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An ellipse is one of the conic sections that most students have not
encountered formally before, unlike circles and parabolas. Its shape is a bounded
curve which looks like a flattened circle. The orbits of the planets in our solar
system around the sun happen to be elliptical in shape. Also, just like parabolas,
ellipses have reflective properties that have been used in the construction of
certain structures (shown in some of the practice problems). We will see some
properties and applications of ellipses in this section.

1.3.1. Definition and Equation of an Ellipse

Consider the points F1(—3, 0) and F2(3, 0), as shown in Figure 1.19. What is the
sum of the distances of A(4, 2.4) from F1 and from F2? How about the sum of
the distances of B (and C(0, —4)) from F1 and from F2?

AF1 + AF2 = 7.4+ 2.6 = 10

BF1 + BF2 = 3.8+ 6.2 = 10
CF1 + CF2 = 5 + 5 = 10

There are other points P such that PF 1 + PF 2 = 10. The collection of all such
points forms a shape called an ellipse.
Figure 1.19
Figure 1.20

— and F2(c, 0), the foci, both c units

Given are two points on the x-axis, F1( c, 0)
away from their center (0, 0). See Figure 1.20. Let P (x, y) be a point on the
ellipse. Let the common sum of the distances be 2a (the coefficient 2 will make
computations simpler). Thus, we have PF 1 + PF 2 = 2a.

PF 1 = 2a — PF 2
p p
(x + c)2 + y2 = 2a 2
— (xp c) + y

x2 + 2cx + c2 + y2 = 4a2 ——4a (x — c)2 + y2 + x2 — 2cx + c2 + y2

2 2a (x —
⇥ ⇤
a2 x2 —c) 2cx
+ +=ac2—+ cx
y y2 = a4 — 2a2cx + c2x2
(a2 — c2)x2 + a2y2 = a4 — a2c2 = a2(a2 — c2)
b2x2 + a2y2 = a2b2 by letting b = a2 — c2, so a > b
x2 y2
+ =1
a2 b2
When we let b = a2 — c2, we assumed a> c. To see why this is true, look at
4 PF 1 F 2 in Figure 1.20. By the Triangle Inequality, PF 1 + PF 2 > F1 F2, which
implies 2 a> 2c, so a > c.
We collect here the features of the graph of an ellipse with standard equation
x 2 y2 p
+ = 1, where a> b. Let c = a2 — b2.
a2 b2
(1) center : origin (0, 0)
(2) foci : F1(—c, 0) and F2(c, 0)
• Each focus is c units away from the center.
• For any point on the ellipse, the sum of its distances from the foci is 2a.
(3) vertices: V1(—a, 0) and V2(a, 0)
• The vertices are points on the ellipse, collinear with the center and foci.
• If y = 0, then x = ±a. Each vertex is a units away from the center.
• The segment V1V2 is called the major axis. Its length is 2a. It
divides the ellipse into two congruent parts.
(4) covertices: W1(0, —b) and W2(0, b)
• The segment through the center, perpendicular to the major axis, is the
minor axis. It meets the ellipse at the covertices. It divides the ellipse
into two congruent parts.
• If x = 0, then y = ±b. Each covertex is b units away from the center.
• The minor axis W1W2 is 2b units long. Since a > b, the major axis is
longer than the minor axis.
Example 1.3.1. Give the coordinates of the foci, vertices, and covertices of the ellipse
with equation
x2 + y2 = 1.
25 9
Sketch the graph, and include these points.
Solution. With a2 = 25 and b2 = 9, we have a = 5, b = 3, and c = a2 — b2 = 4. foci:
F1(—4, 0), F2(4, 0) vertices: V1(—5, 0), V2(5, 0)

covertices: W1(0, —3), W2(0, 3)

Example 1.3.2. Find the (standard) equation of the ellipse whose foci are F1( 3,
— F2(3, 0), such that for any point on it, the sum of its distances from the
0) and
foci is 10. See Figure 1.19.
Solution. We have 2a = 10 and c = 3, so a = 5 and b = a2 c2 = 4.—The equation
x2 + y2 = 1. 2
25 16

Seatwork/Homework 1.3.1
1. Give the coordinates of the foci, vertices, and covertices of the ellipse with
2 2
equation x + y = 1. Sketch the graph, and include these points.
169 25
Answer: foci: F1(—12, 0) and F2(12, 0), vertices: V1(—13, 0) and V2(13, 0),
covertices: W1(0, —5) and W2(0, 5)

2. Find the equation in standard form of the ellipse whose foci are F1(—8, 0) and
F2(8, 0), such that for any point on it, the sum of its distances from the foci
x2 + y2 = 1
is 20. Answer:
100 36
1.3.2. More Properties of Ellipses

Some ellipses have their foci aligned vertically, and some have centers not at
the origin. Their standard equations and properties are given in the box. The
derivations are more involved, but are similar to the one above, and so are not
shown anymore.

Center Corresponding Graphs

(0, 0)

x2 y2 x2 y2
+ =1 + =1
a2 b2 b2 a2


(x — h)2 (y — k)2 (x — h)2 (y — k)2

+ =1 + =1
a2 b2 b2 a2

major axis: horizontal major axis: vertical

minor axis: vertical minor axis: horizontal
In all four cases above, a > b and c = a2 — b2. The foci F1 and F2 are c units
away from the center. The vertices V1 and V2 are a units away from the center, the
major axis has length 2a, the covertices W1 and W2 are b units away from the
center, and the minor axis has length 2b. Recall that, for any point on the ellipse,
the sum of its distances from the foci is 2a.
In the standard equation, if the x-part has the bigger denominator, the ellipse
is horizontal. If the y-part has the bigger denominator, the ellipse is vertical.
Example 1.3.3. Give the coordinates of the center, foci, vertices, and covertices of
the ellipse with the given equation. Sketch the graph, and include these points.
(x + 3)2 (y — 5)2
(1) + =1
24 49
(2) 9x2 + 16y2 — 126x + 64y = 71
Solution. p(1) From a2 = 49 and b2 = 24, we have a = 7, b = 2 6 ⇡ 4.9, and
c = a2 — b2 = 5. The ellipse is vertical.

center: (—3, 5)
foci: F1(—3, 0), F2(—3, 10)
vertices: V1(—3, —2), V2(—3,12)
covertices: W1(—3 — 2 6, 5) ⇡ (—7.9, 5)
W2(—3+ 2 6, 5) ⇡ (1.9, 5)
(2) We first change the given equation to standard form.

9(x2 — 14x)+ 16(y2 + 4y) = 71

9(x2 — 14x + 49)+ 16(y2 + 4y + 4) = 71+ 9(49)+ 16(4)
9(x — 7)2 + 16(y + 2)2 = 576
(x — 7)2 (y + 2)2
+ =1
64 36
p p
We have a = 8 and b = 6. Thus, c = a2 — b2 = 2 7 ⇡ 5.3. The ellipse is

center: (7, —2)

foci: F1(7 — 2 7, —2) ⇡ (1.7, —2)
F2(7 + 2 7, —2) ⇡ (12.3, —2)
vertices: V1(—1, —2), V2(15,—2)
covertices: W1(7, —8), W2(7, 4)

Example 1.3.4. The foci of an ellipse are ( 3, 6)— and

— ( 3, 2). —For any point on the
ellipse, the sum of its distances from the foci is 14. Find the standard equation of
the ellipse.
Solution. The midpoint (—3, —2) of the foci is the center of the ellipse. The
ally aligned)pand c = 4. From the
ellipse is vertical (because the foci are verticp
given sum, 2a = 14 2
so a = 7. Also, b = a2 — c2 = 33. The equation is
2 (y + 2)
(x + 3)
+ = 1. 2
33 49
p p
Example 1.3.5. An ellipse has vertices (2 — 61, —5) and (2 + 61, —5), and
its minor axis is 12 units long. Find its standard equation and its foci.

Solution. The midpoint (2, —5)pof the vertices is the center of the ellipse, which is
horizontal. Each vertex is a = 61 units away from the center. From the length2 of
(x — 2)2 (y + 5)
the minor axis, 2b =p12 so b = 6. The standard equation is + =
1. Each focus is c = a2 — b2 = 5 units away from (2, — 61 36
4) , so their coordinates
are (—3, —5) and (7, —5). 2

Seatwork/Homework 1.3.2
1. Give the coordinates of the center, foci, vertices, and covertices of the ellipse
with equation 41x2 + 16y2 + 246x—192y + 289 = 0. Sketch the graph, and
include these points.
pnswer: center C(—3p
A , 6), foci F1 (—3, 1) and F2 (—3, 11), vertices V1 (—3, 6 —
41) and V2(—3, 6 + 41), covertices W1(—7, 6) and W2(1, 6)
2. An ellipse has vertices (—10, —4) and (6, —4), and covertices (—2, —9) and
(—2, 1). Find its standard equation and its foci.
(x + 2)2 (y + 4)2 p p
Answer: + = 1, foci (—2 — 39, —4) and (—2+ 39, —4)
64 25

1.3.3. Situational Problems Involving Ellipses

We now apply the concept of ellipse to some situational problems.

?Example 1.3.6. A tunnel has the shape of a semiellipse that is 15 ft high at the
center, and 36 ft across at the base. At most how high should a passing truck be,
if it is 12 ft wide, for it to be able to fit through the tunnel? Round o↵ your
answer to two decimal places.

Solution. Refer to the figure above. If we draw the semiellipse on a rectangular

coordinate system, with its center at the origin, an equation of the ellipse which
contains it, is
x2 y2
+ = 1.
182 152
To maximize its height, the corners of the truck, as shown in the figure, would
have to just touch the ellipse. Since the truck is 12 ft wide, let the point (6, n)
be the corner of the truck in the first quadrant, where n > 0, is the (maximum)
height of the truck. Since this point is on the ellipse, it should fit the equation.
Thus, we have

62 n2
+ =1
182 152 ✓ ◆
2 2 62
n = 15 1 — 2
n = 10 2 ⇡ 14.14 ft 2
Example 1.3.7. The orbit of a planet has the shape of an ellipse, and on one of
the foci is the star around which it revolves. The planet is closest to the star when
it is at one vertex. It is farthest from the star when it is at the other vertex.
Suppose the closest and farthest distances of the planet from this star, are 420
million kilometers and 580 million kilometers, respectively. Find the equation of
the ellipse, in standard form, with center at the origin and the star at the x-axis.
Assume all units are in millions of kilometers.

Solution. In the figure above, the orbit is drawn as a horizontal ellipse with
center at the origin. From the planet’s distances from the star, at its closest
and farthest points, it follows that the major axis is 2a = 420 + 580 = 1000
(million kilometers), so a = 500. If we place the star at the positive x-axis,
then it is c = 500 — 420 = 80 units away from the center. Therefore, we get
b2 = a2 — c2 = 5002 — 802 = 243600. The equation then is

x2 + y2 = 1.
250000 243600
The star could have been placed on the negative x-axis, and the answer would
still be the same. 2

Seatwork/Homework 1.3.3
?1. The arch of a bridge is in the shape of a semiellipse, with its major axis at
the water level. Suppose the arch is 20 ft high in the middle, and 120 ft
across its major axis. How high above the water level is the arch, at a point
20 ft from the center (horizontally)? Round o↵ to 2 decimal places. Refer
to Example
1.3.6. Answer: 18.86 ft
Exercises 1.3
1. Give the coordinates of the center, vertices, covertices, and foci of the ellipse
with the given equation. Sketch the graph, and include these points.
2 2
(a) x + y = 1
169 25
(b) x2 + y2 = 1
144 169
(c) 4x2 + 13y2 = 52
(x + 7)2 (y — 4)2
(d) + =1
16 25
(e) 9x2 + 16y2 + 72x — 96y + 144 = 0
(f) 36x2 + 20y2 — 144x + 120y — 396 = 0
Item Center Vertices Covertices Foci
(a) (0, 0) (±13, 0) (0, ±5) (±12, 0)
(b) (0, 0) (0, ±13) (±12, 0) (0, ±5)
(c) (0, 0) (± 13, 0) (0, ±2) (±3, 0)
(d) (—7, 4) (—7, —1) (—11, 4) (—7, 1)
(—7, 9) (—3, 4) (—7, 7)
(e) (—4, 3) (—8, 3) (—4, 0) (—4 ± 7, 3)
(0, 3) (—4, 6)
(f) (2, —3) (2, —9) (2 ± 2 5, —3) (2, —7)
(2, —3) (2, 3) (2, 1)

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)
2. Find the standard equation of the ellipse which satisfies the given conditions.

(a) foci (—7, 6) and (—1, 6), the sum of the distances of any point from 2
(x + 4)2 + (y — 6) = 1
foci is 14 Answer:
49 40
(b) center (5, 3), horizontal major axis of length 20, minor axis of length 16
(x — 5)2 (y — 3)2
Answer: + =1
100 64
(c) major axis of length 22, foci 9 units above and below the center (2, 4)
(x — 2)2 (y — 4)2
Answer + =1
40 121
(d) covertices (—4, 8) and (10, 8), a focus at (3, 12) (x — 3)2 (y — 8)2
+ =1
49 65
Solution. The midpoint of the covertices is the center, (3, 8). From this
point, the given focus is c = 4 units away. Since b = 7 (the distance from
the center to a covertex), then2a2 = b2 + c2 = 65. The ellipse then has
(x — 3)2 (y 8)
equation + — = 1.
49 65
(e) focus (—6, —2), covertex (—1, 5), horizontal major axis
(x + 1)2 (y + 2)2
Answer: + =1
74 49
Solution. Make a rough sketch of the points to see that the center is to
the right of the given focus, and below the given covertex. The center is
thus (—1, —2). It follows that c = 5, b = 7, so
a2 = b2 + c2 = 74. The
(x + 1)2 + (y + 2)
ellipse then has = 1.
equation 74 49
3. A semielliptical tunnel has height 9 ft and a width of 30 ft. A truck that is
about to pass through is 12 ft wide and 8.3 ft high. Will this truck be able to
pass through the tunnel? Answer:
4. A truck that is about to pass through the tunnel from the previous item is 10
ft wide and 8.3 ft high. Will this truck be able to pass through the tunnel?
Answer: Yes
5. An orbit of a satellite around a planet is an ellipse, with the planet at one
focus of this ellipse. The distance of the satellite from this star varies from
300, 000 km to 500, 000 km, attained when the satellite is at each of the two
vertices. Find the equation of this ellipse, if its center is at the origin, and the
vertices are on the x-axis. Assume all units are in 100, 000 km.
2 2
Answer: x + y = 1
16 15
6. The orbit of a planet around a star is described by the equation 640,000
630,000= 1, where the star is at one focus, and all units are in millions of
kilometers. The planet is closest and farthest from the star, when it is at the
vertices. How far is the planet when it is closest to the sun? How far is the
planet when it is farthest from the sun?
Answer: 700 million km, 900 million km

Solution. The ellipse has center at the origin, and major axis on the x-axis.
Since a2 = 640, 000, then a = 800, so p the verticespare V1 (—800, 0) and
V2(800, 00). Since b = 630, 000, then c = a2 — b2 = 10, 000 = 100. Sup-
pose the star is at the focus at the right of the origin (this choice is
arbitrary, since we could have chosen instead the focus on the left). Its
location is then F (100, 0). The closest distance is then V2F = 700 (million
kilometers) and the farthest distance is V1F = 900 (million kilometers).

7. A big room is constructed so that the ceiling is a dome that is semielliptical

in shape. If a person stands at one focus and speaks, the sound that is made
bounces o↵ the ceiling and gets reflected to the other focus. Thus, if two
people stand at the foci (ignoring their heights), they will be able to hear each
other. If the room is 34 m long and 8 m high, how far from the center should
each of two people stand if they would like to whisper back and forth and hear
each other? Answer: 15 m
Solution. We could put a coordinate system with the floor of the room on
the x-axis, and the center of the room at the origin, as shown in the figures.
The major axis has length 34, and the height of the room is half of the
minor 2 2
axis. The ellipse that contains the ceiling then has equation x + y = 1. The
p p 172 82
distance of a focus from the center is c = a2 — b2 = 172 — 82 = 15. Thus,
the two people should stand 15 m away from the center.

8. A whispering gallery has a semielliptical ceiling that is 9 m high and 30 m

long. How high is the ceiling above the two foci? Answer: 5.4 m

Solution. As in the previous problem, put a coordinate system with the floor
of the room on the x-axis, and the center of the room at the origin. The major
axis has length 30, and half the minor axis is 9. The ellipse that contains
the 2 2
ceiling then has equation x + y = 1. The distance of a focus from the center
p p152 92
is c = a2 — b2 = 152 — 92 = 12. If we put x = 12 in the equation of the
2 2
ellipse, we get 122 + y 2 = 1. Solving for y > 0 yields y = 27 = 5.4. The height
15 9 5
of the ceiling above each focus is 5.4 m.

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