Animal Farm Book Report

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Animal Farm Book Report

Animal Farm is a book written by George Orwell that was published on August 17 1945

also the place were all things happen is on the manor Farm that has a n owner that is Mr.

Jones, and the books that place in England in Manor Farm, the books beging with the

old major having a meeting with all the animals of the Farm, he has this nickname cause

is a very old animal and is like the father of all animals in the Farm but he first beging

talking about a rebellion, so with this begining we already know that the autor try to talk

about the Russian Revolution but in differents terms and i think that he get it and do it

so well cause is a very interesting book that maybe also express animals feelings cause

all that this book said is truth is the manner how animal Farm are treated also for me is

like a science fiction story cause animals can talk and also take control of all as the story


So well, the story as i already said beging with the old major like explaining to the

animals his dream that is to have like a Society only controlled by animals and living

without humans and also they have a song that represent thems that is named “Beast of

England” 3 days later something tragic occurs and old major die, so the 2 other pigs

take the control of all, an they are: snowball and napoleon so they make like a

movement named Animalism and also they have 7 commandments but are very difficult

for the other animals to learn it and they changed to 4 legs good and 2 legs bad, also

they cant do the things that a human made, then they take out Mr. Jones from the Manor

Farm and put the name of Animal Farm and time passed and snowball act as a Teacher

for animals and napoleon also but for the Little puppies and all was good but then later

comes very difficult moments that are cause a struggle between napoleon and snowball

cause both has differents ideas so each one, want to take the control of the Farm so in
this point is like the climax of the story when they both fight for having to total control

of the Farm and animals.

So snowball wants to erect a windmill to produce power for animals and napoleon has a

different idea than this one so he talk with the dogs and the dogs take out from town

snowball and in that moment napoleon has the absolutely control of the Farm and the

animals , and then something rare occurs cause napoleon beging to act as a human, i

said this cause he do this: sleep in a bed, wear clothes, drink whisky, walk upright 2

legs… well well well, in this moment you may be asking what is going on here cause all

this things that napoleon is doing are the things that at the begining pigs put as a rule

that they most dont do this, cause if they do it are not comrades, so in this moment we

may think that what benjamín said at the beging is true.

So we continue with the story and then things beging to be more and more difficult and

worse on the farm cause napoleon is only thinking in himself and dont take care of

animals and most important thing, the old major dream is not this one…. Pigs make old

major dream very different that looks like, and then comes moments of starvation for

animals cause they received an attack form humans again and humans dynamiting the

windmill of animals that they were building it and at the end they win the battle but with

a bad notice that bóxer is injured, and they continue working and rebuilding the

windmill and they have no food and lot of problems, but pigs dont care about it they just

care about themself and also act as humans drinking and enjoy it, then comes a very sad

moment cause boxer collapses.

Time passed and then pigs again put the name to Manor Farm and act as humans also

pigs try to said that they are different and are the ones that need to take the control of all
cause they may think that all animals are equal but there are some animals that are more

equal than others.

So at my personal opinión of this book i would like to said that is a very interesting

books that express 2 types of feelings depending on which situation you are, and are:

first at the begining pigs wants to stop suffering and has a farm controlled by animals

only so they act so well with the others animals and try to win them, and the 2 is when

they get the things they want at the begining but they really dont follow the things they

said at the beging so is like to said that when you get the higher and the power you

forget form where you come or as pigs they forget to be animals and try to controlled all

and act as humans and not what they really are…. And is a very good book that i

recommend this book cause also is very funny also cause the protagonist are animals

and all the story is more about animals feelings and stuff lime that so that why i like it

also and for me is a very good book.

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