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alLiicr 1-Needle, Lockstitch Automatic Buttonholing Indexer KILROY FEO— AC-172N-1790 PARTS LIST 40093319 No.1548-01 HOW TO MAKE USE OF THIS PARTS LIST Btn sents 1 mn pt cane em Be es at a a7 het Ne epiona tn dne "i m8"25 nate nt thc pt KoQUAR CRA 1 RR RORSEM 1) em Mon—9 55 sce COMEBARRMR ERR LET. kung" eRMBIZ!"EOML CHAU, A-2T0" RE ORMESELT HEL. 2 RRBONTS. GUEAL. 01, HORM RE EAHH) ERLE. 9 mRMO ( ) , WHAEMRLcHETHATHES LERRL ET. CML ASANA—TO———~f, MAR THE LEBBLET, SueKALTRCcLEREELET. Grease ommoonmats CONTENTS BR 1, FRAME & MECHANISM COVER COMPONENTS (1). seis ge C1) 2, FRAME & MECHANISM COVER COMPONENTS (2 ea se (2) 2. FEED BODY COMPONENTS 1) R336 1) 4. FEED BODY COMPONENTS 2. mn (2) STACKER COMPONENTS 1) co 259786 (1) 25 YR (2) 7, PRESET COMPONENTS (1). Jute as 0) | PRESET COMPONENTS 2). ute PRR (2) ©. PRESET COMPONENTS - use hme (3) 10, PRESET COMPONENTS ute ha (4) 11. AIR. CONPONENTS: — Same 12 FRAME COMPONENTS. are 14 CONTROLBOX COMPONENTS cn Reet 72 14 OPERATION PANEL COMPONENTS. ae CzILaR 18, WIRING DIAGRAM (1) FOR PHASE. RaERD (1) BER 16 MING DIAGRAM @) FOR PHASE ‘wemew (2) 34m 17, RING DAGRA 7 EEE (3) 48, ACCESSORIES COMPONENTS (1. ‘oma 0) 19 ACCESSORES COMPONENTS 2. ‘smezmne (2) 20, UST FOR INFORMATION OF CHANGE. seinen» NUMERICAL INDEX OF PARTS. =I [STACKER COMPONENTS 2 - a a Bette ures ico | H eo ; Hoon eas i s Wewetteaa Seren pena é CPO os 2. FRAME & MECHANISM COVER COMPONENTS (2) eS Zo ale bes A SE ee 4 Bo Bee Beene Be i "vera gua sa ie fai. SF Boat. i 5 2a z i Ez EE eee H ae = = Sonam aero re ae gies i es E- Be i = Bs eee i Ee Bs = i Be larecsdevecdes: ae Sbropressen sac ennunn SSoreetenaecis cmon Peete ce sari fan 4 SOKO. 8 ee Bsa 5353 Baveeunny Ma cao Baebes oo 320233035 (a) serves Sonn sand Beane cos Bagoa Bioko Byasiss~? 3 ‘Sohewoe ss Serco oct coun om Boone Boatne—o=15 Wai Ea oi) eanerenaitt Ee Blaaien we Beas Saauiy9-no vay abo Eprom 7 eeseriee Bevin Bigoea"c aoe. Bgteranton pusaooa® Gayest saree we om Beaasen ue saeoesS Boone ye sum pancuoy ene Bageeciee ws une 5. STACKER COMPONENTS (2) RS AB (2) 1a (Fore 8S gg J se pty Dobe a rk @ Sete egeraotn Stover enerarsoLy ; Tomes wr fee ns te : MOREE ME veane SEE Sie 5 i # Shoes PumienwrTHooNesox Foe re 2 z Caen SUSERSIAT OSE sees r 3 Seinen eet Bethe. i : Scie Foow eee : i SeSonotss Witheoe 3ag"s WEEE i 4 Seve senrure nar Beit H . ‘sLgnero82-T™ m= Renerarnr ‘ 8 Sate Sak So: i i SEETEse _ Ristenconn Brann i 3 Saat Ser - > 2 Ste Asenear Seems t 3 Stews Scents Basten ws : 2 SESS Neetotnc ows ren i 3 Sine Saceteuer ase ane i z seer coon deaos tt i = SCeonman Soe aanenanaa & 2 Sewwam Bott ane rarer ‘ 2, RSME Steuaom onsen STE ga-es 91) i a amt Fetes : = Mecoumors MUTI ager we i @ Seerae oes Sone : $ Shimane Set BoE hex 2 ve : 2 Seciiegs Setencournousn Fees i ‘ Sie Sen! aagee33—7 ay 6 A Ba ae * i a ee oe : ~ee- . ack Kai 3 Y ONS 4 - aa ' es leseadsroedessadercadssss vavadeenedes: - 24. eahcee Lene} Persian Foetus =e Sora PARR axe. 7 U8 Rotoriet 3 ae ae = eae oe = beogne oe eee i & 5 3 E i Cy = : MO * VFR PAA AN Eeregeree Sovomaryh wa meee MS BEML io. 5 Las0 Feet oal we one Foie, 14, OPERATION PANEL COMPONENTS REI CRIAR 2 Baoct Pes ncassv 3 Patetzscsasey t Seenaton mate, SHEET PAUSE sera b ‘ Scoerecr tops. : iutstemane OFERATONSOKLOWEN GAGE AGM. RIETISATS=AB 1 a tewstsaoao0 PERATONSGRLOWERCASE” RPEo9ATI—2 i ‘ tnortseoaee Manet steer Ponohoek, Hy 1° hiecoectoe Wee wate ARE © Wee soonns 1D = Eraoousish Tipenescrewo-zi — Feval 0 =9-24 te ® Rosoeoa Cepwooue teow iy = 28- ‘8. WIRING DIAGRAM (1) FOR 1-PHASE. gee (1) ER waa TTL 7a eae Y “Gonthot sox assy "mateo Aig : eee aed ee car oars ona i te is : Eee, Ae Ey i cae. cece EY é _ Bees, EE oe Ey : ey BEE ce e Hy cess see tciee "taal EH Hy eee Sroeena 8 i Been ioe ne : a een’ Eien i A tere eee : a Fase ee : i ee a BP = : i Eo : = oe, eee 2 Epi ses i 18. WIRING DIAGRAM (2) FOR S-PHASE SERED (2) 385 ae ~92- MAINS INT3—EB PaUny aia sent re Per Bpeoa fee oe opsaoue Saree sono Sie Sa. Zea 2 Sw BIER ‘7, WIRING DIAGRAM (3) eam (3) -99- Enmnenbeset secon assy PRESET ENE rMa SWAG EXReIEA OV ETL SW AESY Caner woTOR Bio o9 Bosavies sue Soest Less Boagevoe BaseLoug swe Benniiose Afni ese BE II53 owe eoones ea me a Eom ¢————— i = See : Se i = =. ees he : i Eee, Eee BS i 7 oecass “ASS _UTT_TRIMER Ortega Y : Bee Woe i 2 2 Ee Ee i Secs cats Bano eoncn | gi See eeemas =| Buy a i esas Se ae i : pore Been : 3 Beem Bales i a eo ee e So RS eRe, Selecta: 3 Pee Ee. oan Se RSG Se eiee 8 ee : _ = = meme # a ee Be: BE Bail $ ee 8 bi: Eat ! Paes ent : o* SS. BE recs on I rowas) orawmnme Sooo 98 - 2 ‘oemse Groot race, i gesnee Shook Ravana 5 ‘Weoromso1 Grane WASHER a ; Gores Reso OUDE ARM JONT Socamwen @ i Zaswes Grou resrrcomueesnci = ZEcmRBA a i ZBsnor Groot resrarat poi a 2 Zosnes___srook rear hoo.unpen oo 2 Bicswosse | sorewnste Eoee ws @ 3 Niteneomeise hare fark MS @ ie zane Shogk Rest Ao.LoweR Sica a i Zowes _tmmenostanoncamensm, Sem GB) a Si ise ——arnor nest cosines ty ° Zoom SPOOLREST aceon @ it Sitetearnise horas Bagoh iM iexi.s im @ Teesocetese Wanner sxcneas Fee. & a Ieerecmosn Grane wash Huse 16 ax26.6x92 1 2 oiucee THREAD OU ARASH, SncRane a 7 20. LIST FOR INFORMATION OF CHANGE SERIA R Ae to the place changed,refer to the corresponding Rev. no. When previous pertel nd’non parte (heded partadare not interchaneasble Teenie este, even 98: Parte(D. Joan se ordered with the obsoleted part tueber.ce select the parts with changed dates and BEN, WARey wo. MECPRCEN, BuonnesavsEos soveaar9 Wo. 1548-4] Rev ne shskddes pertennina/o: 08 sted parteMma/e: ereatuanE CE erry oy. PaeoReT eS i ae a. Pa Ne Be Si] a) a7 |et-eoaae2—TH Dp ee[ 2) a7 |si-e0ero0e-Te ae lew-3003000-03 ot [—s| 1a [400-s 76817 ‘31 | To] 46 ]ws-oezc007-e or] te] ge len-sso0e01-00 ‘31 | 18} 9 [Wx-006600-08 ‘o1| 18] r0]PJ-3030600-01 1 [ 2] #2 |400-e7 641 a1 [ 2] #4 [aoo-esaee a1[ 2] ss esass=161-000 SB} se| a} aver ora} 1 faoonT eae ‘Doo | 4] 3 [eso03-173-000 ov |—«[ 2 |aoo-e7 aes ‘2 o0-[ 4] [45037-172-000 i [ 4} tao e733 ‘ofoo| 4] -3s[sw-reasor-se_['a|-o1 | «| ae[eu-ros1o01-80 oo} a s7[su-rosoeo1=s0 i | 4] e7feu-roa1001-80 pfoot 4 ‘01 [st-eoatesa-Te Toe tea [esse -ow x x a i [su-aoaror=se a oF i x x A Doo_[- 20] 13 [so oaoorse-e ar | -to| 20 [or e0e-eor= oe Te Fol a [aaa hor |-sa|- ay [we-oesro0e=se Doe | a0| a2 wees 0007 =e Lor | oo| ae ew wos coo sr Too | -20| 23 |ao0-a5705 ELSr | so| 25 se= roscoe Toe por] vo[ 34] se-aaooeTT ar Doe | ao| Fe [sw eoseeor Te or | ga] ge [Fact soz00e-A0 oi] 20] 39 [6u-6oeoeas-Te Or 20] Te[se-eoeroa2-TH or 26] er[en-aososaz-1P or} ga] o3|wP-oa708 16-6 or 2a} 03 [400-2564 bee | 30| 92 s-soeeee Te Dpoe[ 20] 7] st-eoeros2-TH 700-0008 Kx-0000003-96 Lomoaioer ee WH=0014900-00 S1066-000-004 Wi-083 1400-08 RE=0300000-K0 400-97758 Geo14-a80-000 Geo0e=112-000 Wr-oaaob00-86 too-23636 ‘oo=04336 to0-04a76 Su-5041700-5F wr-0430801-s¢ too=1iaT8 Too=0TaeS Su-1oa08sa-1P toa—11370 wP-0531000-6F 00-992 18 o0-11893 Su-5040860-1F ‘oa-a5830 EUBT=TTOTT Ta-Tas FaaADTT=ET TED=ESETT TEA=ESEOT waossa7st iao=san8o 200-0787 200-0782 NUMERICAL INDEX OF PARTS el gen we | “ae po | “ae nto _e NUMERICAL INDEX OF PARTS Bl TNS SE REF] FT lar | rer — Fre r oe aw] ae eno] apm ne NUMERICAL INDEX OF PARTS #3 [PART FR REF [rer BR — aE PTE] ae eno) ep eo] we aN NUMERICAL INDEX OF PARTS mel RTS EF aN aR 8 pa 3a eoee ® Suerte ekesues Beane ewtes, RUMSUEUSER LC UESEENUREESREREMEENESUSUUREE BABES aS ak EEE SESE aELaL Sate aeuvvuvnge.cesceugeeueseueuseueeases Pd eueee prerttr setters BEUB Seen Et eBe crrsee ts ev BR a unSugeeeenstaeareseesyes esezzae.cuay Ratevewaneeeeasueeee e8eezen-ssrerersees £ aLEECE nsee ‘JUKI CORPORATION

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