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HTML Questionnaire Individual

assignment 15%
Date: 22 June 2022
Must be delivered in a PDF file
Documents that are copies of other classmates, the task will be invalidated to the two students
Font: Futura BK 12

1) What is HTML?
- the method by which you move around on the web — by clicking on special text called
hyperlinks which bring you to the next page.

2) What are HTML tags?

- piece of markup language used to indicate the beginning and end of an HTML element in an
HTML document.

3) Should HTML tags be used in pairs?

- Yes.

4) Write down some of the common lists that can be used when designing a page in HTML.
- Ordered list and unordered list.

5) How should a comment be inserted in HTML?

- Use the comment tag <!-- Write your comments here --> in the document.

6) Is all character symbology displayed correctly on all operating systems?

- No, it is not.

7) In HTML, what is an image map?

- An image with clickable areas.

8) What is an attribute in HTML?

- used to define the characteristics of an HTML element and is placed inside the element's
opening tag.

9) What are the values of the attributes in HTML?

- the attribute value is the actual information

10) How do you insert copyright symbol into a web page?

- Ctrl+Alt+C.

11) How do you create links to sections within the same web page?
- use #top and #bottom with the <a> tag and href attribute to link to that section of
the page. This method is similar to using "id," but you don't have to pick a specific element. Click
"Top" or "Bottom" in the Results section to see what happens.
12) What is a list in HTML?
- used to present list of information in well-formed and semantic way.

13) If you look at a web address, which web page does it direct you to?
- No se.

14) What is the use of alt text in image mapping?

- adds a text description to an image on a Web page, and should be used for all images,
graphical bullets, and graphical horizontal rules

15) Oldest HTML files work in the most modern browsers?

- Yes. Most older files work on newer browsers.

16) Do hyperlinks apply only to text or images? What is the label for doing so?
- No. it also works on text. The label for doing so is <a>.

17) If in some operating system is not applied HTML symbol, how could that symbol be represented?
- With UTF-8.

18) How can you vary the type of number in the middle of a list in HTML?
- The <li> tag includes two attributes – type and value. The type attribute can be used to change
the numbering type for any list item. The value attribute can change the number index.

19) In HTML, what are style sheets?

- They describe how documents are presented on screens, in print, or perhaps how they are

20) Describe the classes or types of bullets available in HTML.

- Disc, circle, square, and none.

21) What is the way we can create a text of several colors in a web page with HTML?
- Creating a text with separate elements by using the HTML <span> tag, which is an empty
container. This means that you create a multicolor text by putting each letter in a separate
element to define a different color for each letter of your text.

22) Describe the concept of applets in HTML.

- a tiny application that adds dynamic content to the larger web application in which it is

23) Write down some examples of applets.

- QuickTime movies, Flash movies, Windows Media Player applets, 3D modeling display applets,

24) What are html checkboxes?

- Used to define the square boxes.
25) What is the advantage of grouping multiple checkboxes?
- It helps with the organization.

26) What will happen if sets of labels overlap?

- Only the first tag will be recognized.

27) What if there is no text between the labels? Will it affect the display of the HTML file?
- If there is no text between the tags, then there is nothing to format. Therefore, no formatting will

28) Can defined colors be put to the edges of the tables?

- Yes, it is possible.

29) What are the steps to create a link that will connect to another web page when you click on it?
- Use the href tag. Replace “site” with the URL that is supposed to be linked to when the text is

30) How can you align images and wrap text in HTML?
- Use the markup code <BR CLEAR=”left” /> to flow text around images on opposite sides of your
Web pages.
31) Can a single link applied to a text open two different pages?
- Opens two pages at the same time. The href link opens a new url in the current page, while the link opens a url in a new tab.

32) What are directory and menu lists and messy lists in HTML?
- Directory consists of one or more LI elements, like UL. Menu lists are typically rendered without
bullets in a more compact style than UL. You can get the same effect as <UL PLAIN>. DIR lists
are used to present lists of items containing up to 20 characters each. Items in a Directory list
are arranged in columns.

33) Explain how the color of the bullets in HTML can vary.
- by eliminating the default bullets that the browser puts in and adding in new bullets in your
desired color.
34) Describe the size limits of text s fields in HTML.
- The size attribute establishes the text field's length. The standard length of a text field is usually
between 20-25 characters, but it can vary depending on the forms of the text field's purpose.

35) What are the <th> labels used for and where are they located?
- The <th> tag defines a header cell in an HTML table. An HTML table has two kinds of cells:
Header cells - contains header information (created with the <th> element) Data cells -
contains data (created with the <td> element)

36) How and why are the attributes "border" and "rule" used?
- The border attribute is used Using Inline Style attribute. Using Internal CSS. It is used to specify the
border of a table. And the rule attribute is used to specify the which parts of the inside borders
that should be visible.

37) What is a "marquee" in HTML?

- a non-standard HTML element which causes text to scroll up, down, left or right automatically.

38) What HTML command is used on a web page to send an email when clicked?
- The <a> tag.

39) Which labels besides <br> are used to separate sections of text?
- The <p> tag and the <blockquote> tag.

40) What are links and how are they generated in HTML?
A basic link is created by wrapping the text or other content, see Block level links, inside an <a>
element and using the href attribute, also known as a Hypertext Reference, or target, that contains
the web address.

41) What are active links and normal links and their differences?
- Those that don't have a mouse cursor over that link is considered a normal link. Some browser
recognizes active links when the mouse cursor is placed over that link. Others recognize active
links when the link has the focus.

42) What are style sheets in HTML?

- They describe how documents are presented on screens, in print, or perhaps how they are

43) How are fonts set in HTML and their characteristics, (Width, Size, Type etc.)?
To change font size in HTML, use the CSS font-size property. Set it to the value you want and place it
inside a style attribute. Then add this style attribute to an HTML element, like a paragraph, heading,
button, or span tag.
44) How do I create style sheets in HTML?
- Open an HTML file, and then use the <STYLE> tag to specify the font, color, margin, heading
styles, and other style elements you want your style sheet to use. If you want to create an
external style sheet and link other files to it, save the style sheet as a separate.

45) Describe the general elements that are part of HTML5?

- <article>, <aside>, <audio>, <canvas>, <command>, <details>, <embed>, <figure>….

46) What is CSS in HTML?

- It stands for Cascading Style Sheets.

47) Steps to change an image in a background image of a web page?

- Files > Background > Image > Add Background Image.

48) What are html frames?

- used to divide your browser window into multiple sections where each section can load a
separate HTML document. A collection of frames in the browser window is known as a frameset.
The window is divided into frames in a similar way the tables are organized: into rows and

49) When is it appropriate to use frames?

- When loading different HTML documents.

50) What is the purpose of the attribute "cols" and how is it used?
- It refers to the columns tag. It is used to specify properties with each column.

51) Which browsers support HTML5?

- Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

52) Mention two new included HTML 5 tags

- <font>, <footer>, <form>, <frame>, <canvas>.

53) Describe the two semantic tags that are included in HTML5.
- Semantic (<header> <footer> <article>) and Non-semantic ( <div>, <span>…)

54) The <figure> meaning in HTML5?

specifies self-contained content, like illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc. While the
content of the <figure> element is related to the main flow, its position is independent of the main
flow, and if removed it should not affect the flow of the document.

55) The element Canvas have the following function…

- used to draw graphics, on the fly, via JavaScript. The <canvas> element is only a container for
56) In HTML5, what are the new FORM elements available?
- There are five new form elements in the HTML5 forms specification: data-list, output, keygen,
progress, and meter.

57) What is HTML5 Web Storage?

- simple client-side database that allows the users to persist data in the form of key/value pairs. It
has a simple API to retrieve/write data into the local storage. It can store up to 10MB of data
per domain.

58) What are the two types of web storage in HTML5?

- Local Storage and Session Storage.

59) What is The Application Cache in HTML5 and why is it used?

- Caching comes in two forms: Data Caching and Application Caching. In HTML5, data caching
can be done with the help of Web storage, indexedDB, etc. Application caching enables the
web application to store its resources like HTML, CSS, Images, JavaScript pages etc.

60) Describe 5 of the new input types provided by HTML5 used in forms
- HTML 5 introduces several input types like Date, DateTime-local, time, week, month, email, tel,
URL, search, range, color and number. To improve the user experience and to make the forms
more interactive. However, if a browser failed to recognize these new input types, it will treat
them like a normal text box.

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