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Phone: (760) 633-2233

Fax: (760) 454-0915

Mail: 8605 Santa Monica Blvd. #90793
West Hollywood, CA 90069

August 21, 2022

SENT VIA FAX ((888) 976-2123)

Alex Diaz Rodriguez

Infinity Insurance by Kemper Insurance

RE: Our Client/Your Insured: Jeremias Robles

Date of Loss: November 5, 2021
Your Claim No.: 21123927269

Dear Alex:

Please be advised that this office has been retained with respect to the above-mentioned
matter. Accordingly, all future communication regarding same should be directed only to
this office and not to our client.

Claim is hereby made under the medical payments, property damage, uninsured motorist,
underinsured motorist, and any other applicable provisions of the above policy, as well as any
other applicable coverages and policies.

We request that you immediately send us written confirmation of coverage, the specific
amounts of all coverages, including all medical payments coverages, conditions relating to
same and all umbrella coverages, and the name of the adjuster assigned to this matter. If you
are not handling this claim, please advise who is and forward this letter to that person and/or

Please also be reminded that all medical payments coverage checks must be sent to this
office. As you are aware, this office has first priority of lien over all later created liens,
including medical liens. See Civ. Code § 2897; see also Gilman v. Dalby (2009) 176
Cal.App.4th 606, 620. Therefore, all medical payments coverage checks must be made to this
office, and not to any medical providers.

Please be certain that ALL payments include our firm name and are sent directly to this
office, pursuant to our attorneys’ lien. In the event you have previously made any payments
or know of any payments, for each such payment please send us in writing and within ten
(10) days of the date of this letter, the following:

1. The identity of the recipient.

2. The amount paid.

3. The date paid.

4. A copy of all checks evidencing all payments.

5. Copies of all medical bills, records, reports and other documents said payments were
based upon.

Please preserve all evidence relating to this incident, including the damaged vehicle, any
products that may have been defective and/or malfunctioned, and all damaged property,
including photographs of same. If you have or later obtain any of the following, we request
that you provide us with same at your first opportunity:

1. Traffic collision reports and any and all other police reports and records;

2. All statements from our client(s), any witnesses or anyone else;

3. All photographs of the scene of this incident, vehicles involved and anything else
relating to this incident and/or our client’s claim; and

4. All property damage appraisals and estimates.

Please maintain the originals of all items until this entire claim is fully resolved and forward
full and complete copies (color copies of all photos) to us at this time. If there will be any
delay, please advise, explain all reasons for same and when we may expect your compliance
with our requests.

Thank you in advance for your courtesy and cooperation.

Very truly yours,

Liam R. Perry

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