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Take Up One

- By Deepak D. Khaire


• Take Up One Idea: Focus for Success and Happiness Dec 16, 2020
• by Deepak Khaire
• (3)
• $2.99
• "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it,
live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body,
be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way
to success.
For any success, passion is all-important. To be passionate means to give
all for it. Not many things, one and only one thing. Everything for that one
thing. Life becomes simple because all options are cut off. No confusion.
Decision making is simplified.
Whether you are after money, power, love, excellence, or God, without
passion you will get nowhere. This book will convince you to take up that
idea seriously which you have been just wishing to get fulfilled half
Live a full life, fulfill that dream, reach that goal - Take up that one idea!
• The necessity of gathering all resources together and applying on a chosen idea is to ensure that no serious
intention is left unfulfilled, else one may have to live in regret and the world too will miss his or her contribution.
Behind all ideas, ambitions, desires the fundamental latent need is to increase happiness and decrease misery.
You may want to know how to be successful, wealthy, famous, rich, peaceful, contented, or purposeful; or you
may be in the pursuit to find happiness, success, love, wealth or excellence or even God - if you dive deep enough
you will find actually you want to increase happiness and decrease misery through them. This is the fundamental
One is always looking for improving oneself - knowing oneself, gaining more self-knowledge, and succeeding as a
human being by being a contributing member of society. Behind these words the latent basic idea is of happiness -
the truth is this.
In this book, these thoughts have been convincingly emphasized.
As one reviewer has put it succinctly - Liked the concept of "One Idea and only One idea" emphasized by the
author. In these fast-paced times, we get carried away by setting multiple goals and try to achieve too much too
soon simultaneously often leading to disappointment. The author presents a compelling case to have just one idea
and give your heart and soul to it. Inspiring and thought changing read.
Another reader says- Sometimes when life's best-kept secrets are unraveled it all seems so obvious, that it was
lying in front of our eyes all the time and we were oblivious to its existence. The subject of this book is one such
thing. The author is right on target with his work. The contents have been explained lucidly. Makes an interesting
read and presents a road-map for everyone to tread upon. Lastly kudos to the publishers for doing their bit for the
environment by opting for the Kindle format.
Still another - The book beautifully captures the essence of nurturing that one idea and fuelling it with passion,
ambition, and desire to lead a purposeful life. The author mindfully asked relevant questions periodically, helping
readers to introspect and rationalize their thinking.
For a short and impactful read, this book is highly recommended.
'Take up One idea.................' is the opening line of Vivekananda's well-known message when he revealed the
secret to success, fame, name, money, wealth, and life itself. Vivekananda was the original Monk, who first
deluged the western world with spiritual ideas that were so needed then and are more necessary now.
The concentration of all available energies and their application to the pursuit of the desired end is the gist of his
message to humanity and he was an authority because he had lived his message. Whether life is moving towards
the material or spiritual goal, this secret is relevant.
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