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Christopher Méndez




Environmental engineering.


Assigment 1


Daniel Martich
Summary: Factors Affecting Water Pollution

We've all known that water is one of the more important nature resources we use to live, in
this article we analyze the different factors that can detonate more and more the pollution for
the water.

The quality of the water is influenced by factors like precipitation, climate, soil type,
vegetation, geology, flow conditions, ground water and human activities and one of the things
that can affect the most water conditions is posed by industries and cities.

In the article says that there's various types of pollution here are some:

1. Point source pollutions: this type of pollution is when source of water is known or
pollutants that are entering into water are identifiable like pitch, pipe industry, storm
drain sewage treatment plants among others... can be distinguished from other
pollution sources.
2. Non-point source pollution: Is the type of pollution that isn't known or the one
doesn't come from a single discrete source, this type is very difficult to control and
can come from pesticides, fertilizers, industrial wastes among others. Today the Non-
point pollution is the leading water pollution in the US and many countries of the
3. Ground water pollution: This happens when pollutants present in the ground enters
the water bodies found under the earth. Waters with this type of pollution may contain
viruses, protozoa and bacterias.
4. Urban storm water runoff: This is the type of water pollutions that occurs when the
urban and suburban areas don’t have a proper sewage system and when it rains or the
snow gets melt all that water ends in the water sources like rivers just to make an
5. Agricultural pollutants: As the one explained before this one comes from the
polluted rain water that stays in the soil, this one is the one that gets contaminated by
fertilizers, pesticides and eroded soil that goes directly to water bodies.
6. Atmospheric pollutants: It is due to small particles which are present in air which it
reaches to water bodies through rain. It includes carbon dioxide which it combines
with water molecules its forms sulphuric acid. Sulphur dioxide produced from
volcanoes and industries also combines with water molecules to form sulphuric acid.
Sulphur dioxide is also produced by combustion of coal and petroleum products.
Similarly Nitrogen dioxide also combines with water to form nitric acid.
7. Pathogens: This are microorganism that causes diseases that combined with water
can be fatal for living beings specially to animals and humans. Most of the
microorganims aren't pathogenic but few are some are Cryptosporidium parvum,
Burkholderia pseudomallei, Giardia lamblia, Norovirus, Salmonella and Parasitic
worms like Schistosoma.
8. Chemical pollutants: This pollutans comes from factories, can be solid, liquid or gas

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