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A Research
Presented to the Faculty of
Tourism and Hospitality Management
STI College Munoz EDSA

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management


Compensation can be described as a system of compensating employees for the work they

perform in an efficient and effective manner that the organization in the position to attract,

retain and lead them to perform well. Compensation is that which directly or indirectly

affects the performance of the working employees. Labor productivity now a days is an

important concern of all organization’s.

Background of the Study

Company , co-workers, management expectation , and many other things have an impact

on Employee’s happiness. Companies must take initiative to make their employees happy

by knowing what they want and provide them with the right tools that enhance employees


Employees performance is defined as how an employee fulfills their job duties and executes

their required tasks.

Employees satisfaction is important to an organization’s success,

Statement of the Problem

This study enables to identify the compensation of salary on employees performance in selected

Cafe Establishment in Quezon City. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions.

1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents based on:

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

1.3 Education Attainment

1.4 Status

2. How does the salary affects the employee’s type of work?

3. What are the existing implementations of the establishment that should be given an

attention or needed to enhance on improving the employee’s performance?

Research Questions

These are the questions your research will try to address. Avoid using research questions

that have a "yes" or "no" answer. Questions should be specific and should give a clear

indication of how they might be answered or accomplished.

Significance of the Study

This study will help us to know what are the impact of the compensation to employees-

For the employees under the establishment of the café, this study will help them to know

the proper compensation they should getting and it would help them to have justice in their

difficulties under the establishments.

For the (---------) this study will help them to realize the difficulties of their workers

regarding their salary. They can also use this as their guide on the proper ways of giving

compensation and how it can affect the workers performance in the business.

For future researchers, this study will help as future references for the similar studies in

the future.
Scope and Limitations

The scope of this study has been focusing on the compensation of the employees in selected

establishment in Quezon-City. The researcher aim to gather the data and information

through questionnaires and survey. The selected respondents are the employees in selected

café establishment who are able to participate in this survey.


Review of related Literature

Compensation process’s are based on Compensation Philosophies and strategies and

contain arrangement in the shape of Policies and strategies, guiding, principles, structures
and procedures which are devised and managed to provide and maintain appropriate
types and levels of pay, benefits and other forms of compensation (Bob,2011).



A theoretical framework is used to limit the scope of the relevant data by focusing on

specific variables and defining the specific viewpoint [framework] that the researcher will

take in analyzing and interpreting the data to be gathered.

A conceptual framework is a structure that the researcher believes can best explain the

natural progression of the phenomenon to be studied. It is the researcher’s explanation of

how the research problem would be explored. The conceptual framework describes the

relationship between the main concepts of a study. The format of the conceptual

framework can be visual (or diagrammatic), narrative (or descriptive), or a combination of

visual and narrative.



This research targeted the 100 respondents particularly the employees on the establishment

in selected café in Quezon City. The aim is to identify if there are significant relationship

between the salary and the employees performance.

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