2018 Mizeraczyk Controlled Generation of Single Trichel J Phys D Appl Phys

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Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 155204 (8pp) https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/aab4c0

Controlled generation of a single Trichel

pulse and a series of single Trichel pulses
in air
Jerzy Mizeraczyk1, Artur Berendt2 and Yuri Akishev3,4
  Department of Marine Electronics, Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
  Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdansk, Poland
  SRC RF TRINITI, Pushkovykh Str., vladenie 12, Troitsk, Moscow 108840, Russia
  National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Kashirskoe sh.-32, Moscow 115409, Russia

E-mail: jmiz@imp.gda.pl

Received 24 August 2017, revised 27 February 2018

Accepted for publication 7 March 2018
Published 23 March 2018

In this paper, a simple method for the controlled generation of a single Trichel pulse or a series
of single Trichel pulses of a regulated repetition frequency in air is proposed. The concept of
triggering a single Trichel pulse or a series of such pulses is based on the precise controlling
the voltage inception of the negative corona, which can be accomplished through the use
of a ramp voltage pulse or a series of such pulses with properly chosen ramp voltage pulse
parameters (rise and fall times, and ramp voltage pulse repetition frequency). The proposal
has been tested in experiments using a needle-to-plate electrode arrangement in air, and
reproducible Trichel pulses (single or in a series) were obtained by triggering them with an
appropriately designed voltage waveform. The proposed method and results obtained have
been qualitatively analysed. The analysis provides guidance for designing the voltage ramp
pulse in respect of the generation of a single Trichel pulse or a series of single Trichel pulses.
The controlled generation of a single Trichel pulse or a series of such pulses would be a
helpful research tool for the refined studies of the fundamental processes in a negative corona
discharge in a single- (air is an example) and multi-phase gaseous fluids. The controlled
generation of a single Trichel pulse or a series of Trichel pulses can also be attractive for those
corona treatments which need manipulation of the electric charge and heat portions delivered
by the Trichel pulses to the object.

Keywords: DC corona discharge, needle-to-plate electrode, Trichel pulse,

negative corona discharge

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction after Trichel who observed them for the first time in 1938
[1]. A single regular Trichel pulse has the form of a sharp
It is known that the negative corona discharge in the needle- current increase (usually lasting nanoseconds, followed by a
to-plate electrode arrangement in air at the corona voltage relatively long low-current tail (of hundred nano­seconds) [2].
threshold usually consists of irregular pulses having a repeti- The properties of Trichel pulses have been comprehensively
tion rate in the kilohertz range. A small increase in voltage described in many regular papers, textbooks and reviews
results in the establishment of regular current pulses having [3–7].
their amplitudes in the milliamps range. The frequency of the The younger of these publications, as well as many regular
regular pulses can extend to the megahertz range. These kind papers published after 1974, have referred to a work of Lama
of negative corona current pulses are known as Trichel pulses, and Gallo [8], who analytically summarised and exper­imentally

1361-6463/18/155204+8$33.00 1 © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd  Printed in the UK

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 155204 J Mizeraczyk et al

results in a weaker electron avalanche ionisation generating

fewer electrons and positive ions, and in consequence causing
the lower current magnitude of the following Trichel pulses,
which form the train. The parameters (current magnitude of
the pulses and time interval between them) of the first pulses
in the Trichel pulse train are unsteady. They develop into a
steady regular sequence of Trichel pulses having very sim-
ilar electrical parameters. The time of the transition into the
regime of a regular Trichel pulse train is attributed to the time
needed for the negative ions to build up after the first Trichel
pulse and fill the electrode gap.
Experiments and numerical modelling showed [11, 12]
that the current magnitude of the first Trichel pulse increases
with an increase in the amplitude of the applied voltage,
while the current magnitude of the steady-state pulses in the
Figure 1.  Development of Trichel pulses after inception: (a) the
first Trichel pulse, (b) transient regime of the Trichel pulse train, Trichel train remains unchanged. The voltage independence
(c) steady-state regime of the Trichel pulse train. The applied of the current magnitude of the pulses in the Trichel train is
voltage amplitude is—14 kV, the needle-to-plane gap and the needle consistent with the earlier findings of Lama and Gallo [8]. It
tip radius are 25 mm and 130 µm, respectively (our additional was already known in the 1950s [3, 18] that the frequency of
measurement, the capacitive current was filtered out).
the pulses in a Trichel train increases with an increase in the
applied voltage. This was also confirmed in [11, 12].
verified the basic properties of Trichel pulses in air (in the Despite the long history of the presence of Trichel pulses
needle-to-plate electrode geometry). The work of Lama and in science and in practice, the interest in Trichel pulse fun-
Gallo concerned analysis of the so-called steady-state regular damentals has not declined, mainly due to the increasing
Trichel pulses having the form of a train of similar cur­rent number of new applications of the negative corona discharge
pulses (similar to those shown in figure  1). However, later (e.g. in medicine [19, 20], industry [21], and safety issues
refined studies showed that Trichel pulses exhibit some pecu- [22]). Moreover, Trichel pulses still have the potential for new
liar characteristics at the moment of their inception. After trig- applications to be found. This arises from their pulsed nature,
gering the negative corona with a voltage clearly but not much which has not been thoroughly exploited. As early as 1997
higher than the corona inception voltage, a transient regime and 2005, Akishev et al [11, 15] pointed out that the practical
of generation of Trichel pulses starts (experimental works attractiveness of Trichel pulses lies in their relatively high cur­
[9–11]). The Trichel pulses begin with a first pulse fol- rent pulse magnitude and repetition rate, which can still be
lowed after a while by a Trichel pulse train (figure 1). The enhanced. They proposed controlling the current magnitude
amplitude and duration of the first Trichel pulse, as well as and repetition rate of Trichel pulses by using an air jet in the
its electric charge, are substantially larger than those of the corona discharge chamber. Although implementation of their
following pulses. The parameters of the first following pulses proposal resulted in an increase in the Trichel pulse current
are unsteady. The cur­rent pulse magnitude and the time magnitude and repetition rate, such a method seems to be lim-
interval between the successive pulses vary with time until ited to those applications in which air jet flow is acceptable.
they develop into a steady regular sequence of Trichel pulses Here, we propose a simple method for the controlled gen-
having the same param­eters. Therefore, it is convenient to eration of a single Trichel pulse and a series of single Trichel
distinguish two parts of the Trichel pulse train (which comes pulses (of regulated repetition rate) in air.
after the first pulse): the transient part with irregular pulses The controlled generation of a single Trichel pulse (or a
and the steady-state part with regular pulses. series of such pulses) is a helpful experimental tool in refined
Based on the experimental [9–11] and numerical [12–17] studying the fundamental processes (e.g. their time behav-
results, a commonly accepted explanation of the basic mech­ iour) which occur around the negative corona discharge elec-
anisms of development of Trichel pulses, including the first trode. Up to now, only the cumulative effect of a Trichel pulse
Trichel pulse and the train of Trichel pulses, has been estab- train (including the first Trichel pulse preceding it), with the
lished. The differences between the first Trichel pulse and presence of negative ions, could be investigated. The use of
those of the Trichel pulse train are explained by the fact that the a single Trichel pulse will enable studying negative corona
first Trichel pulse is generated in an electric charge-free space. discharge properties without the presence of negative ions. It
There are not any negative ion charges in the space capable also seems that the single Trichel pulse technique can be used
of decreasing the electric field in the ionisation region around for the experimental validation of numerical models of nega-
the discharge electrode, i.e. around the needle. Therefore, tive corona effects.
the first Trichel pulsed is referred to as unquenched. The Using a single Trichel pulse (or a limited number of single
first negative charges in the ionisation region form after the Trichel pulses) enables transferring a controlled portion of
first Trichel pulse inception. As a result, the electric field in the electrical charge, mechanical momentum and heat to
the ionisation region becomes lower than that existing before the discharge volume or to the target. It offers separation (to
the first Trichel pulse generation. So, the lower electric field some extend) of the charging and heating effects produced by

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 155204 J Mizeraczyk et al

Figure 2.  Experimental set-up.

such a discharge. Examples are: a refined corona treatment in 2.  Experimental set-up
printing on polymers [23] and non-thermal plasma treatment
of biological materials (e.g. bacteria [24]). The experimental apparatus for the controlled generation of
The use of the single Trichel pulse technique could be single Trichel pulses consisted of a discharge chamber (an
attractive for the investigation of negative coronas not only in acrylic box with a needle-to-plate electrode arrangement
air (a single-phase fluid) but also in gaseous multi-phase fluids inside), a digital signal generator, a high voltage amplifier,
[25]. For example, a single Trichel pulse or a controlled series two voltage probes and a digital oscilloscope (figure 2).
of such pulses could be useful for refined controlling of the
gaseous two-phase flows.
2.1.  Discharge chamber
The single Trichel pulse technique does not require a com-
plex apparatus, which may be considered as its technical merit. The discharge chamber (a sealed acrylic box, L:W:H  =  600
It worth noting an experimental convenience when studying mm: 120 mm: 50 mm) with the needle-to-plate electrode
the effects of a single Trichel pulse (nanosecond time scale)— arrangement was filled with air at atmospheric pressure.
synchronisation of the single Trichel pulse inception with the Both the needle and the plate electrodes were made of
other equipment used in the experiment is easy. stainless-steel. The negative voltage stressed needle electrode
The successful generation of a single Trichel pulse depends (the discharge electrode) was a rod (1 mm in diameter), the
on the precise control of the inception moment of the negative end of which had a tapered profile with the tip having a radius
corona. Previously, for fixing the negative corona inception of curvature of 75 µm. The inter-electrode gap was 25 mm.
moment, various external methods were used (comprehensive The plate electrode was grounded.
literature on this subject can be found in [26, 27]). They were:
negative corona triggering by soft x-ray pulses, radioactive β
2.2.  Power supply and measuring equipment
or γ sources, and UV radiation from mercury lamps, excimer
lamps and lasers. However, these external methods, inconven- The negative high voltage was supplied by a high voltage
ient to use, were unsatisfactory even when aimed at triggering amplifier (Trek, 40/15) which amplified the voltage signal
regular Trichel pulses. delivered by a digital signal generator (Tektronix, AFG 3052
The concept of triggering a single Trichel pulse presented C). The negative high voltage was applied to the needle elec-
in this paper is based on the precise controlling the voltage trode through a 3.3 MΩ resistor. The voltage between the
inception of the negative corona. The precise setting of the needle electrode and the plate electrode was measured using
inception voltage on the discharge electrode can be accom- a high-voltage probe (Tektronix, P6015A) and recorded by
plished through the use of a ramp voltage pulse with properly a digital oscilloscope (Keysight, DSO 9064A, bandwidth
chosen ramp pulse rise and fall times (an example of such a 600 MHz, sampling rate 10 GS s−1). Using a voltage probe
pulse is shown in figure 3). (Agilent, N2873A), the discharge current waveform was mea-
Below, an experiment aimed at the controlled generation of sured as a voltage drop across a 2 kΩ resistor placed between
a single Trichel pulse and a series of single Trichel pulses in the plate electrode and the ground. The voltage drop was
the needle-to-plate electrode arrangement in air is presented. It recorded by the digital oscilloscope.
will be shown that the controlled generation of a single Trichel
pulse and a series of single Trichel pulses can be achieved
3. Results
by triggering the negative corona with an appropriate ramp
voltage pulse waveform. The proposed method and results
3.1.  Single Trichel pulse
obtained will be qualitatively analysed. The analysis provides
guidance for designing the voltage ramp pulse in respect of The first part of the experiment was aimed at the generation
the generation of a single Trichel pulse or a series of single of a single Trichel pulse. The idea was to generate the first
Trichel pulses. Trichel pulse and avoid the generation of the next Trichel

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 155204 J Mizeraczyk et al

Figure 4.  Oscillograms showing the current and voltage

Figure 3.  The ramp voltage waveform inducing a single Trichel
waveforms, the induced single Trichel pulse and the capacitive
current. The negative voltage pulse amplitude—5.2 kV, the rise
time—1 ms, and the fall time—0.1 ms.
pulses (in the Trichel pulse train). We expected that this could
be achieved by applying an appropriately designed negative a Trichel pulse. To solve this problem, we could either give
voltage pulse to the needle electrode. A ramp voltage pulse the negative ions more time to drift sufficiently away from
with a fast rise time and much faster fall time was chosen to the ionisation region by elongating the intervals between the
control its peak value in order to reach the peak voltage at a successive ramp voltage pulses (i.e. by decreasing their rep-
value sufficient to generate the first Trichel pulse and to pre- etition frequency, which was already low—10 Hz) or speed-
vent the generation of the next pulses. Following theoretical up the removal of the negative ion charge from the ionisation
recommendations presented in section 4.1, we found that a region by increasing the voltage on the discharge electrode
negative ramp voltage pulse of an amplitude of about −5.2 kV, between the ramp voltage pulses. We chose the latter case and
having a rise time of 1 ms and fall time of 0.1 ms (figure 3), redesigned the supply voltage waveform by adding a constant
was capable of inducing the single Trichel pulse without any voltage (DC) component.
other pulses (figure 4). Therefore, the new voltage waveform applied to the
A ramp voltage pulse having the parameters as in figure 3 needle-to-plate electrode consisted of five negative ramp
provided the reproducible generation of a single Trichel pulse. voltage pulses superimposed onto a DC negative voltage
However, if the amplitude of the negative ramp voltage pulse comp­onent (in order to enhance the negatively charged par-
was slightly lower (about 50 V) than that inducing a single ticle drift towards the plate electrode between the ramp
Trichel pulse, the single Trichel pulse generation was irreg- voltage pulses)—figure 5. The amplitude of the DC voltage
ular. A slightly higher amplitude (about 50 V) usually resulted component was set at −4.4 kV. Having taken into account
in the generation of a shorter or longer Trichel pulse train. calcul­ations presented in section 4.1, the rise time of negative
ramp voltage pulse was changed (compared to that in figure 3)
3.2.  Series of single Trichel pulses to 80 ms, while the fall time was, as before, equal to 0.1 ms.
The amplitude of the negative ramp voltage pulse was about
In the second part of the experiment, we aimed at the controlled −0.8 kV. Thus, the peak value of the applied voltage was equal
generation of a series of single Trichel pulses. Following the to −5.2 kV, which is the same as during the generation of a
experience gained when generating a single Trichel, we tried single Trichel pulse in the first part of our experiment. The
with a voltage waveform constituted by a series of five neg- frequency of the negative voltage pulses was 10 Hz. We found
ative ramp voltage pulses (the limitation to 5 V pulses was that such an applied voltage waveform enabled the generation
exper­imentally convenient), each ramp voltage pulse having of a series of Trichel pulses.
the same parameters as those shown in figure 3. The frequency Figure 5 shows the recorded current and voltage waveforms
of the ramp voltage pulses was set at 10 Hz. It appeared, how- and the induced series of single Trichel pulses. As it can be
ever, that using this voltage with such a voltage waveform seen from figure 5, each negative ramp voltage pulse induced
would not produce any series of Trichel pulses. We found that a single Trichel pulse. The amplitudes of the Trichel pulses
the first ramp voltage pulse of the voltage pulse series induced and their durations are almost the same as in the case of a
a single Trichel pulse, whereas the following ramp voltage single Trichel pulse induced in the first part of our experiment.
pulses failed to generate the next Trichel pulses. This can be In this experiment, we were able to produce a series of
explained by the fact that the induced single Trichel pulse pro- single Trichel pulses of the regulated repetition frequency up
duced a negative ion charge around the discharge electrode, to dozens of hertz. We have not studied this aspect exhaus-
which failed to drift away before the arrival of the next ramp tively. However, any attempt to increase the frequency of a
voltage pulse. The remaining negative ion charge decreased series of single Trichel pulses has to take into consideration
the electric field in the ionisation region so effectively that the limitation arising from the finite drift time of the negative
the oncoming ramp voltage pulse was incapable of producing space charge from the discharge electrode.

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 155204 J Mizeraczyk et al

(2) divE = 0.
Solving equation (2) for the case of the needle-to-plane gap
gives the electric field distribution as follows [28]:
2U ∗
E (x) ∼
=  .
(r0 + 2x) ln 2d

Here, r0 and d are the curvature radius of the needle tip and
length of the inter-electrode gap, respectively. Using the dis-
tribution (3) and the ionisation coefficient αi in Townsend’s
   
  Bln 2d
B r0
αi (x) = Aexp − = Aexp − (r0 + 2x) ,
E(x) 2U ∗

where A  =  11 400 cm−1; B  =  277 400 V cm−1 at air pressure

P  =  101.325 kPa [28], one can estimate the size, xi1, of the
Figure 5.  Illustration of the generation of a series of five single
Trichel pulses. The waveforms of the applied voltage and discharge ionisation area at the needle, and the inception voltage, U*,
current (including Trichel and capacitive current pulses) are shown. if we take the magnitude of the critical electric field strength
The negative ramp voltage pulses (amplitude—0.8 kV) were E (xi1 ) ∼
= 30 kV cm−1 [28] and the coefficient of the secondary
superimposed on the DC component (–4.4 kV). The ramp voltage emission γ ∼ = 1.7 · 10−2 . For our experimental conditions,
pulse rise and fall times are 80 ms and 0.1 ms, respectively. The d  =  2.5 cm and r0  =  75 µm. So, the outcome is: xi1  ≈  2.325
frequency of the negative ramp voltage pulses and Trichel pulses is
10 Hz. · 10−2 cm and U*  ≈  5.2 kV, close to the experimentally mea-
sured inception voltage.
4.  Qualitative analysis of the results obtained The ionisation area near the negative needle forms the
cathode layer of the corona. At the very beginning, the voltage
4.1.  Amplitudes of the first and regular Trichel pulses drop across the large ionisation area (0, xi1) significantly
In fact, the first Trichel pulse is induced by ionisation pro- exceeds the voltage drop typical for the normal glow cathode
cesses happening at the very beginning of the appearance of layer (Ucn  ≈  300 V). Indeed:
ˆ xi1 ˆ xi1
a negative corona. It is well known that the needle-to-plane 2U ∗
corona appears after the applied voltage reaches a magnitude Ui1 = E (x) dx =   dx
0 0 (r0 + 2x) ln 2d
of the inception voltage, U*, when the so-called self-sustaining  

condition in the vicinity of the cathode will be fulfilled: U∗ 2xi1 ∼

  =   ln 1 + = 1.6 kV. (4)
ˆ xi1
1 ln 2d r0
∼ r0
(1) α i [E(x)] dx = ln 1 + . 
0 γ
However, with the elapse of time, due to intensive ionisation
Here, E is the electric field, the coordinate x  =  0 is placed on processes, the ionisation area quickly becomes filled with a
the tip of the needle electrode; the interval (0, xi1) corresponds positive space charge ρpos formed by ions (electrons have high
to the area in the vicinity of the pin, where the rate of ionis­ mobility and immediately leave the ionisation area). Because
ation by electron impact exceeds the rate of attachment of of that, the spatial-temporal distribution of the electric field
electrons to the electronegative species being in the ambient will be ruled by the Poisson equation instead of the Laplace
air, i.e. αi (x)  αa (x), where αi and αa are Townsend’s coef- one, as it was at the very beginning, just after the corona
ficients of ionisation and attachment for electrons, respec- inception:
tively; the coordinate xi1 is determined from the condition
αi [E(xi1 )] = αa [E(xi1 )]; γ is the coefficient of the secondary ρpos (x, t)
emission of electrons from the needle’s surface due to its divE(x, t) ∼
(5) = .
impact by the positive ions.
Generally, the condition (1) is fulfilled first and fore- This leads to the positively charged ionisation area shrinking
most along the axis of symmetry of the needle-to-plane and simultaneously to the electric field strength in the vicinity
gap. This is the reason why we can use a 1D approximation of the needle growing, and consequently to essentially
for estimations of the corona parameters corresponding to increasing the intensity of the ionisation in this area. This
its inception. We also assume that there is no space charge dynamic process is terminated by the formation of a positively
in the gap before the corona inception. In such a case, at charged narrow cathode layer with a voltage drop close (but
the initial time after reaching the inception voltage, U*, the not the same) to that for the normal glow cathode layer.
electric field distribution in the gap can be obtained from the In order to understand the formation of the first Trichel
Laplace equation: pulse, it is necessary to take into account that the voltage drop

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 155204 J Mizeraczyk et al

across the corona gap is constant, i.e. U  =  U*  =  const. On the 4.2.  The time-lag between the first and second Trichel pulse
other hand, this voltage consists of two variable components: and between regular Trichel pulses
U ∗ = Ui (t) + Ud (t), where Ui (t) and Ud (t) are the dimin- The time intervals ∆τ12 and ∆τr between the first and second
ishing voltage drop across the high-conductive ionisation Trichel pulses and two neighbouring, regular Trichel pulses is
area and the growing voltage drop across the rest of the non- determined by the time needed to remove the excess of posi-
ionised gap, which has some electric capacitance C, respec- tive charge from the ionisation area created by the preceding
tively. Based on the above, we can estimate the total diminish- pulse. Both time intervals are proportional to the length of the
ment of Ui for the first Trichel pulse as follows: ionisation area that forms the preceding pulse, i.e. ∆τ12 ∼ xi1
(6) ∆Ui1 ∼
= Ui1 − Ucn ∼ = 1.6 kV − 0.3 kV = 1.3 kV. and ∆τr ∼ ∆lcr . As for the first Trichel pulse, the length xi1
of the ionisation area is determined by the Laplace distribu-
In the course of cathode layer formation, the conductivity
current I(t) flowing through this layer is being supported by tion of the electric field, which sharply decreases ( E(x) ∼ 1x ).
the displacement current flowing through the non-conductive Because of that and of the saturation of αi with the increase
in the electric field, the ionisation area has to be extended in
gap: Ii (t) = C ∂U∂td (t) ≡ −C ∂U∂ti (t). Thus, the first Trichel pulse
order to satisfy the self-sustaining condition (1). Contrariwise,
is being formed by the displacement current through the non- at the presence of the positive space charge in the vicinity of
ionised gap, the amplitude of which is determined by the the needle, the Poisson electric field distribution is smoother
dynamics of the shrinking cathode layer. However, after fin- (close to the linear dependence like E (x) ∼ (1 − ax)) that
ishing the shrinking process of the large ionisation area up to leads to shortening the length ∆lcr of the ionisation area,
the thin needle cathode layer, the Ud (t) magnitude will not whereby the self-sustaining condition (1) is satisfied. This is
increase more, and the non-ionised gap of the corona therefore the reason why the length xi1 appreciably exceeds the length
cannot support the high current formed by the cathode layer. ∆lcr of the subnormal cathode layer under the critical voltage
It leads to the high-current cathode layer decaying into a low- drop Ui∗ , which, in turn, leads to an inequality ∆τ12   >  ∆τr .
current subnormal mode. This decay in corona current is being Moreover, the length ∆lcr decreases with an increase in the
accompanied by the expansion of the cathode layer and the average corona current that decreases the period of regular
increase in the Ui (t) magnitude. As soon as Ui (t) reaches the Trichel pulses. Both of these conclusions are consistent with
critical magnitude Ui∗, the restoration of the needle cathode the experimental observations.
layer accompanied by its shrinking and diminishing, the Ui (t)
happens again and a new Trichel pulse is being formed. The
repetition of these events results in the establishment of a reg- 4.3.  Reliable reproducibility of the first Trichel pulses
ular sequence of Trichel pulses. with the use of the pulsed-periodical voltage
Note that the second and next Trichel pulses are formed Due to the definition, the first Trichel pulse develops in a
in the presence of the positive space charge created in the gap that is free of any space charge. Therefore, if the pulsed-
vicinity of the needle by the previous pulses. It causes the periodical voltage is used for the excitation of only the first
Ui∗ magnitude to be lower compared to Ui1, corresponding to Trichel pulses, it is necessary to fully remove from the gap the
the case of non-ionised gas around the needle. According to negative space charge created by the preceding Trichel pulse
the numerical calculations of Trichel pulses [17, 29], the Ui∗ before the appearance of the next one. Let us estimate the time
magnitude can be estimated as Ui∗ ∼ = 2Ucn . In such a case, the T needed for full removal of the negative space charge onto
total diminishment of Ui for the regular Trichel pulses will be the anode. For definiteness, we will assume that the applied
lower: voltage is a periodic sequence of saw-tooth pulses. The
(7) ∆Uir ∼= 2Ucn − Ucn ∼ = (0.3 ÷ 0.4)kV. voltage in each saw-tooth pulse linearly increases in time up
to amplitude U0  =  5.2 kV and instantly falls down to zero at
Based on the above, we can estimate the relationship between
t  =  T: U (t) = U0 Tt . In other words, T is the period of periodic
the current amplitudes of the first I1 and the regular Ir Trichel
sequence of saw-tooth pulses. In order to provide the period-
pulses. We take into account that according to the numerical
ical reproducibility of the first Trichel pulses, each saw-tooth
calculations, the major changes in Ui of the first and regular
pulse has to perform two functions: (1) to remove quickly
Trichel pulses happen before the maximum current appear-
(in time t  <  T) the charge generated by the preceding Trichel
ance, within the time interval Δτ with a duration of several
pulse onto the anode, and (2) to create near the cathode the
nanoseconds. In such a case, the I1/Ir ratio can be approxi-
negative charge by its own first Trichel pulse at the moment
mated as:
t  =  T.
I1 ∼ ∂Ui1 (t) ∂Uir (t) ∼ ∆Ui1 /∆τ ∼ ∆Ui1 We can estimate the minimal duration Tmin needed for
= −C / −C = = . execution of the first function. To do that, we assume that
Ir ∂t ∂t ∆Uir /∆τ ∆Uir
(8) the space charge generated by the first Trichel pulse weakly
Using equations (6) and (7), we find that the I1/Ir ratio is: influences the Laplace distribution (3) of the electric field in
the gap. The equation  describing the drift of negative ions
I1 ∼ ∆Ui1 ∼
= = 3 ÷ 4, through the gap can be found from the definition of the ion
Ir ∆Uir drift velocity Vi  ≡  dx/dt  =  µi E (where E is the electric field
which is close to the experimental data presented in figure 1. strength taken from (3)):

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 155204 J Mizeraczyk et al

dx 2µi U(t) 1 It means that the duration τ of the pause between two
=  · . neighbour saw-tooth pulses can be diminished practically to
dt 2d
r0 ln r0 1 + 2x
r0 τ  ≈  td. As mentioned above, the formation of the first Trichel
Equation (10) was derived under the assumption that the pulse takes a short time compared to the ion drift time across
total thickness of the cathode layer and transition region the gap. Because of that, it is possible to diminish the duration
where electrons are being transformed into negative ions is of saw-tooth pulses and increase the frequency for generation
much smaller compared to the length of the drift region which of the first Trichel pulses up to 475 Hz.
is equal approximately to the gap length, d. Many numerical All of the above serves as evidence that the offered
calculations have confirmed confirm this assumption [30]. In approach for periodical generation of the first Trichel pulses
such a case, we can choose the coordinate x  =  0 close to the based on combination of the saw-tooth pulses and the DC bias
cathode surface. The integration of equation (10) gives: is very promising.
d2 · ln 2d r0
(11) Tmin ∼
= . 5.  Summary and conclusions
µ i U0
For the specific experimental conditions, the parameters in In this paper, we presented a simple method for the controlled
equation (10) are: generation of a single Trichel pulse and a series of single
  Trichel pulses (of regulated repetition rate) in air in a repro-
2d 2d ∼ ducible manner. The controlled generation is based on trig-
= 667; ln = 2.2 · 10−4 m2 V−1 s−1 ;
= 6.5; µi ∼
r0 r0 gering a single Trichel pulse (or a series of such pulses) by an
d = 2.5 cm; U0 = 5.2 kV. appropriately designed voltage waveform. The parameters of
a single Trichel pulse (the pulse current amplitude and wave-
Substituting these parameters in equation  (11), we obtain form) generated with the proposed method are similar to those
Tmin ∼= 3.55 ms. of the first Trichel pulse generated spontaneously in a nega-
Note the formation of the first Trichel pulse takes much tive corona in air. Note that the single Trichel pulses produced
shorter time compared to the drift removal of the generated using the proposed method exhibit higher current amplitudes
negative charge onto the anode. It means that maximum fre- and electric charge than those typical of ‘traditional’ regular
quency for periodical sequence of the saw-toothed pulses Trichel pulses. The theoretical background of the proposed
under the specific experimental parameters cannot be higher method has been presented. The results obtained were qualita-
than 280 Hz. tively analysed. A good agreement between the experimental
In principle, it is possible to use another regime for peri- results and the theoretical predictions was found. The analysis
odical generation of the first Trichel pulses, when short provides guidance for designing the voltage ramp pulse in
saw-tooth voltage pulses with T  <  Tmin are separated from respect of the generation of a single Trichel pulse or a series
each other by a long pause with duration τ  >  Tmin. In this of single Trichel pulses.
case, the negative charge generated by each short saw-tooth As the main purpose of this paper was to introduce the
voltage pulse has to be removed onto the anode during the essence and justification of the method for the controlled gen-
pause after the voltage pulse. However, in the absence of an eration of a single Trichel pulse and a series of single Trichel
applied voltage during the pause, the duration of pause has to pulses, other data on the method development will be pre-
be long enough to remove the negative charge from the gap sented at a later date.
by the electrostatic field induced by the charge itself. Indeed,
the experiment with T  <  Tmin showed that even duration of
τ  ≈  100 ms is not enough to remove the negative charge from Acknowledgment
the gap after each saw-tooth pulse and to provide the repro-
ducible periodical generation of the first Trichel pulses. This work was supported by the National Science Centre
The situation can be improved essentially if we use the (Grant No. UMO-2013/09/B/ST8/02054).
combination of the saw-tooth pulses with the DC voltage. In
this case, the negative charge formed by the first Trichel pulse
in the preceding saw-tooth pulse will be removed by the DC
voltage during the pause between voltage pulses. Using the
Artur Berendt https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1013-7337
combination of the saw-tooth pulses with the DC voltage gives
Yuri Akishev https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8379-5782
a possibility to diminish the duration τ of the pause between
two neighbour saw-tooth pulses. Indeed, according to equa-
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