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Grammar Test 025

6. He ____ less work than his wife.

1. This photograph, ____ I took five years ago, shows the
harbour quite well. A) made
B) made a
A) who
C) was
B) when
D) did
C) which
D) what

7. Most of my students would rather ____

2. The patient ____ by the doctor.
A) play than study
A) has being examined B) play than studies
B) has examined C) plays than study
C) has examined D) to play than to study
D) has been examined

8. Does anybody know where ____

3. They haven’t drunk anything ____. ?

A) since five hours A) are they meeting

B) since yesterday morning B) do they meet
C) for five o’clock C) will they meet
D) for yesterday morning D) they will meet

4. John has written a novel and ____ 9. I think the roof needs ____
. .

A) so his sister, has A) mending

B) so got married his sister B) to mend
C) so has his sister C) be mended
D) so did his sister D) to be mending

5. Rose didn’t do anything yesterday, and ____ 10. She had the servant ____ the windows.
A) to clean
A) nor James B) clean
B) neither James C) cleans
C) James didn’t either D) cleaned
D) James hadn’t either

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Grammar Test 025

11. Aunt Elizabeth got the roof ____ 15. We had a test yesterday, I wish ____
. .

A) mends A) we hadn’t one

B) mend B) we didn’t have one
C) mended C) we hadn’t had one
D) to mend D) we wouldn’t have one

12. I ____ the test when the bell rang. 16. Has she ever ____ her leg?

A) already have finished A) broken

B) have already finished B) breaking
C) had already finish C) broke
D) had already finished D) breaks

13. She dances ____ than I do. 17. Will you ____ have lunch with us tomorrow?

A) badly A) be able to
B) too badly B) are able to
C) worst C) able to
D) worse D) be able

14. Mary ____ the house early yesterday morning 18. What kind of books ____
A) lived
B) left A) does Mary likes
C) has left B) Mary likes
D) leaves C) Mary like
D) does Mary like

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Grammar Test 025

19. I have to go to a dentist tomorrow. I wish ____. 20. My son is seventeen years old. He is ____ to get
A) I have gone there
B) I had gone there A) too old
C) I wouldn’t have to B) old enough
D) I wouldn’t have gone there C) too young
D) enough young

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Grammar Test 025

Answer Key:

1: C 11: C
2: D 12: D
3: B 13: D
4: C 14: B
5: C 15: C
6: D 16: A
7: A 17: A
8: D 18: D
9: A 19: C
10: B 20: C

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