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NAME: ___________________________________________________________ SCORE: _________________

GRADE & SECTION : ____________________________________________ DATE: __________________

HEALTH 7 week 3 worksheet

A. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is wrong write FALSE.

1.Adolescents can achieve their energy and nutrient requirements by eating a variety of foods daily.
2.Eating regular meals will keep the body fueled by energy needed for the day.
3.Too much sweets and dessert can aggravate skin problems like pimples.
4.The Food Pyramid will guide you on how many servings from each food group is recommended
5.There are eight food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid.
6.The serving requirements of each individual depend on age, sex, size, and activity level.
7.The growth during adolescence creates decreased demand for energy and nutrients.
8.Due to your rapid growth and development at this stage, you have a lesser need for certain
nutrients, such as calcium, iron, protein, and energy foods.
9.Adolescence is one of the fastest growth periods in a person’s life.
10.Good dietary guidance has three important elements: pyramids, plates and real food.

B. Fill in the blanks.

Good Food pyramid balance diet adolescents healthy

1. is important for proper growth and development.

2. Eating a wide variety of foods in is a practice.
3. Following the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutritional guidelines for Filipinos will make it
4. We need to eat .
5. is one of the fastest growth periods in a person’s life.

C. Directions: Compose a 4-line stanza about Food Guide Pyramid. It can be in

a form of a Song/Rap/Jingle or Poem. Choose your own preferred dialect (Ilokano, Tagalog or
English). Rubrics will be use to rate the assessment.
NAME: ___________________________________________________________ SCORE: _________________
GRADE & SECTION : ____________________________________________ DATE: __________________

HEALTH 7 week 4 worksheet

A. Directions: Choose the best answer and write the letter of your answer.
1. This type of malnutrition results from not getting enough protein, calories, or micronutrients.
A. Malnutrition B. Overnutrition C. Micronutrient deficiency D. Undernutrition
2. What micronutrient deficiency leads to the enlargement of the thyroid known as Goiter and
A. Iodine B. Iron C. Vitamin A D. Vitamin B
3. It is a medical condition in which a person has too much body fat.
A. Anemia B. Deficiency C. Malnutrition D. Obesity
4. It is a condition that results from a diet in which one or more nutrients are either not enough or are
too much.
A. Malnutrition B. Nutrition C. Overnutrition D. Undernutrition
5. It is the science that interprets the nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance,
growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism.
A. Malnutrition B. Nutrition C. Overnutrition D. Undernutrition
6. What happens when a person eats and gets nutritional requirements beyond the needed and ideal
A. Malnutrition B. Overnutrition C. Micronutrient deficiency D. Undernutrition
7. What disorder is the most common cause of preventable mental retardation?
A. Anemia B. Malnutrition C. Iodine deficiency D. Obesity
8. It is needed for the production of thyroid hormone.
A. Iron B. Iodine C. Vitamin D. Vitamin A
9. It is a condition in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin is less than normal.
A. Iodine deficiency B. Vitamin A deficiency C. Iron deficiency D. Vitamin K deficiency
10. It is a micronutrient deficiency that causes night blindness among children.
A. Iodine deficiency B. Vitamin A deficiency C. Iron deficiency D. Vitamin K deficiency
B. Directions: Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is wrong. If the statement is False,
underline the word(s) that make it wrong.
1. Overnutrition happens when a person eats and gets nutritional requirements beyond the needed
and ideal amount.
2. Malnutrition among adolescents slows down their growth and development.
3. Malnutrition among adolescents is due to poor food choices and poor food intakes.
4. Undernutrition is a condition wherein a person does not eat or take the daily needed nutrients.
5. Iodine Deficiency disorder can lead to enlargement of the thyroid or goiter, hypothyroidism and
mental retardation.

C. Directions: Answer the question briefly. Rubrics will be used to rate the assessment.

1. As an Adolescent, explain the importance of practicing proper nutrition.

2. What are the different ways to prevent malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies?
NAME: ___________________________________________________________ SCORE: _________________
GRADE & SECTION : ____________________________________________ DATE: __________________

HEALTH 7 week 5 worksheet

A. Multiple Choice
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. How are you going to maintain a healthy eating habit?
b. Eat only when I feel hungry.
c. Eat less because I am still young.
d. Eat too much with excessive exercise.
e. Eat a balance dietary plan with a planned exercise program.
2. How are you going to prevent eating disorder?
a. Always cook delicious food and never monitor your weight.
b. Never eat too much even when you feel depressed or bored.
c. Always check online sells and delivery food as long as you like.
d. Eat thoroughly and take medicine to dispose immediately what you ate.
3. Your classmate is anorexic. How are you going to help him/her?
a. Accompany him/her to jog every day.
b. Discourage him/her about his/her body.
c. Encourage him/her to continue his/her habits.
d. Accompany him/her to the cafeteria to eat nutritious food.
4. You have observed that your sibling always eats when he/she is bored and depressed, what will you
a. Advise your sibling to minimize this habit.
b. Allow him/her to eat everything he/she wants.
c. Ignore his/her eating behavior.
d. Discourage him/her about her body size.
5. Which of the following statements is a good eating habit?
a. Eat five times a day regular meal
b. Eat twice a week regular meal only
c. Eat thrice a day regular meal with snacks
d. Eat twice a day regular meal with less water
6. Which practice is not healthful to do?
a. Eat fruits and vegetables daily
b. Limit the intake of sugar an salt
c. Increase the consumption of fatty foods
d. Eat breakfast high in fiber like oatmeal
7. This eating disorder is characterized by compulsive eating
a. Anemia
b. Anorexia Nervosa
c. Binge Eating
d. Bulimia
8. It is a disorder characterized by overeating and clearing digestive track.
a. Anemia
b. Anorexia Nervosa
c. Binge Eating
d. Bulimia
9. It is an eating disorder characterized by eating less food leading to weight loss.
a. Anemia
b. Anorexia Nervosa
c. Binge Eating
d. Bulimia
10. Which of the following is the signs and symptoms of binge - eating?
a. Mouth is sore
b. Damaged kidneys
c. Irregular heartbeat
d. Lack of control once begins eating

B. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. If the
statement is False, underline the word(s) that make it wrong.
1. Eating disorders are uncommon among adolescent girls.
2. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by compulsive eating.
3. A bulimic person has dry skin, brittle hair and lost bodyfat.
4. Bulimic persons are too much concerned with their weight.
5. Eating a variety of foods once a week is a good nutritional habit.

C. Directions: Identify the eating styles/behavior of your Father, Mother, Brother/Sister,

Grandfather/Grandmother or any household members. Observe at least three. Copy the table then answer the
guide questions below. Rubrics will be used to rate the assessment.

Family/ Household Members Observation of Eating Styles/Behavior

He eats very fast during lunch because he is going to play a

Example: Cousin
computer game after.




Answer the questions:

1. What have you observed about their eating habits?

2. How can you help improve about their eating habits?

NAME: ___________________________________________________________ SCORE: _________________
GRADE & SECTION : ____________________________________________ DATE: __________________

HEALTH 7 week 6 worksheet

A. Directions: Write C if the statement is a Cause of Eating Disorders, P if it is Prevention to Eating
Disorders and T if it is a Treatment to Eating Disorders.

1. Learn about the nature, signs and symptoms of eating disorders.

2. Establish a good relationship with your family and friends.
3. Changes in brain chemicals
4. People who experienced troubled relationships
5. Social pressure to be thin
6. Choose to value more on your personality than your looks
7. Enjoy all kinds of food in moderation
8. Learn to express your feelings honestly
9. Feeling unhappy with one’s body
10. Low self-confidence

B. Directions: Identify the following treatment, prevention and control if it is for Anorexia, Bulimia or
Binge-Eating disorder
1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water and do 30mins exercise.
2. Cope with stress.
3. Take three regular meals and choose healthy snacks.
4. Know the early signs seeking treatment right away can help complication.
5. Stay Away from temptation.

C. Directions: Write your answers in your MAPEH activity notebook. Rubrics will be used to rate the

1. What can you advise to your best friend with symptoms of eating disorders?

2. How can you develop a healthy self-image?

NAME: ___________________________________________________________ SCORE: _________________
GRADE & SECTION : ____________________________________________ DATE: __________________

HEALTH 7 week 7 worksheet

A. Directions: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that generally occurs during the
period from puberty to legal adulthood.
a. Adolescence c. Old Age
b. Infancy d. Youngster
2. It is a high refined sugar which exerts stress in your metabolism.
a. Food Supplements c. Junk Foods
b. Fruits d. Milk
3. Failure to eat on time will result to all of the following except .
a. Hyperglycemia c. Hypoglycemia
b. Loss weight d. Vitamin Deficiency
4. Which of the following is NOT included in a healthy eating plan?
a. Emphasizes vegetables and fruits c. Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs and nuts
b. When cooking, try to fry instead of baking d. Limits saturated and trans fats, sodium and sugar
5. Eating fast food most of the time will result to .
a. Damaged Liver c. Heart Problems
b. Diabetes d. Obesity
6. Dizziness, headaches and fainting are the symptoms of .
a. COVID-19 c. Hyperglycemia
b. Diabetes d. Hypoglycemia
7. One of the major contributing factors for the emerging diabetes epidemic is unhealthy diet of .
a. Junk c. Protein
b. Mass d. Sodium
8. Lack of is the main reason why junk food consumption is linked to an increased risk of
cancers of the digestive system.
a. Fiber c. Sodium
b. Nutrients d. Vitamins
9. It is the high level of found in a number of junk food which causes liver dysfunction.
a. Enzymes c. Sodium
b. Refined sugar d. Trans Fats
10. Eating too much fast food will lead to .
a. Hyperglycemia c. Obesity
b. Hypoglycemia d. Weight Loss
B. Directions: Choose your answer inside the box below. Write your answer before the number.

Junk Diet Healthy Eating Fast Food

Skipping Breakfast Digestive Problem

1. A nutritional problem that can cause diabetes.

2. The impact of these nutritional problem is you tend to eat more next meal and gives
you poor performance.
3. It makes your metabolism stress.
4. Fatty junk food eaters are bound to suffer from digestive problems because junk food
is deep fried.
5. Is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and something that should be taught at a
young age.

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