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Human Resource Management

Turning Point Consultancy Services

A training report
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of
degree of
Submitted to

From 06/15/2022 to 08/08/2022

Name of student : SUBRATA DUTTA
Registration Number : 12001041
Signature of the student : Subrata Dutta
Page no-02

Student Declaration

To whom so ever it may concern

I, SUBRATA DUTTA, Registration Number 12001041, hereby declare that the
done by me on “Human Resource Management” from May, 2022 to July,
2022 , is a record of original work for the partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the award of the degree, BBA(IT).

Subrata Dutta

1. PREFACE --------------------------------------------------- 04

2.AKNOWLEDGEMENT --------------------------------------05

3.COMPANY PROFILE ----------------------------------------06

4.VISION ---------------------------------------------------------07

5.PROJECT UNDERTAKEN ---------------------------------08-09

6.INTRODUCTION TO HR ----------------------------------10

7.TASK ASINGED ----------------------------------------------11-12-13

8.LEARNING ---------------------------------------------------- 14
9.PROBLEMS FACED-----------------------------------------15

10.OBJECTIVE OF HRM ---------------------------------------16

11.OBJECTIVE OF STUDY ------------------------------------17

12.CONCLUTION ----------------------------------------------18

13.FEEDBACK FORM ----------------------------------------- 19-20

14.INTERNSHIP CERTIFICATE---------------------------- 21

15.BIBILGRAPHY --------------------------------------------- 22

The reason for this preparation initially originated from my enthusiasm for growing better
comprehension for the Human Resource branch of an organization. Human Resource
Management (HRM) is the key way to deal with the powerful administration of association's
employees so they help the business increase an upper hand, usually alluded to as the HR
Department. During my internship I had worked on a project titled 'An analytical study of
HRD activities at Aashman Foundation,' in which I got the chance to take a shot at the
various departments in the HR Department. In truth, I wouldn't have been able to have
accomplished my present level of achievement without such working environment. To begin
with the utmost importance I would like to thank my parents, who supported me with
affection and seeing, besides, my organization manager, who had given her patient counsel
and direction all through the examination procedure and thirdly our honorable Director Mam,
honorable Program Chair and my Faculty Mentor, whose continuous and timely monitor
helped me at every stage I was stuck. I am much obliged to all of you for your relentless help.

Words alone cannot express about how grateful I am for getting the opportunity of
completing my internship at Aashman Foundation, but never the less I will try my best to
express my gratefulness to all the people who helped me in every stage.
I express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my institution and mentor
I am obliged to our other faculty members for the valuable information provided by them in
their respective fields. I am thankful for their active cooperation during my entire period of
summer internship program.

Aashman Foundation is a joint effort from a group of humans towards humanity with mission
that every weak human must have support so that he or she could recover from their hard
times with positive energy that too in a skilled way. Aashumanis working wholeheartedly
towards empowering women from the society so that they can live with pride and respect
and most importantly empowered with some skill and capacity to portray her thoughts to
world and contribute in her way. Another big concern area of focus is Health Empowerment
for Team Aashman as unfortunate human falls in with critical diseases like Cancer & Kidney
related problem which is quite high these days and the Major gigantic black hole is
Malnutrition in 0 to 6 years along with pregnant females in the different segment of society.
Aashman Foundation also supports single income family widows by supporting them with
monthly grocery and currently they are supporting over a thousand such families across India.
Aashman Foundation is also running schools by the name of Nishulk Pathshala. They have
16 such schools in 11 states of India. Where 4,500+ students are taking free education along
with moral development. Aashman Foundation is spread across 11 states across India such as,
Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, New Delhi etc.

 With the help of common man, Corporates & Established Institutions we will create
values, enhance skilful environment & Uplift social & financial level into the
different segment of society & Bring change into the lives of people with the
Emotional, Financial & Social development Support so that they can feel and be

 Human life is the most asset of any Nation. We will go extra mile to help the
underprivileged human being to support them into the health segment and prevent
them from the evil of malnutrition into children (0-6 Year), pregnant females &
surviving income less family members after dismissal of only earning hand.

 Furthermore, we will try to increase the expectancy of life for the people who are
suffering from unfortunate diseases like cancer & kidney related issues.

Mission Statement
The dream of Aashman Foundation is to work unconditionally on Women Empowerment,
Single Income families and underprivileged children through relevant healthcare, innovative
education and environmental based livelihood programs.

Project undertaken by Aashman Foundation

Project: Ability Development

Skills transform lives and drive economies. Without adequate investment in skills, people
languish on the margins of society, technological progress does not translate into economic
growth, and a society is unable to compete in an increasingly knowledge-based global arena,

People with poor skills face a much greater risk of experiencing economic disadvantage, and
a higher likelihood of unemployment and dependency on social benefits. Skills allect people's
lives and the well-being of nations also in ways that go far beyond what can be measured by
labour market earnings and economic growth

Project: Women Empowerment Centre

To promote or undertake activities for the promotion of, or to provide credit as an instrument
of socio-economic change and development through the provision of financial and social
development services for the upliftment of women. To support women to become
independent in spirit, in thought, in action and have full control over their lives rather than be
the victim of the actions of others. This particular project by the organisation aims to achieve
socio-economic empowerment of women through their operational units.

Project: Widow Support

The NGO supports widows by providing them with monthly grocery, medical treatment, and
also education to their children. Apart from this they support them through their project
called Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women. They provide them with rural based skill
training to make them self-sufficient and further aid them to manage credits so that they can
safeguard their hard earned money and multiply their savings. Upliftment of widows socially
and financially is one of their primary objectives.


Human Resources are the most important assets of an organization. The success or failure of
an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. Without
positive and creative contributions from people, organizations cannot progress and prosper.
In order to achieve the goals or the activities of an organization, therefore,
they need to recruit people with requisite skills, qualifications and experience. While doing
so, they have to keep the present as well as the future requirements of the organization in
Recruitment is defined as, “a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the
requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that
manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce.”
In order to attract people for the jobs, the organization must communicate the position in such
a way that job seekers respond. To be cost effective, the recruitment process should attract
qualified applicants and provide enough information for unqualified persons to self-select
themselves out.
The term “HR recruiter” may sound redundant, as both human resources managers and
recruiters both find job candidates and get them hired, this job is very specific.
Recruiters will work from resumes or by actively soliciting individuals qualified for
A recruiter's job includes reviewing candidate's job experiences, negotiating salaries, and
candidates in agreeable employment positions. Recruiters typically receive a fee from the
hiring employers

Weekly Task Assigned

Week 1
In the start of my virtual internship I began as a HR intem. We were given a task, which was
basically, a recruitment drive. We had to recruit more people for the NGO for various
departments namely HR, Marketing, Graphic Designing, Content Writing etc.

Week 2
At the end of this task, I was assigned to a team of 6 interns from whom I had to take
daily updates regarding the candidates they are bringing in

Week 3
During the third week there was competition between the group leaders, and we had to get
The most no. of interns onboard with us and once again my team won as we had recruited
most number on interns. After winning that I was given an opportunity to become a HR
Supervisor and lead 2 departments,

Week 4
In my fourth week I was assigned to lead 2 departments which were Content Writing and HR
department. I had to take daily reports from the team leaders and had to assign them tasks
and they had to regularly report me with the details.

Week 5
The task I was given this was an additional task that I undertook for myself. I was asked to
handle the Onboarding process team. I had to coordinate with the Interview process team and
based on that data I had to allot my team members to do the onboarding process of the
candidates who had cleared the interview round,

Week 6
In my last week of internship, I wasn't left with much work I just had to keep a monitor on
the work that was assigned and hence regularly take reports and updates from the interns and
all the departments that I was assigned to.
Page no-13

Screenshot of work


 To help the NGO to attain its goals effectively and efficiently by providing competent
and motivated employees.

 Importance of employee satisfaction grievance survey in an organization.

 Importance of establishing and maintaining cordial relations between all the

employees and management staff harmoniously.

 Importance of effective communication in an organisation.

 To utilize the available human resource effectively.

 To develop and inculcate a habit of working as a team player.

 To help maintain ethical policies and behaviour inside and outside the organization.

 To establish and maintain cordial relations between employees and management.

 To reconcile individual group goals with organizational goals.

 To understand the various functions of an HR Department.


 Finding qualified applicants.

 Streamlining the hiring process.

 Streamlining the process of providing insurance benefits to the employees.

 Sometimes candidates are not co-operating.

 Sometimes the candidates are not available to answer calls.

 Few candidates do not respond even after confirming their presence for the virtual

 Identifying the problems that the employees face in the virtual workflow of the NGO.

 Distance/Communication barrier.

Objective of HRM
 To obtain the number and quality of employees that can be selected in order to help
the organization to achieve its goals and objectives.

 Recruitment helps to create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so

that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool.

 Recruitment acts as a link between the employers and the job seekers and ensures the
placement of right candidate at the right place at the right time.

 Recruitment serves as the first step in fulfilling the needs of organizations for a
competitive, motivated and flexible human resource that can help achieve its

 The recruitment process exists as the organization hire new people, who are aligned
with the expectations and they can fit into the organization quickly. Advantage of
Outsourcing Recruitment/Hiring of Consultancy Traditionally, recruitment is seen as
the cost incurring process in an organization. HR outsourcing helps the HR
professionals of the organisations to concentrate on the strategic functions and
processes of human resource management rather than wasting their efforts, time and
money on the routine work.

Objective of the study

The topic selected for the study is “Human Resources Management” The main theme of the
project is the analysis and interpretation of practices of the employees using Human
Resources as a tool. It is prepared to know whether the company is preparing well or not;
performance of the company and about its competitiveness by the analysis and interpretation
of the Human Resources Management Process. A critical study of the effectiveness of Human
Resources Management system and suggest ways for improvement. The problem lies in
identifying relationship, mutual understanding between the management and the employees.
The Human Resources Management system provides detailed information about person so
that the management can take appropriate steps to improve and achieve the organization
goals and help to maintain the smooth relationship between them.
To find the relation and effect of Human Resources Management with organization
1. To understand the recruitment procedure adopted by the Indian companies

2. To understand the HR Practices and policies adopted by Indian companies.

3. To identify the training and development program adopted by the Indian companies.

4. To identify compensation salary increment policy adopted by the Indian companies.

5. To identify the present performance of an employee being appraised through career


6. To provide better employee health, safety, welfare facilities as per their standard

7. To understand the quality circle is beneficial for solving the problem.

8. To understand the reason of employee turnover.


It was an absolute worthwhile experience working at Aashman Foundation. The management
had created a space for me that allowed me with ample opportunities to learn and know
myself as a part of the NGO. This experience brought out my strength and also the areas I
needed to improvise. It has added more confidence to my professional approach, built a
stronger positive attitude and taught me how to be a team player as an overall

The primary objective of an internship is to gather a real-life working experience and apply
our bookish knowledge we learnt in classroom to put it out to practice in the business world. I
am grateful to the entire team of HRD of the NGO for their unprecedented support to make
my working experience truly rewarding. Especially working in this department made me
realize my competencies and level of understanding regarding the human resources. On
completion of this internship period, I came to know about the importance of human
resources and the role of HR Executive, HR Supervisor, Talent Acquisition manager and
Hiring manager in an NGO.

As an intern, though I had a limited areas to work as it was the first time that such virtual
internship took place for them and even for us still, I still managed to grab plentiful
experiences as I was promoted in my third week of internship. I made the best of every
opportunity I was given and made the utmost use of my abilities and knowledge to fulfill all
my responsibilities. I could implement my academic skills into practice and my efforts were
highly acknowledged by my superior and mentor. There was however some gap between our
theoretical knowledge and real-life practice, yet the managerial level staff members were
quite open towards helping me at every stage I needed assistance, which was extremely

Hence, I can sum up by saying that my virtual internship experience was a milestone to my
academic and professional experience. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenges that came along
every single day. I could also bring some minor improvisations during my internship. These
lessons that I have learned will be valuable for my future endeavours as well.

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