Flowers Make Fruits - Seeds

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Creator: Jillian DiRe

Lesson Plan

Subject: Flowers make fruits and seeds

Grade: 4

Resources used to create lesson: Power point, Frayer model, worksheets, fruits.

State Standards:

Standard 4: The Living Environment

3.1b Each plant has different structures that serve different functions in growth, survival, and reproduction.
• roots help support the plant and take in water and nutrients
• leaves help plants utilize sunlight to make food for the plant
• stems, stalks, trunks, and other similar structures provide support for the plant
• some plants have flowers
• flowers are reproductive structures of plants that produce fruit which contains seeds
• seeds contain stored food that aids in germination and the growth of young plants

Common Core Standards:

8. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
2. Demonstrate command of the conversation of standard English capitulation, punctuation, and spelling
when writing.
Speaking and Listening:
1. Engages effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with
diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Unit Essential Question:

What are plants structures and functions?

Aim of lesson:

How do flowers make seeds and fruits?

 After watching the brain pop video, students will be able to identify which part of the flower makes
fruits. Fruits grow from the ovary of pistils and seeds form inside fruit.
 After the power point students will explore how seeds and fruits form. Insects carry pollen to flower
postils, where sperm and egg combine to make a seed.


Students will be assessed on their Frayer model.

Prerequisite skills, knowledge:

Students will know the parts of a plants and that they can be categorized into two groups.

Key guiding questions:

 What is fertilization? Students might answer fertilization is the combing of a sperm and as egg to
make a seed.
 What is an ovule? Students might answer an ovule is the inner part of an ovary that contain an egg.
 What is the tiny part of a seed that can grow into a new plant? Students will answer the embryo.
 Was your guess accurate to the amount of seeds the fruit had?
 Do all plants have the same amount of seeds?

Hook - Beginning of lesson

Students will watch a video on how flowers make seeds and fruits on brain pop.
While watching the video students will be asked to write down examples on how flowers make
fruits/seeds. After the video is over students will be asked to read some of their answers. Students might
answer seeds form inside fruit and fruit grows from the ovary of pistils.

Development of lesson:

 Students will be split into groups of three. Each student will be assigned a role in the group. One
student in the group will be the principal investigator. They will be in charge of keeping time,
keeping the group on track, and making sure all safety rules are being followed. Another student
will be the recorder/reporter. They will be in charge of recording the information that the group
discusses, reporting the information to the class and making sure the data is correct. Another
student will be the materials manager/maintenance director. They will be in charge of picking up
and passing out materials, makes sure that the group cleans up their entire area and returns all items.
Student will take turns throughout the year with each role. Students will be allowed to choose what
role they want. They shouldn’t choose a role if they have been it before.
 Student will be given foods with distinct seeds. They will be given cucumbers, apples and pears.
They will already be cut into quarter sections. Before students are given the foods they will guess
how many seeds are in each item. Students will then be given the foods and will record the amount
of seeds in each quarter section. Once they have recorded the seeds they will write an estimated
guess on how they think flowers make seeds and fruits using prior knowledge and the brain pop
video as reference.

 After students have completed the food activity they will learn about flowers that make fruits and
seeds from the power point. After the power point students will receive a Frayer model on flowers
that make fruits and seeds.

Closure of lesson
 Students will share their Frayer model and discuss any questions they have.

Adaptations for Special Need & differentiation

 Students can fill the Frayer model on the computer.
 Students can have parts of the Frayer model filled out for them.
 Students can do the fruit and seed activity on the computer.
 Size of groups can be changed.

Follow-up Assignments:

 For homework students will be asked to list other foods and plants that have seeds or fruits.

Reflection and Revision:

 Did students understand the brain pop video?
 Did students enjoy the fruit activity?
 Did I manage my time well?
 Did students stay on task?

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