B Comm - Summary (What To Expect in The Quiz)

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16/05/2022, 18:57 OneNote

Monday, May 16, 2022  5:34 PM 

1st class 
1st ½ hr 
• Concept of communication presence (Slow time down) 
• Art of listening : a muscle that can be exercised (Sound bites) 
• Concise and Precise : Important ability in today's world 
• Shining online : full face should be visible 
Next ½ hr 
• Logos , Ethos and Pathos  
• Speed of Speech: 2- 2.5 words per minutes 
• Sound bites : Don’t fight the butterflies , make them fly in formation 
• Zack wahls speech is imp ( "We are iowians, we fight our own battles") 
○ Match the following : can have sound bites 
• What to say : how to say : how much to say? 
Next hr 
• Interview questions : 5 questions ( learn them by heart for the quiz) 
• Case interview :  
○ Start by bigger picture (final solution) and 
○ Breakdown few larger items : Clarify first and then analyze  (get the structure from the
○ Speed also matters ( crack the interview with proficiency , eloquence , content, delivery) 
2nd Class 
Style , Structure and Storytelling (70%) 
Personal Brand ( 30%) 
Style, Structure and Story Telling  
1st speech by Angozie alichey  : (what she did right) 
• Use of Humour : used to connect (as a tool) 
• Making the audience the Hero : (Nancy duwate's chapter also have these two points ; know the
two chapters inside out) 
• She told two personal stories   : class monitor and Paying the valet ( know what they are and what
they convey) : first 6 minutes are  
2nd story  
Sashi Tharoor  ( know what he said for about clive of india : ("he was clive of india, when most of india
belongs to him") 
• Material mastery  
• Own the content  
6.5 minute speech : know it well  
3rd story (Indira Nooyi) 
• She made 3 points  
○ Ethos ( by mentioning about india points from "outliers") 
○ Be a lifelong student 
○ Throw yourself in whatever you do ( Passion) 
○ Responsibility ( let others rise with you) 
Personal / professional pitch and linkedin headline (know your audience, be stingy with hard words,
avoid being braggy, connect the dots 
Dimensions for these 
• Endear 
• Engage 
• Intrigue 
• Impress 
3rd Class 
½ st half 
• Show vs tell 
• Art of being personal without being private 
• 3 speeches ( middle speech (which was different will not come)  
○ Rachel and Britta's speech are imp 
▪ Rachel's speech ( Check in with the trees) : 2 stories ( early part of life and 2nd one
about finding inspiration from someone who was enthusiastic about life) 
▪ Britta's speech ( grief and Gritt) :  compares grief to steaming cup of tea  
▪ Defined gritt and greif ( painted her canvas
according to her core valoues) 
Find core values / themes and sound bites from these two speeches 
12 shines in shining online 
(remember by heart) 
Humanizing the camera 
○ Speak to someone familiar and bit older than you  (keep a picture) 
○ Keppe camera at eyelevel 
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16/05/2022, 18:57 OneNote
○ Gravitate towards the camera 
4th Class 
3 things were covered 
• Crisis communication : Speech of US presidents (purpose , Audience (identified them) and other ), 
soft vs hard approach, Named the astronauts)  
○ Power of the group to vet your communication 
○ President was able to deliver the speech in short amount of time  
• Hilary vs Obama  
○ Experience helped Hilary 
• 7/8 minute simulation of interview (of ideal job) 
○ Listening to the person 
○ Making audience the hero 
○ Being humble and polite 
• Lessons for life ( not on quiz)  
Asynchronous watching  
Amy Cuddy (presence) 
• Importance of body language ( can shape how well you perform) 
• Imposture syndrome ( fake it till you make it  ||  sound bite:" fake it till you become it") 
• Story Telling 
Shahrukh khan (thoughts on humanity , fame and love) 
• Compared himself to world (as an aging star ; how is internet changing ; rumors about him and his
• Logos : Sharp ( very thoughtful like tharoor's speech) 
Kiran Sethi (non-profit) 
• Wordplay  
• 3 stages of making a child aware ( aware, enable and empower a child) 
• Show vs tell  
• Talking about impact 
• Positive about the organization 
Ben Zander ( we should all love classical music) 

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