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where does the browser save the cache

where does the os save the cache

does router save the cache
how many ips does the subnet of
how many of those can be used
where does the nat gateway reside in private and public subnet
your application crashed, what can you check (think system metrics like CPU)
web server is not able to access the server, it can reach the same server in the
same VPC, network wise everything looks okay. (think app logs)
how to check historical CPU - HTOP
how to check size of files in a linux directory
what are inodes
what is forward and reverse proxy server
what is DHCP
what happens when you type in browser
how to update auto scaling group? can it be done without downtime? (think update
template template)
how can you have dependencies installed on the 1000 instance (think AMI)
OSI model
describe any 2 layers of the OSI model
which 2 layers are is amazon responsible for

what is blue green deployment? compare with rolling/canary deployment

how does rollback deployment happen in blue/green? how does rollback happen in
canary deployment?
customer wants suggestion on how many environments do they need
cust env passes validations in test env but fails in prod
cust env passes validations in all other env but fails in prod
what is continuos integration and continuous delivery
what is the difference between continuous delivery and continous deployment
how do you set up ansible? how does ansible know which hosts to target

Why AWS and Amazon ?

Why deployment ?
Why, like, what's the benefit of using Ansible?
What's one thing that makes Ansible different from any other tool for example,
Chef, Puppet or anything like that?
Is Ansible agent or agentless ?
What does it use to communicate with the host ?
How does Ansible interact with the servers?
What have you automated so far in terms of that, like what have you configured on
the host using Ansible playbook ?
You mentioned Docker what is Docker like if you want to generalize it, and how
would you go about defining Docker?
Is Docker container itself or container runtime ?
Why would you use Docker? Over a virtual machine, and even an example?
Let's say I have like okay, I have a Docker image in Docker Hub. And I want to,
like use that image to start a Docker container on your local laptop or an EC two
instance what command would we use?
If I want to create an image Docker image. What command would I use?
What's the difference between Docker build and Docker Compose?
For example, let's say you have X number of Docker containers running on a machine
right and maybe an instant easy to instance or server or whatever. How would you
check those containers like what command would you use ?
Let's say there was seven containers running on a machine out of those two stops
for some reason. And someone asks you like hey, can we check what happened to those
two containers? Like what can you do from here to see why those two containers
Let's say paint shop for whatever reasons. And someone asks you like hey, can we
check what happened there? How would you approach ?
I was checking resume and it also says that you have experience with Eks elastic
Kubernetes service. Yes. Like what is Kubernetes to begin with ?
Can you give me a brief overview of what Jenkins is and what it does?
What are the components of Jenkins ?
Does Jenkins have a concept of master slave if yes, do you know what it is?
Can you walk me through how would you? Let's say you write a code right and you
want to push it to whatever repo you're using. You mentioned GitHub GitLab only
push updated code ?
Let's say you do this, but there is a conflict in the repo. How will you resolve it
Now, you mentioned your work with CloudFormation and TerraForm. Why do you prefer
one over the other?
Why would you use infrastructure code and what are the benefits of using that ?
What language do you use? To write your code?
What have you so far coded? Using cloud formation or TerraForm? Like any major
project to undertake and where you wrote IAC for that? If yes, can you please talk
about it ?
Like what is the most ambitious thing you have done with IAC?
Any difficulty you face while writing this setup form template ?
Let's say we create a new branch because let's say two people are working on the
same project, but don't have their own branches. How do you create a new branch?
Different deployment strategies one can take when they're deploying any
application, or, you know, virtual machines or containers or anything like that.
But do you know what each of them mean? Like when we talked about rolling and
versus blue and green? Key the difference between those two?
familiar with Windows or Linux?
Personally, how do you connect to a Linux machine?
Let's say SSH is not working for some reason. How would you go over troubleshooting
What is the default port for SSH ?
Let's say the server is running straight because you go to AWS console and you can
see your instance running straight right. A better system is still not working any
have also checked up the inbound rule is correct and security group is allowing
port 22 and instances in public subnet. Any commands you can run to check where
might be the issue lying with this ?
you ping it you get a response right? What does that mean?
when you use ping does it only check network connectivity or does it check
connectivity on a specific port?
What if you want to check connectivity on a certain website on a specific port, for
example. You do Ping You get a response right? It means that you can
communicate with Google as in your laptop from where you ran that command is
communicating with Just fine. However, if you want to communicate with
Google, let's say on port 8080. How would you check connectivity for that?
Let's say you create a website. Just for example, right? It's your own website,
where you know you put in details about your life and stuff. And it's hosted on,
let's say www Write your name means that That's fine. So when
you pick that you get a response. We have been in this from your own laptop or
computer whatever you use, right? It means okay connectivity is there however you
want to communicate to your website on a specific port. For example, let the port
number be 8080 How would you check connectivity with your website on port 8080 Like
what one would use?
the command you will use to check both connectivity. To check port is open or not.
1. How Internet works
3. Application deployment architecture
4. CDN caching
5. HTTP layer troubleshooting specially slowness
6. Different leadership principals

OSI Model, Port numbers for UDP and TCP, AD, GPO, and Linux Directories.

Some technical questions included

1. Explain OSI model and why we use it
2. What is the difference between sudo and su command
3. What is the difference between TCP and UDP

IT related - DHCP process?

IT related - OSI model and explanation?
Behavioral - Did you ever have an unreasonable request and how did you deal with
How do you change directories?
How do you list folders/files of a directory?
What is grep?
What is the difference between su and sudo?

What is the difference between TCP and UDP?

What is DNS? What service is used for Printing?
What is a default gateway?
Networking questions:
what is STP? what's a root bridge, how's it elected?
name some protocols and their ports
what is DHCP and how does it work?
what's the OSI model and its layers?
TCP-IP model? Differences?
what are some interior gateway protocols?
how does a distance vector routing protocol work?

what is active directory?

what are some powershell commands to get info about: disks, partitions, printers? /
describe how youd do this
in windows what are cached credentials?
how do you do a dns lookup on windows CLI?
what disk encryption options do we have in windows?
whats it mean to get a temporary profile in windows and why might it happen?
what determines the order that GPOs are applied?
what's in the SYSVOL directory?
what's SCCM used for?

1. Tell me about your IT background?

2. In a ticketing system, how do you prioritize tickets and projects when there's a
lot of them; if they are [all] mission critical, how would you handle?
3. Tell me about a time when you had to take ownership/ accountability for work
outside scope of job responsibilities
4. Do you know what PowerShell is?
5. If a group policy fails to update how would you resolve that issue?
6. Can you tell me the difference between a switch and a router?
7. What is the difference between TCP/UDP?
8. What are the layers of the OSI model (be ready to go through ALLL 7) …. And why
it’s used
9. What is grep (think Linux)?
10. How to pull up system processes in Linux command line

How does OSI map to TCP/IP layer?

What is BGP and CDP?
Some ports and their usage.
Linux command - grep
difference between sudo and su in linux
how to reboot a linux box?
How to check the load of a linux box?
What is a shadow copy?
What is a host file?
What is the mechanism to assign static IP address in windows?
Tell about SCCM.
How do you rate your skills for Linux, Windows and Networking out of 10?
Tell about a situation where you went above and beyond for a customer and why did
you do it?

What is a host file?

What is DHCP?
What is DNS?
What is a loop and how can you break a loop?
Describe a time when you had to deal with hostility in the work place and how did
you maneuver the situation?
How do you see repositories in Linux?
How can you delete a file in Linux?

Difference between NTFS and FAT32

What's DFS?

What's Group Policy? what may cause it failed to apply.

What is keychain used in Mac OS?

Explain the differences between a router, a hub and a switch.

How do you prioritize tickets and projects when you have many?

Give an example of when you have taken accountability and ownership for work that
was perhaps out of scope for your role.

Sometimes competing tickets or projects are received at the same time when working
in IT. What criteria do you use to determine what to work on first?

In Linux, how do you display the directory you are in from command line?

What is sudo and why would you use it? How is sudo different from Su?

Describe a time when you took a big risk and it failed. What did you learn? What
would you do differently?

What is the principle of least privilege (POLP) model and how does it apply to
Windows' accounts?

What is the difference between a broadcast and collision domain?

In a domain environment, what are cached credentials?

What utility would you use to find if an IP address has an associated domain name?

Name and describe the different types of DNS records. What does the TTL variable

How would you rebuild a Windows profile? Why would you need to?

Name the Windows mechanism that would assign an IP address of and
explain why this is so.

Describe the steps of the most challenging technical issue you have had to solve.

What is the farthest you have bent your standards in order to succeed? Please
explain what happened, what you did, and what was the result.

Give an example of when you failed a goal you had. Why did you fail? How were you
able to learn from it?

In Linux, how do you display a list of files from command line?

Explain the DNS process.

Explain everything you know about the DORA process in DHCP.

For STP, is the default election ok or should you configure it? If yes, how do you
choose the switch and how do you ensure it is the root bridge?

What is a VLAN and why are they used? What are some advantages and challenges of
using VLAN?

What is Spanning Tree Protocol and why is it used? How is root bridge elected if
all priorities are equal?

What is the Window\u2019s hosts file?

What is Active Directory?

Give an example of when you saw a peer struggling and decided to step in and help.
What was the situation, what actions did you take, and what was the outcome?

An accesspoint looks like its on but you cannot connect to it. Describe how you
would troubleshoot it.

Tell me about your most difficult interaction with a customer. Why was it
difficult? How did you handle it and what was the outcome?

What is PING?
Explain what TCP is and its layers

TCP/IP model
OSI model
STP election process
why do you need router and switch
BGP flapping
DHCP helper
services that use TCP and those that use UDP
why VLAN
what happens at the back when VLAN is created?

name Linux file systems
how to limit i-node

What is a VLAN and why is it used, what are the advantages and challenges. What is
STP. Describe a time where you helped a peer who was struggling, what did you do to
help and what was the outcome. What are some Linux Directories and their uses.
Describe everything you know about the DHCP process. Group Policy fails on a
client, how would you troubleshoot this. Describe your most technically challenging
issue and how you solved it. What is the difference between a switch and a router.
Name some TCP and UDP ports/uses. What is the OSI model and why is it used.

What is different between UTP, UDP, TCP etc

Linux bootchain process

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