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Kunal Rawat DR. NEEL KAMAL

SESSION: 2020-21

 Aim: To understand hardware and software platforms for DCS

         1. Learn basics and hardware components of DCS.
         2. Understand the architecture of DCS.

In any process plant, the purpose of automation to maintain the product quality,
consistency, reduce start-up time, and increase speed of operation with human safety.
Control system whether it is a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) or a Distributed Control
System (DCS) is required for the same purpose. The purpose of Industrial automation
laboratory is to understand the theory and programming aspects of DCS.


A Control system which is functionally as well as physically distributed is called Distributed

Control System.

Evolution of DCS

The control systems were developed along with the technology and as the difficulties faced
by each technology were realized.

1. Open Loop: offline

In this technology, digital computers were applied for acquisition and processing of plant
data/laboratory data or test field data. At this time operator had to read this data and store
them, which was an offline process for acquisition and processing of data. No optimization
and feedback control.
2. Closed Loop : offline

In this technology, set point values were calculated by computer but still manually set by
plant operator. Thus offline closed loop control was formed. This was only acceptable when
timing condition of process control is not severe as manual intervention leads to
introduction of time delay in the control of the process.
3. Open Loop : online

In this era of 50’s computers were provided for process interface for data acquisition and
process control, by connecting inputs directly to the computer. But still used as open loop
4. Closed Loop : online

At the end of 50’s era output elements were also connected to the computers for online
process monitoring and control. Thus data transfer in both the directions was the first step
towards online closed loop control.

5. Distributed Dedicated Computers

In the first half of 60’s computers were used for dedicated functions i.e. their functions were
clearly defined like data processing, data acquisition etc. with no interconnection between
them. Data inter-exchange was only possible via a transportable medium.
6. Centralized Dedicated Computers

The information inter-exchange which was not possible in the distributed dedicated
computer control was possible by introducing another central computer in which data from
all the dedicated computers is collected, which can be shared later on. This led to the
information exchange but with computational speed and reliability of computer at stake.

7. Decentralized Computer System

In the beginning of the 70’s it was accepted that the central computer will solve central
automation problem only and peripheral computers have to solve local problems in their
close surrounding. A two stage hierarchical automation system structure called
Decentralized Computer System was introduced because of this .
Architecture and Block Diagram

Functionally Decentralized or Distributed Control System is divided into four different levels
as follows performing the functions as described below:


As the name suggests this level comprises of the basic field instruments like sensors,
transmitters etc. which are directly connected to the process.


This level handles various functions as:

• Data Acquisition
• Data Check
• Plant Monitoring
• Open and Closed loop Control
• Reporting

This level handles various functions as:

• Plant Performance Monitoring
• Plant Coordination
• Optimal Process Control
• Adaptive Control
• Failure Detections


This level handles various functions as:

• Production Dispatching
• Inventory Control
• Production Supervision
• Production Re-Scheduling
• Production Reporting


This level handles various functions as:

• Market and Customer Analysis
• Orders And Sales Statistics
• Capacity and Order Balance
• Order Dispatching
• Production Planning
• Terms Supervision
• Financial Surveys
Working of DCS

The working of DCS can be divided into two parts

1. Hardware Flow

In any process the sensory organs of a process are sensors and /or transmitters through
which the status of the process is known. The flow of signal passes from sensors/
transmitters to a local field junction box where number of wires comes. From field junction
box through a multi core cable it goes to the main junction box. Again from main junction
box it comes to a marshalling cabinet where the wires enter into the control panel. In the
control panel, controller and I/O cards are placed. After signal entering the panel, the signal
wire with or without a relay card goes into the input card connected to the controller.
Controller thereby processes the data according to the logic created and gives output to the
Final Control Element through output cards, following the same route.
2. Software

There is a scan cycle which needs to be completed for the execution of an instruction
needed to control the process. The scan period is set by the user while configuring DCS and
the following steps occur for each scan period:
• Firstly the status of inputs from the process through the input cards are checked.
• Then the values are updated in the program and according to the logic prepared by the
programmer output values are decided.
• These outputs then go to the field through output cards.
• Moreover the status is updated in the SCADA as well as the changes are stored for future
reference in the historian. Any alarms i.e. deviations in the process are there, then they are
also noted and stored.

Functions of DCS

• I/O signal characterization

• Signal filtering
• Alarming I/O modules
• Ranging and engineering units
• Control logic
• Control interlocks
• Sequencing
• Batch control
• Passing on trending information
• Passing on report information

Performance Evaluation of DCS

• Available memory for configuration

• Available idle time (based on a given scan rate)
• I/O loading or criticality
• Number of available software addresses for Input/output blocks
• Number of available software addresses for control blocks

Internals of DCS

DCS can be divided into two parts for understanding purpose.

Hardware: It consists of the following

• Controller
• Power supply for controller
• I/O Terminal Block
• DIN Rail
• I/O Interface Carrier
• Bulk Power Supply
• System Power Supply
• Server
• Professional Stations
• Operator Stations
• Application Stations
• Remote Workstations
• Relays

Software: It consists of the following

• To view and control the process using mimic, same as the real process (SCADA).
• Programming environment wherein logic can be created.
• A hierarchical view of the whole system
• Advance Control Strategy Schemes
• Configuration Suite to configure the hardware attached.
• Diagnostic Suite
• Alarm Module
• History Module
• Trends Module
• Database management module


• System implementation can be carried out in a modular fashion due to which system
growth can be easily achieved as each processor has clearly defined set of functions; if
carefully designed.
• System overloading is less in case of DCS.
• In case of failure of a part, DCS doesn't affect the whole system/ process.
• Backup i.e. redundancy feature possible in DCS.
• Reliability of DCS is more than that of Centralized Control.
• Reduction of cost of interfacing to computer due to reduction in wire usage for control
• DCS is more flexible in terms of altering configurations within a specified range so as to
confrm to the change requirements if any.
• Duplicate storage of critical data can be done easily.
• Independent or standalone processors communicate with each other which make
management of computers easy.
• Minimization of data loss as well as errors due to placement of controllers in the nearby
vicinity in DCS.
• Advanced control strategies are easy to implement in DCS.


• Cost is high when compared with PLC/PC Combination.

• Specialized support from engineering personnel required.
• DCS’s require a clean control room environment compared to PLC/ PC environment.

Selection Procedure

There are number of considerations for selecting a proper automation tool for a particular
For multiple product manufacturing, varied receipe parameters, multiple procedures, often
changes required in receipes, complex batch processes with number of regulatory
loops, DCS is preferred.
If the operator’s interaction is required to keep process to fulfill target performance, For
observing process with faceplates, critical trends, for responding effectively during plant
upsets, DCS is preferred.
DCS gives adjustable scan time, online configuration changes, simple to advanced PID
control and advanced process control strategies.
Difference Between PLC and DCS

Aim: To simulate analog and digital function blocks.

 Objective: 1. Study various Function Blocks available in DCS.

          2. Develop FBD program using basic digital and analog function blocks.
In the previous experiment the hardware and software associated with
Distributed Control System is discussed.
In this experiment the software and programming concept is discussed.
There are several programming languages used for logic development.
The IEC 61131 standard part3 specifies these languages as:
• Ladder Logic (LD)
• Structured Text (ST)
• Instruction List (IL)
• Sequential Flow Charts (SFC)
• Functional Block Diagram (FBD)

Generally in DCS Functional Block Diagram (FBD) is used for

programming and Sequential Flow Charts (SFC) is preferred for batch
control applications.

Functional Block Diagram (FBD) Basics:

This language basically is a graphical language wherein the users are

allowed to program elements in the form of blocks. The blocks then can
be wired together like electrical circuits. It describes a function between
input and output variables.
It is a graphical method of programming DCS. Functional algorithms and
control strategies for a particular plant can be implemented by FBD. The
control modules are treated as unique entity in DCS system. Each
function block contains specific algorithm such as AI, AO, DI, DO, PID and
the parameters required for the algorithm. Function blocks ranges from
simple input conversion block to a complex control strategy.

Generally available Function blocks are:

1. Input/ Output (I/O)
2. Math
3. Logical
4. Timer/ Counter
5. Analog Control
6. Advanced control
A Typical Function block -

The description of the various parameters associated with this block:

· Definition name: This is the name by which the block is identified in the
· Usage name: This name can be user defined as per his/her convention.
· Parameters: These are part of the function block available for standard
· Execution number: The number by which the function block is executed.

Following functions blocks are generally available in the libraries.

1. Input Output library

Analog Input
Analog Output
Discrete Input
Discrete Output
Pulse Input
2. Math Library

Absolute value

3. Logical Library

Negative Edge Trigger
Positive Edge Trigger
De multiplexer

4. Timer / Counter Library

On Delay Timer
Off Delay Timer
Retentive Timer
Timed Pulse

5. Analog Control Library

Input Selector
Signal Characterizer
Signal Generator
Signal Selector

Let us discuss about the commonly used Input/ Output library function
Analog Input function Block -

Analog Input (AI) Function Block accesses a single Analog measurement

value and its status on the AI channel. In manual mode, when AI block is
configured, input has to be in engineering units as well as output is
indicated in engineering units on the screen. In automatic mode, output
of the block will reflect process variable value. Input to the block could be
4-20mA or digitally communicated variable from HART based transmitter.

Analog Output function Block -

Analog output (AO) function block assigns any output value to a field
devices like control valve through a specific AO channel. In manual mode,
the output parameter value can be set manually. In automatic mode, OUT
is set automatically based on set point and process variable value in
engineering units. A feedback can also be set for the output parameter.

Discrete (digital) Input (DI) Function Block -

The Discrete Input (DI) Function blocks accesses a single digital input
value with its status between two states of the field devices. The block
gives processed physical input for other function blocks. In automatic
mode, Process variable is copied to output which can be either 0 or 1. In
manual mode, the digital input can be toggled manually and output
follows the same.

Discrete (digital) Output (DO) Function Block –

Digital Output block takes value from the process and writes it to specific
digital output channel. One can confirm physical output operation by
configuring a hardware discrete input to it. In automatic mode, when the
signal from process changes the output of the block which will be
connected to AO channel which in turn connects to field outputs e.g a
solenoid valve, changes.

Logical Library:

Commonly used logical blocks under logical library are described here

AND Function Block:

AND function block is used as an AND operator. For 2 input AND gate if
both the inputs are high the output of the function block is high.

The function block and the truth table is as given below:

OR Function Block:

OR function block is used as an OR operator. For 2 input OR gate if any

one inputs is high, the output of the functions block is high. The function
block and the truth table is as given below:

NOT Function Block:

NOT function block is used as NOT operator, wherein if the input to the
block is high or active the output is opposite i.e. low and vice versa. The
function block and the truth table are as given below:
Let us look at how programming is done using these blocks. The details
are given in under procedure tab.

Aim: To study, understand and perform experiments on timers and counters.

   1. To understand timers and counters used in DCS
         2. Development of application using Timer and Counter blocks
Concept of Timer
The controller used in DCS has an inbuilt clock for its functioning. This
clock is used for executing the instruction cycle or scan cycle or in case
any of important actions.

There are two types of delay required or available in the entire operation
• Logical delay
• Process delay
This internal clock is used as a reference when it is necessary to have a
logical delay in the program. Depending on number of cycles of the clock
the calculation of the delay is calculated. The base time of the delay can
vary for different manufacturers e.g. 1ms, 10ms or 1s. It is based on the
crystal oscillator present in the controller whose time is taken as the
reference for the calculation.

Concept of Counter
In timer, the internal clock of the controller is considered for calculation of
the delay, the same clock can be used to calculate the external pulses of
the physical world.
Suppose there is an application where in we need to count the number of
balls entering the vessel. A limit switch as a sensor can sense the ball as
it comes to the vessel. The high to low transition at the sensor output can
be counted by taking the reference of the internal clock pulse of the

Three types of timers available in DCS are On delay, Off delay and
Retentive timer.

1. On Delay Timer (OND): On delay timers are preferred in most of the
The example to demonstrate the function and operation of a timer is a
firecracker. The firecracker when it is lighted it takes some time to burst
because of the lead present which we light. Thus after burning the lead,
which is the delay the cracker burst. Now in terms of On Delay Timer
when a high/true/active signal is given at the input, time duration
specified, the output of the timer block becomes high only after the
specified time duration is elapsed,.
The function block and timing diagram for On Delay Timer is shown

2. Off Delay Timer (OFFD): In Off Delay Timer, the output remains high
until a high to low pulse is applied at the input terminal. The output goes
low after the time duration specified has elapsed if a high to low transition
is applied at input. The functional block diagram and timing diagram of
the same is shown below:
3. Retentive Timer (RET): In the above timers if the input signal
changes its value back to original, before the specified time duration is
elapsed, the timer resets. It does not retain its value. In order to
overcome this problem retentive timer is used. As the name suggests, it
retains the value even if the input signal changes back to original state
before time duration has elapsed. These type of timers are used in real
time clocks where retention of time value is important. The block diagram
and timing diagram of the same is shown below:

Two types of counters are generally used in DCS.

1. Up Counter: Up Counter counts input pulses in incremental manner
i.e. it starts counting from 0 to the value specified as preset value. When
the preset value and no of counts becomes equal the output of the
counter becomes high.
2. Down Counter: Down Counter counts input pulses in decrement
manner i.e. it starts counting from the value specified in preset to 0
values. This can be done when input goes from high to low or low to high
as we select in the function block. When the preset decrements to 0
value, the output of the counter becomes high.
Note: The up and down counter function can be implemented in same
counter block. We need to select the type as up or down counting.The
input signal form in which counting is to be done i.e. from low to high or
from high to low is also selectable.
The block diagram of counter and its timing diagram:

Aim: Logic implementation for traffic Control Application

         1. Understand the application details
         2. Understand various blocks required for application development

         3. Development of logic for specific application


Previous three experiments cover the basic hardware and software

information along with the functions
block available in DCS. This information can be applied for logic
development in specific application.
Traffic light control is one common example where timer function can be
Consider the traffic lights situation as shown below.
There are two lamp posts as shown in the diagram. Consider a case
where the lamp R1
is off. As the lamp R1 is off, lamp G2 will be on to allow the traffic from
south to north.
The lamp on-off sequence is as follows.

For implementing this logic using function blocks, on delay times can be
Solution Hint:
For starting the Traffic Control System in auto mode use Pulse Input
For the lamps, Digital Output blocks can be used.

Aim: Logic implementation for Bottle Filling Application.

         1. Understand the application details
         2. Development of logic for specific application

Implement bottle filling plant logic using DCS

At this stage we are aware of various function blocks available in the dcs
library. In the traffic control application we have seen how on delay
timers (OND block) are used. Let us see another example for logic
The P & I diagram for bottle filling plant is shown here.

To start the process, command is given by the field operator as well as

from the control room i.e. through DCS.
The Conveyor belt starts running when conveyor motor (CM) is switched
on. The bottles are kept manually on the conveyor belt. When bottle is
reached below the filling solenoid valves (SV); detected by a limit switch
(BP), CM stops.
The filling process starts by opening SV, when the bottle is raised up by
raising the platform by pneumatic cylinder. The time required to raise the
bottle is 5 seconds.
Upto 90% filling takes place through solenoid valve (coarse) and
remaining 10% (100% full condition) by opening solenoid valve (fine).
Bottle 90% full condition is sensed by proximity switch (coarse) . Bottle
100% full condition is sensed by another proximity switch (fine). When
bottle is full SV should become off and the count is displayed. When SV is
closed, CM runs again till next bottle is detected by BP switch and the
cycle repeats.

Aim : To study hardware and software associated with PLC

         1. Learn the basics and hardware components of PLC 
         2. Understand configuration of PLC system
         3. Study various building blocks of PLC

Evolution of PLC:-
When the first electronic machine control was designed, relays were to
control the machine logic.
Relay logic has its own limitations.

1.Less reliability
2.The delay involved in switching of contacts
3.Less flexibility and difficult troubleshooting due to hard wired

  What is PLC?

  A Programmable Logic Controller , PLC, or Programmable Controller is

an electronic deviceused for Automation of industrial processes, such as
control of machinery on factory assembly lines. A programmable
controller is a digitally operating electronic apparatus which uses a
programmable memory for the internal storage of instructions for
implementing specific functions, such as logic, sequencing, timing,
counting and arithmetic, to control various machines or processes through
digital or analog input/output devices.Unlike general purpose computers,
the PLC is designed for multiple inputs and output arrangements,
extended temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise, and
resistance to vibrations and impacts.
Programs to control machine operation are typically stored in battery-
backed or non volatile memory. A PLC is an example of a real time
system since output results are produced in response to input conditions
within a bounded time, otherwise unintended operation results.

 Basic Components of PLC:-

1.CPU and Memory module

2.Power supply
3.Input and output module
4.Programming device

 CPU and Memory Module:-

This is the device where PLC program is stored and processed. The size
and type of CPU determines the programming functions available, size of
the application logic available, amount of memory supported, and
processing speed.


Supply:-The power supply provides power for the PLC system. It

provides internal DC current to operate the processor logic circuitry and
input/output assemblies. This can be built into the PLC or an external
unit. Common voltage levels required by the PLC are 24Vdc, 120Vac,
220Vac. , is used to determine temperature.
Input and Output Module:-

Inputs carry signals from the field (process) to the controller. Various
types of inputs can be switches, pressure sensors, transmitters etc. The
field devices to whom PLC sends the results of logical operations are the
output devices. These are the actuators that adjusts or control the
process, motors, lights, relays, pumps, etc. Many types of inputs and
outputs can be connected to a PLC and they can be categorized mainly as
analog and digital. Digital inputs and outputs operate on discrete or
binary change i.e. on/off, open/close. Analog inputs and outputs change
continuously with reference to time.

Programming Device:-

The PLC is programmed using a special software using computer or hand

Held Terminal(HHT) that can load and change the logic inside.

Operation of a PLC system:-:

The operation of the PLC is determined by 3 steps.

1.Reading the field status form input devices

2.Execution or solving the logic, and
3.Updating the output devices status.

PLC Program:-
PLC Program is a Logic that is executed by the CPU. This logic can be
written in the form of Ladder diagram, Instruction List, Sequential
Function Charts, Structured text or Functional block diagram. These are
the languages used for writing logic as per IEC standard. The program is
then downloaded to the PLC. This is usually done by temporarily
connecting the PC or HHT to the PLC. Once the program is downloaded to
the CPU, it is usually not necessary for the PC to remain connected.

PLC Scan:-
Once the program is downloaded in the CPU, the PLC is switched to "run"
mode and the PLC executes the application program. The CPU regularly
reads the status of the input devices, and sends data to the output
devices as per the logical results after execution of the program. The
process of Initialization when power is turned on, Reading inputs,
Executing logic, and modifying outputs is called as PLC Scan Cycle.
The logic or application program is stored in memory. As the PLC
executes logic, it may also read and store values to memory. The values
may be referenced by the application program.

PLC Input and Output Devices

Two major types of Input/Output modules are
1. Digital - binary devices which must be in one of the two states: on or
2. Analog - continuos devices - sense and respond to a range of values.

Digital I/O
Common digital field input devices include pushbuttons, limit switches,
photo sensor etc. Common digital output devices include relays, motor
starters, and solenoid valves.

Analog I/O
Common analog input devices are transmitters used for sensing various
parameters. Common output signals include motor speed, valve position,
air pressure, etc.

I/O modules connect "real world" field devices to the controller. They
convert the electrical signals used in the field devices into electronic
signals that can be used by the control system, and translate real world
values to IO table values.

I/O Wiring:-
Example of Input Module Wiring Diagram:-

Example of Output Wiring Diagram:-

Sinking and Sourcing Operation:-

 If the device provides current to during it’s on state, the device is said to be souring
 If the device receives current in the ON or true state, then it is sinking current.

Software and Hardware used in PLC have been studied and understood.

Aim :  To understand Simple Ladder program.

         1. Develop a ladder using standard procedure.
         2. Solve the problem using ladder programming.

Basics of Digital Electronics and Boolean Algebra:
Digitization is a process where continuous analog signal is converted into
a finite number of discrete states. These states are well separated so that
noise does not create errors.
The resulting digital signal has following advantages:

1.   storage over arbitrary periods of time.

2.   flawless retrieval and reproduction of the stored information
3.   flawless transmission of the information
Some information is essentially digital. Hence it is natural to process and
manipulate such information using purely digital techniques. Examples are
numbers and words.

The drawback to digitization is that a single analog signal (e.g. a voltage

which is a function of time, like a stereo signal) needs many discrete
states, or bits, in order to give a satisfactory reproduction.

', 'l'


What can a digital circuit do?

The simplest task we can think of is a combinational type of logic
decision. For example, we can design a digital electronic circuit to make
an instant decision based on some information. Here we emphasize
“instant” in the decision making process. That means, the process has no
time delay.
, is used to determine temperature.

X = It is a sunny day? Yes

Y = Is it Sunday or holiday? Yes
Action Z = Go for shopping
The rule is Z = X and Y. The circuit is a simple AND gate

Truth Tables:

Boolean Algebra:
Logic can also be expressed in algebraic form.
e.g.Truth Table for AND gate:

Boolean Algebra Simplification:-

Basic Laws:


Each manufacturer of PLC systems has own style of writing the

instructions. Different PLCs has different instruction sets but even some
common basic instructions are shared by all the PLCs. All manufacturers
give different software packages for programming PLCs. Ladder is most
commonly used programming language. Prior to PLCs, relay logic was
used in industry. Ladders were developed to mimic or imitate relay logic.

Relay Logic / Instructions

   A relay is simple magnetic device which acts as a control switch.

When the switch is on, current will flow through the coil on iron piece.
This iron core acts a electromagnet and due to the magnetic field upper
contact gets attracted towards lower one and circuit gets completed,
allowing current to flow from load.

Ladder Programming

Ladder diagram is popular language of programming the PLCs. Ladder

diagram shows the sequence of the logic execution which is presented
diagrammatically. In ladder diagram, There are two vertical lines
generally called as Phase (positive) or neutral. Rungs which show current
flow in horizontal direction are the sequence in which the logic executes.
The Analogous to relay, ladder has two main symbols which are contacts
and output coil. Generally each rung has inputs (contacts) on left hand
side and outputs (coil) on the right hand side. These contacts and coils
are called as bits of the relays. Each input and output are individual bit in
I/O files. An instruction in ladder instructs PLCs how to respond to the bits
in I/O files which are stored in the memory. Input contacts are the
condition area, the conditions must be fulfilled to change the status of the
output coils.
Most commonly used relay instructions used in PLC programming are as
shown in the table below.
The procedure for writing the ladder diagram in the work space is as follows
a. The screen shot for the first window will appear like this.

Add a new rung by clicking on the 'Add Rung' icon. The window will appear
like this:

b. Place the contacts as per the requirement by left clicking the appropriate contact
shown at the top side. In the example demonstrated below one normally contact and
one coil is placed as shown the figure.
C. Right click on the contact or coil and you can give tag name like “start”, “stop” etc.
Please ensure that the tag numbers are true replica of process connections.
Similarly give tag name to coil like “motor”, “Lamp” etc. The final ladder will look like

d. Please note that the tag names are case sensitive and if you are using them in
circuit as bit make sure that the correct tag name appears.
e. Click the Compile button so the ladder will be ready for running. For testing the
logic you need to click on Run. Both sides of the rung will become green and this is
the indication of run mode. Please not that in run mode you can't make changes in
the ladder. For modifications user has to go to development mode.
f. By right clicking on the contact toggle the state of contact.Check the output contact
g. Please remember the ladder contacts or the state of the inputs and outputs are
always in de-energised state. The de-energised is that state wherein the contacts
are in non-active state.
h. You can once again toggle the contact and the output state will change. To add
any contact you will have to go to development mode. Click on the rung and add
i. To delete any contact or output right click on the contact and press “delete”, the
contact will be deleted.
j. You can add seven elements in series and 5 elements in parallel.
l. To add element in parallel click on the node near contact where you wish to add
parallel branch. Select the branch and click on the '+' sign to complete the loop. The
screen will appear as shown below.

m. Repeat the procedure and verify your logic.

n. Similarly you can check the logic for OR, NOR, and NAND gates. Validate the
truth tables and confirm the results
A simple ladder program has been made and the truth tables for different gates has
been verified.

Aim :  To Develop a ladder program for DOL starter.

         1. To understand working of DOL starter
         2. Develop a ladder program for starting an electrical motor using DOL starter
Working of Direct-On-Line (DOL) starter:

One method of starting electric motors is using direct on line (DOL) or across the line starter.
In this method full line voltage is applied to the motor terminals. This is simplest type of
motor starter. An electrical wiring diagram for single phase DOL starter is shown below.

A DOL motor starter contains fuse and over load relay (OLR) for
protection purpose. The starter can be contain momentary contact or
maintained contact push buttons. The example considered here is
momentary contact push buttons. For starting purpose normally open
(NO) push button is preferred whereas normally closed (NC) push button
is used to stop the motor.

The excessive supply voltage drop causing high inrush current is the
criteria to limit the use of DOL starter. Conveyor motors, water pumps are
the applications where DOL starters are used.


Problem Statement: To start a motor using DOL starter .

The simple P&I; diagram for this problem is as below.

Listing of Input and Output devices:

Inputs: PB1- To start the motor

PB2- To stop the motor

Output: M1- Motor

Sequence of Events :
1. When Start push button (PB1) is pressed, Motor (M1) has to start.
2. If Start pushbutton (PB1) is released and Stop pushbutton (PB2) is not
pressed, Motor (M1) should remain on.
3. When Stop push button (PB2 is pressed, Motor (M1) has tol stop.
4. If stop push button is released and start is not pressed (released)
motor shouldl remain off.

The Boolean equation to represent this sequence is

The ladder diagram to implement these equations is shown below.

AS the momentary contact push buttons are used here, the condition of
PB1 is maintained through contact of coil C1. This contact is called as
latching contact.

The same sequence of event can be executed by using latch and unlatch
instruction in the following way.
1. The Latch and unlatch instructions are used for holding the output status.
2. The tag name of latch and unlatch output bit must be same.
3. Once you toggle the input bit for the latch; even if you release it by toggling once
again, the output bit remains latched.
4. To unlatch the output you will have to toggle the input bit in the unlatch rung and
the output will be de-energised.

Execute the following ladder on simulator and observe the output status:

You can develop ladder for a DOL “Direct On Line” starter using these instructions.
You can also develop the logic using start and stop push buttons as explained under
theory tab.

The ladder program for the DOL Starter has been made on the simulator and the output has
been carefully observed.

Aim :  To develop an application using On-Delay timer.

         1. Study the timing diagram of On Delay Timer
         2. Solve the assignment of Ton timer


PLC timers instruction is used to activate or deactivate a device after a

preset interval of time.

Types of Timers available are: 

   On-Delay timer (TON)
   Off-Delay timer (TOF)
   Retentive timer on (RTO)

  On-Delay Timer (TON)

It is used when an action is to begin a specified time after the input

becomes true.

Consider an example wherein a certain step in the manufacturing process

is to begin 30 seconds after a signal is received from a limit switch. The
30 seconds delay is the ON-delay timer’s preset value.

The figure below shows a symbolic representation of the timer.

The instruction mainly includes three status bits namely EN, TT, DN. Their
significance is as follows:

Enable (EN) Bit: - The enable bit indicates the TON instruction is

Timer-Timing (TT) Bit: -The timing bit indicates that a timing operation
is in process.

Done (DN) Bit: -The done bit changes state whenever the accumulated
value reaches the preset value.

Accumulator (ACC) Bit: -The accumulated value specifies the number

of milliseconds that have elapsed since the TON instruction was enabled.

Preset (PRE) Bit: - The preset value specifies the value (1msec units)
which the accumulated value must reach before the instruction sets
the .DN bit.

The figure shows the timing diagram which illustrates the functioning of
all the bits in sequence.
The following example, after running, will illustrate the function of each
Before toggling the Start, all the lamps namely Lamp_1, Lamp_2 and
Lamp_3 are OFF.

After the Start is toggled, Lamp_1 and Lamp_2 are ON. This implies the
Timer_1 is enabled and its timer timing bit is activated. After the delay
i.e. preset value of the timer, Lamp_1 and Lamp_3 are ON and Lamp_2
will be OFF.

The Function Block Diagram, Timing diagrams, and ladder diagram

solutions are as per the available PLC(Rockwell Automation) in College of
Engineering Pune.

It will be better understood after the given example is developed on the


In this experiment the on delay timer will be tested for its functionalities using
Simulator. Following bits of the
timer are to be observed.
Initialising bit “ON” in this case.
Enable bit “T_en”
Done bit “T_dn”
Timer timing bit “T_tt”
Preset value needs to be entered by the user.
While configuring the timer thedefault time is 1 mS. Select appropriate preset value
as per the need of the application. The screen shot of the configured timer will
appear like this.
To test the EN, DN, and TT bits;configure the timer by right clicking anywhere on the
timer block. Submit tag and preset value.
Add new rung to test the timer status or to energies the output. You can
also test the cascading of the timer using these bits.
Observe the tag name for timer DN bit. See following screen shot to
observe the output bit status when delay is over.

Observe the bit status in Run mode when input a is toggled again.

The On-delay timer has been implemented and its timing diagram has been studied
using the output of the simulator.

Aim :  To Study computational / arithmatic instructions used in PLC ladder

         1. Study Comutational Instructions available in PLC
         2. Understand the use of arithmatic instructions

In case of PLC various instructions are available which can be used for
computational purpose.
The compute/math instructions evaluate arithmetic operations using an
expression or a specific arithmetic instruction.
Various instructions PLC can support are as follows.

Instruction Description
ADD Add two values        
SUB Subtract two values
MUL Multiply two values
DIV Divide two values
MOD Determine the remainder after one value is divided by another
SQR Calculate the square root of a value
NEG Take the opposite sign of a value
ABS Take the absolute value of a value
When these operations are carried out in the PLC, the type should be the
same for source and destination e.g. real, integer etc. You can use mix
data types, but loss of accuracy and rounding error occurs. The
instruction may take more time to execute.

A compute/math instruction executes once each time the instruction is

scanned as long as the rung-condition-in is true. Out of the above; ADD,
SUB, MUL and DIV instructions are available in the PLC simulator.

The input and output parameters associated with these instructions are:
   Input  Parameter       Data  Type      Description

EnableIn BOOL Enable input. If cleared, the instruction

does not execute and outputs are not
Source A  REAL Value to add to Source B
Source B  REAL Value to add to Source A

   Output  Parameter     Data  Type      Description

EnableOut BOOL Enable output

Dest  REAL Result of the math instruction
ADD instruction:

The ADD instruction adds Source A to Source B and places the result in
the Destination.

When the instruction is used in Relay Ladder the output parameter

conditions are defined as mentioned below.

Condition Action

prescan          The rung-condition-out is set to false.

rung-condition-in is false The rung-condition-out is set to false.

rung-condition-in is true Destination = Source A + Source B

The rung-condition-out is set to true

SUB instruction:

The SUB instruction subtracts Source B from Source A and places the
result in the Destination.

When the instruction is used in Relay Ladder the output parameter

conditions are defined as mentioned below.
Condition Action

prescan          The rung-condition-out is set to false.

rung-condition-in is false The rung-condition-out is set to false.

rung-condition-in is true Destination = Source A - Source B

The rung-condition-out is set to true

MUL instruction:

The MUL instruction multiplies Source A with Source B and places the
result in the Destination.

When the instruction is used in Relay Ladder the output parameter

conditions are defined as mentioned below.

Condition Action

prescan          The rung-condition-out is set to false.

rung-condition-in is false The rung-condition-out is set to false.

rung-condition-in is true Destination = Source A * Source B

The rung-condition-out is set to true

DIV instruction:

The DIV instruction divides Source A by Source B and places the result in
the Destination.

When the instruction is used in Relay Ladder the output parameter

conditions are defined as mentioned below.
Condition Action

prescan          The rung-condition-out is set to false.

rung-condition-in is false The rung-condition-out is set to false.

rung-condition-in is true Destination = Source A / Source B

The rung-condition-out is set to true


Implementation of ADD instruction using Simulator

First click on simulator tab and open the simulator by clicking on the link.

1. Add a new rung.

2. Insert NO contact. Add the ADD block provided in the simulator. The screen
shot will look as follows.

3. Assign tag to NO contact and enter the addresses. Enter values for source A
and B. Observe following screen shot.

4. For executing the instruction switch to run mode. Toggle the input contact and
see the result at output Y as shown below.

Similarly you can execute SUB, MUL and DIV instructions.

The comutational instructions available in PLC or PLC Ladder Progrmamming have
been studied and their use has been studied.

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