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028: Assessment Event 3: Secondary Research Project

Draft 1 Report Planner

Student´s Name: Allan Eduardo Jimenez Rocha

Student´s ID: ICH49109

Teacher: Manuel Meza

Date of Delivery: 10/05/2022

Word Count: 1102

GAC028 A.E. 3 Allan Eduardo Jimenez Rocha ICH49109


This research is being carried out to see how global warming has affected finances and how it has also been

affected by the pandemic and what is the solution.

1.0 Introduction

The purpose of this investigation is to get to the point of how we can’t get ahead of the decline in global

warming. Global warming, how is it influencing the area of finance and how will it continue to affect it if the

world continues like this, and this theme is interesting because it gives you too much informat ion about how

the financial state has changed. The relevant knowledge is that in the financial world there were a lot of changes

economically in the world and it had sometimes been very good and sometimes bad and little by little it has been

improving but it has also had its financial downturns. The result of the investigation is expected until we can

gather the best information to see how we can continue advancing even with global warming against us.

2.0 Methods:

In the investigation we will look for the information in all the sources that are necessary to be able to put the best

information in the investigation, in the main sources that we will give attention to will be, books, internet,

magazine, among others we will base ourselves. All the data that will be collected from the information sources

will be put into tables, paragraphs of information that can make the investigation more interesting to read, and

also so that the information is well written. The information methods were all compiled little by little in each

internet source or book that could provide us with the necessary information for the investigation, and thus be

able to make everything written so that they can appreciate what we want to imply about this research

3.0 Findings:

An increase of least 590% in annual climate finance is required to meet internationally agreed climate

objectives by 2030 and to avoid the most dangerous impacts of climate change. One think is the adaptation

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finance continues to lag, finance for adaptation increased by 53% reaching USD 46 billion in 2019/2020

compared to USD 30 billion in 2017/2018. “Despite this positive trend, total adaptation finance remains far

below the scale necessary to respond to existing and future climate change”. (UNEP´s Adaptation Gap

Report). The public sector continues to provide almost all adaptation financing, with adaptation increasingly

being prioritized in development finance climate portfolios, yet adaptation finance represented just 14% of

total public finance. Moreover, data on adaptation finance from the private sector is still largely missing.

Total climate finance has steadily increased over the last decade, reaching USD 632 billion in 2019/2020, but

de flows have slowed in the last few years. This is a worrying trend given that COVID-19´s impact on climate

finance is yet to be fully observed, the increase in annual climate finance flows between 2017/2018 and

2019/2020 was only 10% compared to previous periods, when it grew more than 24%.

Climate finance flows are nowhere near estimated needs, conservatively estimated at USD 4.5-5 trillion annually.

To achieve the transition to a sustainable, net zero emission and resilient world this decade, climate investment

must increase drastically, high- emission investments continue to flow in the sector, curbing the impact a new

finance towards climate mitigation and adaptation. Climate investment should count in the trillions, whereas fossil

fuel investments, which exceed USD 850 billion annually, should dramatically decrease in this decade. Climate

finance commitments also need to translate into action in the real economy requiring all public and private actors

to align their investment with Paris goals and net zero, sustainable pathways.

Filling the investment gap for adaptation is critical to achieving the goals of the Paris agreement. Finance to

adaptation, form both public and private actors, must be scaled by orders of magnitude to respond to current and

oncoming climate risks.

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4.0 Discussion:

The findings from this study suggest that captive gorillas, like human’s other primates, may be influenced by

their auditory environment, albeit a moderate degree. Given the discussions of the investigation, we arrived

at the fact that it is affecting a lot in a good and bad way, in the good sense it is that there are many good

changes that are being reflected in the area of finances that have helped, and in the bad sense it is that they

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lose a lot of income due to global warming that have been affected. Search for information in reliable sources

that were useful to carry out the investigation, which could bear fruit in order to provide better detailed

information and thus better understand the information on how global warming is extended to finances and

how can we stop it from happening, also another finding that gave us a lot of help in the research carried out

were the tables and the statistics that were seen in the realization of information that we were looking for and

if we could find all the information that we were looking for.

5.0 Conclusion:

The conclusion that we came to is that global warming has been very affected in finances and the pandemic

does not help almost, since not so many changes have been seen in what there is, but they have increased more

in finances since they do not stay below the amount, if not above the amount. What had been seen more mind.

It was possible to conclude how it had been so affected and what would happen if it continued like this, we

also saw tables of how it had been affecting the finances due to global warming, and what could be the solution

to all that. The actions that can be taken, was to let the expenses continue to increase, since in a few words it

would benefit everyone, since it is also good that it is balanced by a certain amount, since it gi ves security that

it will not go down any more and will not go up any more.)

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 Reading logs (Appendix included Reading Logs for at least four sources used in the paper, clearly justifying their
use in the report (12 marks)

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Reference List

Despite progress made, annual finance for climate action still nowhere near enough to limit warming to 1.5°C. [online]

Accessed from:


Global Landscape of climate Finance. [online] Accessed from:


Statement from OECD secretary-general Mathias Cormann on climate finance in 2019. [online] Accessed from:


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