Deliver Your Project - Master Project Management

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Define the Goal,

Stephen Covey, Begin with the End in mind

Well, the tricky part is making sure that

everyone involved actually agrees on what the
goal is.
Increase revenue, decrease costs, improve
service or quality, improve the capacity of
people, protect the environment, meet
regulatory and compliance requirements.
Some organizations define smart goals that
specific, measurable, actionable, relevant or
realistic and time bound when you have a
goal that meets all of them, makes a target
pretty clear.

Use Simplicity
Does your work seem like it's getting more complicated, despite access to better
technology and tools? Change that with Yves Morieux's six rules to simplify and manage
the complexity of business.

Form the Team:

Define the Scope:

Independent: Standalone, Modular, Flexible

Negotiable: Bargain one story for another

Valuable: Not valuable? Don’t work on it

Estimatable: Helps define scope

Small: Small enough to be estimatable

Testable: work is done. Correctly, Fits system

U: Understandable

Plan the work:

Keep Track of Projects

Explore several different project management systems to see which of these might
work for you & your team.

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