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Research Project Guideline

Sistem Informasi Perusahaan

Semester Gasal 2022/2023
Some Sample Topics
• Critical success factors of enterprise system implementation
• Implementation strategy/process/approaches/issues
• Adoption of enterprise systems
• Impact of enterprise systems (benefits/performance measurement, evaluating effectiveness)
• Selecting enterprise systems
• Enterprise system failures
• ES change management strategies
• Future of Enterprise Systems
• The impact of cloud computing, social technologies, blockchain or other emerging technologies
on enterprise systems
• Creating shared value with (specific) enterprise system
• Enterprise system in developing countries
• The impact of enterprise system on inter-organizational relationships
• Proposed enterprise systems architecture
• The role of enterprise system in sustainable supply chain management
• Sustainability consideration in vendor and/or enterprise systems selection
• Read around the topic chosen
• Find an interesting issue
• Something that is interesting that is not answered in a single paper
• This is called the “gap” your project is going to fill
• From this gap formulate an aim for your project
• Collect papers, read them, take notes, analyse
• This is your “research data”
• Continue until you have something to say about the gap
• It will not (generally) be something new
• More likely a better organisation (synthesis) of what is out there
• Find suitable organisation(s)
• Collect the data from the organisation(s)
• Write up your research project as an academic research paper
Analysis / Synthesis
• Analyze: to study or examine something in detail, in order to discover
more about it
• Synthesis: the mixing of different ideas, influences or thing to make a
whole which is different of new

Webster and Watson 2002, p XVII
Paper Analysis

Irshad et al (2018)
Synthesizing the Literature

Seidel et al (2013)
All Academic Writing Consists of …
• Context
• Where is this paper coming from
• What are the main issues in this topic
• Gap
• Identifies a hole in the context which this paper attempts to fill
• Research Aim
• States the problem / question that this paper attempts to solve / answer
• What did I do
• What process did I use to solve the problem
• What did I find
• Presents that “data” you collected
• What is the answer
• What answer is suggested by the “data”
• Can I be sure?
• Significance
• Why is it important
• What does the answer mean for business and academics
Parts of the Report
• Abstract What done
What found
Answer Context
Significance Gap
• Introduction Question
What done
What found
Answer Context
• Body Significance Gap
What done Gap
• Conclusion What found Question

Answer What done

Significance What found
9 Significance
Which bits are important for literature based project
• Context : Yes. This is the topic area
• Where is this paper coming from
• What are the main issues in this topic
• Gap : Yes. This usually starts with “however,”
• Identifies a hole in the context which this paper attempts to fill
• Research Aim / Questions: Yes. What is the rest of the report about
• States the problem / question that this paper attempts to solve /
• What did I do: Not so important, it will be obvious
• What process did I use to solve the problem
• What did I find: Yes. This is the presentation of your reading
• Present the “data” you collected
• What is the answer: Yes. This is your conclusion, synthesis
• What answer is suggested by the “data”
• Can I be sure? No - this will be hard for you to judge
• Significance: Yes. It’s worth saying why this issue is important
• Why is it important?
• What does the answer mean for business and academics?
Referencing Examples
• Doss, G 2003, IS Project Management Handbook, Aspen Publishers, New York.
• Citation: (Doss 2003)

• Lacity, MC, Willcocks, LP & Feeny, DF 1995, 'IT outsourcing: maximize flexibility and
control', Harvard Business Review, Vol. 73, No 3, pp. 84-93.
• Citation: (Lacity, Willcocks & Feeny 1995)
or (Lacity et al. 1995)

Assessment Criteria
• Critical analysis of the topic:
• completeness, understanding, argument, use of the literature to support
argument (synthesis).
• Flow and structure of the report
• easy to follow, well organised
• Writing style
• grammar, expression, “cleanliness”
• References
• minimum 10 references, reasonable quality (min 5 academic papers), correct
citation, good use of references.

Project Plan
• Each group must submit a maximum of 1 page description
(minimum font size: 11 point) containing:
• Title of your research project– be specific and informative
• The gap/problem you want to address in your paper, if possible
with supporting reference(s)
• Detailed structure of your paper (in point forms) – be specific
• Three academic references with:
• Complete reference details formatted using Harvard style
• A brief summary of what each paper is about (+ 50 words)
• A brief explanation on how it is used in your paper (+ 50 words)
• Due date 25 September 2022, 23.55 WIB.

• Irshad et al (2018). “Effective methods to detect metamorphic
malware: A systematic review”. International Journal of Electronic
Security and Digital Forensics 10(2):138
• Seidel et al (2013). “Sensemaking and Sustainable Practicing:
Functional Affordances of Information Systems in Green
Transformation”. MIS Quarterly vo. 37. No. 4.

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