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Misty Scott

Education 110

Philosophy of Education

The role of education is to prepare individuals by learning the necessary social and intellectual skills

needed for a successful future in society. Critical thinking is the most important part of learning as it

helps someone understand how to use logic when making decisions and interacting with people. Critical

thinking boosts creativity as well as improves time management. The purpose of education is to also

help individuals discover their unique talents and abilities through their academic environment. It is also

through education that students learn and understand the values and morals of society.

The role of the teacher is to provide an equal learning opportunity for all students and provide flexibility to

students with special needs that still allows for inclusion in the classroom. A teacher is someone who should

make informed and intelligent practice decisions to achieve a variety of outcomes with and for students. This

is accomplished by preparing effective lessons, grading student work, providing feedback, managing

classroom materials, navigating the curriculum productively, and collaborating with other staff. Additionally,

a teacher should also be a learner as this is a guide to making any needed changes or improvements for the

students and the classroom. A teacher learns through the advice of colleagues, the outcome and success of

the students, and ultimately through experience.

Following Maria Montessori's view of the teacher's role, a teacher should prepare the environment, observe,

and demonstrate materials while not interfering with children's natural exploration. Although teachers'

interactions with children are highly intentional in the Montessori Method, it is assumed that much of the

learning occurs as children interact with materials. Thus, the teacher gives brief individual or small-group

lessons, but the children choose their activities for much of the day. Their options, however, are still limited

because the teacher arranges them (Bredekamp, 2019). A teacher should ask open-ended questions during

lessons and assessments and offer support where needed, but still encourage critical thinking.
The role of students is to actively use their skills and abilities to apply the knowledge available to them in

and outside of the classroom. Students should work collaboratively to allow proper social interaction.

However, students should also have some flexibility with how they learn based on individual needs and

interests. This also applies to students with special needs who may need additional assistance. Learning

should be an enjoyable experience and in a way that students willingly engage in their academics.

Students should also understand the importance of rules and why they should be respected. Albert

Bandura demonstrated, by bridging behaviorism and cognitive theory, that people can learn more

efficiently by observing the consequences of another person's behavior rather than having to directly

experience them. Children learn by imitating the actions of others. They also learn vicariously whether

other people's behavior is rewarded or punished (Bredekamp, 2019).

The role of the teacher in the community is to be a lifeline by serving and protecting children in and outside

of the classroom. The most vital role is to recognize and report any child abuse that occurs, being an

advocate for students. In the community, a teacher should establish a professional relationship with the

students’ families, providing them with a warm environment and ways to discuss any questions or concerns

regarding their child’s educational progress, as well as allowing parents to have choices in their child’s

education. Additionally, a teacher gives students the power of education and is a positive resource for

academic and personal matters and provides emotional support in times of crisis.

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