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Surely on more than one occasion you have heard that video games generate violence. It is a very popular belief that
for years has given our favorite pastime a bad image. However, a new study rules out a link between violent
behavior and playing video games.

Recently the Journal of Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking published a study called Growing Up with
Grand Theft Auto: A 10-Year Study of Longitudinal Growth of Violent Video Game Play in Adolescents. It is an
investigation signed by Sarah M. Coyne and Laura Stockdale, who reviewed the long-term impact this hobby can

For 10 years, this group of researchers followed the development of young people of both sexes and their
relationship with video games. The participants were divided into 3 groups: those who played a significant number
of violent video games from an early age (4%); those who enjoyed title with moderate violence from a young age
(23%) and those who did not play or consumed games with low level of violence (73%).

But what was the result of the investigation? That there is no relationship between the consumption of violent video
games and the increase in violent behavior in later life.

The researchers reached this conclusion because the adolescents surveyed who played violent video games since
they were children did not show more aggressive behavior than those who spent few or no hours in this type of

Thus, with this we have more evidence that video games are not responsible for different violent behaviors. In
addition, several studies have shown that gaming can bring benefits. Of course, it should be enjoyed responsibly and
in moderation.


NOT long ago, many parents wondered at what age they should give their child full access to the car keys. Nowadays,
parents face a trickier question: At what age should a child own a smartphone?

The smartphone, after all, is the key to unfettered access to the internet and the many benefits and dangers that
come with it. But unlike driving a car, which is legal in some states starting at the age of 16, there is no legal
guideline for a parent to determine when a child may be ready for a smartphone.

The topic is being increasingly debated as children get smartphones at an ever younger age. On average, children are
getting their first smartphones around age 10, according to the research firm Influence Central, down from age 12 in
2012. For some children, smartphone ownership starts even sooner — including second graders as young as 7,
according to internet safety experts.

So how do you determine the right time?through studies on smartphone use among children. I also asked for
parents’ advice on regulating smartphone use and keeping children safe.

The longer you wait to give your children a smartphone, the better. Some experts said 12 was the ideal age, while
others said 14. All agreed later was safer because smartphones can be addictive distractions that detract from
schoolwork while exposing children to issues like online bullies, child predators or sexting.


. It is an eco-friendly or eco-friendly practice that is based on transforming one product into another to take
advantage of it for a longer time, instead of turning it into garbage and polluting. You may have wondered what
recycling is for, what it brings us to people or other similar questions.
Precisely because many people ask these kinds of questions, at EcologíaVerde we want to answer them. So what is it

The truth is that practically everything we see around us can be recycled, from electronic waste to biodegradable
waste, glass, paper, plastics, clothing, and a long list of other objects and materials. That is why the benefits and
advantages of recycling in general help preserve the planet on many levels.

Without a doubt, one of the most important advantages of recycling is the preservation of natural resources. For
example, recycling paper avoids a good amount of unnecessary felling and also the pollution of large amounts of
water that paper manufacturing entails, and the same happens with the recycling of other products made with our
natural resources.

By recycling, the products are reused, so it is not necessary to take the raw material from nature again, but we can
extend the useful life of that which has already been extracted.

Less contamination
Have you stopped to think about the amount of bags, plastics, wrappers, boxes and waste that you create in your
day to day life? Every year tens of tons of plastic end up in the oceans, destroying the marine habitat and the health
of our planet. Something as simple as recycling can prevent this from happening and that all the plastic waste we
create can have a second life and not end up floating on our shores. Without a doubt, this is another of the great
benefits of recycling.

Concrete data is often more impressive than abstract words, so here are some examples of the benefits and
advantages of recycling in our environment:

 8 recycled cereal boxes can be turned into a book.

 80 recycled soda cans can be turned into a tire.
 40 recycled plastic bottles can be made into a fleece.
 Making a can uses 95% more energy than recycling it.
 With each ton of paper we recycle, we save 4,100 kWh.



"The controversy should take into account at least three aspects: are zoos necessary in their current configuration? If
animals are bred in captivity, should they not have the right to live?

Or do these people value life so little? And is it society that should decide on the lives of captured animals or

"Why do people keep visiting these animal prisons called zoos?"

"Because sometimes zoos are better places than having animals exposed to poachers who don't reckon with the
consequences of drastically reducing their populations. Those animals are considered 'exotic' and are highly lucrative
due to bans."

"The original reason for zoological gardens remains today: so that people can appreciate animals that they don't get
to see every day"

However, the main reason for the existence of zoos is that they are places for the conservation of species, many in
danger of extinction, that need strategic places for scientific study or fundraising to finance projects.
"It is not only for the exhibition of animals, they are research centers, which in turn, for example, lend experienced
personnel to wildlife parks in the world to provide their support, but without the logistical support of a zoo it would
be quite hard",

But one of the arguments that are imposed so that there are no more zoos is that the animals are not in their
habitat, which goes against their nature.

"It is impossible to reproduce the environment of animals such as the lion, the tiger or the wolves, to speak of the
best known. They need a wide territory, with rivers, with vegetation. And that does not happen in any zoo in the

But despite my opposition, I agree that zoos that seriously study endangered species conservation issues should
remain because of their importance to the environment.

"The unfortunate thing is that there are few centers in the world that comply with this characteristic, most should be
closed to avoid further damage to the lives of these animals that remain in captivity"



Only 1% of the water on earth is available for human consumption and, not only that, but also the tendency of this
percentage is decreasing. Water pollution lies above all in the discharges that, unfortunately, are still being carried
out by many companies in the world, but also in the bad practices that we individuals carry out on many occasions.
This multiplied by the more than 7,000 million people who inhabit the planet, is too great an impact for our waters.
We tell you how to avoid contaminating water at home.

But fortunately, more and more people are aware that we must change this trend and protect our rivers and seas, as
well as the fish that inhabit them. From Healthy Home we want to give you some basic advice so that you can help
avoid water contamination Although it may not seem like it at first glance, reducing water consumption is one of the
keys to minimizing its contamination. And because? Because by reducing the amount of water used, the amount of
water flowing into wastewater treatment systems is also reduced. For this reason, always follow the already well-
known advice to save water at home: take a shower instead of bathing, do not leave the tap running while you brush
your teeth, run the washing machine and dishwasher only when they are full, etc.

Whenever possible, try not to use cleaning products that contain chemicals. Instead, use organic products, such as
biodegradable soap and natural cleaning supplies, the usual ones. The more natural the products you use, the better,
since they will surely end up in our waters.

As we said, try not to use toxic products (many paints, solvents, cleaning products... they are). But if you have to,
dispose of them in the proper place, never pour them down the drain.

Even if this is away from home, of course, never throw garbage into the sea, rivers, lakes, etc. If you have a picnic or
similar, take a bag and always pick up your waste. Don't throw garbage in the toilet either, the toilet bowl is not a
garbage can! Do not forget that what we put there ends up in our seas. Also you can cause jams. And never, ever
throw the oil down the sink, sink or toilet. Surely there is a clean point in your town where you can deposit it. Find

Do not apply pesticides and use natural fertilizers

If you have a garden at home, do not forget that the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers leads to water
pollution because it seeps into the groundwater. Always products as natural as possible and using them responsibly.
Here are some tips to avoid contaminating water in the home, but common sense itself tells us what we can and
cannot do to avoid destroying our main source of life.


Do I buy it or adopt it?

But an even more important question is where do I do it? Because choosing a breeding or adoption center for the
one that will be our housemate for many years is as important as the rest of the questions that we have asked
ourselves until we are convinced of adding another member to our family.

Unfortunately there are people who, taking advantage of the illusion of people who are looking for the ideal furry
companion, only pursue economic performance. Not only can we be victims of a scam or have a sick animal
delivered to us, with the consequent suffering of the family, but in many cases behind all this there is cruel animal
abuse, dangerous criminal organizations that we will be financing, fraud tax and potential risks to public health.

Reasons why we are inclined to buy

Control of the health status of their parents. Serious breeding centers are true experts of the breeds they reproduce,
thus knowing the "typical" diseases of these.

Socialized puppies. In addition to choosing healthy breeders, they are also selected for having a sociable character.

The choice of specific characteristics. Once again, by having the parents clearly identified, we will have a good
approximation of what their adult children will be like: size, colour, hair type and even behavioral characteristics.

Why adopt?

It is an act of charity. You are giving a home to an animal that has no family. Hundreds of thousands of animals are
abandoned each year and a large percentage of them will never be adopted. In addition, unless the dog is in a foster
home, you will avoid the suffering of a pet

You are giving another dog a chance to be rescued. With adoption, you will not only be helping the animal you are
taking home, but another abandoned animal will be able to take its place in the shelter.

You support a great social work. The number of dogs waiting for a home continues to grow by the thousands each
year. Although it should be a task carried out by the public administration, most of the animals fall on the backs of
non-profit entities

If you're ready for the commitment of bringing an animal into the family, be sure to adopt from a shelter and NOT
buy one from a pet store. Want to support your local open admission shelter and all the life saving work, but not
ready to adopt? Organize a fundraiser at your school, volunteer to walk dogs and play with cats at the shelter, or
spread the word and tell others why they should adopt and never buy animals.


More and more children and adolescents have their own mobile and use it every day. Sometimes, when there are no
clear rules on the use of these devices, they like to have them with them at all times, creating such dependency that
they even use it at school.

A 2010 study by the Pew Research Center found that 65% of teens have a cell phone and take it to school despite
prohibitions from the center or their parents.

Most of the schools and institutes adapt to the new generations and start to allow students to carry their mobile
phones as long as they do not interrupt the normal rhythm of the class or their study time. What they ask is that they
have their phones turned off or on silent so that they do not interrupt or distract them.

It is necessary to know the pros and cons of allowing mobile phones at school to teenagers in order to be able to
make a correct decision as to whether or not teenagers should be allowed to take their mobile phones to school or
college. When the educational center allows you to take it to its facilities, it will be the final family decision that
weighs more.

The ideal is not to prohibit teenagers from taking the phone to school since if they want to do it, they will do it
behind your back. To maintain good communication and trust with the children, the ideal is that they can take it to
school but respecting some rules so that they really use it properly when they have to dedicate themselves to other
things, such as studying.

It is necessary that adolescents who are allowed to use mobile phones in schools have a responsible use of it, that
they do not use it to harm others, or to cheat in an exam, or to be distracted.

You can give your children a vote of confidence and allow them to take the mobile to school, as long as they respect
the rules. In case of not respecting them, there should be consequences such as requisitioning the phone for a
certain time in advance.


Each option has its cons... and its many pros. Entering the world of physical books has many benefits, such as the
already mentioned exceptional smell of books, especially new ones, but many others: physical books do not need to
undergo any system update, nor do they run out of battery and, like good wine, they improve over the years. For the
most nostalgic, reading paper books can take you to a certain moment in your life, remembering it and reliving it as
if it were then, given that there are several studies that suggest that this format favors visual memory. The return to
these memories also occurs when they are used as separators not the mythical purchased separators (also), but
tickets, papers with annotations or any document that you know how to associate to the moment in which you last
read the work.

Books also have the honorable ability to decorate the place chosen to keep them —and how many ways there are to
order bookcases!— and, artistically speaking, the layout of paper books is much more versatile than in digital
formats, which They have far fewer illustrations. And what about the so-called planned obsolescence that paper
books do not experience: books written two centuries ago are still legible, digital media vary, disappear, die.

Many lovers of reading, previously just defenders of paper, are beginning to see the benefits of using digital devices
to read. And one of the biggest and most widely agreed advantages of e-books is their ease of being transported:
travelers, those who for whatever reason chain moves or those who do not have large spaces to store their works
have in a small device your entire library. Thousands of books in a small device of less than 200 grams.

But not everything is the space it occupies, but there are many other advantages: many devices allow you to send
underlined quotes directly (without 'spoiling' the book) to an email, they use less paper —in fact, there is currently a
strong shortage of of paper that puts publishers in a bind, unable to release new editions of books on paper and, if
they do, with the consequent rise in price—and its versatility allows you to buy almost any work from anywhere on
the planet, without need to have to look for a bookstore that has it wherever you are. And the light! Reading at night
is a pleasure for many, but not always the companion (a couple, a baby...) is able to fall asleep with a lamp on to
read; digital books allow in all cases to continue reading with the light off, thanks to the device's own lighting.
Another advantage of e-readers is that they can search, with a simple click, for specific words or phrases in the text,
as well as underline or highlight paragraphs, make annotations and then delete it all again.

digital books are priced much lower than physical books, even more so since the government lowered VAT on these
products from 21% to 4% a couple of years ago. Whichever option one chooses, reading should always be a pleasure.


As land transport, the railway has many advantages and is competitive with other means of transport. Among its
main characteristics, rail transport has the ability to travel long distances at high speeds and move bulky loads. These
keys put you ahead of the truck in terms of advantages. On the other hand, it consumes little fuel, which is why it is
also the most economical transport.

The logistics of land freight transport find an effective means in the railway when it comes to large volumes,
unprocessed raw materials, project cargo, construction materials, minerals, vehicles, heavy machinery, chemical
materials, among others. In Mexico, the main items are industrial, agricultural and mineral products. When the
journeys are long, rail transport and its advantages are convenient for large tons or heavy cargo. Rail transport can
be adapted with swap bodies and a variety of platforms that optimize the transport of special loads.

Advantages of rail transport

 Convenient for long trips between cities.

 Flexibility for large volumes.
 Safe and reliable.
 More efficient in terms of fuel consumption and other resources.
 Ecological.
 Reduction of the accident rate.
 Optimum speed in long distance.
 More economical in the final unit price.

Disadvantages of rail transport

 Infrastructure that depends on public and private investment.

 Dependence on the railway network shared with passenger trains.
 Not very flexible to adjust to particular orders or loose cargo.
 Infeasibility of door-to-door service.
 Unsuitable for short journeys.
 Limited travel routes.
 Dependence on other transport to reach warehouses or production centers.


Schedule: it is true that if you decide to travel in your own car you have a greater margin to decide when you start
the trip. To try to alleviate this inconvenience, at Autocares Chaos we offer endless possibilities for you to organize
your trip to your liking.

Stops: In the same way, you usually cannot choose how many times you stop during it, where you do it, and for how
long you decide to interrupt the journey.

Time: Under normal circumstances, traveling by train or car is much faster than traveling by bus.

But, as we have already said, traveling by bus can give you great advantages, including:

Price: if we compare it with traveling by train, it is much cheaper. Prices can be up to 50% cheaper in some cases.
Relax: by not being the driver of the vehicle, you can forget about the traffic and try to disconnect while you reach
your destination. It is also important to mention as one of the main advantages of the bus, that the cost of
maintenance, insurance and fuel is borne by the bus company.

Comfort: the current buses have nothing to send to the trains, since they include more spacious and comfortable
seats, which allow you to rest your back, or Wi-Fi connection among other features. In addition, when you arrive at
your destination city, you do not have to look for parking with the problem that this often entails, and that is
something unavoidable when traveling by car.

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