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Company Date Equity Share Capital

Avenue Supermarts Balance Sheet 3/1/2022 647.77

Avenue Supermarts Balance Sheet 3/1/2021 647.77
Avenue Supermarts Balance Sheet 3/1/2020 647.77
Avenue Supermarts Balance Sheet 3/1/2019 624.08
Avenue Supermarts Balance Sheet 3/1/2018 624.08
Total Share Capital Reserves and Surplus Total Reserves and Surplus Total Shareholders Funds
647.77 13,276.34 13,276.34 13,924.11
647.77 11,657.51 11,657.51 12,305.28
647.77 10,487.75 10,487.75 11,135.52
624.08 4,970.40 4,970.40 5,594.48
624.08 4,018.63 4,018.63 4,642.71
Long Term Borrowings Deferred Tax Liabilities [Net] Other Long Term Liabilities Total Non-Current Liabilities
0.00 64.84 320.72 385.56
0.00 51.90 217.36 269.26
0.00 48.20 178.60 226.80
125.67 64.07 0.78 190.52
246.00 46.30 0.78 293.07
Short Term Borrowings Trade Payables Other Current Liabilities Short Term Provisions
0.00 531.21 529.69 33.39
0.00 565.54 484.11 22.20
3.73 445.97 257.78 14.33
299.15 458.28 442.47 12.67
7.25 315.88 341.70 11.85
Total Current Liabilities Total Capital And Liabilities Tangible Assets Intangible Assets
1,094.29 15,403.96 8,723.10 9.52
1,071.85 13,646.39 6,619.90 9.45
721.81 12,084.13 5,707.69 11.19
1,212.57 6,997.57 4,205.86 10.27
676.68 5,612.47 3,233.65 6.20
Capital Work-In-Progress Other Assets Fixed Assets Non-Current Investments Other Non-Current Assets
1,073.14 96.11 9,901.87 532.31 1,618.64
1,006.21 91.49 7,727.05 402.30 1,556.15
361.94 16.53 6,097.35 287.30 3,407.21
376.55 18.10 4,610.78 212.00 145.74
147.05 16.33 3,403.23 129.50 133.33
Total Non-Current Assets Current Investments Inventories Trade Receivables Cash And Cash Equivalents
12,052.82 0.00 2,586.89 230.86 284.31
9,685.50 0.00 2,167.33 72.10 1,431.99
9,791.86 0.00 1,909.43 48.53 92.24
4,968.52 0.00 1,576.22 75.52 213.55
3,666.07 51.70 1,147.04 33.36 556.46
OtherCurrentAssets Total Current Assets Total Assets Contingent Liabilities
249.08 3,351.14 15,403.96 2,696.61
289.47 3,960.89 13,646.39 2,827.97
242.07 2,292.27 12,084.13 2,207.02
163.76 2,029.05 6,997.57 1,583.58
157.84 1,946.40 5,612.47 0.00
Expenditure In Foreign Currency Other Earnings Non-Current Investments Unquoted Book Value
633.38 0.97 --
440.45 0.01 --
626.27 5.04 --
650.29 5.98 --
401.06 -- 129.50
Current Investments Unquoted Book Value
Company Date Revenue From Operations [Gross]
Avenue Supermarts Profit & Loss 3/1/2022 33,118.99
Avenue Supermarts Profit & Loss 3/1/2021 25,966.61
Avenue Supermarts Profit & Loss 3/1/2020 27,014.48
Avenue Supermarts Profit & Loss 3/1/2019 21,827.98
Avenue Supermarts Profit & Loss 3/1/2018 16,446.54
Less: Excise/Sevice Tax/Other Levies Revenue From Operations [Net] Total Operating Revenues
2,860.78 30,258.21 30,352.50
2,237.23 23,729.38 23,787.20
2,372.18 24,642.30 24,675.01
1,946.43 19,881.55 19,916.25
1,471.89 14,974.65 15,008.89
Other Income Total Revenue Purchase Of Stock-In Trade
140.87 30,493.37 26,472.23
208.90 23,996.10 20,614.23
63.33 24,738.34 21,349.14
51.41 19,967.66 17,409.12
72.65 15,081.54 12,862.76
Changes In Inventories Of FG,WIP And Stock-In Trade Employee Benefit Expenses Finance Costs
-419.56 548.23 39.60
-257.90 495.13 34.48
-333.21 424.74 62.76
-429.18 335.03 47.15
-213.88 276.56 59.42
Depreciation And Amortisation Expenses Other Expenses Total Expenses
421.06 1,250.08 28,311.64
371.36 1,194.01 22,451.31
339.81 1,112.21 22,955.45
198.80 959.10 18,520.02
154.65 746.14 13,885.65
Profit/Loss Before Exceptional, ExtraOrdinary Items And Tax Profit/Loss Before Tax Current Tax
2,181.73 2,181.73 539.55
1,544.79 1,544.79 389.35
1,782.89 1,782.89 448.84
1,447.64 1,447.64 501.21
1,195.89 1,195.89 417.17
Deferred Tax Tax For Earlier Years Total Tax Expenses Profit/Loss After Tax And Before ExtraOrdinary Items
12.94 13.07 565.56 1,616.17
3.70 -13.57 379.48 1,165.31
-15.87 0.03 433.00 1,349.89
17.77 -7.69 511.29 936.35
-5.45 -0.49 411.23 784.66
Profit/Loss From Continuing Operations Profit/Loss For The Period Basic EPS (Rs.) Diluted EPS (Rs.)
1,616.17 1,616.17 24.95 24.75
1,165.31 1,165.31 17.99 17.99
1,349.89 1,349.89 21.49 21.33
936.35 936.35 15.00 14.79
784.66 784.66 12.57 12.41
Company Date
Avenue Supermarts Cashflow 3/1/2022
Avenue Supermarts Cashflow 3/1/2021
Avenue Supermarts Cashflow 3/1/2020
Avenue Supermarts Cashflow 3/1/2019
Avenue Supermarts Cashflow 3/1/2018
Net Profit/Loss Before Extraordinary Items And Tax Net CashFlow From Operating Activities
2,181.73 1,315.16
1,544.79 1,385.47
1,782.89 1,287.39
1,447.64 852.78
1,195.89 722.98
Net Cash Used In Investing Activities Net Cash Used From Financing Activities
-1,292.15 -120.75
-1,155.48 -140.25
-4,699.58 3,383.53
-1,000.72 204.04
432.50 -1,121.73
Net Inc/Dec In Cash And Cash Equivalents Cash And Cash Equivalents Begin of Year
-97.74 181.19
89.74 91.45
-28.66 120.11
56.10 64.01
33.75 30.26
Cash And Cash Equivalents End Of Year
Company Date Basic EPS (Rs.) Diluted EPS (Rs.) Cash EPS (Rs.)
Avenue Supermarts Ratio 3/1/2022 24.95 24.75 31.45
Avenue Supermarts Ratio 3/1/2021 17.99 17.99 23.72
Avenue Supermarts Ratio 3/1/2020 21.49 21.33 26.08
Avenue Supermarts Ratio 3/1/2019 15 14.79 18.19
Avenue Supermarts Ratio 3/1/2018 12.57 12.41 15.05
Book Value [ExclRevalReserve]/Share (Rs.) Book Value [InclRevalReserve]/Share (Rs.)
214.95 214.95
189.96 189.96
171.91 171.91
89.64 89.64
74.39 74.39
Revenue from Operations/Share (Rs.) PBDIT/Share (Rs.) PBIT/Share (Rs.) PBT/Share (Rs.)
468.57 40.79 34.29 33.68
367.22 30.11 24.38 23.85
380.92 33.74 28.49 27.52
319.13 27.14 23.95 23.2
240.49 22.59 20.11 19.16
Net Profit/Share (Rs.) PBDIT Margin (%) PBIT Margin (%) PBT Margin (%) Net Profit Margin (%)
24.95 8.7 7.31 7.18 5.32
17.99 8.2 6.63 6.49 4.89
20.84 8.85 7.47 7.22 5.47
15 8.5 7.5 7.26 4.7
12.57 9.39 8.36 7.96 5.22
Return on Networth / Equity (%) Return on Capital Employed (%) Return on Assets (%) Total Debt/Equity (X)
11.6 15.52 10.49 0
9.46 12.55 8.53 0
12.12 16.24 11.17 0
16.73 25.83 13.38 0.08
16.9 25.43 13.98 0.05
Asset Turnover Ratio (%) Current Ratio (X) Quick Ratio (X) Inventory Turnover Ratio (X)
2.09 3.06 0.7 0
174.31 3.7 1.67 10.98
204.19 3.18 0.53 12.92
284.61 1.67 0.37 12.64
267.42 2.88 1.18 13.08
Enterprise Value (Cr.) EV/Net Operating Revenue (X) EV/EBITDA (X) MarketCap/Net Operating Revenue (X)
258788.06 8.53 97.94 8.54
183444.81 7.71 94.04 7.77
142466.23 5.77 65.19 5.78
91957.27 4.62 54.3 4.61
82512.81 5.5 58.52 5.52
Price/BV (X) Price/Net Operating Revenue Earnings Yield
18.61 8.54 0.01
15.02 7.77 0.01
12.8 5.78 0.01
16.4 4.61 0.01
17.84 5.52 0.01
Company Date Equity Share Capital Total Share Capital
V2 Retail Balance Sheet 3/1/2022 34.39 34.39
V2 Retail Balance Sheet 3/1/2021 34.11 34.11
V2 Retail Balance Sheet 3/1/2020 34.11 34.11
V2 Retail Balance Sheet 3/1/2019 34.07 34.07
V2 Retail Balance Sheet 3/1/2018 33.92 33.92
Reserves and Surplus Total Reserves and Surplus Total Shareholders Funds Long Term Borrowings
225.76 225.76 260.14 0.00
237.76 237.76 271.86 305.67
245.03 245.03 280.54 266.58
256.75 256.75 295.36 1.01
236.32 236.32 273.96 0.00
Other Long Term Liabilities Long Term Provisions Total Non-Current Liabilities Short Term Borrowings
302.73 3.95 306.67 48.93
0.14 2.74 308.55 81.71
0.12 2.37 269.07 43.93
4.57 1.66 7.24 9.31
2.17 1.22 3.39 0.00
Trade Payables Other Current Liabilities Short Term Provisions Total Current Liabilities
111.89 41.89 2.22 204.92
117.35 11.43 2.17 212.66
103.96 7.81 1.93 157.62
139.38 11.99 1.00 161.68
100.32 11.04 0.66 112.02
Total Capital And Liabilities Tangible Assets Intangible Assets Capital Work-In-Progress Fixed Assets
771.74 374.70 0.00 0.00 374.70
793.07 97.09 285.39 0.00 387.11
707.23 88.89 240.64 0.00 333.64
464.28 97.66 2.05 0.00 103.83
389.36 62.44 0.09 0.66 69.14
Non-Current Investments Deferred Tax Assets [Net] Long Term Loans And Advances
15.00 26.85 0.00
15.00 23.26 6.47
15.00 21.21 5.87
0.00 12.66 4.83
0.00 8.68 3.44
Other Non-Current Assets Total Non-Current Assets Current Investments Inventories Trade Receivables
27.79 444.34 0.00 267.34 0.94
19.86 451.71 0.00 265.36 14.27
31.59 407.32 0.00 196.16 12.99
23.52 144.83 0.00 271.08 0.00
21.99 103.25 89.65 160.19 0.00
Cash And Cash Equivalents OtherCurrentAssets Total Current Assets Total Assets Contingent Liabilities
6.80 52.32 327.40 771.74 0.00
15.84 45.89 341.36 793.07 54.36
67.50 23.27 299.92 707.23 51.10
8.29 40.08 319.45 464.28 54.34
4.77 31.50 286.11 389.36 82.52
Expenditure In Foreign Currency
Company Date Revenue From Operations [Gross]
V2 Retail Profit & Loss 3/1/2022 629.22
V2 Retail Profit & Loss 3/1/2021 537.22
V2 Retail Profit & Loss 3/1/2020 699.12
V2 Retail Profit & Loss 3/1/2019 746.38
V2 Retail Profit & Loss 3/1/2018 557.69
Revenue From Operations [Net] Total Operating Revenues Other Income Total Revenue
629.22 629.22 15.58 644.81
537.22 538.65 22.16 560.81
699.12 701.22 2.27 703.49
746.38 748.42 9.89 758.31
557.69 559.40 3.26 562.66
Purchase Of Stock-In Trade Changes In Inventories Of FG,WIP And Stock-In Trade
442.13 -1.47
449.70 -69.39
430.38 74.88
616.76 -110.45
424.61 -45.58
Employee Benefit Expenses Finance Costs Depreciation And Amortisation Expenses Other Expenses
57.61 36.07 56.59 70.24
47.68 30.24 53.79 61.89
62.31 29.93 50.45 57.62
74.82 0.66 14.42 120.43
48.46 0.57 8.41 80.18
Total Expenses Profit/Loss Before Exceptional, ExtraOrdinary Items And Tax Exceptional Items
661.17 -16.36 0.00
573.90 -13.09 0.00
705.56 -2.07 12.55
716.64 41.67 -26.62
516.65 46.01 0.00
Profit/Loss Before Tax Current Tax Deferred Tax Total Tax Expenses
-16.36 -3.46 0.00 -3.46
-13.09 0.00 -2.05 -2.05
10.47 0.00 0.33 0.33
15.05 0.76 -6.20 -5.44
46.01 0.00 14.93 14.93
Profit/Loss After Tax And Before ExtraOrdinary Items Profit/Loss From Continuing Operations
-12.90 -12.90
-11.04 -11.04
10.15 10.15
20.49 20.49
31.08 31.08
Profit/Loss For The Period Basic EPS (Rs.) Diluted EPS (Rs.)
-12.90 -3.76 -3.76
-11.04 -3.24 -3.24
10.15 2.97 2.97
20.49 6.02 6.02
31.08 9.62 9.62
Company Date
V2 Retail Cashflow 3/1/2022
V2 Retail Cashflow 3/1/2021
V2 Retail Cashflow 3/1/2020
V2 Retail Cashflow 3/1/2019
V2 Retail Cashflow 3/1/2018
Net Profit/Loss Before Extraordinary Items And Tax Net CashFlow From Operating Activities
0.00 0.00
-13.09 -15.38
10.47 94.33
15.05 -48.10
46.01 27.27
Net Cash Used In Investing Activities Net Cash Used From Financing Activities
0.00 0.00
-15.88 -14.04
-5.32 -36.83
40.83 10.78
-109.62 80.90
Net Inc/Dec In Cash And Cash Equivalents Cash And Cash Equivalents Begin of Year
0.00 0.00
-45.29 60.46
52.18 8.29
3.52 4.77
-1.45 6.22
Cash And Cash Equivalents End Of Year
Company Date Basic EPS (Rs.) Diluted EPS (Rs.) Cash EPS (Rs.)
V2 Retail Ratios 3/1/2022 -3.76 -3.76 12.7
V2 Retail Ratios 3/1/2021 -3.24 -3.24 12.53
V2 Retail Ratios 3/1/2020 2.97 2.97 17.77
V2 Retail Ratios 3/1/2019 6.02 6.02 10.25
V2 Retail Ratios 3/1/2018 9.62 9.62 11.64
Book Value [ExclRevalReserve]/Share (Rs.) Book Value [InclRevalReserve]/Share (Rs.)
75.65 75.65
79.71 79.71
82.26 82.26
86.68 86.68
80.76 80.76
Revenue from Operations/Share (Rs.) PBDIT/Share (Rs.) PBIT/Share (Rs.) PBT/Share (Rs.)
182.97 22.19 5.73 -4.76
157.94 20.8 5.03 -3.84
205.61 22.96 8.17 3.07
219.65 16.66 12.42 4.42
164.91 16.21 13.73 13.56
Net Profit/Share (Rs.) PBDIT Margin (%) PBIT Margin (%) PBT Margin (%) Net Profit Margin (%)
-3.75 12.12 3.13 -2.59 -2.05
-3.24 13.16 3.18 -2.43 -2.04
2.97 11.16 3.97 1.49 1.44
6.01 7.58 5.65 2.01 2.73
9.16 9.82 8.32 8.22 5.55
Return on Networth / Equity (%) Return on Capital Employed (%) Return on Assets (%) Total Debt/Equity (X)
-4.95 3.47 -1.67 0.19
-4.06 2.95 -1.39 1.42
3.61 5.06 1.43 1.11
6.93 13.98 4.41 0.03
11.34 16.79 7.98 0
Asset Turnover Ratio (%) Current Ratio (X) Quick Ratio (X) Inventory Turnover Ratio (X)
81.53 1.6 0.29 2.35
67.91 1.61 0.36 2.03
99.14 1.9 0.66 3.57
161.19 1.98 0.3 2.76
143.67 2.55 1.12 3.49
Enterprise Value (Cr.) EV/Net Operating Revenue (X) EV/EBITDA (X) MarketCap/Net Operating Revenue (X)
546.96 0.87 7.17 0.8
800.75 1.49 11.29 0.8
419.16 0.6 5.35 0.25
988.99 1.32 17.43 1.32
1411.33 2.52 25.67 2.53
Price/BV (X) Price/Net Operating Revenue Earnings Yield
1.94 0.8 -0.03
1.58 0.8 -0.03
0.63 0.25 0.06
3.34 1.32 0.02
5.17 2.53 0.02
Company Date Equity Share Capital
Shoppers Shop Balance Sheet 3/1/2022 54.76
Shoppers Shop Balance Sheet 3/1/2021 54.69
Shoppers Shop Balance Sheet 3/1/2020 44.00
Shoppers Shop Balance Sheet 3/1/2019 44.00
Shoppers Shop Balance Sheet 3/1/2018 43.98
Total Share Capital Reserves and Surplus Total Reserves and Surplus Total Shareholders Funds
54.76 41.42 41.42 98.28
54.69 125.85 125.85 181.67
44.00 91.88 91.88 136.64
44.00 933.45 933.45 977.65
43.98 909.39 909.39 953.37
Long Term Borrowings Other Long Term Liabilities Total Non-Current Liabilities Short Term Borrowings
89.59 1,677.90 1,767.49 104.27
93.75 1,695.01 1,788.76 56.34
0.00 2,055.54 2,055.54 123.70
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
39.77 0.00 39.77 7.61
Trade Payables Other Current Liabilities Short Term Provisions Total Current Liabilities
1,441.87 362.53 8.55 1,917.22
1,139.89 344.62 6.17 1,547.02
1,496.70 241.75 10.77 1,872.92
1,254.24 234.11 9.35 1,497.69
488.61 265.22 7.94 769.39
Total Capital And Liabilities Tangible Assets Intangible Assets Capital Work-In-Progress Fixed Assets
3,782.99 1,655.06 68.36 14.03 1,737.45
3,517.45 1,628.88 81.77 2.93 1,713.58
4,065.10 1,827.39 50.97 10.03 1,922.62
2,475.34 535.52 59.33 30.54 629.91
1,762.52 586.07 61.71 15.34 665.93
Non-Current Investments Deferred Tax Assets [Net] Long Term Loans And Advances
0.43 373.95 3.88
0.10 342.43 26.54
51.63 264.08 18.88
251.06 32.00 15.67
297.58 19.78 7.66
Other Non-Current Assets Total Non-Current Assets Current Investments Inventories Trade Receivables
170.90 2,286.61 145.95 1,007.54 38.20
162.35 2,245.00 127.78 847.19 34.79
157.62 2,414.83 154.04 1,223.92 35.08
164.14 1,092.77 42.45 1,053.55 44.42
209.43 1,200.37 20.04 328.42 43.72
Cash And Cash Equivalents Short Term Loans And Advances OtherCurrentAssets Total Current Assets
32.07 11.78 260.84 1,496.38
41.62 0.00 221.07 1,272.45
1.25 0.00 235.98 1,650.27
16.73 0.00 225.42 1,382.57
5.23 0.00 164.73 562.15
Total Assets Contingent Liabilities Expenditure In Foreign Currency Other Earnings
3,782.99 304.34 8.41 33.69
3,517.45 283.44 1.83 12.99
4,065.10 243.57 18.60 85.50
2,475.34 207.65 19.69 96.25
1,762.52 81.79 15.28 79.79
Non-Current Investments Unquoted Book Value Current Investments Unquoted Book Value
0.43 126.55
0.10 127.78
15.17 126.20
35.17 68.37
35.17 --
Company Date Revenue From Operations [Gross]
Shoppers Shop Profit & Loss 3/1/2022 2,342.44
Shoppers Shop Profit & Loss 3/1/2021 1,625.87
Shoppers Shop Profit & Loss 3/1/2020 3,105.10
Shoppers Shop Profit & Loss 3/1/2019 3,240.24
Shoppers Shop Profit & Loss 3/1/2018 3,960.79
Less: Excise/Sevice Tax/Other Levies Revenue From Operations [Net] Total Operating Revenues
0.00 2,342.44 2,493.81
0.00 1,625.87 1,725.09
0.00 3,105.10 3,380.98
0.00 3,240.24 3,481.31
419.85 3,540.93 3,591.49
Other Income Total Revenue Purchase Of Stock-In Trade
166.05 2,659.86 1,663.78
218.77 1,943.86 688.35
33.49 3,414.47 2,137.98
17.89 3,499.19 2,752.30
16.02 3,607.51 2,189.06
Changes In Inventories Of FG,WIP And Stock-In Trade Employee Benefit Expenses Finance Costs
-160.35 269.29 205.39
376.73 257.47 219.97
-170.37 321.92 194.38
-725.13 314.48 12.45
24.34 301.35 36.16
Depreciation And Amortisation Expenses Other Expenses Total Expenses
351.97 453.57 2,783.65
384.69 349.18 2,276.39
439.21 542.01 3,465.13
135.07 886.35 3,375.51
111.93 865.11 3,527.94
Profit/Loss Before Exceptional, ExtraOrdinary Items And Tax Exceptional Items Profit/Loss Before Tax
-123.79 -15.00 -138.79
-332.53 -22.40 -354.93
-50.66 -20.00 -70.66
123.69 0.00 123.69
79.57 -50.41 29.16
Current Tax Deferred Tax Tax For Earlier Years Total Tax Expenses
0.00 -31.52 -20.59 -52.11
0.00 -78.23 -1.48 -79.71
25.14 45.14 0.00 70.28
57.15 -12.22 0.00 44.93
33.04 -15.48 0.00 17.56
Profit/Loss After Tax And Before ExtraOrdinary Items Profit/Loss From Continuing Operations
-86.68 -86.68
-275.22 -275.22
-140.94 -140.94
78.75 78.75
11.60 11.60
Profit/Loss For The Period Basic EPS (Rs.) Diluted EPS (Rs.) Equity Share Dividend Tax On Dividend
-86.68 -7.92 -7.92 0.00 0.00
-275.22 -29.24 -29.24 0.00 0.00
-140.94 -16.02 -16.02 0.00 0.00
78.75 8.95 8.95 6.60 1.36
11.60 1.37 1.37 6.26 1.28
Equity Dividend Rate (%)
Company Date
Shoppers Shop Cashflow 3/1/2022
Shoppers Shop Cashflow 3/1/2021
Shoppers Shop Cashflow 3/1/2020
Shoppers Shop Cashflow 3/1/2019
Shoppers Shop Cashflow 3/1/2018
Net Profit/Loss Before Extraordinary Items And Tax Net CashFlow From Operating Activities
-138.79 389.17
-354.93 9.88
-70.66 564.39
123.69 209.98
29.16 321.87
Net Cash Used In Investing Activities Net Cash Used From Financing Activities
-109.25 -280.42
-36.00 170.74
-283.45 -423.24
-137.97 -59.06
32.22 -270.14
Net Inc/Dec In Cash And Cash Equivalents Cash And Cash Equivalents Begin of Year
-0.50 12.24
144.62 -132.38
-142.30 9.92
12.95 -3.03
83.95 -86.99
Cash And Cash Equivalents End Of Year
Company Date Basic EPS (Rs.) Diluted EPS (Rs.) Cash EPS (Rs.)
Shoppers Shop Ratios 3/1/2022 -7.92 -7.92 24.22
Shoppers Shop Ratios 3/1/2021 -29.24 -29.24 10.01
Shoppers Shop Ratios 3/1/2020 -16.02 -16.02 33.89
Shoppers Shop Ratios 3/1/2019 8.95 8.95 24.3
Shoppers Shop Ratios 3/1/2018 1.37 1.37 14.04
Book Value [ExclRevalReserve]/Share (Rs.) Book Value [InclRevalReserve]/Share (Rs.) Dividend / Share(Rs.)
8.97 8.97 0
16.61 16.61 0
15.53 15.53 0
111.11 111.11 0.75
108.39 108.39 0.75
Revenue from Operations/Share (Rs.) PBDIT/Share (Rs.) PBIT/Share (Rs.) PBT/Share (Rs.)
227.7 39.59 7.45 -12.67
157.72 24.88 -10.29 -32.45
384.2 66.24 16.33 -8.03
395.65 30.82 15.47 14.06
408.31 25.88 13.16 3.32
Net Profit/Share (Rs.) Profitability Ratios PBDIT Margin (%) PBIT Margin (%) PBT Margin (%)
-7.91 17.38 3.27 -5.56
-25.16 15.77 -6.52 -20.57
-16.02 17.24 4.25 -2.08
8.95 7.79 3.91 3.55
1.32 6.33 3.22 0.81
Net Profit Margin (%) Return on Networth / Equity (%) Return on Capital Employed (%)
-3.47 -88.19 4.37
-15.95 -151.49 -5.71
-4.16 -103.14 6.55
2.26 8.05 13.92
0.32 1.21 1.16
Return on Assets (%) Total Debt/Equity (X) Asset Turnover Ratio (%) Current Ratio (X) Quick Ratio (X)
-2.29 1.97 0.68 0.78 0.25
-7.82 0.83 0.46 0.82 0.27
-3.46 0.91 83.17 0.88 0.23
3.18 0 140.63 0.92 0.22
0.65 0.05 203.76 0.73 0.3
Inventory Turnover Ratio (X) Dividend Payout Ratio (NP) (%) Dividend Payout Ratio (CP) (%)
0 0 0
0 0 0
2.76 0 0
3.3 8.38 3.08
10.94 53.97 5.07
Earnings Retention Ratio (%) Cash Earnings Retention Ratio (%) Enterprise Value (Cr.)
0 0 5268.71
0 0 2460.14
0 0 1824.81
91.62 96.92 4130.24
46.03 94.93 4693.06
EV/Net Operating Revenue (X) EV/EBITDA (X) MarketCap/Net Operating Revenue (X) Retention Ratios (%)
2.11 12.15 2.05 0
1.43 9.04 1.36 0
0.54 3.13 0.5 0
1.19 15.23 1.19 91.61
1.31 20.61 1.29 46.02
Price/BV (X) Price/Net Operating Revenue Earnings Yield
51.96 2.05 -0.02
12.94 1.36 -0.12
12.46 0.5 -0.08
4.24 1.19 0.02
4.88 1.29 0

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