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UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA BOARD OF RESIDENCE NOTICE All concerned are hereby informed that applications are invited for Hostel accommodation from the students of Under Graduate/Post Graduate of University of Calcutta. A scanned copy of the application form is attached herewith, The interested io are eligible and fulfilling the criteria can download and submit the same fon e-mail secretarvborcua or submit the hard copy to the office of Board ‘of Residence, $° Floor, Centenary Building, 87/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073 swith in Me Mate during the office hours. While submitting the hard copy, please maintain the covid protocol. Via sualag Board of Residence University of Caleutta ' * Gfaln shy f La Form No, UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION TO THE CU HALLS OF RESIDENCE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. = Form receiving date: Date of ‘Admission admission ister Sl. No: SC/ST/OBC{A/B)/PH/GEN. Year I.Card No: Allocation Cer. No. & Dat Distance in Kms Rules C.C. No. & Date Book No. (Forms to be submitted through the Principal/ Head of the Department/Secretery, Arts & Commerce/Science & Technology, as the case may be) To The Secretary, Board of Residence, Calcutta University Centennary Buliding, Sth Floor, Kolkata-73 1. Name (in capital letters). 2. Name of the College/CU -Deptt. & Campus (Morn,/Day/Eve. 3. Session. Class 4. University Registration No. 5. Father's Name.. Permanent Address. P.O. 6. Present Addres: 7. Nationality: 8. Actual distance from residence to local Police Station (in Km: 9. Locai Guardian’s Name.. Address. 10. Whether belonging to SC/ST/OBC (A)/OBC (8)/PH (if so, necessary documents {6 be attached) 11, Last educational qualification (with supporting documents) .. Photo to be attested by any of the above (2.5x3.5 cm) 12, Whether availed Hostel facility under C.U. previously? f yes, state the name of the hostel and SCSSiOM ern 13. Whether suff 14. E, Mail ID... 1g from any chronic diseases (Yes/No}.if yes, mention with supporting documents ‘The aforementioned facts stated by me are true to my knowledge and belief. | promise to abide by the rules of Discipline of the Halls of Residence. | also undertake that | shall leave the hall within seven days after the completion of my final examination for the present course of study/ or as and when ordered by the CU- Authority. Signature of the Guardian (Relationship) Forwarded Signature of the Head of tre Department (With office seal and date) » mature of the Student Verified Signature of the Secretary/Princlpal (With office seal and date) INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE APPLICANTS Before filling up of the form, the applicant must carefully read the instructions and rules & regulations stated hereunder. After the submission of the application form, pleadin; be entertained under any circumstances, horance in this regard will not IMPORTANT RULES & REGULATION: {t must be noted that the University Authority reserves the exclusive right to allot boardership to the anvlicant in any CU - run Hostel and it shall be binding upon the applicant and ~ «yer for the change of such allotment will be entertained ander any circumstan I must be. J that a boarder may be transferred to any CU-run hostel, at any point of time, if the CU-Authority so desire, and it shall be biding upon the boarder and no praver for the repeal of such transfer will be entertained under any circumstances Refusal to abide by such transfer order will be treated as breach of discipline and disciplinary measures shall be taken against such boarder, {{ must be noted that in case of termination of buardership and/or expulsion from the hostel, us ordered by the CU-Authority, for any proven case of indiscipline against the Poarder, shall lead to expulsion from the concerned College/Institetiog/ Academic Department under the University, BRAGGING OF ANY FORM INSIDE ANY CU-RUN HOSTEL PREMISES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, PREM ee ON OF ALCOHAL AND/OR ANY NARCOTIC DRUGS INSIDE THE HOSTEL, PREMISES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PROP CARDER(S) FQUND TO BE INVOLVED IN SUCH ACT(S) WILL BE EXPELLED INN (HE HOSTEL AND PROCEEDINGS AS PER RELEVANT LAWS WILL BE INITIATED AGAINGST SUCH PERSON(S). Declaration { have carefully read the rules and regulations stated above and do hereby promise to abide by all the rules and regulations uf the Halls of Residenee including the rules and regulations stated above. University Authority shall have the exclusive right to take disciplinary action against me incase of any act of violation of uny ruies and regulations of the Halls of Residence, CU nature of Father/Mother/Guardian Signature of the Applicant Form No: 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL UP THE FORM THIS PAGE HAS TO BE RETAINED BY THE APPLICANT AS A RECEIPT OF THE APPLICATION FORM Application of non-submiss application forn Minimum distance required for submission of forms (from place of residence to College/ University (Campus): 60 km(one way) The following categories of students are ordinarily , as a rule , will not be allowed to reside in the CU-run Halis:- . 1) A student who isa service holder om A student who has got plucked in, or dropped from, his/her Unfversity Examination I be summarily rejected by the CU-Authority, without assigning any reason thereof, in case n and /or furnishing of incorrect false information and documents, as asked for, with the ) A student who attends Evening Classes in a College/University, except M. Com 5 vening of CU. 4) A student studying Law in an affiliated college other than the University Department of Law. ¥) Students of Colleges infaround Kolkata that have hostel facilities, Transgender students please specify in the form by mentioning “TRANSGENDER® in the vacant space in the right side of the form, For foreig ls, photocopies of the following documents are to be submitted along with the pplication form are required to be verified at the time of subinission of application form. ) Valid Passport ii) Valid Education Visa Recommendation I ential certificate issued by Mun from concerned High Commission's office/ Embassy office ipal Chairman/Panchayet Pradhan/ B.D.O/S.D.0 Photocopies of the following doc with the form 1. Voter Identity Card 2 Aadhar Card 3. Ration Card/ B.P.L Card (wherever applicable) 4. Self attested Marksheet/ Certificate af the last edueat S._SCISTIOBC/PH certificate nal qualification Received Application Ferm for Admission to the CU-run Halls from: Name: Name of College/Department of CV; Subject: Year: Semester: (For Offic Use onlyy Received: For D.O.R, CU

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