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In the medieval times, there was a mighty warrior with a heart so pure and courageous.

He was adored
all amongst the land as the most powerful and mighty hero of all time and was a person of true integrity,
his name was Macneth. One day, Macbeth was coming back from a dangerous quest. One his tedious
walk home he stumbled across a trio of witches. These witches wore dirty, old black cloths covering most
of their body and had faces surrounded by pimples and warts all over. They had the unique smell of a
dusty old room and voices so cracked and unbalanced with sudden cracklings from time to time. One
witch proclaimed to Macbeth “ All hail Macbeth. The new king!”. The second witch shouted “The new
king has come!”. The third one said “He will lead us to a better future”. All the witches started laughing
hysterically but Macbeth was in a state of confusion. There was already a king, King Duncan. How can he
possibly become a king, he is not even part of the royal family.

Macbeth rushed home as fast as he could. Once he got there his wife, Lady Macbeth, had already had
some food out for him to eat. As they sat down to dine, Macbeth told his wife about his encounter with
the three witches and how they said he was going to be the next king. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth was
one of the richer couples in the world. They owned a small castle with a few then told her that there is
already a king so that shouldn't be possible. Macbeth and Lady servants living there. King Duncan had
gifted it to them as a thank you for all of Macbeth’s help. However, Lady Macbeth was greedy and wasn’t
happy with just a castle and a few servants so when Macbeth told her about the three witches she saw
this as an opportunity to have some more money and was prepared to do anything to make Macbeth
King.She told Macbeth a way he could become the king. Through an act… of murder! Macbeth was
shocked that she could even think of something so horrid. “Why will she suggest something like that?”
Macbeth thought to himself. Lady Macbeth saw the shock on Macbeth’s face and began to explain her
plan and why she thought of it. Macbeth listened to her but did not fully understand her way of thought
but If his wife said it’s a good idea then it’s a good idea. Macbeth secretly wanted power and fame in his
life and his wife only drove his hunger for it. Lady Macbeth’s plan was to invite King Duncan to the castle
with a couple of esteemed guests for a feast. Then, give King Duncan a room to sleep in and kill him in
his sleep.Lady Macbeth said “Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent underneath it.”

Lady Macbeth went out inviting people in the King’s Court and The King himself. To keep suspicions low,
She lied to them and said that the party was in celebration of the return of Macbeth from his quest. On
the day of the feast everyone who was previously invited arrived, the servants had cooked up wonderful
meals which filled the air with a juicy aroma. All was well during the feast, everyone ate their meals, had
a good chat and a little bit of laughter. The moon had risen up from the horizon and it was now nightfall.
Everyone full and drunk of booze went to sleep but Macbeth. He did not drink a single drop of booze and
only ate little that night so that he will be ready to kill King Duncan in his sleep. Macbeth sneakily
followed King Duncan to his room and waited for him to enter. As King Duncan closed the door Macbeth
spotted something at the corner of his eye. It was a ghost dagger! What was this? Did someone bring
this to the party? Why is it here? These were all questions going through Macbeth’s mind. He picked up
the blade and inspected it. It was light, had a very faint white colour and almost seemed transparent.
The daggers blade was twisted and ended with a very pointed edge at the bottom. It seemed so sharp as
if it could cut through bone as if it was just a piece of paper. Macbeth whispered “ Is this a dagger I see
before me?”. Macbeth quickly hid the dagger in his back pocket, hoping no-one would see. After making
sure King Duncan had made it to his room he crept into his and Lady Macbeth’s room. He showed the
dagger to his wife and asked if it was her that put the dagger just outside of King Duncan’s room. She
was confused and had no clue there was even a dagger there. Could this have been from the witches?
Knowing that Macbeth will kill the king. Nothing was for sure but all Macbeth knew was King Duncan will
not see the next crack of dawn. Macbeth waited two hours in his room to make sure the guests, the
servants and even his wife were asleep. After the wait, he slowly creaked open the door which led to a
dark hallway only lit up in a few spots by oil lanterns. The cold air rushed into Macbeth’s face giving him
a sudden chill. He quietly stepped out of the room closing the door behind him quietly trying not to
make any creaking noises. He then moved down the hallway keeping his footsteps to a pin drop silence.
With the dagger in hand he had arrived at Duncan’s door, slowly slid the door just enough to let his body
through and was now standing next to the sleeping, soon-to-be-dead King Duncan.Macbeth, without
hesitation grabbed a pillow next to Duncan and pressed it against his mouth. Duncan suddenly woke up
and started to struggle, screaming for help but the only sounds that could be heard were muffles on the
pillow. Macbeth quickly grabbed the dagger and plunged it into Duncan’s chest, right where the heart
was located. He then slit Duncan’s throat. Blood was oozing out of the two stab wounds slowly making
its red path down Duncan’s body to the bed sheets, being soaked up into a crimson red pool of blood
and despair. Macbeth swiftly fled the scene. Already feeling guilt Macbeth looked at the dagger he used.
It didn’t have any blood stains. Macbeth was so confused. He thought “Maybe the dagger was cursed
from the witches?”. He didn’t know for sure why the blade was like that but there was no time to be
pondering on it. He had killed the king and the guests will find out tomorrow. Macbeth rushed to his
room and washed his bloody clothes off and put on some fresh ones and went to bed. He couldn't sleep,
he can’t get over the guilt of killing the King but there is nothing to do about it now.

It was the next day, and everyone woke up in dread and horror. A servant woke up early, going from
room to room along the hallways checking on everybody. He will knock on each door and the guests
inside will open the door for him to make sure all was well but when the servant got to King Duncan’s
room… there was no reply. The servant repeatedly knocked, thinking the King may have had too much to
drink resulting in a deep slumber, but after the third try the servant decided to just open the door. As the
servant waltzed in, his heart sank. There the king was laying on the bed lifeless, blood soaked into the
sheets and his close, his eyes only while. His neck slit open and his chest having a gaping hole leading
into his heart. The servant screamed “O, horror, horror, horror!”

He ran out of the room stumbling over the wooden planks of the floor. His eyes wide opened as if he had
gone insane. There he went, from door to door telling everyone about the bad news. His words slurred,
still affected by the tragedy he witnessed. Then the servant got to Macbeth’s room. He opened the door
and found Macbeth still wide awake, not able to sleep after the crime he committed last night. The
servant told Macbeth of what he saw. Surprisingly to the servant, Macbeth did not show a single sign of
expression on his face. He just seemed neutral as if he knew that the King was dead. Lady Macbeth was
still fast asleep, laying on the bed like a child. Macbeth ordered the servant out of his room. All the
guests stood in sadness, peering into King Duncan’s room. All shouted “O, horror, horror, horror!”

The servant came back to the room with a clear, white sheet and used it to cover King Duncan so no one
will have to see the vile act done to him. Everyone left the castle while Macbeth was still in the castle. He
had ordered two servants to take care of the body and keep it in a casket for a funeral and dispose of the
bed sheets and mattress and replace them with new ones.

A few days passed, Macbeth had been appointed the new king of Scotland. The funeral for Duncan had
already passed and people are starting to recover from his death, apart from Macbeth and his wife.
Macbeth has been permanently scarred in his mind, always being reminded of the actions he did against
Duncan. The guilt he felt was immeasurable, everyday it will feel like he is carrying the weight of the
world because he is the reason for everyone's moarning. The worst part is that he can not tell anyone
because if he were to, they would have him executed immediately. He said to himself “O, full of
scorpions in my mind!”

Macbeth knew that he wasn’t going to get past the guilt of his past actions. So he decides to invite his
best friend, Banquo, to talk with him and get his mind off of things. On the day Banquo arrived, Macbeth
had planned a small dinner for the both of them. The servants had lined a table with cloth, lit and placed
some scented candles on the table and had food lined from one side to the other. As Macbeth and
Banquo sat down they began to chat. They talked about old memories they had as friends and new ones
they will love to make. But something felt off, Banoquo noticed it too. Banquo thought, ”Normally,
Macbeth is very upbeat, lively and a cheerful person and he should be even more since he is King and he
is in a loving relationship with his wife so why does he look so sad?”

These were questions that were bothering Banquo. Then Banquo asked “Is there anything on your mind
that is bothering you?”

To which Macbeth quickly responded “No!’

Banquo was uneasy by Macbeth’s quick response and knew that something was wrong. Macbeth then
looked at Banquo’s facial expression. He saw that Banquo could sense the tension coming of from him
and he thought, “What if Banquo suspected me of the murder?”

Imeditallely thoughts started to rush Macbeth’s head of how it's even possible that he could know. After
that he asked Banquo to leave.

The next day

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