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MGT 3201: International business and Management

13th Batch, Section: A (syllabus)

Chapter 1: Globalization
1. What is Globalization
• Globalization Market
• Globalization Product
2. Emergence of Global Institution
3. Drivers of Globalization
• Declining Trade & Investment Barriers
• Role of Technological Change

Chapter 2: National References in Political Economy

1. Political System
• Collectivism and Individualism
• Socialism
• Individualism
• Democracy and Totalitarianism
• Democracy
• Totalitarianism
2. Economic System.
• Market Economy, Mixed Economy and Planned Economy.
3. Legal System (In short)

Chapter 3: Political Economy & Economy Development

1. Difference in Economic Development
2. Broder Conception of Development. (Amartya sen)
3. Political Economy & Economic Progress
• Innovation & Entrepreneurship is the Engine of Growth
• Innovation & Entrepreneurship Require a Market Economy
4. State in Transaction
5. Nature of Economic Transformation
• Deregulation
• Privatization
• Legal System
Chapter 4: Differences in Culture
4. What is culture?
5. Values and Norms
6. Social structure
• Individual and Groups
• Social Stratification
• Social Mobility
• Significance
7. Religious and Ethical Systems
• Christianity
• Hinduism
• Islam
• Buddhism
• Confucianism
8. Language
• Spoken
• Unspoken
9. Education
10. Culture & Workplace

Chapter 5: Ethics in International Business

1. Ethics & International Business
• Employment Practices
• Human Rights
• Environmental Pollution
• Corruption
2. The Roots of Unethical Behavior
• Personal Ethics
• Decision Making Processes
• Organizational Culture
• Unrealistic Performance Goal
• Leadership
3. Philosophical Approaches to Ethics
• Friedman Doctrine
• Cultural Relativism
• The Righteous Moralist
• The Naïve Immoralist
• Utilitarian & Kantian Theory
• Right Theories
• Justice Theories

Chapter 6: International Trade Theory

1. Mercantilism
2. Absolute Disadvantage
3. Comparative Advantage
4. Hechscher-Ohlin theory
5. The product Life Cycle Theory
6. New Trade Theory

Chapter 7: The Political economy of International Trade

1. Free-Trade
2. Tariffs
3. Subsidies
4. Voluntary Export Restraints (VER)
5. Local Content Requirements (LCR)
6. Administrative Policies
7. Antidumping Policies

Chapter 14: The organization of International Business

1. Organizational Architecture
• Structure
• Control system
• Incentives
• Process
• Organizational culture
• people
2. Organizational Structure
• Integration
• Vertical differentiation
• Centralization and decentralization
• Horizontal Differentiation
3. International Division
4. Control systems, Incentives and Strategy in the international business. (Performance

Chapter 15: Entry Strategy & Strategic Alliance

1) Basic Entry Decisions
• Which Foreign market
• Timing of Entry
• Scale of Entry & Strategic Commitments
• Market Entry Summary
2) Entry Modes (Advantage & Disadvantage)
• Exporting
• Turnkey Project
• Licensing
• Franchising
• Joint Venture
• Wholly owned Subsidies
• Greenfield Venture or Acquisition
3) Strategic Alliance

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