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Republic of the Philippines


University Town, Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon

First Semester SY 2021-2022

Med 255 (Administration and Human Resources Management in Education)


1. Transactional Leadership is primarily based on processess and

control and requires a strict management structure, while
Transformational leadership focuses on inspiring others to follow
and it requires a high degree of coordination, communication and
cooperation. An example of transactional leadership is Coaching or
coaches of athletic teams. These coaches motivate their followers
by promoting the reward of winning the game. They instill such a
high level of commitment that their followers are willing to risk pain
and injury to obtain the results that the leader is asking for.
Transformational leadership is a model basically. Steve Jobs is an
example by which he is known for being one of the most iconic
transformational leader in the world. His leadership style involves
pushing employees and staff to thick about new products and

2. It is said to be that a leader with high EQ makes a better leader for

he is a team-player. In the email of Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and
SpaceX, you can read words or phrases showing how he greatly
values his workers’ emotions over anything else towards achieving
their company’s success. Here are the key points:

“No words can express how much I care” – with this he is self-aware
and conscious of hid mood and feelings. He can control his own
emotions and he knows how many injuries have occurred to his
employees in realizing the company’s goals. he greatly understands
the implications of his decisions towards workplace performance.

“It breaks my heart” – with this he recognizes and shares the

feelings of others. The trait of empathy, that ability to put our self on
the shoes of others, is important in any organization for a leader
understands strongly of how other’s emotions are related to their

“So that I can understand” – with this he shows great composure

and can manage his emotions in high pressure situations. He
responds in a productive manner and turns down emotional

Generally, the email itself shows that he worries more on his people
than his losses. The injuries may have slowed down production or
may be possible for their deadline not to be met. But instead of
worrying on that, he is more worried on the welfare of the people.
Indeed, he is a true leader full of EQ – this makes him one of the


Step 1. Assignment of Tasks. This is determining clearly what

subordinates need or are supposed to do. A leader or manager must
assign a part of his duties to others under him or her because he
cannot himself perform all the work. Factors are considered here
such as the capabilities of the subordinates and the equal
distribution of tasks.
Example, on the first day of class a staff meeting is conducted, and
different committees are created to ensure safe and smooth school
operations for a school year. Chairman or Coordinator of the
committees are then appointed by the School Head.

Step 2. Delegation of Decision-making authority. Aside from duties

and tasks, authority us also being granted to subordinates for them
to perform and meet the tasks. This delegation of authority is
considered as an essential to take all actions, which lead to
accomplish their duties successfully, and the organizational goals.
but this authority should only be task related and any decisions that
fall beyond is referred to superiors.
Example, once a chairman or Coordinator has been appointed, he or
she then chooses the members. They would then create an Action
Plan to be approved by the School Head.

Step 3. Creation of Obligation. This is the important part because

this is where the subordinates perform their duties satisfactorily.
The person assigned the task is morally responsible to do his best
since he has willingly accepted these tasks.
Example, once action plan has been improved the committee then
now put it into effect or implementation.

Step 4. Creation of Accountability. In every authority comes great

responsibility. The subordinate accepting the challenge must be
aware that consequences must be faced and answered to, whether
it may be good or bad. Evaluation and assessment also come and
takes place in this step.
Example, at the end of the school year, reassessment is being done
to evaluate the committee and an accomplishment report must be
submitted to the school head.

4. Authority and Power plays an important role in Delegation. If a task

is the only being delegated but the authority and power are held
back, the leader or manager cannot expect a task to be completed.
If it is, then it shall not be of high regards either to the subordinate
or the task itself. If a leader decides to delegate a task, then he or
she must be prepared and must well accept that authority and
power should be delegated or granted if it is only within the means
of the task.

For example, if you are a school head and you delegate the
enrollment and opening of classes activities to the Brigada Eskwela
Coordinator then you do not need to micromanage the task and have
every move being approved by you. The task is being delegated and
any decisions related should be delegated as well such as the
process of enrollment, the members of the Brigada Committee, the
program for the opening and such.

5. The theory of motivation I can well relate and apply to Maslow’s

Hierarchy of Needs. Humans as we are, basic needs are the first
that comes to our mind when we work or perform a task. Even the
richest people still consider his or her basic needs. Accept it or not
if we think of big salary then we can think of big things too such as
bigger shopping carts, bigger house, better car, and the likes. And
we always consider the basic needs more than anything –
physiologic needs. Even at conducting activities at school I always
consider using the Maslow’s Theory. That is why if there are
workers at school, we make sure to provide snacks and water for
basic motivation like that gives impact to them and makes them
motivated to do well.

6. Performance and motivation go along together in a certain task.

They are like the “power couple” to make anything possible.
Performance is a high level of productivity by one employee. It is the
quality of work and the quantity of job being done. Motivation is one
of the forces that lead to performance. It is the burning desire to
achieve a goal or a certain level of performance. It is a goal-directed
behavior. Motivation is the driving force; performance is the
outcome. Motivated employees put in much extra effort resulting to
a wonderful performance.

7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Meetings


 Save time - Since one can meet several people at a time

interactively, a meeting can save time.
 Addressing groups: - One can divide the audiences according to
their background and need and address them group by group.
 Cope with information explosion - new technology and new
regulations are coming thick and fast. Meetings enable us to cope
with this situation.
 Social and emotional support - Members get personal support from
each other when they meet and exchange ideas.
 Feeling of being consulted - Members get the feeling that they have
been consulted and this is useful in getting their intelligent and
willing cooperation.
 Democratic functioning - Democracy aims at achieving all people’s
welfare by all people’s involvement. This is possible through
 Idea development - Ideas are systematically cross-fertilized,
analyzed and improved by a group.
 Defusing troublemakers - By the collectivity of constructive forces,
troublemakers can be isolated in a meeting and positive action got
going. The opponents of a plan get a forum to voice their opposition,
which can be overcome before a group of supportive people.
 Bolder decisions - Collectively we can take more adventurous
decisions because of united strength.
 Various interest groups represented - In a meeting many interest
groups can be represented, and minorities can also be given due
 Preventing mistakes - A meeting helps to avoid mistakes by a
collective and many-angled focus on issues.


 Time-consuming - Meetings require several people to come together

at the same time and place. This costs time because other work
must be set aside for the sake of the meeting.

 Inability to arrive at a decision - Just as “two heads are better than

one,” it is also true that “too many cooks spoil the soup.” Multiplicity
of views and personal stubbornness of members may prevent a
meeting from taking a decision which a chief executive may take

 Lack of seriousness - Many meetings suffer from the drawback that

members come unprepared and feel that the others will do the
thinking and talking. They feel they can take a free ride.
“Everybody’s job is nobody’s job.”

 Inexpert chairing - Just as an airplane is steered by a pilot, a

meeting is piloted by the chairperson. His lack of skill and personal
failings/biases may fail a meeting.

 Expensive - Meetings are expensive to arrange – they require a

place, paperwork, prior communication, and travelling by the

 Open to disruption - A meeting is prone to being disrupted by an

element that is opposed to its objective. There are times when one
passenger’s refusal to adjust himself delays the entire flight. The
same for meetings. The spirit of give-and-take may be missing in
some participants.

8. I can say that I have the qualities of an effective meeting facilitator.

It is because basing on the tips of making the meeting effective I
strongly believe I have those characteristics. Aside from that I have
already been able to handle meetings for both small or large groups
and they are so far successful. I have been handling GPTA and
HRPTA meetings, even small meetings in our the clan and we can
productively come up and finish the agenda at time.
As deemed possible I only conduct meetings, if necessary, makes
sure there is agenda to guide us and making sur to cover the
agenda, being time bounded and notes are kept. All in all, I can say I
am an effective facilitator already.

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