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The 9th InternationalSymposium on

Non-Thermal/Thermal Plasma Pollution

Control Technology& SustainableEnergy
Dalian, China
I6th-20th June, 2014

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Thę 9.nInternationalSymposium on Non-Thermal/ThęrmalPlasma Pollution Control Technology&
SustainableEnergy (ISNTP-o)

S1-O1. Evolution of Electrohydrodynamic Flow in a Needle-To-Plate DC Corona


J erzyMizęraczyk*',Janus,Podliriski2,Anna N i ęwul i s2'
l Depaftmęntof MarineElectronics,GdyniaMaritimeUniversity,Morska81-87,8|-f25 Gdynia,Poland
' Centręfor Plasmaand LaserEngineering, The SzewalskiInstitute of F|uidFlow Machinery
PolishAcademyof Sciences, Fiszera14,80-952Gdarisk,Poland
3 Mathematics TęachingandDistancęLearningCentre,Gdat'rsk Universityof Technology,
Narutowiczall I 12.80-233Gdansk, Poland

Key words: DC corona discharge,EHD flow, flow measurement,PIV

Abstract. Corona dischargesare used for collecting dust in electrostaticprecipitators(ESPs).

The dust collection is mainly realized by the electric forces which move the ionizęd dust
particlesto the collecting electrodes.However, the presenceof corona discharge in the space
betweenthe charging and collecting electrodesin ESPs causes also the so-called ionic wind
which sęt the gas molecules and dust particles in motion. As a consequence'a secondary
electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow is formed, which affects the primary flow of the
dust-pollutedgas and the collection of the dust particles.
In this communication we present images showing the temporal and spatial evolution of
the EHD flow of the gas and suspended dust particles in a needle-to-plateDC corona
discharge arrangement,simulating an ESP. Thę images were recordedjust after the corona
discharge onset. The experimental apparatus for our study of EHD flow consisted of a
needle-to.plateęlectrode ESĘ high voltage power supply and standard 2D Particle Image
Velocimetry (PIV) equipment.
The needle-to-plateelectrode affangement consisted of a needle (1 mm in diameter)
ęlectrodemade of a stainless.steel,the end of which had a taperedprofile with the tip having
a radius of curvatureof I m. The interelectrodedistancewas 25 mm. Positive voltage of 8 kV
was supplied to the needle electrode. An acrylic box, with the needle-to-plateelectrode
arrangementinside, was filled with air seededwith dust particles(incense smoke).
The flow and velocity field (PIV) images, recordedjust after the corona dischargeonset
(in intervals from tens to hundreds ms) illustratethe temporal and spatial evolution of the
EHD flow (gas and the suspended particles) between the needle-to-plate electrode
arrangement.They clearly show the formation of a particle ball-like flow structure at the
needletip and its evolution into a mushroom-likeobject moving with an averagevelocity up
to 0.5 m/s towardsthe collectingelectrode.This movementinitiatesa flow of the seededgas
from the needle-tip vicinity into the space betweenelectrodes.Then the EHD flow develops
into two very regular vortices, rotating in opposite directions. Eventually the voftices

This work was supportedby the National Science Centre (grant DEC-f}l3l09lBlST8/02054).

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