3) C(3). Stem thruster(s)
waler depth; SPS, RIS. VIBfl. LFl', BWM· r. sr. Make: . .. .. ........ .... ,.. Rolls-Royce
Moonpools wilh damping w nes, according Heel control equipment: ................... Anti-heel 3 Number: ......... ........ 3 x 3,700kW azimuth
lo Yard Design's ll&D sea keeping capabilities x reversible propeller pumps propellers {Contaz)
programme; Roll-stabilisat ion oquipment: ... .Roll stabilisaUon
An Al!C offshore crane 900tonnes (double fall)/ tnnks BridgA control system
4SOtonnes (single fall). "JotaJ wire length is 4 Mnln engine(s) Make: ........... ......... Rolls-Roycn I Ko•1gsberg
4,400m (drum capacil)' 6,00lhn); Manufac turer.... Rolls-Royce Bergen Diesel Is bridge ritled for one-man operation? ......... No
An AHC offshore .::rane. of 1SOtonnes lo 3,000m Fire detection (lystom
waler depth Type of fuel: .............. Make: .. ... .... ... .... . Vard Elcctro/Kongsberg
A tiltabl~ lay srstem tower (TI .S) 6S0tonnes · Output ol each onginc Fire extinguis hing systems: . ... . I litog Marioff
flcxi pipe Radars
• A main deck prepared for mounting product lvlake: . ....................... .......... ...... . Furuno
reels on deck (structural) Main-eng ine driven nllemators Integrated bridge system: ............................. No
• A grid ofT-Bars DNV approved for uplift on all Number: .. .................................................... () Waste disposal plnnt
main deck with wood covering between profiles Makeilype: ......... .................... .... Siemens Incinerator
• Three azimuth thrusters of contrn-rotAting Exhn1m1-9ns scrubbing equipment Me1ke : ... ............................. .... T0nmtecl1
propeller type. C.entre propeller dual feed. Manufacturer: ..... ......... ........ .............. H ·~H Sewage p lant
• Highsrondnrd a.::commodalion wiLh low noise levels O n main i:;ngines?: .. ............., ............... . Yes Mflke: .. .. .................................. ..Jets
• An operations room/ project bridge overlooking Sollers Contract date: ........................ February 14 20 13
the all deck below the navigatio11 briclge Mnkc: ..... ..................... ......................... PYRO Delivery <.f(:lte : .. .. .......... .. .. October G 2015

78 SK•Nt~K:.i.Nr Si 11PS or ?.0 1o

lvlain enginc(s) x 1
lJesigfl: .. .. .. ................. .... ... Two Stroke
Model: ......... .. .. .. ... .. 6S50MF. -88 .3
Mnnufi:ic:turer: .. .. . MAN
Type of fuel (og, HFO 0t MOO) HFO/MDO
Ovtµut of each engine. . .... .. 8,680kW
Propeller(s) x 1
Matoriru: ...... .. .. .••...... CuAllONi
Designer/Manufachiror .... ••.. .. MMG
Fixed/Controllable pitch: ... .......... .... 4,854
Diameter: . . .. ..... .... .................. 6.5
Speed: . ... ... .. . ....... .. ... . .. ... 103rpm
Diesel-driven altemators x 3
Engine make/type: .. MAN/7L23/30H-MK.2
Type of fuel (eg. HFO or Mf10) Hf-0/MDO
Output/speed .. . .. ...... ...•... . of each set:
Alternator make/type: ... ........ HHl/HFC 7 566-8
Output/speed or each set: ...... 116!1kW/900rpm
Boilers x 2+ 1
Type: ....... ........... . FMB-VL-111/10 Oii FlllED
+EGB (E:.Mt:-VST 1.365/10
Make: ............ .............................. ..... SAACKL::
Output. each boiler: 14 1/ll 1Obars + 1,36 t/h ;i1
Cargo cranes/cargo gear x 1
Make: ............................... .. MACGREGOR
Type: ............... ............... HH 3?0 - 1022-2
Perlormanoe: ..... .......... ...... .. ... . 101. 22m
Other cranes x 1
Make: ...................... ........ VULKAN . NOVA
Type: . .. .. MO NORAii . CflANI::. DP 3 I, 25m
Tasks: ..................... ..... Provision loa<l<ng
Pmform;ince: .. :Jt, rvtAX OUTREACH
ABT 3,0m. from bO!b ship sides
Mooring equipment x 6 pcs
Make: .... .. .. ... ..... ...... .. . H/\TLAPA

SONGA FORTUNE: Chemical/ Type (electric/hydraul1c/stenm): ..... Hydraulic

Spocial lifesaving equipmenl
(eg MES, frcc-fnll lifeboals)

product tanker Make: ...... ..... .... MONTMONTAZA GAF.REN

Type: .... tree-tall lifeboats 1 µcs FFL 32 FP
Cargo tanks
Shipbuilder: .. Hrvatska Brodogradnja Troglr, Dep1h mo1.1lded Number: ..................................20 (18 +:>)
Croatia (Brodotrogir Group) To m ain deck: 17.60m Grades of c:mgo carried : .. . ........... 18+2
Vessel's narne: ..... ............... Songa Fortune Product range: ...............C hemicals and oil
Width of double skin
Hull No: ....................... . ... .. ..... ........ .. .... 325 Side: .... .. µroducts · IMO TYPE?
Owner: .... ....... Kairos Shipping Bottom: Coated tanks - make and
Country: .. .._.. Marshall Islands D rought type ol coating: .... ............... Interline 800 I
Operntor: Songa Shipmanagement Scantling: Stainless steel -
LJesigner: Design: structure/piping: .............. ... . ... Piµing-Yes
Design Office I Ship Design Gross: ...... ..... Cargo pumps
Department: .... Hrvatska Brodogrndnja Trogir Disµlacement: Numhor: .... .... ,... ..................18 CT + 2stop
Coufltry: ........................... ...... ............. Croatia lyµe: ...... ...... SU BMERGED ,$ [) ?00, SD 150
Desig n: ... .
Model test establishment used: ....... Brodarskl Scantling: .. .. Make: ...... ... ... .......... ~ .... ... FRAlv10
lnstltut Zagreb, Croatia Liglitweig ht: ......... ............. .... Stainless stet=ll: .. . .... ...................... ......... Yes
Flag: . ..... .... ... ... .... .............. Marshall Islands Capac ity (eact1) : . ............ soom:'/11. 250m~/t1
lfviO number: ....... .......... . .... ........... 9693812 Desig n: ...................................... 39. 16'1dwt Cargo control syi:: tem ... .. .SCANA(KROt INE)
lut<:ll number of sister ;;hips Type: ................... ................. Cargomaster
Scantling: ............................... . 49.708dwt
already completed Ballast c:ontrol system ... .... . ..... ... .. . .. Plciqor
Block co-efficient {please state
(excluding ship presented): ................ None Type: .. .. . . Konvontlonal hydraulic valve
relevant draught): .................... desigfl: 0.7995
Total number of sister ships still on order: ....... 1 remote c onlrol system
Speed. service (- o/oMCR output}: .... 14 5 knots
/6 7 %MGR Water balla:<i! tmn.tmen t system . ... . .. PAN/\SIA
Cargo capacity (n{) Capacity: .. .. ............. ....... . lbOU m 1/h
A ccoroing to the Broclotrogir Group. I he company's Liquid volume: ........................... 56548 2 rn" Stern appcndageslspecia! rudders: .. Full spade
ndesign team a.spuation to make each new series of Bunkers (m )
1 propeller slipstream
tankers beuer than the preVJous one has resulted 111 HAavyoil: ... ..... ... .. ... ......... .... .. 1691.9m3 adjusted rudder with Cosla Bulb
"this ultimate cre;ition of chcmlcal/procluct tnnkcr Diesel oil: . . . ..... ....................... ... 469 1 m'' t3ridg e control systom
!Mmg" furt1mc". Water bnllnst (m3 ): ......................... 20751 1 m 3 Make: ..... .. .. .. ... .......... LYNGSO
The development of this design focused on several Tankers - percentage segregated ballast: 100 Type:..... .......... .... .EPS/EGS/LMS Platinium
topics: fimly to improve the fore body to 1~ui:e IJaily fuel consumption {tonne<;/day) Is bridge litled for ope ·ation . Yes
resistance in order to opU.misc t11e pmition of bow Mnin engine only: ...................... 23.5tonnes Fim detection syslem
shouklers with regard to bow wave interference a l the Auxilietries : .... ......... .......... ........ 2 .5lonnes Make: ......... .. .. ... CONSILIUM MARINE
desired service speed. The draught/ dcadwcight has Classification society and notalions : ... LLOYD'S Type: . .... ... ... .. .. . SALVIC:O CARGO
been incr<"ased to l3m to align it with ~tirrenl tnmds. REG ISTER O F SHIPPING Fire extinguishing systems
Cargo space and the engine room have been opllmisi.xl t OOA t Double Hull Oil and Chemical tnyifle room: ..................................... ..
in order lo n.>duce the fougth of the latter In (twou1 of s
Tanke:. St1ip Type 2. G 155Vm3 • Make!Type: ... WILHl:.LMSEN. co, (UNITOR)
cargo tank capacity. According lo 1he comp•Jny 1hc &hill ESP. CSR, ShipRighl (ACS [BJ. Radars -
leads the MR 1llllker market (I7.6m) In lertll!> of httlght Clvl). ·1ws. LI, SPM4}. ECO Number: ............................. Tllree (3}
n.-ductio1.1 with Uie rum of redudng dr.imatk-;tl l)r the (OW. NOX-2, P, R. tlW I. Milke: ..... .... .... ... .... . .. .... RAYTHEON
st....,J weight ofbulkhcads lherd>y 'onlributlng to we1$ht CRM. VECS) LMC. Mode l(s) : ............ .. Ar1PA CHAH I HAD/\R
reduction and deadweight Increase. Propu.ls111c IGS. UMS, NAV1 Waste disposal p lan t
efficiency has beenlmprovedb)' incre:1s111g the pmpeUer Descriptive Notes: .... Part Higt1er Tensile Steel. Waste handled: .................... . .......... ..
diameter. A low cmnsumptlon/Jow speed main engine Is PL.!.>BT. ShipRigl1t (RWMP [T), Inc inerato r
designed to run nt the lowest COMw11plion point. All IHM, SCM). Effective Tank Cleaning Mal~e: . . ...., ..... ATLAS·INCINERATOR A!C
design targe.tsw11re·con6rmed durlngse.1 lrinls. less than 11%. Centralised Operation Model: .. ......... .................... ATLAS - 800
SLatiOfl for Liquid Carriocs Sewage plant .... ..................... HK-CROATIA
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Model: .... ... . ......... .............BRODOPUR BS
Leng<11 oa: ...... .. .............................. . 184,00m % hig h.tensile steel used in construction: ...... 32.5 Contract dale: ..... ................. 2 Augusl 201~ .
I engt11 bp: ........................................... 176,00m Heel control equipmcnl: ... .......... Heeling lank;; Lmmc h/float-out date: .... 22 December 2014.
Brc;idlh moulded: ............ ,................. 3?.?0m Roll -str.ihilisation equipment: .......... _Bilr.Je koels Dclivory date: ..... ............ 14 September 2015.

80 S ICt\llt-1(;,\N I SHl"S ()t- 201 f)

··-·····-... -
"-·· WOOd --
I· G

<. -. -.

Olher c ranes x 1

.. Make: ....... ................ TTS Bohai Machinery

(Dalian) Co, Ltd
Type..................... Monorail crane. MRE03b4
Tasks: ....... Receiving stores and spare parts
Performance: .. ........ .......... ................ .. . 3.5
Mooring equipment
Number: ....... .............. 2 Windlass /Winches
and 4 winches
Make: ......... ..... ............... Hatlapa, Germany
Type (electric/hydraulic/steam): ..... hydraulic
Special lifesavins:i equipment
Number of each and capacity: .......... 1 Free
Fall Lifeboat
Make: ........... ..................... Jiangsu Jians:iyan
Type: ..... Totally ondosP-d, motor. self-righting
Cargo tanks x 18
G<ades or cargo carried: ............ petroleum
products and chemic<:Jls
STENA IMPRESSION: Oil and Product mng0: ......... ............................. ..
Coated tanks - make and

chemical tanker lype or coating: ..... .. .......Jotun Tankguard

Stainless steel - structure/piping:

Special Ultra

Cargo pumps x 18
Shipbuilder: ................ Guangzhou Shipyard Widtl1 of double skin
Type: ........................... Submerged. S0-150
International Co. Ltd., China Side:
Vessel's name: ..................... Stena Impression Make: ............. ............................ _..... Framo
Hull No: ........ ,. .... .......... .............. 12130001 Stainless steel: ...................... ..................Yes
Operator: ...... Northern Marine Management Ltd. Capacity (each): .............................. 375m3/h
Scantling: 12.90m
Coun1ry: ................................. United Kingdom Desis:in: Cargo cwtrol system
11 .oom
Designer: .......................GSI and Stena Teknik Gross: ........ ........ . 29,666gt Make: .......... Emerson Process Management
Co1intry: ............................. China and Sweden Marine Solu1ion. Sweden
Model test establishment used: ....... HSVA and Type: .... ........... Rosemount TankHadar, STaR
Desis:in: ..................................... 50,000dwt
SSSRI Ballast control system
Flaff .....................................United Kingdom
IMO number: ........... .. ..........._.. _,,.,., 9667461 Speed. service(-· %MCH output): .... 14.5 kno1s Make: ..................... .......... Emerson, Sweden
Total number of sister ships Cargo capacity (ml) Type: ....... Marine Tank Management System
already completed (excluding Liquid volume: . 54,000m 3 Water ballast Treatment System
sllip presented): ............... ......................... 3 B1inkers (m:;) Make: .. .......... .............Ocean Guard BWMS
Total number of sister ships still on order: ....- 6 Heavyoil: ........... ...... 1.500m Capacity: .................................. 50-900 m3/h
Diesel oil: ... .............. ..... 6o0m 3 Complement
Water ballast (rn"): ......... 21.000m 3 Officers: .... ................................................... 9
T he STRNA f1>1PRF.SSION, being the first
vessel in a series of 13 of the Stcna
'JMOIJMAX class, is an important steppi11g
Tankers - percentage
segregatP-d ballast: ................................. 35 %
Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day)
Crew: ............ ....... .................................. 13
Suez/Repair Crew: .... ............................ .... 6
stone in Stena Bulk and Stena Weco's common Single/double/other rooms: ...... ?6 single
Main engine only: .................... 25tonnes/day rooms + 1 Suez crew room
pursuit of creating a more sustainable shipping Auxiliaries: ................. ........... 2.Btonncs/day
concept combined with a flexible and energy Bridge control system
efficient design to offer customc1·s better Make: ..........._.......... . Eletek Technology Ud,
Classification society
business solutions at competitive freight rntes. Type: ......................... Bridge Control Console
Stena Tm11re.<.1io11 is designed to carry IMO 2 and and nota1ions: ....................... .. Lloyd's Register,
Is bridge fitted for one-mnn opt=iration? ......... No
3 cargoes as well as dean and dirty product.s. t100A1 DouhlP- Hull Oil Tanker
and Chemical Tanker. Ship Type 2. Fire detection system
'J'he vessel is equipped with 18 cargo tanks of Make: ............................................ Consilium
maximum 3,000m capacity as well as a nitrogen CSR, ESP, ShipRiyht (CM,ACS(B)),
based inert gas system. Stern~ Bulk and Stena ·1ws.Ll.ECO{BWT.EEDl,IHM,Vt:CS, Type: .......... Flame/ Heat I Smoke Detectors
Teknik have together with GS! (Guang~hou TC),SPMIJ lLMC. UMS. IGS, NAV1, IBS Fire extinguishing systems
Shipyard International) in China succeeded Main engine(sJ x 1 Cargo holds: ..................................................
after extensive numerical development and Model: ................. MAN·B&W 6S50ME-B9.3 Make!Type: .... Wilhelmsen fodmical I Foam
lesling in ohtaining a hydrodynamic design that Manufac1umr: .. ........... ........... Oalian Marine Engine room: ....
is probably the mosl energy-effici.,nt MR Diesel Co .. Ltd Make!Type: ...... Will1elrnsen Technical I C0 2
Tank"r existing today. Type of fuel: ....... HFO and MOO Cabins: ..........................................................
Completely new hull lines together with a special Output of each engine: ........ ......... 7,211 kW MakefType: ............... .......................Portable
design for the propeller, rudders, main engine, Propcller(s) x 1 Public spaces:
auxiliary engines, exhaust gas energy recovery, FO Material: 3 class nickel MakefType:
and LO sludge recovery and onhoarc.l systems will aluminum bronze casting
reduce the overall energy consumption to a Radars x 2
Designer/Manufaclu<er: ........................... ,.. , Make: ................................................ FLJn1no
minimum. In order lo put it into perspective Stena
Impression is between 25% to 30% more energy Fixed/Controllable pitch: ........ _........... Fixed Model(s): ..... .. RPU-013(X) and RPU-013(8)
efficient than the company's previous generation Diameter: ........................................... 6.0m Integrated bridge system (yes/no?): ............ Yes
Medium Range Tankers. Speed: ..................... ........ . ..... ........99 RPM If yes, make: ....................................... Furuno
A large number of design alternatives, innovative Diesel-driven alternators x 4 Model: ..... ...................... ........ .. ...... Custom
solutions and equipment/systems have been Engine make/type: ................... CSSC Marine Waste disposal plant
scrutinised and evaluaced against t1 •., intended Power Co.. 6L23/30H
Waste handled: .Oil/ Sludge I Paper I Plastic
operational profile for the vessel. The cost- Type ol fuel: HFO nnd MOO
effecliveness, rohustness and main1enance Boilers
I Rags I Food
perspective have been the ruling parameters in the lncinera1or
Number: ....................... 2 Auxiliary Boilers and
selected design alternatives. Tile key words for the Make: ...................... ..............._ TEAMTEC
I Composite Boiler
Stena Impression me innovation and performance. Type: ..............A1lborg OL I Aalborg OC Model: ........... .. ........................_.. ,GS500C
Make: ................... .. ....................... Alla 1.aval Waste shredder/crusher
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Oulput, each boiler: ........ 2 x 12500kgfh I 1 x Make: ..................... ....... , ..... LOI PART AB
Length oa: ......................... ................. 1B3.20m Model: ........................... .... ,... ... b20 MC 60
Length bp: ........................................... 178.50m 1250kg/h (oil side)/530 ks:i/h((:J<:JS side)
Cargo cranes Sewage plant
Breadth moulded: ................... ,.... .......... 32.26m
Depth moulded Number: 1 (Provisions Crane) Make: ..... ...Hamworlhy Water System Ltd.
To main deck: ,.,._.... _,,,,,_ ...... ......... 18,20m Make: TTS Bohai Machinery Model: ............ ..... ..... STC03 Super Trident
To upper deck: ............ ..................... 18.20m (Dalian) Co., Ltd Contract date: ....... ..................... 20 ,June 2012
10 other decks: .. A-deck 21 .85m. R· 24. 70m, Type: ........................................ GP 410· 10·24 Launch/float-out dale: ................... 6 June 2014
C- 27 55m. D (Bridgo) - 30.40m Performance: ............................ ................ 10t Delivmy date: ............................. 22 Jan 2015

82 SIGNIFICANT SH11•s m 2015

Dieisel-driven alternators
Number: ................................ ...................... 3
Engine make/type: ....... Anqing CSSC Diesel
Engine Co. Ltd, / 5DK·20e
Type or fuel: ··-···-···-····.... ·-··-·.. ............ HFO
or MOO
Output/speed of each set: ......... ....... 660kW
Alternator make/type: ................ .... ... Zhenjiang
China Marine Xiandai Gen. Co. Ltd I
HFC6 502-84K
Output/spP.ed al c<ic:h set: .... 600kW x900r/rnin
Number: .. . .... .... ...... ...... ............................ 1
Type: ....... Cylindrical vertical type boiler wilh
burner and water regulalor
Make: .........ZhangJiaGang Greens Shazhou
Boiler Co., Ltd
Output, each boiler: ...... ...... Oil fired section:
1500kg/h; Extiaust gas section
Main engine: ...................... ...... about 510kg/h
(at CSR of M/E). Exhaust gas
scction_Aux. engine: about 180kg/h
for one A/E (thP- No.1 and No 2
A/E to be connected

TRUE LOVE: Bulk carrier Cargo cranes/cargo gear

to the composite boiler)

Number: ................ ......... .......... ................. 4

Shipbuilder: .............. Chengxl Sh lpyard, CSSC l3.85knots at CSR with 15% sea margin at design Make: ......................................... ........ WMMP
Vessel's name: ..................- ............... True Love draughl. The atl<1ined EEDT is certified to be 21.3% Type: ........ electric-hydraulic wire luffing type
Hull No: .................................................. CX0365 lower than the IMO baseline. Performance: ........................ 30tonnes x 26m
Owner/Operator: ....................... CSSC Leasing/ Other cranes
Options includi11g container fitted (2-tier Oll hatch
AQUAVITA International covers), timber cargo (on hatch covers), dangerous solid Number: ·-····-···-···-·········-........... ........... 1
Country: .... .. .......................... ...... China/Ukraine good~, etc. could he chosen for operati.onal flexibility. Make: .... ·-·········-···-········-...Jiangyin Anhai
Designer: .. Shanghai Merchant Ship Design & Type· ·······-·········-··············-.. Mono1ail crane
Research Institute, cssc TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Tasks. ·-··-·········-·······..·····-· Lifting provision
Performance; ..... - ..............- ............... SWL 3t
Country: ·······-·· ....................................... China Length oa: .... ....................... ............... 179 95m Mooring equipment
Model lest establishment used: ........... .. HSVA Length bp: .............................. .................. 177m Number: ·-············............... ...................... 4
Flag: .............................. ........ Marshall Islands Breadth moulded: ....................................... 32m Make: .....- .....- ..................- ............... WMMP
IMO number: ........................ ............. 9697143 Depth moulded Type (electriclhydraulic/sLeam) ..... Hydraulic
Total number or sister ships To upper deck: ....................................... 15m Specia l lifeS<Jvlng equipment
already completed Width ol double skin (eg MES. lree-fall lifeboats)
(excluding ship presented): _........................ 2 Side: ......... .............. - ........... ................ 2.50m Number of each and capacity: .......... 1 set of
Total number of sister ships still on order: ...... o Bottom: ..................................... ................ 1 78m freelall lifeboat(25P)
Draught Make: ..... _,.,, ..................... Jiangyin Neptune
Scantlins:i: .............. ................... ......... 10 50m Type: .............................- ....... Freefall lifeboat
Design: .............................................. .. 9.50m
T h e Green Dolphin 38 concepl design is the
result Of the first development pJiase Of 11 joint
proj ect between Shanghai Merchanl Ship Design
G1oss: ... ....... ..................... _ ...... ....... 25,515gt
Displacement: ............. - ............... 48,900tonncs
Hatch covers
Design: ........................................ TTS Huahai
Manufacturer: ....................Chengxi Shipyard
& Research Institute (SDAl:U), Dct Norske Verilas Lightweight: .................................. 10, 100tonnes Type (upper deck/other decks): ...... hydraulic
(DNV) and Warlsila since 2012.The next basic Deadweight operated folding type
design and detailed design were ea.cried oul by Design: .......................................... 33,400dwt Ballast control system
SDARI independent!L. Scantling: ...................................... 38,800dwt Make: ..... ........... .......... ................ ... Emerson
Block co-efficient (please state Type: ...... One common hydraulic power unit.
'fRUE LOVE, the ea.ding vessel in the Green hydraulic actuators for valves
Dolphin 38 bulk carrier series, was delivered from relevant draught): ....... ............. 0.786 at design
draught. 0.799 at scantling draught Water ballast Treatment System
Chengx.i Shipy11rd in May 20tS nnd her sister vessel Make: ......Wuxi Brightsky Efeclronic Co. Ltd.
Speed, service (-- %MCR output): ... 13.85knots,
DOLCE VITA was also deli vered in July this y~ar. Capacity: . . . .. . . ................. 2 x 700m0 /l1
at design draught, 75%CMCR.
They are nll owned by CSSC Lt'tlsing and operated with 15% sea margin Complement
by AQUAVITA Intemnliqnul. Cargo capacity Officers:
Green Dolphin 38 is a new generation eco- 10 Crew: ................ .. .
frientll)•handysil.e bulk carrier with low resistance
hull lil\cs Md high propulsion efficiency resulting
Gr~~ : : .. ::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::: ::: :::::::::: ~6:~~~~:'. Supernumaries/Spare:. ..... ... ....... two spare
Suez/Repair Crew: .........................- .. 6 Suez
Bunkers Single/double/other rooms: ...............,. Single
in low oil consumption.
~~~Zi ~1:~ .::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : ::. .'~gg~~1
The total cargo capacity of "lrrie Love is increased Stern appendages/special rudders: ... 1 rudder
to over 50,800 cu.m by incr~asing the breadth Bridge control system
Water ballast (m\ ............................... 16, 700m3 Make: ..................................................... SAM
moulded to 32m from 30m of the normal Daily luel consumption (tonnes/day)
handysize breadth. However, the resistance i IJ Type; ........ ......_ .. _......... _...... .. PCS2200
calm water and added resistance in rouf(h sea are
Main engine only: .. ..................... 17. ?tonnes Is b ridge fitted for one-man operation? ........ No.
Auxiliaries: ............. .......................... 3tonnes ,Fire detection system
not increased after block coerficientiflull lines Classification society and notations: ......... _ DNV IV1,al<e: ........................................... Gonslllum
opt imiwtion, and the harboui: opcrntion will not +1A1 Bulk Carrier. ESP, CSR, Type: ....................................... Salwico cargo
be affeG ted by the incre3sed breadth du ring lhe BC-A. HOLDS(2,4) MAY BE EMPTY, Fire extinguishing systems
conccpi· design. according to a market and logistic HA(+). ICE-1C, GRAB(20), DG·B, Cargo holds: ... Make{Type: Tyco Seaplus Co.
stt1dy of the Jiandyslze bul k carrier segment. BIS, TMON, BWM·T, CLEAN, EO, Ltd./ CO, fire extinguishing system
The sect ion ofNo.2- No.4 cul'go hol <l is designed COAT-PSPC(B). Recyclable Engine room: ....................... Make{Type: Tyco
ro be box shaped (no hoppcT or wing tanks) so as % high·tensile steel used in construction: ... 70% Seaplus Co Ltd.
to stow proJect cargoes n1id steel col t~ easily. No.2- Main engine(s) /Local water mist/C0 2
Nll.5 hntch OJ>cnin~ widlh is designed to 27m, up Design: ....... ............................... . .... Wartsila fire extinguishing system
to 84.3% ol sb.i ps breadth, wlllci1 provid~-s Model: ........... ................ 5RT-flex50-D, Tier II Radars
ope ralloaal flex i blli Ly and ma i ntenance Manufacturer: _................. ... .. Hudong Heavy Number: ...................................................... 3
frl~nd l incss. Adeq Ltale ballast wa(er capacity is Machinery Co. Ltd. Make: .. ...... .................................... ... Furuno
provided by the doul>lc: bottom and double sides, Number: ...... ... ........ .......... ................ ...... 1 Model(s): ........... FR·2837S·D, FAR-2117-BB.
therefore there is.po need m u~e No.3 cai·go hold in FR-2827-D
Type of fuel: .. ........................................... HFO
he'!vy ballast conditic111. lntograted bridge system: ............................. No
orMDO Waste disposal plant
The hull construction is designed in accordance Output of each engine: .... 61 OOkW x 99r/min Waste handled: ....
with IACS Conrnion Structural Rules (CSR) for Propd Ier( s) Incinerator
Bulk Carriers with ICE-TC class. Continuous hatch Material: ............... ............ Ni-Al-bronzc(Gu3) Make: TeamTec Model: OG 120C
coamings with safe passage ways are provided for a Designer/Manufacturer: ....CSSRC/Zhenjiang Sewage plant
safe working environment for the crew and Tongzhou Propeller, China Make: .......................... ...................... JOWA
stevedores. ........... 1 Model: ............. ... .................. ..... STP2010·25
One 4-blade high-skew propeller is driven hy a ....... FPP Contract date: ............. .............. ... 17 May 2013
lwo-stroke engine (Wartsilii SRTflexSO-D), with ..... 6.2m Launch/float-out date: .......... 8 December 2014
a total oulpul of 6, l OOk W, the service speed is 89.flr/min Delivery date: .......................... ... 12 May 2015


c::lt t • ! I- :: :. .. 1c:s
r -- .di!'ib' If\ .£ClfL-'J!:
Other cranes x 1 set
Make: ........ ... Haean Machinery Ind. Co. Ltd
Type: ...... Electric motor driven monorail type
Tasks: .... Provision and engine part handling
Performance: ............. ............ 12.5tonne SWL
Mooring equipment x 9 sets
Make: ................... .................... .......... Flutek
Type (elec1ric/hydraulic/steam): ........ Electric
motor driven type
Special lifesaving equipment
Number of each and capacity: ............ 2 x 30
Make: ..................................... Schat Harding
Type: ............................... Hinged gravity type
Hatch covers .................... ........... ... MacGregor
Manufac1urer: ............... ........... Hanjin Heavy
Industry & Constfuction Co. Ltd.
Type (upper deck/
UASC AL KHOR: Container other decks):
Lift-away type

carrier Lengths: 6.058mm (20ft),

12,192mm (40ft). 14.631mm (43ft).
16, 154mm {54ft)
Shipbuilder: ................ .Hanjin Heavy Industry Heights: .......2,591mm (20ft & 4011) 2,908mm
Block co-efficient (please slate felevant
& Construction Co., Ltd. draught): ...... .............. 0 ,671 (design draught) (48ft & 531!)
Vessel's name: .... ....................... UASC Al Khor Speed. service (81 .2 % SMCR Cell guides: .. Fixed Type
Hull No: ....... .............................. .......... NCP0123 (150 x 150 x 15 mm angles)
output): .......... .... ......................... ....... 22knots
Owner/Operatof: ..... Technomar Shipping Inc. Total TEU capacity: ....................... 9, 115TEU
Country: ................................................. Greece Bunkers (m3 )
Heavy oil: ....................... ,. ................. 5.751m 3 On deck: ........ ... ................. ... 5,226TEU
Designer: ..................... Hanjin Heavy Industry
Marine gas oil: ... .... ................... ......... 606m" In holds: .................................... 3,889TEU
& Construction Co. Ltd.
Country: .................. ............. Republic of Korea ULS Marine gas oil: ......................... 1,484m3 Homogeneously loaded
Model test establishment used: ............ KRISO Water ballast (m3): ......................... .. 32,284m3 to 14tonnes: ...................... .... 7.475TEU
Flag: ......................................... .............. Liberia Container ships .. water ballast in loaded Reefer plugs: ............... .... 1,500TEU
IMO number; ....................................... 9710220 condition (tonnes): ..... 1,088tonnes at 14tonnes/TEU [600FEU (on deck)+ 400FEU(in hold)
Total number of sister stiips already + 500FEU (socket only)]
loaded at summer draught
completed (excluding ship presented): ........ 2
Daily fuel consumption (tonnes/day) Tiers/rows (maximum)
Total number of sister ships still on order: ...... . o On deck:
Main engine only: .................... 160.56tonnes
Auxiliaries: .. ..................... 6 28tonnes (boile<) In holds:

T he 9,lOO'l'EU class container carrier

AL KHOR is the first vessel of HHJC's
second generation of class container
UASC Each .............................. , 17.42tonnes (G/E)
Classification society and notations: ............. GL
Ballast control system ........................ .. Emerson
Type: .......................... Electro- hydraulic type
Water ballast Treatment System ............ Panasia
c:n r.rier const ructed iJ1 HHIC- l?llil. Compared AUT. IW,BWM{D2), CM-PS, RSD(F25), Capacity: ......................................... UV type
wil h H'HlC's previous vesse.l s, major change is HLP, LC, EP-D,RSCS RINA C+ Complement
focused on the enhanced energy efficiency and
cnviroumcrll- fri eruli y desig·n. CONTAINER SHIP +AUT-UMS. Officers: ................. ,.. ................................. 13
The ship is powered by a M AN B&W INWATERSURVEY.BWM-T, Cfew: ......................................................... 15
8G95M.E-C9.2 r\la(n e ngin e, which pro duces MON-SHAFT.GREEN STAR Suez/Repair C<ew: ...................................... 6
SM CR or •i 1.400kW \\l 70rpm to .give the Vt'Sscl 3 DESIGN, FATIGUELIFE(25), Single/double/other rooms: ........... 28 Rooms
u service speed of 22k no1·s o( NCR (8 L.2% ROUTE DEPENDENT LASHING, (Single)
SMCR) wllb 15% sea mnrg i11 on lhe design EFFICIENT SHIP Bow thruster(s) x 1 set
draught or 12.S m. The hull fo rm Is opt1m(sed % high-tensile steel used in construction: ... 74%
for com pe1 Lllve fuel oil consump ti on at lower Make: .... Hyundai Heavy Industries Co.. Ltd.
Heel control equipment: ....... ..N0.5 SWBT P&S Number: ... .............. .......................... .. 1 set
draughts )Yi th slow steaming.
flallgue analy{>i-S complying with Lhe RS1)(25) (Heeling tank) Output (each): .. ........................... ...... 3.000kW
nornt.ion .is appli ed to the hull structure based Roll-stabilisation equipment: ... .......... Bilge keel Bridge control system
on 25 years lifetime operating in North Atlantic Main engine(s) x 1
Make: .............. Samsung Heavy Industries &
wave conditions. The ship nas a 48.2m beam Design: ............................. MAN Diesel Turbo
Construction Co. Ltd.
for the new expanded Panama Canal transit Model: ......... ............................8G95MEC9.5
and has 24.8m depth with the scantling draught Type: ........ .... Integrated navigation console
Manufactufer: ....... Hyundai Heavy Industries
of 14.Sm, suitable for carrying 9, 11 S'J'liU, Is bridge fitted for one-man operation? ..... ....No
Type of fuel: HFO or MGO
including l,OOOFF.U 1·eefer containers and with Fire detection system
Output of each engine: ......... 41,400kW at 75rpm
a container having a unit weight of 14 MT/TEU Make: ........... Autronica Fire and Security AS
the intake is 7,470TF.U Propeller(s) x 1
Type: ........... ................ .................. AutroSafe
Material: ................. Nickel-aluminum-bronze
Fire extinguishing systems
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Designer/Manufacturer: ............... HHIC-TMS
Cargo holds: .......................... ................ C02
Length oa: .... 299.9m I Hyundai Heavy Industries
Fixed/Controllable pilch: ...................... Fixed Make/Type: ... Fain I Fixed high pressure type
Length bp: .......... 286m
Breadth moulded: Diameter: .... .. ................................ 9,700mm Engine room: .........................................CO,
..... 48.2m
Depth moulded Speed: ...........................................75rev/min Make/Type: ...Fain I Fixed high pressure type
To main deck: Diesel-driven alternators x 4 sets Radars x 2 sets
To upper deck: 24 Bm Engine make/type: ..............Hyundai Himsen Make: ....... ............. Furuno Electric Co. Ltd.
Width of double skin 8H32/40 Model{s): ............... FAR-2B37S I FAR-2827W
Side: 2.4m Type of fuel: .............................. HFO or MGO Integrated bridge system: ............................ Yes
Bottom: 2.2m Output/speed of each set: ........... .. 4.000kW If yes, make: ........... Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.
Draught al 720rpm Model: .......... ............................... FMD-3300
Scantling: 14.5m (moulded) Alternator make/1ype: ......... Nishishiba /NTAKL Waste disposal plant
Design: 12.5m (moulded) OutpuVspeed of each set: ..........3.800kW / 720rpm Waste handled: ................. Partially handled
Gross: ...... ........ .......... 94,416gt Boilers x 2 sets Sewage plant
Displacement: 142.793tonnes Type: Make: ......... ................ .................. Jonghap
Lightweight : 31, 763tonnes Make: .... .... .... ....................... ......... Kangrim Model: .............. ... ........... BIO-AEROB-18N
Deadweight Output, each boiler: ....... EGB (multi inlel) .. 2, 150 + Contract date: ....... ............ 18 September 2013
Design: ..... 86,968dwt 1.000 + 1,000 kg/h Launch/float-out date: ...... ,......., 28 March 2015
Scantling : .. 111,029dwt Auxiliary Boiler: .. ................ .. ........... 3,500kg/h Delivery date: .. ..... .. ............... .. 12 June 2015


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VENTURE GOAL: B.Delta43 bulk carrier
Shipbuilder: ·······-·· .CSC Qingshan Shipyard, - 50.000dwt) , with only 17.Srut/day, at ISO Classification society and notations: ...... Lloyd's
China MVO fuel, a design draught of 9.SOm. 15% Register LA .P 100A 1,
Vessel's name: .. ......... .... . ........ Venture Goal sea nrnrglll included. and a design speed of Bulk Cairier. CSR, GRAB(25],
Owner: ............... HBC Hamburg Bulk Carriers 14kn. while maintaining high cargo carrying BC-A, (holds 2 and 4 may be empty),
GMBH &Co KG cnpncil)' in tons (43.5001) and cuhic capacity ShipRight (ACS (B.D). CM), ' IWS,
Country: ...................................... . .... Germany (54.000mi). LI, ESP -PLMC, UMS. ECO(IHM),
Designer: ................................. Design Office I • l lighesl ca r110 c~rrylng aipacity over U.raughl: with the descriptive notes "ShlpRigh1
Ship Design Department Oeltamarln Ltd Cnpablc of c;ttry lnj:I •13.SOOdwl, ;il a cubic (BWMP(S+F,T), SCM}
Country: ..... .. .. .................... ............ Finland capacity of 54.000111 and only I0.7m draught,
Model test establishment used: .............. HSVA Main engine(s)
bcJng uniqu~ in the e.'< isling nce1 of that size, Design: .... .............................. .... Two stroke
Flag: ......................... ....................... .. Liberia wh ile bdng CSR (Common Structurni Rules)
IMO number: ... .. .. ..................... ...... 9670731 clas~cd.
Model: ............ .. ...- .. .. 5S50ME-B9.3 (Tier II)
Total number of sister ships already • State·ol'-lhe art, optimised hydrodynamics: Manufac turer: .............................. MAN B&W
completed (excluding ship presented}: ........ 6 • unique hull form development Number: ....... ........ ...... ......... .. .. ...... 1
Total number of sister ships still on order: ....... 5 • prupeUer-ruddcr optimisation Type of fuel: .. ..... .......... ..... ... ...... HFO/MDO
for higher efficiency Output of each engine: ................... 6.050kW
• Reduced doily fuel consumption Diesel-driven alternators
l TENTURE GOAi,, is a B.Dclla43 bulk carrier in oil operallng draughts Number: ............................................. 3
V buill at CSC Qlngshan Shipy:1rd, designed (ballast, design , scnntling), Engine makeftype: . ........ .. ..... Daihatsu 6DK
by Deltamarin. The ''cssel is a new benchmark Including slow stc.imi ng speeds. Type of fuel (eg, HFO or MDO)
for I landymax bulk aimers. bl!ing n I 90m long.
l 1i~h block co·cffkient shallow draft vessel am.I HFO/MDO
TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Output/speed of each set: ........ 680 kW/720rpm
CSR cbssed. The vcssd has n maximum
dcadwcigh1 cap acity o i 43,500ton nes at I 0,7m Length oa: ......................................... 189.99m Boilers
nrnximuni draught, desisncd fo r v~ry high Length bp: ..... .............. ... . ................. 187,05m Number: ................................ ..................... 1
operational flexibility and en hanced fuel Breadth moulded: ....................................... 30m Type: .............. .....................Compo~lte Boiler
performance and 1s 1ntcu dcd fo r the worldwide Depth moulded
dry bulk trades, be.lug '11 full compliance with Output, each boiler: ...................... 1,600kg/h
To main deck: .. ......... ................ ............. 15m Cargo Cranes .. . .. .... ... .. ....... Electro hydraulic
future envi ronmental regu latory requirements. Draught
The cargo hold structure ls specially designed cranes 30t x 3 1m. 4 se1s
Scantling: ...................................- .... 10.7rn
to carry n variety of dry bulk commodities, such Complement
Design: .. ......................................... 9.5m
as s1t:ef coils., timber, seed cakes, grains, bauxite, Gross: .. .. .. .................................... 24.CXlOgt Crew: ........ .. ....................................... 25
aluminium, coal, iron ore, sugar. unit cargoes, Deadweighl Suez crew ....................................................... 6
dangerous goods, deck cargoes, thus maximising Design: ...... .. .. . .. ... .......... 37 ,OOOdwt Ballast pumps: .. ... ...... .. .. .. ... .. .. . 800m 3 x 2
trading versatility Jnd 111ilisatio11. Scantling: .. ... ........... .. 43.500dwt Power supply
T he Ve11111 re Go11/ B.Ddta4J ship hns an rmot Speed, service (-- %MCR output): ..... 14.0knots Diesel generators 3 x 715kW
value or more than 20% below tlie !MO reforcnce /77.5 %MCR Emergency generator 1x150kW
line, which satisfiex Phase 2 (> l/1/2020) ofthe EEDI Cargo capaci1y (m' ) 54.000 m' Navigation equipment
ru le~. and provides a comb innt lon of th e highest Radar: ............. . 2
Bunkers {m')
deadweigh1/dcm1ghl ratio over the lowcsl daily fuel 1300m3 DGPS: ... 2
con~umption in its cl.ass, thus maximising return on
Heavy oil .
Diesel oil• ... ...... . .... 140m' Autopilot. ...............- .............. .. 1
investment and nssurli1g Joug· tcrm profiiubllity.
Distinclivti features includ~: Water ballast (m') ....... 26,500m' VDR: . ... . ..... 1
Daily fuel consumpllon: AIS: ... . ... 1
• The lowest daily fuel consumption in its class Main engrne only ....... 17.8tonneslday Launch date: ..... May 20 14
of h~ndymux dry bulk carriers, (i.e. 40.000 Auxiliaries: ..... ..... 2g/kWh Delivery date: .. ..........- .•- ••.. January 2015


! r.~
VIKING STAR: Cruiseship
Shipbuilder: .......................... Flncantierl S.p.A. dynamk !rimminK assi,, tant, optimum speed assislanl Designer/Manufacturer: .. .......... Rol ls Royce
Vessel's name: .. ,............... . ......... Viking Star and e•1brinc load nsslstnnt. ine driven alternators x 4
Hull No: _, .................................................. 6236 The NAPA advanced system can read the level and Make/type: ............................................... .
Owner/Operator- ...................... Viking Cruises distribution o( li'l.uids in tanks in order to set the Output/speed of each set: .......... 29,400kva,
Country: .... .......................... ............ Norway optimal values for the.m and reach tne hest ttim. 720rev/m in
Designer· ..... SMC Design of London, (Rottet Moreover, sensors lmptovc ship safety as they alert Exhaust·gcts sc rubbing equipment
Studio In Los An geles (interior)) operators to flooding and cafculate the potential Manulacturer: ................................... Alfa Laval
Country: .... .. ........ ..... .. .... ..... .. ............. UK ~prea<l. Type: .. .. .. ... ... ... ... .. .. ........ .. .. .. ..... Pure SOx
Flag· ..................... .. .. ................. Norway Viking Star is the second ship built by Finc.-u1lieri, On main engines: ............. Two for lour engines
IMO number: ........ .......... ....... .. .. 9650418 and one of the first in the wudd to have the safe return Boilers x 2
Total number of sister ships to port dassiflc;itron: the ship in case offire or flooclmg Type:....... ... ..................... (oil !ired boilers)
already completed ofsome are-as iscnpablc of returning lo thenearest port Make: .. ... ... ..................... .. .......... Saaekc
{excludingship presented): ........................ 0 thanks to plant design. guaran1ccing redundancy and Output, each boiler: . ...... .. .... . .... ... 6llh
Total number of s ister ships still on order: ...... 3 functionality of main sys1cms needed for ship Mooring equipment
propulsion and passenger safety nnd comfort. Number: ..... 2 windlass/mooring winches , 1
l lfl\ING STAI~ is the llrst· ship bulh by Finallltit"li to A main design f1?al11 rc! I~ 1hc lnnnity pool. The an eloctrically driven mooring winch
V bnw lwo closed-loop scrubbers, which remove part of thl~ pool on deck seve11 Is 'ompletely mad~ of Waler ballast Treatment System
s1tlphur rn<icles from lbc ship'.~ exhatk'it gas hy scrnbbing glass aod faces 10wanis 1he sea. giving 11 sens~ or MaKe: .......... . Scanship
ll wilh sea water or fresh W<lter. contihuily betWl~C11 lhc: pool wnterand the sea. Capacity: .. ~ .. 1 50m~/11
Scrubbers cmble the ship to continue operating on Complement
HFO inst.,ad of more expensive MGO while still TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Crew: ... . 499
1ncctiug strict IMO n:g11h1tions MGO regarding SOx. Length oa: ...... . 228.2m Passengers
emissions. l11is solution a.Uows an opcmllon power Leng th bp: ..... .. 195 .Sm Total: ................................... 944 passengers
00t1S1.u11p11011 of around t5% of engine power nnd lhc Breadth moulded: 28.8m Number ot cabins: ........ 472 riassengers,
ship can operate m areas with low alkali.mty waters b)' Depth moulded Bow thruster(s} x 2
switching to Ireshwater mo<le. To main deck: . ... 8.85rn ( deck) Make: .............. - ................ Fincantierl S p A
'J hc energy neede<l lu clrhoe the system pumps will To upper dock· .... ..... .... .......... .... 38.8rn Ouiput (each): ...... ..... . ................ 2800kW
automatically be :idjustcd to the engine ix1we1; h1 order Draught: Storn l hruster(s) x 1
to prevent unnecessary use of energy. Other Scantling: ................................... . , 6 65m Make: ..... , Fincantiml S.p.A
charactcl'istics of this type of scrnhber arc: lower Design: ..... .. ....... ...... ...... ............ .. 6 45g Output (each): . ..... 1,400kW
lnvc~r·ment costs. l ess space used, less energy Gross: ......... .............................. 47.842gt Bridge con1rol system
consumption, less piping and lower malntennnce costs. Displacement: ....................... 25,509.Stonnes Make: ................ ................. Wl:lrtsilii APSS
'l11c selection of Promas hus pmvlded n system wilh Lightweight: ................................ 20.663tonnes Type: ............... Integrated navigalion system
rmltler integrated l:\I 1hc propeller thtll g1.1am11tces Deadwcight Is bridge filled tor
augmcn1ed propulsion etncicncy with no loss of Design: ........... .............. . 3640dwl one·man operalion? ..................... ......... Yes
manocuvmbility. 1'hiS solution lmproves pcrformm1cc Speed. serv,ice {-· %MCR output): .. 17 knots Fire detection systom
in oU areas - speccl, rmmocuvrnbility llnd noise. The (3 unkers (m") Make: .. Martoc
improvement in eDkiency is nchicvcd by several Heavy oil: 930m 3 Fire extinguishing systems
components. The rudder is designed tog<lher with the Diesel oil: ......... 550mJ t::ngine room: ..
propcller 10 rugain propeller lmil loss, t<• oblaiu a better Waler ballast (m"): 1230m' Make/Type: ...... .. ..... .. . Foam. Ultra fog
thrust and fucl $aving up to 2%. TI1c twisted rudder Daily 1uel consumption (tonnes/day) Vehicle spa~s: .............. ..
i>11ape ildapti. the rudder 10 the rota.Uon of tlh! propeller Main engine onty. ............ .. ....... . M ake/Type .. . ............... Water misl, Ullralog
..Jipstream, giving lowtt drag and ht.'ilcr r'lX'cwery ofswirl AuXiliaries: ...... .. ...... .. ... S;>.7 kg fuel/day Cabins: .................___ ....... .. ... .. ..
cni:rgy in 1hc slipstream. For slow ~p<.'CCl manoeuvrlng, Clnssification society and notations: ...... Lloyd's Make/Type: ...... .. ....... Water mist, Ultralog
1hc t::IVit<tlion-free Mecring .mg)e range is 01lo;o c.~tendeJ. Register . '+100A1 Passenger Ship, StiipRigllt Waste disposal plant
cr1hand11g ll1ll.lloeuvr.1biilly. 'l11e rudder bulb rvd11ces {SDA, CM), ECO, lC FS, PCAC, ILO Incinerator
hub vo1'lcx. loss1;5m1d rutS u beneficiAIel liict on 1he wake Crew Accomodation, IWS, NAV1 Mako: ................ ................ Scanship
Odd. The hub cap acts ns n hyd1-odyna111 ic foinng. A Main engine(s) x 4 Waste compactor
diltercnt de.sign ofpwpdlcr blade n.{~alnnccs the loading Mode l: ........ . ...... 2x1?V32/44, 2x9L32/44 Mal<e: ........ _ .................... ., Scam;hip
pnltcm on the various regions ur Ihe bltid~ without (560kW/cyl) War;te shredder/crusher
Increasing propclkr·induccd noise und vibmllon. Manufacturer: ...... , ......... MAN Diesel & Turbo Make: .......... .. .. ........... .. ....... Scanship
During Sea Lrials, the ship l1ml performance ubove Type of fllel (eg, HFO or MOO}: ...... HFO, MGO Sewage plant...... .................. . .. Scanship
cxpcctatio11s lnholh propu[sion and munocuvrahili1y. Output of each engine: ........ 6,720, 5,0401<W Contractdate: .......... , .......... .... 12July 20 12
!!VP provicl~-d a d1Xlsion suppor1 system for the ship Propeller(s) x 2 Launch/float-out date: .... _.. ...... 24 June 2014
route that contributes lll fuel ba1•ing, thnnks to a Mnterial: , ........ ... NI-AL bronzo LJelivery date: ........ ............... 30 March 2015


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A publication of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects
The twenty seventh edition of our annual Significant Ships series, Significant
Ships of 2016, wtll be published in February 2017. As in previous editions we
shall be including up to 50 of the most innovative and interesting commercial ship
designs (of mostly 100m length and above) which will be delivered during the
forthcoming year.

The Editor invites shipbuilders, designers and owners to submit details of vessels
for possible inclusion in Significant Ships of 2016. Presentation will follow on
the established two-page format, with a colour photograph, descriptive text and
tabular details (including major equipment suppliers) on the first page,
followed by a full page of technical general arrangement plans. Initial potential
entries should comprise a short technical description (100 words) of the
proposed vessel highlighting the special features and the delivery date.

All entries sh ould be addressed to:

Editor, Significant Ships of 2016,

8-9 Northumberland Street, London, WC2N SDA, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7235 4622 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7245 6959 Email:
STX Offshore & Shipbuilding,
Fearlessly Sails Through the High Waves
With world-renown technology & know-hows,
ST X Offshore & Shipbuilding has been recognized
as one of the leading shipb uilders in the world.

STX Offshore & Shipbuilding never stops challenging

for the brightest f uture.

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