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10/9/22, 17:48 SCORM play page | Cambridge LMS


Lesson D Favorite things Show Dashboard Lesson B What time is it?

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Lesson A Getting around

1. Match the pictures with the correct words. Available points: 7

Score: 7 out of 7

Click the shaded bars to select matching items. Undo a match by clicking again.








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2. Highlight the correct verbs to make phrases. Available points: 4

Score: 4 out of 4

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10/9/22, 17:48 SCORM play page | Cambridge LMS

1.  (have / take / walk) the bus

2.    (drive /  ride /  go) a car

3.   (take /  drive /   ride) a bicycle

4.   (be /   take /  ride) a taxi

5.   (work /  walk /   ride) a motorcycle

Note: You can only select 4 items in this activity.

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3. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence. Available points: 6 Hide correct answers

Score: 3 out of 6

1. Molly _____ two cars.



not have

2. Alex _____ his bike to work.



to ride

3. We _____ to school.

not walk

doesn't walk

don't walk

4. I _____ a motorcycle.

doesn't have

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don't have

5. You _____ the subway to work.



doesn't take

6. Simon _____ a cab.


don't drive


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4. Type the simple present form of the verbs in parentheses to Available points: 11 Hide correct answers
complete the text.

Score: 10 out of 11

I don’t have  (not / have) a car. I take (take) the train to work. My wife

does not take (not / take) the train. Her friend has (have) a car, and she

drives (drive) to work. So my wife goes (go) to work in her friend’s car.

Our children Amanda and Brett take (take) the bus to school. And they

ride (ride) their bikes to their friends’ houses. Our daughter Lisa  walks

(walk) to school.

Our son Jerry is 24, and he doesn't go (not / go) to school. He has (have) a

motorcycle, and he rides (ride) it to work.

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5. Look at the results of the survey. Then complete the Available points: 10
sentences about the results.

Score: 10 out of 10

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1. (take the bus)

Thirteen people take the bus to work.

One person takes the bus to school.

2. (take the train)

Seven people take the train to


Four people take the train to


3. (take a taxi)

Three people take a taxi to work.

One person takes a taxi to school.

4. (ride a bicycle)

One person rides a bicycle to work.

Three people ride a bicycle to


5. (drive a car)

Thirty-two people drive a car to


Eighteen people drive a car to


6. (walk)

One person walks to work.

Five people walk to school.

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6. Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences. Available points: 4 Hide correct answers

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Score: 3 out of 4

1. I drive to work. 2. My friends and I walk to the movies.


3. Lara rides her bike to the bank. 4. Sanae and Mike take the bus to school.

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