Acids Bases and Salts Worksheet

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1. Which TWO of the following statements describe acid salts?

I Their anions cannot dissociate to give hydrogen ions

II They form a normal salt when all replaceable hydrogen of the acid is removed
III Their anions can dissociate to give hydrogen ions
IV They are not capable of generating a normal salt
a. I and III c. II and III
b. I and IV d. III and IV
2. A solution having a pH of 1 will
a. Neutralize a solution of pH4
b. React with zinc metal to produce a solution of pH10
c. React with hydrochloric acid to produce a salt and water
3. A ‘weak acid’ is BEST described as one that yields a
a. Low reading on the pH meter
b. Low concentration of acid in aqueous solution
c. High concentration of hydrogen ions in solution
d. Low concentration of hydrogen ions in aqueous solution
4. Which of the following methods may be used in the preparation of barium sulphate in the
a. Distillation c. Precipitation
b. Evaporation d. Crystallization
5. Which of the following sets is a weak acid and weak base, respectively?
a. HClO4, NH3 c. HCl, LiOH e. HBr, NaOH
b. HF, Ca(OH)2 d. H2CO3, NH3
6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an acid?
a. a sour taste.
b. turns litmus paper red.
c. feels slippery.
d. reacts with most metals to release H 2.
7. Which of the following is a weak acid?
a. HNO3 c. HI e. H2SO3
b. HCl d. HClO4
8. Which of the following dissolves in water to form a basic solution?
a. CaO c. N2O5
b. HCl d. CaO and HCl
9. Which of these Bronsted acids would have the weakest conjugate base?
a. HF c. HBr
b. HCl d. HI
10. Which of the following reactions is not considered an acid/base reaction?
a. 2HCl + Mg --> MgCl2 + H2
b. 2HCl + Mg(OH)2 --> MgCl2 + 2H2O
c. 2HCl + MgO --> MgCl2 + H2O
d. HCl + H2O --> H3O+ + Cl-
11. Which of the following substances is NOT an Arrhenius base?
a. H2O c. NaOH e. KOH
b. MgO d. Ca(OH)2
12. The H2SO3 acid is called
a. sulfurous acid
b. sulfuric acid
c. hydrosulfuric acid
d. sulfite acid
e. hydrosulfurous acid
13. Strontium hydroxide is an alkali. Which statement about aqueous strontium hydroxide is
a. The solution contains fewer hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions.
b. The solution has a pH less than 7.
c. The solution reacts with metal carbonates to form carbon dioxide.
d. The solution turns blue litmus red.

Short Answers
1. Use the Arrhenius definition to identify the acid or base in each reaction and explain how you
a. NaOH(s) + H2O  Na+(aq) + OH-(aq) + H2O
b. HF(g) + H2O  H+(aq) + F-(aq) + H2O
2. Identify the Lewis acid and base in each reaction below. Draw Lewis dot structures for the first
tow, and determine the lewis aid and base in the third reaction without a dot structure:
a. 6 H2O + Cr3+  Cr(OH2)63+
b. 2NH3 + Ag+  Ag(NH3)2+
c. 2Cl- + HgCl2  HgCl42-


3. Identify the acid and base in the following reaction and label their conjugates
NH3 + H2O  NH4+ + OH-

4. Consider the following reaction. Label the acid, base, conjugate acid and conjugate base and
comment on their strength. How can water act as an acid in one reaction and a base in another?
a. HCl + H2O  H2O+ + Cl-
Acids, Alkalis and indicators
1. The sentences on the right are to do with acids and alkalis. Three describe acids and the other three
describe alkalis.
Make a table with the headings shown below then copy the sentences into the correct column. You will
need four lines in your notebook.

2. Acids and alkalis often have one of these hazard symbols on the bottle.
Copy the symbols into your notebook. Find out what each one means. Write down what they men next to
the symbols in your book.

3. For each of these substances, write down whether they are:

a. Grapefruit juice, pH 3.0
b. Blood, pH 7.4
c. Beer, pH 5.0
d. Rain, pH 6.2
e. Sea water, pH 8.5
f. Saliva, pH 7.0
4. Universal indicator paper has the following range of colors:
Colo Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
pH 0—4 5 6 7 8—10 11—14
An experiment to find the pH of some substance gave these results:
Substance Color of universal indicator paper
Orange juice Red
Egg white Blue
Oven cleaner Purple
Milk yellow
For each substance, write down the name of the substance, its pH and what the pH means.
5. Copy the table below into your notebook. Complete your table to show the color that each indicator turns
(if it does) in acidic, neutral and alkaline solutions.
Blue litmus paper Red litmus paper Universal indicator
6. Write a brief description of an experiment you have done to find out whether different substances are
acidic, neutral or alkaline. You can do a diagram to help your answer if you want to.

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