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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

SOI Therepe Beauty

Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

1.0 Executive Summary.....................................................................................................4
1.1 Our Objective:.................................................................................................................4
1.2 Our Mission.....................................................................................................................4
2.0 Company Summary.....................................................................................................5
2.1 Company Ownership......................................................................................................5
2.2 Start-up Summary...........................................................................................................6
2.3 Keys to Success.............................................................................................................9
3.0 Products Summary....................................................................................................10
3.1 Future Product..............................................................................................................10
3.2 Pricing Strategy............................................................................................................10
4.0 Market Analysis Summary........................................................................................11
4.1 Market Overview...........................................................................................................12
4.2 Competition...................................................................................................................14
4.3 Competition Advantages..............................................................................................16
5.0 SWOT Analysis...........................................................................................................19
6.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary..................................................................22
6.1 Marketing Plan..............................................................................................................23
7.0 Financial Plan.............................................................................................................27
7.1 Startup Funds Requirements........................................................................................27
7.2 Projected Sales.............................................................................................................28
8.3 Projected Profit and Loss Account...............................................................................30
8.0 APPENDIX – SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION.....................................................31

Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

I. Confidentiality & Document Information

This document has been prepared for the sole use of the business named below. The
document may be used to start or expand the named business. This document is not to be
copied or re-used by anyone else for a similar or new/another purpose.
The document may contain confidential, trade secret, and proprietary information belonging
to its creator/owner(s) and partners, members, or associated companies. The recipient is
expected to treat this document as they would their own most confidential internal material.
Neither this document nor any attachments related to this submission may be disclosed to
any person outside the recipient's organization without express written permission from the
document creators/owner(s). By accepting this document, the recipient confirms that they
will comply with these expectations.

II. Document Information

Reference: SOI Therepe Beauty
Version: Final Draft – July 13, 2020
Prepared for: Banks, Grant Providers, Investors

Prepared by: Yvette Ervin SOI Therape Beauty

Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

III. Cover Letter

JULY 13, 2020

SOI Therepe Beauty– Business Plan


On behalf of SOI Therepe Beauty, we are pleased to submit this business plan for your
consideration. This document will help you to understand what we are aiming to do with our
business by providing you with complete information within a variety of detailed sections.
SOI Therepe Beauty is looking forward to the opportunity to work with you. Please feel free
to call or contact me via email for any clarification on this document.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

1.0 Executive Summary

SOI Therepe Beauty is located at a 522 Reliant way, American Canyon CA 94503. The
objective of SOI Therepe Beauty business, is to provides support for women's beauty care
featuring organic skincare.
The goals of our company are to be profitable and build a product line through name
recognition. It is the immediate goal to launch an additional product line into the beauty
market This variety will allow us to reach the most significant number of customers possible.
We will ensure that our customer care is second to none. We know that our customers are
the reason why we are in a business, which is why we will go the extra mile to get them
satisfied and get what they are looking for whenever they visit our SOI Therape Beauty.
Yvette Ervin is the owner and CEO of SOI Therepe Beauty. She holds a bachelors degree
in business for Cal State University Sacramento and has been trained in cosmetology. She
has the working experience of 20 years in this field. She is Working as an executive for
international brands such as Sephora, Blue Mercury, Bobble Brown, Laura Mercier and
others. In addition Ma Ervin is a former professional model and the face of the information
brand L’Oréal. Our target market is a Women between 35-65 years. We will try to deliver our
services/ products at an affordable price.
Overall, we conclude that our current services, and promotion strategies will ensure a
strong market presence and continued revenue growth.

1.1 Our Objective:

 The main objective of the SOI Therape Beauty is to provide natural organic skincare.
To start a SOI Therape Beauty business is globally competitive and delivering quality
services to our customers at a low price.

1.2 Our Mission

Our primary mission is to provide the highest level of customer service to each client,
thereby establishing a long lasting relationship of trust and commitment. Our expertise and
professionalism allows us to provide clients with the utmost beauty experience

2.0 Company Summary

Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

SOI Therape Beautyis a powerful ancient remedy that has been used for centuries by
women worldwide to support deep wellness. Also known as vaginal steaming, chai-
yok, or bajo, it is a holistic health practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal
steam to gently permeate the exterior of her vagina. Yoni is a Sanskrit word meaning
“vagina,” “womb,” “goddess” or “origin of life,” and SOI Therape Beautyis intended to
support all of these aspects of a woman.
The treatment may sound odd at first, but the truth is that, for millennia, women have shared
this powerful practice among one another, inspiring each other to heal, nourish and love our
bodies. Today, countless women are rediscovering the practice. 

2.1 Company Ownership 

SOI Therape Beautyowned by___________________. She was president of Women &

Nuclear from Missouri University of Science & Technology Student Chapter for three years.
Also, She held a secretary position of American Nuclear Society from the Missouri
University of Science & Technology Student Chapter for two years.
_______________ is a company advisor. She has expressed an interest in eventually
taking over the management of the company and will be working as a part-time manager
with this goal in mind. Additional personnel will be added if necessary. She expects to
expand our staff and extend our hours once we begin to make a profit.

________ owner of business,

2.2 Start-up Summary

Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

YONI Steamingis solely owned and financed by __________. She does not intend to
welcome any external business partners, which is why he has decided to restrict the
sourcing of the start-up capital from personal savings.
One of the primary goals of starting YONI Steamingis to build a business that will survive off
its cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the company
is officially running.
We will sell our services a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market, and we
are well prepared to survive on a lower profit margin for a while.
Here is the given below the Startup Funding details.

Start-up Funds Requirements

Source/Name Amount

Bank Loans $0.00

Investors $0.00

Kick Starter $0.00

Capital Investment by Manager / Owner $70,000.00

TOTAL $70,000.00

Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

Start-up Funds Requirements


Bank Loans Investor Capital By Owner

We have a well thought out start-up plan that will help us move forward with the right
marketing tools, equipment, and staff to get started.








Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty


Startup Assets

Computer, Machinery & Equipment $3,000.00

Inventory $40,000.00

Furniture $2,000.00

Total Start-up Assets $45,000.00

Start-up Expenses

Fee for Registration, Legal Expenses $2,000.00

Social Media Marketing Expenses $10,000.00

Utilities (For 2 Months) $1,500.00

Website hosting, design, maintenance $1,500.00

Development Expenses Expenses $5,000.00

Other & General Expenditure $5,000.00

Total Start-up Expenses $25,000.00

Total Startup Funds Required $70,000.00


$45,000.00 $25,000.00
Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

2.3 Keys to Success

YONI Steamingis started by the individual who has excellent skills and the potential to
provide services to its customers. We are different from others as we understand customer
needs and fulfill them on prior bases. 
Here are some unique features which are exclusively offered by the SOI Therape
 Our Website: Our website will be designed to be user friendly and ensure that
orders are executed in real-time. 
 Fast-paced Transactions and delivery system: Our highly efficient and automated
monitoring platform will allow us to provide users with the fastest transactions and
 Cost-Effective and Efficient: SOI Therape Beautywill not only be profitable, but it
will also be proved as a platform that is efficient with its results.
 Customer needs: for a successful and profitable SOI Therape Beautybusiness, the
understanding of customers' needs is essential. It has to be ensured that services
are as cheap as compare with our competitors.

Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

3.0 Services Summary

YONI Steamingis involves sitting over a steaming pot of water that often contains
added herbs. Possible herbs may include basil, mugwort, rosemary, and wormwood.
People who practice vaginal steaming believe the herbs can penetrate vaginal tissues
and offer a variety of benefits;

3.1 Future Product

Our business work primarily focuses on e-books, audiobooks, and approaches to search for
work. However, to support our business, we will introduce an app in the future for our
valued customers to provide them additional support to their research work, assignments,
and specific task assigned to then related to their profession. This will ease to the
customers that in minimal possible time, the customer can access different e-book related
websites where the research work, papers, and audio, video conferences in the recorded
form are available for their consultation.

3.2 Pricing Strategy

We believe so much in keeping our prices at the barest minimum, and that is why we will
offer our products that every person could purchase easily.

Pricing is one of the key factors that give leverage to book stores and retailing business. It is
usual for consumers to go to book stores where they can get products at a lower price,
which is why the big player in the book store / retail industry likes attracts loads of

We know we can’t compete with other bigger book stores and malls, but we will ensure that
the prices of all products that are available in our book store are competitive with what is
obtainable amongst book stores within our level and in our location.

Payment Options

At YONI Steaming, our payment policy is all inclusive because we are quite aware that
different people prefer different payment options as it suits them. Here are the payment
options that will be available on our outlet;

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 Payment by cash

 Payment via Point of Sale (POS) Machine

 Payment via online bank transfer (online payment portal)

 Payment via Mobile money

 Pay with a check (from loyal customers)

Given the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will help us achieve our payment
plans without any itches.

4.0 Market Analysis Summary

The book store industry, which is a niche in the retailing industry, is one unique industry that
is active in all parts of the world. Establishments in this industry predominantly retail a broad
range of books, newspapers, and periodicals, including trade books, textbooks, magazines,
paperbacks, religious texts, and stationeries. In recent research that was conducted in
America, it was found that approximately 63,000 book publishers with annual sales of less
than $50 million generate collective sales of $14.2. Research shows the concentration level
for the book store industry has wavered over the last five years resulting in some
businesses in the industry closing shop or creating an additional source of income
alongside running a book store.

At present, the two most significant players in the industry (Barnes & Noble and Follett) hold
a combined estimated 35.0 per cent share of the revenue generated in the industry in 2015.
The ever-growing demand for items sold in book stores, book store owners are now
opening additional stores, thereby creating chains of stores across different cities.

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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

E-books offer readers convenience and the chance to save money on buying books, but
they're also causing bookstores to take a significant hit. In 2011, e-books captured $3.2
billion of the bookselling market, and by 2016 that number is projected to grow to nearly $10
billion. That estimate could be pretty close to reality based on past trends; between 2010
and 2011 alone, e-book sales rose by 210% and comprised 30% of all sales of adult fiction.
Before the introduction of the Amazon Kindle, the e-book market was reasonably
insignificant. Now, with nearly 28% of Americans owning an e-reader device, it's not
uncommon to see sales jump exponentially from year to year.

4.1 Market Overview

The trend of e-books and e-readers will continue to increase over the next five years, with
new technologies driving their popularity. Competition from external competitors will remain
strong, as department stores, mass merchandisers and online retailers can offer lower-
priced books because of buying in bulk and access to extensive storage facilities.

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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

Some book stores will benefit from the increasing demand for new technologies, such as e-
readers. Beyond every reasonable doubt, the book store companies that can successfully
flow with the trend and keep up with consumer and technology trends will fare well in the
coming years. In contrast, the continued decline in physical book sales will keep the overall
industry in a steady decline. Technical development and sophistication of reading devices
that provide a similar experience to that of reading an actual book is the critical
factor driving the global e-book market. The rising adoption of smartphones and multilingual
features of E-books is an advantage which is expected to drive the global demand for e-
books. Moreover, the increasing trend of collecting information online for research or
educational purpose is adding to the growth of the e-books market. Furthermore, the
environment protection campaigns from governments across the globe, especially for
saving trees to reduce the use of paper also increases the demand for e-books.

YONI Steamingbelieves it’s well-laid out strategies are a perfect demonstration of how to
run a bookstore business and attain profits within the shortest time possible. The bookstore
business plan has forecasted an impressive boost and growth in annual sales. Based on
the sales strategies, the bookstore hopes to meet the following sales targets every year.
The following table and charts show information regarding the bookstore’s sales forecasts.

Target market

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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

E-books appeal to almost everyone, including people of both genders and all ages. The
genre that’s chosen will determine the particular demographic that business targets, but
there are genres for every interest and every person.

YONI Steamingaims to sell various types of books that will appeal to readers of different
age groups. The bookstore intends to offer a wide range of new and exciting books that
meet customer expectations.

4.2 Competition

E-books today command a significant section of the publishing industry. In the United
States alone, 487 million e-books are sold each year for revenue of $3.1 billion. In this
modern technological era, the global e-book market is highly fragmented with many
independent authors and publishers. There are many e-book stores globally that hold a
dominant share in the digital market. Many e-book stores adopt strategies such as joint
ventures and partnerships with small and regional publishers to gain higher market shares.

YONI Steaminghopes to organize its product pricing structures to woo customers tactfully
but, at the same time, ensure projected profits are realized according to the bookstore
business plan.

Major ebook stores are:

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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

, Inc.

 Smashwords, Inc

 Rakuten Kobo Inc.

 Apple Inc.

 Blurb

Direct & Indirect Competitors

There are many direct & indirect competitors of YONI Steaming. The following book stores
are providing either direct or indirect competition for customers:

 Barnes & Noble, Inc.

Barnes & Noble (B&N) is the leading book retailer in the United States, with over 640 stores
across all 50 states and Washington, DC. The company offers trade books, paperbacks, e-
books, e-readers, magazines, newspapers, and other content across its distribution
platform, which includes general retail book stores and an e-commerce website. Barnes &
Noble also owns Sterling Publishing, a leading publisher of nonfiction books.

After spinning off its college bookstore segment in 2015, the company currently operates
through its retail and NOOK segments. Its retail sector consists of both its 640 brick-and-
mortar stores and the company’s website, The website is one of the internet’s
largest e-commerce sites, generating an estimated $886.0 million in 2015. The company’s
NOOK segment includes the sale of the NOOK e-reader and revenue made from e-books
and other digital media through the company’s mobile platform. While the company’s retail
segment accounts for an overwhelming majority of company revenue, the NOOK segment
is used to compete with Amazon’s Kindle platform.

 Books-A-Million

Founded in 1917, Books-A-Million is one of the leading chain book retailers in the United
States. The retailer operates primarily in the Southeast United States through its traditional
store and superstore formats. The company’s traditional stores are smaller in size and are
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often located in enclosed malls. Books-A-Million’s superstores, conversely, are standalone

facilities that are larger and offer space for browsing, reading, shopping, and various
promotional events. Over the past five years, Books-A-Million has opened, closed, and
relocated a variety of stores to rescue struggling profit margins. Additionally, the company
increasingly promotes its “Millionaire’s Club” loyalty program to attract repeat customers. 

 Powell’s Books

Founded in 1971 in Portland, OR, Powell’s Books is one of the top independent booksellers
in the United States. The company revolutionized the bookselling industry by offering both
new and used hardcover and paperback titles on the same shelf. The store is immensely
popular with both the local community and visiting patrons. With a selection of books in over
120 subject areas and 3,500 subsections, the store offers an expansive array of both
bestselling authors along with less common niche titles. In 1994, the company launched its
e-commerce site, and, within two years, its entire collection was available for purchase
online. Contrary to the overall trend of the industry, this small company has thrived over the
past five years.

These e-book stores offer trade books, paperbacks, e-books, e-readers, magazines,
newspapers, and other content across its distribution platform, which includes general retail
book stores and an e-commerce website.

4.3 Competition Advantages

YONI Steaminghas put in place smart sales strategies to ensure the bookstore outshines its

 Focus on book lovers, a key market segment that is growing daily. These are
customers who’re willing to do anything to have their favorite book.

 Understanding what the customer needs and responding to those needs in the best
way possible. Do market research to see what sells and innovate solutions that
support the bookstore’s growth strategy.

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 Ensure customers enjoy their time while at the bookstore by offering friendly and
professional customer service.

 Establish the bookstore in a central location that is visible and easily accessible for

 Vigorously market the bookstore on various media platforms, i.e., local television,
radio, and on the digital space, i.e., social media. Utilize exhibitions and events to
market the bookstore.

The business owner feels it must be clearly stated that we do not intend to compete with the
Barnes & Noble/Borders superstores directly. Resources such as distribution technology,
strategic alliances, process research and development, and brand name combine into
value-added services that provide the customer with proximity, dominant selection,
discounts, and store ambiance. This is simply beyond our capacity, and we will be fulfilling a
sufficiently different need for our customers. However, we believe that we can successfully
duplicate the differentiated experience for our customers without the overall costs.

Quality Staff



Competitive Edge

YONI Steamingenjoys several advantages over its competitors. These advantages include:
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 Lower prices: Our Company’s competitive edge will be the lower prices, we will
charge our customers. In the bookstore industry, low cost and dominate selection are
the two success criteria. We plan to create these advantages in a new, comforting
environment that will retain customers.
 Easy-to-use website: Our Company’s competitive edge will be its easy-to-use
website and superior customer service.  The website design will be a competitive
advantage because research indicates that an easy-to-use webpage significantly
increases sales.  The design of Nature's site will encourage purchases because it is
so easy and quick to make the purchase.  Too often, sales are lost because of
sophisticated websites that are far from intuitive.
 Yearly membership: Another thing that we will offer is an annual membership. By
providing our customers with an inexpensive yearly membership, we will be more
competitive with the large retail bookstores. Our membership card will cost $10 a
year and will allow the customer to receive between 5% and 15% off any product
they purchase on our website.
 Customer care: Another competitive edge is superior customer service. The
objective of the customer service department is to serve the customer in any way
required. Customers that call in with problems or issues will be amazed at the
amount of personal attention they receive and how quickly problems are not only
resolved, but significantly improved. This will be a powerful asset.
 Highly experienced staff: Our highly skilled and qualified management and
customer service culture will serve as a competitive advantage for us. All our
employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the
best within our category in the industry. It will enable them to be more than willing to
build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our business
aims and objectives.

5.0 SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a strategic management technique and is very useful in analyzing the
internal and external factors of an organization for the planning and decision-making
process. Following is the SWOT analysis.


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Customer satisfaction:

The dedicated customer relationship management department has able to achieve a high
level of customer satisfaction. We ensure that the company provides a high quality of
services to our customers to maintain a good relationship with customers.

Strong distribution network:

Our company will be built a reliable distribution network that can reach the majority of its
prospective market.  

Stable Cash Flow:

YONI Steaminghas durable and robust cash flows that provide resources to the company to
expand into new projects.

Varieties of payment options:

YONI Steaminghas types of payment options for their customers. For example, the
customer will pay through credit card, through bank accounts and also cash on delivery
within the state. We have paid particular attention to the demand of customers and have
many excellent services of delivering products for shopping online.

Offer a variety of products:

YONI Steamingis an online bookstore that will sell eBooks, books, audiobooks, and related
products. It will also have the facility of drop shipping from wholesalers.

Keeping low price:

We will offer books, audio, books, and other products at an affordable price to our
customers. We will continuously organize some promotional events for customers with high-
quality service and competitive prices.

Fast delivery:

Our company will focus on the fast delivery of the product and services. We train our
employees to take care of the customer's needs and delivering quality products and
services to the customer.

Membership cards:

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We will give a membership card to our customers so that they will get a discount on the
books that purchase through cash as well as online. This will increase customer turnover,
which will increase the revenue of our company.

Limited content accessibility related to e-book functionality:
One of the significant weaknesses of e-books is the difficulty of accessing and manipulating
digital content. The limited ability to copy, print, and share e-books across multiple platforms
can be attributed mainly to digital rights management restrictions built into the ebook
technology to protect intellectual property rights.
Licensing and copyright issues:
In many instances, e-books incur higher indirect costs. Cost burdens include higher prices
for e-books and paying to renew subscriptions to e-serials or e-book packages each year.
New entrants:
Our company is at a start-up stage, so it is not able to tackle the challenges present by the
new entrants in the segment and has lost a small market share in the niche categories.
Lack of brand recognition initially:

This is a new start-up, and it will have no brand recognition. Therefore, it will take some time
and investment to create brand recognition. Some market players already have brand
recognition. Consequently, it’s our weakness.

Lack of Financial capacity:

A significant weakness that may count against us is the fact that we are a new online book
store in the USA, and we don’t have the financial capacity to engage in the kind of publicity
that we intend to give the business.

Shortage of Supply of Books:

Some circumstances, such as new government policies, changes in the contents of some
books, and delaying the printing and delivery of books on time will create a shortage of
books in the book world and the main threat for our company.

Increase in population:

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The bookstore has vast opportunities that it should continue exploiting. Due to the ever-
increasing population and growth in the quest for intellectual knowledge through
generations, there is an ever-increasing market for books in the different varieties.

Stable free cash flow:

The steady cash in the company’s account opens the new window for investment in new
business opportunities as well as in new product segments.

Strong consumer market growth:

Healthy consumer needs can open up a new market for YONI Steaming. It provides an
excellent opportunity for our company to increase revenue streams.

Collaborations with public sectors:

We will collaborate with the public sector to provide rare & antique books to our customers
at a low price. Our primary mission is to meet the need of customers and increase their

The growing demand for E-books:

There is a trend of e-books and audiobooks in the new generation, and this trend is
predicted to increase in the future.

Changing consumer behavior

The main threat our company is facing is the different online channels and other bookstores
that provide similar services and products; that could be a threat to our existing supply chain

Strong Competition

There is healthy competition in price and service segments. Many Competitors also provide
slightly different services and products with various discounts and offers, which build
extreme competition. That’s why it is difficult for new companies to overgrow in this industry.

Increase in the Transportation costs by the courier company

Sometimes the increase in the transportation cost will be a significant threat for the
company because it will increase the price for the customer and next time, the customer will
avoid purchasing the book from our store.

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 Experienced Leadership  New to business
 Well Trained Employees  Saturated market
 Discreet Management  Limited financial backup

 To become the most  Excessive competition.
trusted organization in  The threat of new
the staffing solution entrants.
 The tendency to attract
more patronage.

6.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary

YONI Steaminghas the objective of creating a premier brand so that they can eventually
capture market share across broad geographic lines.

The primary focus of YONI Steamingmarketing strategy must be to increase sales and
profitability. This can be achieved by gaining entry into the large business supply retailers,
and to take the necessary steps to make YONI Steamingwebsite a useful sales generating
tool. Therefore, our focus is significantly on the increased traffic and usage and, in turn,
maintains our inventory of products and services. 

YONI Steamingcompetitive edge will be the lower prices. We will charge our customers and
the dominant selection above what our other e-bookstore rivals can offer. One of the most
critical elements of YONI Steamingsuccess will be its marketing and advertising.

6.1 Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is considered as a powerful tool to analyze the success rate of a new
company. A marketing plan is essential to specify the customers and to create the products
according to their requirements. The following is the complete descriptions of the marketing
plan. The following is the full specifications of the marketing plan.

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YONI Steamingis located in Colorado, USA. This book store provides high-quality books, e-
books, and audiobooks to its customers at a reasonable price. Our store has a wide range
of books for customers of every age group. Our friendly user website, discounted rates on
products, promotions given to our regular customers made us unique and distinctive in the
market. Our bookstores serve the entire purchasing population of its geographical area but
focus on the customer who desires to purchase books at a discount price and, with regards
to magazines, often do not see a long-term attachment to the product.

YONI Steamingis established to maximize profits in the book store. We are going to go all
the way to ensure that we do all it takes to sell a wide range of book store related products
to a wide range of customers. This bookstore business plan template is aimed at
implementing a working strategy that will be rolled into action after the bookstore has been
opened. In this modern world, technology has mostly influenced reading patterns. Many
people still prefer to read traditional printed books, but at the same time, there are a large
group of customers who want to read books online without moving their chair. YONI
Steamingkeeps this objective in its mind and provides a variety of products just on click.

Market Trends

The global E-book sub-segment of the book publishing market is expected to grow at the
fastest rate. An increasing trend of online information collection for research & educational
purpose is projected to fuel the growth of the E-books market. The fragile nature of
traditional books prone to wear and tear and further high cost give a competitive advantage
to E-books.

The rise in several portable readable devices such as smartphones & tablets is anticipated
to be the primary growth factor for the global e-book market. Consumers prefer e-books
over books due to the fragility of books to wear and tear the need for adequate care, and
high cost. Digitization of books and its accessibility over the internet is expected to create
an innovative environment to offer a real-time experience for readers. E-book readers who
own tablets or e-readers are very likely to read e-books on those devices. However,
consumers owning computers or cell phones sometimes turn to those platforms, too. As a
result, there is a flow in tablet and e-reader ownership levels and are more prominent in the
e-reading scenario.

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Social Media Publicity

We will incorporate social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn,
etc. into our startup marketing strategy. The significant benefits, luxurious amenities, and
complimentary services in our digital ads will give researchers and potential prospects a
reason to think they can't find anything else better than this place. Also, directly and quickly
responding to the comments and questions of customers will raise their interest in our

Importance of Social Media

Facebook users in the United States of America
March 2020
There were 233 500 000 Facebook users in the United States of America in March 2020,
which accounted for 70.3% of its entire population.
The majority of them were women - 54%.
People aged 25 to 34 were the largest user group (63 000 000).
The highest difference between men and women occurs within people aged 65 and
above, where women lead by 6 200 000.

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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

Instagram users in the United States of America

March 2020
There were 124 200 000 Instagram users in the United States of America in March 2020,
which accounted for 37.4% of its entire population.
The majority of them were women - 56.5%.
People aged 25 to 34 were the largest user group (44 000 000).
The highest difference between men and women occurs within people aged 35 to 44,
where women lead by 4 100 000.

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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

Linkedin users in the United States of America

March 2020
There were 164 700 000 Linkedin users in the United States of America in March 2020,
which accounted for 49.6% of its entire population.
People aged 25 to 34 were the largest user group (99 000 000).

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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

Social Media Stats in the U.S. From March 2019 to March 2020

7.0 Financial Plan

The following is the Financial Plan of YONI Steaming.

7.1 Startup Funds Requirements

YONI Steamingwill initially require to obtain a loan a total of $70,000 to start the business.

Start-up Funds Requirements

Source/Name Amount

Bank Loans $0.00

Investors $0.00

Kick Starter $0.00

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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

Capital Investment by Manager / Owner $70,000.00

TOTAL $70,000.00

Start-up Funds Requirements


Bank Loans Investor Capital By Owner

7.2 Projected Sales

Projected Sales for the next five years are given below.


Details YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5
Sales / Revenue $120,000.00 $144,000.00 $180,000.00 $225,000.00
Cost of Goods
$60,000.00 $72,000.00 $86,400.00 $104,400.00 $128,250.00
Gross Profit $40,000.00 $48,000.00 $57,600.00 $75,600.00 $96,750.00

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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty


$250,000.00 $225,000.00

$200,000.00 $180,000.00

$150,000.00 $120,000.00


Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Year-4 Year-5







1 2 3 4 5

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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty

7.3 Projected Profit and Loss Account


Details YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5

Sales / Revenue $100,000.00 $144,000.00 $180,000.00 $225,000.00

Cost of Goods
$60,000.00 $72,000.00 $86,400.00 $104,400.00 $128,250.00
Gross Profit $40,000.00 $48,000.00 $57,600.00 $75,600.00 $96,750.00

Social Media
Marketing $7,000.00 $8,000.00 $6,000.00 $7,000.00 $10,000.00
Utilities $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,500.00 $7,000.00 $8,000.00

Hosting, Design, $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00

$3,000.00 $3,500.00 $4,000.00 $5,000.00 $7,000.00
Other & General
$2,000.00 $2,500.00 $3,000.00 $5,000.00 $7,000.00
Repair &
$500.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $7,000.00
Total Expenses $20,500.00 $23,500.00 $23,500.00 $30,000.00 $41,000.00

Net Profit $19,500.00 $24,500.00 $34,100.00 $45,600.00 $55,750.00

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Business Plan – SOI Therepe Beauty







Sales / Revenue YEARSold
Cost of Good 2 YEAR
Gross 3
Profit YEAR
Total 4
Expenses YEAR 5
Net Profit


This section is reserved for future additional documentation in support of the business plan,
as necessary.

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