Pe 2 Activity 2

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Activity 2

I Realize
In this activity, you should be able to understand the effects of bad and good eating habits.
Directions: Ask the following questions below and write your answer on the space provided.
1. Do you have a healthy eating habit? Why do you say so?
- I don't think I have a healthy eating habit because I rarely eat fruits and vegetables and
I always love to eat unhealthy foods; it's like it's part of my daily routine to eat something
sweet or salty, and I also forget to eat on time when I'm very busy.

2. In your self- check, what are some eating habits you think should change? Why?
-I will control what I eat and avoid unhealthy foods like sweets and chips because
those are my comfort foods and I always eat them, but it is not good for my health
because I may get diseases if I continue to do so, so starting now I will control what
I eat and eat the foods that in a proper way and balance what I eat.

3. What eating habits should you continue? Why?

- Eating my meals properly and not skipping meals are habits that I will continue since it
is vital to eat meals on time because eating meals regularly, especially nutritious meals,
will give you with enough energy to use and perform your work for the entire day.

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