ASAP Usage On An Incline Nudo Antes Que Caída

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2oIri22, 20.01 [ASAP usage on an inline - Pela! Other AT DEALERS -—«CUSTOMERSERVICE DOWNLOADS. rch tps Tech tos by product ASAP SAP usage ona ASAP usage on an incline A) Warnines * Carefully read the Instructions for Use used in this technical advice before consulting the advice itset. You must have already read and understood the information in the Instructions for Use to be able to understand this supplementary information. * Mastering these techniques requires specific training Work with @ professional to confirm your ability to perform these techniques safely and independently before attempting them unsupervised * We provide examples of techniques related to your activity. There may be others that we do not describe here. ‘ For moving about on an incline, the ASAP offers the advantage of freely following the user, in both directions, z ‘of movement, In case of afallon a low-angle roof or rough surface, the User's siding speed can be quite low. In this case, the ASAP does not recognize a fall, and it can follow the user without locking. ‘This is normal operation. When the user's sliding speed increases, the device normally lacks to stop the fall. Product echnical nomaton oe hips www. petal.comiNT/en/ProfessionalASAP-usage-on-ar-Incine?ProducName=ASAP uM 2017122, 20.01 [ASAP usage on an incline - Peta! Other qq) oieren mun suniaves, (On a rough surface, at low sliding speed, the average displacement before locking is § m (On a smooth surface, at medium sliding ‘speed, the average displacement before locking is 3 m. ‘These values are given for information and the results will vary depending on the surface, the slope, the user's position before the fal or the condition of the rope. Incase there is a dangerous obstacle less than 5 m from the user, on @ low-angle incline, Petzl recommends making a stopper knot in the rope before the obstacle, Product echnical nomaton | sen -ntps:www.petal comiINTier/Protessional/ASAP-usage-on-arincline?ProduciName=ASAP_ 2017122, 20.01 [ASAP usage on an inline - Peta! Other Notes: = While sliding, the user can grab the ASAP without inhibiting locking, ‘This can allow him to stablize himself and can also trigger locking, = With the ASAP LOCK, use the locking function so that the device stays, in place regardless of the sliding speed. bese Nex > ‘ASAP usage when approaching an Fall arrest on a vertical ifeline with ASAP obstacle or the ground LOGK and ASAP Fs — Product echnical nomaton | sen -ntps:www.petal comiINTier/Protessional/ASAP-usage-on-arincline?ProduciName=ASAP_ 207, 2001 Join the connmunity! © in in [ASAP usage on an inline - Peta! Other About Petz! Petz! Foundation Petzl Solutions Disclaimer Policy on personal data processing and cookie ‘management Accessibility Declaration Cookies Settings Operators Tactical Solutions hitps ww. petal.comiNTlen/ProfessionalASAP-usage-on-ar-Incine?ProductName=ASAP Petz! contact Other Petal International Ineemationalapetalcom Press access 48

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