Uu114 Report

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The University of the south pacific

Uu114 English for academic purpose

English as a medium of instruction and

learning; a case study of Accounting USP

Name: Ashleen Shaleen chand

ID: S11184616
Group number: 10
Tutor: Raveena Goundar

This report is written to evaluate people’s opinion on the use of English in higher

educational institution. It discusses the benefits, challenges and recommendation to

overcome those challenges. The two methods used in this report are the questionnaire

and the internet based research conducted on proquest. The major finding for this

research is that English as a medium of instruction is used vastly over the globe and

has challenges faced mostly by native language speaking countries. This report can be

concluded as it does agree with the major hypothesis of the question and further

recommendations can also be made.

List of figure...............................................................................................................................................4
1.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................5
2.0 Methodology.......................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Primary source................................................................................................................................7
2.1.1 Questionnaire..........................................................................................................................7
2.2 Secondary source..........................................................................................................................7
2.2.1 Library search..........................................................................................................................7
3.0 Results.................................................................................................................................................8
3.1 English as a medium of communication in higher education...................................................8
3.2 Impact of English in higher education..........................................................................................8
3.3 Benefits of English as a medium of learning..............................................................................9
3.4 Major challenges faced while using English as medium of learning.......................................9
4.0 Discussion.........................................................................................................................................10
5.0 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................12
6.0 Recommendation.............................................................................................................................13
7.0 Bibliography......................................................................................................................................14
8.0 Appendix............................................................................................................................................15

List of figure
Figure I: English as a medium of communication in higher education

Figure 2: Impact of English in higher education

Figure 3: Benefits of English as a medium of learning

Figure 4: Major challenges faced while using English as medium of learning

1.0 Introduction
The purpose of my research is;

a) To identify the main medium of instruction in:

 Local high school and

 In higher educational institutions

b) To survey people’s opinion on the use of English as a medium of instruction in

higher education;

c) To identify and evaluate the benefits for pacific students of using English as a

medium of learning as higher education;

d) To identify and evaluate the major challenges faced by pacific students in using

English as a medium of learning at higher education;

e) To recommend ways to overcome the challenges evaluated in part (d) above.

The research’s used for the topic by Fawole, Adebola; Pillay, Pravina (2012) discuss the

challenges faced by other countries and how they can overcome those challenges.

Rogier, Dawn (2012) discuss effects of English medium instruction on proficiency of

students and through English medium of instruction, students are motivated to develop

a career plan for their future and increase their level of internationally-oriented skills

(Byun ef al,2011; kang, 2005; Kang and Park, 2004). Author El-Fiki, Hana A (2019)

discusses how teaching in English has improved teaching practices. Thus all these

authors fairly agree to this research topic as they depict the acceptance of English in

schools, the impact English has in schools, benefits and the challenges. Hence further

research is much needed for on this topic to know more about the negative impacts of

English in different countries to enrich other reports as such

It seems likely that people have a favorable respond when it comes to English being the

medium of instruction in higher education. It is also hypothesized that most people

share the same benefits of using English as a medium of learning at higher education.

2.0 Methodology

2.1 Primary source

2.1.1 Questionnaire

This questionnaire was formed to gather information on the topic English as a medium

of instruction and learning; on second year USP students. The questionnaire was

prepared collectively as a class based activity using the terms of reference and then

sited by the tutor. It was prepared on the 28 th of September and distributed the very next

day. The distributions of the questionnaire were equal amongst the genders that is six

(6) males and six (6) females and the response were collected on the very day of the

distribution. The questions on the questionnaire focuses mainly on the opinions on the

use of English as a medium of instructions and learning, benefits, major challenges, and

recommendations of overcoming challenges faced while using English as a medium of

instructions. Questionnaire also included some spaces for the people to give in some of

their precise answers according to the questions.

2.2 Secondary source

2.2.1 Library search

Research for this report is done using the questionnaires prepared earlier according to

the terms of reference. The research was conducted using the University of the South

Pacific Proquest academic advance search. There are four references provided in the

background. The referenced articles fairly agree with the research topic and discusses

the impacts, benefits, challenges and acceptance of English as a medium of instruction.

3.0 Results

3.1 English as a medium of communication in higher education



Figure 1 pie chart shows 90% respondents said yes to the question and 10% said no

3.2 Impact of English in higher education











loss of knowlegde of comlicates eduaction others
mother tongue system

Males Females

Figure 2 this cluster column the different voting done for the different impacts of English.

3.3 Benefits of English as a medium of learning

17-20 yrs 21-24 yrs 25-28 yrs

3 3
3 3

y o m ce
n ti ee an
tu ca t
r i es m
o u
l f- f or
m se er
b co er ic
jo e tt
er em
er b
e tt ad
e tt b ac
e tt

Figure 3 this clustered bar graph show the responds of different age group to different

benefits of English as a medium of learning.

3.4 Major challenges faced while using English as medium of learning

22% complex vaocabu-
33% complex vaocabulary
variation in English
complex grammar
variation in Eng-

Figure 4 the doughnut chart shows the percentage of people voted for the different

challenges faced.

4.0 Discussion
According to the results shown in figure 1 majority of the respondents have given in a

favorable reply to the question “do you accept English as a medium of learning in higher

education could have some benefits?”. El-Fiki Hana A (2012) ediscuss teaching in

English has improved teaching practices which eventually has improve learning

practices for students as well creating some benefits for the students and teachers. As

result suggest that 90% respondents think English as a medium of learning does have

benefits where as 10% don’t believe it’s true. This may be due to factors such as the

negative impacts of English on people. Dsespite the negative impacts English as a

medium of learning does have a lot of benefits.

Furthermore, figure 2 shows the impacts of English in higher education system. It

illustrates both males and females voted equally for loss of mother tongues, 40% males

and 60% females votes for complicates education system, both males and females

equally voted for others. According to the data collected, it means that most people

think that speaking in English in higher education leads to a loss of mother tongue.

Having presented the benefits of English figure 3, 4 respondents between the age 17-20

years and 3 21-24 years old respondents have voted for better job opportunity. 2 17-20

years old 3 from 21-24 years old and 3 ranging from 25-28 years of age voted for better

communication as the benefits. The benefit on better communication has got 2 votes

from age group of 17-20 years, 2 votes from 21-24 years and one vote from 25-28 years

of age and 3 respondents voted for better academic performance form the age group

17-20 years old. apart from the benefits discussed above Rogier, Dawn (2012) in their

article discuss another one of the benefits of English as a medium of learning which is

proficiency in English. Therefore, it illustrates that English is beneficial to the

respondents in their own age group.

Moreover, along with the many benefit English has its own challenges. Fawole,

Adebola; Pillay, Pravina (2019) discuss the challenges faced by other countries and

some of which are complex vocabulary, pronunciation problems, variation in English,

and complex grammar. Complex vocabulary having 34% votes, pronunciation, variation

in English and complex grammar have the equally votes 22%. This means that pacific

students find English most challenging because of complex vocabulary.

5.0 Conclusion
This report is conclusive, as it agrees with the hypothesis of people having favorable

opinions about the use of English as a medium of instruction in higher education. This is

due to the wide use of English in every continent. Yet further examination is genuinely

necessary for on this theme to find out about the negative effects of English in various

nations to improve different reports all things considered.

Furthermore, the obstacles faced during this report were mainly internet issues and

contrasting research work. Apart from these obstacles encountered this report has

helped evaluate people’s opinion towards English as a medium of instruction and to

learning the many benefits, challenges English has to offer individuals.

6.0 Recommendation
The following recommendations are suggested:

 Playing vocabulary games

 Peer learning

 Reading books, magazines, articles and newspapers

 Practicing English language from an early age.

7.0 Bibliography

El-Fiki, H. (2012) Teaching English as a foreign language and using English as a

medium of instruction in Egypt: Teachers' perceptions of teaching approaches and
sources of change, University of Toronto (Canada), available from https://search-
AF05D4E7E871471BPQ/1?accountid=28103, accessed on 14 October 2020
Fawole, A. & Pillay, P. (2019) "Introducing the English Language to Learners in a
Multilingual Environment: A Dilemma That Must Be Resolved", Gender &
Behaviour, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 12583-12596, available from https://search-proquest-
85B130C3C1754150PQ/7?accountid=28103, accessed on 14 October 2020
Jian, G. (2016) The Impact of Global English in Xinjiang, China: Linguistic Capital and
Identity Negotiation among the Ethnic Minority and Han Chinese Students, University of
Washington, available from
abstract/2B294029D19A4ADBPQ/1?accountid=28103, accessed on 14 October 2020
Rogier, D. (2012) The effects of english-medium instruction on language proficiency of
students enrolled in higher education in the uae, University of Exeter (United Kingdom),
available from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.usp.ac.fj/pq1academic/docview/
1654741914/F5C81D8BB366459EPQ/7?accountid=28103, accessed on 14 October

8.0 Appendix
Name (Optional):_________ Age (Optional): ____
Gender: Male Female Occupations: ________________
1. Select the main medium of instruction in;
a. Local high school
English i-Taukei
Hindi Others (specify):____________
b. Higher educational institution
English i-Taukei
Hindi Others (specify):____________
2. Do you think English should be used as a medium of communication in higher
Yes No
3. What are the impact of English in higher education?
Loss of knowledge of mother tongue Complicates education system
Other (explain)
4. Do you accept English as a medium of learning at higher education could have some
Yes No
5. What are some of the benefits of English as a medium of learning at higher education
that you have experienced? Choose only two
Better job opportunities Better self-esteem
Better communication Better academic performance
6. What are some major challenges faced by pacific students in using English as a
medium of learning at higher education?
Complex vocabulary Variation in English
Pronunciation Grammar is complex
7. Suggest ways to combat the above mentioned challenges.


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