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20 January, 2023 Compiled by William Hayes Shackleford, Jr. (WilliamHayesShackleford@gmail.


Before Christ
Centuries LX-XIX

 Circa 6000 - Persian Gulf floods, submerging a coastal oasis which had been inhabited by proto-
humans for many millennia, a paradise called Eden (Rose, Jeffrey I. “New Light on Human
Prehistory in the Arabo-Persian Gulf Oasis.” Current Anthropology, vol. 51, no. 6, 6 Dec. 2010, pp.

 c. 5500 - Complex human settlements (Proto-Euphratean: adam) founded by a people known to

modern scholarship as the Ubaidians on the fertile plain (Proto-Euphratean: eden) around the
Persian Gulf coast (Rose, ibid.)

 c. 5400 - Eridu, the first city in Mesopotamia, is founded

 c. 4500 - Sumer, the first civilization, is founded

 c. 3200 - Ziggurat of Eridu, also known as Babel, is abandoned mid-construction (Safar Fu'ad, et al.
Eridu. State Org. of Antiquites and Heritage, 1981.)

 c. 2900 - The Great Flood [Arabia, Mesopotamia, Persia, Syria] (Mallowan, M. E. “Noah's Flood
Reconsidered.” Iraq, vol. 26, no. 2, 1964, p. 62.,

 2312 - Akkadia, the first empire, founded by King Sargon of Akkad (reigned 2312-2272 Before Christ),
later called Nimrod ("the rebel"), son of Cush/Kish [Akkad] (Dr. David A. Falk's chronology used to
date reigns,

 1815 - Birth of Abram, son of Terah

 1805 - Birth of Sarai

Century XVIII

 c. 1750 - Terah moves to Urkesh with his family (Archives Royales de Mari 7 12, 28 44-44bis)

 1740 - Death of Terah [Haran, near Shinah] (A.R.M. 28 48:1′-7′)

o Call of Abram [Haran]

o Abram's and Sarai's incident with King Neferhotep I of Egypt (r. 1745-1734 B.C.)
o Lot, son of Haran, settles in Sodom

o Abram settles in Mamre

 1739 - Cities of the Valley of Siddim, including Sodom, revolt against King Siwe-Palar-Khuppak of
Elam (r. circa 1751-18)

 1738 - Battle of Siddim, capture and rescue of Lot

 1729 - Birth of Ishmael, son of Abram

 1716 - Institution of circumcision, Abram renamed Abraham and Sarai renamed Sarah [Mamre]

o Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

o Abraham and Sarah in Gerar

 1715 - Birth of Isaac, son of Abraham [Beer-sheba]

Century XVII

 1700 - Binding of Isaac [Yahweh-Yireh] (Isaac age 15 according to Josephus, Flavius. Antiquities of
the Jews. A.D. 94)

 1678 - Death of Sarah [Kiriath-arba]

 1675 - Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah [Negeb]

 1655 - Birth of Esau and Jacob, twin sons of Isaac [Negeb]

 1640 - Death of Abraham [Mamre]

 1635 - Esau sells his birthright to Jacob [Beer-lahai-roi]

Century XVI

 1578 - Jacob takes Esau's blessing from Isaac [Beer-lahai-roi]

o Jacob flees from a vengeful Esau to Haran

o Jacob enters into seven years' labor for Laban in exchange for his daughter Rachel's hand in
marriage [Haran]

 1571 - Jacob marries Leah and Rachel [Haran]

 1572 - Death of Ishmael

 1564 - Birth of Joseph, son of Jacob [Haran]

 1558 - Jacob flees from Laban after prospering at his expense

o Jacob and Laban make a pact [Gilead]

o Jacob wrestles with God, renamed Israel [Peniel]

o Israel and Esau reconcile [Mahanaim]

o Birth of Benjamin, son of Israel, death of Rachel in childbirth [Bethlehem]

o Israel and family settle in Bethel

 1547 - Joseph sold into slavery in Egypt

 1536 - Joseph imprisoned after false accusations by his Egyptian master Potiphar's wife [Avaris]

 1534 - Joseph made a vizier by King Khamudi of Lower Egypt (r. c. 1574-25) [Avaris]

 1535 - Death of Isaac [Beer-lahai-roi]

 1527 - Israel's sons travel to Avaris, Egypt for food during a great famine, are met by joseph, now
unrecognizable and renamed Zaphenath-paneah

 1525 - Israel settles in Goshen, Egypt with his family

 c. 1522 - King Ahmose I of Upper Egypt (r. 1538-13) overthrows the Semitic Hyksos dynasty of
Lower Egypt

 1508 - Death of Israel [Goshen]

Century XV

 1474 - Death of Joseph [Goshen]

Century XIV

 1346 - Birth of Aaron, son of Amram

 1343 - Sunday, 19 March/Adar II 7: Birth of Moses, son of Amram [Avaris]

 1326 - Birth of Joshua, son of Nun

 1303 - Moses kills an Egyptian, flees to Midian

Century XIII

 1263 - Tuesday, 19 Mar./Adar 21: The Lord calls Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery [Mount

o Wednesday, 20 Mar./Ad. 22: Moses reunites Aaron, returns to Egypt with his family

o Thursday, 21 Mar./Ad. 23: The plague of blood

o Thu., 28 Mar./Nisan 1: The plague of frogs

o Friday, 29 Mar./Nis. 2: The plague of gnats

o Saturday, 3o Mar./Nis. 3: The plague of flies

o Sun., 31 Mar./ Nis. 4: Pharaoh Ramesses II (r. 1288-22) refuses to let the Israelites go [Pi-

o Mon., 1 April/Nis. 5: Plague of diseased livestock

o Tue., 2 Apr./Nis. 6: Ramesses again refuses to let the Israelites go [Pi-Ramesses]

o Wed., 3 Apr./Nis. 7: Plague of boils

o Thu., 4 Apr./Nis. 8: Plague of thunder and hail

o Fri., 5 Apr./Nis. 9: Plague of locusts

o Sat., 6 Apr./Nis. 10: Ramesses again refuses to let the Israelites go [Pi-Ramesses]

o Sun., 7 Apr./Nis. 11: Plague of Darkness

o Wed., 10 Apr./Nis. 14: First Passover sacrifice [Avaris]

o Thu., 11 Apr./Nis. 15, Midnight: The final plague, the Lord strikes down all the firstborn of
Egypt, starting with crown prince Amun-her-khepeshef, Ramesses II commands the
Israelites to leave Egypt [Pi-Ramesses]

o Sat., 11 May/Iyar 15: The Israelites enter the wilderness of Sin

o Sunday, 26 May/Siv. 1: The Israelites reach Mount Sinai

o Tue., 28 May/Siv. 3: The Law is given to Moses [Mount Sinai]

o Sat., 1 June/Siv. 7: The Covenant between the Lord and the nation of Israel is sealed with
blood [Mount Sinai]

o Thu., 11 July/Tammuz 17: Aaron leads the Israelites in worship of a golden calf, the tablets of
the Law are broken, the Lord strikes Israel with a plague [Mount Sinai]

o Wed., 21 August/Av 29: Moses makes new tablets of the Law [Mount Sinai]

o Mon., 30 September/Tishri 10: Moses comes down from Mount Sinai

 1224 - Mon., 12 Aug./Av 1: Death of Aaron [Mount Hor]

 1223 - Israel defeats the Amorites led by King Sihon [Jahaz]

o Thu., 17 January/Shebat 1: Moses addresses the Israelites [Moab]

o Thu., 13 Mar./Ad. 7: Death of Moses, Joshua, son of Nun, succeeds Moses as leader of Israel
[Mount Nebo]

o Fri., 11 Apr./Nis. 7: Joshua sends spies to Jericho

o Thu., 25 Apr./Nis. 10: Israel invades and captures Jericho led by Joshua

 1216 - Israel defeats the united kings of northern Canaan [Merom]

o Death of Joshua [Timnath-heres]

Century XII

 1198 - Israel taken captive to Aram-naharaim in the land of Judah and the Negeb, and Moab in the
land of Benjamin after eighteen years of anarchy (Josephus Antiquities)

 1194 - Israel taken captive to Midian in the land of Manasseh

 1190 - Othniel made the first Judge of Israel in Judah and the Negeb [Aram-naharaim]

 1187 - Gideon made Judge in Manasseh [Midian]

 1180 - Ehud made Judge in the land of Benjamin [Moab]

o The Tribe of Dan migrates northward to Laish (Date uncertain, henceforth indicated by (?))

o Brief civil war between the Tribe of Benjamin and the other tribes

 1178 - Israel taken captive to Hazor in the land of Ephraim

 1170 - Shamgar made Judge in the land of Dan and Philistia

 1158 - Deborah made Judge in Ephraim [Palm of Deborah]

o Barak made Judge in the Galilee [Mount Tabor]

 1147 - Death of Gideon [Shechem]

o Abimelech declares himself king in Manasseh [Shechem]

 1144 - Death of Abimelech [Shechem]

o Tola made Judge in Ephraim [Shamir]

 1121 - Jair made Judge east of the Jordan [Gilead]

 1110 - Israel taken captive to Philistia

o Birth of Samson [Zorah] (20 was age of military service, see 1090)

o Eli made Judge in Ephraim, triggering Samaritan schism [Shiloh]

Century XI

 1099 - Israel taken captive to Ammon east of the Jordan

 1090 - Samson made Judge in Dan and Philistia [Lehi]

o Birth of Samuel, son of Elkanah [Ramathaim] (per age of military service, see 1070)

 1081 - Jephthah made Judge east of the Jordan [Gilead]

 1080 - Birth of Saul, son of Kish(?) [Mizpah]

 1078 - Call of Samuel [Shiloh] (Samuel age 12 according to Josephus Antiquities)

 1075 - Ibzan made Judge in Judah and the Negeb [Bethlehem]

 1070 - Samson captured by the Philistines, dies destroying the temple of Dagon [Gaza]

o Feb./Ad.: Israel defeated by the Philistines, Ark of the Covenant captured [Aphek], death of
Eli [Shiloh]

o Sep./Tis.(?): Ark returned to Israel seven months later [Kiriath-jearim]

o Mon., 27 Sep./Tis. 10: Samuel made Judge in Benjamin [Mizpah]

 1068 - Elon made Judge in the Galilee [Aijalon]

 1065 - Birth of Jonathan, son of Saul(?) [Mizpah(?)]

 1058 - Abdon made Judge in Ephraim [Pirathon]]

 1051 - Israel demands a king

 1050 - Saul anointed King of Israel [Mizpah]

o Gibeah, Saul's hometown, made capital of the Kingdom of Israel

o Saul defeats the Ammonites [Jabesh-gilead]

 1048 - Saul makes an unlawful sacrifice while fighting the Philistines [Gilgal]

 1046 - Birth of Ishbaal, son of Saul

 1040(?) - Birth of David, son of Jesse

 1025 - Prince Jonathan, son of Saul, defeats the Philistines [Michmash]

o Saul spares the King Agag of the Amalekites against orders [Telaim]

o The Lord rejects Saul for his disobedience

o David chosen to replace Saul [Eliab]

o David defeats the Philistines [Socoh]

 1018 - David flees from a demented Saul to Ramah

 1015 - Birth of Merib-baal, son of Jonathan

 1014 - Death of Samuel [Ramah]

o David flees to the wilderness of Paran

o David flees to King Achish of Gath

 1013 - The Philistines reject David [Aphek]

o David flees to Ziklag

 1010 - Saul and his sons defeated and beheaded by the Philistines [Mount Gilboa]

o Sun., 13 Sep./Tis. 1: David anointed King of Judah [Hebron]

 1006 - Ishbaal declared King of Israel by Abner [Mahanaim]

 1004 - Joab murders Abner [Hebron]

o Rechab and Baanah murder Ishbaal [Mahanaim]

 1003 - Sat., 3 Apr./Nis. 1: David anointed King of Israel [Jerusalem]

o Thu., 1 July/Tam. 1: David brings the Ark to Jerusalem

 1002 - David commits adultery with Bathsheba, wife of Uriah the Hittite [Jerusalem]

o Bathsheba conceives a child of David's seed [Jerusalem]

o David has Uriah murdered in battle at the siege of Rabbah

o Birth and death of David's and Bathsheba's unnamed child [Jerusalem]

o Birth of Prince Solomon, son of David [Jerusalem]

o David captures Rabbah and all the cities of the Ammonites

o Prince Amnon, son of David, rapes his half-sister Tamar, daughter of David [Jerusalem]

Century X

 1000 - Prince Absalom, son of David, assassinates Amnon in revenge for the rape ofTamar, his sister
 994 - Revolt of Absalom [Baal-hazor]

o Absalom dies in battle against David [Wood of Ephraim]

 972 - Birth of Rehoboam, son of Solomon

 971 - Solomon made regent [Jerusalem]

 970 - Death of David, Solomon succeeds David as King of Israel [Jerusalem]

 967 - May/Ziv: Solomon begins constructing the Temple [Jerusalem]

 960 - October/Bul: Construction of the Temple complete [Jerusalem]

o Solomon begins constructing his own palace [Jerusalem]

 959 - Sat., 10 Oct./Ethanim 22: Solomon dedicates the Temple [Jerusalem]

 947 - Solomon's palace complete [Jerusalem]

 931 - Rehoboam succeeds Solomon as King of Israel [Jerusalem]

o Secession of northern ten tribes, splitting the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, with Jeroboam I
as King of Israel in the north [Shechem]

o Penuel made capital of Israel

o Mon., 23 November/Heshvan 15: Jeroboam sets up idols of golden calves and sacrifices to
them [Shechem]

 927 - Pharaoh Shosenq I (r. 947-25) sacks Jerusalem and despoils the Temple [Jerusalem]

 915 - Abijah, son of Rehoboam, succeeds Rehoboam as King of Judah [Jerusalem]

 912 - Asa, son of Abijah, succeeds Abijah [Jerusalem]

 911 - Nadab, son of Jeroboam, succeeds Jeroboam I as King of Israel [Penuel]

 910 - Tirzah made capital of Israel

o Baasha succeeds Nadab [Tizrah]

Century IX

 887 - Elah, son of Baasha, succeeds Baasha [Tirzah]

 886 - Zimri succeeds Elah [Tirzah]

o Omri succeeds Zimri [Tirzah]

 881 - Samaria made capital of Israel

 875 - Ahab, son of Omri, succeeds Omri [Samaria]

o The prophet Elijah predicts a drought which strikes Israel as the Lord's punishment for
mass apostasy led by Ahab [Gilead]

 873 - Jehoshaphat, son of Asa, made regent [Jerusalem]

 872 - Israel's famine ends after three years and six months when Elijah triumphs over the prophets
of Ba'al [Mount Carmel]

 871 - Jehoshaphat succeeds Asa [Jerusalem]

 856 - Aram unsuccessfully invades Israel

 853 - Israel and Aram unsuccessfully invade Judah

o Ahab killed in battle [Ramoth-gilead]

o Ahaziah, son of Ahab, succeeds Ahab [Samaria]

 852 - Jehoram, son of Ahab, succeeds Ahaziah [Samaria]

 849 - Jehoram, son of Jehoshaphat, succeeds Jehoshaphat [Jerusalem]

o Aram besieges Samaria

 842 - Ahaziah, son of Jehoram, succeeds Jehoram [Jerusalem]

 841 - Jehu succeeds Jehoram of Israel [Samaria]

o Athaliah, daughter of Omri, succeeds Ahaziah of Judah [Jerusalem]

 835 - Jehoash, son of Ahaziah, succeeds Athaliah [Jerusalem]

o Jehoash repairs the Temple [Jerusalem]

 822 - Jehoahaz, son of Jehu, made regent [Samaria]

 814 - Jehoahaz succeeds Jehu [Samaria]

 806 - Jehoash, son of Jehoahaz, succeeds Jehoahaz [Samaria]

 805 - Amaziah made regent [Jerusalem]

 804 - Jeroboam, son of Jehoash, made regent [Samaria]

Century VIII

 796 - Israel recaptures cities from Aram

o Amaziah, son of Jehoash, Jehoash of Judah [Jerusalem]

 791 - Jeroboam II succeeds Jehoash [Samaria]

 787 - Uzziah, son of Amaziah, made regent [Jerusalem]

 776 - Uzziah succeeds Amaziah [Jerusalem]

o Jonah's prophecy(?)

 752 - Pekah declares himself King of Israel [Ephraim]

o Amos' prophecy [Tekoa]

 750 - Zechariah, son of Jeroboam, succeeds Jeroboam II [Samaria]

o Jotham, son of Uzziah, made regent [Jerusalem]

o Hosea's prophecy(?)

 749 - Shallum succeeds Zechariah [Samaria]

o Menahem succeeds Shallum [Samaria]

 740(?) - Joel's prophecy

 739 - Pekahiah, son of Menahem, succeeds Menahem [Samaria]

 737 - Pekah succeeds Pekahiah [Samaria]

 736 - Jotham succeeds Azariah [Jerusalem]

o Isaiah receives a vision from God in the Temple [Jerusalem]

 735 - Ahaz, son of Jotham, succeeds Jotham [Jerusalem]

 732 - Assyria invades Israel, enslaves Israelites

o Hoshea succeeds Pekah [Samaria]

 728 - Hezekiah, son of Ahaz, made regent [Jerusalem]

 725 - Assyria invades Israel

 722 - Assyria captures Samaria, enslaves the Israelites

 720(?) - Micah's prophecy

 715 - Hezekiah succeeds Ahaz [Jerusalem]

 712 - Isaiah receives oracles concerning Jerusalem and the nations

 702 - Assyria unsuccessfully invades Judah

Century VII

 697 - Manasseh, son of Hezekiah, made regent [Jerusalem]

 687 - Manasseh succeeds Hezekiah [Jerusalem]

 642 - Amon, son of Manasseh, succeeds Manasseh [Jerusalem]

 640 - Josiah, son of Amon, succeeds Amon [Jerusalem]

o Nahum's prophecy(?)

 628 - Call of Jeremiah

 626(?) - Zephaniah's prophecy

 622 - Josiah rediscovers the Book of Deuteronomy, reforms the Temple [Jerusalem]

 609 - Jun./Jul.: Josiah dies in battle against Egypt [Megiddo]

o Jehoahaz, son of Josiah, succeeds Josiah [Jerusalem]

o Sep./Oct.: Pharaoh Neco II (r. 610-595) takes Jehoahaz of Judah captive to Egypt

o Jehoiakim, son of Josiah, succeeds Jehoahaz of Judah [Jerusalem]

 608 - Jan.-Mar.: Jeremiah prophesies in the Temple [Jerusalem]

 606 - Jeremiah foretells the Babylonian captivity

o Baruch reads the scroll of Jeremiah in the Temple [Jerusalem]

 605 - Jehoiakim becomes the servant of King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon (r. 605-651) after the
latter's victory over Egypt at Carchemish

o Daniel chosen for Nebuchadnezzar's court [Babylon]

o Habakkuk's prophecy(?)

 602 - Jehoiakim rebels against Nebuchadnezzar

o Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar's dream concerning future empires [Babylon]

Century VI

 598 - Sat., 9 December/Bul 23: Jehoiakim dies in battle against Babylon

o Jehoiachin succeeds Jehoiakim [Jerusalem]

 597 - Sat., 16 Mar./Ad. 2: Babylon besieges Jerusalem, Jehoiachin surrenders and is taken captive,
Zedekiah, son of Josiah, installed as puppet King of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar

o Jeremiah once again prophesies of the coming captivity, is imprisoned by Zedekiah, is

rescued by Ebed-melech [Jerusalem]

o Aug./Av: Hananiah opposes Jeruemiah and dies [Jerusalem]

 594 - The Lord speaks to Jeremiah concerning judgement on Babylon

 593 - Sat., 1 Jul./Tam. 5: Ezekiel receives a vision of God [Chebar]

 592 - Sun., 19 Aug./Elul 5: Ezekiel's prophecy of abominations in the Temple [Tel-Abib]

 591 - Mon., 12 Aug./Av 10: Ezekiel's prophecy of Israel's continuing rebellion [Tel-Abib]

 588 - Zedekiah rebels against Nebuchadnezzar

o Sun., 16 Jan./Tebet 10: Babylon besieges Jerusalem, Jeremiah buys a field [Anathoth],
Ezekiel's prophecy of the boiling pot [Tel-Abib]

 587 - Sat., 7 Jan./Teb. 12: Ezekiel's prophecy of the Lord's proclamation against Egypt [Tel-Abib]

o Fri., 31 Mar./Nis. 7: Ezekiel's prophecy of the Lord's proclamation against Pharaoh

Wahibre Haaibre (r. 589-70) [Tel-Abib]

o Tue., 23 May/Siv. 1: Ezekiel's prophecy of the lofty cedar [Tel-Abib]

o Fri., 30 Jun./Tam. 9: Babylonian army breaches into Jerusalem, Zedekiah flees and is
captured at Jericho

o Thu., 27 Jul./Av 7: All of Jerusalem burned and Israelites enslaved by the Babylonians

o Sun., 30 Jul./Av 10: Babylonian general Nebuzaradan destroys the Temple [Jerusalem]

o Obadiah's prophecy(?)

 586 - Thu., 26 Apr./Nis. 15: Ezekiel's prophecy of the Lord's dirge over Egypt [Tel-Abib]

 585 - Tue., 8 Jan./Teb. 5: Ezekiel's prophecy of the survivors of Judah [Tel-Abib]

o Mon., 3 Mar./Ad. 1: Ezekiel's prophecy of the Lord's lament over Pharaoh and Egypt

 573 - Sat., 28 Mar./Nis. 1: Ezekiel's vision of the Second Temple [Tel-Abib]

 571 - Sun., 27 Apr./Nis. 1: Ezekiel's prophecy that Babylonia will plunder Egypt
 570 - Nebuchadnezzar attempts to kill three Jews for refusing to worship a golden image [Dura]

o Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar's second dream concerning his humiliation [Babylon]

 569 - The Lord turns Nebuchadnezzar insane and drives him from civilization [Babylon]

 562 - Nebuchadnezzar is restored shortly before his death [Babylon]

 561 - Thu., 1 Apr./Ad. 25 - Jehoiachin released from prison by King Amel-Marduk of Babylon (r.

o Sat., 3 Apr./Ad. 27 - Jehoiachin welcomed into Amel-Marduk's court [Babylon]

 553 - Daniel receives a vision concerning the four beasts representing future kings [Babylon]

 551 - Daniel receives a vision of the ram and the goat concerning future empires and kings [Ulai]

 539 - Mon., 12 Oct./Tis. 17: Persia captures Babylon, executes Babylonian crown prince Belshazzar

o Thu., 29 Oct./Hes. 4: King Cyrus II of Persia (r. 559-30) frees the enslaved Israelites

o Isaiah's prophecy concerning Cyrus as God's instrument

 538 - Daniel thrown into the lions' den by King Cyaxares II of Media (r. 550-38), a.k.a. Darius
(Berossus. Babyloniaca. 278 B.C.), saved by an angel of the Lord and restored to prestige [Babylon]

o Daniel's prophecy of the seventy weeks

 537 - May/Iyar: Foundation laid for the Second Temple [Jerusalem]

 536 - Sat., 21 Apr./Nis. 24: Daniel's prophecy of the conflict of nations and heavenly powers

 530 - Construction of the Temple opposed by some Persians in complaint to King Cambyses II of
Persia (r. 530-22)

 522 - King Bardiya of Persia (r. 522) halts construction of the Temple

 520 - Sun., 27 Aug./Elul 1: Haggai's first prophecy

o Tue., 19 Sep./Elul 24: Construction of the Temple resumed by King Darius I of Persia (r. 522-

o Sun., 15 Oct./Tishri 21: Haggai's second prophecy

o Nov./Hes.: Zechariah's first prophecy

 519 - Wed., 14 February/Sheb. 24: Zechariah's second prophecy

o Sun. 17 Dec./Chislev 24: Haggai's third prophecy

 518 - Fri., 6 Dec./Chis. 4: Zechariah's third prophecy

 515 - Fri., 11 March/Ad. 3: Completion and dedication of the Second Temple [Jerusalem]

o 20 Apr./Nis. 14: The Passover celebrated [Jerusalem]

Century V

 483 - 14 Oct./Tis. 7: King Xerxes I of Persia (r. 486-65) divorces his wife Queen Amestris [Susa]

 479 - Jan./Teb.: Xerxes seeks a new wife, young virgins including Esther nominated [Susa]
(Herodotus. Histories. 440 B.C.)

 478 - Jan./Teb.: Esther chosen as Queen by Xerxes [Susa]

o 20 Mar./Nis. 1: Xerxes and Esther marry and Mordecai (Marduka), cousin of Esther,
discovers and reports a plot by two eunuchs to assassinate Xerxes [Susa]

 473 - 4 Apr./Nis. 13: Haman conspires to destroy the Jews, Mordecai pleads to Esther for help,
Esther agrees to help the Jews [Susa]

o 6 Apr./Nis. 15: Esther asks Xerxes to have a banquet with Haman, Haman plans to have
Mordecai hanged [Susa]

o 7 Apr./Nis. 16: Xerxes learns of Mordecai's loyalty and honors him, Esther exposes Haman's
plot to Xerxes at the banquet, Xerxes has Haman hanged on the gallows previously prepared
for Mordecai [Susa]

o 12 Jun./Siv. 23: Xerxes issues a decree to destroy the enemies of the Jews [Susa]

 472 - 25 Mar./Ad. 13: Xerxes' decree goes into effect, the Jews destroy their enemies throughout the
Persian Achaemenid Empire, the Feast of Purim is instituted

 458 -Thu., 6 Apr./Nis. 1: Ezra begins journey to Jerusalem with returning Israelites and gifts from
King Artaxerxes I of Persia (r. 465-24) [Babylon]

o Mon., 17 Apr./Nis. 12: Ezra crosses the Euphrates

o Wednesday, 2 Aug./Av 1: Ezra enters Jerusalem

o Sat., 5 Aug./Av 4: Gifts from Artaxerxes weighed in the Temple [Jerusalem]

 445 - Dec./Chis.: Nehemiah prays for Jerusalem after learning it is still in ruins [Susa]

 444 - Apr./Nis.: Artaxerxes decrees permission for the reconstruction of Jerusalem [Susa] (Starting
point of Daniel's seven weeks (48 years))

o Fri., 31 Jul./Av Reconstruction of Jerusalem wall begins

o Mon., 21 Sep./Elul 25: Reconstruction of Jerusalem wall is completed

o Sat., 26 Sep./Tis. 1: Ezra summons the people to obey the Law [Jerusalem]

o Sun., 27 Sep./Tis. 2: Feast of Tabernacles rediscovered [Jerusalem]

o Sat., 10 Oct./Tis. 15: Feast of Tabernacles celebrated [Jerusalem]

o Mon., 19 Oct./Tis. 24: National confession [Jerusalem]

 432 - Reforms of Nehemiah [Jerusalem]

o Malachi's prophecy(?)

Century IV

 396 - Dedication of the city wall [Jerusalem] (Starting point of Daniel's sixty-two weeks (428 years))

 332 - King Alexander III of Macedon (r. 336- 323) conquers the Achaemenid Empire, ending 200
years of Persian rule over the land of Israel and beginning the Hellenic Age

 305 - Four new kingdoms are founded by the successors of Alexander, among them the Ptolemaic
Dynasty of Egypt and the Seleucid Empire which receive the land of Israel

Century II

 175 - Antiochus IV Epiphanes becomes King of the Seleucid Empire

 170 - Jul.: Antiochus goes to war with Egypt

o Wed., 27 Aug./Av 29: Antiochus pillages the Temple [Jerusalem]

 168 - Fri., 16 Dec./Chis. 15: Antiochus installs a pagan idol in the Temple [Jerusalem]

o Mon., 26 Dec./Chis. 25: Jews forced to sacrifice to the idol in the Temple [JerusaIem]

 167 - Mattathias and his family, the Hasmoneans, leads Revolt against the Seleucid Empire [Modein]

 166 - Death of Mattathias [Modein]

o Judas, called Maccabeus, son of Mattathias, succeeds his father, continues the Revolt

 165 - Sep.: Seleucid general Lysias unsuccessfully counterattacks [Emmaus]

 164 - Judas defeats Lysias [Beth-zur]

o Sun., 13 Dec./Chis. 25: Judas restores the Temple [Jerusalem]

 141 - Simon Thassi, son of Mattathias, elected the first Prince of Judea as a Seleucid vassal [Jerusalem]
 110 - John Hyrcanus, son of Simon, elected the first King of Judea by the Council of the Jews in
revolt against the collapsing Seleucid Empire [Jerusalem]

Century I

 72 - Birth of Joseph, son of Jacob (Epiphanius)

 63 - Siv./Jun. - Judaea made a vassal of the Roman Republic after general Gnaeus Pompey's
conquests in Asia

 40 - Judaea made a vassal of the invading Parthian Empire with Antigonus II Mattathias (r. 40-36),
a member of the Hasmonean royal family, as a puppet king

 36 - Siv/Jun. Herod (r. 36-1) captures Jerusalem, becomes vassal King of Judaea with Roman support

 17 - Thu., 8 Sep./Elul 23: Birth of Mary, daughter of Joachim [Nazareth] (Letter of Evodius, Bishop
of Antioch from A.D. 44-68, recorded in Xanthopoulos, Nikephoros Kallistos. Ecclesiastical
History. c. 1300, per Simmons, Kurt. “Revisiting the Fathers: An Examination of the Christmas Date
in Several Early Patristic Writers.” Questions Liturgiques/Studies in Liturgy, vol. 98, no. 3-4, 2017,
pp. 143–180.,

 14 - Between 8 Sep. and 25 November: Mary placed into the Temple's custody [Jerusalem] (Evodius)

 3 - Tue., 23 Sep./Tis. 14: Annunciation to Zechariah of the conception of John [Jerusalem]

o Mon., 25 Nov./Chis. 18: Betrothal of Joseph and Mary [Nazareth] (Evodius)

 2 - Tue., 25 Mar./Ad. II 19: Annunciation to Mary of the conception of Christ [Nazareth] (Evodius)

o Tue., 24 Jun./Siv. 22: Birth of John the Baptist [Ein Karem]

o Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus (r. 27 B.C. - A.D. 14) decrees a tax registration for the
province of Syria, including Judea

o Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem for the registration

o Thu., 25 Dec./Chis. 28, Midnight: Birth of Jesus Christ, Son of God [Bethlehem] (Evodius)

 1 - Thu., 1 Jan./Teb. 5: Circumcision of Jesus in synagogue, three magi from the East visit the family
having been led by planet Jupiter from star prophecy of Numbers 24 [Bethlehem] (Simmons, ibid.)

o Herod orders the massacre of all boys up to age two in an attempt on Jesus' life

o Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt with baby Jesus

o Sat., 10 Jan./Teb. 14: Death of Herod [Jericho]

o The family return to Judaea

o Mon., 2 February/Sheb. 8: Jesus presented in the Temple [JerusaIem]

o The family take up residence in Mary's hometown of Nazareth

Anno Domini
Century I

 12 - 3-7 May: Jesus teaches in the Temple [Jerusalem]

 17 - Birth of Timothy [Lystra]

 19 - Thursday, 20 July/Tammuz 29: Death of Joseph [Nazareth]

 29 - July(?): John the Baptist proclaims the coming of Jesus to his disciples

 30 - Friday, 6 January/Tebet 13: Jesus is baptized by John, called the Baptist, and dwells in the
wilderness to be tempted for forty days and nights [Bethany Beyond the Jordan, a.k.a. Bethabara]

o Sunday, 12 February/Shebat 21: John testifies of Jesus to the Jewish priests

o Monday, 13 Feb./Sheb. 22: John acknowledges Jesus as the Lamb of God

o Tuesday, 14 Feb./Sheb. 23: Jesus calls Andrew and another disciple of John as Apostles

o Wed., 15 Feb./Sheb. 24: Jesus calls Phillip and Nathanael, called Bartholomew, as Apostles,
travels to Galilee

o Fri., 17 Feb./Sheb. 26: Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding [Cana]

o April/Nisan: Jesus cleanses the Temple soon before Passover [Jerusalem]

 Nicodemus visits Jesus [Jerusalem]

o Jesus and John the Baptist baptize disciples in the Jordan [Aenon]

o John the Baptist arrested for critizing Tetrarch Herod Antipas of Galilee and Perea's
(reigned 1 B.C. - A.D. 39) unlawful marriage to his sister-in-law Herodias and imprisoned at
the fortress of Machaerus

o Jesus makes his home at Capernaum, begins his public ministry

o Jesus calls Simon, son of Jonah, and James and John, sons of Zebedee, as Apostles

o Jesus cures a man with an unclean spirit, heals Simon's mother-in-law and many others at
Simon's house [Capernaum]

o Jesus goes on a preaching tour in Galilee

o Jesus delivers his Sermon on the Mount [Mount of Beatitudes]

o Jesus cleanses a leper [Mount of Beatitudes]

o Jesus heals a Roman Centurion's servant [Capernaum]

o Jesus heals demoniacs [Decapolis]

o Jesus heals a paralytic [Capernaum]

o Jesus calls Matthew, called Levi, as an Apostle [Capernaum]

o Jesus restores a girl to life and heals a woman

o Jesus heals two blind men

o Jesus heals a mute

o Jesus commissions the Twelve Apostles

o Jesus rejected at Nazareth after preaching in the synagogue

o June/Iyar: Jesus converts many Samaritans, heals a Roman official's son [Cana]

o Sat., 16 September/Tishri 1: Jesus heals on the Sabbath during the Feast of Trumpets

 32(?) - March: John the Baptist beheaded by Herod Antipas [Machaerus]

o Jesus feeds five-thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish [Bethsaida]

o Jesus walks on water [Sea of Galilee]

o Jesus heals the sick [Gennesaret]

o Jesus cures a girl with a demon [Tyre]

o Jesus cures a deaf man [Sea of Galilee]

o Jesus feeds four-thousand people with seven loaves of bread and a few small fish [Decapolis]

o Jesus cures a blind man [Bethsaida]

o Simon, son of Jonah, the Apostle the Apostle confesses Jesus is the Messiah and Son of God,
is renamed Peter [Caesarea Philippi]

o Jesus foretells his death and resurrection [Caesarea Philippi]

o Transfiguration of Jesus [Mount Tabor(?)]

o Jesus cures a boy with a demon [Mount Tabor(?)]

o Thursday, 9 Oct./Tis. 15: The Pharisees attempt to arrest Jesus as he teaches at the Feast of
Tabernacles [Jerusalem]

o Wed., 15 Oct./Tis. 21: The chief priests and Pharisees conspire against Jesus [JerusaIem]

o Thu., 16 Oct./Tis. 22: Jesus forgives the woman caught in adultery [Jerusalem]

o Sat., 20 Oct./Tis. 28: Jesus heals a man born blind [Jerusalem]

o 23 Dec./Teb. 1(?): Jesus rejected by the Jews [Jerusalem]

 33 - Mar.: Jesus resurrects Lazarus [Bethany]

o The chief priests and Pharisees conspire to kill Jesus and Lazarus [Jerusalem]

o Jesus withdraws to the town of Ephraim

o Jesus again foretells his death and resurrection [Galilee]

o A Samaritan village refuses to receive Jesus

o Jesus commissions the Seventy Apostles

o Jesus denounces the Pharisees

o Jesus heals a crippled woman on the Sabbath

o Jesus heals a man with dropsy

o Jesus cleanses ten lepers

o Jesus blesses little children

o A third time Jesus foretells his death and resurrection

o Jesus heals two blind beggars, one named Bartimaeus [Jericho]

o Sat., 28 Mar./Nis. 8: Jesus anointed on his feet by Martha, sister of Lazarus [Bethany]

 The chief priests conspire to kill Lazarus [Jerusalem]

o Sun., 29 Mar./Nis. 9: Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem

 Jesus weeps over Jerusalem

o Mon., 30 Mar./Nis. 10: Jesus cleanses the Temple a second time [Jerusalem]

o Tue./ 31 Mar./Nis. 11: Jesus teaches in the Temple [Jerusalem]

o Wed., 1 April/Nis. 12: The chief priests and elders of the Jews conspire to kill Jesus

 Jesus anointed on his head [Bethany]

 Judas the Apostle agrees to betray Jesus [Jerusalem]

o Thu., 2 Apr./Nis. 13: The Last Supper [Jerusalem]

o Fri., 3 Apr./Nis. 14, Midnight: Betrayal and arrest of Jesus by Judas and the Jewish religious
authorities and Roman guard [Gethsemane]

 6 A.M.: Jesus tried before Roman Prefect of Judaea Pontius Pilate (r. 26-36)

 Judas hangs himself in a field, his body falling headlong and bursting open in the
middle [Jerusalem]

 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.: Crucifixion of Jesus [Jerusalem] (End point of Daniel's 69 weeks

(476 years))

 6. P.M.: Burial of Jesus [Jerusalem]

o Sun., 5 Apr./Nis. 16, 6 A.M.: Resurrection of Jesus [Jerusalem]

o Apr. or May: Restoration of Peter [Sea of Galilee]

o Sat., 14 May/Iyar 24: Ascension of Jesus [Mount of Olives]

 Matthias chosen to replace Judas among the Twelve [Jerusalem]

o Sun., 24 May/Sivan 6: Coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church, Peter and John preach in
many languages, converts three-thousand people [Jerusalem]

o Peter heals a crippled beggar [Jerusalem]

o The Apostles heal many [Jerusalem]

o High Priest Caiaphas (r. 18-36) persecutes the Apostles with flogging for preaching the
Gospel, Gamaliel the Pharisee convinces the chief priests to spare their lives [Jerusalem]

o Peter and John preach in Solomon's portico, convert five-thousand people, are arrested and
threatened by the chief priests to stop preaching the Gospel [Jerusalem]

o Apostles of the Seventy Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, and Parmenas as well
as Nicolaus, a convert from Antioch, chosen by the Twelve to serve as deacons [Jerusalem]
 36 - Apr.(?): Stephen martyred by stoning by the Jewish chief priests

o Saul the Pharisee leads a massive persecution of the Church [Jerusalem]

o Phil and Peter rebuke Simon the Magician for attempting to purchase the power of the Holy
Spirit [Gitta(?), Samaria]

o October(?): Saul is confronted by the risen Christ, converts, and is baptized [Damascus]

o Philip baptizes a court eunuch of Kandake Amanitaraqide of Kush (r. 21-41) [Gaza]

o Saul flees from vengeful Jews of Damascus to Arabia

 38 - Stachys, Apostle of the Seventy, made Bishop of Byzantium by Andrew the Apostle

 39 - Saul and his traveling companion Barnabas, Apostle of the Seventy, preach in Jerusalem and

o Peter heals Aeneas of paralysis [Lydda]

o Peter resurrects Tabitha [Joppa]

o Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit at the house of the Roman Centurion Cornelius while Peter
preaches [Caesarea]

o Saul and Barnabas in Antioch

 40 - The prophet Agabus predicts famine across the Roman Empire [Antioch]

 41 - Famine strikes the Roman Empire as prophesied by Agabus

o The Church provides famine relief

o Apr.: King Herod Agrippa I of Judaea (r. 41-44) persecutes the Church, martyring James, son
of Zebedee, the Apostle and arresting Peter [Jerusalem] (Eusebius, Church History, Book II,
A.D. 313.)

o Tue., 11 Apr./Nis. 22: Peter delivered from prison by an angel [Jerusalem]

o Matthew the Apostle composes his account of the Gospel [Antioch(?)] (according to Irenaeus,
Eusebius, and Augustine)

 42 - Peter made Bishop of Rome (Eusebius, Chronicon, A.D. 325.)

o John, called Mark, Apostle of the Seventy, composes his account of the Gospel [Rome]
(Eusebius, Church History II)
 43 - Jude, called Thaddeus, the Apostle cures King Abgar V of Osoerene (r. 4 B.C. - A.D. 7, 13-50) of
leprosy, converting him to Christianity, and goes on a missionary journey to Armenia

o Mark in Alexandria, Egypt (Eusebius, Chronicon)

 44 - Death of Agrippa I [Caesarea]

o Saul and Barnabas commissioned to preach by the Church, joined by Mark [Antioch]

o 13 Aug./Av 30, 3 P.M.: Death of Mary [Ephesus] (Evodius)

o Evodius succeeds Peter as Bishop of Antioch (Eusebius, Chronicon)

 45 - Saul, Barnabas, and Mark in Seleucia, on the island of Cyprus, and in Salamis

o Saul, called Paul, strikes Elymas the magician blind, converts Roman Proconsul of Cyprus
Lucius Sergius Paulus (r. 44-47) [Paphos]

 46 - Mark leaves Paul and Barnabas for Jerusalem [Perga]

o Paul and Barnabas driven from Antioch of Pisidia by Jews

o Paul and Barnabas driven from Iconium by Jews and pagans

o Paul heals a crippled man, is stoned by Jews from Antioch and Iconium [Lystra]

o Paul and Barnabas go to Derbe the next day

o Paul and Barnabas appoint elders in Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch

 47 - Paul and Barnabas in Pisidia, Perga, Attalia, and Antioch

 49 - Roman Emperor Claudius Caesar (r. 41-54) expels the Jews from Rome due to disruptive
conflict amongst them over Christ (Orosius, Paulus. Historiae Adversus Paganos. A.D. 417.)

 50 - Council of Jerusalem

o Paul and Barnabas separate [Antioch]

o Barnabas and Mark on Cyprus

o Paul and his traveling companion Silas, called Silvanus, Apostle of the Seventy, in Syria,
Cilicia, and Derbe

o Paul and Silas joined by Timothy, Apostle of the Seventy [Lystra]

o Paul, Silas, and Timothy in Phrygia, Galatia, and Mysia

o Paul, Silas, and Timothy joined by Luke, Apostle of the Seventy [Troas]
o Paul, Silas, Timothy, and Luke in Samothrace and Neapolis

o Paul and Silas convert Lydia, heals a slave girl of a spirit, are imprisoned, are freed by an
earthquake, baptize the jailer and his family, and visit Lydia's home [Philippi]

o Paul, Silas, and Timothy in Amphipolis and Apollonia

o Jews drive Paul, Silas, and Timothy out of Thessalonica

o Paul, Silas, and Timothy convert many Jews and Greeks in Beroea

o The Jews from Thessalonica drive Paul out of Beroea

o Paul preaches a sermon to philosophers on Mars Hill [Athens]

o Silas and Timothy join Paul in Corinth

 51 - Paul writes his First Letter to the Thessalonians [Corinth]

 52 - Paul writes his Second Letter to the Thessalonians [Corinth]

o Jews bring Paul before Roman Proconsul of Acahia Gallio (r. 51-52) in an unsuccessfully
attempt to have him tried and killed [Corinth]

o Thomas the Apostle goes on a missionary journey India

o Hierotheos the Thesmothete made the first Bishop of Athens by Paul(?)

 53 - Paul in Caesarea, Jerusalem, Antioch, Galatia, and Phrygia

o Ministry of Apollos in Alexandria, Ephesus, and Achaia

 54 - Paul baptizes, preaches, and exorcises in Ephesus

o Paul writes his Letter to the Galatians [Ephesus]

o Stachys succeeded by a certain Onesimus as Bishop of Byzantium

o Fri., 4 Oct./Tis. 14(?) - Hierotheos martyred and succeeded by Dionysius the Areopagite as
Bishop of Athens

 55 - Paul writes his First Letter to the Corinthians [Ephesus]

 56 - Paul writes his Second Letter to the Corinthians [Philippi]

 57 - Timothy and Erastus in Macedonia

o Paul and his companions Gaius and Aristarchus driven from Ephesus by a mob of pagans

o Paul writes his Letter to the Romans [Corinth]

o Paul in Beroea, Thessalonica, Derbe, and Lystra

o Thu., 14 Apr./Nis. 22: Paul and Luke sail from Philippi

o Mon., 18 Apr./Nis. 26: Paul and Luke meet the other believers in Troas

o Sun., 24 Apr./Iy. 2: Luke and the others sail to Assos

o Paul arrives in Assos by land and joins Luke and the others

o Paul, Luke, and the others in Mitylene, Chios, Samos, Miletus, Ephesus, Cos, Rhodes, Patara,
Tyre, Ptolemais, Caesarea, and Caesara

o Sun., 22 May/Siv. 1: Paul meets James, brother of Jesus, takes a vow of purification [Jerusalem]

o Sun., 29 May/Siv. 8: Paul arrested in the Temple by a mob of Jews from Asia [Jerusalem]

o Mon., 30 May/Siv. 9: Paul brought before the council of the chief priests [Jerusalem]

o Tue., 31 May/Siv. 10, 9 P.M.: Paul is sent to Roman Procurator of Judaea Marcus Antonius
Felix in Caesarea for trial after a mob of Jews conspire to kill him in Jerusalem

 59 - December: Felix succeeded by Porcius Festus (r. 60-62) as Procurator, leaves Paul imprisoned as
a favor to the Jews

 60 - Jan.: Paul appeals to Roman Emperor Nero Caesar (r. 54-68)

o Paul is brought before Festus and King Herod Agrippa II (r. 48-100) and Queen Bernice of
Judaea for a hearing [Caesarea]

o Paul is sent to Rome by sea [Caesarea]

o Paul's ship wrecks on the island of Malta

o Paul cures the father of Publius, Roman governor of Malta, of fever and dysentery

o Publius made Bishop of Malta

o Luke joins Paul on Malta

o April: Paul and Luke set sail for Rome

o Paul preaches to Jews in Rome

o Onesimus, Apostle of the Seventy, the slave flees from his master Philemon, Apostle of the
Seventy, in Colossae to Paul in Rome

o Paul writes his Letter to Philemon [Rome, under house arrest]

o Onesimus is welcomed back by Philemon as a brother [Colossae]

o Matthew martyred by spearing(?) [Nadaber, Ethiopia]

 61 - Paul writes his Letter to the Ephesians (a.k.a. Laodiceans?) [Rome, under house arrest]

 62 - Winter: Paul writes his Letter to the Colossians [Rome, under house arrest]

o Spring: Paul writes his Letter to the Philippians

 Paul released from house arrest by Nero [Rome]

 Paul sails from Ostia to Tarraco

o Summer: James, brother of Jesus, martyred by stoning by the Jewish authorities [Jerusalem]

 James, son of Alphaeus, the Apostle martyred by crucifixion(?) [Ostrakine, Egypt]

o Luke composes his account of the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles [Rome]

 63 - Spring: Paul and Titus on the island of Crete

o Summer: Paul, Timothy, and Trophimus in Miletus

o Autumn: Paul writes his Letter to Titus [Ephesus]

 Paul and Erastus in Colossae, Troas, Philippi, and Corinth

o Winter: Paul writes his First Letter to Timothy [Nicopolis]

 64 - 18-28 July: Great Fire of Rome

o Nero scapegoats Christians for the Great Fire to deflect suspicion from his plans to build a
luxurious palace over the scorched rubble of Rome

o Paul and Peter arrested [Rome(?)]

o Paul writes his Second Letter to Timothy [Mamertine Prison, Rome]

o Peter writes his First and Second Letters ["Babylon", likely Rome]

o Sat., 13 Oct./Tishri 15: Paul martyred by beheading and Peter by upside-down(?) crucifixion
by Nero on false allegations of commanding Christians to start the Great Fire [Rome], Linus,
Apostle of the Seventy, succeeds Peter as Bishop of Rome

o Tue., 18 Nov./Chis. 21(?): Luke and Christian soldiers martyred by beheading by Nero [Rome]

 65 - Silas martyred(?)

o John composes his account of the Gospel at the behest of Andrew according to a revelation(?)
[Ephesus(?)] (Muratorian Fragment, c. A.D. 180)
 66 - Bartholomew the Apostle joins Jude in Armenia

o Jude martyred by bludgeoning and Simon, called the Zealot, the Apostle by being sawn in
half, both by pagan authorities(?) [Persia]

 68 - Mon., 25 Apr./Iy. 5 - Mark martyred by being dragged to death by a mob of pagans [Alexandria,

o Bartholomew martyred by flaying by King Tridates I of Armenia (r. 52-58, 62-88)


o Evodius martyred during Nero's persecution along with Callistaes, and Hermogenes, and
possibly the three sons of Theodota(?) [Nicaea]

o Ignatius succeeds Evodius as Bishop of Antioch

o Onesimus and Philemon martyred by stoning during Nero's persecution [Colossae]

 70 - Sat., 8 Sep./Elul 14: Destruction of Jerusalem by Roman forces led by the general Titus, son of
Emperor Vespasian (r. 69-79)

o Fri., 30 November/Chislev 8: Andrew martyred by crucifixion by the Roman governor

Aegeas of Achaia [Patras]

 72 - Sat., 3 Jul./Tam. 10: Thomas martyred by spearing by Hindu authorities [Chennai, India]

 76 - Nicanor martyred by crucifixion [Cyprus]

o Mon., 23 Sep./Tis. 7 - Linus possibly martyred, Anacletus succeeds Linus as Bishop of Rome

 80(?) - Matthias martyred by crucifixion [Sebastopolis]

 81 - Wed., 14 Nov./Heshvan 24(?): Philip the Apostle martyred by upside-down crucifixion

[Hierapolis], Papias succeeds Philip as Bishop of Hierapolis

 88 - Sat., 26 Apr./Nis. 17: Anacletus martyred during Domitian's (r. 81-96) persecution, Clement
succeeds Anacletus as Bishop of Rome

 90 - Quadratus succeeds Publius as Bishop of Malta

 95 - John banished to the island of Patmos by Domitian where he receives the Revelation

o April: Roman Consul Titus Flavius Clemens martyred for his conversion to Christianity by
Domitian, his cousin, and his wife Flavia Domitilla banished to the island of Pontia with
other Christians

 96 - Prochorus martyred(?)

o Domitilla, other Christians martyred by Domitian for refusing to sacrifice to idols [Pontia]
o John and other Christians pardoned and released by Roman Emperor Nerva (r. 96-98)

 97 - Timothy martyred by stoning by a mob of pagans [Ephesus]

o A certain Onesimus succeeds Timothy as Bishop of Ephesus

 98 - Parmenas martyred during the Roman Emperor Trajan's (r. 98-117) persecution [Philippi]

 99 - Sat., 23 Nov./Hes. 22 - Clement martyred by drowning during Trajan's persecution

[Chersonesus], Evaristus succeeds Clement as Bishop of Rome

 100 - Death of John [Ephesus] (Jerome, De Viris Illustribus ch. ix)

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