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Daily Lesson Plan

IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Session title Mass and Weight Date 22 September 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learner group Grade 10 Duration 90 minutes Group size 17

Learning aims Describe the idea of the mass of a body

A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: define mass and Weight
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: Distinguish between mass and weight
Some students: use equation W = m x g

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Asking and answering questions related to Previous notes and resources used in
5 mins
receiving feedbacks previous lesson on the conservation of energy the previous class
5 mins Shows a video of mass vs weight Students pay attention and asked question
15 mins Explaining the concept of mass and weight using - Listening and making notes on mass and - Powerpoint presentation
PowerPoint presentation weight - Laptop
- Zoom meeting

Organising and supervising students activities on - Students carry out the worksheet about the
25 mins - Worksheet
the relationship between force and distance to different between mass and weight
the value of work - Laptop
- Students use the equation to calculate weight -

10 mins
Assessing their accuracy in calculate weight of - Submitting their work on moodle
the object - Checking their work
Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
5 mins Listening and writing down final notes
assignment oxOY
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.
Today they learned about mass and weight. Most of them have a good enough understanding of the concept of mass and weight. Delwyn, Novenda, Christo, and
Nicholas showed a very good skill than others in this lesson. Saski and Sying will be my focus in the next meeting, they are slow learners. Natasha was sick, she did
not join the class today. I will give her extra lesson in another day.

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Session title Mass and Weight Date 28 Septembar 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learner group Grade 10 Duration 90 minutes Group size 17

Learning aims Describe how the mass of a body affect the motion
A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: understand that mass is a property that ‘resists’ change in motion
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: use equation W = m x g
Some students: use the concept of weight as the effect of a gravitational field on a mass

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Asking and answering questions related to Previous notes and resources used in
5 mins
receiving feedbacks previous lesson on mass and weight the previous class
Shows a diagram of gravitational force on a
5 mins Students pay attention and asked question
15 mins Explaining the effect of a gravitational force/field - Listening and making notes on the effect of a - Powerpoint presentation
on a mass weight using PowerPoint presentation gravitational field on a mass - Laptop
- Zoom meeting

Organising and supervising students activities on - Students carry out the worksheet about the
25 mins - Worksheet
using the equation to calculate weight different between mass and weight
- Laptop
- Students use the equation to calculate weight

10 mins
Assessing their accuracy in calculate the - Submitting their work on moodle
acceleration of the object as the effect its weight - Checking their work
Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
5 mins Listening and writing down final notes
assignment v=Sw2P1hpwpqU
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.

Today I just continued the previous lesson about mass and weight. I taught them how the weight affect the motion of an obect. After that, I invited them to discuss
some questions about the affect of mass and weight to the motion of an obect then check the answer together. All of them already have a good understanding.

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Learner group Grade 10 Duration 90 minutes Group size 17

Session title Density Date 30 September 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learning aims Describe the determination of the density of a regularly shaped solid
A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: understand how to determine the density of a regularly shaped solid
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: calculate the density of regularly shaped solid using the equation ρ = m/V
Some students: predict whether an object will float based on density data

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Asking and answering questions related to
5 mins Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Previous notes and resources used in
previous lesson on determination of mass,
receiving feedbacks the previous class
weight, and Volume
5 mins Show a video about the changing state of matter Students watch the video and asked question
Organising and supervising students’ activities - Students investigate the determination of the
25 mins - Worksheet
on the determination of the density of regularly density of regularly shaped solids using virtual
shaped solids - Laptop
- Students carry out the worksheet to determine
the density of regularly shaped solids

10 mins
Assessing their accuracy in determining the the - Submitting their work on moodle
density of regularly shaped solids - Checking their work
15 mins Listening and making notes on the the - Powerpoint presentation
Explaining the determination of the density of
determination of the density of regularly shaped - Laptop
regularly shaped solids using PowerPoint
solids. - Zoom meeting
Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
5 mins
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
Listening and writing down final notes
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.
Today I taught them how to determine the density of a regularly shape obect. They did an experiment about the determination of density using the virtual lab, PhET
simulation. All students participate so well during the observation and group discussion except sying. She was not focus during my lesson. She said there was a
problem with her laptop so she can’t run the simulation after an interval time. I helped her to do the expertiment by sharing the screen. After that, I asked them to
present their investigation and make the conclusion together. Overall the learning activity ran smoothly until the end of the lesson.

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Session title Density Date 1 October 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learner group Grade 10 Duration 90 minutes Group size 17

Learning aims Describe the determination of the density of an irregularly shaped solid by the method of displacement
A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: understand how to determine the density of an irregularly shaped solid
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: calculate the density of an irregularly shaped solid using the equation ρ = m/V
Some students: predict whether an object will float based on density data

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Asking and answering questions related to
5 mins Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Previous notes and resources used in
previous lesson on determination of the density
receiving feedbacks the previous class
of an regularly shaped solid
Students follow the demonstration and asked
5 mins Show a demonstration about the floating object
question buoyancy/density_en.html
Organising and supervising students’ activities - Students investigate the determination of the
25 mins - Worksheet
on the determination of the density of irregularly density of irregularly shaped solids using virtual
shaped solids - Laptop
- Students carry out the worksheet to determine
the density of irregularly shaped solids

10 mins
Assessing their accuracy in determining the the - Submitting their work on moodle
density of irregularly shaped solids - Checking their work
15 mins Listening and making notes on the the - Powerpoint presentation
Explaining the determination of the density of
determination of the density of irregularly shaped - Laptop
irregularly shaped solids using PowerPoint
solids. - Zoom meeting
Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
5 mins
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
Listening and writing down final notes
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.
Today I taught them how to determine the density of an irregularly shape object. They did an experiment about the determination of density using the virtual lab, PhET
simulation. All students participate so well during the observation and group discussion. I already anticipated the student who can’t run the simulation on their laptop. I
helped them to do the expertiment by sharing the screen. After that, I asked them to present their investigation and make the conclusion together. The learning activity
ran smoothly until the end of the lesson.

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Learner group Grade 11 Duration 90 minutes Group size 11

Session title Physical Quantities and Units Date 17 September 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learning aims understand the phsycal quantities and their units

A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: understand that all physical quantities consist of a numerical magnitude and a unit
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: recall the SI base quantities and their units
Some students: express derived units as products or quotients of the SI base units

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Asking and answering questions related to
5 mins Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Previous notes and resources used in
previous lesson on unit and measurement in
receiving feedbacks the previous class
5 mins Shows the chain of mechanical quantities Students pay attention and asked question
15 mins Explaining the physical quantities and units using - Listening and making notes on the physical - Powerpoint presentation
PowerPoint presentation quantities and units - Laptop
- Zoom meeting

Organising and supervising students activities on - Students carry out the worksheet on completing
25 mins - Worksheet
deriving the quantities and their units physical quantities and Units
- Laptop
- Students express derived units as products or
quotients of the SI base units

10 mins
Assessing their accuracy in express derived - Submitting their work on moodle
units as products or quotients of the SI base - Checking their work
Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
5 mins Listening and writing down final notes
assignment v=Sb8cxC4lOy8&
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.

There is no significant improvement from this class, but it is better than the last trem. Brenda showed very good motivation. Kenneth was no longer sleepy in the class,
but something different was happen to Samuel, He felt sleepy during the lesson but He still gave her attention in the lesson and finish his work properly. Overall the
learning activity ran smoothly even some of them already forgot abou derrived units when they studied on IGCSE. Next meeting will use flipped learning to help them
reviews they previous lessn.

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Learner group Grade 11 Duration 90 minutes Group size 11

Session title Physical Quantities and Units Date 17 September 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learning aims understand and use prefixes in the convertions of SI base units
A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: recall prefixes and their symbols
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: use prefixes and their symbols to indicate decimal multiples of both base and derived units
Some students: use SI base units to check the homogeneity of physical equations

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Asking and answering questions related to
5 mins Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Previous notes and resources used in
previous lesson on unit and measurement in
receiving feedbacks the previous class
5 mins Shows a table of convertions Students pay attention and asked question
15 mins Explaining the prefixes and how to check - Listening and making notes on the prefixes - Powerpoint presentation
homogeneity equation using PowerPoint and homogeneity equation. - Laptop
presentation - Zoom meeting

Organising and supervising students activities on - Students use prefixes and their symbols to
25 mins - Worksheet
converting quantities and checking the indicate decimal multiples of both base and
homogeneity equations. - Laptop
derived units
- Students check the homogeneity of physics

10 mins Assessing their accuracy in using prefixes and

- Submitting their work on moodle
checking the homogeneity equations. - Checking their work
Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
5 mins
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
Listening and writing down final notes
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.
Most of them already knew how to use prefixes in writing a very small or a very large number. Most of them forgot the basic physics formula in IGCSE course. It
causes they have some difficulties in checking the homogeneity of some equations. The solution that I did is I gave a review about basics formula for them.

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Learner group Grade 11 Duration 90 minutes Group size 11

Session title Physical Quantities and Units Date 1 October 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learning aims Understand vectors quantity and operation vectors

A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: give examples of vector quantity
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: distinguish between scalar and vector quantities
Some students: add and subtract coplanar vectors using poligon method

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Asking and answering questions related to Previous notes and resources used in
5 mins
receiving feedbacks previous lesson on quantities and units the previous class
5 mins Show a table of quantities Students pay attention and asked question
Organising and supervising students’ activities - Students adding and subtracting coplanar
25 mins - Worksheet
on add and subtract coplanar vectors vectors using virtual PhET simulation
- Laptop
- Students carry out the worksheet about addition
and subtraction coplanar vectors

Assessing their accuracy in adding and - Submitting their work on moodle

10 mins
subtracting coplanar vectors - Checking their work

15 mins Listening and making notes on the the addition - Powerpoint presentation
Explaining the addition and subtraction coplanar
and subtraction coplanar vectors by poligon - Laptop
vectors by poligon method using PowerPoint
method. - Zoom meeting
Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
5 mins
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
Listening and writing down final notes
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.

Most of them get understanding well except kenneth and skye. They were not focus during my lesson. they told me that they can’t finish their work because they still
did not understand some of the concept. I will give them an extra class in this week and re-explain the lesson for them, then I will guide them to finish their work.

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Learner group Grade 11 Duration 90 minutes Group size 11

Session title Physical Quantities and Units Date 13 October 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learning aims represent a vector as two perpendicular components

A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: determine the resultant vectors in perpendicular components
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: add and subtract coplanar vectors using parallogram method
Some students: use poligon method to determine relative velocity and displacement as vectors

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Asking and answering questions related to Previous notes and resources used in
5 mins
receiving feedbacks previous lesson on quantities and units the previous class
5 mins Show a river boat simulation Students pay attention and asked question
Organising and supervising students’ activities - Students analyze the relationship between the
25 mins - Worksheet
on analyzing the relationship between the two two vector components of motion for a river
vector components of motion for a river boat - Laptop
- Students carry out the worksheet about the
relationship between the two vector
components of motion for a river boat

Assessing their accuracy in analyze the

10 mins - Submitting their work on moodle
relationship between the two vector components
of motion for a river boat - Checking their work

15 mins Listening and making notes on the the - Powerpoint presentation

Explaining the determination of resultant
determination of resultant coplanar vectors by - Laptop
coplanar vectors by paralleogram method using
paralleogram method - Zoom meeting
PowerPoint presentation.
Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
5 mins
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
Listening and writing down final notes
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary
Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.

Most of them already forgot the basic concept of trigonometry that needed in the vector component. I taught them about trigonometry before I explain the vector
component. Wen-wen always not focus during the lesson. I didn’t know why She just said that she didn’t like physics because it is hard. I just gave her a motivation on
how to be a success in Physics lesson.

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Learner group Grade 12 Duration 90 minutes Group size 7

Session title Gravitational Force Date 15 September 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learning aims understand the concept of a gravitational force

A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: state Newton’s law of gravitation
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: use Newton’s law of gravitation to solve problem
Some students: analyze the relationship between mass and distance to the gravitational force

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Asking and answering questions related to Previous notes and resources used in
5 mins
receiving feedbacks previous lesson on circular motion the previous class
5 mins Show a diagram of solar system Students pay attention and asked question
Organising and supervising students’ activities - Students analyze the relationship between
25 mins - Worksheet
on analyzing the relationship between mass and mass and distance to the value of gravitational
distance to the value of gravitational force - Laptop
force using PhET simulation.
- Students apply Newton’s law of Gravitation to
solve problem about gravitational force in the

Assessing their accuracy in analyze the

10 mins - Submitting their work on moodle
relationship between relationship between mass
and distance to the value of gravitational force - Checking their work

15 mins Listening and making notes on the Newton’s law - Powerpoint presentation
Explaining Newton’s law of Gravitation and the
of Gravitation and the gravitational force - Laptop
gravitational force using PowerPoint
presentation. - Zoom meeting

Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
5 mins
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
Listening and writing down final notes
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary
Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Learner group Grade 12 Duration 90 minutes Group size 7

Session title Gravitational Force Date 28 September 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learning aims understand the the gravitational force on a point

A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: state the formula of gravitational force on a point
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: calculate the resultant vector of gravitational force on a point
Some students: determine the direction of resultant vector of gravitational force on a point

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Asking and answering questions related to Previous notes and resources used in
5 mins
receiving feedbacks previous lesson on Newton’s law of gravitation the previous class
5 mins Shows a diagram of three obect on solar system Students pay attention and asked question
15 mins Explaining the determination of resultant vector - Listening and making notes on the - Powerpoint presentation
of gravitational force on a point using PowerPoint determination of resultant vector of - Laptop
presentation gravitational force on a point - Zoom meeting

Organising and supervising students activities on - Students use Newton’s law of gravitational to
25 mins - Worksheet
calculating the resultant vector of gravitational calculate the gravitational force on a point.
force on a point using PowerPoint presentation - Laptop
- Students calculate the resultant vector and the
direction of gravitational force on a point

10 mins
Assessing their accuracy in calculating the - Submitting their work on moodle
resultant and the direction vector of gravitational - Checking their work
force on a point
Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
5 mins
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
Listening and writing down final notes
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Learner group Grade 12 Duration 90 minutes Group size 7

Session title Gravitational Force Date 22 September 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learning aims understand the concept of a gravitational field strength

A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: define gravitational field strength
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: derive the formula of grafitational field strength from Newton’s law of gravitation
Some students: use the equation to calculate the gravitational field strength of a point mass

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Asking and answering questions related to Previous notes and resources used in
5 mins
receiving feedbacks previous lesson on gravitational force the previous class
Students identify the diagram and asked
5 mins Show a diagram of magnetic and electric fields
Organising and supervising students’ activities - Students derive the formula of gravitational field
25 mins - Worksheet
on deriving the formula of gravitational field strength on a point mass
strength and calculating the gravitational field - Laptop
- Students use the formula to calculate the
strength on a poin mass. -
gravitational field strength on a poin mass. uploads/

Assessing their accuracy in deriving the formula - Submitting their work on moodle
10 mins
of gravitational field strength and calculating the - Checking their work
gravitational field strength on a poin mass.
15 mins Listening and making notes on the gravitational - Powerpoint presentation
Explaining the gravitational field strength on a field strength on a poin mass. - Laptop
poin mass using PowerPoint presentation. - Zoom meeting

Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
5 mins
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
Listening and writing down final notes
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary
Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Learner group Grade 12 Duration 90 minutes Group size 7

Session title Gravitational Force Date 30 September 2020 Location Zoom meeting

Learning aims understand the concept of gravitational potential

A statement which provides the scope of
the subject and the overall intent of the

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson students will:

What are learners expected to learn after All students: define potential at a point as the work done per unit mass
completing the lesson? These should be
specific and able to be assessed. Most students: derive the formula of gravitational potential from the work done per unit mass
Some students: use the equation to calculate gravitational potential of a point mass

Provide learning resources for students to achieve learning objectives

How will you make your lesson inclusive?
Ensure that all students are active in the individual work
Guides and assesses the students in discussion
Provided HOTS question to advanced learners

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
Guiding the students in preparing their class Preparing the class conducive to learning, bring
10 mins
out their learning material, and checking their
Briefly recapitulating the previous lesson and Asking and answering questions related to Previous notes and resources used in
5 mins
receiving feedbacks previous lesson on gravitational force the previous class
Students identify the diagram and asked
5 mins Show a diagram of a mass on infinity point
Organising and supervising students’ activities - Students derive the formula of gravitational
25 mins - Worksheet
on deriving the formula of gravitational potential potential on a point mass and the gravitational
and calculating the gravitational potential energy - Laptop
potential energy from infinity point to a point of
from infinity point to a point of mass. -
- Students use the formula to calculate
gravitational potential on a point mass and the
gravitational potential energy from infinity point
to a point of mass.

Assessing their accuracy in calculating the - Submitting their work on moodle

10 mins
gravitational potential and gravitational potential - Checking their work
energy from infinity point to a point of mass.
15 mins Listening and making notes on the gravitational - Powerpoint presentation
Explaining the gravitational potential and
potential and gravitational potential energy on a - Laptop
gravitational potential energy on a point mass
poin mass. - Zoom meeting
using PowerPoint presentation.
Evaluating students’ learning with and without Assessing their level of understanding by asking
15 mins Questions from past paper
past papers questions and being asked questions
5 mins
Rounding off the class and giving out a home
Listening and writing down final notes

Lesson plan
Daily Lesson Plan
IGCSE / A Level Physics
Iskandar, S.Pd.

Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation: Include what you feel went well and what you would like to improve.

Lesson plan

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