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Pharmacotherapy for Anxiety Disorders: From First-Line

Options to Treatment Resistance
Andrew J. Melaragno, M.D., M.S

In this review, the author examines the evidence for psy- author incorporates and refines perspectives from treat-
chopharmacologic treatments among adults for general- ment guidelines already written by clinical professional
ized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety organizations. The author also briefly reviews the relatively
disorder derived from clinical trials. For each disorder, new quantitative systematic review methodology of net-
major categories of drugs are reviewed, and then the work meta-analysis (NMA) and discusses how NMA may
evidence-based medications in each category are dis- help guide pharmacologic treatment sequencing decisions
cussed. The author reviews key safety and tolerability in the future by way of ranking treatments according to
considerations for each of the medications or classes. effect size and the relative amount of study to which treat-
Evidence-based dosing for most specific agents is dis- ments have been subject. Caveats of NMA studies are
played in a comprehensive reference table. Subsequently, briefly discussed, as are results of recent NMAs regarding
the author synthesizes the available information to suggest the pharmacologic treatment of anxiety disorders.
a pragmatic stepwise approach to treatment that accounts
for patient-specific factors. To inform the guidance, the Focus 2021; 19:145–160; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200048

Anxiety disorders are frequently encountered conditions Review of Specific Agents and Their Efficacy
that historically have been underrecognized and under- and Tolerability in Treatment of Generalized
treated; moreover, they can be associated with consider- Anxiety Disorder
able morbidity and suicide risk (1). In this review, I Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and seroto-
examine the wide array of evidence for pharmacologic nin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). SSRIs and
treatments for the primary anxiety disorders, including SNRIs (referred to collectively as SRIs hereafter) are the
generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social treatment of choice for pharmacologic management of gen-
anxiety disorder. Subsequently, I synthesize the available eralized anxiety disorder. SRIs increase overall serotonergic
evidence to create a structured and pragmatic approach transmission via selective blockade of presynaptic serotonin
to medication trials for these disabling disorders when transporters (SERTs) that normally transport serotonin
first-line treatments alone are insufficient. Table 1 sum- (5-HT) back into the neuron for recycling, causing a gener-
marizes all the drugs discussed with recommended dos- alized increase in 5-HT neurotransmission. This process
ing schedules. leads to a variety of downstream changes hypothesized to
play a role in treating anxiety and depression, including
desensitization of postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors in the
raphe nucleus of the brainstem (2); central nervous system
Generalized anxiety disorder is a syndrome of prominent (CNS) anti-inflammatory effects (3); and induction of
anxiety and worries about several components of one’s increased neuroplasticity and subsequent neurogenesis in
life, accompanied by symptoms of hyperarousal that may key brain circuitry that is mediated by serotonin-induced,
include disturbed sleep, irritability, muscle tension, rest- brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling (4). SNRIs simi-
lessness, and associated fatigue and lack of concentration. larly inhibit the SERT and increase synaptic concentrations
This condition carries a high burden of morbidity via of 5-HT; additionally, SNRIs increase norepinephrine (NE)
impairment of social and occupational functioning and is levels by interfering with the activity of the NE transporter
often associated with comorbid depression. It has been (NET). Of note, the SNRIs vary significantly in their binding
estimated that more than 100 million disability days per affinity for SERT compared with NET; these variations
year can be attributed to generalized anxiety disorder. range from functioning predominantly as SSRIs (venlafax-
Thus, effective treatment of these individuals is of para- ine, desvenlafaxine, and duloxetine at low doses) to having
mount importance (1). a 2:1 ratio of noradrenergic to serotonergic activity

Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021 145


TABLE 1 Clinically studied medications for anxiety disordersa

Starting dosage Target dose Anxiety disorder FDA
Medication (brand name) (mg/day) range (mg) indications Specific notes
Escitalopram (Lexapro) 5–10 10–30 Generalized anxiety May prolong QT interval
disorder similarly to citalopram
Sertraline (Zoloft) 25 50–200 Panic disorder, social
anxiety disorder
Citalopram (Celexa) 10 20–40 None FDA warning for QT
prolongation at doses.40
mg/day; FDA recommended
dose limit 20 mg/day in
older adults
Fluoxetine (Prozac) 10 20–80 Panic disorder Very long elimination half life;
CYP2D6 strong inhibitor
Paroxetine (Paxil) 10 20–60 Panic disorder, Anticholinergic and
generalized anxiety antihistaminergic side
disorder, social effects; strong CYP2D6
anxiety disorder inhibitor; difficult
discontinuation, taper slowly
Paroxetine CR (Paxil CR) 12.5 25–75 Panic disorder, Same as paroxetine
generalized anxiety
disorder, social
anxiety disorder
Fluvoxamine (Luvox) 25 100–300 CYP1A2 strong inhibitor;
inhibits own metabolism;
increases serum levels of
clozapine, caffeine
Venlafaxine XR (Effexor XR) 37.5 75–300 Panic disorder, Monitor BP for patients at
generalized anxiety doses$225mg/day; difficult
disorder, social discontinuation, taper slowly
anxiety disorder
Duloxetine (Cymbalta) 20 60–120 Generalized anxiety FDA-approved for fibromyalgia
disorder and chronic pain
Milnacipran (Savella) 25 BID 50 BID FDA-approved for fibromyalgia;
may be useful for panic
Novel serotonin-modulating antidepressants
Vilazodone (Viibryd) 10 20–40 Mechanism is SSRI15-HT1A
partial agonist (like
Vortioxetine (Trintellix) 5 5–20 Improves cognitive processing
Imipramine (Tofranil) 10 100–300 Target serum levels 110–140
Clomipramine (Anafranil) 10 50–250 Strongest evidence for panic
disorder; consider in
comorbid refractory
Despiramine (Norpramin) 10 100–300 Consider in comorbid
attention-deficit hyperactivity
Phenelzine (Nardil) 15 60–90 divided Low-tyramine diet; wash out
BID–TID prior antidepressant 5 half
Tranylcypromine (Parnate) 10 30–60 divided See above

146 Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021


TABLE 1 continued
Starting dosage Target dose Anxiety disorder FDA
Medication (brand name) (mg/day) range (mg) indications Specific notes
Other antidepressants
Bupropion (Wellbutrin) 100 SR; 150 XL 150 SR BID; Lowers seizure threshold; no
300 XL daily sexual side effects
Mirtazapine (Remeron) 7.5–15 QHS 15–30 QHS May cause significant weight
Nefazodone (Serzone) 50 BID 200–600 Rare liver toxicity, can be fatal
divided BID
Trazodone (Desyrel) 50 QHS 200–400 Metabolite MCPP can cause
divided BID agitation
Beta blockers (for performance-only
social anxiety disorder)
Propranolol (Inderal) 10 PRN 10–40 PRN Test dose before performance
situation; monitor BP, HR
Atenolol (Tenormin) 25 PRN 25 Test dose before performance
situation; monitor BP, HR
Buspirone (Buspar) 5 BID–TID 10–20 BID–TID Generalized anxiety No efficacy as monotherapy
disorder except in generalized anxiety
Hydroxyzine (Vistaril, Atarax) 25 QHS 12.5–50 Evidence for efficacy in
BID–TID generalized anxiety disorder
at total daily dose of 50 mg
Lorazepam (Ativan) 0.5 QD–TID 0.5–2 QD–TID Anxiety disorders Not reliant on CYP450-
mediated hepatic
Clonazepam (Klonopin) 0.25–0.5 BID 0.5–1 BID Panic disorder No proven increased efficacy
(maximum 4 advantage but increased side
daily) effects at doses.2mg/day
Alprazolam (Xanax) 0.25 TID–QID 2–6 mg divided Anxiety disorders Prone to rebound anxiety;
TID–QID most misuse liability
Alprazolam XR 0.5–1 2–6 daily or Panic disorder Less risk of rebound anxiety;
divided BID slow onset
Diazepam (Valium) 2–5 40 divided Anxiety Accumulates active metabolites
BID–QID with very long half life
Anticonvulsants, including gabapentinoids
Gabapentin (Neurontin) 100–300 QHS 900–3,600 Best evidence for social anxiety
divided TID disorder; likely requires near-
maximal doses
Pregabalin (Lyrica) 75–150 QHS 300–600 Social anxiety disorder requires
divided BID higher doses (450–600)
Valproic acid (Depakote) 250 QHS 500–2,500 No target therapeutic serum
daily or divided level; requires periodic
BID monitoring of CBC, LFTs,
and drug levels
Second-generation antipsychotics
Quetiapine (Seroquel) 25 QHS 50–150 QHS Mostly studied in XR
Risperidone (Risperdal) 0.25 daily 0.25–1 daily Best evidence for panic
Olanzapine (Zyprexa) 2.5 QHS 5–10 QHS Very high risk of metabolic
adverse effect
Aripiprazole (Abilify) 2–2.5 daily 2–15 mg daily Less likely to cause metabolic
BID, twice a day; BP, blood pressure; CBC, complete blood count; FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; HR, heart rate; LFT, liver function test;
MAOI, monoamine oxidase inhibitor; MCPP, meta-chlorophenylpiperazine; PRN, as needed; QD, once a day; QHS, before bed; QID, four times a day;
SNRI, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; SR, sustained release; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TCA, tricyclic antidepressant; TID,
three times a day; XL, extra long; XR, extended release.

Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021 147


(levomilnacipran) (5). A subset of SRIs have U.S. Food and demonstrated good efficacy and tolerability of pregabalin for
Drug Administration (FDA) indications for generalized anxi- generalized anxiety disorder (13). Until recently, cost bar-
ety disorder, including escitalopram and paroxetine among riers have prevented widespread prescribing of pregabalin
the SSRIs and venlafaxine and duloxetine among the SNRIs. in the United States, but the drug has become more afford-
Nevertheless, randomized controlled trial (RCT) evidence able after the recent introduction of multiple generic ver-
supports the use of other medications from these classes in sions. Although structurally related to GABA, pregabalin
generalized anxiety disorder, including sertraline and fluoxe- does not work by modulating GABA neurotransmission.
tine (6). Instead, the drug binds the alpha-2-delta subunit of voltage-
Recommended starting doses and target therapeutic gated calcium channels in a state-dependent fashion in
ranges for each medication as per the FDA are notated in hyperexcited neurons, resulting in CNS inhibition (14). On
Table 1. An adjustment period on the order of 2 months is the basis of the evidence supporting pregabalin, it has been
often needed to see the full clinical response; however, com- suggested that gabapentin, an older GABA analog with simi-
piled data from multiple trials suggest that partial response lar structure and mechanism of action, may also effectively
is common in the first 2–4 weeks and is a good prognostic treat generalized anxiety disorder. However, only case report
sign (7, 8). Expert consensus supports starting at lower doses evidence exists to suggest efficacy of gabapentin in general-
than in depression and titrating slowly. Despite lower initial ized anxiety disorder (15). Noting its other clinical uses, pre-
doses, ultimately patients tend to require doses at the higher gabalin occasionally may be considered as a first-line agent
end of the therapeutic range for a significant response, among patients whose anxiety is comorbid with the other
although dose-response studies have not yielded consistent FDA-approved indications. The most common side effects of
results. The forgoing recommendations also apply to other pregabalin are sedation and dizziness, although weight gain,
patients with anxiety disorders, particularly patients with peripheral edema, and visual changes may occur. Both
panic disorder. These higher doses will subject patients to pregabalin and gabapentin require dose adjustment for
increased risk of dose-dependent side effects, especially sex- renal impairment.
ual dysfunction (9) and the poorly quantified, but clinically
described, apathy syndrome (10). There is also a risk of Benzodiazepines (BZDs). BZDs may play a role in treatment
dose-dependent prolongation of the cardiac QT interval, of generalized anxiety disorder for appropriate patients who
especially in citalopram (which carries a related FDA warn- fail to respond to or tolerate multiple trials of SRIs and bus-
ing) and escitalopram, although the clinical significance of pirone. They potentiate the CNS inhibitory effects of endog-
this effect remains controversial (11). Thus, careful monitor- enous GABA by allosteric modulation of the GABA receptor.
ing of side effects is warranted; moreover, treatment goals For the most part, since the establishment of SRIs as first
may favor doses that do not achieve full remission but suffi- line, most experts have recommended using BZDs in the
ciently reduce symptoms to improve quality of life and func- short term only, citing concerns about tolerance and depen-
tioning. In this case, concomitant psychotherapy may help dence and the lack of established efficacy for comorbid
the patient approach full remission. depression. Chemical dependence after long-term use of
BZDs is well-established; however, the common assertion
Buspirone. Buspirone, an azapirone class 5-HT1A receptor that they lead to tolerance and dose escalation has not been
partial agonist, is FDA approved for use in generalized anxi- observed in studies following patients taking them for up to
ety disorder and may prove useful among patients who do 2 years (16, 17). BZDs should be avoided among patients
not respond to or who are unable to tolerate SRIs. RCT evi- with active substance use disorders and history of misuse of
dence also exists for its usefulness as an adjunct to first-line BZDs. However, clinicians should carefully weigh the bene-
treatment with antidepressants in the case of partial fits and risks in prescribing BZDs to patients with more
response (12). Buspirone is generally a well-tolerated medi- remote history of disordered use of alcohol or other sub-
cation, is not habit forming, and notably is not associated stances such as cannabis or stimulants. The majority of
with sexual side effects. Like the SRIs, buspirone has a patients misusing BZDs tend to have disordered use of other
delayed onset of anxiolytic effects on the order of weeks. substances as well (18). Increased risk of death from coad-
The pharmacokinetics of buspirone require dividing the ministration of BZDs and opioids, even at typical prescribed
dose at least twice daily, which may present adherence chal- doses, may occur because of synergistic respiratory depres-
lenges. For patients with mild to moderate generalized anxi- sive effects (19). BZDs also have a strong relative contraindi-
ety disorder with hesitance about taking SRIs, buspirone cation in elderly patients owing to increased fall risk and
may be tried as a first-line agent. potential for cognitive impairment.
Among the BZDs, four are most-commonly used for anx-
Anticonvulsants. The gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)– iety: low-potency diazepam, mid-potency lorazepam, and
analog pregabalin (trade name Lyrica) has approval from the high-potency alprazolam and clonazepam. All of these
the European Medicines Agency for use in generalized anxi- BZDs are used in the treatment of generalized anxiety disor-
ety disorder; it also has FDA indications for fibromyalgia, der, although only alprazolam has an FDA indication for
neuropathic pain, and epilepsy. Several trials have generalized anxiety disorder. Alprazolam remains one of the

148 Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021


most widely prescribed drugs in the United States. Neverthe- for use in generalized anxiety disorder from a small open-
less, the literature suggests that alprazolam has the highest label trial (25), and nortriptyline showed evidence of efficacy
misuse liability among the BZDs because of its reinforcing in a small, merged analysis of three placebo-controlled trials
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties as well among patients with generalized anxiety disorder after a
the way it has been shown to enhance dopamine (DA) stroke (26). Whether TCAs have equivalent or superior effi-
release in the striatum similarly to stimulants (18). Other dis- cacy to SRIs is an important question in the context of con-
advantages of alprazolam include very fast onset and offset of sidering next steps for patients with conditions that are
therapeutic effect, indicating a need for 3–4 times daily dos- treatment resistant. Unfortunately, head-to-head data com-
ing, potential for interdose rebound anxiety, and risk of life- paring drugs from the two classes are limited. One such
threatening withdrawal in abrupt cessation (20). study showed similar efficacy between imipramine and par-
Lorazepam lends itself well to use as a short-term, oxetine, with a higher proportion of patients dropping out
as-needed agent for anxiety because of its medium potency in the imipramine group (27). Although evidence of superior
and moderately short clearance half life. Another unique efficacy to SRIs is lacking, TCAs are a heterogeneous group
property of lorazepam is that its metabolism bypasses of antidepressants with very divergent pharmacodynamic
hepatic CYP450 enzymes and only involves direct glucuro- profiles from both each other and the SRIs. This feature
nidation. Thus, it can be used among patients with impaired allows these medications to play niche roles in treating
liver and renal function. Meanwhile, clonazepam tends to be other conditions besides anxiety (e.g., obsessive-compulsive
favored as a standing agent among patients with anxiety disorder for clomipramine, attention-deficit hyperactivity
because of longer duration of action and half life, typically disorder for desipramine, headache for amitriptyline, and
allowing for twice daily dosing without significant interdose chronic pain for both amitriptyline and nortriptyline). Thus,
anxiety (20). Diazepam is the oldest of the aforementioned both by being sufficiently different from the first-line agents
BZDs and is less commonly used at present. It has a fast and by having more potential to address comorbid condi-
time to onset and duration of therapeutic effect similar to tions, TCAs may be useful among patients who can titrate
that or lorazepam or clonazepam; however, it is notable for to therapeutic doses without intolerable side effects.
very slow clearance, with elimination half life of diazepam
and its active metabolites varying from 30 to 100 hours. Miscellaneous antidepressants. A variety of other antide-
This trait raises concern for accumulation-related side pressants with unique mechanisms of action have shown
effects, especially fall risk among older adults. Diazepam is promise for off-label treatment of generalized anxiety disor-
relatively unique in having a rectal suppository gel formula- der, although they have been subject to limited study. A pilot
tion, which has very fast onset and obviates the need for study (N524) found bupropion extra long (XL), which has
enteral or parenteral access. the advantage of not being associated with sexual side
effects, to be noninferior to escitalopram among patients
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). A few TCAs have demon- with generalized anxiety disorder (28). An open-label trial
strated efficacy in generalized anxiety disorder. They work of mirtazapine 30 mg daily for generalized anxiety disorder
by binding and inhibiting both the SERT and NET as well showed a high response rate of almost 80% (29). A meta-
as directly modulating specific 5-HT receptors. Unfortu- analysis of four RCTs supports the efficacy of the novel anti-
nately, they are particularly nonselective in their receptor depressant vortioxetine, which acts as an SRI in addition to
affinities, leading to a broad range of adverse effects. Antag- modulating a few specific 5-HT receptors; furthermore, effect
onist effects of TCAs at muscarinic acetylcholine receptors size was more robust among patients with more severe anxi-
can lead to prominent dry mouth, constipation, urinary ety at baseline (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale score.25)
retention, blurred vision, tachycardia, and impaired cogni- (30). Notable limitations of the studies include lower dosages
tion. Patients may have significant weight gain or sedation (2.5–10 mg vs. usual maximum for depression of 20 mg, and
because of strong histamine-1 receptor blockade by TCAs. short duration of 8 weeks). Vortioxetine has demonstrated
Alpha-1 adrenergic blockade often leads to significant ortho- cognitive-enhancing effects among patients with major
static hypotension and dizziness. Finally, the SSRI-like inhi- depressive disorder, which may also be advantageous in the
bition of the SERT may lead to long-term sexual side population with generalized anxiety disorder because concen-
effects. TCAs also have a narrow therapeutic index and may tration difficulties are part of the core symptom cluster (31).
be lethal in overdose via hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, A meta-analysis of three RCTs using 20–40 mg daily of
anticholinergic poisoning, and neurologic compromise rang- vilazodone, a combined SRI and 5-HT1A partial agonist,
ing from seizures to coma. Thus, TCAs should be used with achieved statistical significance for efficacy but with a small
care among patients with a history of suicide attempts by effect size and increased dropout for adverse events (32).
medication overdose (21, 22). Nefazodone, which acts as a 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptor
Imipramine, the prototypical TCA, has undergone multi- antagonist, has preliminary support from a small open trial
ple RCTs against placebo and other established treatments among adults with generalized anxiety disorder (33). This
supportive of efficacy for symptoms of generalized anxiety drug was temporarily withdrawn from market in the United
disorder (23, 24). Clomipramine has preliminary evidence States because of association with rare cases of fulminant

Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021 149


FIGURE 1. Generic example of a network grapha those in clinical trials of antidepressants (38). Specifically,
two studies found quetiapine to have essentially equivalent
effects on generalized anxiety disorder to standard doses of
10 mg of escitalopram and 20 mg of paroxetine, respectively.
Although the studies were performed with quetiapine
Placebo extended release (XR), pharmacokinetic studies showed no
significant difference in side-effect profile between the
immediate release and XR formulations; however, the XR
version did show decreased sedation in the initial few hours
after dosing (39), which is easily circumvented with dosing
B all at bedtime. A few small trials have provided support for
adjunctive use of risperidone, ziprasidone, and aripiprazole
E (40–44). With all antipsychotics, major risks include weight
D gain, metabolic syndrome and associated sequelae, corrected
QT prolongation, drug-induced extrapyramidal symptoms,
a tardive dyskinesia, and akathisia. Given these risks, trials of
The circles (“nodes”) represent treatment interventions including
placebo and active treatments (letters A–E). The size of the circles antipsychotics should be reserved for failure of several prior
conveys the relative number of study participants receiving each adequate trials of safer agents.
intervention. The lines between the circles (“edges”) represent
comparative studies between different interventions, and their
relative thickness conveys the number of studies available directly Rational Pharmacologic Approach to Generalized
comparing the treatments. Anxiety Disorder
Comprehensive, evidence-based guides to direct treatment
of generalized anxiety disorder are limited, with one note-
and sometimes fatal hepatic failure, but it was later rein- worthy exception being the “Canadian Clinical Practice
stated (34). Close monitoring for hepatotoxicity by liver Guidelines for the Management of Anxiety, Posttraumatic
function tests and education about hepatitis symptoms Stress and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders” (45). In this
should be used if nefazodone is prescribed. In a placebo- sizeable review, the authors stratified treatment interven-
controlled study mentioned earlier in the section on TCAs, tions according to established efficacy, quality of evidence,
trazodone demonstrated similar efficacy to diazepam and and tolerability and safety considerations; furthermore, they
imipramine for generalized anxiety disorder. It should be proposed a hierarchy of first-, second-, and third-line mono-
noted that patients taking trazodone titrated to a mean dose therapy options as well as ranked adjunctive treatment
of 255 mg daily for anxiolytic effect (24). Trazodone is rarely options. The authors concluded that SSRIs and SNRIs along
used in such high doses in contemporary practice because with pregabalin should be considered first-line treatments.
of often prohibitive sedation. They characterized TCAs, BZDs, vortioxetine, bupropion
XL, buspirone, quetiapine, and hydroxyzine as second-line
Antihistamines. The histamine blocking medication hydroxy- treatments. They qualified miscellaneous antidepressants
zine has support from double-blind RCTs with placebo and and valproic acid (VPA) in rare formulations as third-line
active comparators, such as BZDs or buspirone, and has dem- treatments. Finally, for adjunctive treatment, they favored
onstrated comparable efficacy with these established general- pregabalin over second-generation antipsychotics (45).
ized anxiety disorder treatments (35, 36). A Cochrane review Investigators have devised evidence-based algorithms to
in 2010 (37) characterized hydroxyzine as having support for guide sequencing of medication trials in generalized anxiety
use in generalized anxiety disorder but could not recommend disorder on the basis of estimates of treatment effect size
it as a first-line treatment because of limited studies and sam- from meta-analyses (46). Traditional pairwise systematic
ple size along with high risk of bias in the available trials. review and meta-analysis has the limitation of only being
Usual daily dosing per the trials is 50 mg, divided twice a day able to compare two interventions with each other at once
to three times a day, and the most prominent adverse effect and fails to account for the relative amount of study that dif-
is sedation (37). ferent interventions have received. Network meta-analysis
(NMA) is a novel approach to ranking the efficacy of various
Neuroleptics. Finally, RCT evidence has been found for the interventions by using data from a systematic review of the
use of second-generation antipsychotics in generalized anxi- literature and drawing on both direct and indirect compari-
ety disorder, particularly quetiapine. However, citing signifi- sons. An important part of a NMA is the network graph
cant cardiovascular and metabolic risks, an FDA panel (Figure 1), which displays a network of circular nodes of
denied approval for this indication. A meta-analysis in 2016 varying sizes with lines called edges of varying thickness
found quetiapine to be efficacious as a monotherapy for gen- between the nodes. The nodes represent interventions, and
eralized anxiety disorder at doses between 50 and 150 mg the size of the nodes indicates the number of participants
daily, with discontinuation and drop-out rates similar to in each intervention. The edges between nodes represent

150 Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021


studies directly comparing two interventions, with the thick- the SSRIs each exhibit idiosyncratic effects in different
ness proportional to the number of such trials. This visuo- patients; moreover, the SNRIs are clinically a heteroge-
spatial mapping of the literature gives context to the nous group of medications in terms of their differential
quantitative analysis of effect size, which uses complex sta- effects on 5-HT and NE signaling. Because of its benign
tistical methods to identify the effect sizes of various inter- side-effect profile, buspirone may be the rational next
ventions relative to each other and to placebo (47). step, either as monotherapy or as augmentation to an anti-
For instance, one NMA comparing various psychophar- depressant that achieved an incomplete response. Prega-
macologic and psychological interventions for generalized balin as monotherapy or in combination with another
anxiety disorder reported bupropion and mirtazapine as drug should also be considered at this stage. Finally, for
more efficacious than all other treatments, even though they patients without contraindications, BZDs warrant a trial.
have a paucity of data backing them. The network plot Third line: TCAs are relegated to this stage because of toler-
clearly displays this contradiction by showing the nodes rep- ability and safety concerns, although available evidence
resenting bupropion and mirtazapine as small dots in com- shows that they may have equal efficacy to the first-line
parison with the much more studied first-line treatments treatments. Despite efficacy, quetiapine as monotherapy
(6). Using traditional pairwise meta-analysis, clinicians inter- or augmentation similarly should be reserved for patients
preting the research may have (probably falsely) concluded with conditions that are truly treatment refractory
that they should resort to bupropion and mirtazapine as because of the previously mentioned significant risk of
first-line agents. Another network analysis in 2019 showed long-term adverse effects from antipsychotics.
significant positive effects combined with good tolerability Fourth line: Augmentation with other second-generation
relative to placebo for escitalopram, duloxetine, venlafaxine, antipsychotics and use of the miscellaneous antidepres-
and pregabalin. This same study also measured quetiapine sants fall into this category because of limited supportive
as having the strongest effect size, although poorly tolerated data and significant adverse effects.
(48). As the methodology of NMA continues to advance, the
results of such studies will have more clinical utility. Of
course, even with the additional dimensions added by
NMAs, no method has been established to computationally The hallmark of panic disorder is anxiety and pathological
incorporate additional factors such as side-effect profile and avoidance surrounding recurrent panic attacks, which are
cost. Eventually choice of agents comes down to a human brief episodes of intense fear associated with unpleasant phys-
integrating available quantitative evidence for efficacy with ical symptoms. Treatment emphasizes reducing frequency
other qualitative considerations. and severity of panic attacks, with the goal of reversing
On the basis of the data presented earlier, the following learned patterns of avoidance that interfere with functioning
is one of multiple possible models for rational stepwise and quality of life, often through psychotherapy. Panic disor-
pharmacologic treatment of patients with generalized anxi- der has been characterized as a relapsing-remitting chronic
ety disorder. At all stages, proper informed consent and disorder for which the severity of symptoms varies over
shared decision making should be incorporated into the pro- time. Psychotherapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral therapy
cess. In this model, and at points throughout this review, (CBT), can promote lifelong remission in some. However,
the concept of an “incomplete” or “partial” response is ref- indefinite pharmacologic treatment is indicated among many
erenced; for the reader, these terms may be defined as a patients because of the nature of the disorder (1).
roughly 50% improvement but with residual symptoms con-
tinuing to distress the patient or impair functioning. Review of Specific Agents and Their Efficacy and
Tolerability in Treatment of Panic Disorder
First line: Treatment should typically begin with an SSRI; SRIs. As in generalized anxiety disorder, first-line (and sec-
one might choose the initial antidepressant on the basis of ond- and sometimes third-line) pharmacotherapy for panic
characteristics of the agent rather than presence or disorder uses SRIs. The specific SSRIs that have FDA
absence of FDA approval. Sertraline and escitalopram are approval for panic disorder include fluoxetine, sertraline,
often strong choices on the basis of demonstrated efficacy and paroxetine (regular and controlled release). Venlafaxine
in generalized anxiety disorder, along with lower poten- XR is the sole SNRI with an FDA indication for panic disor-
tial than the FDA-approved agents for drug-drug interac- der. Nevertheless, placebo-controlled and more preliminary
tions or idiosyncratic adverse effects. Among patients clinical trial evidence supports off-label use of the other
with certain comorbid conditions such as fibromyalgia or SSRIs (escitalopram, citalopram, fluvoxamine) (49–51) and
chronic pain, an SNRI such as duloxetine would be a logi- SNRIs for panic disorder (duloxetine and milnacipran) (52,
cal first choice. Among patients with significant hesitation 53). The evidence base supports dosing of SSRIs and SNRIs
about sexual side effects with SSRIs, consider buspirone within the usual FDA-approved dosing ranges.
monotherapy as first line.
Second line: In most cases, clinicians may resort to SSRIs BZDs. Before the establishment of SRIs as first-line treat-
and SNRIs for the first several medication trials because ment for panic disorder, the high-potency BZDs (HPBs)

Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021 151


clonazepam and alprazolam were preferred treatments only the nonselective MAOIs phenelzine and tranylcypro-
because of their rapid onset of effect, tolerability, and sus- mine have demonstrated significant efficacy for anxiety
tained antipanic efficacy over time. For reasons already dis- disorders, specifically panic disorder and social anxiety
cussed, these medications have fallen out of favor. However, disorder (69–72).
HPBs remain a valuable second-line option among appropri- Despite sufficient evidence for their efficacy, MAOIs
ate patients who are resistant to or cannot tolerate the SRIs. should be reserved for patients with anxiety disorders that
Clonazepam is the preferred HPB for panic disorder, and are severely treatment resistant because of their heavy side-
clear efficacy has been demonstrated for doses ranging from effect burden and risk of dangerous complications. Roughly
1 to 4 mg daily, usually divided twice daily (54, 55). A dose- half of patients taking MAOIs will experience significant
finding trial indicated that dose-dependent sedation and orthostatic dizziness. Other very common side effects
ataxia became more problematic when exceeding 2 mg total include sexual dysfunction, insomnia or sedation, headache,
daily; in addition, 1–2 mg daily of clonazepam provided the constipation, and dry mouth (73). Patients taking irreversible
best tradeoff of therapeutic efficacy and tolerability (56). MAOIs must adhere to dietary restrictions to avoid the
Alprazolam XR, although rarely used in practice, may also dreaded tyramine-induced hypertensive crisis, sometimes
be used to address the frequent dosing and interdose anxi- called the “cheese effect” because it can be triggered by
ety associated with immediate-release alprazolam (57). At eating foods such as certain aged cheeses that have high
high doses, the XR form does not eliminate the misuse lia- tyramine content (74). Furthermore, coadministration of
bility of the drug (18). The midpotency BZD lorazepam was MAOIs with other medications that increase serotonergic
shown in a head-to-head, double-blind trial with alprazolam or catecholaminergic neurotransmission may lead to life-
to have equivalent efficacy for panic disorder (58). A study threatening drug interactions such as serotonin syndrome or
comparing the low-potency benzo diazepam with alprazolam dangerous hypertension. Thus, before starting an MAOI,
found similar antipanic efficacy (59). Interestingly, a 2019 patients must allow at least five half-lives time for their pre-
Cochrane meta-analysis comparing BZDs with placebo for vious antidepressant to wash out. This gap may vary from 1
treatment of panic disorder slightly favored BZDs; however, to 2 weeks in the case of most antidepressants and from 4
the authors took care to point out the low quality of evidence to 5 weeks in the case of fluoxetine. Similarly, because the
and high risk of bias across most reviewed studies (55). effects of irreversible MAO inhibition can persist for 2–3
weeks, a washout period of the same length is recom-
TCAs. TCAs have well-demonstrated efficacy for panic dis- mended before switching to another class of antidepressant
order. Imipramine has the most supportive clinical trial evi- to prevent problematic drug interactions (75).
dence (24, 60–62). It was found to have equivalent antipanic Although the decision to start an MAOI should not be
efficacy in a head-to-head RCT with sertraline among taken lightly for all the reasons discussed earlier, risk-benefit
patients with comorbid panic disorder and major depressive calculation may yet favor prescribing these medications in
disorder (63). This medication may cause high levels of ini- subpopulations of patients with panic or social anxiety dis-
tial jitteriness and anxiety among patients with panic disor- order with severe, disabling symptoms and failure to
der, so a low starting dose of 10 mg daily is recommended, respond to or tolerate several adequate trials of lower-risk
with slow titration in 25-mg increments to the ultimate tar- medications. Dietary restrictions are the most common rea-
get dose (64). Serum levels may be useful for guiding treat- son for hesitancy; however, it is worth noting that the tyra-
ment, with one trial showing that levels of 110–140 ng/ml mine content of foods has decreased over time and that
yielded optimal results (61). The other two TCAs that have after reexamination, earlier low-tyramine diets have been
been validated for panic disorder are clomipramine and deemed unnecessarily expansive. With advances in food sci-
desipramine, with multiple RCTs supporting the antipanic ence and the usual tyramine content of different foods,
efficacy of each (65–68). researchers have developed less-restrictive, more user-
friendly diets for patients taking MAOIs (75).
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). MAOIs block the The reversible inhibitors of MAO-A (RIMAs) have been
activity of enzymes involved in the breakdown of serotonin targets of interest for the treatment of panic disorder
(5-HT) and the catecholamine neurotransmitters DA and because of the toxicity and drug-interaction concerns raised
NE by oxidative deamination, thereby leading to increased by phenelzine and tranylcypromine. In the presence of sub-
levels of these neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft. The strates such as tyramine or monoamine neurotransmitters,
monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzymes include MAO-A and RIMAs are easily displaced from the MAO enzyme, making
MAO-B. The catecholamines are metabolized by both major adverse events such as tyramine-associated hyperten-
MAO-A and MAO-B, whereas 5-HT is metabolized only sive crisis or serotonin syndrome very unlikely. Thus, limited
by MAO-A. The four irreversible MAOIs marketed in the to no dietary adjustments are required to take these medica-
United States include the nonselective MAOIs phenelzine tions (74). The most widely used RIMA is moclobemide,
and tranylcypromine and the MAO-B selective drugs sele- which is not marketed in the United States but is commer-
giline and isocarboxazid ((2)). Presumably because they cially available in Canada and many European countries.
increase 5-HT transmission in addition to DA and NE, RCT evidence for using moclobemide to treat panic disorder

152 Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021


has been supportive of efficacy and improved safety and tol- (95). Katzman and colleagues (45) sorted the available inter-
erability in comparison with other MAOIs or TCAs (74, ventions into first line (SSRIs and SNRIs), second line
76–80). Similarly, the MAO-B selective inhibitor selegiline (BZDs, TCAs, and the miscellaneous antidepressants rebox-
has drawn growing interest because of the availability of a etine and mirtazapine), and third line (MAOIs and RIMAs,
transdermal patch for treatment of major depressive disor- second-generation antipsychotics, assorted antidepressants,
der, which at the lowest dose form of 6 mg does not require and a few anticonvulsants). For adjunctive therapy, they
dietary modifications. Unfortunately, no studies have sup- supported BZDs, the beta blocker pindolol, and second-
ported its use for panic disorder. generation antipsychotics. They also discussed the strength
of the various medications for maintenance treatment of
Other antidepressants. A handful of the unclassified antide- panic disorder (45). In 2009, a three-phase, 24-week RCT
pressants are supported by multiple small RCTs. A small, did provide an interesting comparison of various commonly
open-label, flexibly-dosed trial of vortioxetine was sugges- pursued pathways all starting at the same first-line SSRI
tive of benefit for panic disorder (81). Mirtazapine has dem- therapy. The trial began with an open-label, 6-week SSRI
onstrated efficacy for panic disorder in multiple open-label (sertraline or escitalopram) targeted to a usual therapeutic
trials and in one double-blind, head-to-head study with flu- dose (i.e., 100 mg sertraline) (96). Of the patients, 20%
oxetine, with effective dosing ranging from 15 to 30 mg daily achieved remission status after phase 1 and terminated the
(82–84). Bupropion has been studied with mixed results study at this point. Next phases, in succession, included
(85). Nefazodone has multiple open trials supportive of effi- increased dose of SSRI or same dose as phase 1 plus pla-
cacy for panic disorder at doses between 200 and 600 mg cebo; subsequent phases included “medication optimization”
daily (86, 87). The evidence for trazodone is weak, with pos- with flexibly dosed clonazepam or psychotherapy with CBT.
itive results in a small open-label trial; however, high attri- The end results tended to favor allowing adequate time for
tion and low response rate were found in an 8-week, standard therapeutic doses of SSRI to take effect and using
double-blind trial comparing it with the established agents combination with CBT (96).
imipramine and alprazolam (60). NMA studies were discussed in the section on general-
ized anxiety disorder as a novel method of ranking treat-
Anticonvulsants. VPA has preliminary evidence for efficacy ment interventions. Unfortunately, although NMAs have
in treating panic disorder from small open trials in doses been published comparing various psychological treatments
from 500 to 2,250 mg daily. Generally, VPA is well tolerated, for panic disorder, review of the literature yielded no pub-
but it may cause weight gain, tremor, and hair loss. Because lished NMAs of psychopharmacologic therapies. The addi-
of the potential for cytopenias, hepatic injury, and buildup tion of high-quality NMAs would add significantly to the
of toxic levels, patients taking VPA require periodic moni- current evidence base for stratifying treatments.
toring of complete blood counts, liver function tests, and The following hierarchy of treatments on the basis of the
serum VPA levels (88, 89). Trials with carbamazepine and evidence presented earlier is proposed:
gabapentin have been negative and equivocal, respectively
(90, 91). First line: Begin with SRIs with particular consideration of
specific drug characteristics and comorbid conditions.
Second-generation antipsychotics. An 8-week, single-blind Second line: For panic disorder, a standing high-potency
RCT (N556) of moderately-dosed paroxetine against low- benzo (usually clonazepam) should be considered sooner
dose risperidone among patients with panic disorder either in appropriate patients because of its well-demonstrated
alone or comorbid with major depressive disorder showed track record of efficacy and tolerability. If SRIs were not
significant antipanic efficacy that was not different between tolerated and the patient has only panic disorder, mono-
treatment groups. Moreover, presumably because of the low therapy with HPBs would be reasonable. Otherwise, espe-
doses used, risperidone was generally well tolerated (92). cially with comorbid conditions treated by SRIs, HPBs
However, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (N5111) of should be used in combination with the SRI.
risperidone 0.5–4.0 mg daily monotherapy for patients with Third line: As in generalized anxiety disorder, TCAs are
comorbid bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder arguably third line despite strong data for efficacy in
or panic disorder failed to show significant improvements in treating panic disorder because they have a formidable
anxiety symptoms (93). In a 12-week, open-label study side-effect burden and potential for toxicity. Another dis-
(N531) of SSRI augmentation with olanzapine 5 mg daily, advantage is lack of efficacy in treating comorbid social
57.7% of patients achieved remission (94). anxiety disorder. At this stage, other antidepressants such
as mirtazapine and nefazodone should also be considered,
Rational Pharmacologic Approach to Panic Disorder given their moderately strong clinical evidence coupled
As with generalized anxiety disorder, studies informing with low-moderate adverse effect risks.
rational sequencing of medication trials for panic disorder Fourth line: At this point, the remaining studied interven-
are limited. The American Psychiatric Association has devel- tions can all be considered, including adjunctive second-
oped treatment guidelines that are relatively nonspecific generation antipsychotics, MAOIs, and VPA. Although

Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021 153


any of these medications may prove efficacious among and so on (105, 106). For reasons that are not fully under-
patients with conditions that are treatment resistant, stood, beta blockers have not demonstrated efficacy in
these medications should be end-of-the-line options treating generalized social anxiety disorder. For instance, a
because of either paucity of data or mixed results of stud- head-to-head trial of beta blocker atenolol compared with
ies, dangerous or highly intolerable adverse effect poten- the validated treatment phenelzine and placebo found aten-
tial, or some combination of the two. olol ineffective for generalized social anxiety (107).
The nonselective beta blocker propranolol and the
cardio-selective agent atenolol are the two primary agents
that have been studied for use in performance-only social
Social anxiety disorder involves pathological levels of anxi- anxiety disorder. Recommended use is as needed 1–2 hours
ety in social or performance situations in which intense before a performance situation at total daily doses of 10–80
scrutiny by others is perceived or anticipated. Patients tend mg propranolol and 50–150 mg atenolol. One should take a
to altogether avoid the feared social situations; only “test” dose on a day with no performance obligations to get
approach them with a companion; or endure them with dis- accustomed to the feeling of the medication. Typical adverse
tress and physical symptoms that can approach the intensity effects include orthostatic hypotension and lightheadedness,
of full panic attacks, such as flushing, sweating, palpitations, bradycardia, sedation, and nausea; in the case of nonselec-
and tremor. Social anxiety disorder includes both a tive propranolol, effects include worsening of underlying air-
“performance-only” variant and generalized social anxiety way obstruction among patients with asthma or chronic
disorder, which extends to a variety of social interactions (1). obstructive pulmonary disease (105, 106, 108, 109).

Review of Specific Agents and Their Efficacy and BZDs. BZDs have moderate support in clinical studies for
Tolerability in Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder use in treating social anxiety disorder and are associated
SRIs. Pharmacologic treatment aims to decrease anticipatory with a faster response than the first-line antidepressant
anxiety and avoidance behaviors before, and distress during, agents (110). Used as needed before performance situations
essential social activities to improve social and occupational or occasional feared social situations, BZDs may be quite
functioning. As with the other anxiety disorders, SRIs are helpful given their rapid onset of effect; however, they may
the pharmacologic treatment of choice for generalized social also be associated with cognitive and psychomotor impair-
anxiety disorder. Performance-only social anxiety disorder is ment and ataxia, which, in turn, could impair performance.
generally not treated with maintenance medications because A high incidence of patients with social anxiety disorder
most people infrequently encounter the feared performance use alcohol to self-medicate symptoms. Thus, thorough
situations. The drugs in these classes that carry the FDA substance use evaluation should be undertaken with all
indication for social anxiety disorder include the SSRIs ser- patients, and practitioners should carefully discuss risks and
traline, paroxetine, and paroxetine CR as well as the SNRI benefits of BZD prescriptions with patients who have histo-
venlafaxine XR. Data from RCTs also support the use of the ries of problematic alcohol use and document these conver-
SSRIs fluvoxamine, citalopram, and escitalopram (97–100). sations thoroughly. Concomitant use of alcohol with BZDs
Some initial data support SNRI duloxetine for the treatment risks synergistic CNS depression, which could result in
of social anxiety disorder (101). Fluoxetine has less consis- death (111). However, if BZDs lead to significant improve-
tent evidence (98, 102, 103). Escitalopram, paroxetine, ser- ment of social anxiety disorder symptoms, patients who his-
traline, and venlafaxine were shown in a meta-analysis to torically have used alcohol to self-medicate for social
have roughly equivalent effect size and superiority to pla- anxiety may no longer feel compelled to do so.
cebo (104). Principles guiding titration and dosing are simi- The available evidence suggests minimizing use of
lar to those applied to generalized anxiety disorder and as-needed BZDs for generalized social anxiety disorder
panic disorder. because rapid relief of anxiety with medication eliminates
exposure to anxiety symptoms required for fear-extinction
Beta-adrenergic blockers. Beta blockers have been validated learning, interfering with the efficacy of CBT interventions
for the treatment of performance-only social anxiety, which (112). For patients with refractory generalized social anxiety
generally arises in the context of public speaking or other symptoms, standing BZD regimens may be appropriate,
performative situations. Their hypothesized mechanism of preferably with a long-acting agent initiated at low dose and
action is suppression of the physiological hyperarousal that titrated to the minimum dose needed for efficacy. In one
occurs in the fear response to such situations. This process study, adding 1–2 mg per day of clonazepam to flexibly-
interrupts an escalating feedback loop in which patients dosed paroxetine yielded superior results compared with
become distressed and self-conscious about physical mani- paroxetine monotherapy (110). For as-needed use, lorazepam
festations such as flushing, palpitations, and sweating, which given 1–2 hours before the occasional feared situation is a
subsequently causes them to further amplify these symp- reasonable choice. As with beta blockers, patients naïve to
toms; this amplification, in turn, begets more psychic anxi- BZDs should first take a test dose in a safe setting to ensure
ety about these manifestations being scrutinized by others toleration of the medication.

154 Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021


Anticonvulsants. Gabapentin and pregabalin both have Rational Pharmacologic Approach to Social
RCTs showing efficacy over placebo for social anxiety disor- Anxiety Disorder
der; however, it should be noted that improvement was The Anxiety and Depression Association of America has
associated with higher doses than are often tolerated (e.g., published a clinical practice review for social anxiety disor-
.2,100 mg daily for gabapentin and 600 mg total daily der that separates psychopharmacologic treatments into a
for pregabalin) (113–115). However, one study supported first-line category (essentially the SSRIs and SNRIs), fol-
slightly lower maintenance dosing for pregabalin (114). Small lowed by a second-line category, which contains the broad
open-label trials have raised the possibility of treating social range of treatments discussed earlier; however, notable
anxiety disorder effectively with VPA, levetiracetiram, option rankings are not included except to suggest first a
topiramate, and tiagabine, but these trials either were not trial of a different SSRI or SNRI (127). Other important con-
successfully replicated with, or not followed by, subse- clusions from this report included a recommendation
quent RCTs. against standing beta blockers for generalized social anxiety
disorder and as-needed quetiapine for performance-only
MAOIs. The MAOIs phenelzine and tranylcypromine for- social anxiety disorder; however, cautious optimism was
merly were regarded as the standard of care pharmacologic given for both quetiapine and olanzapine as adjunct treat-
treatment for social anxiety disorder before the emergence ment (127). The Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines
of the safer, less complicated SSRIs and SNRIs. This practice similarly recommend SSRIs and SNRIs and high-dose pre-
was based initially on the observation that MAOIs seemed gabalin as first line. BZDs, MAOIs, and gabapentin were
to uniquely treat patients with “atypical” depression and recommended as second line. Finally, a variety of antide-
prominent rejection sensitivity; this practice was subse- pressants, anticonvulsants, and second-generation antipsy-
quently supported by multiple positive RCTs (69, 73). The chotics were recommended as third line (45). In 2014,
RIMAs represent a potentially helpful and easier to adminis- Pollack and colleagues (128) conducted a double-blind RCT
ter MAOI category for the treatment of social anxiety disor- examining next-step treatment options for patients with
der, but limitations include lack of availability in the United social anxiety disorder who did not respond to sertraline
States and mixed evidence (79, 104, 116). Selegiline transder- after 10 weeks. The patients who did not respond to sertra-
mal patch also lacks evidence for use in treating social anxi- line were randomly assigned to either receive continued
ety disorder. sertraline plus placebo, sertraline augmentation with up to
3.0 mg per day of clonazepam, or switch from sertraline to
Miscellaneous medications: other antidepressants, buspir- optimally titrated venlafaxine. Augmentation with clonaze-
one, and neuroleptics. Contrary to their well-supported use pam as a strategy resulted in significant reductions in
in panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, TCAs measures of social anxiety compared with maintenance ser-
have no established role in treating social anxiety disorder traline or switch to venlafaxine, although no significant dif-
because of negative results in the few available open-label ference was found in the number of patients achieving
and double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. Vilazodone remission (128).
was studied in one double-blind, placebo-controlled RCT In 2020, an NMA of pharmacologic treatments for social
(N539) of patients who, on average, had severe social anxiety disorder was published and yielded interesting
anxiety disorder at baseline; their symptoms significantly results (129). The authors identified paroxetine as superior
improved compared with placebo, with a moderate effect to other treatments for reducing the symptom severity of
size (117). An RCT (N540) of vortioxetine against placebo social anxiety disorder; therefore, they recommended parox-
in a patient sample with comorbid major depressive disor- etine as first-line treatment. However, paroxetine is asso-
der and social anxiety disorder showed marked reductions ciated with several practical problems, including an
in measures of social anxiety (118). Mirtazapine has posi- association with weight gain, anticholinergic effects, and
tive evidence from open-label studies as well as a more drug-drug interactions via strong inhibition of the important
rigorous RCT with a sample of only women, but a larger cytochrome P450 enzyme 2D6. On the basis of a single
placebo-controlled RCT of both men and women failed to included study, the authors of this analysis found olanzapine
replicate those results (119–121). At least one small open to be considered very efficacious, which suggests a need
trial suggests possible efficacy of bupropion (122). As an for higher-quality studies, especially in light of the medica-
adjunctive agent to SSRI therapy, buspirone has limited tion’s long-term safety and tolerability profile. The authors
evidence suggesting efficacy (123). Small trials and case also identified a broad group of agents as superior to pla-
series provide preliminary evidence of efficacy for the cebo for social anxiety disorder, including the SSRIs paroxe-
second-generation antipsychotics quetiapine and olanza- tine, escitalopram, fluvoxamine, and sertraline; the BZDs
pine in treating social anxiety disorder (124–126). Overall, bromazepam and clonazepam; and the MAOI phenelzine
the body of evidence for each of these treatments is small. (129).
The favorable outcomes in studies of vilazodone and vorti- The following proposed hierarchy of pharmacologic
oxetine are not surprising given their pharmacodynamic treatments for social anxiety disorder integrates all the evi-
similarity to SSRIs. dence previously discussed:

Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021 155


First line: As with the other major anxiety disorders, start constructed pragmatic and flexible hierarchies for evidence-
with SSRIs or SNRIs, noting idiosyncratic drug character- based sequencing of medication trials.
istics and comorbid conditions. If the patient exhibits A few points covered in this review bear reemphasizing.
performance-only social anxiety, then trial an as-needed The first is the potential for wider use of pregabalin.
beta blocker, typically propranolol first. Because of lack of FDA approval, pregabalin is underutilized
Second line: Pursue one or more additional trials of sup- in the United States for anxiety disorders. The drug has
ported SRIs, including venlafaxine. Despite the paucity of recently come off patent, and new generic formulations
evidence, on the basis of the quality and effect size from have become available, decreasing costs. Thus, clinicians
available studies, one may subsequently consider a trial treating patients with anxiety should consider it earlier in
of vortioxetine or vilazodone. For performance-only treatment algorithms, especially for generalized anxiety dis-
social anxiety disorder that is not responsive to beta order, for which it has strong evidence of efficacy at moder-
blockers, consider as-needed, short-acting BZDs such as ate, well-tolerated doses. A second point of emphasis is the
lorazepam. continued role of BZDs for pharmacologic treatment of
Third line: Consider adequacy of engagement with psycho- moderate to severe anxiety, particularly panic disorder and
therapy before additional medication trials. For general- more refractory generalized anxiety disorder. Effective clini-
ized social anxiety disorder, in the event of incomplete cians should be comfortable prescribing these medications
response of an antidepressant, one may pursue adjunctive among patients for whom they are appropriate and in situa-
treatment with an HPB such as clonazepam 1–2 mg daily tions that necessitate more rapid stabilization of symptoms
in an appropriate patient for BZDs. If numerous SRIs than first-line SRIs can provide. If possible, they should be
were not tolerated or failed to achieve even partial (e.g., used in a time-limited manner to avoid the development of
.50%) response and the patient does not have comorbid physical dependence, but long-term use is indicated in a
conditions requiring an antidepressant, one should con- subset of patients.
sider monotherapy with a standing HPB. Another key finding from the literature is that second-
Fourth line: Depending on patient preference and other generation antipsychotics are evidence-based therapies for
considerations, next steps would include the anticonvul- anxiety disorders, especially quetiapine as monotherapy or
sants gabapentin and pregabalin or the MAOIs phenelzine adjunct for generalized anxiety disorder. These drugs remain
and tranylcypromine. nonpreferred treatments because of significant long-term
Fifth line: Other treatments with inconsistent trials (mirta- risks, especially weight gain and metabolic abnormalities.
zapine) or only open-label trial evidence should be con- However, if well informed about risks and benefits, patients
sidered as last resort. Even though a small trial and a with anxiety disorders that are highly refractory warrant tri-
recent NMA study provide support for strong efficacy of als of these agents. I would assert that clinicians’ hesitance
olanzapine, because of long-term safety and tolerability to prescribe them for anxiety disorders in the absence of
issues, I would reserve monotherapy or adjunct second- additional novel low-risk medications may reflect a tendency
generation antipsychotics only for the most severe to underpathologize severely disordered anxiety. Disordered
patients with conditions that are the most treatment anxiety imposes substantial morbidity on society via impair-
refractory. ment of patients’ occupational and social functioning; more-
over, it is associated with suicide, as evidenced by the
epidemiological data showing an increased risk of suicide
among patients with panic disorder (130).
Psychiatry has had a lack of novel pharmacologic treatments In this review, I did not address novel drug targets for
developed specifically to target anxiety disorders for deca- anxiety disorders. I also did not discuss use of psycho-
des. Nevertheless, the field continues to make incremental pharmacologic agents to facilitate psychotherapy, as in
progress via rigorous study of repurposing medications pri- psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, which is currently the
marily approved for other conditions to good effect for anxi- subject of rigorous RCTs for posttraumatic stress disorder
ety. In this review, I examined the wide evidence base for and depression; if approved, it warrants further study in the
medication treatment of the primary anxiety disorders, with primary anxiety disorders. Other issues not covered include
updates to account for the latest studies supporting off-label best practices for integrating psychopharmacologic treat-
use of classes of medications such as novel antidepressants, ments with evidence-based psychotherapy, such as CBT, and
anticonvulsants, and second-generation antipsychotics. Addi- the incorporation of agents from complementary and alter-
tionally, I reviewed the novel systematic review methodol- native medicine. All of the aforementioned issues warrant
ogy of NMA, which is unique and promising for its capacity additional research. With reference to optimizing the use of
to develop relative ranking of treatments even if they were the currently available drug armamentarium as discussed in
never studied head to head. I also critically assessed avail- this review, next steps include development of highly
able NMAs of pharmacologic treatments for incorporation sophisticated sequenced treatment algorithms that factor
into clinical decision making. Finally, for generalized anxiety in specific patient characteristics and cost-effectiveness,
disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder, I among other considerations. With ongoing refinement of

156 Focus Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2021


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