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ae ap Lemont af Ocean Enginewdag. 4 [Monep nites) > Basieally used for Wiad Tuscbins Croc Rubes Hat ot dlniuen j7clo Hu sea bed. x— 7 [Seri sub mexsesul—> A Spectoltoed moins vessel with te98 | pontoon for buoyancy to plead and weight to Rae He sreuchwu upright which wed ia a number @ gpodfie off shore CHP pes a > allshore ori lUng 98 9 heavy Nf ane > ofl production pUdsformr > Safely vewels. ——— Jrakprioks A pe manent struchuu lonstructed at a coashed eize t peo tect ogainst Roly, cwount, woveh and shom swye. Break water osu (Beaak watt} tna pled wo minimtw exosron and fo pote? anchorages , hetbi Protate vessels witnin Hum Prom marine paras . x SB nigtd hy daules Siruchvw oullt Ly from Groymt, aan oetan Shore or a Pius bank, Farerocupl. [Geoins| > water Jlow andl Umiting thi mourment of: sediment gr ysuially made out of weed, Convals of stons. er te yg?) . imp or shi the force fo alnaagt z2exo( 0) > with chert Hr C4) > Tig wal bed under He 5 More Magee) ven flependent an time - = obsostruchny 1g 5 Henaxy. » Tia) » a Howat ng siruchine config wrsd Simi Cu nO | ae a Semi- submuisy bus wirhh no Lovo podyors Fbuler pipes called tenclens brat conmnack ah bh Vhe sea oon , Ther tendons hold We pi@lform Pn place bur allow It fo move hundredls 7 peer sioleroatys- Tris flextbi Pry otows an platrporm fe yutole with husouieans, oF corner Ceouye youre seathren Haan resist Men. x [Mone po tes] SB senuiing. td a support element connecting hvoubltrr power and bre seabed, monopiles wu Me RY clypunb fp of fs hove wind Gow heaign and corns rruchion as Hey pranspex oll oh tools aching on the hurbine above 42a genet fo the seabed ancl wwe exposed ro rarith eeenn enuironmand Fset- ee [Bacrek, Pre —> Offshore tacket struchusies . K > The jacket joreufoles support gow bs founcda- Kon pile , conductors preou and oer appux tenants. A yacker poundlahTon Frctuctes og pr whith gu frsesid Hrwugh gy “LP and coorected fo pe legs etre at rs bop, by weld- t or mechanical menu, or ateng Hs length of Ins U9 | by grounhng . wy Hans. Cyr, 3 en . “at Trreg uta Deron bs paler wate 9 Vibra. Fon / oscilatien. pe struc. Te predict fortes on "5 Make an sbsostrudhwe +, what ar the fort omy on te Soruckw, Hew ro trance fuse fort 5 faligus. suses |, (sw cue) | ( fasigut ) oven achuires. Joackup 4 > A type 4 movie. pudsjorm — Hat consist of O buoyard hu fitted! woth’ qs bert movable LGR, capable of caising Pls bull our Mra Swat 4 He Sea. — Jedy long MAIO shruchd roth protects | a coos ting om ours and Foltse Mooke 4 Wood \seortth, shone. of conuule , Sivekh from tho shore roe. We wal... aory tg PA oS “— Ocean Enwironment > Fury Heung Taside rs owan, Ocean Engi near ag -> Ocean Strudwu > to toe the ne 2 e ‘ off shore = Deep shore Shruert anda Cy * {LLAA) Plxrpw) =Plnds Bu fa) 4 oa PM) : : Zu Vee) a¥vy, We aVeen oe Yer ae a, +O, 2 apr) dl = dt Geb 4 0a os a a 24, + Qa,ut 25 ave | ®ar7% QO) = A, 74 Me > ae A, uw taurs aura ) 30,-1 2 be eLae BUS te Oy 8 ie Aor Aout Laon + 1 ys, : : 3) eA, (lauren, 1) pons wor k ay ed Sun at ve) 4Y _~ uy -0 ee | APY = wy ; 7 Cres : ol 42a. + Qk + OK 7+ agKet on , =O Helou 4 BO, + Uys S et 20, 1 GAM’ # 1Pay nr 200,n>s 30a, «" + ULagn? wy =z Qu avw 3 4 oir Ano + A, 4 Oy" 4 ayys, agus, Agute dark Q0,20 7 a, 2d Oo + 60, Os = Be 2 20a, Or = 1204 (ows = Os 0; +2005 20, , (BO. One ag =O O42 . 1 Co 40a, 24 BOR, Ted ot Que 42Aq = At . 1d Qa = % Ay. Ag, AH ih U2eIL a sy. u " q aay + Ou 4 Azu* + ay nu* 240% (\y tures to ut 6 130 = |O, (t+ ie aware) oi oa Qa ie ie a res 49 Xi ont eyo re es.) \coreemmeenrrdijers weeat oF trite > For aychi Prac volts of Oe and a, g fea ~ Mone pit owe Ono dUsadvantage Prot is PL caused vibratons because halt “f PIs: pant ts on air about woo vel whi tHe ohuk hol ta woh g0 bo oword Prot , Hu jouket pusgerm Ts pear dep th te tro S$ 2a a arte Hone pi U ae CARTES OCEAN fx xX Rusonaling Phe noe ‘Phenomenon ° % . D> Thi ponopre, aso ge fiHed according fo Hw environment so Hak Hey, can’ be’ ‘prevented from Resonating Phanomenon, Reonanu (eo und), 2 Mostly cued bo fake out of! from ground . 4 sent - submwuis ( ». : ; Buby Whar Rind a atyjours Break wasen ave, fru ? C/ Vise. . . fundowuntal moni of Olean Engi ofoux -> wave > wind oy Mofor eiutengy@s for Ocean Struct 2 Curent : oe Traralabton> Crake uney Foo munch Hid >» Bath wary Pata Sustainabei ingot or bo sult : 2 Modnrenanty | pass por yee [rte bo pain via gor 28 poo or more eqs prustiagsert) gustainasi ure . 7 v> Struchwu has, fo sustain undin (ods off i) porns load 2) Want lad a)! auvant load Que the com Come tn yest F > whad would be wr Take oun euy from Hin Gwue pull 5 a type of Greakwale 4. Stand stole Break water 3 Macle “| pits natsot fs protechine (ayer in rhe gor a arctain shape. More cond Phions and @s aot stone whteh conexate OF lange Jsoocles 4 SuPlabl for use tn sofF soil eop Lb fe mores purity Creduct aamoge), a. Upefyink gros Breakwater’ 5~ Usue placed od Ms Sea ae a daepor dept wth howl gubguads, Becaure grenk water twall ts upright , Hee wr be .% wane, pohieh i supexposihen 6/0 dhe clo poltd Fn cfdank wave and re, Metechee wale pg ra aie mbinakton op righ ond 3. Combincdl,... Breakwer.© ans 4 LC One IS gro, ahwutn the upright weve ~ glanted stds breakire fy, out "én te'p “Af tru beveled breakwater, fs wed af vey erp woter depHu ant Hu subgrodt % unobu to withstend tre Look ef He upright preakuwoter. Tel nigh > upstole break water Trop Bw > stangood Sioks Breakwater. ges ei al gor oPDA ae a Conincation 4 eS Peng? yt) x0 Beunclary Suyee ge ZE- < woe 17Fl f(a? : porn moving iogeirens with. sors velouty So qu = Vit ons git V. TP. Fee) =e : oy plat bv pte Sth ek Ptr.) 4 PFiby + SE SE . ; at a 12E - Se vee HVE “OE - oe . ey af 4g. VF =O , . at a DF. oO : dtr” bE . pF , uaks VbF , wal 26 pe at an ay ae % Fuitd changes wih Hm aad suyfau sole. — . Fa Ope fuatd podicle ra] Ly edu J J punt at we nad te Coon Ws Surface foe Gus * FOny,2t) = wey te REE what to do fer Fun; tp bem a boundary surface l pans > KU + yu 2b Seundary, Fly y,2,t) oy 2 ~ aq buy) re D (2> qty) 20 B= Dt 2 V¢ We 22 ,n9M , vdM pur = wet : a zs rene at ge a4 potest . oe 2 31 40% AM +34 aN at foo=H oe ae Cr | ay apt . Za es oh, +t © or Canales Ura 2 , \* eat : KG t., “2? Qussleete. Bonnoeull! €4, pe -/( 44. es (ye)? | at +t 4° +i 20 2 ? 2 lane bas Plone Progress wwe (+e diveetion) " asin (ky - wl) ira) “—- 1 my Oy 2 & oS cot) GS Hroseddal fusne, Whe fined & - ke 2a a - 4 m2 0 cos (RD) ~ x =y% -ct “a 2 @ cos(k%) fits tn space met hme qe cos («(u-e) er a/T 2 AOS (Ku- ket) ce ol K | = acs (kuz t) pruc oirecton ) Ws a cos (Kx awt) , a we alirechion ) '. Sin Ts nor usec as TF can make ’ find extenswn of Jee 12, 13,14} a, acas Chm ~ot) . -™ OxT ! ao fan likh)> 4 Fae veloc ef Teunanu' Py : ee 4 e* sin (kuna) wo wu 8S | gwek® cos (Ku -cot) m , We 2F 2 awek? hh CKy-e OD 23 om aaa Kinemette €ne ol pAa.atw A Sw. yk "ag a z 5 a2 il zy Paras J . ? ‘ To euleulat potential En, PE py wa ° lay ro= pg f et] “ae : od om SS = in x - pe = L [Te =~ 4 pgs? fy "fh a x : 2 5 ate . oo 2 as (Kn - we) , 7 8 Pee 73 aX Ieeste ead & é du Pe aPgar d Fg > 2 we Sica ae AER sE cans yo a My ‘ 5 sete ity B} He Tsunamt is 450 ee [bot ay ve=Ale Veo for noemal ‘ouan wave is 4 lem] br, QD iRanders Waves yor} ty) 4 - A VW tA AAA, hole l 7 26 2uc 203) wave ampli tucte 2 pause nsignst weve elevation Apporert exe cessing pexiod Appaxcnt pocied eno Mp costing wave length. eve ele vation Ts He wave height ef a susqace wave which Fs the difference bo re eke vahon Ga est and a nici ghbous ne trough, > Appesent wane amplitnclse $= TMhe pars ef Pre sea - < Cite perossing ay He shTIT (bre nerd unprossing. Trego toor wove PYMet rH Us sou) ssorn uworey Po Kayne oH Bg yp Sun puart fo boro rep Ux R PUPA mw MH YL” Coury ‘ajyaworod butsssenea ~onere Uorw =5 ‘ypburyamnm brissera qu oz & ) Frees q Adlwessity 4 WAM Gea Dg at = Theu cou 10 sea sity >(0-1) Saar E&«a 1) Sea Su Oo: very calm concli ten ‘Wind sperd $ 2-4 knoks > poe Height “2 less ‘tran 0. Smolre > Trme perutos! 5 RM than 46e¢ 2) Sea stoke 42 Most adverse” Conct'han wind sped 3 &-Co' Knots ?P Wane hatyht 3 & 18 more 2 Time Pesod 3 10-18 sec pwek — dass Find Ht S0aaiteleon)-8 Data. Some useful Definin’n t) Fetch > Arex 4 ocean on lake surface ours which pre wind blows Pn an essentially conshant cirech’on, Hud genmahing wou er, S » Short -Coested waves 2 Definsd Os propagating Sufau grea te waves whith ae olaubluy- pedoodlic in Ma horPeonit plane, 7 3-P waves , going % all chirechons, 3) Long - Crested waver 2% Ceean Sunjae waves Hot ow neosly twoo- Aimaensionad, Pa thot He vw app ear vor tong Pn Compwouton with Hu Wwoneleng Hy, ono Me enengy propogatoan Ts Concentrated” Pp a, nasvww. pand around Hw mean wave olirechion | Y) Ocean Swell 's- Also Somvitnes supewud as ground gw, Tr Me context Gf a oesan,, sea [ lake, ie a sefes 6| Mechanteot waves trot propaget. along tre intexjar 6] soaten and aie under He predominating hay} Urenes ef granite , Hur offen sefesoud to a4 Susy ave grantty Woes » Seed af-Locod win rnd Game $ Zeyed ind Coaves : Swe waver Ace genmcated by Promote local) | ace 4 ely — subs ining ond wrnd. Thy ow not self - sur onvroFed by Cway fajniag anol will ole out wheal beneath pre ocean's sustfad, the” ate ‘stops no p.tenge mucin local win | JL SS @ General Stabighics, t-. Shucly and, manipulation af data 4) Mean ° woe The aver os bre most common volute fy a Collechon of NUM OLS. 2) RMS Valut 2% Peak valus , Avenag vals $ > Valus will be arpevant, prom sine wave Squsu work , ete Probum. o- Youve height? | No. al >a) | eo coe Mean $- (44) t (2% 40),4 (3x 31) + (4% 25) 4 (52) Y+ U4 Ala A2S42 eee fr 4 w \w” Wan (eq Steck = Code | “Teron | Deoupiion | wied spesd | wave neigh) af | (knots) ess tsec 0 cotm yy tess wha /Smoeth "Vout Crus) 5-8 po a suc nt Ismoo re Seen natal wave)| 4-13 "| Modexate| “sgt pert a Rough Moduxoct ego | b= FP. 5) “vee Pt Rough | a-as f 8 '@ 6 hy - Wea! Rough Q4- 33 | Me 2o | te) 7 31 ub | as- Yo | SoS a4 7 ol High - ; + + jain very nigh. ads? us- 25 2b 8 8 Monee ved h eo 9 “4 Conpsed “Paanetnal Ae 4 | we 19-305 a ¥ Piiyuen- Mos Kou Sea gpectrum yor gr ; 5 Hows con we genes fireguton wanes 9 D> 34 we submission oy Many sag wha ares Te eegulox wwe = SL Regatar wan eh . Wave Speclnum sla) to tel Eman gy ¢ J ste) 0° IE ab png =_ ~~ mis ec , mh , m* radian. nds te Pmp. becouse sl . Graph yer Tort N, energy is > hw sw) Va 2 (40 “e Tn SOR SPOT nownially Qlwrya ct) dat | a Bo we qe paf seorae err ad ; 2 DO nis ot Vax (x) ~ Ex?) -[E =? ym yer , Zor ork wr Tine Pesu'o ck om sP y+ st tT H aes! on wid Le +a -y 4. A wane shecmrum will Je given a Vernal axis f known as energy 3 Horizonlal Axie fs Prequancy 4. Cur & ship wPth some width (4) Q. Take Hu midtelle pr 3, Maaswu fre length | tee Catertate § S(wi ow f . : Bie IL 2 Scent) ote . oe El) =F EreoeCkin - wit a(ne:) be cau random pus ben § ESE ¥ Ani > Random Phare Because each frequsn woes hrovel ok diffount speed ,and so Hat ot doun't travel i candor toward Me. ys - why Stwi) eZ ai? and gwe nud alot) foo. (ux) dwi apa fos Tobad envy ‘preuld, be constant ie, efor lnken 10 or do waves Hy. ery Should be equal Hus okoe ts muh ued | Diff cunt “gpa 4 wave Specram ee 5) ont paraneter speclram Slw) = f (», hy) 2) rt Two poscame tor spectre swe) = f (2% B) 3) Thee para mater spearens sc) = fl 19, hy yh) pa pasting angle: eae coms from ff —————E Cwo)= “bp S eda gob (008) m? [He worry bf PE time Porte d ex ft params ten spe 3 Preson - Moskowitz spectrum 4 eclhtu™ Vasu So we raid fe pee) ér 4 2 pastana ter spec: 1. Toa comernded 2. JonswAP > Jotnt North Sea Woe Projeck 5 88¢ ‘Recommanded urave Spechrats 3 eT Spear Recommend: sew) > A, exp (-8.) 8 N= (13 Hy . bu Al. m for Gus + De He oMrer hoot oes AS 7. Tse specrum — $- Bretechnetdler / modified pion , Mog Rowite. SCP) *05 H of 7 Ms" fon f © exp [-§ ( (t)] fa fre quency fon > Peak frequency He —> sig nificard wave height, 3. JonswAr Spectrum. sp)- KG? fs . se f* op] s [Ly " ; t, Peak, whee g- exp [ea [¢ : ') ‘| Para ae fm factor. a for FS fm > for f >fm an! ao a Zo Sie Gi Cos (tri) +E, cos (W,€ + ta) ee z Ws = As PS (ot) 2 y ieee {gt at Wy Ly wave elevation vo 4 > M * ar ws* (wet) eat a = 1 Th Tt Qrwst(wt dT a at A > X87 = 802) owe 3 (wi) dwi >t ab fm} SEwrd> ae ft dee need fo know wows ampliuclt Oe eas Ce) § (0) Graph % Coteutats Sho Tolat Energy of re Spectrum Bei) kw = ait Ths Ome 4H aw Enangy ot Fai [2] Use wane Spechrus = vo? 8a) oo sw) 7 | = f8lw) dw — - rm, » Pw slw) bo Ita za ws || = Swrslo)do |_——_——— Period e Jorg (a) Zero Croat Tee eee rs | (rig = lm] Satins [ror nde | if J rae naighh. Avg. Tims Pontod Probabtithy Diss’ bubfon 2 -f£ alo p(n) > 2H e ~ (Heme) apne 9° Hens ; So > sheik ly +ve a — [ 7 orm ce Coninuors atgntgubten PCa de ; Only Possibly pal cn = Dircuwal oUsivi bution POx=%)= p(xz™e 4-p (ven) <—— R ae p(xZA)=i-hys 2 23 2 um ame p(xéan)e as (x4A) -8 6th lon @ — “yoove [Avg Wane ears | i) We suf fst) O-S | aS $600 “5 pla) $-lo \ 5 | 7200 ") Px hye ah 2 -fB) OS | de S 1920 my we | | | v 5 (S-a0 | l70S 60 | | bry poss? be for disoudls 20-28 | 22. | 320 | Yz voawe _ ee Jes m) tag top 13 iv) POX E A \ avg = HY ) PC ) =1- p(xshy) ped ~|huy a7 ' tht P(x2Hy Ne ahys € AH? I- [2h De a We oo CGY aM = oh » }- e ( | “woe ee, hug wy Ocexh* Qeexh™ Plece) : _ Totat Océ a OS S600, AS BS000 R185 Ooof | 0138 S-lo Ree | FS 4p 5000 QSo3IQS 0094s | OR (045 (239 [asS | 3.00000 | 18298 | O043S O+12 * | | 15-20| 420] 195 | aaveoo | 18-395 | ovoorr Ort Qoras| 32d) R25 | 162000. 1012S | o.v0op8%, 2°09 aed ee 52-593! 119600 PlH=hy,) = Ott hy, 24S — a ) Draw wave Spectrum = 5 _ ise i) Gtenrate Totad tnengy : 28 “ue 2/3 eS | onSsuges | O55 — \aeas | g.0usus aS sen | ogee \suas | gus uatd \ \ ‘ | Q | prreyeage jonsaaug | 4 | (Be 28938 }2 | (7 s R | 4 [o-aay7r4349\0.13978967, 3 so) wr agk wor <2eg,an aa wre fang Test 4 a“ Find “iat erargy of ot 0074 a wo \nts — 0095 at | Os B86 eyry pens \0e70F att | bo 1B4 7.909376 , 1. yaaay 0nl9 849 Sot) wi . dai Totod Energy So = €1 2 04392 2 > 06 997698 €3 > 6 6247628 ey 2 0224 4F QYS To rh energy 27 Qe gtsS3uS 62, Br 25\%\ Niccie Kpiakag Spring usPHhout hampizra Miia Ku Ff Because wave %& sinosutdad K o> Rustortng | Hydrostatte | bores a Bu rdue Fr ———O Damping —— > resis Pores Faems(wt) >= F’eos (wt- B) S Refatten foo f , 7 PR] Cros wt car P + F’stnwt sin PB =F’ ues) wot +(F 'sin Bsinwt 7 ' 7 spurt because ¢ phase Lag Wave pit Ye shores Hen Me hit tomes back bub tho jx a phase tag Huw fore fs sput tn foe comporend ond Hh Be Fonm fs Prtroducod. > From equation (wan) % + Bu + Cu = F Cenctiing gore) Radiation _ dampi na equalten | ad moren — pao o > arte Urvir C Nim (Rush 9 tira) 7 | 5 : a4 7 we Dexive Has equatton of msi eanin fea! 4 Oe Hae pon moles, pes &) Natu Frequen On = cz 4 . ™+A 3 nahouwt Peequance —> heebl Seasich sea, youd > soll > nw nakurod Freq uonay > pitch > have Oscillation mMotren Geomate Parameter > @Zew Rorborabion W3 = [Pg Avo + Dy > [ae vaMr na to SIux Wse [Pg 7 aML Z we) Ly 7 Ty Bee Natusceo Freq wen ey of drbfexant voxels hawtng Natwit Thre Period Ampossiby re Know | witroud tn blow Had t2Rt = Rees Ckm - vot) m= Plo) (Me A) 4 Be dn =F pus pense w= fy (e) Phase og <—_— H el > Non -dimensianas 7 Prkch -> otimens fond uw @ Ru pon Ampuhidu operat ¢ i | | \ ie | vot ari i mansic Dann How many RAD ot dimanatonad 4 Non oli mensional, ae Rro & fo felween Vomel Rusponre and woe Amplirrol. > Rupowe ampUirass Youve amplhuole oe aan Natwad Frequen MD eequen CY of fou Struchiso TLE —- Q-y see Fee ano ta 6.28 4 4 7s] wid Tp: Fee We kn = J oad/sec A , awe grad /sec Uneas wave TLP « ajpectedt mostly by non- Bend - submas’s lo Nocturnal Tre Perxted, 3- 0-30 see Reg usar wane Pestod % b-a0see Z Coy small wotexplunre Arex | Hus -> Se Stor sweep becartse > Ajjecter by touname and of Ps longer Hime ~ posed. > semi - submesaiol 79 afte? by long woowel > Vir come fers % Ponpor tank. © 10 : Ae what js TLPD Diy cuss. jy Diewws about Sub- submersible, . @® Slwdwt > 4 ai 2 Response wave spectrum Shot) doe « gee SP lw db we = L [2 \t ast 2Cars % epei\* pare . fury? 7 a Cie (2): ose e GI en ‘ed S“Gae) = [eac]* 907) "RAO ® Response acmpureadh “wane ampurhiole Find Atave specrum , Ys ofan heave oispacemord, veloc) Oy “Aha ace. amplinualt oo 6 ole tw) ‘ golaheP | WE Slot), Rae SMiox) | sea] velechry Aeceleration vs - ep ale] O'v3 why 3 : ion 5 i (Cpt anOees 0. 0.5 02}. 03) 9 OHI 12 0-01 Dedoool |) ep Random Sigaas por Response n Sp Co) El = > bi; bes(wt? 5) eee uel oe > we vane fo dd \hs Zt a stoi) dai ° bs tn wo ee P d Response | Ot let c [ YA \ \ | —_ Zh! \ po riy\ \\ u wo | We Ne fue > phase ott ferences n Ele) = SS; Cos (00 + Sc+ tt) fel —_ TS a sranolom Cs gern Assignment ake tre emampu , todays and frnd ovt ty andemn LOO sigawt and seu ponse signed for 200 seca fORe BS Dt > 0-4 5 fp uive before Mio! Sercss ten, Chart 4 sor et will be prowioled. $ wr Dyes Ocean Environmont ; > Ocean Waves ; > Ocean Fiore Ocean Cusew nb > Wind Ocean Floor Shores — high 1a Sea Lev 7 qh Tide e4 ~ == bee Tide — ~ E sstand\ Shetf \ (sand gravel, Ocean aug Slohe 47500) K ( Slope Poa A i (rad, ang | [Ridge | HE Slehe 1120) niga | pA | asin : (lay 4 00209) Seamount | \ J trenen Veinci pad Feahow ef the oeean Heor —> Shore fo the land mars close to Mis sea that jy modipred by sea action, —- Beach fs to seawand (mit of shore and extends from Ano nighest te lowest tide tevels. > Cont ron tal Shey extenoly Seward from shore with on ovexoge slope 24 42500. The ovter Umit occurs Gg whe slop TS. £3 20. > Continental Slope extends seaward from Hs shelf edge to the deeb sex barin. The quexage slobe Pe and Hye avexoge vertreal Mounsion 7s 4ooom, 20, ConHaentiod gfse fs My lowe parton 4 slope where Fr anodes tro dhe dusp-sex bottom. Deap-sea bottom cobs gs 3000 Jo Looom and ars in 44% | oeean basins ony 4%, as dLepex. >. Midocean Jud ge suns noon centex a Oceans > Seamounts o%8 mountains fn Hu OcLaU. STlls aso sides Aeperating cbiffexcnd water basins Trenches wu Hy decpest feat of Hu ocean oor frat ase vesuy clecp ond nasorow- (eg Mariana Trenth > Paci}te Ocean, Puerhs Rito Trench + Atlante Ocean) y Ocean Curren > Geoshrophie Cunzonts > e€keman Cuscent 2 Trodlot Cosoronts, ‘In vector form, Newton's second taw 1S 2 > Shame . x Prine’pat fortes ach’ bn OCCAN water ares bres Ce gras ent (Fog) Lrtchtn a bratty t Centrifuges ed aly Cone ONOR tere Eg, Fee, £9. a le. Fe . IV Velwe’ ly er m my mm ae | Pesthiue to Sim-Componont= Su Bu usu ~ yOu au ae Se + mes Mu Bast oo 4 oe ®) vov 4 wav Posth we “§ _tomponand $ dv 2 gv nay to Merth d ava ae 34 om oye aw Postirins «fe ~ component? 12. QW 44d + von 4 OEE cfOvonword alk ot on ay (%). -J op 4 P ou (@ et ae om /2 P02 (42), --- 2F m/y P ay The Corrorzs Force 3° > “Dane by Gasth ou babion 2% > Cumwet Ocean waters fo atef tect —_ rig hs Pn northern henvsphuu _— taf Tn geuthern Nenisphow Amount 4 duflech’on = f (flow speed of tattrudls locah > Corfolis Foree olimintohes whe fo wo when dhe futd 1 at sust or at Bh equator. —> Maximum dy lechions occu at dy North and gouth poles. — Tris force fs Pmp. Pn oles od bing the oye scale cérewation Fn peeant ound abmosp haxo, > Tw Componeitls au (fr), =F fi) +t (£ ™ 4. 02, G08 , 99, BAT. 1 aP , Pr Ku BY oF ou oY a2 P Oe Pp ow Ky Q’u + kz gta Pp oy PF ar 9. 5, A874 VAT, WAT 2 AP, fv +K,OV » KyOT oe gt Ou By Be POF pioneers go OD 09H +VAD DIG 4A +f e Ky VO kyo 4 OD gt au Oy a2 foe 2 dye P dye PP ae” Tie con Fruity a. B used in ceombinaton with eye of motions 4 Me Oceans. Pap aw yey aw P dt an a4 32 Ans for tr eompoesty fiufd (ocean vsater ) Cont eg BS f du ,d¥ , aw oO ax oY Oz @® Geosmophic Cunpertls AsuMt Hot tp» ocean wakon ae not aceolonated anch ou peice , The ampliride gout fa a Geostrophe cuss! and te component 4. 2) fvet 2P -1OP -i oF Re OPM? O°? be ay Ekman Curreit (1405) >t B dh cwourd swalling from 8 balane b/w Corfots and sustfacs wind frvehoned olrag Fore. > Ekman count deeays exporentiaty wih olepth. Sand hums fo Hu sight with invaasing olepth Le northern pemisphee. Comporsrh fue ka lt fa _ ke dv 5 Papert rely hab Pp ae Pp der and ho rogenous water, Tide a > Rigo ond fall a sea levels comred by Hu lombiaed effects of Hes grauitetional forces oxonted by Hu Moon ond fhe Sun ond rotahon of Hu Earth. Wires & Category Tite Husa canes Sapte - Stmpson MuwoVeans Suslained Wins specd mph (kph) a 44-45 (19-153) 2 q6-No (isy-i77) we -130 City. 209) 131-155 (200-249) PISS (x 244) 3 4 S Sw) =_A 205 © Ae tan Tie Recommandacl Spectrusr 8 @ ¢ Wegorice Named Huwoueans (Example) Florens (1288) Kate (1995) Alicia (1983) Andrew 1472): Ike (2008) Camille (1964) | Katrina (2005) exp (-&) 694 if 4 [eee * Loca Ri @ Difeant epecaing po ltd F loating Clavated / \ fy N Jacking , Te- (oacing 1 vad Ocean Detling , Sleem Tran?t Trans? t ’ when $t i 2 n jt pb ey than les than IR hyo _Protd Transit toetng Hm. > whan Geis wore than 12 pro ~ Olean ‘Fransit. > Ut and Det Tras Hu (peabiany a Lakes > lorvenvahys ~ we have do be. ore 4 | ihe assay Noote (Before olnitu'ng) Ubon anciyat upon olmrucng locaton 4 The suly ug. * Jouchsd fis sea bed 2. The booty Ps fackool up in me att Se Pre wacting wo hucu of 1% thet. s}® Ay we neool to restriot dtr vebeity . 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