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(SA 101)

Wednesdays and Fridays

Course Description
This course will transition you from working on a single computer to
an entire fleet. Systems administration is the field of IT that’s
responsible for maintaining reliable computers systems in a multi-
user environment. In this course, you’ll learn about the
infrastructure services that keep all organizations, big and small, up
and running.
Module 1: 2 week to 3 weeks
At the end of the chapter, the students would be able to:
Introduces and describes the purpose of the Systems
• Provides a brief description of the system, including its purpose
and uses.
• Describes the organization of the system by the use and their
• Explain what their responsibility
• Knowing about Management Information Systems
Module 1: Introduction and Purpose

Definition of Systems Administrator

A system administrator, IT systems administrator, systems

administrator, or sysadmin is a person employed to maintain and
operate a computer system and/or network. System administrators
may be members of an information technology (IT) or Electronics
and Communication Engineering department.
Lesson 1: Duties of a system administrator and responsibilities
1. Analyzing system logs and identifying potential issues with
computer systems.

1. What is log Analysis - Computers, networks, and other IT

systems generate records called audit trail records or logs that
document system activities. Log analysis is the evaluation of
these records and is used by organizations to help mitigate a
variety of risks and meet compliance regulations.
• created by network devices
• applications
• operating systems
• programmable or smart devices
• To comply with internal security policies and outside regulations
and audits
• To understand and respond to data breaches and other
security incidents
• To troubleshoot systems, computers, or networks
• To understand the behaviors of your users
• To conduct forensics in the event of an investigation
• Pattern detection and recognition: to filter messages based on a pattern
book. Understanding patterns in your data can help you detect

• Normalization: to convert different log elements such as dates to the

same format.

• Tagging and classification: to tag log elements with keywords and

categorize them into a number of classes so you can filter and adjust
the way you display your data.

• Correlation analysis: to collate logs from different sources and systems

and sort meaningful messages that pertain to a particular event.
Correlation analysis helps discover connections between data not
visible in a single log, especially since there are usually multiple records
of a security incident. For instance, if you have just experienced a
cyber-attack, correlation analysis would put together the logs
generated by your servers, firewalls, network devices, & other sources,
and find the messages that are relevant to that particular attack. This
process is often associated with alerting, as the data you gather from
correlation analysis can help you craft alerts when certain patterns in
• Artificial ignorance: a machine learning process to identify and
“ignore” log entries that are not useful and detect anomalies. Artificial
ignorance will ignore routine log messages such as regular system
updates but allow for new or unusual messages to be detected and
flagged for investigation. Artificial ignorance can also alert you about
routine events that should have happened but did not.

In addition to these technologies and processes, log data should be

centralized and structured in meaningful ways so that they can be
understood by humans and interpreted by machine learning systems.
2: Introducing and integrating new technologies into existing data
center environments.
1. Elevate your data center operating temperature - The data
center's working temperature has long been a subject of myth
and legend, but research and initiatives from industry
organizations such as the American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) have
found that data centers don't need to be cooled like meat
2. Upgrade servers and systems for better consolidation and
efficiency - Servers consume the majority of energy in a data
center primarily in the processors and memory components.
3. Change the system layout and rack layout for power and
efficiency - Take a close look at the layout of your data center
equipment and look for ways to improve power and cooling
4. Consider supplemental or alternative cooling schemes -
Mechanical heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
are a staple of the modern data center, but they are also costly,
energy-hungry and a potential single-point of failure in data center
availability. If the cooling system fails, a data center can overheat in
a matter of minutes. This means that raising operating temperatures
and reducing the amount of computing equipment may justify a
smaller cooling system.

5. Consider availability and reliability issues in power distribution - Data

centers run the business and they must always be available, so
consider backup power systems and the capacity of backup power
equipment. Upgrading the uninterruptable power supply (UPS)
systems to a newer model can improve UPS energy efficiency and
provide more intelligent power monitoring/measurement capabilities
that complement a data center infrastructure management scheme.
3: Performing routine audits of systems and software.
Why Is IT Auditing Necessary?
The main objective of the audits is to see whether there
are any inaccuracies and inefficiencies in the management and use of
the IT system of a business.
• Reduces Risks in an Organization - IT audit consists of the identification
and evaluation of IT risks in a company.
• Fraud Detection and Prevention - The IT audits also helps the companies
in fraud prevention.
• Improves the Security of Data - The IT audit instills availability,
confidentiality, and integrity of the valuable data of an organization. It
guarantees the security of sensitive data against any threat.
• Enhances IT Governance - IT governance constitutes leadership, the
framework of the organization, and the practices that will ensure that the
IT of an organization supports the organization’s goals.
• Checks Susceptibility to Threat - Nowadays, much of the accounting is
done through cloud accounts or other online systems. Also, this is the time
where electronically stored data is critical. All information from the details
of financial transactions to sensitive data of customers and employees is
vulnerable via the computer system.
• Evaluates the System - Conducting an IT audit will help companies know if
they are investing in the right system or not. This will ensure the proper
functioning of the system and the achievement of all intended objectives
• Ensures the Integrity of the System - Conducting an IT audit enables
companies to know if their systems are working effectively and are
achieving the goals and objectives of their organization. This can be
done by assessing the effectiveness of the company’s system. If there
is a problem, the IT auditor will help the organization create a more
efficient operating system.
• Enhances Communication within an Organization - Performing an IT
audit can improve all communications between the company’s
business and technology management. The completion of a
computer audit creates this urgent need for communication
between companies and their technology department.
• Bolsters Controls - The IT audit will not only assess the risks but will also
identify and evaluate the controls.
IT audit is not a simple process, but it shows what is happening in a
company’s IT infrastructure. It focuses primarily on server systems,
run multiple services and store the valuable data of the
4: Performing backups.
3 Types of Backups

1. Full backup - when a complete copy of all files and folders is made. This is
the most time-consuming backup of all methods to perform.

Quick restore time

Requires the most storage
Uses a lot of network bandwidth
Can be stolen if you don’t encrypt your backups

1. Differential Backup - are a compromise between performing regular full

backups and regular incremental backups.
Takes less space than full backups
Faster restoration than incremental backups
Uses much more network bandwidth than incremental backups, but less
than full backups
3. Incremental Backup - This method requires at least one full backup be
made, and then afterward only the data that has changed since the last full
backup will be backed up again.

Takes the least amount of space
Uses relatively little network bandwidth
Time-consuming restoration
Full restoration impossible if one of the incremental backups is missing or
5: Applying operating system updates, patches, and configuration
What Is an Operating System (OS) - is system software that
manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides
common services for computer programs.
The functions of an Operating System (OS)

1. Booting - is the process of turning on the computer and powering up

the system.
2. Memory management - This feature controls and coordinates the
computer applications while allocating space for programs.
3. Loading and execution - Your OS will load, or start up, a program
and then execute the program so that it opens and runs.
4. Data security - A good OS includes features that keep your data
safe and computer programs secure. Security features are set up to
keep unwanted cyberattackers at bay.
5. Disk management - This manages all the drives installed in a computer,
including hard drives, optical disk drives, and flash drives. Disk
management can
also be used to divide disks, format drives, and more.
6. Process management - Your OS is designed to allocate resources to
computer processes, enable the processes to share information, protect
and synchronize them.
7. Device controlling - Your OS will allow you to open or block access
devices like removable devices, CD/DVDs, data transfer devices,
and more.
8. Printing controlling - As an extension of device controlling, your OS
takes control of the printers that are connected to the computer,
and the
materials that need to be printed.
9. User interface - Also referred to as a UI, this is the part of the OS that
allows a user to enter and receive information. This can be done with
The Five Most Popular Operating Systems
1. Microsoft Windows - The Windows OS has been around since the
1980s and has had several versions and updates (including
Windows 95, Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10,11.) Microsoft
Windows is one of the popular operating system types and is
preloaded on most new PC hardware.
2. Apple Mac-OS - Head-to-head in the competition with Microsoft
Windows is Apple’s macOS. macOS and Windows are both
examples of proprietary operating systems, meaning that the
company conceptualized, designed, developed, and now sells
their own OS.
The macOS and Apple/Mac products are also known and
beloved by their users for ease of use and continually improving
user experience. Fast processing speeds, a simple desktop
interface, and a wide variety of helpful resources make users
excited about macOS.
3. Google’s Android OS - The OS that companies including Google
to run its Android mobile smartphones and tablets is based on
distribution and other open source software. Android OS is the
OS for Google mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
4. Apple IOS - is another mobile operating system used exclusively
iPhones, some of the most popular mobile devices on the
market. iOS
integrations have regular updates, new expansions to software,
continually are offering new features for users even if they have
5. Linux Operating System - is different from Windows and Apple in
6: Installing and configuring new hardware and software.
Computer Software Installation
The operating system of your computer is an important factor to be
considered when you install any software. It is the base program, which is
designed to manage the hardware and software resources in your

Before you install a software, the first important step is to check the
configuration of your computer, and the system requirements of the
software. The configuration of your computer must match the requirements
of the software to be installed.

Computer Hardware Installation

With advancing technology, the computer peripherals are frequently
upgraded, and many newer and better ones are made available each
day. To install one or more of them to your existing system, you need to first
unplug all the power cords of your computer that are connected to the
mains, before moving on to connecting the hardware.
External Hardware - The external hardware involves all the peripherals
that are connected to the desktop computer externally, via various ports.
These are the USB, serial and parallel port, Firewire, Bluetooth, PS/2 and PC
Internal Hardware- The internal hardware is a bit complicated and
requires some basic knowledge about the computer internals. The CPU
cabinet has to be opened by removing the side panels. Then you are
required to identify the slot in which you have to plug your hardware.
After that, you have to plug in the hardware that is to be installed and
ensure that it has fit properly into its slot.

What is MIS?
Management Information System is a computer-based
information system which is basically concerned with
processing data into information which is then
communicated to the various departments in an
organization to support the operations, the management
and the decision-making function in the organization

Definition of MIS
Management information system, or MIS, broadly refers
to a computer-based system that provides managers
with the tools to organize, evaluate and efficiently
manage departments within an organization.
The MIS is an integrated man machine system that
provides information to support the planning and
control functions of managers in an organization.
1. Management
Management has been viewed as be function, a process, a profession
and a class of people. It refers to the kind of task and activities that are
perform by managers. The specific nature of the activities is
determined by such managerial functions as planning, organizing,
directing, leadership and controlling.
1. Planning: It is the process of deciding in advance the courses of
action to be followed and when and how to undertake these. Its
objectives in the best possible manner and for anticipating future
opportunities and problems.
2. Organizing: It is formal grouping of people and activities to facilitate
achievement of the farm’s objectives. It is need for assigning
responsibilities, jobs and hierarchy among personnel.
3. Controlling: It is the checking the progress of plans and correcting
any deviations that may occur along the way.
4. Directing: It is the process of activating the plans, structure and
group efforts desired direction. It is needed for implementation of
plans by providing desired leadership motivation and proper
The management can be group into 3
• Top or Strategic management
• Middle or Tactical management
• Junior or Operational management
Top Management: - It is establishes the policies, plans, objectives and
budget framework under which various departments will operate of the
Top level management consists of board of directors, managing directors
or executive committee members.
Middle Management: - It has the responsibility of implementing the policies
and overall plans of the top management.
Middle level management consists of managers of various departments
such as productions, sales, marketing, resource, finance etc.
Junior Management:-It has the responsibility of implementing day to day
operations and decisions of the middle management to produce goods
and services to meet the revenue, profit and other goals
Management consist of supervisors, daily workers etc. Follow the rules and
guidelines made out by the top level authentic of the organization
2. Information
Is the result or product of processing
data. Information can be defined as the
data which is organized and presented
at a time and place so that the decision-
maker may take necessary act
Information consists of data that has been retrieved,
processed or otherwise used, for informative or inferential
purposes, arguments or as a basis for forecasting.  For
example, some supporting documents, ledgers and so
on, which comprise source material for profit and loss
statements may be used by the decision maker for profit
planning and control.
1. System
The system can be explained in a following ways:
• System can be defined as a set of elements joined
together for a common objective.
• A group of interrelated components working together
towards a common goal by accepting input and
producing output in an organized transformation
Information System
An information system is an organized combination of people, hardware,
software, communications network, and data resourcesthat collects,
transforms, and disseminates in an organization.

Components of Information System

• Input
• Processor
• Output
• People
• Hardware (physical devices)
• Software (information processing instructions)
• Data
• Network (communication channels)

Management Information System

• A management Information System is
An integrated user-machine system for providing information
to support the operations, management, analysis, and decision-making
In an organization.
The system utilizes
➢ Computer Hardware and Software
➢ Manual Procedures
➢ Models for analysis, planning, control and decision makingand
➢ A database

Why MIS?
• Manager makes decisions all the time.
• There is an overload of information.
• All information is not useful.
• Anything which helps manager improve his decision-making will
obviously lead to betterresult.
• MIS is a system, where data is the input, which is processed to
provide output in the form of information reports, summaries, etc .
Which aid the manager’s decision-making process?
Types of Management Information Systems
Executive Support Systems ("ESS") -designed to help senior management
make strategic decisions. ESS typically involve lots of data analysis and
modeling tools to help strategic decision-making.
Decision-support systems ("DSS")-specifically designed to help
management make decisions in situations where there is uncertainty about
the possible outcomes of those decisions.
Knowledge Management Systems ("KMS")-to help businesses create and
share information. These are typically used in a business where employees
create new knowledge and expertise - which can then be shared by other
people in the organization to create further commercial opportunities.
Transaction Processing Systems ("TPS")-designed to process routine
transactions efficiently and accurately. Managers often use these systems
to deal with such tasks as payroll, customer billing and payments to
Office Automation Systems (“OAS”)-that try to improve the productivity of
employees who need to process data and information. Wide range of
software systems that exist to improve the productivity of employees
working in an office (e.g. Microsoft Office XP) or systems that allow
employees to work fromhome or whilst on the move.
How is a Management Information System Useful in Companies?
Planning and Control: MIS improves the quality of plants by providing relevant
information for decision – making. MIS serves as a link between managerial
planning and control. It improves the ability of management to evaluate and
improve performance.
MIS Minimizes Information Overload: MIS change the larger amount of data into
summarized form and therefore, avoids the confusion which may arise when
managers are flooded with detailed facts.
MIS Encourages Decentralization: Decentralization of authority is possibly when
there is a system for monitoring operations at lower levels. MIS is successfully used
for measuring performance and making necessary change in the organizational
plans and procedures.
Costs: Invest in a consultant to help define your core requirements that include
information for strategic planning and project management. To be useful and
successful, a management information system should focus on company products
and services, customers, operating costs, marketing opportunities and the
company's exposure to risk.
MIS brings Coordination: MIS facilities integration of specialized activities by
keeping each department aware of the problem and requirements of other
departments. It connects all decision centers in the organization.
MIS assembles, process, stores, retrieves, evaluates and disseminates the
Impact of the Management Information System
• With a good MIS support, the management of marketing,
finance, production and personnel becomes more efficient.
• The MIS begins with the definition of a data entity and its
attributes, respectively, designed for information generation in
the organization.
• The MIS calls for a systemization of the business operations for an
effective system design.
• This leads to streamlining of the operations which complicate the
system design.
• MIS improves the administration of the business by bringing a
discipline in its operations as everybody is required to follow and
use systems & procedures.
• This process brings a high degree of professionalism in the
business operations.
• Since the goals and objectives of the MIS are the products of
business goals & objectives, it helps indirectly to pull the entire
organization in one direction towards the corporate goals
and objectives by providing the relevant information to the
people in the organization.
• Data can easily be accessed and analyzed without time
consuming manipulation and processing.
• Decisions can be made more quickly and with confidence that
the data are both time-relevant and accurate.
• Integrated information can be also kept in categories that are
meaningful to profitable operation.
• Significant cost benefits, time savings, productivity gains and
process re-engineering opportunities are associated with the use
of data warehouse for information processing.
On the basis of specific functional areas, MIS can be categorized as
1. Marketing Management Information System
2. Human Resource Information System
3. Financial Management Information System
4. Production and Inventory ManagementInformation System

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