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Transcript for Marriage Story

Marriage is a truly a union of two families and for Indians, comprises one of the biggest expenditures
of their lifetimes. Capturing the true essence of what matrimony means to Indians, we have
estimated the expenditure using the population approach

Slide 6:

- We observe that Indians spend approximately 257,000 crores or $35billion on their wedding
- For our estimation, we have focused purely on the direct wedding day expenditure such as
catering, venue, décor etc and have not accounted for additional functions such as mehendi,
sangeet or miscellaneous spend as these differ quite widely depending on the regions.
- Let me walk you through our approach – we start from leftmost yellow box with the total
Indian population i.e., 130 crore and we first slice it into typical marriageable population–
that is people between the ages of 20 and 30.

- Next, we subsequently assume that 85% of these people will choose to get married and will
do so in any of the 10 years to the partner of their choice. This gives us approximately 1.1
crore marriages in a year (visible in the centre of the screen)
- Moving to the right, we see income class as a key driver of expenditure and have estimated
the spend for each class based on their respective level of wealth and proportion spent on
direct wedding function.
- Highlighted in orange, Middle and Upper middle class are the highest contributors to
overall spend whereas lower class in blue has highest proportion of budget spent on direct

Assumptions 1

To assess wedding day spend, we accounted for total wedding budget – (primary/secondary
sources); by taking a savings approach

accounted for other major expenditures – jewellery, other functions, gifts

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