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Institute of Law

III Semester B.COM.LL.B (Hons.) Course

Report of Internship Training



As a part of Internship Program

For the Academic Year 2022-2023

Prepared and submitted by

Table of Content

Sr. No Page No

1. Preface 2

2. Acknowledgment 3

3. Certificate 4

4. List of abbreviations 5

5. Executive Summary 6

6. Brief About Law Firm 9

7. Introduction 10

8. Project/Cases/Matters assisted/ undertaken/ observed during the 11


9. Outcome of your learning and observations during the internship 13

10. Relevant cases and laws referred to and researched during the 14
internship relating to the matters and cases

11. Conclusion 15

12. Bibliography 16

13. Appendix 17


This report is an outcome of the four weeks Internship program of the Institute of Law, Nirma
University for the students of the III semester. The main constituents are the report on fieldwork
carried out during the internship, the research on related issues/cases/matters, and the weekly
report of my work. I have tried my best to do justice to my activities and put them in black and
white with the same effort as I did during the internship.

3 August 2022: ANANTHAJITH

Date: Name & Signature of Trainee


The internship experience I had with P.B BALAJI has been very enriching and has proved to be
an excellent opportunity for me to learn and develop professionally. During the internship, I have
had the chance to interact with and meet professionals. The main aim of an internship is to
provide practical knowledge to law students and help them to put to use their theoretical
knowledge. I have successfully completed the internship and compiled the report as a summary.
I wish to express my appreciation to Adv.SIVAKUMAR AND P.B BALAJI for guiding and
assisting me through the tenure of my internship at. I thank the other advocates and fellow
interns who taught me throughout the internship. I also thank my parents and friends who
supported and inspired me to complete my work with due diligence.
Last, but not least, I thank the Campus Recruitment Cell, Institute of Law, Nirma University for
providing me with the opportunity to work with the organization and gain expertise and


List of Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning

Adv. Advocate

RLTOP The Tamil Nadu Regulation of Rights and

Responsibilities of Landlords and
Tenants Act, 2017

HC High Court

Sec Section

WS Written Statement

Executive Summary

As a part of my first physical internship, I interned with P.B BALAJI AND ASSOCIATES under
the guidance of Adv. BALAJI sir AND SIVAKUMAR sir was assisted by four other junior
advocates. During the first two weeks of my internship, there were five fellow interns and 7
fellow interns during the last two weeks. Learning with people my age was useful and felt
comforting in the initial days. The office timings would usually be from 10-7. On reaching the
office, the interns were supposed to remove the case briefs for the day and go through the
matters. The advocates would sometimes ask us about our understanding. Later, according to the
case appearing status, we would assist them in court. Working at the office, visiting courts,
drafting, reading case files, and preparing notes out of what I could understand would constitute
a normal day at work. Preparing chits made it easier in drafting. These activities are very
important to strengthen the basics of every law student. Attending court proceedings of matters
for which I could prepare notes and draft applications and written statements helped me get a
better understanding of the whole process. The working environment was professional but still
On my first day, I had the opportunity to attend an RCOP matter which had been going on since
2008. Since it was the first time I was being to RLTOP, my senior explained what kinds of cases
we have at the respected tribunal and shared a few details about the composition of the tribunal.
We were representing the Landlord. A request for producing a witness in court was made.
Throughout the week, I witnessed various proceedings at the Small Causes Court and RLTOP.
With the help of my senior, I also drafted an affidavit. The matter was called out and a later date
was provided. In another matter, the case was quashed. Throughout the week, I read various case
In the second week, I had the opportunity to attend a matter at the High Court. The courtroom
was filled with advocates and interns and we were expected to maintain utmost discipline. There
were more hearings in the other courtrooms. During the week, I also witnessed a
cross-examination at RLTOP. I could observe the way the plaintiff’s counsel was preparing them
for the cross-examination. I also had a chance to go through the questions for the same before the
proceedings began. During the week, I was assigned the task of preparing written statements for

two matters. Formats of the same were provided. After the WS was drafted, the same was
forwarded to Sir. He helped me with the necessary changes and the draft was finalized. I also
witnessed a case settlement at RLTOP. Our client, was willing to provide the necessary relief to
the plaintiff and the matter was settled. The judgement was later dictated. The judge insisted on
putting off the matter on the same day. I could also see the procedure of filing a Vakalat and
tender the issues drafted for another matter.
In the third week, there was a case at the Family Court, . It was a divorce and maintenance
dispute. I could also be a part of the client interaction and hear him talk about his current
situation. The case was sent forward for the counseling process and a later date was given.
Throughout the week there were matters in the HC, City Civil, and RLTOP. I also attended
another settlement matter. A praecipe had to be submitted for a matter at the HC. Along with one
of the advocates, I visited the registrar’s office for the same.
The fourth and the last week consisted more of reading case briefs and drafting written
statements. I also drafted questions for cross-examination at RLTOP. We witnessed a few more
proceedings at the Sessions Court and RLTOP.

. In a matter, service of summons had to be done. Along with a fellow intern, we visited the
Bailiff's department and enquired about when the same could be issued. We were informed that a
Caveat can be filed in 14 days and that two more copies of the documents have to be submitted
for the same. There was another settlement matter at RLTOP and I could assist my senior to
court for the same. In one of the matters, defence evidence was to be submitted. The defence
lawyer was present but he asked for a later date. In a few cases, appearances had to be marked.
Interacting with the associates at court has been a great experience. No matter which court or
tribunal one was at, the associates were always helpful and considerate of the interns.
Since there were ample matters relating to rent court , I had the opportunity to learn about the
practical application of old rent control act(RCOP) and the new act(RLTOP 2017). I could also
read about the basics of family law. The internship was indeed very fruitful and worthwhile.


This is a one of the most trustable and established practices in Chennai and primarily deals with
matters in the rent/small causes court and the high court,they also handle matters like divorce
and wills and patent law.
The practice was founded by P.B. Ramanujam in the 1980s but is now under his son P.B
BALAJI who is assisted by several lawyers who specialise in various fields of law.

BALAJI sir has also written the only commentary on the new The Tamil Nadu Regulation of
Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants Act, 2017 and is therefore the most
renowned lawyer in chennai.


Having an opportunity to intern with a Law firm having cases in several courts has been an
enriching experience. From marking appearances to witnessing court hearings, the internship has
helped me learn a lot more about legal procedures. Physically observing the proceedings and
attending to matters has helped me realize how courts work in reality beyond the fictional
representation that one might have. Reading case briefs, understanding the facts of the case,
preparing notes from what I understood, and comprehending how the law is applied in different
situations has helped me gain more knowledge.
Watching the advocates prepare for the matters, watching them interact with the clients, listening
to the arguments, listening to the cross-examinations, and hearing the judges have all been
advantageous. While reading the case briefs and preparing notes, I came across various sections
and rules of the Rent control act I could also read articles related to the subject matter of the
cases. Understanding the basics of the relationship between the landlord and tenant,
understanding the various court procedures, understanding the process of case filings, and
gathering the required documents will definitely prove useful for every law student. No matter
how small the task assigned is, it is important that one completes it with utmost dedication. Only
then will we be able to gain something from it. The journey of my internship has been very
fruitful and has given me an opportunity to learn something new every single day. It has played a
vital role in helping me understand the law better and differentiate between theoretical and
practical knowledge. From grasping knowledge about the practical aspects to learning about
work ethics, the internship has helped me grow as a person. The internship has helped me look at
litigation as a career option from a different perspective.

Outcome of the learning and observations during the internship

Litigation as a process is more than just representing clients and arguing cases. It includes being
involved in the case, understanding it, and putting yourself in your client's shoes. Interning with
a law firm deeply involved in litigation and being encouraged to remain curious, has helped me
learn a lot more about this process. Even the smallest task of removing case files for upcoming
cases has helped me to be more efficient with handling things. Visiting courts has helped me
observe and learn about court proceedings. There is a great difference in the working atmosphere
of the tribunals and small courts as compared to that of the HC. The regular visits have helped
me feel more involved in the process. It has helped me grasp more knowledge about the actual
functioning of the system. It has also taught me the manner one should appear before the court.
Minor details like not using mobile phones and standing to show respect while the judges enter
and exit were observed.
Being deeply involved with insurance companies, the internship has helped me learn about
related laws. Conditions under which a person can claim insurance, etc. were learnt. Interactions
with the client have also been fruitful in the aspects of communication skills. Another thing
which I observed in the lower courts was that there was no punctuality. Very often the judges
would be late and not take up cases.on many occasions, the matters would not be called up and
we would only be provided with a further date. Clients and counsels would come prepared for
their matter only to know that it has been put off. Sometimes the defence counsel would be
absent or unable to present their case. There was an instance where the client was not prepared
for the cross-examination. This caused a lot of inconvenience to the court. All of these, I
believe, cause a delay and hamper the administration of justice. One of the main things I could
Interacting with the associates and the staff at the court has been a good experience. By the end
of the internship, it was easier to get work done without much delay because of all the
interaction. Overall, I have been able to learn and observe a lot from my internship.

Relevant cases and laws referred to and researched during the internship
relating to the matters and cases

● The Tamil Nadu Buildings (Lease and Rent Control) Act, 1960
An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to the regulation of the letting of
residential and non-residential buildings and the control of rents of such buildings and
the prevention of unreasonable eviction of tenants therefrom in the [State of Tamil

● The Tamil Nadu Regulation of Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and

Tenants Act, 2017
An Act to establish a framework for the regulation of rent and to balance the rights
and responsibilities of landlords and tenants and to provide fast adjudication
process for resolution of disputes, and matters connected therewith or incidental

● The Family Courts Act, 1984

This act deals with the establishment of families and speedy settlement of disputes relating to
marriages and relating issues that occur in a family. Since the case which was dealt with was a
divorce settlement matter, reading the basics of the act was useful.


The internship has given me an opportunity to explore and learn more about the field of law. I
could meet lawyers and interact with them. These interactions have helped me learn about the
work ethics and mannerisms one is required to put forward while working in such a field. These
four weeks have helped me realize that mere argumentative skills and knowledge are not enough
to excel. Hard work and patience are the keys to a successful future. Preparing for the cases,
being well-versed with the facts and the law, and having the right amount of interaction with the
clients and witnesses, prove useful in every case. Above all these, being respectful to everyone,
judges, associates, opponent clients, and their counsel is extremely important. A lawyer should
know that the way they treat others is the way they will be treated. Hence, maintaining good
relations with everyone is also required.
Being up to date with the latest judgments and amendments is also very important in the field of
law. You may not know everything about something but, you should know something about
everything. Reading, researching, and interacting with knowledgeable minds are mandatory.
Visits to the courts and tribunals have helped me get familiar with the judicial proceedings. I
have a better understanding of the difference in the workings of the lower courts and the High
Court. This internship has helped me get a clearer picture of a career as a practicing advocate. It
has indeed been a very enriching and helpful experience.


● The Tamil Nadu Regulation of Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and

Tenants Act, 2017
● The Family Courts Act, 1984
● Limitation Act, 1963



Law Firm

Internship Name of the Student: ANANTHAJITH BADRI

Name of the Institution: P.B.BALAJI AND ASSOCIATES

Institution’s Address: No 22 Bhagirathi Ammal street

T.nagar Chennai-600017

Name of Supervisor: Adv.Sivakumar


Phone/Mobile No: 044 28342503

Period:: From 1st June 2022 to 30th June 2022

Sr. No Work done at field

Week 1 ● Collected affirmation for a Pro - Bono case

● Read case file
● Witnessed hearings at RLTOP
● Witnessed hearings at the Small Causes Court
● Drafted an affidavit

● Observed a quashing procedure
● Attended proceeding where arguments on setting aside no WS order
were conducted

Week 2 ● Witnessed hearings at HC

● Read case briefs
● Drafted written statements
● Witnessed a cross-examination
● Witnessed a case settlement at RLTOP
● Assisted in the filing of Vakalatnama
● Assisted senior to court to tender the issues drafted

Week 3 ● Witnessed a case at the Family Court

● Interacted with the client at the Family Court
● Witnessed a session with a client
● Witnessed hearings at the HC
● Attended a settlement procedure
● Visited the testamentary office
● Visited the registrar office
● Marked appearance for matters at RLTOP

Week 4 ● Drafted written statements

● Read case briefs
● Drafted questions for cross-examination
● Witnessed a hearing at City Civil and Sessions Court
● Marked appearance for matters at RLTOP

● Collected citation for a case
● Visited the Bailiff's Dept. for service of summons.
● Witnessed a matter which was dismissed
● Witnesses matter for defense evidence

Signature of Supervisor Signature of Student


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