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How good am I at reading signs?

Or rather how hard is it to for me to notice those

signs of God’s love for me every day?
I have always asked for a sign rather than putting all of my faith in the Lord.
Sometimes I ask myself if I can still continue this life of mine inside the seminary
or not. I’m bothered If I’m still receiving graces I need to persevere. But you
know what. Early this morning during our class in the subject Grace. I was able to
reflect upon the words of our Professor Fr. Tiong. “The mere fact that the person
wants to go to confession is a sign that God’s grace is always pouring out for that
Connecting it to my reflection in today’s gospel, I just realized that in every
challenge I overcome, every struggle I do, every charity I make, every thing I can
help for the apostolate, and other things I do for the sake of the mission that God
entrusted to me without asking for any compensation in return is a sign that His
grace that favor, that free and undeserved help continues to rain down upon me.
I must not grow weary of praying to Him, that way I can be confident that he will
give me everything I need to do his will. Most of all the Lord, from the beginning
have assured me of his presence and the promise that he will never leave
me. Today I should be trusting him, having a stronger faith on the plans he has for
me. I may not know what God has in stored for me later. But I know these are the
steps given to me, which I must take today. I should never worry anymore about
the signs. As what is inscribed in Theresa of Avila's prayer book:  Let nothing
disturb you, let nothing frighten you; All things pass: God never changes.  Patience
achieves all it strives for.  Whoever has God lacks nothing, God alone suffices.
It is a challenge putting my full trust in God about my future, but it is a challenge
worth conquering. 
"Lord, show me your goodness and favor that I may praise you all my days.  And
give me unshakeable hope in your saving word that nothing may deter me from
trusting in you completely."

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